--=========================== --超限乱斗玩家角色管理器 --模块负责:吕天元 --=========================== local XSmashBRoleManager = {} local Roles local RoleDicById local EggRobotList = {} --记录所有的彩蛋机器人 key = robotId , value = role local RoleScript = require("XEntity/XSuperSmashBros/XSmashBRole") --超限乱斗角色数据 local XRobot = require("XEntity/XRobot/XRobot") local IsAscendOrder = true local SortFunctionDic = { [XRoomCharFilterTipsConfigs.EnumSortTag.Level] = function(roleA, roleB) if IsAscendOrder then return roleA:GetLevel() > roleB:GetLevel() else return roleA:GetLevel() < roleB:GetLevel() end end, [XRoomCharFilterTipsConfigs.EnumSortTag.Quality] = function(roleA, roleB) if IsAscendOrder then return roleA:GetQuality() > roleB:GetQuality() else return roleA:GetQuality() < roleB:GetQuality() end end, [XRoomCharFilterTipsConfigs.EnumSortTag.Ability] = function(roleA, roleB) if IsAscendOrder then return roleA:GetAbility() > roleB:GetAbility() else return roleA:GetAbility() < roleB:GetAbility() end end, } --============= --初始化管理器 --============= function XSmashBRoleManager.Init() Roles = {} RoleDicById = {} XSmashBRoleManager.RegisterEvents() end --============= --刷新后台推送活动数据 --============= function XSmashBRoleManager.RefreshNotifyRoleData(data) --TODO end --============= --根据角色Id获取角色对象 --@param --roleId : 角色Id,若是用户角色则传入CharacterId,机器人传入RobotId --============= function XSmashBRoleManager.GetRoleById(roleId) if XTool.IsTableEmpty(Roles) then XSmashBRoleManager.GenerateRoleData() end return RoleDicById[roleId] end --============= --注册事件 --============= function XSmashBRoleManager.RegisterEvents() --玩家角色增加时,增加成员 XEventManager.AddEventListener(XEventId.EVENT_CHARACTER_ADD_SYNC, XSmashBRoleManager.OnCharacterAdd) end --============= --玩家角色增加时 --============= function XSmashBRoleManager.OnCharacterAdd(character) if character == nil then return end if RoleDicById[character.Id] then return end -- 防止错误判断Roles,新增角色时先调用一遍初始化 if XTool.IsTableEmpty(Roles) then XSmashBRoleManager.GenerateRoleData() end XSmashBRoleManager.AddNewRole(character) end --============= --收集角色信息并添加 --============= function XSmashBRoleManager.GenerateRoleData() local characters = XDataCenter.CharacterManager.GetOwnCharacterList() -- 拥有角色 for _, character in ipairs(characters) do XSmashBRoleManager.AddNewRole(character) end -- 超限乱斗机器人 for _, robotCfg in ipairs(XSuperSmashBrosConfig.GetAllConfigs(XSuperSmashBrosConfig.TableKey.SystemCharaConfig)) do XSmashBRoleManager.AddNewRole(XRobot.New(robotCfg.RobotId)) end -- 超限乱斗彩蛋机器人 for robot_id, v in pairs(XSuperSmashBrosConfig.GetAllConfigs(XSuperSmashBrosConfig.TableKey.EggRobot)) do XSmashBRoleManager.AddNewRole(XRobot.New(robot_id)) local eggRole = XSmashBRoleManager.GetRoleById(robot_id) eggRole:SetSuperSmashEggRobot(v) EggRobotList[robot_id] = eggRole end end --============= --增加新角色 --@params : -- roleData : XCharacter | XRobot --============= function XSmashBRoleManager.AddNewRole(roleData) -- 如果已经存在,直接不处理 if RoleDicById[roleData.Id] then return end local role = RoleScript.New(roleData) table.insert(Roles, role) RoleDicById[role:GetId()] = role end --============= --获取所有角色列表 --============= function XSmashBRoleManager.GetRoleList() if XTool.IsTableEmpty(Roles) then XSmashBRoleManager.GenerateRoleData() end return Roles end --============= --获取所有彩蛋角色列表 --============= function XSmashBRoleManager.GetEggRoleList() if XTool.IsTableEmpty(EggRobotList) then XSmashBRoleManager.GenerateRoleData() end return EggRobotList end --============= -- 解锁重置可播放彩蛋动画,且解锁菜单机器人绑定和展示和核心 每次退出模式(包括胜利退出和放弃退出)并进入ready界面时重置 cxldV2 --============= function XSmashBRoleManager.ResetEggRobotOpen() -- 循环彩蛋角色列表 for robotId, char in pairs(EggRobotList) do char:SetCloseEgg() char:SetCore(nil) -- 解除核心 XSaveTool.SaveData(string.format("%d%dSuperSmashEggAnim", XPlayer.Id, char:GetId()), 0) end end --============== --根据角色类型获取所有角色列表 --@param: --charaType:角色类型(构造体,授格者…) --============== function XSmashBRoleManager.GetRoleListByCharaType(charaType) if XTool.IsTableEmpty(Roles) then XSmashBRoleManager.GenerateRoleData() end if charaType == nil then return Roles end local result = {} for _, role in ipairs(Roles) do if role:GetCharacterType() == charaType then table.insert(result, role) end end return result end --============== --排序角色列表(筛选排列界面的配套方法) --@param: --roles:要排列的角色列表 --sortTagType:排序标签类型 --isAscendOrder:true为升序 false为降序 --============== function XSmashBRoleManager.SortRoles(roles, sortTagType, isAscendOrder) if isAscendOrder == nil then isAscendOrder = true end IsAscendOrder = isAscendOrder if not sortTagType or (sortTagType == XRoomCharFilterTipsConfigs.EnumSortTag.Default) then sortTagType = XRoomCharFilterTipsConfigs.EnumSortTag.Ability