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2023-06-09 19:14:39 -04:00
var tipuesearch = {"pages":[{"title":" hp ","text":"hp favicon: docs/images/favicon.ico print_creation_date: true\nextra_mods: iso_fortran_env:https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gfortran/ISO_005fFORTRAN_005fENV.html\n tomlf:https://toml-f.github.io/toml-f\ncreation_date: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M %z\nmd_extensions: markdown.extensions.toc\n markdown.extensions.smarty hp Command-line calculator This is an rpn calclulator with a maximum stack size of 5. It has full support for real and complex numbers\nand will calculate summary statistics for a set of reals of real pairs. Spaces are important since they are used\nto distinguish tokens. Building The source code is written in Fortran . The only compilers I've found that will build it are ifort and ifx from Intel's\nOneApi suite. Makefiles are provides for GNU make (Linux) and nmake (Windows). hp - h Command Calculator ================== Introduction ------------ This is a command - line calculator . It supports both real and complex modes , as well as degrees / radians selection and precision control . It can be run interactively or as an expression parser . This help is deliberately terse to encourage exploration . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operators : + - * / &#94; &#94;/ x &#94; x &#94; 2 &#94;/ 2 &#94; 3 &#94;/ 3 &#94;* 2 &#94;* 10 || ! % Constants : pi e g G c two_pi pi_over_2 Functions : sin cos tan asin acos atan sinh cosh tanh log2 log lg len sq sqrt cb cbrt alog2 alog alog10 gamma ncr npr rem int nint Controls : fix [ 0 - 9 ] clx cl cla Modes : real complex verbose terse degrees radians Memories : n = 0. . .9 st < n > sw < n > rc < n > cl < n > m < n >+ m < n >- m < n >* m < n >/ msh Complex : ri _ || to_pol to_cart Actions : 1 / -- R r ? > < split drop Stats : { x1 x2 ... } { x1 , y1 x2 , y2 ... } n ux sx mx lqx uqx uy sy my lqy uqy a b cov corr Quits : q ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples -------- hp \"fix2 18 2 - 8 2 / * =\" -> 64.00 hp \"2 -- complex sqrt =\" -> ( 0.00000 , - 1.414214 ) hp - c \"radians (1,pi_over_2)p &#94; * degrees =\" -> ( 1.000000 , 180.000000 ) p Developer Info sgeard","tags":"home","loc":"index.html"},{"title":"rpn_t hp ","text":"type, public :: rpn_t Contents Type-Bound Procedures assignment(=) get_value is_cartesian is_integer is_positive_real is_real operator(*) operator(**) operator(+) operator(-) operator(/) set_angle_unit set_value write(formatted) Source Code rpn_t Type-Bound Procedures generic, public :: assignment(=) => set_to_rpns public interface set_to_rpns () Arguments None procedure, public :: get_value => get_value_rpns interface public module function get_value_rpns(this, is_cartesian) result(r) Arguments Type Intent Optional Attributes Name class( rpn_t ), intent(in) :: this logical, intent(out), optional :: is_cartesian Return Value complex(kind=8) procedure, public :: is_cartesian => is_cartesian_rpns interface public module function is_cartesian_rpns(this) result(r) Arguments Type Intent Optional Attributes Name class( rpn_t ), intent(in) :: this Return Value logical procedure, public :: is_integer => is_integer_rpns interface public module function is_integer_rpns(this) result(r) Arguments Type Intent Optional Attributes Name class( rpn_t ), intent(in) :: this Return Value logical procedure, public :: is_positive_real => is_positive_real_rpns interface public module function is_positive_real_rpns(this) result(r) Arguments Type Intent Optional Attributes Name class( rpn_t ), intent(in) :: this Return Value logical procedure, public :: is_real => is_real_rpns interface public module function is_real_rpns(this) result(r) Arguments Type Intent Optional Attributes Name class( rpn_t ), intent(in) :: this Return Value logical generic, public :: operator(*) => multiply_rpns public interface multiply_rpns () Arguments None generic, public :: operator(**) => power_rpns public interface power_rpns () Arguments None generic, public :: operator(+) => add_rpns public interface add_rpns () Arguments None gen