
678 lines
25 KiB

let abil_points_current;
ATreeNode spec:
ATreeNode: {
children: List[ATreeNode] // nodes that this node can link to downstream (or sideways)
parents: List[ATreeNode] // nodes that can link to this one from upstream (or sideways)
ability: atree_node // raw data from atree json
atree_node: {
display_name: str
id: int
desc: str
archetype: Optional[str] // not present or empty string = no arch
archetype_req: Optional[int] // default: 0
base_abil: Optional[int] // Modify another abil? poorly defined...
parents: List[int]
dependencies: List[int] // Hard reqs
blockers: List[int] // If any in here are taken, i am invalid
cost: int // cost in AP
display: { // stuff for rendering ATree
row: int
col: int
icon: str
properties: Map[str, float] // Dynamic (modifiable) misc. properties; ex. AOE
effects: List[effect]
effect: replace_spell | add_spell_prop | convert_spell_conv | raw_stat | stat_scaling
replace_spell: {
type: "replace_spell"
... rest of fields are same as `spell` type (see: damage_calc.js)
add_spell_prop: {
type: "add_spell_prop"
base_spell: int // spell identifier
target_part: Optional[str] // Part of the spell to modify. Can be not present/empty for ex. cost modifier.
// If target part does not exist, a new part is created.
cost: Optional[int] // change to spellcost
multipliers: Optional[array[float, 6]] // Additive changes to spellmult (for damage spell)
power: Optional[float] // Additive change to healing power (for heal spell)
hits: Optional[Map[str, float]] // Additive changes to hits (for total entry)
display: Optional[str] // Optional change to the displayed entry. Replaces old
convert_spell_conv: {
"type": "convert_spell_conv",
"target_part": "all" | str,
"conversion": element_str
raw_stat: {
"type": "raw_stat",
"bonuses": list[stat_bonus]
stat_bonus: {
"type": "stat" | "prop",
"abil": Optional[int],
"name": str,
"value": float
stat_scaling: {
"type": "stat_scaling",
"slider": bool,
"slider_name": Optional[str],
"slider_step": Optional[float],
"inputs": Optional[list[scaling_target]],
"output": scaling_target,
"scaling": list[float],
"max": float
scaling_target: {
"type": "stat" | "prop",
"abil": Optional[int],
"name": str
// TODO: Range numbers
const default_abils = {
wand: [{
display_name: "Mage Melee",
id: 999,
desc: "Mage basic attack.",
properties: {range: 5000},
effects: [default_spells.wand]
spear: [{
display_name: "Warrior Melee",
id: 999,
desc: "Warrior basic attack.",
properties: {range: 2},
effects: [default_spells.spear]
bow: [{
display_name: "Archer Melee",
id: 999,
desc: "Archer basic attack.",
properties: {range: 20},
effects: [default_spells.bow]
dagger: [{
display_name: "Assassin Melee",
id: 999,
desc: "Assassin basic attack.",
properties: {range: 2},
effects: [default_spells.dagger]
relik: [{
display_name: "Shaman Melee",
id: 999,
desc: "Shaman basic attack.",
properties: {range: 15, speed: 0},
effects: [default_spells.relik]
* Update ability tree internal representation. (topologically sorted node list)
* Signature: AbilityTreeUpdateNode(build: Build) => ATree (List of atree nodes in topological order)
const atree_node = new (class extends ComputeNode {
constructor() { super('builder-atree-update'); }
compute_func(input_map) {
if (input_map.size !== 1) { throw "AbilityTreeUpdateNode accepts exactly one input (build)"; }
const [build] = input_map.values(); // Extract values, pattern match it into size one list and bind to first element
const atree_raw = atrees[wep_to_class.get(build.weapon.statMap.get('type'))];
if (!atree_raw) return null;
let atree_map = new Map();
let atree_head;
for (const i of atree_raw) {
atree_map.set(i.id, {children: [], ability: i});
if (i.parents.length == 0) {
// Assuming there is only one head.
atree_head = atree_map.get(i.id);
for (const i of atree_raw) {
let node = atree_map.get(i.id);
let parents = [];
for (const parent_id of node.ability.parents) {
let parent_node = atree_map.get(parent_id);
node.parents = parents;
let atree_topo_sort = [];
topological_sort_tree(atree_head, atree_topo_sort, new Map());
return atree_topo_sort;
* Display ability tree from topologically sorted list.