end local characterRoles = {} local characterIdDic = {} local robotRoles = {} for _, role in ipairs(roles) do if role:GetIsRobot() then table.insert(robotRoles, role) else table.insert(characterRoles, role) characterIdDic[role:GetId()] = role end end table.sort(characterRoles, SortFunctionDic[sortTagType]) table.sort(robotRoles, SortFunctionDic[sortTagType]) return appendArray(characterRoles, robotRoles) end --============== --获取设置真实队伍角色队伍数据 --@param: --modeId:设置真实队伍的模式Id --charaIdList:我方选择角色队伍Id列表(包含空位,随机位) --============== function XSmashBRoleManager.GetSetTeamRoleTeam(modeId, charaIdList) local teamData = XDataCenter.SuperSmashBrosManager.GetDefaultTeamInfoByModeId(modeId) local finalCharaIdList = XSmashBRoleManager.SelectRandomRole(teamData.RoleIds, modeId) --finalCharaIdList 随机后的最终id local colorList = {} for i, color in pairs(teamData.Color) do colorList[i] = color end local resultTeam = {} local resultColor = {} local captainPos = teamData.CaptainPos local firstFightPos = teamData.FirstFightPos --检查队长位 --若设置的队长位是空位置,则强制将其设置到第一个有角色Id的位置 if not finalCharaIdList[captainPos] or (finalCharaIdList[captainPos] == 0) then for pos, finalCharaId in pairs(finalCharaIdList) do if finalCharaId > 0 then captainPos = pos break end end end --检查首战位 --若设置的首战位是空位置,则将其设置到第一个有角色Id的位置 if not finalCharaIdList[firstFightPos] or (finalCharaIdList[firstFightPos] == 0) then for pos, finalCharaId in pairs(finalCharaIdList) do if finalCharaId > 0 then firstFightPos = pos break end end end local captainColor = teamData.Color[captainPos] local resultCaptainPos = 1 for index, finalCharaId in pairs(finalCharaIdList) do if finalCharaId > 0 then table.insert(resultTeam, { Id = finalCharaId, IsRobot = XEntityHelper.GetIsRobot(finalCharaId), IsRandom = teamData.RoleIds[index] == XSuperSmashBrosConfig.PosState.Random or teamData.RoleIds[index] == XSuperSmashBrosConfig.PosState.OnlyRandom, GridIndex = index }) table.insert(resultColor, (colorList[index] == 0 and 1) or colorList[index]) if captainColor == colorList[index] then resultCaptainPos = (captainColor == 0 and 1) or captainColor end end end firstFightPos = resultCaptainPos --首战位统一和队长位相同 return resultTeam, resultColor, resultCaptainPos, firstFightPos end --============== --选择随机角色 --@param: --charaIdList:我方角色队伍Id列表(包含空位,随机位) --modeId:进行随机的模式Id --============== function XSmashBRoleManager.SelectRandomRole(charaIdList, modeId) local mode = XDataCenter.SuperSmashBrosManager.GetModeByModeType(modeId) local isTeamBattle = mode:GetRoleBattleNum() > 1 --出战人数多于1人时就为组队制 --提取已选中角色的Id字典与获得队伍角色类型限制 local charaIdDic = {} local charaType for _, charaId in pairs(charaIdList) do if charaId > 0 then charaIdDic[charaId] = true --组队模式要检查队内角色类型必须统一 if isTeamBattle and (not charaType) then local role = XSmashBRoleManager.GetRoleById(charaId) charaType = role:GetCharacterType() end end end --从所有角色池中构建符合队伍的随机角色池 local randomPool = {} for _, role in pairs(Roles) do if charaIdDic[role:GetId()] then --已经在队伍中的角色排除 goto nextRole end if role:GetIsRobot() then --试玩角色排除 goto nextRole end -- cxldV2 授格者已经可以混队 -- if isTeamBattle and charaType and (role:GetCharacterType() ~= charaType) then --组队模式下不和已在队伍中的角色统一类型的排除 -- goto nextRole -- end table.insert(randomPool, role) :: nextRole :: end -- 开始随机 local resultList = {} for index, charaId in pairs(charaIdList) do if charaId == XSuperSmashBrosConfig.PosState.Random or charaId == XSuperSmashBrosConfig.PosState.OnlyRandom then local result = 0 -- :: randomAgain :: local roleNum = #randomPool if roleNum > 0 then local random = math.random(1, roleNum) local randomId = randomPool[random]:GetId() -- cxldV2 授格者已经可以混队 -- local randomCharaType = randomPool[random]:GetCharacterType() -- if not charaType then -- charaType = randomCharaType -- elseif randomCharaType ~= charaType then -- table.remove(randomPool, random) -- goto randomAgain -- end table.remove(randomPool, random) result = randomId end resultList[index] = result elseif charaId > 0 then resultList[index] = charaId else resultList[index] = 0 end end return resultList end function XSmashBRoleManager.SetBattleRoleLeftHp(battleTeam, characterProgress, characterHpResultList) for index, charaId in pairs(battleTeam or {}) do local role = XSmashBRoleManager.GetRoleById(charaId) if role then --这里先把所有被淘汰(出场索引在现起始出战索引之前)的角色Hp设置为0 --其他都初始化为满血,在后面再根据数据设置剩余血量 if index < characterProgress then role:SetHpLeft(0) else role:SetHpLeft(100) end end end for _, charaInfo in pairs(characterHpResultList or {}) do local role = XSmashBRoleManager.GetRoleById(charaInfo.CharacterId) if role then role:SetHpLeft(charaInfo.HpPercent) role:SetSpLeft(charaInfo.Energy) end end end return XSmashBRoleManager