function isIdentifierChar(character) { return /[\w\d%]/i.test(character); } function isIdentifierFirstChar(character) { return /\w/i.test(character); } class AutocompleteContext { constructor(field) { this.field = field; this.text = field.value; this.cursorPos = this.startIndex = this.endIndex = field.selectionEnd; while (this.startIndex > 0 && isIdentifierChar(this.text.charAt(this.startIndex - 1))) { --this.startIndex; } if (!isIdentifierFirstChar(this.text.charAt(this.startIndex))) { this.startIndex = this.cursorPos; return; } while (this.endIndex < this.text.length && isIdentifierChar(this.text.charAt(this.endIndex))) { ++this.endIndex; } } get valid() { return this.endIndex > this.startIndex; } get complText() { return this.text.substring(this.startIndex, this.cursorPos); } insert(completion, supplant) { this.field.setRangeText(completion, this.startIndex, supplant ? this.endIndex : this.cursorPos, 'end'); this.field.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true })); this.startIndex = this.endIndex = -1; setTimeout(() => this.field.focus(), 5); // no idea why i need a delay here } } class AutocompleteController { constructor(ctx, completions, exprField) { this.ctx = ctx; this.completions = completions; this.exprField = exprField; this.currentFocus = null; for (const completion of completions) { const complElem = document.createElement('div'); complElem.classList.add('search-field-compl-entry') complElem.setAttribute('data-compl', completion); complElem.innerText = completion; complElem.addEventListener('mousemove', e => this.focus(complElem)); complElem.addEventListener('mousedown', e => this.complete(completion, true)); exprField.completions.append(complElem); } } get valid() { return this.ctx.valid && this.completions.length > 0; } focus(complElem) { if (this.currentFocus !== null) { this.currentFocus.classList.remove('focused'); } this.currentFocus = complElem; complElem.classList.add('focused'); complElem.scrollIntoView({ block: 'nearest' }); } focusNext() { if (this.currentFocus === null || !this.currentFocus.nextSibling) { this.focus(this.exprField.completions.firstChild); } else { this.focus(this.currentFocus.nextSibling); } } focusPrev() { if (this.currentFocus === null || !this.currentFocus.previousSibling) { this.focus(this.exprField.completions.lastChild); } else { this.focus(this.currentFocus.previousSibling); } } complete(completion, supplant) { if (completion === null) { completion = this.currentFocus.getAttribute('data-compl'); if (completion === null) { return; } } this.ctx.insert(completion, supplant); this.exprField.clearAutocomplete(); } } // represents a field containing a query expression string class ExprField { constructor(key, compiler) { this.field = document.getElementById(`search-${key}-field`); this.completions = document.getElementById(`search-${key}-compl`); this.errorText = document.getElementById(`search-${key}-error`); this.prevComplText = null; this.prevComplPos = null; this.complCtrl = null; this.compiler = compiler; this.output = null; this.text = null; this.field.addEventListener('focus', e => this.scheduleAutocomplete()); this.field.addEventListener('change', e => this.scheduleAutocomplete()); this.field.addEventListener('keydown', e => { if (this.complCtrl !== null && this.complCtrl.valid) { switch (e.key) { case 'Up': case 'ArrowUp': this.complCtrl.focusPrev(); break; case 'Down': case 'ArrowDown': this.complCtrl.focusNext(); break; case 'Tab': this.complCtrl.complete(null, true); break; case 'Enter': this.complCtrl.complete(null, false); break; case 'Escape': this.clearAutocomplete(); break; default: this.scheduleAutocomplete(); return; } e.preventDefault(); } else { switch (e.key) { case 'Spacebar': case ' ': if (e.ctrlKey) { this.autocomplete(); return; } break; } } this.scheduleAutocomplete() }); this.field.addEventListener('mousedown', e => this.scheduleAutocomplete()); this.field.addEventListener('blur', e => this.clearAutocomplete()); } get value() { return this.field.value; } scheduleAutocomplete() { setTimeout(() => { if (this.field.value !== this.prevComplText || this.field.selectionEnd !== this.prevComplPos) { this.prevComplText = this.field.value; this.prevComplPos = this.field.selectionEnd; this.autocomplete(); } }, 1); } autocomplete() { while (this.completions.lastChild) { this.completions.removeChild(this.completions.lastChild); } const complCtx = new AutocompleteContext(this.field); if (!complCtx.valid) { this.clearAutocomplete(); return; } const complText = complCtx.complText; const completions = getQueryIdentifiers().filter(ident => ident.startsWith(complText)); if (completions.length === 0) { this.clearAutocomplete(); return; } this.complCtrl = new AutocompleteController(complCtx, completions, this); this.complCtrl.focusNext(); this.completions.classList.add('visible'); } clearAutocomplete() { this.completions.classList.remove('visible'); this.prevComplText = this.field.value; this.prevComplPos = this.field.selectionEnd; this.complCtrl = null; } compile() { if (this.value === this.text) return false; this.text = this.value; this.errorText.innerText = ''; try { this.output = this.compiler(this.text); } catch (e) { this.errorText.innerText = e.message; this.output = null; } return true; } } function stringify(v) { return typeof v === 