[ { "Id": 0, "Key": "Success", "Text": "Success" }, { "Id": 1, "Key": "Fail", "Text": "Failed" }, { "Id": 2, "Key": "ServerInternalError", "Text": "Temporary unavailable due to game server error" }, { "Id": 3, "Key": "ServiceUnavailable", "Text": "Temporary unavailable as the service is not yet launched" }, { "Id": 4, "Key": "InvalidRequest", "Text": "Invalid request" }, { "Id": 5, "Key": "ParamsError", "Text": "Parameter error" }, { "Id": 1001, "Key": "GateServerNotOpen", "Text": "Server is not yet available\\nOpening time" }, { "Id": 1002, "Key": "GateServerUpperLimit", "Text": "Server population has reached the limit" }, { "Id": 1003, "Key": "LoginApplicationVersionError", "Text": "Application is not up to date" }, { "Id": 1004, "Key": "LoginDocumentVersionError", "Text": "Source is not up to date" }, { "Id": 1005, "Key": "LoginTableError", "Text": "Configuration list client inconsistent with server" }, { "Id": 1006, "Key": "LoginInvalidStatus", "Text": "Login request error" }, { "Id": 1007, "Key": "LoginInvalidLoginToken", "Text": "Account has expired, please login again." }, { "Id": 1008, "Key": "LoginInvalidUserId", "Text": "Account does not exist" }, { "Id": 1009, "Key": "LoginAccessDenied", "Text": "Account has no permission" }, { "Id": 1010, "Key": "LoginLoadMemberFailed", "Text": "Failed to load data" }, { "Id": 1011, "Key": "LoginServiceInvalidLoginType", "Text": null }, { "Id": 1012, "Key": "LoginServiceInvalidToken", "Text": "Invalid Token" }, { "Id": 1013, "Key": "LoginServiceRetry", "Text": "Login again" }, { "Id": 1014, "Key": "LoginServiceAlreadyLogin", "Text": "You have logged in already" }, { "Id": 1015, "Key": "LoginServiceInternalError", "Text": "Game server distribution error" }, { "Id": 1016, "Key": "LoginServiceEnterGameServerFailed", "Text": "Failed to login" }, { "Id": 1017, "Key": "LoginServiceLoadPlayerDataFailed", "Text": "Failed to load user data" }, { "Id": 1018, "Key": "GateServerForceLogoutByAnotherLogin", "Text": "Account has been logged in on another device" }, { "Id": 1019, "Key": "GateServerKcpInvalidRequest", "Text": null }, { "Id": 1020, "Key": "GateServerKcpSessionAlreadyCreated", "Text": null }, { "Id": 1021, "Key": "GameServerFullLoad", "Text": "Server is full, please try again later." }, { "Id": 1022, "Key": "GameServerNotOpen", "Text": "Game server is not available yet" }, { "Id": 1023, "Key": "GameServerHasNoUsableVersion", "Text": "No game server with compiling version" }, { "Id": 1024, "Key": "GameServerIsMaintenance", "Text": "1023 game server updating" }, { "Id": 1025, "Key": "KickOutByBanned", "Text": "Forced offline by GM" }, { "Id": 1026, "Key": "KickOutByGm", "Text": "Account has been suspended" }, { "Id": 1027, "Key": "LoginDeviceIdLimit", "Text": "Devide ID does not match" }, { "Id": 1028, "Key": "KickOutByForce", "Text": "You have been forced offline" }, { "Id": 1029, "Key": "ReconnectInvalidToken", "Text": "Reconnection failed 1" }, { "Id": 1030, "Key": "ReconnectPlayerLogout", "Text": "Reconnection failed 2" }, { "Id": 1031, "Key": "ReconnectInvalidSeqNo", "Text": "Reconnection failed 3" }, { "Id": 1032, "Key": "ReconnectUnable", "Text": "Unable to reconnect" }, { "Id": 20000001, "Key": "PlayerFunctionNotOpen", "Text": "Feature is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20000002, "Key": "PlayerFunctionShield", "Text": "System is disabled" }, { "Id": 20000003, "Key": "PlayerChangeDisplayCharIdCharIsNotOwned", "Text": "You do not own this Construct" }, { "Id": 20000004, "Key": "PlayerMedalIsNotOwned", "Text": "You do not own this medal" }, { "Id": 20002001, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerGetPlayerMaxExpFail", "Text": "Failed to obtain player's max EXP" }, { "Id": 20002002, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerChangeNameTimeLimit", "Text": "You can change your name in {0} hr {1} min" }, { "Id": 20002003, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerChangeNameInvalid", "Text": "Improper name, please check again." }, { "Id": 20002004, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerChangeSignInvalid", "Text": "Improper signature, please check again." }, { "Id": 20002005, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerChangeMarkInvalid", "Text": "Unable to edit record" }, { "Id": 20002006, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerAssistRoleIdIsSet", "Text": "You cannot deploy a duplicate Construct" }, { "Id": 20002007, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerBirthdayInValid", "Text": "Please fill in the correct date" }, { "Id": 20002008, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerBirthdayAlreadySet", "Text": "You have set your birthday already" }, { "Id": 20002009, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerChangeCommunicationInvalid", "Text": "Invalid change" }, { "Id": 20002010, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerReportTimeLimit", "Text": "Report in cool down" }, { "Id": 20002011, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerReportTagInvalid", "Text": "Invalid type of report" }, { "Id": 20002012, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerNameIsTooLong", "Text": "Your name must not exceed 12 characters" }, { "Id": 20002013, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerAssistCanNotSetInfection", "Text": "You cannot set a Uniframe as a support character" }, { "Id": 20002014, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerGetHonorLevelMaxExpFail", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20002015, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerLevelNotMaxLevel", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20002016, "Key": "PlayerDataManagerHonorLevelCartoonAlreadyOpen", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20002017, "Key": "PlayerDataRenameBanned", "Text": "Player rename forbidden" }, { "Id": 20002018, "Key": "PlayerDataSignBanned", "Text": "Player signature forbidden" }, { "Id": 20003001, "Key": "FubenManagerCheckTreasureIsGet", "Text": "You have obtained the chapter chest reward already" }, { "Id": 20003002, "Key": "FubenManagerCheckPreMapNotFound", "Text": "Stage id does not exist" }, { "Id": 20003003, "Key": "FubenManagerCheckPreMapNotPass", "Text": "You have not completed the previous stage yet" }, { "Id": 20003004, "Key": "FubenManagerCheckLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient level" }, { "Id": 20003005, "Key": "FubenManagerCheckActionPointNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Serums" }, { "Id": 20003006, "Key": "FubenManagerCheckChallengeNumNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient attempts" }, { "Id": 20003007, "Key": "FubenManagerCheckTreasureSectionIdInvalid", "Text": "Invalid chapter ID of the chest" }, { "Id": 20003008, "Key": "FubenManagerCheckTreasureIdInvalid", "Text": "Invalid chest ID" }, { "Id": 20003009, "Key": "FubenManagerCheckTreasureStarsNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient stars to obtain the chest reward" }, { "Id": 20003010, "Key": "FubenManagerCheckTreasureRewardRepeat", "Text": "Obtain the chest reward more than once" }, { "Id": 20003011, "Key": "FubenManagerCheckStageInfoNotFound", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20003012, "Key": "FubenManagerCheckPreFightStageInfoNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain StageInfo during the prebattle checking" }, { "Id": 20003013, "Key": "FubenManagerCheckPreFightUrgentEventMapNotOpen", "Text": "The stage is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20003014, "Key": "FubenManagerChallengeWinFightIdNotMatch", "Text": "Mission data mismatched(0)" }, { "Id": 20003015, "Key": "FubenManagerChallengeWinPreFightDataNotMatch", "Text": "Mission data mismatched(1)" }, { "Id": 20003016, "Key": "FubenManagerChallengeLoseFightIdNotMatch", "Text": "Mission data mismatched(2)" }, { "Id": 20003017, "Key": "FubenManagerChallengeLoseStageCfgNotFound", "Text": "Mission data mismatched(3)" }, { "Id": 20003018, "Key": "FubenManagerChallengeLosePreFightDataNotMatch", "Text": "Mission data mismatched(4)" }, { "Id": 20003019, "Key": "FubenManagerStageAllReadyMaxChallegeCount", "Text": "Maximum quest attempt has been reached" }, { "Id": 20003020, "Key": "FubenManagerStageAllReadyMaxBuyCount", "Text": "Maximum quest purchase limit has been reached" }, { "Id": 20003021, "Key": "FubenManagerFinishToStageStageNotFound", "Text": "Invalid Side Story" }, { "Id": 20003022, "Key": "FubenManagerFightIntervalFast", "Text": "Please challenge at intervals" }, { "Id": 20003023, "Key": "FubenManagerRebootCountNotMatch", "Text": "Number of quest revivals mismatched" }, { "Id": 20003024, "Key": "FubenManagerStageLocked", "Text": "Stage is locked" }, { "Id": 20003025, "Key": "FubenManagerStageCharacterTypeError", "Text": "Deployed member type error" }, { "Id": 20003026, "Key": "FubenManagerCardIdTypeNotSame", "Text": "Character type does not match" }, { "Id": 20003027, "Key": "FubenControlPreFightParamsError", "Text": "Team info error" }, { "Id": 20003028, "Key": "FubenManagerBfrtNotGroup", "Text": "Stronghold does not exist" }, { "Id": 20003029, "Key": "FubenManagerBfrtPreIdNotFinish", "Text": "Complete the previous stronghold first" }, { "Id": 20003030, "Key": "FubenManagerBfrtNotChallengeCount", "Text": "Insufficient attempts" }, { "Id": 20003031, "Key": "FubenManagerBfrtEchelonNotFound", "Text": "Team formation ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20003032, "Key": "FubenManagerBfrtWinParamError", "Text": "Stronghold result mismatched" }, { "Id": 20003033, "Key": "FubenManagerBfrtTeamError", "Text": "Number of deployed team members error" }, { "Id": 20003034, "Key": "FubenManagerBfrtServerTeamError", "Text": "Deployed team server error" }, { "Id": 20003035, "Key": "FubenManagerBfrtServerTeamNotEqualClientTeam", "Text": "Number of deployed members error" }, { "Id": 20003036, "Key": "FubenManagerBfrtClientCharacterIdNotInServerTeam", "Text": "Deployed Construct error" }, { "Id": 20003037, "Key": "FubenManagerBfrtStageNotFinish", "Text": "Complete the previous stage first" }, { "Id": 20003038, "Key": "FubenManagerBfrtSetTeamFightInfoIdsNotEqualConfigIds", "Text": "Number of deployed teams error" }, { "Id": 20003039, "Key": "FubenManagerBfrtSetTeamLogisticsNotEqualConfigIds", "Text": "Number of logistics teams error" }, { "Id": 20003040, "Key": "FubenManagerFightRebootFightIdNotMatch", "Text": "FightId of revival in battle mismatched" }, { "Id": 20003041, "Key": "FubenManagerFightRebootCountNotMatch", "Text": "Number of revivals in battle mismatched" }, { "Id": 20003042, "Key": "FubenManagerFightRebootStageNotFound", "Text": "Mission of revival in battle does not exist" }, { "Id": 20003043, "Key": "FubenManagerGetFightRebootTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Settings of revival in battle does not exist" }, { "Id": 20003044, "Key": "FubenManagerGetFightRebootRebootCountIllegal", "Text": "Invalid number of revivals" }, { "Id": 20003045, "Key": "FubenManagerCheckFightRebootTeamIsEmpty", "Text": "Revival team is empty" }, { "Id": 20003046, "Key": "FubenManagerMultipleObjectsInTheSameLocation", "Text": "20003046 Multiple targets used at the same location" }, { "Id": 20003047, "Key": "FubenBossSingleIsRefresh", "Text": "Event refreshed" }, { "Id": 20003048, "Key": "FubenBossSingleChallengeCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient attempts" }, { "Id": 20003049, "Key": "FubenBossSingleCharacterPointsNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Stamina of Construct" }, { "Id": 20003050, "Key": "FubenBossSingleGetBossSingleDataLevelTypeIllegal", "Text": "Invalid type of level" }, { "Id": 20003051, "Key": "FubenBossBossStageListNotFound", "Text": "Stage list does not exist" }, { "Id": 20003052, "Key": "FubenBossSingleScoreRewardIsNotExist", "Text": "Reward has been claimed" }, { "Id": 20003053, "Key": "FubenBossSingleScoreRewardIsGot", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20003054, "Key": "FubenBossSingleScoreRewardTypeError", "Text": "Type of claimed reward error" }, { "Id": 20003055, "Key": "FubenBossSingleScoreIsNotEnough", "Text": "Current points are insufficient to claim reward" }, { "Id": 20003056, "Key": "FubenBossSingleHistoryIsNotExist", "Text": "History not found" }, { "Id": 20003057, "Key": "FubenBossSingleStageCanNotAutoFight", "Text": "Auto Clear cannot be used in this stage" }, { "Id": 20003058, "Key": "FubenBossSingleStageIsNotExist", "Text": "Stage does not exist" }, { "Id": 20003059, "Key": "FubenBossSingleSaveScoreIllegality", "Text": "You cannot save more than once" }, { "Id": 20003060, "Key": "FubenBossSingleAutoFightCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient attempts" }, { "Id": 20003061, "Key": "FubenBossSingleCurScoreIsBigThanHistory", "Text": "The progress of Auto Clear is lower than the current progress" }, { "Id": 20003062, "Key": "FubenBossSingleHideStageNotOpen", "Text": "Hidden stage is not yet available" }, { "Id": 20003063, "Key": "FubenBossSingleIsAutoFighting", "Text": "Auto Clearing" }, { "Id": 20003064, "Key": "FubenBossSingleAlreadySelectLevelType", "Text": "Difficulty already selected" }, { "Id": 20003065, "Key": "FubenBossSingleLevelIdNotExist", "Text": "Difficulty ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20003066, "Key": "FubenBossSingleLevelTypeBossNotExist", "Text": "There is no Boss under this difficulty" }, { "Id": 20003067, "Key": "FubenBossSinglePreLevelTypeNotSatisfy", "Text": "Difficulty selection requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20003068, "Key": "FubenBossSingleMaxScoreNotEnough", "Text": "You don't have enough Max Points" }, { "Id": 20003069, "Key": "FubenBossSingleLevelTypeNotSelect", "Text": "Select a difficulty first" }, { "Id": 20003070, "Key": "FubenBossOnlineSectionNotFound", "Text": "Chapter info not found" }, { "Id": 20003071, "Key": "FubenBossOnlineNotInTime", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20003072, "Key": "FubenMainLinePassTimesNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Main Story attempts" }, { "Id": 20003073, "Key": "FubenMainLineChapterIsNotExist", "Text": "Chapter does not exist" }, { "Id": 20003074, "Key": "FubenMainLineActivityHideChapterNotOpen", "Text": "Hidden chapter event not yet available" }, { "Id": 20003075, "Key": "FubenPrequelStageNotPass", "Text": "Stage not yet cleared" }, { "Id": 20003076, "Key": "FubenPrequelStageRewardAlready", "Text": "Rank reward claimed" }, { "Id": 20003077, "Key": "FubenPrequelStageIdError", "Text": "Invalid Side Story stage" }, { "Id": 20003078, "Key": "FubenPrequelCoverIdError", "Text": "Invalid Side Story cover ID" }, { "Id": 20003079, "Key": "FubenPrequelChallengeIdError", "Text": "Invalid Side Story ID" }, { "Id": 20003080, "Key": "FubenPrequelChallengeLock", "Text": "Side Story has not been unlocked yet" }, { "Id": 20003081, "Key": "FubenPrequelChallengeUnlockAlready", "Text": "Side Story has been unlocked" }, { "Id": 20003082, "Key": "FubenPrequelChallengeCountLimit", "Text": "Insufficient attempts" }, { "Id": 20003083, "Key": "FubenManagerAutoFightStageNotExist", "Text": "Mission does not exist" }, { "Id": 20003084, "Key": "FubenManagerAutoFightStageInvalid", "Text": "Invalid Side Story" }, { "Id": 20003085, "Key": "FubenManagerAutoFightHaventPassed", "Text": "Side Story has not been cleared yet" }, { "Id": 20003086, "Key": "FubenManagerAutoFightPoolIsFull", "Text": "Number of teams has reached the limit" }, { "Id": 20003087, "Key": "FubenManagerAutoFightAlreadyRunning", "Text": "Auto Clearing" }, { "Id": 20003088, "Key": "FubenManagerAutoFightNotEnoughTimes", "Text": "Insufficient attempts left" }, { "Id": 20003089, "Key": "FubenManagerAutoFightNotEnoughActionPoint", "Text": "Insufficient Stamina" }, { "Id": 20003090, "Key": "FubenManagerAutoFightIndexInvalid", "Text": "Invalid Auto Clear number" }, { "Id": 20003091, "Key": "FubenManagerAutoFightStageNotMatch", "Text": "Auto Clear quest mismatched" }, { "Id": 20003092, "Key": "FubenManagerAutoFightNotComplete", "Text": "Auto Clear not completed" }, { "Id": 20003093, "Key": "FubenManagerTrialIdIsNotFound", "Text": "Trial Mission does not exist" }, { "Id": 20003094, "Key": "FubenManagerTrialPreIdIsNotPass", "Text": "Complete the previous stage first" }, { "Id": 20003095, "Key": "FubenManagerTrialIdIsNotPass", "Text": "Complete the prerequisite stage first" }, { "Id": 20003096, "Key": "FubenManagerTrialPassRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Complete the stage first" }, { "Id": 20003097, "Key": "FubenManagerTrialTypeRewardIsNotExit", "Text": "Reward does not exist" }, { "Id": 20003098, "Key": "FubenManagerTrialTypeRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20003099, "Key": "FubenManagerTrialTypeRewardIsNotFinish", "Text": "Stage not completed" }, { "Id": 20003100, "Key": "FubenManagerDailyChapterNotFound", "Text": "Daily quest chapter not found" }, { "Id": 20003101, "Key": "FubenManagerDailySectionNotFound", "Text": "Daily quest not found" }, { "Id": 20003102, "Key": "FubenManagerDailyConditionInvalid", "Text": "Invalid daily quest