""" Used to process the raw item data pulled from the API. Usage: - python process_items.py [infile] [outfile] OR - python process_items.py [infile and outfile] """ import json import sys import os import base64 import argparse from items_common import translate_mappings, delete_keys parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Process raw pulled item data.") parser.add_argument('infile', help='input file to read data from') parser.add_argument('outfile', help='output file to dump clean data into') args = parser.parse_args() infile, outfile = args.infile, args.outfile with open(infile, "r") as in_file: data = json.loads(in_file.read()) items = data["items"] if "request" in data: del data["request"] with open("./clean.json", "r") as oldfile: old_data = json.load(oldfile) old_items = old_data['items'] id_map = {item["name"]: item["id"] for item in old_items} with open("id_map_tmp.json", "r") as idmap_file: id_map = json.load(idmap_file) used_ids = set([v for k, v in id_map.items()]) max_id = 0 known_item_names = set() for item in items: known_item_names.add(item["name"]) # TEMP wynn2 migration # note: 10x'd mul_keys = { "spPct1": 7, "spPct2": 7, "spPct3": 7, "spPct4": 7, "spRaw1": 50, "spRaw2": 50, "spRaw3": 50, "spRaw4": 50, "mr": 50, "ms": 50 } remap_items = [] #old_items_map = dict() import math for item in old_items: for k, v in mul_keys.items(): if k in item: # SUPER JANKY ROUNDING tentimes = round(item[k] * v) rem = tentimes % 10 val = math.floor(round(tentimes / 10)) if rem >= 5: val += 1 item[k] = val if "remapID" in item: remap_items.append(item) elif item["name"] not in known_item_names: items.append(item) #print(f'Unknown old item: {item["name"]}!!!') #old_items_map[item["name"]] = item for item in items: for key in delete_keys: if key in item: del item[key] for k in list(item.keys()): if (item[k] == 0 or item[k] is None): del item[k] for k, v in translate_mappings.items(): if k in item: item[v] = item[k] del item[k] if not (item["name"] in id_map): while max_id in used_ids: max_id += 1 used_ids.add(max_id) id_map[item["name"]] = max_id print(f'New item: {item["name"]} (id: {max_id})') item["id"] = id_map[item["name"]] item["type"] = item["type"].lower() if "displayName" in item: item_name = item["displayName"] else: item_name = item["name"] items.extend(remap_items) #write items back into data data["items"] = items data["sets"] = old_data["sets"] #save id map with open("id_map_tmp.json","w") as id_mapfile: json.dump(id_map, id_mapfile, indent=2) #write the data back to the outfile with open(outfile, "w+") as out_file: json.dump(data, out_file)