'number' ? (Math.round(v * 100) / 100).toString() : v; } function generateEntries(size, itemList, itemEntries) { for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { const itemElem = document.createElement('div'); itemElem.classList.add('col-lg-3', 'col-sm-6', "p-2", "ing-stats"); // itemElem.setAttribute('id', `item-entry-${i}`); itemList.append(itemElem); itemEntries.push(itemElem); const itemElemContained = document.createElement("div"); itemElemContained.classList.add("dark-7", "rounded", "p-3", "col-auto", "g-0", "border", "border-dark", "dark-shadow"); itemElemContained.setAttribute('id', `item-entry-${i}`); itemElem.appendChild(itemElemContained); const sortKeyListContainer = document.createElement('div'); sortKeyListContainer.classList.add('row'); sortKeyListContainer.setAttribute('id', `item-sort-entry-${i}`); itemEntries[i].append(sortKeyListContainer); } } let searchDb; let exprParser; function init_items_adv() { const itemList = document.getElementById('item-list'); const itemListFooter = document.getElementById('item-list-footer'); // init item list elements const ITEM_LIST_SIZE = 64; const itemEntries = []; init_values(); generateEntries(ITEM_LIST_SIZE, itemList, itemEntries); // the two search query input boxes const searchFilterField = new ExprField('filter', function(exprStr) { const expr = exprParser.parse(exprStr); return expr !== null ? expr : new BoolLitTerm(true); }); const searchSortField = new ExprField('sort', function(exprStr) { const subExprs = exprStr.split(';').map(e => exprParser.parse(e)).filter(f => f != null); return { type: 'array', resolve(i, ie) { const sortKeys = []; for (let k = 0; k < subExprs.length; k++) sortKeys.push(subExprs[k].resolve(i, ie)); return sortKeys; } }; }); // updates the current search state from the search query input boxes function updateSearch() { // compile query expressions, aborting if nothing has changed or either fails to compile const changed = searchFilterField.compile() | searchSortField.compile(); if (!changed || searchFilterField.output === null || searchSortField.output === null) return; // update url query string const newUrl = `${window.location.protocol}//${}${window.location.pathname}` + `?f=${encodeURIComponent(searchFilterField.value)}&s=${encodeURIComponent(searchSortField.value)}`; window.history.pushState({ path: newUrl }, '', newUrl); // hide old search results itemListFooter.innerText = ''; for (let i = 0; i < ITEM_LIST_SIZE; i++) { // Clear old entries setHTML(`item-entry-${i}`, ""); itemEntries[i].classList.remove('visible'); // Clear old sort keys setHTML(`item-sort-entry-${i}`, ""); } // index and sort search results const searchResults = []; try { for (let i = 0; i < searchDb.length; i++) { const item = searchDb[i][0], itemExp = searchDb[i][1]; if (checkBool(searchFilterField.output.resolve(item, itemExp))) { searchResults.push({ item, itemExp, sortKeys: searchSortField.output.resolve(item, itemExp) }); } } } catch (e) { searchFilterField.errorText.innerText = e.message; return; } if (searchResults.length === 0) { itemListFooter.innerText = 'No results!'; return; } try { searchResults.sort((a, b) => { try { return compareLexico(a.item, a.sortKeys, b.item, b.sortKeys); } catch (e) { console.log(a.item, b.item); throw e; } }); } catch (e) { searchSortField.errorText.innerText = e.message; return; } // display search results const searchMax = Math.min(searchResults.length, ITEM_LIST_SIZE); for (let i = 0; i < searchMax; i++) { const result = searchResults[i]; itemEntries[i].classList.add('visible'); display(result.itemExp, `item-entry-${i}`); // Add new sort keys if present if (result.sortKeys.length > 0) { const sortKeyList = document.createElement('ul'); sortKeyList.classList.add('item-entry-sort-key', 'itemp', 'T0'); const sortKeyListContainer = document.getElementById(`item-sort-entry-${i}`); sortKeyListContainer.append(sortKeyList); for (let j = 0; j < result.sortKeys.length; j++) { const sortKeyElem = document.createElement('li'); sortKeyElem.innerText = stringify(result.sortKeys[j]); sortKeyList.append(sortKeyElem); } } } if (searchMax < searchResults.length) { itemListFooter.innerText = `${searchResults.length - searchMax} more...`; } } // updates the search state from the input boxes after a brief delay, to prevent excessive DOM updates let updateSearchTask = null; function scheduleSearchUpdate() { if (updateSearchTask !== null) { clearTimeout(updateSearchTask); } updateSearchTask = setTimeout(() => { updateSearchTask = null; updateSearch(); }, 500); } searchFilterField.field.addEventListener('input', e => scheduleSearchUpdate()); searchSortField.field.addEventListener('input', e => scheduleSearchUpdate()); // parse query string, display initial search results if ('?')) { for (const entryStr of'&')) { const ndx = entryStr.indexOf('='); if (ndx !== -1) { switch (entryStr.substring(0, ndx)) { case 'f': searchFilterField.field.value = decodeURIComponent(entryStr.substring(ndx + 1)); break; case 's': searchSortField.field.value = decodeURIComponent(entryStr.substring(ndx + 1)); break; } } } } updateSearch(); // focus the query filter text box searchFilterField.field.focus();; // scroll-to-top button document.getElementById('scroll-up') .addEventListener('mousedown', e => scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' })); }