requirement" }, { "Id": 20003103, "Key": "FubenManagerDailyTimeNotFit", "Text": "Not open yet" }, { "Id": 20003104, "Key": "FubenManagerAutoFightTimesError", "Text": "Auto Clear attempts error" }, { "Id": 20003105, "Key": "FubenManagerBossSingleResetCanNotSaveScore", "Text": "Unable to save as the rules have been refreshed" }, { "Id": 20003106, "Key": "FubenManagerBossSingleDataIsRefresh", "Text": "Side Story data has been refreshed, please reload the page." }, { "Id": 20003107, "Key": "FubenManagerStartFightIntervalFast", "Text": "You cannot challenge the quest yet" }, { "Id": 20003108, "Key": "FubenAssignChapterNotFound", "Text": "Chapter info configuration error" }, { "Id": 20003109, "Key": "FubenAssignGroupNotFound", "Text": "Stage info configuration error" }, { "Id": 20003110, "Key": "FubenAssignTeamInfoNotFound", "Text": "Team info configuration error" }, { "Id": 20003111, "Key": "FubenAssignGroupFightCountLimit", "Text": "You have used all challenge attempts" }, { "Id": 20003112, "Key": "FubenAssignGroupTeamNotSet", "Text": "Team not configured. Unable to battle" }, { "Id": 20003113, "Key": "FubenAssignFightCardCountError", "Text": "Battle member number error. Unable to battle" }, { "Id": 20003114, "Key": "FubenAssignFightCardNotInTeam", "Text": "Border Pact character not in team" }, { "Id": 20003115, "Key": "FubenAssignFightGroupIdNotMatch", "Text": "Border Pact stage group does not match" }, { "Id": 20003116, "Key": "FubenAssignFightStageAlreadyFinish", "Text": "Border Pact stage completed" }, { "Id": 20003117, "Key": "FubenAssignFightPreStageNotFinish", "Text": "Border Pact prerequisite stage incomplete" }, { "Id": 20003118, "Key": "FubenAssignWinStageNotMatch", "Text": "Border Pact victory stage does not match" }, { "Id": 20003119, "Key": "FubenAssignWinGroupIdNotMatch", "Text": "Border Pact victory stage group does not match" }, { "Id": 20003120, "Key": "FubenAssignGroupTeamListNotFound", "Text": "Team list does not exist. Unable to battle" }, { "Id": 20003121, "Key": "FubenAssignPreGroupNotFinish", "Text": "You have not completed the previous chapter yet" }, { "Id": 20003122, "Key": "FubenAssignTeamListIsEmpty", "Text": "Team empty. Unable to battle" }, { "Id": 20003123, "Key": "FubenAssignTeamCountError", "Text": "Team number does not match the requirement. Unable to battle" }, { "Id": 20003124, "Key": "FubenAssignTeamIsEmpty", "Text": "Insufficient members in team. Unable to battle" }, { "Id": 20003125, "Key": "FubenAssignTeamMemberCountLimit", "Text": "Team size does not match the requirement. Unable to battle" }, { "Id": 20003126, "Key": "FubenAssignTeamMemberRepeated", "Text": "Duplicated team member. Unable to battle" }, { "Id": 20003127, "Key": "FubenAssignChapterNotFinish", "Text": "Chapter not completed" }, { "Id": 20003128, "Key": "FubenAssignChapterUseSameCharacter", "Text": "Character already assigned to stationing" }, { "Id": 20003129, "Key": "FubenAssignChapterCharacterAlreadyUse", "Text": "Character already stationing in another area" }, { "Id": 20003130, "Key": "FubenAssignChapterRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Chapter reward claimed" }, { "Id": 20003131, "Key": "FubenManagerFightRestartFightIdNotMatch", "Text": "Battle restart ID not matching" }, { "Id": 20003132, "Key": "FubenManagerFightRestartPreFightDataNotMatch", "Text": "Battle restart data mismatch" }, { "Id": 20003133, "Key": "FubenBfrtChapterNotOpen", "Text": "Stronghold chapter not yet available" }, { "Id": 20003134, "Key": "FubenBfrtTeamSetCharacterRepeat", "Text": "Repeated character in team" }, { "Id": 20003135, "Key": "FubenManagerStageConfigNotExist", "Text": "Stage settings not found" }, { "Id": 20003136, "Key": "FubenFightNpcIsNullOrEmpty", "Text": "Character deployed cannot be empty" }, { "Id": 20003137, "Key": "FubenRepeatedCharacter", "Text": "Cannot deploy the same character again" }, { "Id": 20003138, "Key": "FubenActivityReset", "Text": "Event has been reset" }, { "Id": 20003139, "Key": "FubenBossSingleIsNotTrialStage", "Text": "20003137 Stage is not a trial stage" }, { "Id": 20003140, "Key": "FubenStageCharacterNpcIdCfgNotExit", "Text": "20003139 Character NPC ID configuration matching the stage type not found" }, { "Id": 20004001, "Key": "TeamManagerGetTeamIdFail", "Text": "Failed to obtain team ID" }, { "Id": 20004002, "Key": "TeamManagerPrefabExceedMax", "Text": "Team default settings have reached the limit" }, { "Id": 20004003, "Key": "TeamManagerSetTeamParaError", "Text": "Team preset quantity error" }, { "Id": 20004004, "Key": "TeamManagerPrefabCharacterTypeNotSame", "Text": "Different preset character type" }, { "Id": 20004005, "Key": "TeamManagerCanNotFindThePrefabTeam", "Text": "20004005 Cannot find preset team" }, { "Id": 20004006, "Key": "TeamManagerCharacterIsEmptyCanNotCarryPartner", "Text": "20004006 No character in position. Cannot carry CUB" }, { "Id": 20004007, "Key": "TeamManagerThisTeamPosIsNotExist", "Text": "20004007 Position does not exist." }, { "Id": 20004008, "Key": "TeamManagerPrefabPartnerSkillIsEmpty", "Text": "20004006 CUB preset skill cannot be empty" }, { "Id": 20004009, "Key": "TeamManagerPrePartnerIsEmptyCanNotCarrySkill", "Text": "20004008 CUB preset is empty. Cannot set skill" }, { "Id": 20007001, "Key": "FightProxyManagerEnterIsExist", "Text": "The player is already in another battle" }, { "Id": 20007002, "Key": "FightProxyManagerGetFightProxyFail", "Text": "Failed to obtain battle proxy" }, { "Id": 20007003, "Key": "FightProxyManagerGetFightProxyForPlayerFail", "Text": "Failed to obtain battle proxy (player)" }, { "Id": 20007004, "Key": "FightProxyManagerPlayerIdRepeat", "Text": "Failed to obtain battle proxy (player)" }, { "Id": 20007005, "Key": "FightProxyManagerFightProxyNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain battle proxy (player)" }, { "Id": 20008001, "Key": "FightProxyDoOperationNotRunning", "Text": "Battle is not in progress" }, { "Id": 20008002, "Key": "FightProxyIsRunningFail", "Text": "Battle is in progress" }, { "Id": 20008003, "Key": "FightProxyFightCompleteNotInFight", "Text": "Battle has not ended yet" }, { "Id": 20008004, "Key": "FightProxyLoadCompleteFail", "Text": "Battle is not loading" }, { "Id": 20008005, "Key": "FightProxyGetFightDataPlayerIdNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain battle proxy and player info" }, { "Id": 20008006, "Key": "FightProxyDoOperationPlayerIdNotFound", "Text": "Battle control error" }, { "Id": 20008007, "Key": "FightProxyLoadTimeout", "Text": "Server loading timeout" }, { "Id": 20008008, "Key": "FightProxyFightTimeout", "Text": "Battle server timeout" }, { "Id": 20008009, "Key": "FightProxySettleTimeout", "Text": "Battle result timeout" }, { "Id": 20008010, "Key": "FightProxyJoinFightPlayerNotFound", "Text": "Online player not found" }, { "Id": 20008011, "Key": "FightProxyGetFightPlayerNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain player info" }, { "Id": 20008012, "Key": "FightProxyInvalidPlayerId", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20008013, "Key": "FightProxyInvalidToken", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20008014, "Key": "FightProxyInvalidFightId", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20008015, "Key": "FightProxyFightAlreadyStart", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20008016, "Key": "FightProxyFightAlreadyFinish", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20008017, "Key": "FightProxyInvalidFrameIndex", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20008018, "Key": "FightProxyRepeatJoin", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20009001, "Key": "CharacterManagerGetCharacterTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain Construct template" }, { "Id": 20009002, "Key": "CharacterManagerGetLevelUpTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain Construct upgrade template" }, { "Id": 20009003, "Key": "CharacterManagerGetGradeTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain Construct Overclock template" }, { "Id": 20009004, "Key": "CharacterManagerGetQualityFragmentTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain Construct class Shard template" }, { "Id": 20009005, "Key": "CharacterManagerGetQualityTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain Construct class template" }, { "Id": 20009006, "Key": "CharacterManagerGetSkillUpgradeTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain skill upgrade info" }, { "Id": 20009007, "Key": "CharacterManagerGetSkillTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain Construct skill template" }, { "Id": 20009008, "Key": "CharacterManagerSkillNotFound", "Text": "Skill not found" }, { "Id": 20009009, "Key": "CharacterManagerGetStarUseCountParamsError", "Text": "Parameter error in obtaining evolution material" }, { "Id": 20009010, "Key": "CharacterManagerGetStarUseCountStarError", "Text": "Evolution material error" }, { "Id": 20009011, "Key": "CharacterManagerGetCharacterByIdNotFound", "Text": "Construct not found" }, { "Id": 20009012, "Key": "CharacterManagerCreateCharacterFail", "Text": "Failed to create Construct" }, { "Id": 20009013, "Key": "CharacterManagerNewCharacterDataIsNil", "Text": "Construct data not found" }, { "Id": 20009014, "Key": "CharacterManagerLevelUpMaxLevel", "Text": "Character level is capped" }, { "Id": 20009015, "Key": "CharacterManagerAddStarFail", "Text": "Failed to increase star" }, { "Id": 20009016, "Key": "CharacterManagerMaxQuality", "Text": "Construct class cap reached" }, { "Id": 20009017, "Key": "CharacterManagerActivateStarMaxStar", "Text": "Already evolved to the highest level" }, { "Id": 20009018, "Key": "CharacterManagerPromoteQualityStarNotEnough", "Text": "Evolution requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20009019, "Key": "CharacterManagerMaxGrade", "Text": "Construct refit cap reached" }, { "Id": 20009020, "Key": "CharacterManagerExchangeCharacterAlreadyOwn", "Text": "You own this Construct already" }, { "Id": 20009021, "Key": "CharacterManagerGetCharacterDataNotFound", "Text": "Construct data not found" }, { "Id": 20009022, "Key": "CharacterManagerCreateCharacterAlreadyExist", "Text": "Construct already exists" }, { "Id": 20009023, "Key": "CharacterManagerInformationNotFound", "Text": "Data not found" }, { "Id": 20009024, "Key": "CharacterManagerRewardNotFound", "Text": "Reward does not exist" }, { "Id": 20009025, "Key": "CharacterManagerStoryNotFound", "Text": "Story does not exist" }, { "Id": 20009026, "Key": "CharacterManagerStrangeNewsNotFound", "Text": "Episode does not exist" }, { "Id": 20009027, "Key": "CharacterManagerVoiceNotFound", "Text": "Voice does not exist" }, { "Id": 20009028, "Key": "CharacterManagerTrustLvNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Affection level" }, { "Id": 20009029, "Key": "CharacterManagerInformationAlreadyUnlock", "Text": "Data has been unlocked" }, { "Id": 20009030, "Key": "CharacterManagerStoryAlreadyUnlock", "Text": "Story has been unlocked" }, { "Id": 20009031, "Key": "CharacterManagerStrangeNewsAlreadyUnlock", "Text": "Episode has been unlocked" }, { "Id": 20009032, "Key": "CharacterManagerStrangeNewsCanNotUnlock", "Text": "Unlock requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20009033, "Key": "CharacterManagerVoiceAlreadyUnlock", "Text": "Voice has been unlocked" }, { "Id": 20009034, "Key": "CharacterManagerRewardAlreadyUnlock", "Text": "Reward has been obtained" }, { "Id": 20009035, "Key": "CharacterManagerRewardCanNotUnlock", "Text": "Obtain requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20009036, "Key": "CharacterManagerTrustItemNotFound", "Text": "Item does not exist" }, { "Id": 20009037, "Key": "CharacterManagerSendGiftParaError", "Text": "Request parameter error" }, { "Id": 20009038, "Key": "CharacterManagerTrustLevelExpNotFound", "Text": "Affection level error" }, { "Id": 20009039, "Key": "CharacterManagerTrustGameNotCount", "Text": "Insufficient attempts" }, { "Id": 20009040, "Key": "CharacterManagerTrustGameIdNotFound", "Text": "Game error" }, { "Id": 20009041, "Key": "CharacterManagerTrustGameRewardNotFound", "Text": "Reward does not exist" }, { "Id": 20009042, "Key": "CharacterManagerTrustGameFinishNumError", "Text": "Parameter error" }, { "Id": 20009043, "Key": "CharacterManagerTrustGameResultIllegal", "Text": "Control error" }, { "Id": 20009044, "Key": "CharacterMinSkillLevelNotFound", "Text": "Lowest skill level of Construct not found" }, { "Id": 20009045, "Key": "CharacterMaxSkillLevelNotFound", "Text": "Highest skill level of Construct not found" }, { "Id": 20009046, "Key": "CharacterUnlockSkillNotNeed", "Text": "No need to unlock Construct skill" }, { "Id": 20009047, "Key": "CharacterSkillUnlocked", "Text": "Construct skill has been unlocked" }, { "Id": 20009048, "Key": "CharacterSkillIsNotFoundOrLock", "Text": "Construct skill does not exist or is not unlocked yet" }, { "Id": 20009049, "Key": "CharacterSkillLevelIsMax", "Text": "Highest level already" }, { "Id": 20009050, "Key": "CharacterSkillPoolTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Construct skill settings not found" }, { "Id": 20009051, "Key": "CharacterSkillPoolIsEmpty", "Text": "No skill is equipped" }, { "Id": 20009052, "Key": "CharacterSkillLevelEffectTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Construct skill level effects not found" }, { "Id": 20009053, "Key": "CharacterExtraDataNotFound", "Text": "Affection data not found" }, { "Id": 20009054, "Key": "CharacterSkillSwitchIsSame", "Text": "The switched skill is the same as your current skill" }, { "Id": 20009055, "Key": "CharacterGatherRewardHadGet", "Text": "Reward has been claimed" }, { "Id": 20009056, "Key": "CharacterPreGatherRewardIsNotGet", "Text": "Reward of the previous stage not claimed" }, { "Id": 20009057, "Key": "CharacterManagerTrustLevelIsMax", "Text": "Max Affection reached" }, { "Id": 20009058, "Key": "CharacterSpecialSkillLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Uniframe Skill does not meet the prerequisite level" }, { "Id": 20010001, "Key": "FashionManagerGetFashionNotFound", "Text": "Coating not found" }, { "Id": 20010002, "Key": "FashionIsUnOwned", "Text": "You do not own this coating" }, { "Id": 20010003, "Key": "FashionIsLock", "Text": "This coating has not been unlocked yet" }, { "Id": 20010004, "Key": "FashionIsUnLock", "Text": "This coating has been unlocked" }, { "Id": 20010005, "Key": "FashionCharacterDoNotMatch", "Text": "Coating character does not match" }, { "Id": 20012001, "Key": "ItemManagerGetItemTableFailed", "Text": "Failed to obtain item list" }, { "Id": 20012002, "Key": "ItemManagerGetItemNotFound", "Text": "Target item not found" }, { "Id": 20012003, "Key": "ItemManagerCheckIdValidFail", "Text": "Item ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20012004, "Key": "ItemCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient items" }, { "Id": 20012005, "Key": "ItemCapacityNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient item space" }, { "Id": 20012006, "Key": "ItemAlreadyOwned", "Text": "Item already exists" }, { "Id": 20012007, "Key": "ItemManagerGetBuyAssetTableFail", "Text": "Failed to obtain purchase list" }, { "Id": 20012008, "Key": "ItemManagerBuyAssetMaxTimes", "Text": "Purchase amount has reached the limit." }, { "Id": 20012009, "Key": "ItemNotFound", "Text": "Item does not exist" }, { "Id": 20012010, "Key": "ItemSellCountError", "Text": "Amount of sold items error" }, { "Id": 20012011, "Key": "ItemSellFragmentLimit", "Text": "You cannot sell the Shard" }, { "Id": 20012012, "Key": "ItemCannotSell", "Text": "Item cannot be sold" }, { "Id": 20012013, "Key": "ItemCannotBuy", "Text": "Item cannot be purchased" }, { "Id": 20012014, "Key": "ItemCannotConvertCharacterExp", "Text": "Item cannot be converted into Construct EXP" }, { "Id": 20012015, "Key": "ItemCannotConvertFurnitureConfig", "Text": "Item cannot be converted into Decor Blueprint" }, { "Id": 20012016, "Key": "ItemCannotUse", "Text": "Item cannot be used" }, { "Id": 20012017, "Key": "ItemNotEffect", "Text": "Item is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20012018, "Key": "ItemAlreadyInvalid", "Text": "Item has expired" }, { "Id": 20012019, "Key": "ItemUseGiftSelectRewardIsEmpty", "Text": "No reward can be selected" }, { "Id": 20012020, "Key": "ItemUseGiftSelectRewardAboveLimit", "Text": "Selected rewards have exceeded the limit" }, { "Id": 20012021, "Key": "ItemUseGiftSelectRewardNotExist", "Text": "No reward can be selected" }, { "Id": 20012022, "Key": "ItemCreateError", "Text": "Failed to obtain item" }, { "Id": 20012023, "Key": "ItemCountException", "Text": "Failed to create item" }, { "Id": 20012024, "Key": "ItemBatchCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient items" }, { "Id": 20012025, "Key": "ItemBatchNotFound", "Text": "Item has expired" }, { "Id": 20012026, "Key": "ItemUseMultipleRewardTypeError", "Text": "Reward type error" }, { "Id": 20012027, "Key": "ItemCannotConvertEquipExp", "Text": "Item cannot be converted into equipment EXP" }, { "Id": 20012028, "Key": "ItemEquipExpUseEquipTypeError", "Text": "Equipment