hppeng 6741125373 HOTFOX: Fix edge case in skillpoints engine if only crafted gear is present
in addition to weapon
because somehow crafted gear is handled separately

TODO: look at this and disentangle the logic perhaps?
2022-08-02 06:47:25 -07:00

262 lines
10 KiB

* Apply skillpoint bonuses from an item.
* Also applies set deltas.
* Modifies the skillpoints array.
function apply_skillpoints(skillpoints, item, activeSetCounts) {
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
skillpoints[i] += item.skillpoints[i];
const setName = item.set;
if (setName) { // undefined/null means no set.
let setCount = activeSetCounts.get(setName);
let old_bonus = {};
if (setCount) {
old_bonus = sets.get(setName).bonuses[setCount-1];
activeSetCounts.set(setName, setCount + 1);
else {
setCount = 0;
activeSetCounts.set(setName, 1);
const new_bonus = sets.get(setName).bonuses[setCount];
//let skp_order = ["str","dex","int","def","agi"];
for (const i in skp_order) {
const delta = (new_bonus[skp_order[i]] || 0) - (old_bonus[skp_order[i]] || 0);
skillpoints[i] += delta;
* Apply skillpoints until this item can be worn.
* Also applies set deltas.
* Confusingly, does not modify the skillpoints array.
* Instead, return an array of deltas.
function apply_to_fit(skillpoints, item, skillpoint_min, activeSetCounts) {
let applied = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (item.skillpoints[i] < 0 && skillpoint_min[i]) {
const unadjusted = skillpoints[i] + item.skillpoints[i];
const delta = skillpoint_min[i] - unadjusted;
if (delta > 0) {
applied[i] += delta;
if (item.reqs[i] == 0) continue;
skillpoint_min[i] = Math.max(skillpoint_min[i], item.reqs[i] + item.skillpoints[i]);
const req = item.reqs[i];
const cur = skillpoints[i];
if (req > cur) {
const diff = req - cur;
applied[i] += diff;
const setName = item.set;
if (setName) { // undefined/null means no set.
const setCount = activeSetCounts.get(setName);
if (setCount) {
const old_bonus = sets.get(setName).bonuses[setCount-1];
const new_bonus = sets.get(setName).bonuses[setCount];
//let skp_order = ["str","dex","int","def","agi"];
for (const i in skp_order) {
const set_delta = (new_bonus[skp_order[i]] || 0) - (old_bonus[skp_order[i]] || 0);
if (set_delta < 0 && skillpoint_min[i]) {
const unadjusted = skillpoints[i] + set_delta;
const delta = skillpoint_min[i] - unadjusted;
if (delta > 0) {
applied[i] += delta;
return applied;
function calculate_skillpoints(equipment, weapon) {
// const start = performance.now();
// Calculate equipment equipping order and required skillpoints.
// Return value: [equip_order, best_skillpoints, final_skillpoints, best_total];
let fixed = [];
let consider = [];
let noboost = [];
let crafted = [];
weapon.skillpoints = weapon.get('skillpoints');
weapon.reqs = weapon.get('reqs');
weapon.set = weapon.get('set');
for (const item of equipment) {
item.skillpoints = item.get('skillpoints');
item.reqs = item.get('reqs');
item.set = item.get('set');
if (item.get("crafted")) {
// TODO hack: We will treat ALL set items as unsafe :(
else if (item.set !== null) {
else if (item.get("reqs").every(x => x === 0) && item.skillpoints.every(x => x >= 0)) {
// All reqless item without -skillpoints.
else if (item.skillpoints.every(x => x <= 0)) {
else {
// Separate out the no req items and add them to the static skillpoint base.
let static_skillpoints_base = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
let static_activeSetCounts = new Map()
for (const item of fixed) {
apply_skillpoints(static_skillpoints_base, item, static_activeSetCounts);
let best = consider;
let final_skillpoints = static_skillpoints_base.slice();
let best_skillpoints = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
let best_total = Infinity;
let best_activeSetCounts = static_activeSetCounts;
let allFalse = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
if (consider.length > 0 || noboost.length > 0 || crafted.length > 0) {
// Try every combination and pick the best one.
const [root, terminal, sccs] = construct_scc_graph(consider);
