
153 lines
6.1 KiB

Parser specification:
* disj := conj "|" disj
* | conj
* conj := cmp "&" conj
* | cmpEq
* cmpEq := cmpRel "=" cmpEq
* | cmpRel "?=" prim
* | cmpRel "!=" cmpEq
* cmpRel := sum "<=" cmpRel
* | sum "<" cmpRel
* | sum ">" cmpRel
* | sum ">=" cmpRel
* | sum
* sum := prod "+" sum
* | prod "-" sum
* | prod
* prod := exp "*" prod
* | exp "/" prod
* | exp
* exp := unary "^" exp
* | unary
* unary := "-" unary
* | "!" unary
* | prim
* prim := nLit
* | bLit
* | sLit
* | ident "(" [disj ["," disj...]] ")"
* | ident
* | "(" disj ")"
Basically just type math. You can use "-" to negate things (to sort by ascending order for example), use & (and) and | (or) to combine search filters, or use ! (not) to invert filters.
Use spaces between arguments I guess, sometimes its picky
Special operator: "?=" is used to find a "includes" relation -- for example:
name ?= "blue"
will find items whose name includes the strong "blue" (not case sensitive).
Below is a list of all the options.
Left of colon is what you type into the search bar (sometimes multiple things can alias to the same values), right side is what it represents.
'name': item name
'type': item type (helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots, ring, bracelet, necklace, wand, bow, dagger, spear, relik)
['cat', 'category']: item category (armor, accessory, weapon)
['rarityname', 'raritystr', 'tiername', 'tierstr']: item tier string (normal, unique, set, rare, legendary, fabled, mythic)
['rarity', 'tier']: item tier number (0 = normal, 6 = mythic
['level', 'lvl', 'combatlevel', 'combatlvl']: item level req
['strmin', 'strreq']: Item str req
['dexmin', 'dexreq']: Item dex req
['intmin', 'intreq']: Item int req
['defmin', 'defreq']: Item def req
['agimin', 'agireq']: Item agi req
['summin', 'sumreq', 'totalmin', 'totalreq']: Item total req
'str': Item str bonus
'dex': Item dex bonus
'int': Item int bonus
'def': Item def bonus
'agi': Item agi bonus
['skillpoints', 'skillpts', 'attributes', 'attrs']: Sum(item skill points bonus)
['neutraldmg', 'neutraldam', 'ndmg', 'ndam']: Item Neutral Damage, Average
['earthdmg', 'earthdam', 'edmg', 'edam']: Item Earth Damage, Average
['thunderdmg', 'thunderdam', 'tdmg', 'tdam']: Item Thunder Damage, Average
['waterdmg', 'waterdam', 'wdmg', 'wdam']: Item Water Damage, Average
['firedmg', 'firedam', 'fdmg', 'fdam']: Item Fire Damage, Average
['airdmg', 'airdam', 'admg', 'adam']: Item Air Damage, Average
['sumdmg', 'sumdam', 'totaldmg', 'totaldam']: Item Total Damage, Average
['earthdmg%', 'earthdam%', 'edmg%', 'edam%', 'edampct']: Earth Damage Bonus
['thunderdmg%', 'thunderdam%', 'tdmg%', 'tdam%', 'tdampct']: Thunder Damage Bonus
['waterdmg%', 'waterdam%', 'wdmg%', 'wdam%', 'wdampct']: Water Damage Bonus
['firedmg%', 'firedam%', 'fdmg%', 'fdam%', 'fdampct']: Fire Damage Bonus
['airdmg%', 'airdam%', 'admg%', 'adam%', 'adampct']: Air Damage Bonus
['sumdmg%', 'sumdam%', 'totaldmg%', 'totaldam%', 'sumdampct', 'totaldampct']: Sum damages %