type error" }, { "Id": 20012029, "Key": "ItemManagerBuyAssetNotAllowConsumeId", "Text": "Consumable cannot be converted" }, { "Id": 20012030, "Key": "ItemCannotConvertPartnerExp", "Text": "This item cannot be converted into companion EXP" }, { "Id": 20012031, "Key": "ItemManagerBuyAssetNotInTime", "Text": "Outside the purchase period" }, { "Id": 20012032, "Key": "ItemManagerBuyAssetMaxTotalTimes", "Text": "Purchase limit reached" }, { "Id": 20014001, "Key": "ArrangeManagerCalTypeFail", "Text": "Invalid ID, unable to identify the type." }, { "Id": 20017001, "Key": "DropManagerGetDropGoodsFail", "Text": "Failed to obtain dropped item" }, { "Id": 20017002, "Key": "DropManagerGetDropBottomTableListFail", "Text": "Failed to obtain guarantee drop list" }, { "Id": 20017003, "Key": "DropManagerDropItemFailed", "Text": "Failed to drop item" }, { "Id": 20017004, "Key": "DropManagerGetDropTableFail", "Text": "Failed to obtain drop list" }, { "Id": 20017005, "Key": "DropManagerGetDropGroupTableFail", "Text": "Failed to obtain drop group list" }, { "Id": 20017006, "Key": "DropManagerGetDropSetTableFail", "Text": "Failed to obtain cluster list" }, { "Id": 20018001, "Key": "DrawManagerGetDrawGroupInfoNotFound", "Text": "Research set info does not exist" }, { "Id": 20018002, "Key": "DrawManagerGetDrawInfoNotFound", "Text": "Research info does not exist" }, { "Id": 20018003, "Key": "DrawManagerDrawCountError", "Text": "Number of Researches error" }, { "Id": 20018004, "Key": "DrawManagerTodayTimesUseUp", "Text": "Daily Research attempts have been expended" }, { "Id": 20018005, "Key": "DrawManagerTodayRemainTimesNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient daily Research attempts" }, { "Id": 20018006, "Key": "DrawManagerActivityTimesUseUp", "Text": "Event Research attempts have been expended" }, { "Id": 20018007, "Key": "DrawManagerActivityRemainTimesNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient event Research attempts" }, { "Id": 20018008, "Key": "DrawManagerNotOptionalDrawId", "Text": "Research ID is unable to select" }, { "Id": 20018009, "Key": "DrawManagerNotInValidTime", "Text": "Expired" }, { "Id": 20018010, "Key": "DrawManagerDrawInfoNotFound", "Text": "Research info not found" }, { "Id": 20018011, "Key": "DrawManagerDrawInfoAlreadyExist", "Text": "Research info already exists" }, { "Id": 20018012, "Key": "DrawManagerDrawGroupInfoNotFound", "Text": "Research set info not found" }, { "Id": 20018013, "Key": "DrawManagerDrawGroupAlreadyExist", "Text": "Research set info already exists" }, { "Id": 20018014, "Key": "DrawManagerDrawGroupOptionalListIsEmpty", "Text": "Research set info already exists" }, { "Id": 20018015, "Key": "DrawManagerSetDrawIdCountLimit", "Text": "20018015 This event can not be replaced again" }, { "Id": 20018016, "Key": "DrawManagerDrawIdDoNotMatch", "Text": "20018016 Card drawing and the ID do not match" }, { "Id": 20019001, "Key": "GuideManagerGetGuideGroupTableNotFound", "Text": "Research set info not found" }, { "Id": 20019002, "Key": "GuideManagerGetGuideCompleteTableNotFound", "Text": "Unable to obtain guide completion list" }, { "Id": 20019003, "Key": "GuideManagerCompleteGuideErrorAlreadyCompleted", "Text": "Guide error, it has been completed already." }, { "Id": 20019004, "Key": "GuideManagerCompleteGuideErrorNotNeedReq", "Text": "Guide error, no need to retry." }, { "Id": 20019005, "Key": "GuildManagerGuildGroupIdNotFound", "Text": "Guide group ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20020001, "Key": "RewardManagerGetRewardTableFail", "Text": "Failed to obtain reward list" }, { "Id": 20020002, "Key": "RewardManagerCreateRewardGoodsTypeNotSupport", "Text": "Invalid type of reward" }, { "Id": 20020003, "Key": "RewardManagerGetRewardGoodsNotFound", "Text": "Reward item not found" }, { "Id": 20020004, "Key": "RewardMedalGoodParamIsNull", "Text": "20020004 Badge reward parameter is empty" }, { "Id": 20020005, "Key": "RewardMedalGoodParamIsZero", "Text": "20020005 Badge reward parameter is zero" }, { "Id": 20020006, "Key": "RewardMedalGoodNotFound", "Text": "20020006 Badge Reward ID not found on the Badge List" }, { "Id": 20021001, "Key": "EquipTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain equipment info" }, { "Id": 20021002, "Key": "EquipBreakthroughTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Unable to obtain equipment Overclock info" }, { "Id": 20021003, "Key": "EquipManagerGetLevelUpTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain equipment upgrade template" }, { "Id": 20021004, "Key": "EquipManagerGetEquipNotFound", "Text": "Add the cost first" }, { "Id": 20021005, "Key": "EquipManagerNewEquipFail", "Text": "Failed to create equipment" }, { "Id": 20021006, "Key": "EquipManagerLevelUpMaxLevel", "Text": "Equipment cap reached" }, { "Id": 20021007, "Key": "EquipManagerLevelUpLevelLimit", "Text": "Equipment level limit" }, { "Id": 20021008, "Key": "EquipManagerAddBreakthroughFail", "Text": "Overclock of the equipment failed" }, { "Id": 20021009, "Key": "EquipManagerBreakthroughOverstep", "Text": "Overclock of the equipment exceeds the limit" }, { "Id": 20021010, "Key": "EquipManagerBreakthroughMaxBreakthrough", "Text": "Overclock of the equipment is capped" }, { "Id": 20021011, "Key": "EquipManagerBreakthroughLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Level of the equipment is insufficient for Overclock" }, { "Id": 20021012, "Key": "EquipManagerGetCharEquipBySiteNotFound", "Text": "Equipment not found" }, { "Id": 20021013, "Key": "EquipManagerPutOnRepeat", "Text": "Equipped already" }, { "Id": 20021014, "Key": "EquipManagerPutOnSiteError", "Text": "Invalid grid to equip" }, { "Id": 20021015, "Key": "EquipManagerPutOnTypeError", "Text": "Invalid type to equip" }, { "Id": 20021016, "Key": "EquipManagerPutOnCharacterTypeError", "Text": "Coating Character and Type do not match" }, { "Id": 20021017, "Key": "EquipManagerTakeOffNotBeenWorn", "Text": "Equipment not yet equipped" }, { "Id": 20021018, "Key": "EquipManagerTakeOffCanNotTakeOff", "Text": "Equipment cannot be unequipped" }, { "Id": 20021019, "Key": "EquipManagerDecomposeDoNot", "Text": "Cannot recycle equipment in use" }, { "Id": 20021020, "Key": "EquipManagerDecomposeConfigNot", "Text": "No corresponding term for the recycle list" }, { "Id": 20021021, "Key": "EquipWeaponCapacityNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient weapon space" }, { "Id": 20021022, "Key": "EquipChipCapacityNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Memory space" }, { "Id": 20021023, "Key": "EquipSuitTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to access equipment set configuration" }, { "Id": 20021024, "Key": "EquipSuitEffectTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to access equipment set effect configuration" }, { "Id": 20021025, "Key": "EquipIsLocked", "Text": "Lock Equipment" }, { "Id": 20021026, "Key": "EquipIsUnLock", "Text": "Unlock Equipment" }, { "Id": 20021027, "Key": "EquipCanNotPutOnByThisCharacter", "Text": "Cannot be worn by this character" }, { "Id": 20021028, "Key": "EquipGetEatCostCoinNotFound", "Text": "Failed to access the Cog cost of equipment upgrade" }, { "Id": 20021029, "Key": "EquipLevelUpUseMaterialsIsEmpty", "Text": "Consumed material empty" }, { "Id": 20021030, "Key": "EquipEatUseRepeatEquip", "Text": "Consumed equipment ID duplicate" }, { "Id": 20021031, "Key": "EquipResonanceCanNotUseSelf", "Text": "Cannot consume this equipment" }, { "Id": 20021032, "Key": "EquipResonanceCharacterNotOwned", "Text": "You do not own any character with Resonance" }, { "Id": 20021033, "Key": "EquipResonanceUnconfirmedInfoUntreated", "Text": "Resonance info not confirmed" }, { "Id": 20021034, "Key": "EquipResonanceUseEquipTypeNotSame", "Text": "Resonance cost type mismatch" }, { "Id": 20021035, "Key": "EquipResonanceWeaponStarNotSame", "Text": "Resonance cost rank mismatch" }, { "Id": 20021036, "Key": "EquipResonanceChipSuitIsNotSame", "Text": "Resonance cost set ID mismatch" }, { "Id": 20021037, "Key": "EquipResonanceTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Resonance configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20021038, "Key": "EquipResonanceUseItemTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Item used for Resonance not found" }, { "Id": 20021039, "Key": "EquipResonanceCanNotUseThisItem", "Text": "Item cannot be used for Resonance" }, { "Id": 20021040, "Key": "EquipWeaponSkillTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Weapon skill configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20021041, "Key": "EquipSkillPoolIsEmpty", "Text": "No skill is equipped" }, { "Id": 20021042, "Key": "EquipResonanceSlotConfigIsEmpty", "Text": "Resonance slot empty" }, { "Id": 20021043, "Key": "EquipResonanceConfigError", "Text": "Resonance configuration error" }, { "Id": 20021044, "Key": "EquipResonanceConfirmInfoIsEmpty", "Text": "Resonance confirmation info empty" }, { "Id": 20021045, "Key": "EquipLevelUpCanNotEatSelf", "Text": "Cannot upgrade the weapon with itself" }, { "Id": 20021046, "Key": "EquipResonanceNeedSelectCharacter", "Text": "Select a character to resonate" }, { "Id": 20021047, "Key": "EquipDecomposeListIsEmpty", "Text": "Recycle list empty" }, { "Id": 20021048, "Key": "EquipSuitNotFound", "Text": "Cannot obtain Memory info" }, { "Id": 20021049, "Key": "EquipSuitCanNotTransform", "Text": "Memory set can no longer be refit" }, { "Id": 20021050, "Key": "EquipSuitSiteError", "Text": "Memory set grid error" }, { "Id": 20021051, "Key": "EquipTransformChipUseEquipCountError", "Text": "Equipped item number error" }, { "Id": 20021052, "Key": "EquipTransformChipUseEquipSuitError", "Text": "Wrong place to equip" }, { "Id": 20021053, "Key": "EquipSuitSiteConfigNotFound", "Text": "An error occurred while accessing the info of this Memory set" }, { "Id": 20021054, "Key": "EquipResonancePoolIsEmpty", "Text": "No Resonance equipped" }, { "Id": 20021055, "Key": "EquipResonanceWeaponSkillPoolIsEmpty", "Text": "No weapon Resonance skill equipped" }, { "Id": 20021056, "Key": "EquipResonanceCharacterSkillPoolIsEmpty", "Text": "No character Resonance skill equipped" }, { "Id": 20021057, "Key": "EquipResonanceAttribGroupPoolIsEmpty", "Text": "Resonance stats empty" }, { "Id": 20021058, "Key": "EquipChipGroupCountLimit", "Text": "Memory Set amount exceeded the limit" }, { "Id": 20021059, "Key": "EquipChipGroupNameTooLong", "Text": "Memory Set name too long" }, { "Id": 20021060, "Key": "EquipChipGroupNameInvalid", "Text": "Invalid Memory Set name" }, { "Id": 20021061, "Key": "EquipChipGroupEquipSiteError", "Text": "Invalid Memory set type" }, { "Id": 20021062, "Key": "EquipChipGroupSiteRepeated", "Text": "Duplicate grid in the Memory set" }, { "Id": 20021063, "Key": "EquipChipGroupNotFound", "Text": "Memory set not found" }, { "Id": 20021064, "Key": "EquipAwakeTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Awaken configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20021065, "Key": "EquipAwakeWeaponNonsupport", "Text": "Cannot awaken weapon" }, { "Id": 20021066, "Key": "EquipAwakeStarNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient stars to awaken equipment" }, { "Id": 20021067, "Key": "EquipAwakeNotMaxLevel", "Text": "Equipment not at max level" }, { "Id": 20021068, "Key": "EquipAwakeSlotNonsupport", "Text": "Awakened equipment slot invalid" }, { "Id": 20021069, "Key": "EquipAwakeSlotIsAlreadyAwake", "Text": "Equipment awakened" }, { "Id": 20021070, "Key": "EquipAwakeSlotNotResonance", "Text": "Awakened equipment slot not resonated" }, { "Id": 20021071, "Key": "EquipAwakeSlotAttribConfigNotFound", "Text": "Awaken stats settings not found" }, { "Id": 20021072, "Key": "EquipResonanceSlotHasNotSkill", "Text": "This resonance slot has no skill configured" }, { "Id": 20021073, "Key": "EquipResonanceNeedSameCharWhenNotCost", "Text": "You need the same character to switch Resonance Skill with no cost" }, { "Id": 20021074, "Key": "EquipResonanceMaterialIsEmpty", "Text": "Resonance material empty" }, { "Id": 20021075, "Key": "EquipResonanceCanSelectSkillAlreadyExist", "Text": "No need to swap again. This character has already resonated this skill" }, { "Id": 20021076, "Key": "EquipResonanceSelectSkillNotFound", "Text": "Select the skill again" }, { "Id": 20021077, "Key": "EquipResonanceSelectSkillNeedSpecificItem", "Text": "A skill pick item is required for Memory Resonance Skill pick" }, { "Id": 20021078, "Key": "EquipResonanceWeaponSelectSkillNotNeedItem", "Text": "No need to swap again. This character has already resonated this skill" }, { "Id": 20021079, "Key": "EquipChipGroupCharacterNotMatch", "Text": "20021079 Exclusive combo character does not match the character equipped" }, { "Id": 20021080, "Key": "EquipChipGroupCharacterCanNotChange", "Text": "20021080 Character selected for Memory Set cannot be changed" }, { "Id": 20021081, "Key": "EquipChipGroupChipCanNotCost", "Text": "20021081 Unable to consume Memory already in Memory Set" }, { "Id": 20021082, "Key": "EquipChipRecycleListIsEmpty", "Text": "20021081 Memory recycle list empty" }, { "Id": 20021083, "Key": "EquipChipRecycleTypeOnlyChip", "Text": "20021082 Only Memory can be recycled" }, { "Id": 20021084, "Key": "EquipChipRecycleWearDoNot", "Text": "20021083 Equipped Memory cannot be recycled" }, { "Id": 20021085, "Key": "EquipChipRecycleLevelUpDoNot", "Text": "20021084 Enhanced Memory cannot be recycled" }, { "Id": 20021086, "Key": "EquipChipRecycleChipGroupDoNot", "Text": "20021085 Memory already in Memory Set cannot be recycled" }, { "Id": 20021087, "Key": "EquipChipRecycleAwakeDoNot", "Text": "20021086 Awakened Memory cannot be recycled" }, { "Id": 20021088, "Key": "EquipChipRecycleResonanceDoNot", "Text": "20021087 Resonated Memory cannot be recycled" }, { "Id": 20021089, "Key": "EquipChipRecycleStarMoreThanFiveDoNot", "Text": "6\u2605 or above Memory cannot be recycled" }, { "Id": 20021090, "Key": "EquipIsRecycle", "Text": "20021089 To be recycled mark" }, { "Id": 20021091, "Key": "EquipIsNotRecycle", "Text": "20021090 Not to be recycled mark" }, { "Id": 20021092, "Key": "EquipSetUpRecycleStarListIsInvalid", "Text": "20021091 Unable to find configured Recycle \u2605 list" }, { "Id": 20021093, "Key": "EquipSetUpRecycleDaysIsInvalid", "Text": "20021092 Unable to find Recycle days configuration" }, { "Id": 20021094, "Key": "EquipOneKeyFeedDoNotMatchTheTarget", "Text": "20021094 Quick Train does not match selected target" }, { "Id": 20021095, "Key": "EquipOneKeyFeedUnknownOperation", "Text": "20021095 Unknown Quick Train operation" }, { "Id": 20026001, "Key": "TaskManagerInitFail", "Text": "Failed to initialize mission system" }, { "Id": 20026002, "Key": "TaskManagerInitTaskConfigFail", "Text": "Failed to initialize mission settings" }, { "Id": 20026003, "Key": "TaskManagerGetTaskConditionFail", "Text": "Failed to obtain mission requirement" }, { "Id": 20026004, "Key": "TaskManagerGetTaskTemplateFail", "Text": "Failed to obtain mission template" }, { "Id": 20026005, "Key": "TaskManagerFinishTaskTaskNotFound", "Text": "Mission not found" }, { "Id": 20026006, "Key": "TaskManagerFinishTaskTaskAlreadyFinish", "Text": "Mission completed" }, { "Id": 20026007, "Key": "TaskManagerFinishTaskTaskNotAchieved", "Text": "Mission reward not available for collection" }, { "Id": 20026008, "Key": "TaskManagerFinishTaskTaskExpired", "Text": "Mission has expired" }, { "Id": 20026009, "Key": "TaskManagerTaskNotExist", "Text": "Mission does not exist" }, { "Id": 20026010, "Key": "TaskManagerGetActivenessStageRewardNotExist", "Text": "Activity reward does not exist" }, { "Id": 20026011, "Key": "TaskManagerGetActivenessRewardUnknownType", "Text": "Unknown type of activity" }, { "Id": 20026012, "Key": "TaskManagerGetActivenessRewardAlreadyGeted", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20026013, "Key": "TaskManagerCourseRewardNotExist", "Text": "Failed to obtain milestone reward info" }, { "Id": 20026014, "Key": "TaskManagerCourseRewardAlreadyGeted", "Text": "Stage not completed" }, { "Id": 20026015, "Key": "TaskManagerCourseStageAlreadyGeted", "Text": "Stage not completed" }, { "Id": 20026016, "Key": "TaskManagerTaskUnOpen", "Text": "Mission has not been unlocked yet" }, { "Id": 20026017, "Key": "TaskManagerTaskClose", "Text": "Mission has been closed" }, { "Id": 20026018, "Key": "TaskManagerTaskNotTimeLimit", "Text": "Mission has expired" }, { "Id": 20026019, "Key": "TaskManagerNewPlayerActivenessIsNotExist", "Text": "Reward has been claimed" }, { "Id": 20026020, "Key": "TaskManagerNewPlayerActivenessRewardIsNotExist", "Text": "Reward does not exist" }, { "Id": 20026021, "Key": "TaskManagerNewPlayerActivenessAlreadyGet", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20026022, "Key": "TaskManagerNewPlayerActivenessIsNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient EXP to claim" }, { "Id": 20026023, "Key": "TaskManagerNewPlayerTaskTodayCanNotFinish", "Text": "You cannot complete this mission today" }, { "Id": 20027001, "Key": "MailManagerGetMailFail", "Text": "Failed to