
371 lines
17 KiB

//constructs a craft from a hash 'CR-qwoefsabaoe' or 'qwoefsaboe'
function getCraftFromHash(hash) {
let name = hash.slice();
if (name.slice(0,3) === "CR-") {
name = name.substring(3);
version = name.substring(0,1);
name = name.substring(1);
if (version === "1") {
let ingreds = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {
ingreds.push( expandIngredient(ingMap.get(ingIDMap.get(Base64.toInt(name.substring(2*i,2*i+2))))) );
let recipe = expandRecipe(recipeMap.get(recipeIDMap.get(Base64.toInt(name.substring(12,14)))));
tierNum = Base64.toInt(name.substring(14,15));
let mat_tiers = [];
mat_tiers.push(tierNum % 3 == 0 ? 3 : tierNum % 3);
mat_tiers.push(Math.floor((tierNum-0.5) / 3)+1); //Trying to prevent round-off error, don't yell at me
let atkSpd = Base64.toInt(name.substring(15));
let atkSpds = ["SLOW","NORMAL","FAST"];
let attackSpeed = atkSpds[atkSpd];
return new Craft(recipe,mat_tiers,ingreds,attackSpeed,"1"+name);
/* Creates a crafted item object.
class Craft{
/* Constructs a craft.
@param recipe: Helmet-1-3 (id), etc. A recipe object.
@param mat_tiers: [1->3, 1->3]. An array with 2 numbers.
@param ingreds: []. An array with 6 entries, each with an ingredient Map.
constructor(recipe, mat_tiers, ingreds, attackSpeed, hash) {
this.recipe = recipe;
this.mat_tiers = mat_tiers;
this.ingreds = ingreds;
this.statMap = new Map(); //can use the statMap as an expanded Item
this.atkSpd = attackSpeed;
this.hash = hash;
this.statMap.set("hash", this.hash);
applyPowders() {
if (this.statMap.get("category") === "armor") {
//double apply armor powders
for(const id of this.statMap.get("powders")){
let powder = powderStats[id];
let name = powderNames.get(id);
this.statMap.set(name.charAt(0) + "Def", (this.statMap.get(name.charAt(0)+"Def") || 0) + 2 * powder["defPlus"]);
this.statMap.set(skp_elements[(skp_elements.indexOf(name.charAt(0)) + 4 )% 5] + "Def", (this.statMap.get(skp_elements[(skp_elements.indexOf(name.charAt(0)) + 4 )% 5]+"Def") || 0) - 2 * powder["defMinus"]);
}else if (this.statMap.get("category") === "weapon") {
//do nothing - weapon powders are handled in displayExpandedItem
setHash(hash) {
this.hash = hash;
this.statMap.set("displayName", "CR-" + this.hash);
this.statMap.set("hash", this.hash);
/* Get all stats for this build. Stores in this.statMap.
@pre The craft itself should be valid. No checking of validity of pieces is done here.
let statMap = new Map();
statMap.set("minRolls", new Map());
statMap.set("maxRolls", new Map());
statMap.set("displayName", "CR-" + this.hash); //TODO: DISPLAY THE HASH
statMap.set("tier", "Crafted");
statMap.set("type", this.recipe.get("type").toLowerCase());
statMap.set("duration", [this.recipe.get("duration")[0], this.recipe.get("duration")[1]]); //[low, high]
statMap.set("durability", [this.recipe.get("durability")[0], this.recipe.get("durability")[1]]);
statMap.set("lvl", (this.recipe.get("lvl")[0] + "-" + this.recipe.get("lvl")[1]) );
statMap.set("nDam", 0);
for (const e of skp_elements) {
statMap.set(e + "Dam", "0-0");
statMap.set(e + "Def", 0);
for (const e of skp_order) {
statMap.set(e + "Req", 0)
statMap.set(e, 0);
let allNone = true;
if (armorTypes.includes(statMap.get("type")) || weaponTypes.includes(statMap.get("type"))) {
if(this.recipe.get("lvl")[0] < 30) {
statMap.set("slots", 1);
} else if (this.recipe.get("lvl")[0] < 70) {
statMap.set("slots", 2);
} else{
statMap.set("slots", 3);
} else {
statMap.set("slots", 0);
if (consumableTypes.includes(statMap.get("type"))) {
if(this.recipe.get("lvl")[0] < 30) {
statMap.set("charges", 1);
} else if (this.recipe.get("lvl")[0] < 70) {
statMap.set("charges", 2);
} else{
statMap.set("charges", 3);
//no ingredient consumables ALWAYS have 3 charges.
