--从服务器接收的格式 XChatData = XClass(nil, "XChatData") local Default = { MessageId = 0, ChannelType = 0, MsgType = 0, SenderId = 0, Icon = 0, NickName = "", TargetId = 0, CreateTime = 0, Content = 0, GiftId = 0, GiftCount = 0, GiftStatus = 0, IsRead = false, CurrMedalId = 0, BabelTowerLevel = 0, BabelTowerTitleId = 0, GuildRankLevel = 0, GuildName = "", CollectWordId = 0, NameplateId = 0, } function XChatData:Ctor(chatData) for key in pairs(Default) do self[key] = Default[key] end if chatData == nil then return end self.MessageId = chatData.MessageId self.ChannelType = chatData.ChannelType self.MsgType = chatData.MsgType self.SenderId = chatData.SenderId self.Icon = chatData.Icon self.HeadFrameId = chatData.HeadFrameId self.NickName = chatData.NickName self.TargetId = chatData.TargetId self.CreateTime = chatData.CreateTime self.Content = chatData.Content self.GiftId = chatData.GiftId self.GiftCount = chatData.GiftCount self.GiftStatus = chatData.GiftStatus self.CurrMedalId = chatData.CurrMedalId self.BabelTowerLevel = chatData.BabelTowerTitleInfo and chatData.BabelTowerTitleInfo.Score or 0 self.BabelTowerTitleId = chatData.BabelTowerTitleInfo and chatData.BabelTowerTitleInfo.Id or nil self.CustomContent = chatData.CustomContent self.GuildRankLevel = chatData.GuildRankLevel self.GuildName = chatData.GuildName self.CollectWordId = chatData.CollectWordId self.IsRead = false self.NameplateId = chatData.NameplateId or 0 end function XChatData:GetSendTime() local time = XTime.TimestampToGameDateTimeString(self.CreateTime, "HH:mm:ss") return time end function XChatData.EncodeRoomMsg(...) local content = "" for _, v in ipairs { ... } do content = content .. v .. "|" end return content end function XChatData.DecodeRoomMsg(content) return content:Split("|") end function XChatData:GetRoomMsgContent() if self.Content:IsNilOrEmpty() then return "" end local contentData = XChatData.DecodeRoomMsg(self.Content) if not contentData then return "" end local contentId = tonumber(contentData[1]) local playerId = tonumber(contentData[2]) local stageId = tonumber(contentData[3]) local roomId = contentData[4] local roomType = tonumber(contentData[5]) local stageLevel = tonumber(contentData[6]) if contentId == RoomMsgContentId.FrinedInvite then -- 普通联机 if MultipleRoomType.Normal == roomType or MultipleRoomType.ArenaOnline == roomType then local playerName if playerId == XPlayer.Id then playerName = XPlayer.Name else playerName = XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetPlayerRemark(playerId, "") end local stageName = "" if MultipleRoomType.ArenaOnline == roomType then local tempStageId = XDataCenter.ArenaOnlineManager.GetStageIdByIdAndLevel(stageId, stageLevel) if tempStageId then stageName = XDataCenter.FubenManager.GetStageCfg(tempStageId).Name end else stageName = XDataCenter.FubenManager.GetStageCfg(stageId).Name end local inviteWords = CS.XTextManager.GetText("OnlineInviteLink", string.format("%s|%s|%s|%s", roomId, tostring(stageId), tostring(roomType), tostring(stageLevel))) return CS.XTextManager.GetText("OnlineInviteFriend", playerName, stageName, inviteWords) end -- 狙击战联机 if MultipleRoomType.UnionKill == roomType then local playerName if playerId == XPlayer.Id then playerName = XPlayer.Name else playerName = XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetPlayerRemark(playerId, "") end local unionInfo = XDataCenter.FubenUnionKillManager.GetUnionKillInfo() local activityName if not unionInfo then activityName = "" else local currentUnionActivityConfig = XFubenUnionKillConfigs.GetUnionActivityConfigById(unionInfo.Id) activityName = currentUnionActivityConfig.Name end local inviteWords = CS.XTextManager.GetText("OnlineInviteLink", string.format("%s|%s|%s|%s", roomId, tostring(stageId), tostring(roomType), tostring(stageLevel))) return CS.XTextManager.GetText("OnlineInviteFriend", playerName, activityName, inviteWords) end end return "" end --检测是否自己发送的 function XChatData:CheckIsSelfChat() return self.SenderId == XPlayer.Id end function XChatData:GetChatTargetId()--获取聊天对象的id if (self:CheckIsSelfChat()) then return self.TargetId else return self.SenderId end end --该礼物消息属于送礼还是收礼 function XChatData:GetGiftChatType() if self.CreateTime == self.GiftCreateTime then return GiftChatType.Send else return GiftChatType.Receive end end --是否有自己可领取的礼物 function XChatData:CheckHaveGift() if (not self:CheckIsSelfChat() and self.MsgType == ChatMsgType.Gift and self.GiftStatus == ChatGiftState.WaitReceive) then return true else return false end end --发送或者接收的消息的类型 ChatChannelType = { System = 1, --系统 World = 2, --世界 Private = 3, --私聊 Room = 4, --房间 Battle = 5, --战斗 Guild = 6, --公会 Mentor = 7,--师徒 } ChatMsgType = { Normal = 1, --普通消息 Emoji = 2, --表情消息 Gift = 3, --礼物消息 Tips = 4, --提示消息 RoomMsg = 5, -- 联机房间消息 System = 6, --公会系统消息 SpringFestival = 7, --春节集字活动消息 } -- PrivateChatPrefabType = { -- SelfChatBox = 1, -- SelfChatEmojiBox = 2, -- OtherChatBox = 3, -- OtherChatEmojiBox = 4, -- SelfGiftBox = 5, -- OtherGiftBox = 6 -- } ChatGiftState = { None = 0, WaitReceive = 1, --等待接收状态 Received = 2, --已领取 Fetched = 3, --不能领取 } GiftChatType = { Send = 1, Receive = 2, } RoomMsgContentId = { FrinedInvite = 1, } MultipleRoomType = { Normal = 1, UnionKill = 2, ArenaOnline = 3, MultiDimOnline = 4, }