* Signature: AbilityTreeRenderNode(atree: ATree) => RenderedATree ( Map[id, RenderedATNode] )
const atree_render = new (class extends ComputeNode {
constructor() { super('builder-atree-render'); this.fail_cb = true; }
compute_func(input_map) {
if (input_map.size !== 1) { throw "AbilityTreeRenderNode accepts exactly one input (atree)"; }
const [atree] = input_map.values(); // Extract values, pattern match it into size one list and bind to first element
//as of now, we NEED to have the dropdown tab visible/not hidden in order to properly display atree stuff.
// TODO: FIXME! this is a side effect of `px` based rendering.
if (!document.getElementById("toggle-atree").classList.contains("toggleOn")) {
toggle_tab('atree-dropdown'); toggleButton('toggle-atree');
//for some reason we have to cast to string
let ret = null;
if (atree) { ret = render_AT(document.getElementById("atree-ui"), document.getElementById("atree-active"), atree); }
//Toggle on, previously was toggled off
toggle_tab('atree-dropdown'); toggleButton('toggle-atree');
return ret;
* Create a reverse topological sort of the tree in the result list.
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting
* @param tree: Root of tree to sort
* @param res: Result list (reverse topological order)
* @param mark_state: Bookkeeping. Call with empty Map()
function topological_sort_tree(tree, res, mark_state) {
const state = mark_state.get(tree);
if (state === undefined) {
// unmarked.
mark_state.set(tree, false); // temporary mark
for (const child of tree.children) {
topological_sort_tree(child, res, mark_state);
mark_state.set(tree, true); // permanent mark
// these cases are not needed. Case 1 does nothing, case 2 should never happen.
// else if (state === true) { return; } // permanent mark.
// else if (state === false) { throw "not a DAG"; } // temporary mark.
* Collect abilities and condense them into a list of "final abils".
const atree_merge = new (class extends ComputeNode {
constructor() { super('builder-atree-merge'); }
compute_func(input_map) {
const build = input_map.get('build');
const atree_state = input_map.get('atree-state');
const atree_order = input_map.get('atree');
let abils_merged = new Map();
for (const abil of default_abils[build.weapon.statMap.get('type')]) {
abils_merged.set(abil.id, deepcopy(abil));
for (const node of atree_order) {
const abil_id = node.ability.id;
if (!atree_state.get(abil_id).active) {
const abil = node.ability;
if (abils_merged.has(abil.base_abil)) {
// Merge abilities.
// TODO: What if there is more than one base abil?
else {
abils_merged.set(abil_id, deepcopy(abil));
return abils_merged;
})().link_to(atree_node, 'atree').link_to(atree_render, 'atree-state'); // TODO: THIS IS WRONG!!!!! Need one "collect" node...
/** The main function for rendering an ability tree.
* @param {Element} UI_elem - the DOM element to draw the atree within.
* @param {Element} list_elem - the DOM element to list selected abilities within.
* @param {*} tree - the ability tree to work with.