['mainatkdmg', 'mainatkdam', 'mainatkdmg%', 'mainatkdam%', 'meleedmg', 'meleedam', 'meleedmg%', 'meleedam%', 'mdpct']: Melee Damage Bonus (%)
['mainatkrawdmg', 'mainatkrawdam', 'mainatkneutraldmg', 'mainatkneutraldam','meleerawdmg', 'meleerawdam', 'meleeneutraldmg', 'meleeneutraldam', 'mdraw']: Melee Damage (Raw)
['spelldmg', 'spelldam', 'spelldmg%', 'spelldam%', 'sdpct']: Spell Damage (%)
['spellrawdmg', 'spellrawdam', 'spellneutraldmg', 'spellneutraldam', 'sdraw']: Spell Damage (Raw)
['attackspeed', 'atkspd']: Item Attack Speed
['bonusattackspeed', 'bonusatkspd', 'attackspeedid', 'atkspdid', 'atktier']: Attack Speed Bonus
['sumattackspeed', 'totalattackspeed', 'sumatkspd', 'totalatkspd', 'sumatktier', 'totalatktier']: Total Attack Speed (Base speed + bonus)
['earthdef', 'edef']: Earth Defense Raw
['thunderdef', 'tdef']: Thunder Defense Raw
['waterdef', 'wdef']: Water Defense Raw
['firedef', 'fdef']: Fire Defense Raw
['airdef', 'adef']: Air Defense Raw
['sumdef', 'totaldef']: Total Defense Raw
['earthdef%', 'edef%', 'edefpct']: Total Defense %
['thunderdef%', 'tdef%', 'tdefpct']: Total Defense %
['waterdef%', 'wdef%', 'wdefpct']: Total Defense %
['firedef%', 'fdef%', 'fdefpct']: Total Defense %
['airdef%', 'adef%', 'adefpct']: Total Defense %
['sumdef%', 'totaldef%', 'sumdefpct', 'totaldefpct']: Total Defense %
['health', 'hp']: Health
['bonushealth', 'healthid', 'bonushp', 'hpid', 'hpbonus']: Health bonus
['sumhealth', 'sumhp', 'totalhealth', 'totalhp']: Total Health (health + health bonus)
['hpregen', 'hpr', 'hr', 'hprraw']: Raw Health Regen
['hpregen%', 'hpr%', 'hr%', 'hprpct']: Health Regen %
['lifesteal', 'ls']: Lifesteal
['manaregen', 'mr']: Mana Regen
['manasteal', 'ms']: Mana Steal
['walkspeed', 'movespeed', 'ws', 'spd']: Walk Speed Bonus
'sprint': Sprint Bonus
['sprintregen', 'sprintreg']: Sprint Regen
['jumpheight', 'jh']: Jump Height
['spellcost1', 'rawspellcost1', 'spcost1', 'spraw1']: 1st Spell Cost Raw (min roll)
['spellcost1%', 'spcost1%', 'sppct1']: 1st Spell Cost % (min roll)
['spellcost2', 'rawspellcost2', 'spcost2', 'spraw2']: 2nd Spell Cost Raw (min roll)
['spellcost2%', 'spcost2%', 'sppct2']: 2nd Spell Cost % (min roll)
['spellcost3', 'rawspellcost3', 'spcost3', 'spraw3']: 3rd Spell Cost Raw (min roll)
['spellcost3%', 'spcost3%', 'sppct3']: 3rd Spell Cost % (min roll)
['spellcost4', 'rawspellcost4', 'spcost4', 'spraw4']: 4th Spell Cost Raw (min roll)
['spellcost4%', 'spcost4%', 'sppct4']: 4th Spell Cost % (min roll)
['sumspellcost', 'totalspellcost', 'sumrawspellcost', 'totalrawspellcost', 'sumspcost', 'totalspcost', 'sumspraw', 'totalspraw']: Sum (Spell Cost Raw)
['sumspellcost%', 'totalspellcost%', 'sumspcost%', 'totalspcost%', 'sumsppct', 'totalsppct']: Sum (Spell Cost %)
['exploding', 'expl', 'expd']: Exploding
'poison': Poison
'thorns': Thorns
['reflection', 'refl', 'ref']: Reflection
['soulpointregen', 'spr', 'spregen']: Soul Point Regen
['lootbonus', 'lb']: Loot Bonus
['xpbonus', 'xpb', 'xb']: XP Bonus
['stealing', 'esteal']: Stealing
['powderslots', 'powders', 'slots', 'sockets']: # Powder Slots