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Show me what you're truly made of.", 1.0 ] }, { "Id": 11, "ActionId": 11, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 201, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", "500214", "5" ] }, { "Id": 12, "ActionId": 12, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", "Rosetta", "Well then... as you wish...", 1.0 ] }, { "Id": 13, "ActionId": 13, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 202, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", 1.0 ] }, { "Id": 14, "ActionId": 14, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 401, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "2", "1503" ] }, { "Id": 15, "ActionId": 15, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": "RImgBg1Shake", "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "Woosh\u2014!" ] }, { "Id": 16, "ActionId": 16, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "The surface of the ocean begins to surge again..." ] }, { "Id": 17, "ActionId": 17, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "The Narwhal's long horn breaks the surface as he reappears before everyone." ] }, { "Id": 18, "ActionId": 18, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "Countless Corrupted cover the Narwhal as he wails in pain." ] }, { "Id": 19, "ActionId": 19, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "Derek", "\u2014\u2014\u2584\u2014\u2014\u2586\u2581\u2014\u2014\u2583" ] }, { "Id": 20, "ActionId": 20, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 201, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", "500214", "5" ] }, { "Id": 21, "ActionId": 21, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", "Rosetta", "Derek...! Hurry... get out of here!", 1.0 ] }, { "Id": 22, "ActionId": 22, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 202, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", 1.0 ] }, { "Id": 23, "ActionId": 23, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "Derek", "\u2026\u2026\u2581\u2585\u2583\u2026\u2026\u2583\u2026\u2026\u2586\u2026\u2026" ] }, { "Id": 24, "ActionId": 24, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 201, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", "500214", "4" ] }, { "Id": 25, "ActionId": 25, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", "Rosetta", "Why...", 1.0 ] }, { "Id": 26, "ActionId": 26, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 202, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", 1.0 ] }, { "Id": 27, "ActionId": 27, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "Derek", "\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2585\u2584\uff01" ] }, { "Id": 28, "ActionId": 28, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 201, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", "500214", "5" ] }, { "Id": 29, "ActionId": 29, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", "Rosetta", "You don't think... I can beat her?", 1.0 ] }, { "Id": 30, "ActionId": 30, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "Rosetta", "But you haven't seen my true power\u2014", 1.0 ] }, { "Id": 31, "ActionId": 31, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 202, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", 1.0 ] }, { "Id": 32, "ActionId": 32, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "Derek", "\u2014\u2014\u2586\u2014\u2014\u2583\u2014\u2014\u2586\u2587" ] }, { "Id": 33, "ActionId": 33, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 201, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", "500214", "4" ] }, { "Id": 34, "ActionId": 34, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", "Rosetta", "You... want to... save them...", 1.0 ] }, { "Id": 35, "ActionId": 35, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "Rosetta", "And you hope... I will, too?", 1.0 ] }, { "Id": 36, "ActionId": 36, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "Rosetta", "...", 1.0 ] }, { "Id": 37, "ActionId": 37, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 202, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", 1.0 ] }, { "Id": 38, "ActionId": 38, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "Alpha, observing as this unfolds before her, sheaths her weapon." ] }, { "Id": 39, "ActionId": 39, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 201, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", "500214", "4" ] }, { "Id": 40, "ActionId": 40, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", "Rosetta", "Aren't you going to keep fighting?", 1.0 ] }, { "Id": 41, "ActionId": 41, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 201, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": null, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": null, "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", "500100" ] }, { "Id": 42, "ActionId": 42, "NextActionId": null, "Type": 301, "IsBlock": null, "IsEnd": 1.0, "BeginAnim": null, "EndAnim": "AniZhuanchangBegin", "BeginDelay": null, "EndDelay": null, "Params": [ "1", "\u03b1", "I... have a proposition.", 1.0 ] } ]