XDynamicTableIrregular = {} function XDynamicTableIrregular.New(gameObject) if gameObject == nil then XLog.Error("XDynamicTableIrregular.New->gameObject == nil, Please check the object is instancing") return nil end local dynamicTable = {} setmetatable(dynamicTable, { __index = XDynamicTableIrregular }) local imp = dynamicTable:Init(gameObject) if not imp then XLog.Error("XDynamicTableIrregular.New->can not find the object imp, Please check the Component type is right!") return nil end return dynamicTable end --初始化 function XDynamicTableIrregular:Init(gameObject) local imp = gameObject:GetComponent(typeof(CS.XDynamicTableIrregular)) if not imp then return false end self.Proxy = nil self.ProxyMap = {} self.ProxyImpMap = {} self.DataSource = {} self.DynamicEventDelegate = nil self.Imp = imp self.Imp:SetViewSize(imp.rectTransform.rect.size) self.Imp.DynamicTableGridDelegate = function(event, index, grid) self:OnDynamicTableEvent(event, index, grid) end return true end function XDynamicTableIrregular:SetProxyDisplay(proxy, isShow) if CheckClassSuper(proxy, XUiNode) then if isShow then proxy:Open() else if not XTool.UObjIsNil(proxy.GameObject) then proxy:Close() end end end end --事件回调 function XDynamicTableIrregular:OnDynamicTableEvent(event, index) if not self.Proxy then XLog.Warning("XDynamicTableIrregular Proxy is nil,Please Setup First!!") return end if not self.Delegate then XLog.Warning("XDynamicTableIrregular Delegate is nil,Please Setup First!!") return end if not self.Delegate.OnDynamicTableEvent and not self.DynamicEventDelegate then XLog.Warning("XDynamicTableIrregular Delegate func OnDynamicTableEvent is nil,Please Setup First!!") return end if not self.Delegate.GetProxyType then XLog.Warning("XDynamicTableIrregular Delegate func GetProxyType is nil,Please Setup First!!") return end --获取当前代理的类型 local proxy = self:GetGridByIndex(index) if event == DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_EVENT.DYNAMIC_GRID_ATINDEX then local proxyType = self.Delegate:GetProxyType(index) local grid = self.Imp:PreDequeueGrid(proxyType, index) if not self.Proxy[proxyType] then XLog.Error(string.format("XDynamicTableIrregular Proxy Type: %s not exist,Please Setup First!!", proxyType)) return end --使用代理器,Lua代理器是一个 Table,IL使用C#脚本 if grid ~= nil then proxy = self.ProxyMap[grid] if not proxy then proxy = self.Proxy[proxyType].New(grid, table.unpack(self.ProxyArgs)) self.ProxyMap[grid] = proxy --初始化只调动一次 proxy.Index = index proxy.DynamicGrid = grid if self.DynamicEventDelegate then self.DynamicEventDelegate(DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_EVENT.DYNAMIC_GRID_INIT, index, proxy) else self.Delegate:OnDynamicTableEvent(DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_EVENT.DYNAMIC_GRID_INIT, index, proxy) end end end proxy.Index = index proxy.DynamicGrid = grid self.ProxyImpMap[index] = proxy self:SetProxyDisplay(proxy, true) elseif event == DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_EVENT.DYNAMIC_GRID_RECYCLE then proxy.Index = -1 proxy.DynamicGrid = nil self.ProxyImpMap[index] = nil self:SetProxyDisplay(proxy, false) end if self.DynamicEventDelegate then self.DynamicEventDelegate(event, index, proxy) else self.Delegate:OnDynamicTableEvent(event, index, proxy) end end --回收所有节点 function XDynamicTableIrregular:RecycleAllTableGrid() if not self.Imp then return end self.Imp:RecycleAllGrids() end --获取实体组件 function XDynamicTableIrregular:GetImpl() return self.Imp end --设置回调主体 function XDynamicTableIrregular:SetDelegate(delegate) if not self.Imp then return end self.Delegate = delegate end --设置事件回调 function XDynamicTableIrregular:SetDynamicEventDelegate(fun) self.DynamicEventDelegate = fun end --设置代理器 function XDynamicTableIrregular:SetProxy(proxyType, proxy, prefab, ...) if not self.Imp or not self.Imp.ObjectPool then return end self.Proxy = self.Proxy or {} self.Proxy[proxyType] = proxy self.Imp.ObjectPool:Add(proxyType, prefab) self.ProxyArgs = { ... } end --设置总数 function XDynamicTableIrregular:SetTotalCount(totalCout) if not self.Imp then return end self.Imp.TotalCount = totalCout end --设置总数 function XDynamicTableIrregular:SetDataSource(datas) if not datas or not self.Imp then return end self.DataSource = datas local count = #self.DataSource self.IndexForceReset = self.TotalCount and count < self.TotalCount self.TotalCount = count self.Imp.TotalCount = count end --获取代理器 function XDynamicTableIrregular:GetGridByIndex(index) return self.ProxyImpMap[index] end --设置可视区域 function XDynamicTableIrregular:SetViewSize(viewSize) if not self.Imp then return end self.Imp:SetViewSize(viewSize) end --同步重载数据 function XDynamicTableIrregular:ReloadDataSync(startIndex) startIndex = startIndex or -1 -- 当更换数据源并且总数更少时,将startIndex置为1,避免触发越界atindex的事件 startIndex = self.IndexForceReset and 1 or startIndex self.IndexForceReset = false if not self.Imp then return end self.Imp:ReloadDataSync(startIndex) end --异步重载数据 function XDynamicTableIrregular:ReloadDataASync(startIndex) startIndex = startIndex or -1 -- 当更换数据源并且总数更少时,将startIndex置为1,避免触发越界atindex的事件 startIndex = self.IndexForceReset and 1 or startIndex self.IndexForceReset = false if not self.Imp then return end self.Imp:ReloadDataAsync(startIndex) end --清空节点 function XDynamicTableIrregular:Clear() if not self.Imp then return end self.Imp:Clear() end --todo 其他布局接口这里暂时不一一实现,因为布局属性在编辑阶段已经设置过 return XDynamicTableIrregular