function render_AT(UI_elem, list_elem, tree) {
console.log("constructing ability tree UI");
list_elem.innerHTML = ""; //reset all atree actives - should be done in a more general way later
UI_elem.innerHTML = ""; //reset the atree in the DOM
// add in the "Active" title to atree
let active_row = document.createElement("div");
active_row.classList.add("row", "item-title", "mx-auto", "justify-content-center");
abil_points_current = 0;
let active_word = document.createElement("div");
active_word.textContent = "Active Abilities:";
let active_AP_container = document.createElement("div");
let active_AP_subcontainer = document.createElement("div");
let active_AP_cost = document.createElement("div");
active_AP_cost.classList.add("col-auto", "mx-0", "px-0");
active_AP_cost.id = "active_AP_cost";
active_AP_cost.textContent = "0";
let active_AP_slash = document.createElement("div");
active_AP_slash.classList.add("col-auto", "mx-0", "px-0");
active_AP_slash.textContent = "/";
let active_AP_cap = document.createElement("div");
active_AP_cap.classList.add("col-auto", "mx-0", "px-0");
active_AP_cap.id = "active_AP_cap";
active_AP_cap.textContent = "45";
let active_AP_end = document.createElement("div");
active_AP_end.classList.add("col-auto", "mx-0", "px-0");
active_AP_end.textContent = " AP";
//I can't believe we can't pass in multiple children at once
let atree_map = new Map();
let atree_connectors_map = new Map()
let max_row = 0;
for (const i of tree) {
atree_map.set(i.ability.id, {ability: i.ability, connectors: new Map(), active: false});
if (i.ability.display.row > max_row) {
max_row = i.ability.display.row;
// Copy graph structure.
for (const i of tree) {
let node_wrapper = atree_map.get(i.ability.id);
node_wrapper.parents = [];
node_wrapper.children = [];
for (const parent of i.parents) {
for (const child of i.children) {
// Setup grid.
for (let j = 0; j <= max_row; j++) {
let row = document.createElement('div');
row.id = "atree-row-" + j;
// TODO: do this more dynamically
row.style.minHeight = UI_elem.scrollWidth / 9 + "px";
//row.style.minHeight = UI_elem.getBoundingClientRect().width / 9 + "px";
for (let k = 0; k < 9; k++) {
col = document.createElement('div');
col.classList.add('col', 'px-0');
col.style.minHeight = UI_elem.scrollWidth / 9 + "px";
for (const _node of tree) {
let node_wrap = atree_map.get(_node.ability.id);
let ability = _node.ability;
// create connectors based on parent location
for (let parent of node_wrap.parents) {
node_wrap.connectors.set(parent, []);
let parent_abil = parent.ability;
const parent_id = parent_abil.id;
let connect_elem = document.createElement("div");
connect_elem.style = "background-size: cover; width: 100%; height: 100%;";
// connect up
for (let i = ability.display.row - 1; i > parent_abil.display.row; i--) {
const coord = i + "," + ability.display.col;
let connector = connect_elem.cloneNode();
resolve_connector(atree_connectors_map, coord, {connector: connector, connections: [0, 0, 1, 1]});
// connect horizontally
let min = Math.min(parent_abil.display.col, ability.display.col);
let max = Math.max(parent_abil.display.col, ability.display.col);
for (let i = min + 1; i < max; i++) {
const coord = parent_abil.display.row + "," + i;
let connector = connect_elem.cloneNode();
resolve_connector(atree_connectors_map, coord, {connector: connector, connections: [1, 1, 0, 0]});
// connect corners
if (parent_abil.display.row != ability.display.row && parent_abil.display.col != ability.display.col) {
const coord = parent_abil.display.row + "," + ability.display.col;
let connector = connect_elem.cloneNode();
let connections = [0, 0, 0, 1];
if (parent_abil.display.col > ability.display.col) {
connections[1] = 1;
else {// if (parent_node.display.col < node.display.col && (parent_node.display.row != node.display.row)) {
connections[0] = 1;
resolve_connector(atree_connectors_map, coord, {connector: connector, connections: connections});
// create node
let node_elem = document.createElement('div');
let icon = ability.display.icon;
if (icon === undefined) {
icon = "node";
node_elem.style = "background-image: url('../media/atree/"+icon+".png'); background-size: cover; width: 100%; height: 100%;";
// add tooltip
node_elem.addEventListener('mouseover', function(e) {
if (e.target !== this) {return;}
let tooltip = this.children[0];
tooltip.style.top = this.getBoundingClientRect().bottom + window.scrollY * 1.02 + "px";
tooltip.style.left = this.parentElement.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect().left + (elem.getBoundingClientRect().width * .2 / 2) + "px";