obtain mail" }, { "Id": 20027002, "Key": "MailManagerGetRewardIsEmpty", "Text": "There is no mail reward" }, { "Id": 20027003, "Key": "MailManagerGetRewardRepeat", "Text": "Mail reward claimed" }, { "Id": 20027004, "Key": "MailManagerMailNotEffect", "Text": "Ineffective mail" }, { "Id": 20027005, "Key": "MailManagerMailWasInvalid", "Text": "Invalid mail" }, { "Id": 20027006, "Key": "MailManagerGetRewardWasInvalidOrRewardEmpty", "Text": "Mail has expired or there is no mail reward" }, { "Id": 20027007, "Key": "MailManagerMailIdInvalid", "Text": "Invalid mail id" }, { "Id": 20027008, "Key": "MailManagerMailExist", "Text": "Mail already exists" }, { "Id": 20027009, "Key": "MailManagerMailNotExist", "Text": "Mail does not exist" }, { "Id": 20027010, "Key": "MailManagerGetMailRewardListNotFoundReward", "Text": "Mail reward settings not found" }, { "Id": 20027011, "Key": "MailManagerGetMailRewardSomeGoodsMoreThanCapacity", "Text": "Unable to obtain all the rewards as some of the items have exceeded the limit" }, { "Id": 20027012, "Key": "MailManagerIsDeleted", "Text": "Mail has been deleted" }, { "Id": 20027013, "Key": "MailManagerIsRead", "Text": "Mail has been read" }, { "Id": 20027014, "Key": "MailCapacityNotEnough", "Text": "Mail limit reached" }, { "Id": 20029001, "Key": "AttribManagerGetAttribTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain stats template" }, { "Id": 20029002, "Key": "AttribManagerGetPromotedAttribTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain level upgrade stats template" }, { "Id": 20029003, "Key": "AttribManagerGetGrowRateAttribTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain ration up stats template" }, { "Id": 20029004, "Key": "AttribManagerGetTotalPromotedAttribsParamArrayError", "Text": "Failed to obtain ration up stats" }, { "Id": 20029005, "Key": "AttribManagerGetTotalPromotedAttribsLevelError", "Text": "Failed to obtain the total level of level upgrade stats" }, { "Id": 20029006, "Key": "AttribManagerGetNpcAttribNpcNotFound", "Text": "NPC not found" }, { "Id": 20029007, "Key": "AttribGroupPoolNotFound", "Text": "Stats set not found" }, { "Id": 20029008, "Key": "AttribGroupNotFound", "Text": "Stats set not found" }, { "Id": 20029009, "Key": "AttribReviseTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain ratio change stats template" }, { "Id": 20030002, "Key": "ShopManagerAddGoodsInfoAlreadyExist", "Text": "Product info has been imported" }, { "Id": 20030003, "Key": "ShopManagerShopUnOpen", "Text": "Shop is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20030004, "Key": "ShopManagerShopClosed", "Text": "Shop closed" }, { "Id": 20030005, "Key": "ShopManagerGoodsUnOpen", "Text": "The product is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20030006, "Key": "ShopManagerGoodsClosed", "Text": "The product is no longer sold" }, { "Id": 20030007, "Key": "ShopManagerShopNotExist", "Text": "The shop is not on the list" }, { "Id": 20030008, "Key": "ShopManagerGoodsNotExist", "Text": "The product is not on the list" }, { "Id": 20030009, "Key": "ShopManagerGoodsGroupNotExist", "Text": "The product set is not on the list" }, { "Id": 20030010, "Key": "ShopManagerNotResetTimes", "Text": "Insufficient reset attempts" }, { "Id": 20030011, "Key": "ShopManagerShopNotBuyTimes", "Text": "Insufficient total purchase attempts in shop" }, { "Id": 20030012, "Key": "ShopManagerGoodsNotBuyTimes", "Text": "Insufficient purchase attempts" }, { "Id": 20030013, "Key": "ShopGoodsAlreadyExist", "Text": "Product already exists" }, { "Id": 20030014, "Key": "ShopIsUnShelve", "Text": "Shop closed" }, { "Id": 20030015, "Key": "ShopGoodsIsUnShelve", "Text": "The product is no longer sold" }, { "Id": 20030016, "Key": "ShopRequestParamsException", "Text": "Shop request parameter error" }, { "Id": 20030017, "Key": "ShopBuyGoodsCountLimit", "Text": "The purchase amount of products has exceeded the limit" }, { "Id": 20030018, "Key": "ShopKindIsNotReset", "Text": "Unable to refresh the shop" }, { "Id": 20030019, "Key": "ShopKindIsNotFixed", "Text": "Type of shop is not fixed" }, { "Id": 20030020, "Key": "ShopOwnedUnknown", "Text": "Shop type unknown" }, { "Id": 20031001, "Key": "FriendManagerApplyFriendFailedIsRefused", "Text": "Friend request has been rejected" }, { "Id": 20031002, "Key": "FriendManagerApplyFriendFailedIsDeleted", "Text": "Failed to send friend request as you have unfriended the player" }, { "Id": 20031003, "Key": "FriendManagerApplyFriendFailedIsAlreadyFriend", "Text": "Failed to send friend request as the player is already your friend" }, { "Id": 20031004, "Key": "FriendManagerApplyFriendFailedIsNotRepeatApply", "Text": "Failed to send friend request as you have requested already" }, { "Id": 20031005, "Key": "FriendManagerAcceptFriendFailedApplyIsNotExist", "Text": "Failed! Player does not exist or is your friend already!" }, { "Id": 20031006, "Key": "FriendManagerAcceptFriendFailedSelfFriendCountOutOfMaxCount", "Text": "Failed to accept friend request as your friend list is full" }, { "Id": 20031007, "Key": "FriendManagerRecommendFriendFailedRecommendCoolDownTime", "Text": "Friend recommendation failed due to cool down" }, { "Id": 20031008, "Key": "FriendManagerCanNotOperateSelf", "Text": "Operation failed. You cannot operate yourself." }, { "Id": 20031009, "Key": "FriendManagerGetPlayerInfosFailedReqListIsNull", "Text": "Failed to obtain player info as the request list is empty" }, { "Id": 20031010, "Key": "FriendManagerDeleteFriendsFailedReqListIsNull", "Text": "Failed to unfriend as the request list is empty" }, { "Id": 20031011, "Key": "FriendManagerApplySuccess", "Text": "Application has been submitted" }, { "Id": 20031012, "Key": "FriendManagerDeleteSuccess", "Text": "Unfriended" }, { "Id": 20031013, "Key": "FriendManagerCanNotPlayerForId", "Text": "Player does not exist" }, { "Id": 20031014, "Key": "FriendManagerAcceptFriendFailedOtherFriendCountOutOfMaxCount", "Text": "Failed to accept friend request as the player's friend list is full" }, { "Id": 20031015, "Key": "FriendManagerApplySelfFriendNumLimit", "Text": "Failed to request as your friend list is full" }, { "Id": 20031016, "Key": "FriendManagerApplyOtherFriendNumLimit", "Text": "Failed to request as the player's friend list is full" }, { "Id": 20031017, "Key": "FriendManagerApplyListFull", "Text": "Failed to request as the player's friend request list is full" }, { "Id": 20031018, "Key": "FriendManagerMyFriendFull", "Text": "Friend list is full" }, { "Id": 20031019, "Key": "FriendManagerOtherFriendFull", "Text": "The player's friend list is full" }, { "Id": 20031020, "Key": "FriendManagerAgreeIsFriend", "Text": "Failed to accept request as the player is already your friend" }, { "Id": 20031021, "Key": "FriendManagerIsNotFriend", "Text": "Cannot add notes as the player is not your friend" }, { "Id": 20031022, "Key": "FriendManagerInvalidRemark", "Text": "Invalid notes" }, { "Id": 20031023, "Key": "FriendManagerDeleteRemark", "Text": "Note deleted" }, { "Id": 20031024, "Key": "FriendManagerNeedRemoveBlockStateFirst", "Text": "Friend request failed. Please unblock the other player first." }, { "Id": 20031025, "Key": "FriendManagerAlreadyInBlacklist", "Text": "Already blacklisted." }, { "Id": 20031026, "Key": "FriendManagerBlacklistIsFull", "Text": "Blacklist limit reached." }, { "Id": 20031027, "Key": "FriendManagerBlacklistNeedRemoveMentorRelation", "Text": "Cannot blacklist. Please cancel Mentorship status first." }, { "Id": 20031028, "Key": "FriendManagerDoNotFindFromBlacklist", "Text": "Cannot find player in blacklist." }, { "Id": 20032001, "Key": "FightCheckManagerCodeNotMatch", "Text": "Abnormal error in battle data (0)" }, { "Id": 20032002, "Key": "FightCheckManagerCodesTooLong", "Text": "Abnormal error in battle data (1)" }, { "Id": 20032003, "Key": "FightCheckManagerCheckSkip", "Text": "Abnormal error in battle data (2)" }, { "Id": 20032004, "Key": "FightCheckManagerSettleCodeNotMatch", "Text": "Abnormal error in battle data (3)" }, { "Id": 20032005, "Key": "FightCheckManagerParamIllegal", "Text": "Abnormal error in battle data (4)" }, { "Id": 20032006, "Key": "FightCheckManagerNotSettle", "Text": "Abnormal error in battle data (5)" }, { "Id": 20032007, "Key": "FightCheckManagerFightExit", "Text": "Abnormal error in battle data (6)" }, { "Id": 20032008, "Key": "FightCheckManagerClientVersionError", "Text": "Client version is too low, unable to conduct a battle" }, { "Id": 20033001, "Key": "ChatManagerSendChatErrorCannotSendGift", "Text": "Error occurs when sending message" }, { "Id": 20033002, "Key": "ChatManagerChatContentCanNotBeNull", "Text": "You cannot leave it blank" }, { "Id": 20033003, "Key": "ChatManagerGetGiftFailedInvalidGift", "Text": "Invalid gift" }, { "Id": 20033004, "Key": "ChatManagerRefreshTimeCooling", "Text": "Message in cool down" }, { "Id": 20033005, "Key": "ChatManagerGetGiftAlreadyMaxCount", "Text": "The amount of received gifts has reached the daily limit" }, { "Id": 20033006, "Key": "ChatManagerEmojiIsLock", "Text": "Chat stamp locked" }, { "Id": 20033007, "Key": "ChatManagerInvalidEmoji", "Text": "Invalid chat stamp" }, { "Id": 20033008, "Key": "ChatManagerNoSendGiftFriend", "Text": "Presentation attempts reset at 07:00 (UTC)" }, { "Id": 20033009, "Key": "ChatManagerChatChannelInvalid", "Text": "Failed to send message" }, { "Id": 20033010, "Key": "ChatManagerChatChannelIdInvalid", "Text": "Not in Command Bureau. Cannot speak." }, { "Id": 20033011, "Key": "ChatContentTooLong", "Text": "Your message is too long" }, { "Id": 20033012, "Key": "ChatIsBanned", "Text": "You have been muted" }, { "Id": 20033013, "Key": "ChatChannelNotExist", "Text": "Channel has been disbanded" }, { "Id": 20033014, "Key": "ChatEmojiPackageIdsInvalid", "Text": "20033014 Illegal stamp parameters" }, { "Id": 20034001, "Key": "ConditionManagerParamsError", "Text": "Requirement parameter error" }, { "Id": 20034002, "Key": "ConditionManagerGetConditionTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Requirement settings not found" }, { "Id": 20034003, "Key": "ConditionManagerPlayerLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient player level" }, { "Id": 20034004, "Key": "ConditionManagerNotOwnCharacter", "Text": "You does not own the specific Construct" }, { "Id": 20034005, "Key": "ConditionManagerOwnCharacterCanNotFight", "Text": "Unable to deploy specific Constructs" }, { "Id": 20034006, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterCountNotEnough", "Text": "You do not have enough Constructs" }, { "Id": 20034007, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterSexIsError", "Text": "Construct gender does not meet the requirement" }, { "Id": 20034008, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterTypeIsError", "Text": "Construct type does not meet the requirement" }, { "Id": 20034009, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterLevelIsError", "Text": "Construct level does not meet the requirement" }, { "Id": 20034010, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterQualityIsError", "Text": "Construct class does not meet the requirement" }, { "Id": 20034011, "Key": "ConditionManagerMapNotPassed", "Text": "Rank reward claimed" }, { "Id": 20034012, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterSexNumIsError", "Text": "Team member gender error" }, { "Id": 20034013, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterTypeNumIsError", "Text": "Team member type error" }, { "Id": 20034014, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterQualityNumIsError", "Text": "Team member class does not meet the requirement" }, { "Id": 20034015, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterLevelNumIsError", "Text": "Team member level does not meet the requirement" }, { "Id": 20034016, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterIdNumIsError", "Text": "You have not deployed the specific Construct as a team member" }, { "Id": 20034017, "Key": "ConditionManagerRepeatChallengeLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Level does not meet the requirement" }, { "Id": 20034018, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterAbilityNotEnough", "Text": "Member's BR does not meet the requirement" }, { "Id": 20034019, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterResonanceNotEnough", "Text": "Member's Resonance does not meet the requirement" }, { "Id": 20034020, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterNumIsError", "Text": "Number of deployed team members error" }, { "Id": 20034021, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterExhibitionLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Member does not meet the Awaken requirement" }, { "Id": 20034022, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterLiberateLvNotEnough", "Text": "Member has not reached the required Overclock level" }, { "Id": 20034023, "Key": "ConditionManagerIsNotGetFirstPayReward", "Text": "1st Recharge reward not claimed" }, { "Id": 20034024, "Key": "ConditionManagerIsNotOwnerFashion", "Text": "You do not own the specific outfit" }, { "Id": 20034025, "Key": "ConditionManagerIsOwnerFashion", "Text": "You have owned the specific outfit" }, { "Id": 20034026, "Key": "ConditionManagerExperimentIdIsNotFinish", "Text": "Specific stage of trial area not completed" }, { "Id": 20034027, "Key": "ConditionManagerWeaponResonanceNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient equipment Resonance Skills" }, { "Id": 20034028, "Key": "ConditionManagerChipResonanceNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Memory Resonance Skills" }, { "Id": 20034029, "Key": "ConditionManagerEquipResonanceNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient equipment Resonance Skills" }, { "Id": 20034030, "Key": "ConditionManagerRedEnvelopeNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough gifts claimed by member" }, { "Id": 20034031, "Key": "ConditionManagerKillBossTimeIsNotSatisfy", "Text": "Failed to defeat the boss within a required time" }, { "Id": 20034032, "Key": "ConditionManagerBabelTowerLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Babel Tower level too low" }, { "Id": 20034033, "Key": "ConditionManagerMonsterKillCountNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough enemies killed" }, { "Id": 20034034, "Key": "ConditionManagerWeaponNotUnlock", "Text": "Weapon not unlocked" }, { "Id": 20034035, "Key": "ConditionManagerWeaponMaxLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Weapon not at max level" }, { "Id": 20034036, "Key": "ConditionManagerWeaponBreakthroughNotEnough", "Text": "Weapon not Overclocked" }, { "Id": 20034037, "Key": "ConditionManagerAwarenessSuitMaxLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Memory not at max level" }, { "Id": 20034038, "Key": "ConditionManagerAwarenessSuitMaxBreakthroughNotEnough", "Text": "Memory not Overclocked" }, { "Id": 20034039, "Key": "ConditionManagerAwarenessSuitNotEnough", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20034040, "Key": "ConditionManagerGuildNotIn", "Text": "Not yet joined Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20034041, "Key": "ConditionManagerGuildLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Command Bureau level too low" }, { "Id": 20034042, "Key": "ConditionManagerGuildJoinNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough days since joining Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20034043, "Key": "ConditionManagerGuildMemberNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough Command Bureau members" }, { "Id": 20034044, "Key": "ConditionManagerFubenExploreNotFinished", "Text": "Exploration incomplete" }, { "Id": 20034045, "Key": "ConditionManagerRogueLikeMaxTierNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough tower floors climbed" }, { "Id": 20034046, "Key": "ConditionManagerArenaOnlineFirstPassNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough first-time completions in Joint Warfare" }, { "Id": 20034047, "Key": "ConditionManagerArenaOnlineAssistCountNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough assists in Joint Warfare" }, { "Id": 20034048, "Key": "ConditionManagerTaskNotFinish", "Text": "Mission incomplete" }, { "Id": 20034049, "Key": "ConditionManagerSpecialTrainStarNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough stars gained in Operation Summer" }, { "Id": 20034050, "Key": "ConditionManagerBossActivityStarRewardNotGet", "Text": "Star reward not claimed" }, { "Id": 20034051, "Key": "ConditionManagerCharacterTypeNumsNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough deployed member types" }, { "Id": 20034052, "Key": "ConditionManagerSpecialCollectionLevelNotEnough", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20034053, "Key": "ConditionManagerWorldBossAttributeStageFinishedNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient dream locations cleared" }, { "Id": 20034054, "Key": "ConditionManagerWorldBossHpPercentNotSatisfy", "Text": "Amberia remaining HP error" }, { "Id": 20034055, "Key": "ConditionManagerWorldBossHpHurtNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient damage dealt to Amberia" }, { "Id": 20034056, "Key": "ConditionManagerHonorLevelNotEnough", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20034057, "Key": "ConditionManagerDragPuzzleNotCompleted", "Text": "TODO_ConditionManagerDragPuzzleNotCompleted" }, { "Id": 20034058, "Key": "ConditionManagerTrpgTargetNotFinish", "Text": "Objective incomplete" }, { "Id": 20034059, "Key": "ConditionManagerTrpgMazeCardNotFinish", "Text": "Maze card incomplete" }, { "Id": 20034060, "Key": "ConditionManagerTrpgMazeCardIsFinish", "Text": "20034060" }, { "Id": 20034061, "Key": "ConditionManagerNieRCharacterLevelNotEnough", "Text": "YoRHa character level too low" }, { "Id": 20034062, "Key": "ConditionManagerNieRSupportLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Auxiliary Machine level too low" }, { "Id": 20034063, "Key": "ConditionManagerNieRSupportSkillLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Level up condition not met" }, { "Id": 20034064, "Key": "ConditionManagerFuBenMainStarRateNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Main Story Mission Completion Rate" }, { "Id": 20034065, "Key": "ConditionManagerChapterExtraStarRateNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Extra Story Mission Completion Rate" }, { "Id": 20034066, "Key": "ConditionManagerZhouMuNotFinish", "Text": "You have not completed the chapters of the previous clear yet" }, { "Id": 20034067, "Key": "ConditionManagerRegressionNotSatisfy", "Text": "Returning condition not met" }, { "Id": 20034068, "Key": "ConditionManagerEndlessStageNpcGroupNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient monster wave in infinite stage" }, { "Id": 20034069, "Key": "ConditionManagerRecruitLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Recruitment level too low" }, { "Id": 20034070, "Key": "ConditionManagerPartnerLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Companion overclock and level requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20034071, "Key": "ConditionManagerPartnerQualityNotEnough", "Text": "Companion quality requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20034072, "Key": "ConditionManagerPartnerSkillLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Companion total skill level does not meet requirement" }, { "Id": 20034073, "Key": "ConditionManagerPartnerTypeIsError", "Text": "Companion type error" }, { "Id": 20034074, "Key": "ConditionManagerRpgTeamLevelNotEnough", "Text": "20034074 Insufficient team level" }, { "Id": 20034075, "Key": "ConditionManagerPartnerHadNotOwner", "Text": "You never owned this CUB" }, { "Id": 20034076, "Key": "ConditionManagerSpTargetProgressNotEnough", "Text": "Target stage progress not reached" }, { "Id": 20034077, "Key": "ConditionManagerRegression2NotSatisfied", "Text": "20034077 New returning condition not met" }, { "Id": 20034078, "Key": "ConditionManagerCoupleCombatOccupyNotEnough", "Text": "20034078 Insufficient number of stages occupied" }, { "Id": 20034079, "Key": "ConditionManagerTimeIdNotEnough", "Text": "20034079 Event not available" }, { "Id": 20034080, "Key": "ConditionGoldenMinerUnlockNotEnough", "Text": "20034080 Insufficient points to unlock the miner" }, { "Id": 20036001, "Key": "RobotManagerInitCharacterQualityFail", "Text": "Robot class error" }, { "Id": 20036002, "Key": "RobotManagerInitCharacterLevelFail", "Text": "Robot level error" }, { "Id": 20036003, "Key": "RobotManagerInitCharacterGradeFail", "Text": "Robot rank error" }, { "Id": 20036004, "Key": "RobotManagerInitSkillLevelFail", "Text": "Robot skill error" }, { "Id": 20036005, "Key": "RobotManagerInitWeapoonLevelFail", "Text": "Invalid weapon level of robot" }, { "Id": 20036006, "Key": "RobotManagerInitWeapoonAweakenFail", "Text": "Invalid robot weapon awakening" }, { "Id": 20036007, "Key": "RobotManagerInitWeapoonBreakThroughFail", "Text": "Invalid robot weapon enhancement" }, { "Id": 20036008, "Key": "RobotManagerRobotNotExit", "Text": "Robot not found" }, { "Id": 20037001, "Key": "PersonalInfoQueryPlayerDataFail", "Text": "Failed to obtain personal info" }, { "Id": 20037002, "Key": "PersonalInfoWithoutPermission", "Text": "The Commandant has set a permission requirement" }, { "Id": 20037003, "Key": "PersonalInfoNoShowCharacterWithThisId", "Text": "No character on display" }, { "Id": 20037004, "Key": "PersonalInfoNoCharacterInfoWithThisId", "Text": "Character info not obtained" }, { "Id": 20038001, "Key": "DailyGiveALikeFail", "Text": "Failed to like" }, { "Id": 20038002, "Key": "DailyAddLikeSuccess", "Text": "Liked" }, { "Id": 20038003, "Key": "DailyDelLikeSuccess", "Text": "Failed to unlike" }, { "Id": 20038004, "Key": "DailyBanMsgFail", "Text": "Failed to mute" }, { "Id": 20039001, "Key": "BaseEquipTemplateNoFound", "Text": "HQ facility not found" }, { "Id": 20039002, "Key": "BaseEquipAttribPoolsNoFound", "Text": "Stats Pool settings not found" }, { "Id": 20039003, "Key": "BaseEquipBottomPoolTemplateNoFound", "Text": "Guarantee Pool settings not found" }, { "Id": 20039004, "Key": "BaseEquipNotFound", "Text": "HQ facility not founded" }, { "Id": 20039005, "Key": "BaseEquipEvaluated", "Text": "HQ facility has been evaluated" }, { "Id": 20039006, "Key": "BaseEquipNotEvaluate", "Text": "HQ facility has not been evaluated yet" }, { "Id": 20039007, "Key": "BaseEquipWasPutOn", "Text": "HQ facility is in use" }, { "Id": 20039008, "Key": "BaseEquipPutOnLevelLimit", "Text": "Level requirement of floor equipment" }, { "Id": 20040001, "Key": "BountyTaskHaveNoTask", "Text": "Mission does not exist" }, { "Id": 20040002, "Key": "BountyTaskUpperLimit", "Text": "Unable to accept any more missions as the number of missions has reached the limit" }, { "Id": 20040003, "Key": "BountyTaskHasAccept", "Text": "Mission accepted" }, { "Id": 20040004, "Key": "BountyTaskStatusError", "Text": "Bounty Mission status error" }, { "Id": 20040005, "Key": "BountyTaskRefreshUpperLimit", "Text": "Insufficient refresh attempts of Bounty Mission" }, { "Id": 20040006, "Key": "BountyTaskHaveNoTaskInTaskPool", "Text": "There is no Bounty Mission at the moment" }, { "Id": 20040007, "Key": "BountyTaskRefreshFail", "Text": "Failed to refresh Bounty Mission" }, { "Id": 20040008, "Key": "BountyTaskHadExpired", "Text": "Bounty Mission is now replaced by Operation Guardians" }, { "Id": 20041001, "Key": "TaskForceTaskPoolIsFull", "Text": "Mission list is full" }, { "Id": 20041002, "Key": "TaskForceCountLimit", "Text": "Number of dispatch teams has reached the limit" }, { "Id": 20041003, "Key": "TaskForceHaveNoThisTaskInTaskPool", "Text": "Mission does not exist" }, { "Id": 20041004, "Key": "TaskForceHaveNoThisTask", "Text": "Mission does not exist" }, { "Id": 20041005, "Key": "TaskForceCharacterLevelLimit", "Text": "Level of the dispatch team does not meet the requirement" }, { "Id": 20041006, "Key": "TaskForceTaskHasAccept", "Text": "Mission has been accepted" }, { "Id": 20041007, "Key": "TaskForceHaveNoCharacter", "Text": "Member does not exist" }, { "Id": 20041008, "Key": "TaskForceCharacterHasBeenDispatched", "Text": "Member being dispatched" }, { "Id": 20041009, "Key": "TaskForceNotAcceptThisTask", "Text": "Mission unaccepted" }, { "Id": 20041010, "Key": "TaskForceTaskWasCompleted", "Text": "Mission completed" }, { "Id": 20041011, "Key": "TaskForceTaskTheTaskIsNotCompleted", "Text": "Mission incomplete" }, { "Id": 20043001, "Key": "VoteGroupTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to obtain template data of the vote set" }, { "Id": 20043002, "Key": "VoteIsNotEffect", "Text": "Vote info does not exist" }, { "Id": 20043003, "Key": "VoteIsInvalid", "Text": "Failed to vote" }, { "Id": 20043004, "Key": "VoteIsClosed", "Text": "Vote closed" }, { "Id": 20043005, "Key": "VoteTimesIsUseUp", "Text": "Voted" }, { "Id": 20043006, "Key": "VoteIdUnknown", "Text": "Failed to vote" }, { "Id": 20044001, "Key": "ArenaActivityNotFound", "Text": "Event does not exist" }, { "Id": 20044002, "Key": "ArenaActivityIsLoading", "Text": "Loading data" }, { "Id": 20044003, "Key": "ArenaActivityFuncIsNotOpen", "Text": "Feature is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20044004, "Key": "ArenaActivityChallengeRegulatorNotFound", "Text": "War Zone manager does not exist" }, { "Id": 20044005, "Key": "ArenaActivityPlayerNotFound", "Text": "Player does not exist" }, { "Id": 20044006, "Key": "ArenaActivityPlayerHaveTeam", "Text": "Player is in a team already" }, { "Id": 20044007, "Key": "ArenaActivityTeamIsFull", "Text": "The team is full" }, { "Id": 20044008, "Key": "ArenaActivityPlayerIsInTeam", "Text": "You are already in the team" }, { "Id": 20044009, "Key": "ArenaActivityPlayerNotHaveChallengeId", "Text": "Suitable War Zone not found" }, { "Id": 20044010, "Key": "ArenaActivityArenaServiceIsNotFound", "Text": "Server error" }, { "Id": 20044011, "Key": "ArenaActivityTeamIsNotFound", "Text": "Team does not exist" }, { "Id": 20044012, "Key": "ArenaActivityTeamIsAlreadyApply", "Text": "Request Sent" }, { "Id": 20044013, "Key": "ArenaActivityIsNotCaptain", "Text": "Only team leader can do this" }, { "Id": 20044014, "Key": "ArenaActivityPlayerIsNotApply", "Text": "Not applied yet" }, { "Id": 20044015, "Key": "ArenaActivityPlayerIsNotInTeam", "Text": "You are not in a team" }, { "Id": 20044016, "Key": "ArenaActivityTargetIsNotFound", "Text": "Target does not exist" }, { "Id": 20044017, "Key": "ArenaActivityTargetHaveTeam", "Text": "The player is already in a team" }, { "Id": 20044018, "Key": "ArenaActivityPlayerIsNotInviter", "Text": "You are not invited" }, { "Id": 20044019, "Key": "ArenaActivityPlayerGroupNotFound", "Text": "Challenge team does not exist" }, { "Id": 20044020, "Key": "ArenaActivityAreaIsNotOpen", "Text": "The area is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20044021, "Key": "ArenaActivityAreaIsAlreadyUnlock", "Text": "The area has been unlocked" }, { "Id": 20044022, "Key": "ArenaActivityPlayerAlreadyJoin", "Text": "Joined" }, { "Id": 20044023, "Key": "ArenaActivityPlayerJoinFail", "Text": "Failed to join" }, { "Id": 20044024, "Key": "ArenaActivityStageIsError", "Text": "Stage error" }, { "Id": 20044025, "Key": "ArenaActivityChallengeIdIsNotExist", "Text": "War Zone ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20044026, "Key": "ArenaActivityAreaIsNotUnlock", "Text": "Area has not been unlocked yet" }, { "Id": 20044027, "Key": "ArenaActivityAreaIdIsNotFound", "Text": "Area does not exist" }, { "Id": 20044028, "Key": "ArenaActivityPreStageIsNotFinish", "Text": "Previous stage not complete" }, { "Id": 20044029, "Key": "ArenaActivityPlayerIsNotJoin", "Text": "You have not participated in the current event" }, { "Id": 20044030, "Key": "ArenaActivityPlayerIsNotJoinBefore", "Text": "You did not participate in the previous event" }, { "Id": 20044031, "Key": "ArenaActivityStatusIsCanNotOprea", "Text": "You cannot do this under the current state" }, { "Id": 20044032, "Key": "ArenaActivityStatusCanNotFight", "Text": "You cannot battle under the current state" }, { "Id": 20044033, "Key": "ArenaActivityNotHaveUnlockCount", "Text": "No unlock attempts" }, { "Id": 20044034, "Key": "ArenaActivityActivityRegulatorNotFound", "Text": "War Zone event does not exist" }, { "Id": 20044035, "Key": "ArenaActivityStageError", "Text": "Stage ID of War Zone error" }, { "Id": 20044036, "Key": "ArenaActivityChallengeAreaNotExist", "Text": "Operation failed" }, { "Id": 20044037, "Key": "ArenaGetRankFailed", "Text": "Invitation failed as the player has not entered the War Zone yet" }, { "Id": 20044038, "Key": "ArenaActivityOperateFail", "Text": "Operation failed" }, { "Id": 20044039, "Key": "ArenaActivityInviteTargetIsNotJoin", "Text": "Invitation failed as the player has not entered the War Zone yet" }, { "Id": 20044040, "Key": "ArenaActivityStageCanNotAutoFight", "Text": "Auto Clear is not available for this mission" }, { "Id": 20044041, "Key": "ArenaActivityStageAutoFightNotUnlock", "Text": "Auto Clear is locked for this mission" }, { "Id": 20044042, "Key": "ArenaActivityStageMaxPointCanNotAutoFight", "Text": "Auto Clear is not available for full score" }, { "Id": 20045001, "Key": "MatchCreateRoomFailed", "Text": "Failed to create room" }, { "Id": 20045002, "Key": "MatchLevelLimit", "Text": "Insufficient level" }, { "Id": 20045003, "Key": "MatchInvalidStageId", "Text": "Failed to create room" }, { "Id": 20045004, "Key": "MatchRoomIsFull", "Text": "The room is full" }, { "Id": 20045005, "Key": "MatchInvalidRoomId", "Text": "Invalid room Id" }, { "Id": 20045006, "Key": "MatchRoomNotFound", "Text": "Target room not found" }, { "Id": 20045007, "Key": "MatchRoomNotReady", "Text": "The room is not ready" }, { "Id": 20045008, "Key": "MatchRoomInFight", "Text": "Battle has started" }, { "Id": 20045009, "Key": "MatchPlayerAlreadyInMatchPool", "Text": "Matching" }, { "Id": 20045010, "Key": "MatchPlayerNotInMatchPool", "Text": "Not matching" }, { "Id": 20045011, "Key": "MatchPlayerAlreadyInRoom", "Text": "You are in a room already" }, { "Id": 20045012, "Key": "MatchPlayerNotInRoom", "Text": "You are not in a room" }, { "Id": 20045013, "Key": "MatchPlayerNotInThisRoom", "Text": "You are not in the room" }, { "Id": 20045014, "Key": "MatchPlayerStateError", "Text": "Status error" }, { "Id": 20045015, "Key": "MatchPlayerNotLeader", "Text": "You are not the Host" }, { "Id": 20045016, "Key": "MatchCanNotTransferLeaderToYourSelf", "Text": "You cannot appoint yourself as the Host" }, { "Id": 20045017, "Key": "MatchPlayerNotFound", "Text": "Target player not found" }, { "Id": 20045018, "Key": "MatchRoomLeaderForceLeave", "Text": "You were kicked out by the Host" }, { "Id": 20045019, "Key": "MatchRoomClose", "Text": "Room has been disbanded" }, { "Id": 20045020, "Key": "MatchStartTimeout", "Text": "You were kicked out due to long standby time" }, { "Id": 20045021, "Key": "MatchCharacterNotUnique", "Text": "Duplicate Constructs in the team" }, { "Id": 20045022, "Key": "MatchPlayerOffline", "Text": "Player is offline" }, { "Id": 20045023, "Key": "MatchPlayerIsMatching", "Text": "Matchmaking..." }, { "Id": 20045024, "Key": "MatchPlayerCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient players. Battle cannot begin" }, { "Id": 20045025, "Key": "MatchPlayerNotHaveSuitableCharacter", "Text": "Not suitable characters" }, { "Id": 20045026, "Key": "MatchMultiLevelControlNotExist", "Text": "20045026" }, { "Id": 20045027, "Key": "MatchServerMaintenance", "Text": "Online function maintenance, unable to conduct a match battle" }, { "Id": 20045028, "Key": "MatchClientVersionError", "Text": "Client version is too low, unable to conduct a match battle" }, { "Id": 20045029, "Key": "MatchStageInfoNotFound", "Text": "20045029 Corresponding StageInfo does not exist" }, { "Id": 20045030, "Key": "MatchRobotIdNotInStage", "Text": "20045030 Bot ID is not available in the stage" }, { "Id": 20045031, "Key": "MatchStageDontHaveRobotId", "Text": "20045031 Stage Bot ID not set" }, { "Id": 20045032, "Key": "MatchInvalidStageType", "Text": "20045032 Invalid matching stage type" }, { "Id": 20045033, "Key": "MatchInvalidStageIdAndStageType", "Text": "20045033 Invalid matching Stage ID or stage type" }, { "Id": 20045034, "Key": "MatchInvalidToManyMatchPlayers", "Text": "20045034 Too many players in matching" }, { "Id": 20045035, "Key": "MatchInvalidStageIdsNotTheSameType", "Text": "20045035 Different stage type of the stage matched" }, { "Id": 20046001, "Key": "ExploreChapterIsNotExist", "Text": "Exploration chapter does not exist" }, { "Id": 20046002, "Key": "ExploreChapterIsNotFinished", "Text": "Character already assigned to stationing" }, { "Id": 20046003, "Key": "ExplorePreChapterIsNotFinished", "Text": "Team empty. Unable to battle" }, { "Id": 20046004, "Key": "ExploreChapterRewardIsGot", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20046005, "Key": "ExploreChapterNodeIsNotExist", "Text": "Exploration point does not exist" }, { "Id": 20046006, "Key": "ExplorePreNodeIsNotFinished", "Text": "Complete the previous point first" }, { "Id": 20046007, "Key": "ExploreNodeIsFinished", "Text": "Stage completed" }, { "Id": 20046008, "Key": "ExploreEnduranceIsNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Stamina" }, { "Id": 20047001, "Key": "PayManagerGetPayTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Unable to find the corresponding recharge settings" }, { "Id": 20047002, "Key": "PayInsertReceiptFail", "Text": "Recharge error" }, { "Id": 20048001, "Key": "BranchChallengeIsNotExist", "Text": "Challenge ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20048002, "Key": "BranchPreStageNotFinish", "Text": "Previous stage not complete" }, { "Id": 20048003, "Key": "BranchFightIsEnd", "Text": "Battle time is over" }, { "Id": 20048004, "Key": "BranchSectionIdNotFound", "Text": "Side Challenge ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20048005, "Key": "BranchDifficultStageNotOpen", "Text": "Challenge difficulty is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20049001, "Key": "BossActivitySectionIsNotExist", "Text": "Boss chapter does not exist" }, { "Id": 