for(const ingred of this.ingreds) {
if(ingred.get("name") !== "No Ingredient") {
allNone = false;
if (allNone) {
statMap.set("charges", 3);
statMap.set("hp", this.recipe.get("healthOrDamage").join("-"));
statMap.set("duration", this.recipe.get("basicDuration"));
} else {
statMap.set("charges", 0);
if (armorTypes.includes(statMap.get("type"))) {
statMap.set("hp", this.recipe.get("healthOrDamage").join("-"));
} else if (weaponTypes.includes(statMap.get("type"))) {
statMap.set("nDam", this.recipe.get("healthOrDamage").join("-"));
for (const e of skp_elements) {
statMap.set(e + "Dam", "0-0");
statMap.set(e + "DamLow", "0-0");
//statMap.set("damageBonus", [statMap.get("eDamPct"), statMap.get("tDamPct"), statMap.get("wDamPct"), statMap.get("fDamPct"), statMap.get("aDamPct")]);
if (accessoryTypes.includes(statMap.get("type"))) {
statMap.set("category", "accessory");
/* Change certain IDs based on material tier.
healthOrDamage changes.
duration and durability change. (but not basicDuration)
let matmult = 1;
let tierToMult = [0,1,1.25,1.4];
let tiers = this.mat_tiers.slice();
let amounts = this.recipe.get("materials").map(x=> x.get("amount"));
//Mat Multipliers - should work!
matmult = (tierToMult[tiers[0]]*amounts[0] + tierToMult[tiers[1]]*amounts[1]) / (amounts[0]+amounts[1]);
let low = this.recipe.get("healthOrDamage")[0];
let high = this.recipe.get("healthOrDamage")[1];
if (statMap.get("category") === "consumable") {
if(allNone) {
statMap.set("hp", Math.floor( low * matmult )+ "-" + Math.floor( high * matmult ));
} else {
statMap.set("duration", [Math.floor( statMap.get("duration")[0] * matmult ), Math.floor( statMap.get("duration")[1] * matmult )]);
} else {
//durability modifier
statMap.set("durability", [Math.floor( statMap.get("durability")[0] * matmult ), Math.floor( statMap.get("durability")[1] * matmult )]);
if (statMap.get("category") === "weapon") {
//attack damages oh boy
let ratio = 2.05;
if (this['atkSpd'] === "SLOW") {
ratio /= 1.5;
} else if (this['atkSpd'] === "NORMAL") {
ratio = 1;
} else if (this['atkSpd'] === "FAST") {
ratio /= 2.5;
let nDamBaseLow = Math.floor(low * matmult);
let nDamBaseHigh = Math.floor(high * matmult);
nDamBaseLow = Math.floor(nDamBaseLow * ratio);
nDamBaseHigh = Math.floor(nDamBaseHigh * ratio);
let elemDamBaseLow = [0,0,0,0,0];
let elemDamBaseHigh = [0,0,0,0,0];
let powders = [];
for (let n in this.ingreds) {
let ingred = this.ingreds[n];
if (ingred.get("isPowder")) {
for (const p of powders) {
/* Powders as ingredients in crafted weapons are different than powders applied to non-crafted weapons. Thanks to nbcss for showing me the math.
let powder = powderStats[p]; //use min, max, and convert
let element = Math.floor((p+0.01)/6); //[0,4], the +0.01 attempts to prevent division error
let diffLow = Math.floor(nDamBaseLow * powder.convert/100);
nDamBaseLow -= diffLow;
elemDamBaseLow[element] += diffLow + Math.floor( (powder.min + powder.max) / 2 );
let diffHigh = Math.floor(nDamBaseHigh * powder.convert/100);
nDamBaseHigh -= diffHigh;
elemDamBaseHigh[element] += diffHigh + Math.floor( (powder.min + powder.max) / 2 );
/* I create a separate variable for each low damage range because we need one damage range to calculate damage with, and it's custom to use the maximum range of the range range.
let low1 = Math.floor(nDamBaseLow * 0.9);
let low2 = Math.floor(nDamBaseLow * 1.1);
let high1 = Math.floor(nDamBaseHigh * 0.9);
let high2 = Math.floor(nDamBaseHigh * 1.1);
statMap.set("nDamLow", low1+"-"+low2);
statMap.set("nDam", high1+"-"+high2);
for (const e in skp_elements) {
low1 = Math.floor(elemDamBaseLow[e] * 0.9);
low2 = Math.floor(elemDamBaseLow[e] * 1.1);
high1 = Math.floor(elemDamBaseHigh[e] * 0.9);
high2 = Math.floor(elemDamBaseHigh[e] * 1.1);
statMap.set(skp_elements[e]+"DamLow", low1+"-"+low2);
} else if (statMap.get("category") === "armor") {
for (let n in this.ingreds) {
let ingred = this.ingreds[n];
if (ingred.get("isPowder")) {
let powder = powderStats[ingred.get("pid")];
let name = powderNames.get(ingred.get("pid"));
statMap.set(name.charAt(0) + "Def", (statMap.get(name.charAt(0)+"Def") || 0) + powder["defPlus"]);
statMap.set(skp_elements[(skp_elements.indexOf(name.charAt(0)) + 4 )% 5] + "Def", (statMap.get(skp_elements[(skp_elements.indexOf(name.charAt(0)) + 4 )% 5]+"Def") || 0) - powder["defMinus"]);
low = Math.floor(low * matmult);
high = Math.floor(high * matmult);
let eff = [[100,100],[100,100],[100,100]];
for (let n in this.ingreds) {
let ingred = this.ingreds[n];
//i and j will refer to the eff matrix.