const end_checks = crafted.concat(noboost);
function check_end(skillpoints_applied, skillpoints, activeSetCounts, total_applied) {
// Crafted skillpoint does not count initially.
for (const item of end_checks) {
const needed_skillpoints = apply_to_fit(skillpoints, item,
[false, false, false, false, false], activeSetCounts);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
const skp = needed_skillpoints[i]
skillpoints_applied[i] += skp;
skillpoints[i] += skp;
total_applied += skp;
if (best_total < total_applied) { return -1; }
return total_applied;
function permute_check(idx, _applied, _skillpoints, _sets, _has, _total_applied, order) {
const {nodes, children} = sccs[idx];
if (nodes[0] === terminal) {
const total = check_end(_applied, _skillpoints, _sets, _total_applied);
if (total !== -1 && total < best_total) {
final_skillpoints = _skillpoints;
best_skillpoints = _applied;
best_total = total;
best_activeSetCounts = _sets;
best = order;
for (let permutation of perm(nodes)) {
const skillpoints_applied = _applied.slice();
const skillpoints = _skillpoints.slice();
const activeSetCounts = new Map(_sets);
const has_skillpoint = _has.slice();
let total_applied = _total_applied;
let short_circuit = false;
for (const {item} of permutation) {
needed_skillpoints = apply_to_fit(skillpoints, item, has_skillpoint, activeSetCounts);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
skp = needed_skillpoints[i];
skillpoints_applied[i] += skp;
skillpoints[i] += skp;
total_applied += skp;
if (total_applied >= best_total) {
short_circuit = true;
break; // short circuit failure
apply_skillpoints(skillpoints, item, activeSetCounts);
if (short_circuit) { continue; }
permute_check(idx+1, skillpoints_applied, skillpoints, activeSetCounts, has_skillpoint, total_applied, order.concat(permutation.map(x => x.item)));
if (sccs.length === 1) {
// Only crafteds. Just do end check (check req first, then apply sp after)
const total = check_end(best_skillpoints, final_skillpoints, best_activeSetCounts, allFalse.slice());
final_skillpoints = best_skillpoints;
best_total = total;
best_activeSetCounts = best_activeSetCounts;
best = [];
} else {
// skip root.
permute_check(1, best_skillpoints, final_skillpoints, best_activeSetCounts, allFalse.slice(), 0, []);
// add extra sp bonus
apply_skillpoints(final_skillpoints, weapon, best_activeSetCounts);
// Applying crafted item skill points last.
for (const item of crafted) {
apply_skillpoints(final_skillpoints, item, best_activeSetCounts);
else {
best_total = 0;
needed_skillpoints = apply_to_fit(final_skillpoints, weapon, allFalse.slice(), best_activeSetCounts);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
const skp = needed_skillpoints[i];
best_skillpoints[i] += skp;
final_skillpoints[i] += skp;
best_total += skp;
apply_skillpoints(final_skillpoints, weapon, best_activeSetCounts);
let equip_order = fixed.concat(best).concat(noboost).concat(crafted);
// best_skillpoints: manually assigned (before any gear)
// final_skillpoints: final totals (5 individ)
// best_total: total skillpoints assigned (number)
// const end = performance.now();
// const output_msg = `skillpoint calculation took ${(end-start)/ 1000} seconds.`;
// console.log(output_msg);
return [equip_order, best_skillpoints, final_skillpoints, best_total, best_activeSetCounts];
function construct_scc_graph(items_to_consider) {
let nodes = [];
let terminal_node = {
item: null,
children: [],
parents: nodes
let root_node = {
item: null,
children: nodes,
parents: [],
for (const item of items_to_consider) {
nodes.push({item: item, children: [terminal_node], parents: [root_node]});
// Dependency graph construction.
for (const node_a of nodes) {
const {item: a, children: a_children} = node_a;
for (const node_b of nodes) {
const {item: b, parents: b_parents} = node_b;
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
if (a.skillpoints[i] > 0 && (a.reqs[i] < b.reqs[i] || b.skillpoints[i] < 0)) {
const sccs = make_SCC_graph(root_node, nodes);
return [root_node, terminal_node, sccs];