tooltip.style.display = "block";
node_elem.addEventListener('mouseout', function(e) {
if (e.target !== this) {return;}
let tooltip = this.children[0];
tooltip.style.display = "none";
let active_tooltip = document.createElement('div');
active_tooltip.classList.add("rounded-bottom", "dark-4", "border", "p-0", "mx-2", "my-4", "dark-shadow");
active_tooltip.style.maxWidth = UI_elem.getBoundingClientRect().width * .80 + "px";
active_tooltip.style.display = "none";
// tooltip text formatting
let active_tooltip_title = document.createElement('b');
active_tooltip_title.innerHTML = ability.display_name;
let active_tooltip_desc = document.createElement('p');
active_tooltip_desc.classList.add("scaled-font-sm", "my-0", "mx-1", "text-wrap");
active_tooltip_desc.textContent = ability.desc;
let active_tooltip_cost = document.createElement('p');
active_tooltip_cost.classList.add("scaled-font-sm", "my-0", "mx-1", "text-start");
active_tooltip_cost.textContent = "Cost: " + ability.cost + " AP";
node_tooltip = active_tooltip.cloneNode(true);
active_tooltip.id = "atree-ab-" + ability.id;
node_tooltip.style.position = "absolute";
node_tooltip.style.zIndex = "100";
node_elem.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if (e.target !== this && e.target!== this.children[0]) {return;}
let tooltip = document.getElementById("atree-ab-" + ability.id);
if (tooltip.style.display === "block") {
tooltip.style.display = "none";
abil_points_current -= ability.cost;
node_wrap.active = false;
else {
tooltip.style.display = "block";
abil_points_current += ability.cost;
node_wrap.active = true;
document.getElementById("active_AP_cost").textContent = abil_points_current;
atree_toggle_state(atree_connectors_map, node_wrap);
// add tooltip
node_elem.addEventListener('mouseover', function(e) {
if (e.target !== this && e.target!== this.children[0]) {return;}
let tooltip = this.children[this.children.length - 1];
tooltip.style.top = this.getBoundingClientRect().bottom + window.scrollY * 1.02 + "px";
tooltip.style.left = this.parentElement.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect().left + (elem.getBoundingClientRect().width * .2 / 2) + "px";
tooltip.style.display = "block";
node_elem.addEventListener('mouseout', function(e) {
if (e.target !== this && e.target!== this.children[0]) {return;}
let tooltip = this.children[this.children.length - 1];
tooltip.style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("atree-row-" + ability.display.row).children[ability.display.col].appendChild(node_elem);
return atree_map;
// resolve connector conflict, when they occupy the same cell.
function resolve_connector(atree_connectors_map, pos, new_connector) {
if (!atree_connectors_map.has(pos)) {
atree_connectors_map.set(pos, new_connector);
let existing = atree_connectors_map.get(pos).connections;
for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
existing[i] += new_connector.connections[i];
function set_connector_type(connector_info) { // left right up down
const connections = connector_info.connections;
const connector_elem = connector_info.connector;
if (connections[2]) {
if (connections[0]) {
connector_info.type = 'c'; // cross
connector_info.type = 'line'; // vert line
if (connections[3]) { // if down:
if (connections[0] && connections[1]) {
connector_info.type = 't'; // all 3 t
connector_info.type = 'angle'; // elbow
if (connections[1]) {
else {
connector_info.type = 'line'; // horiz line
// draw the connector onto the screen
function atree_render_connection(atree_connectors_map) {
for (let i of atree_connectors_map.keys()) {
let connector_info = atree_connectors_map.get(i);
let connector_elem = connector_info.connector;
connector_elem.style.backgroundImage = "url('../media/atree/connect_"+connector_info.type+".png')";
connector_info.highlight = [0, 0, 0, 0];
let target_elem = document.getElementById("atree-row-" + i.split(",")[0]).children[i.split(",")[1]];
if (target_elem.children.length != 0) {
// janky special case...
connector_elem.style.display = 'none';
// toggle the state of a node.
function atree_toggle_state(atree_connectors_map, node_wrapper) {
const new_state = !node_wrapper.active;
node_wrapper.active = new_state
for (const parent of node_wrapper.parents) {
if (parent.active) {
atree_set_edge(atree_connectors_map, parent, node_wrapper, new_state); // self->parent state only changes if parent is on
for (const child of node_wrapper.children) {
if (child.active) {
atree_set_edge(atree_connectors_map, node_wrapper, child, new_state); // Same logic as above.