let i = Math.floor(n / 2);
let j = n % 2;
for (const [key,value] of ingred.get("posMods")) {
if(value == 0) {
} else {
if (key === "above") {
for (let k = i-1; k > -1; k--) {
eff[k][j] += value;
} else if (key === "under") {
for (let k = i+1; k < 3; k++) {
eff[k][j] += value;
} else if (key === "left") {
if (j == 1) {
eff[i][j-1] += value;
} else if (key === "right") {
if (j == 0) {
eff[i][j+1] += value;
} else if (key === "touching") {
for (let k in eff) {
for (let l in eff[k]) {
if ( (Math.abs(k-i) == 1 && Math.abs (l-j) == 0) || (Math.abs(k-i) == 0 && Math.abs (l-j) == 1) ) {
eff[k][l] += value;
} else if (key === "notTouching") {
for (let k in eff) {
for (let l in eff[k]) {
if ( (Math.abs(k-i) > 1) || (Math.abs(k-i) == 1 && Math.abs(l-j) == 1) ) {
eff[k][l] += value;
} else {
console.log("Something went wrong. Please contact hppeng.");
//wtf happened
//apply ingredient effectivness - on ids, and reqs (itemIDs). NOT on durability, duration, or charges.
let eff_flat = eff.flat();
statMap.set("ingredEffectiveness", eff_flat);
//apply ingredient ids
for (const n in this.ingreds) {
let ingred = this.ingreds[n];
let eff_mult = (eff_flat[n] / 100).toFixed(2);
for (const [key, value] of ingred.get("itemIDs")) {
if(key !== "dura" && !consumableTypes.includes(statMap.get("type"))) { //consumables NEVER get reqs
if (!ingred.get("isPowder")) {
statMap.set(key, Math.round(statMap.get(key) + value*eff_mult));
} else {
statMap.set(key, Math.round(statMap.get(key) + value));
} else { //durability, NOT affected by effectiveness
statMap.set("durability", statMap.get("durability").map(x => x + value));
for (const [key,value] of ingred.get("consumableIDs")) {
//neither duration nor charges are affected by effectiveness
if(key === "dura") {
statMap.set("duration", statMap.get("duration").map(x => x + value));
} else{
statMap.set(key, statMap.get("charges") + value);
for (const [key,value] of ingred.get("ids").get("maxRolls")) {
if (value && value != 0) {
let rolls = [ingred.get("ids").get("minRolls").get(key), value];
rolls = rolls.map(x => Math.floor(x * eff_mult)).sort(function(a, b){return a - b});
statMap.get("minRolls").set(key, (statMap.get("minRolls").get(key)) ? statMap.get("minRolls").get(key) + rolls[0] : rolls[0]);
statMap.get("maxRolls").set(key, (statMap.get("maxRolls").get(key)) ? statMap.get("maxRolls").get(key) + rolls[1] : rolls[1]);
for (const d in statMap.get("durability")) {
if(statMap.get("durability")[d] < 1) { statMap.get("durability")[d] = 1;}
else {
statMap.get("durability")[d] = Math.floor(statMap.get("durability")[d]);
for (const d in statMap.get("duration")) {
if(!allNone && statMap.get("duration")[d] < 10) { statMap.get("duration")[d] = 10;}
if(statMap.has("charges") && statMap.get("charges") < 1 ) { statMap.set("charges",1)}
statMap.set("skillpoints", [0,0,0,0,0]);
for (const e in skp_order) {
statMap.set(skp_order[e], statMap.get("maxRolls").has(skp_order[e]) ? statMap.get("maxRolls").get(skp_order[e]) : 0);
statMap.get("skillpoints")[e] = statMap.get("maxRolls").has(skp_order[e]) ? statMap.get("maxRolls").get(skp_order[e]) : 0;
statMap.get("reqs")[e] = statMap.has(skp_order[e]+"Req") && !consumableTypes.includes(statMap.get("type"))? statMap.get(skp_order[e]+"Req") : 0;
statMap.get("damageBonus")[e] = statMap.has(skp_order[e]+"DamPct") ? statMap.get(skp_order[e]+"DamPct") : 0;
for (const id of rolledIDs) {
if (statMap.get("minRolls").has(id)) {
} else {
statMap.set("crafted", true);
this.statMap = statMap;