---@class XUiGridTheatre3Item : XUiNode ---@field _Control XTheatre3Control local XUiGridTheatre3Item = XClass(XUiNode, "XUiGridTheatre3Item") function XUiGridTheatre3Item:OnStart() XUiHelper.RegisterClickEvent(self, self.BtnClick, self.OnBtnClick) end function XUiGridTheatre3Item:Refresh(itemId, itemType, itemCount) if not XTool.IsNumberValid(itemId) then return end self.ItemId = itemId self.ItemType = itemType local itemIcon = self._Control:GetEventStepItemIcon(itemId, itemType) local qualityPath = self._Control:GetEventStepItemQualityIcon(itemId, itemType) -- 道具图标 if self.RImgIcon and itemIcon then self.RImgIcon:SetRawImage(itemIcon) end -- 道具品质 if self.ImgQuality then if qualityPath then self.ImgQuality:SetSprite(qualityPath) end self.ImgQuality.gameObject:SetActiveEx(qualityPath and true or false) end -- 道具数量 if self.TxtCount then local count = itemCount or 1 self.TxtCount.text = "x" .. count end if self.TxtName then self.TxtName.text = self._Control:GetEventStepItemName(itemId, itemType) end end function XUiGridTheatre3Item:RefreshCount(itemCount) -- 道具数量 if self.TxtCount then local count = itemCount or 1 if count == 1 then self.TxtCount.gameObject:SetActiveEx(false) else self.TxtCount.gameObject:SetActiveEx(true) self.TxtCount.text = "x" .. count end end end function XUiGridTheatre3Item:OnBtnClick() XLuaUiManager.Open("UiTheatre3Tips", self.ItemId, self.ItemType) end return XUiGridTheatre3Item