// refresh all connector to default state, then try to calculate the connector for all node
function atree_update_connector() {
atree_connectors_map.forEach((v) => {
if (v.length != 0) {
v[0].connector.style.backgroundImage = "url('../media/atree/connect_" + v[0].type + ".png')";
atree_map.forEach((v) => {
function atree_set_edge(atree_connectors_map, parent, child, state) {
const connectors = child.connectors.get(parent);
const parent_row = parent.ability.display.row;
const parent_col = parent.ability.display.col;
const child_row = child.ability.display.row;
const child_col = child.ability.display.col;
let state_delta = (state ? 1 : -1);
let child_side_idx = (parent_col > child_col ? 0 : 1);
let parent_side_idx = 1 - child_side_idx;
for (const connector_label of connectors) {
let connector_info = atree_connectors_map.get(connector_label);
let connector_elem = connector_info.connector;
let highlight_state = connector_info.highlight; // left right up down
const ctype = connector_info.type;
if (ctype === 't' || ctype === 'c') {
// c, t
const [connector_row, connector_col] = connector_label.split(',').map(x => parseInt(x));
if (connector_row === parent_row) {
highlight_state[parent_side_idx] += state_delta;
else {
highlight_state[2] += state_delta; // up connection guaranteed.
if (connector_col === child_col) {
highlight_state[3] += state_delta;
else {
highlight_state[child_side_idx] += state_delta;
let render_state = highlight_state.map(x => (x > 0 ? 1 : 0));
let connector_img = atree_parse_connector(render_state, ctype);
connector_elem.className = "";
connector_elem.classList.add("rotate-" + connector_img.rotate);
connector_elem.style.backgroundImage = connector_img.img;
// lol bad overloading, [0] is just the whole state
highlight_state[0] += state_delta;
if (highlight_state[0] > 0) {
connector_elem.style.backgroundImage = "url('../media/atree/highlight_"+ctype+".png')";
else {
connector_elem.style.backgroundImage = "url('../media/atree/connect_"+ctype+".png')";
// parse a sequence of left, right, up, down to appropriate connector image
function atree_parse_connector(orient, type) {
// left, right, up, down
let c_connector_dict = {
"1100": {attrib: "_2_l", rotate: 0},
"1010": {attrib: "_2_a", rotate: 0},
"1001": {attrib: "_2_a", rotate: 270},
"0110": {attrib: "_2_a", rotate: 90},
"0101": {attrib: "_2_a", rotate: 180},
"0011": {attrib: "_2_l", rotate: 90},
"1110": {attrib: "_3", rotate: 0},
"1101": {attrib: "_3", rotate: 180},
"1011": {attrib: "_3", rotate: 270},
"0111": {attrib: "_3", rotate: 90},
"1111": {attrib: "", rotate: 0}
let t_connector_dict = {
"1100": {attrib: "_2_l", rotate: 0},
"1001": {attrib: "_2_a", rotate: "flip"},
"0101": {attrib: "_2_a", rotate: 0},
"1101": {attrib: "_3", rotate: 0}
let res = "";
for (let i of orient) {
res += i;
if (res === "0000") {
return {img: "url('../media/atree/connect_" + type + ".png')", rotate: 0};
let ret;
if (type == "c") {
ret = c_connector_dict[res];
} else {
ret = t_connector_dict[res];
ret.img = "url('../media/atree/highlight_" + type + ret.attrib + ".png')";
return ret;