20049002, "Key": "BossActivitySectionIsNotHaveStage", "Text": "The stage does not exist in this chapter" }, { "Id": 20049003, "Key": "BossActivitySectionPreStageNotFinish", "Text": "Previous stage not complete" }, { "Id": 20049004, "Key": "BossActivityIsEnd", "Text": "Battle period is over" }, { "Id": 20049005, "Key": "BossActivityStarRewardIdNotExist", "Text": "Reward claim ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20049006, "Key": "BossActivityTotalStartNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough stars claimed" }, { "Id": 20049007, "Key": "BossActivityStarRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20049008, "Key": "BossActivityRobotGroupNotFound", "Text": "20049008 Cannot find event bot group configuration" }, { "Id": 20049009, "Key": "BossActivityRobotIdNotInGroup", "Text": "20049009 The event bot group does not contain this ID" }, { "Id": 20050001, "Key": "SignIdIsNotExist", "Text": "Sign-in ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20050002, "Key": "SignIdIsClose", "Text": "Sign-in is over" }, { "Id": 20050003, "Key": "SignInfoNotFound", "Text": "Sign-in failed" }, { "Id": 20050004, "Key": "SignRewardIsGot", "Text": "Signed in" }, { "Id": 20050005, "Key": "SignRewardIsNotExist", "Text": "Sign-in reward does not exist" }, { "Id": 20051001, "Key": "ExperimentGroupIsEnd", "Text": "Trial is over" }, { "Id": 20051002, "Key": "ExperimentLevelIdError", "Text": "Invalid trial area Id" }, { "Id": 20051003, "Key": "ExperimentGroupNotOpen", "Text": "Trial is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20051004, "Key": "ExperimentIdNotHaveStarReward", "Text": "No star reward for experiment stage" }, { "Id": 20051005, "Key": "ExperimentStarRewardIdNotExist", "Text": "Star reward ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20051006, "Key": "ExperimentIdNotFinish", "Text": "Trial area stage not completed" }, { "Id": 20051007, "Key": "ExperimentStarNumNotExist", "Text": "Star reward does not exist" }, { "Id": 20051008, "Key": "ExperimentStarRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Stage not completed" }, { "Id": 20051009, "Key": "ExperimentStarNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient stars" }, { "Id": 20052001, "Key": "PracticeChapterIsNotFound", "Text": "Hidden chapter event not yet available" }, { "Id": 20052002, "Key": "PracticeChapterStageIsError", "Text": "Stage does not exist" }, { "Id": 20052003, "Key": "PracticePreStageNotFinish", "Text": "Previous stage not complete" }, { "Id": 20052004, "Key": "PracticeActivityStageNotFound", "Text": "20052004 Tutorial Stage of the stage not found" }, { "Id": 20053001, "Key": "PurchaseTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Pack settings not found" }, { "Id": 20053002, "Key": "PurchaseTimeNotEffect", "Text": "The pack is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20053003, "Key": "PurchaseTimeWasInvalid", "Text": "Invalid pack" }, { "Id": 20053004, "Key": "PurchaseWasUnShelve", "Text": "The pack is no longer available" }, { "Id": 20053005, "Key": "PurchaseBuyTimesLimit", "Text": "Purchase attempts have been expended" }, { "Id": 20053006, "Key": "PurchaseRemainDayLimit", "Text": "Remaining days until the next purchase" }, { "Id": 20053007, "Key": "PurchaseIntervalDayLimit", "Text": "The pack is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20053008, "Key": "PurchasePrePurchaseLimit", "Text": "Purchase requirement" }, { "Id": 20053009, "Key": "PurchasePrePurchaseIsOnSale", "Text": "You need to purchase the previous pack first" }, { "Id": 20053010, "Key": "PurchaseRecordNotFound", "Text": "Monthly Pass not purchased" }, { "Id": 20053011, "Key": "PurchaseDailyRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Daily reward claimed" }, { "Id": 20053012, "Key": "PurchaseDailyRewardExpire", "Text": "Monthly Pass expired" }, { "Id": 20053013, "Key": "PurchaseNotContainDailyReward", "Text": "Purchased item does not include daily reward" }, { "Id": 20053014, "Key": "PurchaseDiscountNotFound", "Text": "Pack discount not found" }, { "Id": 20053015, "Key": "PurchaseDiscountTimesLimit", "Text": "Discount expired. Please check again" }, { "Id": 20053016, "Key": "PurchaseDiscountCountLimit", "Text": "Discount coupon expired" }, { "Id": 20053017, "Key": "PurchaseAlreadyHaveForeverFashion", "Text": "You already own the permanent Coating and do not need to purchase again" }, { "Id": 20053018, "Key": "PurchaseRegression2NotInRegression", "Text": "20053018 Not in returning status" }, { "Id": 20053019, "Key": "PurchaseRegression2ActivityIdNotMatch", "Text": "20053019 Gift pack does not apply to the returning event" }, { "Id": 20053101, "Key": "PurchaseExistMutexItem", "Text": "Already own a conflicting product. Cannot purchase and replace it now." }, { "Id": 20054001, "Key": "CdKeyInvalid", "Text": "Invalid gift code, please check again." }, { "Id": 20054002, "Key": "CdKeyNotTimeYet", "Text": "Out of exchange period, please check again." }, { "Id": 20054003, "Key": "CdKeyTotalCountFull", "Text": "Gift code has been used, please check again." }, { "Id": 20054004, "Key": "CdKeyChannelWrong", "Text": "Invalid channel, please check again." }, { "Id": 20054005, "Key": "CdKeyPlayerCountFull", "Text": "You have claimed the reward already" }, { "Id": 20054006, "Key": "CdKeyTimeOut", "Text": "Gift code has expired, please check again." }, { "Id": 20054007, "Key": "CdKeyGetSameBatchType", "Text": "Can only be claimed once per account per event" }, { "Id": 20055001, "Key": "HeadPortraitTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Portrait settings not found" }, { "Id": 20055002, "Key": "HeadPortraitNotOwned", "Text": "You do not own this portrait" }, { "Id": 20055003, "Key": "HeadPortraitNotExist", "Text": "Portrait does not exist" }, { "Id": 20055004, "Key": "HeadPortraitTimeout", "Text": "Portrait expired" }, { "Id": 20055005, "Key": "HeadPortraitNotInTime", "Text": "Portrait invalid" }, { "Id": 20055501, "Key": "HeadFrameTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Portrait frame configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20055502, "Key": "HeadFrameNotOwned", "Text": "Portrait frame not yet unlocked" }, { "Id": 20055503, "Key": "HeadFrameNotExist", "Text": "Portrait frame does not exist" }, { "Id": 20055504, "Key": "HeadFrameTimeout", "Text": "Portrait frame expired" }, { "Id": 20055505, "Key": "HeadFrameNotInTime", "Text": "Portrait frame invalid" }, { "Id": 20057001, "Key": "FestivalActivityIsNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20057002, "Key": "FestivalActivityIsOver", "Text": "Event is over" }, { "Id": 20057003, "Key": "FestivalActivityIdNotFount", "Text": "Event is over" }, { "Id": 20058001, "Key": "RedEnvelopeActivityInvalid", "Text": "Invalid Gift Event" }, { "Id": 20058002, "Key": "RedEnvelopeActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20058003, "Key": "RedEnvelopeActivityHaveClose", "Text": "Event is over" }, { "Id": 20059001, "Key": "BabelTowerActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20059002, "Key": "BabelTowerActivityIsOver", "Text": "Event is over" }, { "Id": 20059003, "Key": "BabelTowerFightIsEnd", "Text": "Battle over" }, { "Id": 20059004, "Key": "BabelTowerStageIdError", "Text": "Stage ID error" }, { "Id": 20059005, "Key": "BabelTowerCharacterIsInOtherStage", "Text": "Construct has been locked in another stage" }, { "Id": 20059006, "Key": "BabelTowerSupportPointIsNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Support Points" }, { "Id": 20059007, "Key": "BabelTowerStageGuideIdError", "Text": "Stage Guide ID error" }, { "Id": 20059008, "Key": "BabelTowerPreGuideInNotFinish", "Text": "Complete the previous tutorial stage first" }, { "Id": 20059009, "Key": "BabelTowerGuideChallengeBuffError", "Text": "Challenge Buff setting error" }, { "Id": 20059010, "Key": "BabelTowerSelectChallengeBuffGroupError", "Text": "Challenge Buff Set setting error" }, { "Id": 20059011, "Key": "BabelTowerSelectChallengeBuffNotInGroup", "Text": "Challenge Buff not found" }, { "Id": 20059012, "Key": "BabelTowerSelectChallengeBuffGroupNotRepeat", "Text": "Cannot set duplicate Challenge Buff Set" }, { "Id": 20059013, "Key": "BabelTowerSelectChallengeBuffIsLocked", "Text": "TODO_BabelTowerSelectChallengeBuffIsLocked" }, { "Id": 20059014, "Key": "BabelTowerSelectSupportBuffGroupError", "Text": "Support Buff Set error" }, { "Id": 20059015, "Key": "BabelTowerSelectSupportBuffNotInGroup", "Text": "Support Buff not found" }, { "Id": 20059016, "Key": "BabelTowerSelectSupportBuffGroupNotRepeat", "Text": "Cannot set duplicate Support Buff Set" }, { "Id": 20059017, "Key": "BabelTowerCacheDataIsNull", "Text": "Please select stage data first" }, { "Id": 20059018, "Key": "BabelTowerStageIdIsNotSameCacheData", "Text": "Stage error" }, { "Id": 20059019, "Key": "BabelTowerPreStageIsNotFinished", "Text": "Previous stage not complete" }, { "Id": 20059020, "Key": "BabelTowerPreStageScoreNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient points from previous stage" }, { "Id": 20059021, "Key": "BabelTowerStageNotOpen", "Text": "The stage is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20059022, "Key": "BabelTowerPreFightTeamError", "Text": "Deployed team error" }, { "Id": 20059023, "Key": "BabelTowerTowerStageInfoIsNull", "Text": "Daily quest chapter not found" }, { "Id": 20059024, "Key": "BabelTowerTowerStageIsAlreadyReset", "Text": "Stage record deleted" }, { "Id": 20059025, "Key": "BabelTowerTowerStageIsNotReset", "Text": "Stage record not deleted" }, { "Id": 20059026, "Key": "BabelTowerTeamCharacterIdIsBanned", "Text": "Forbidden characters in team" }, { "Id": 20059027, "Key": "BabelTowerNoRank", "Text": "Current event has no ranking" }, { "Id": 20059028, "Key": "BabelTowerGetRankInfoFail", "Text": "Failed to retrieve ranking" }, { "Id": 20059029, "Key": "BabelTowerBuffGroupCfgNotExist", "Text": "Buff group settings not found" }, { "Id": 20059030, "Key": "BabelTowerStageTeamDataNotFound", "Text": "Team info not found" }, { "Id": 20059031, "Key": "BabelTowerStageTeamIdError", "Text": "Team ID error" }, { "Id": 20059032, "Key": "BabelTowerStageTeamIdNotUnlock", "Text": "Team locked" }, { "Id": 20059033, "Key": "BabelTowerStageLevelNotExist", "Text": "Stage difficulty not found" }, { "Id": 20059034, "Key": "BabelTowerCanNotFindStageExtraId", "Text": "20059034 Stage expansion ID not found" }, { "Id": 20059035, "Key": "BabelTowerWrongActivityId", "Text": "20059035 Wrong event ID" }, { "Id": 20059036, "Key": "BabelTowerCanNotFindActivityTemplate", "Text": "20059036 Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20059037, "Key": "BabelTowerTeamLimitCount", "Text": "20059037 Exceeding the deployment limit" }, { "Id": 20059038, "Key": "BabelTowerStageLevelNotUnlock", "Text": "20059038 Babel Tower Difficulty is locked" }, { "Id": 20059039, "Key": "BabelTowerGlobalUnlockNotFound", "Text": "20059039 Babel Tower does not have the corresponding global unlocking configuration" }, { "Id": 20060001, "Key": "DormDormitoryHasActivated", "Text": "The room has been activated" }, { "Id": 20060002, "Key": "DormCannotFindDormitoryTemplate", "Text": "Room settings not found" }, { "Id": 20060003, "Key": "DormItemNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient items" }, { "Id": 20060004, "Key": "DormDormitoryNotActivated", "Text": "The room has not been activated yet" }, { "Id": 20060005, "Key": "DormInvalidFurnitureId", "Text": "Invalid decor ID" }, { "Id": 20060006, "Key": "DormGetRandomFurnitureConfigIdFails", "Text": "Failed to obtain decor settings ID randomly" }, { "Id": 20060007, "Key": "DormGetFurnitureTemplateFails", "Text": "Failed to obtain decor settings" }, { "Id": 20060008, "Key": "DormStringInvalid", "Text": "Contains illegal characters" }, { "Id": 20060009, "Key": "DormCharacterIdInvalid", "Text": "Invalid member ID" }, { "Id": 20060010, "Key": "DormCharacterEventTemplateIdInvalid", "Text": "Member event configuration not found " }, { "Id": 20060011, "Key": "DormCharacterEventTypeTemplateIdInvalid", "Text": "Member event configuration type not found " }, { "Id": 20060012, "Key": "DormCharacterEventNotExist", "Text": "Member event does not exist" }, { "Id": 20060013, "Key": "DormGetFurnitureReturnFails", "Text": "Failed to recycle decor" }, { "Id": 20060014, "Key": "DormGetFurnitureLevelReturnFails", "Text": "Failed to recycle decor level" }, { "Id": 20060015, "Key": "DormGetFurnitureRandomAdditionAttrFails", "Text": "Failed to obtain extra random boosts of decor stats" }, { "Id": 20060016, "Key": "DormEventRateFails", "Text": "Dormitory event rate not met" }, { "Id": 20060017, "Key": "DormEventCdFails", "Text": "Dormitory event in cool down" }, { "Id": 20060018, "Key": "DormEventDailyCountFails", "Text": "Dormitory event has reached the daily limit" }, { "Id": 20060019, "Key": "DormEventWeekCountFails", "Text": "Dormitory event has reached the weekly limit" }, { "Id": 20060020, "Key": "DormEventMoodNotFit", "Text": "Required Mood for dormitory event not met" }, { "Id": 20060021, "Key": "DormEventVitalityNotFit", "Text": "Required Stamina for dormitory event not met" }, { "Id": 20060022, "Key": "DormCreateFurnitureBaseDataFails", "Text": "Insert at least 3 Decor Coin" }, { "Id": 20060023, "Key": "DormVisitSelfDorm", "Text": "You cannot visit your own dormitory" }, { "Id": 20060024, "Key": "DormRecommendCd", "Text": "Refresh in cool down" }, { "Id": 20060025, "Key": "DormCharacterWorking", "Text": "Construct is working" }, { "Id": 20060026, "Key": "DormCharacterVitalityNotEnough", "Text": "Stamina of the Construct is insufficient" }, { "Id": 20060027, "Key": "DormCharacterNotWorking", "Text": "Construct is at leisure" }, { "Id": 20060028, "Key": "DormFurnitureCreating", "Text": "There has been a decor under construction" }, { "Id": 20060029, "Key": "DormFurnitureCreatePosInvalid", "Text": "Invalid position to build" }, { "Id": 20060030, "Key": "DormNoFurnitureCreating", "Text": "No decor is under construction" }, { "Id": 20060031, "Key": "DormFurnitureCreateNotComplete", "Text": "Decor is still under construction" }, { "Id": 20060032, "Key": "DormCharacterFull", "Text": "Dormitory is full" }, { "Id": 20060033, "Key": "DormCharacterNotInDormitory", "Text": "Construct is not in the room" }, { "Id": 20060034, "Key": "DormCharacterNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient dormitory residents" }, { "Id": 20060035, "Key": "DormInvalidFurnitureAttrType", "Text": "Invalid type" }, { "Id": 20060036, "Key": "DormFurnitureAttrNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient room decor stats" }, { "Id": 20060037, "Key": "DormFurnitureTypeNotSame", "Text": "Type of decor to refit mismatched" }, { "Id": 20060038, "Key": "DormCannotFindWorkTemplate", "Text": "Working settings not found" }, { "Id": 20060039, "Key": "DormWorkSeatNotEnough", "Text": "Working spaces are full" }, { "Id": 20060040, "Key": "DormRequestDataInvalid", "Text": "Invalid request protocol" }, { "Id": 20060041, "Key": "DormCharacterHaveInDormitory", "Text": "Construct is already in the dormitory" }, { "Id": 20060042, "Key": "DormWorkPosIsUsing", "Text": "The working space has been occupied" }, { "Id": 20060043, "Key": "DormLoadPlayerFails", "Text": "Failed to load data of visiting player" }, { "Id": 20060044, "Key": "DormCharacterRewardTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Dormitory Corrupted reward settings not found" }, { "Id": 20060045, "Key": "DormCharacterMoodNotEnough", "Text": "Resident's Mood too low" }, { "Id": 20060046, "Key": "DormNoCharacterCanVisit", "Text": "No accessible members" }, { "Id": 20060047, "Key": "DormGetFurnitureRewardTemplateFails", "Text": "Dormitory Decor reward settings not found" }, { "Id": 20060048, "Key": "DormInvalidFurnitureLayout", "Text": "Dormitory template not found" }, { "Id": 20060049, "Key": "DormCollectLayoutFull", "Text": "Dormitory collection full" }, { "Id": 20060050, "Key": "DormLayoutBindNothing", "Text": "Please link to the dormitory needed" }, { "Id": 20060051, "Key": "DormCreateCountTooMuch", "Text": "Max number of dormitories reached" }, { "Id": 20060052, "Key": "DormPutFurnitureCTooMuch", "Text": "Furniture exceeds dormitory capacity" }, { "Id": 20060053, "Key": "DormEncodeFurnitureLayoutItemListFailed", "Text": "Failed to generate Decor sharing code" }, { "Id": 20060054, "Key": "DormInvalidSnapshotId", "Text": "Invalid sharing code" }, { "Id": 20060055, "Key": "DormSnapshotTimesLimited", "Text": "Sharing limit reached" }, { "Id": 20060056, "Key": "DormWrongVisitId", "Text": "Unable to visit this dormitory" }, { "Id": 20060057, "Key": "DormFurnitureIsLocked", "Text": "20060057 Decor locked. Unable to perform operation" }, { "Id": 20060058, "Key": "DormFondleInvalidCharacterId", "Text": "20060058 Invalid Construct ID for dormitory patting" }, { "Id": 20060059, "Key": "DormFondleInvalidType", "Text": "20060059 Invalid type for dormitory pat" }, { "Id": 20060060, "Key": "DormRenameBanned", "Text": "Dormitory naming feature disabled. Contact the customer services to modify." }, { "Id": 20060061, "Key": "DormGotCharacterId", "Text": "Omniframe owned" }, { "Id": 20060062, "Key": "DormNotGotCharacterId", "Text": "Omniframe not owned" }, { "Id": 20060063, "Key": "DormDecomposeOverLimitCount", "Text": "20060063 Scrap quantity exceeds the limit" }, { "Id": 20061001, "Key": "GachaTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Card draw matrix configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20061002, "Key": "GachaRewardUseUp", "Text": "Card draw matrix reward used up" }, { "Id": 20061003, "Key": "GachaNotOpen", "Text": "Card draw matrix not available" }, { "Id": 20061004, "Key": "GachaClosed", "Text": "Card draw matrix closed" }, { "Id": 20061005, "Key": "GachaTimesUseUp", "Text": "Card draw matrix attempts used up" }, { "Id": 20061006, "Key": "GachaTimesNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient card draw matrix attempts" }, { "Id": 20061007, "Key": "GachaOpenNeedGainAllPreMainReward", "Text": "Unlock after gaining all core rewards in the previous mystery box machine" }, { "Id": 20061008, "Key": "GachaOrganizeNotFound", "Text": "Mystery Box Group configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20061009, "Key": "GachaOrganizeNotFoundStartGacha", "Text": "Primary Mystery Box Machine in Mystery Box Group not found" }, { "Id": 20062001, "Key": "RepeatChallengeNotOpen", "Text": "Event rerun is not yet available" }, { "Id": 20062002, "Key": "RepeatChallengeActivityCfgIsNull", "Text": "Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20062003, "Key": "RepeatChallengeStageCfgIsNull", "Text": "Stage does not exist" }, { "Id": 20062004, "Key": "RepeatChallengeChapterCfgIsNull", "Text": "Hidden chapter event not yet available" }, { "Id": 20062005, "Key": "RepeatChallengeChapterNotInNormalChapterIds", "Text": "Normal chapter settings error" }, { "Id": 20062006, "Key": "RepeatChallengeChapterNotInHideChapterIds", "Text": "Abyss chapter settings error" }, { "Id": 20062007, "Key": "RepeatChallengeChapterIsFinished", "Text": "This chapter has been completed" }, { "Id": 20062008, "Key": "RepeatChallengeCountError", "Text": "Challenge attempt error" }, { "Id": 20062009, "Key": "RepeatChallengeLevelCfgIsNull", "Text": "Level settings not found" }, { "Id": 20062010, "Key": "RepeatChallengePreFightIsNull", "Text": "Prebattle data not found" }, { "Id": 20062011, "Key": "RepeatChallengeFirstPassLimitCount", "Text": "1st time challenge is limited to 1 attempt" }, { "Id": 20062012, "Key": "RepeatChallengeRewardNotExist", "Text": "Reward configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20062013, "Key": "RepeatChallengeRewardIsGot", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20062014, "Key": "RepeatChallengeResultChallengeCountError", "Text": "Tally error" }, { "Id": 20062015, "Key": "MultiChallengeCfgIsNotFound", "Text": "Multiple challenge settings not found" }, { "Id": 20062016, "Key": "RepeatChallengeHideChapterNotOpen", "Text": "Abyss chapter is not yet available" }, { "Id": 20062017, "Key": "RepeatChallengeChapterNotOpen", "Text": "Chapter locked" }, { "Id": 20062018, "Key": "RepeatChallengeHideConditionNotSatisfy", "Text": "Hidden chapter requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20063001, "Key": "GuildServiceUnavaliable", "Text": "Command Bureau server error" }, { "Id": 20063002, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildNameIsNull", "Text": "Command Bureau name cannot be blank" }, { "Id": 20063003, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildNameLengthError", "Text": "Command Bureau name length requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20063004, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildNameInvalid", "Text": "Command Bureau name contains illegal characters" }, { "Id": 20063005, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildDeclarationIsNull", "Text": "Command Bureau notice cannot be blank" }, { "Id": 20063006, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildDeclarationLengthError", "Text": "Command Bureau notice too long" }, { "Id": 20063007, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildDeclarationInvalid", "Text": "Command Bureau notice contains illegal characters" }, { "Id": 20063008, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildIconIdIsZero", "Text": "Select an icon for Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063009, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildInCreating", "Text": "Command Bureau being created. Try again later" }, { "Id": 20063010, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildPlayerHasGuild", "Text": "Failed to create Command Bureau as you have already joined one" }, { "Id": 20063011, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildGuildExists", "Text": "Command Bureau name already in use" }, { "Id": 20063012, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildNameDuplicated", "Text": "Command Bureau name already exists" }, { "Id": 20063013, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildPlayerIdDuplicated", "Text": "Failed to create Command Bureau as you have already joined another one" }, { "Id": 20063014, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildIdDuplicated", "Text": "Command Bureau name already in use" }, { "Id": 20063015, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildDataAsyncError", "Text": "Failed to create Command Bureau data" }, { "Id": 20063016, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildInCd", "Text": "You can only join a new Command Bureau after leaving the current Command Bureau for 8 hours" }, { "Id": 20063017, "Key": "GuildCreateErrorHeadPortrait", "Text": "Command Bureau portrait does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063018, "Key": "GuildCreateNotEnoughCost", "Text": "Insufficient currency. Unable to create" }, { "Id": 20063019, "Key": "GuildCreateServiceException", "Text": "Failed to create Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063020, "Key": "GuildCreateGuildInternalError", "Text": "Cannot create Command Bureau data" }, { "Id": 20063021, "Key": "GuildApplyInCd", "Text": "You can only join a new Command Bureau after leaving the current Command Bureau for 8 hours" }, { "Id": 20063022, "Key": "GuildApplyPlyaerHasGuild", "Text": "Request failed. Already joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063023, "Key": "GuildApplyPlyaerApplyMaxCount", "Text": "Sending requests to too many Command Bureaus at the same time" }, { "Id": 20063024, "Key": "GuildApplyApplyDuplicated", "Text": "Application submitted. Please wait" }, { "Id": 20063025, "Key": "GuildApplyServiceException", "Text": "Request failed. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063026, "Key": "GuildApplyGuildNotExist", "Text": "The player's Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063027, "Key": "GuildApplyGuildApplyMaxCount", "Text": "The player's Command Bureau request list is full" }, { "Id": 20063028, "Key": "GuildApplyReachCapacity", "Text": "Request failed. The Command Bureau is full" }, { "Id": 20063029, "Key": "GuildAckApplyAckHasNotGuild", "Text": "Approval failed. Not in Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063030, "Key": "GuildAckApplyAckGuildNotExist", "Text": "Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063031, "Key": "GuildAckApplyAckNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Approval failed. Not in Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063032, "Key": "GuildAckApplyAckLessRank", "Text": "No approval authority" }, { "Id": 20063033, "Key": "GuildAckApplyApplicantHasGuild", "Text": "The player has joined another Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063034, "Key": "GuildAckApplyNotApply", "Text": "Player has not yet sent a request" }, { "Id": 20063035, "Key": "GuildAckApplyReachCapacity", "Text": "Command Bureau full" }, { "Id": 20063036, "Key": "GuildAckApplyServiceException", "Text": "Approval failed. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063037, "Key": "GuildApplyBanApply", "Text": "Request denied by the player's Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063038, "Key": "GuildApplyLessLevel", "Text": "You do not meet the level requirement to join this Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063039, "Key": "GuildApplyPass", "Text": "You do not meet the level requirement to join this Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063040, "Key": "GuildListRecommendHasGuild", "Text": "Failed to recommend as you are already a member of Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063041, "Key": "GuildListRecommendServiceException", "Text": "Failed to recommend due to unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063042, "Key": "GuildListDetailGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to view detail as Command Bureau has disbanded" }, { "Id": 20063043, "Key": "GuildListDetailPlayerNotInGuild", "Text": "Failed to view detail as you are not in Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063044, "Key": "GuildListDetailServiceException", "Text": "Failed to view detail due to unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063045, "Key": "GuildChangeIconHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to change icon as you have not joined Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063046, "Key": "GuildChangeIconGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to change icon as Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063047, "Key": "GuildChangeIconNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to change icon as you are not in Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063048, "Key": "GuildChangeIconLessRank", "Text": "Failed to change icon due to insufficient authority" }, { "Id": 20063049, "Key": "GuildChangeIconErrorHeadPortrait", "Text": "Wrong portrait. Failed to change Command Bureau icon" }, { "Id": 20063050, "Key": "GuildChangeIconServiceException", "Text": "Failed to change icon due to unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063051, "Key": "GuildChangeDeclarationHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to change notice as you have not joined Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063052, "Key": "GuildChangeDeclarationLengthError", "Text": "Failed to change notice as length limit is exceeded" }, { "Id": 20063053, "Key": "GuildChangeDeclarationInvalid", "Text": "Failed to change notice as illegal characters were detected" }, { "Id": 20063054, "Key": "GuildChangeDeclarationGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to change notice as Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063055, "Key": "GuildChangeDeclarationNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to change notice as you are not in Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063056, "Key": "GuildChangeDeclarationLessRank", "Text": "Failed to change notice due to insufficient authority" }, { "Id": 20063057, "Key": "GuildChangeDeclarationServiceException", "Text": "Failed to change notice due to unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063058, "Key": "GuildChangeDeclarationIsBanned", "Text": "Unable to edit this message. Please contact customer services" }, { "Id": 20063059, "Key": "GuildChangeRankNameHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to change Command Bureau position name. You have not joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063060, "Key": "GuildChangeRankNameInvalid", "Text": "Failed to change Command Bureau position name as it contains illegal characters" }, { "Id": 20063061, "Key": "GuildChangeRankNameGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to change Command Bureau position name. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063062, "Key": "GuildChangeRankNameNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to change Command Bureau position name. You are not in this Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063063, "Key": "GuildChangeRankNameLessRank", "Text": "Failed to change Command Bureau position name. Insufficient authority level" }, { "Id": 20063064, "Key": "GuildChangeRankNameServiceException", "Text": "Failed to change Command Bureau position name. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063065, "Key": "GuildReleaseWishHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to publish wish. You have not joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063066, "Key": "GuildReleaseWishErrorItemId", "Text": "Failed to publish wish. Incorrect item ID" }, { "Id": 20063067, "Key": "GuildReleaseWishMaxCount", "Text": "Failed to publish wish. Wish limit reached" }, { "Id": 20063068, "Key": "GuildReleaseWishGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to publish wish. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063069, "Key": "GuildReleaseWishNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to publish wish. You are not in this Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063070, "Key": "GuildReleaseWishServiceException", "Text": "Failed to publish wish. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063071, "Key": "GuildListWishGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to view wish. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063072, "Key": "GuildListWishHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to view wish. You have not joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063073, "Key": "GuildListWishServiceException", "Text": "Failed to view wish. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063074, "Key": "GuildWishContributeGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to donate for wish. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063075, "Key": "GuildWishContributeHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to donate for wish. You have not joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063076, "Key": "GuildWishContributeItemNotEnough", "Text": "Failed to donate for wish. You don't have enough items" }, { "Id": 20063077, "Key": "GuildWishContributeCantToSelf", "Text": "Failed to donate for wish. You cannot donate to yourself" }, { "Id": 20063078, "Key": "GuildWishContributeNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to donate for wish. You are not in this Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063079, "Key": "GuildWishContributeMaxCount", "Text": "Failed to donate for wish. Donation limit reached" }, { "Id": 20063080, "Key": "GuildWishContributeErrorWish", "Text": "Failed to donate for wish. Unable to find wish data" }, { "Id": 20063081, "Key": "GuildWishContributeOnlyOnce", "Text": "Failed to donate for wish. You cannot donate to multiple wishes" }, { "Id": 20063082, "Key": "GuildWishContributeServiceException", "Text": "Failed to donate for wish. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063083, "Key": "GuildChangeRankHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to change position. You have not joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063084, "Key": "GuildChangeRankCantToSelf", "Text": "Failed to change position. You cannot change your own position" }, { "Id": 20063085, "Key": "GuildChangeRankErrorNewRank", "Text": "Failed to change position. New position data error" }, { "Id": 20063086, "Key": "GuildChangeRankGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to change position. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063087, "Key": "GuildChangeRankNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to change position. You are not in this Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063088, "Key": "GuildChangeRankOtherNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to change position. The target player is not in this Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063089, "Key": "GuildChangeRankSameRank", "Text": "Failed to change position. Your position and the target player's position are the same" }, { "Id": 20063090, "Key": "GuildChangeRankLevelLtOther", "Text": "Failed to change position. Your position is below the target player's position" }, { "Id": 20063091, "Key": "GuildChangeRankLevelLtOtherNew", "Text": "Failed to change position. Your position is below the new position" }, { "Id": 20063092, "Key": "GuildChangeRankMaxCount", "Text": "Failed to change position. Position change limit reached" }, { "Id": 20063093, "Key": "GuildChangeRankServiceException", "Text": "Failed to change position. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063094, "Key": "GuildQuitHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to leave Command Bureau. You have not joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063095, "Key": "GuildQuitGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to leave Command Bureau. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063096, "Key": "GuildQuitNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to leave Command Bureau. You are not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063097, "Key": "GuildQuitLeaderCantQuit", "Text": "Failed to leave Command Bureau. The leader cannot leave the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063098, "Key": "GuildQuitServiceException", "Text": "Failed to leave Command Bureau. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063099, "Key": "GuildKickMemberHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to remove member. You have not joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063100, "Key": "GuildKickMemberGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to remove member. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063101, "Key": "GuildKickMemberKickSelf", "Text": "Failed to remove member. You cannot remove yourself" }, { "Id": 20063102, "Key": "GuildKickMemberOfficerNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to remove member. You are not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063103, "Key": "GuildKickMemberLessRank", "Text": "Failed to remove member. Insufficient authority level" }, { "Id": 20063104, "Key": "GuildKickMemberOtherNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to remove member. The target player is not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063105, "Key": "GuildKickMemberRankLtOther", "Text": "Failed to remove member. Your position is below the target player's position" }, { "Id": 20063106, "Key": "GuildKickMemberRunOut", "Text": "Failed to remove member. You can only remove up to 10 commandants per day" }, { "Id": 20063107, "Key": "GuildKickMemberServiceException", "Text": "Failed to remove member. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063108, "Key": "GuildListNewsHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to view Command Bureau news. You have not joined the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063109, "Key": "GuildListNewsGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to view Command Bureau news. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063110, "Key": "GuildListNewsServiceException", "Text": "Failed to view Command Bureau news. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063111, "Key": "GuildGiveLikeHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to like Command Bureau. You have not joined the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063112, "Key": "GuildGiveLikeGiveSelf", "Text": "Failed to like Command Bureau. You cannot like yourself" }, { "Id": 20063113, "Key": "GuildGiveLikeGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to like Command Bureau. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063114, "Key": "GuildGiveLikePlayerNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to like Command Bureau. You are not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063115, "Key": "GuildGiveLikeOtherNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to like Command Bureau. The target player is not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063116, "Key": "GuildGiveLikeItemNotEnough", "Text": "Failed to like Command Bureau. You don't have enough items" }, { "Id": 20063117, "Key": "GuildGiveLikeServiceException", "Text": "Failed to like Command Bureau. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063118, "Key": "GuildImpeachHasNotGuild", "Text": "Impeachment failed. You have not joined the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063119, "Key": "GuildImpeachPlayerNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Impeachment failed. You are not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063120, "Key": "GuildImpeachSelf", "Text": "Impeachment failed. You cannot impeach yourself" }, { "Id": 20063121, "Key": "GuildImpeachErrorDuration", "Text": "Impeachment failed. The Commander-in-Chief has returned" }, { "Id": 20063122, "Key": "GuildImpeachDuplicated", "Text": "Impeachment failed. You cannot impeach multiple times" }, { "Id": 20063123, "Key": "GuildChangeImpeachServiceException", "Text": "Impeachment failed. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063124, "Key": "GuildRejeactImpeachHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to reject impeachment. You have not joined the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063125, "Key": "GuildChangeScriptHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to change the message to new members. You have not joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063126, "Key": "GuildChangeScriptErrorIndex", "Text": "Failed to change the message to new members. Incorrect index" }, { "Id": 20063127, "Key": "GuildChangeScriptInvalid", "Text": "Failed to change the message to new members. The message contains illegal characters" }, { "Id": 20063128, "Key": "GuildChangeScriptErrorLength", "Text": "Failed to change the message to new members. The message length does not meet the requirement" }, { "Id": 20063129, "Key": "GuildChangeScriptMaxCount", "Text": "Failed to change the message to new members. Message limit reached" }, { "Id": 20063130, "Key": "GuildChangeScriptGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to change the message to new members. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063131, "Key": "GuildChangeScriptOfficerNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to change the message to new members. You are not in this Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063132, "Key": "GuildChangeScriptLessRank", "Text": "Failed to change the message to new members. Insufficient authority level" }, { "Id": 20063133, "Key": "GuildChangeScriptServiceException", "Text": "Failed to change the message to new members. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063134, "Key": "GuildListScriptHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to view message list. You have not joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063135, "Key": "GuildListScriptGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to view message list. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063136, "Key": "GuildListScriptOfficerNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to view message list. You are not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063137, "Key": "GuildListScriptLessRank", "Text": "Failed to view message list. Insufficient authority level" }, { "Id": 20063138, "Key": "GuildListScriptServiceException", "Text": "Failed to view message list. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063139, "Key": "GuildTouristPlayerHasGuild", "Text": "Guest visit failed. You have already joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063140, "Key": "GuildTouristTouristHasGuild", "Text": "The guest has already joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063141, "Key": "GuildTouristGuildNotExist", "Text": "Guest visit failed. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063142, "Key": "GuildTouristTryAddFailed", "Text": "Guest visit failed. Failed to add guest" }, { "Id": 20063143, "Key": "GuildTouristMaxCount", "Text": "Guest visit failed. Guest limit reached" }, { "Id": 20063144, "Key": "GuildQuitTouristHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to leave guest visit. You have not joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063145, "Key": "GuildQuitTouristNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to leave guest visit. You are not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063146, "Key": "GuildRecruitRecommendHasNotGuild", "Text": "Recruit recommendation failed. You have not joined the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063147, "Key": "GuildRecruitRecommendException", "Text": "Recruit recommendation failed. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063148, "Key": "GuildRecruitRecommendGuildNotExist", "Text": "Recruit recommendation failed. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063149, "Key": "GuildRecruitRecommendOfficerNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Recruit recommendation failed. You are not in this Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063150, "Key": "GuildRecruitRecommendLessRank", "Text": "Recruit recommendation failed. Insufficient authority level" }, { "Id": 20063151, "Key": "GuildRecruitRecommendNeedRefresh", "Text": "Please refresh recruit recommendation" }, { "Id": 20063152, "Key": "GuildUpdateRecruitRecommendGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to refresh recruit recommendation. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063153, "Key": "GuildUpdateRecruitRecommendOfficerNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to refresh recruit recommendation. You are not in this Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063154, "Key": "GuildUpdateRecruitRecommendLessRank", "Text": "Failed to refresh recruit recommendation. Insufficient authority level" }, { "Id": 20063155, "Key": "GuildRecruitHasNotGuild", "Text": "Recruit failed. You have not joined the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063156, "Key": "GuildRecruitServiceException", "Text": "Recruit failed. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063157, "Key": "GuildRecruitGuildNotExist", "Text": "Recruit failed. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063158, "Key": "GuildRecruitOfficerNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Recruit failed. You are not in this Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063159, "Key": "GuildRecruitLessRank", "Text": "Recruit failed. Insufficient authority level" }, { "Id": 20063160, "Key": "GuildRecruitPlayerHasGuild", "Text": "The target player has joined another Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063161, "Key": "GuildRecruitPlayerNotInRecommend", "Text": "The target player is not in the recruit list" }, { "Id": 20063162, "Key": "GuildRecruitDuplicated", "Text": "Duplicate recruit request" }, { "Id": 20063163, "Key": "GuildRecruitGuildMaxCount", "Text": "Recruit failed. Command Bureau daily recruit limit reached" }, { "Id": 20063164, "Key": "GuildListRecruitHasGuild", "Text": "You have already joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063165, "Key": "GuildListRecruitServiceException", "Text": "Failed to view recruit list. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063166, "Key": "GuildAckRecruitHasGuild", "Text": "You have already joined this Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063167, "Key": "GuildAckRecruitServiceException", "Text": "Failed to confirm recruitment. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063168, "Key": "GuildAckRecruitGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to respond to recruit. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063169, "Key": "GuildAckRecruitNoRecruit", "Text": "Failed to respond to recruit. Recruit message not found" }, { "Id": 20063170, "Key": "GuildAckRecruitReachCapacity", "Text": "Failed to respond to recruit. The Command Bureau is full" }, { "Id": 20063171, "Key": "GuildAckRecruitInCd", "Text": "You can only join a new Command Bureau after leaving the current Command Bureau for 8 hours" }, { "Id": 20063172, "Key": "GuildLevelUpHasNotGuild", "Text": "Command Bureau upgrade failed. You have not joined the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063173, "Key": "GuildLevelUpServiceException", "Text": "Command Bureau upgrade failed. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063174, "Key": "GuildLevelUpGuildNotExist", "Text": "Command Bureau upgrade failed. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063175, "Key": "GuildLevelUpOfficerNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Command Bureau upgrade failed. You are not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063176, "Key": "GuildLevelUpLessRank", "Text": "Command Bureau upgrade failed. Insufficient authority level" }, { "Id": 20063177, "Key": "GuildLevelUpLessBuild", "Text": "Command Bureau upgrade failed. Insufficient construction level" }, { "Id": 20063178, "Key": "GuildLevelUpMaxLevel", "Text": "Command Bureau upgrade failed. Command Bureau has reached the max level" }, { "Id": 20063179, "Key": "GuildPayMaintainHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to pay maintenance fee. You have not joined the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063180, "Key": "GuildPayMaintainServiceException", "Text": "Failed to pay maintenance fee. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063181, "Key": "GuildPayMaintainGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to pay maintenance fee. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063182, "Key": "GuildPayMaintainOfficerNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to pay maintenance fee. You are not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063183, "Key": "GuildPayMaintainLessRank", "Text": "Failed to pay maintenance fee. Insufficient authority level" }, { "Id": 20063184, "Key": "GuildPayMaintainNotEmergency", "Text": "Unable to pay maintenance fee outside emergency maintenance" }, { "Id": 20063185, "Key": "GuildPayMaintainLessContribute", "Text": "Failed to pay maintenance fee. Insufficient contribution" }, { "Id": 20063186, "Key": "GuildAddContributeHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to increase contribution. You have not joined the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063187, "Key": "GuildAddContributeServiceException", "Text": "Failed to increase contribution. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063188, "Key": "GuildAddContributeGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to increase contribution. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063189, "Key": "GuildListApplyHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to retrieve application list. You have not joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063190, "Key": "GuildListApplyServiceException", "Text": "Failed to retrieve application list. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063191, "Key": "GuildListApplyGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to retrieve application list. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063192, "Key": "GuildListApplyOfficerNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to retrieve application list. You are not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063193, "Key": "GuildListApplyLessRank", "Text": "Failed to retrieve application list. Insufficient authority level" }, { "Id": 20063194, "Key": "GuildAddContributePlayerNotInGuild", "Text": "Failed to increase contribution. You are not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063195, "Key": "GuildGetGiftHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to claim activity pack. You have not joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063196, "Key": "GuildGetGiftServiceException", "Text": "Failed to claim activity pack. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063197, "Key": "GuildGetGiftInTwoGuild", "Text": "Failed to claim activity pack. You cannot claim the pack from another Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063198, "Key": "GuildGetGiftGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to claim activity pack. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063199, "Key": "GuildGetGiftNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to claim activity pack. You are not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063200, "Key": "GuildGetGiftGiftNotExist", "Text": "Failed to claim activity pack. The pack does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063201, "Key": "GuildGetGiftLessContribute", "Text": "Failed to claim activity pack. Insufficient contribution" }, { "Id": 20063202, "Key": "GuildGetGiftDuplicated", "Text": "Failed to claim contribution pack. You have already claimed it" }, { "Id": 20063203, "Key": "GuildGetContributeRewardHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to claim contribution reward. You have not joined a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063204, "Key": "GuildGetContributeRewardGot", "Text": "Failed to claim contribution reward. You have already claimed this reward" }, { "Id": 20063205, "Key": "GuildGetContributeRewardServiceException", "Text": "Failed to claim contribution reward. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063206, "Key": "GuildGetContributeRewardNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to claim contribution reward. You are not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063207, "Key": "GuildGetContributeRewardLessContribute", "Text": "Failed to claim contribution reward. Insufficient contribution" }, { "Id": 20063208, "Key": "GuildMailServiceUnavaliable", "Text": "Command Bureau mail unavailable" }, { "Id": 20063209, "Key": "GuildMailServiceException", "Text": "Failed to send Command Bureau mail. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063210, "Key": "GuildMailContentFormatError", "Text": "Command Bureau mail format error" }, { "Id": 20063211, "Key": "GuildListChatHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to retrieve Command Bureau chat. You have not joined the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063212, "Key": "GuildListChatServiceException", "Text": "Command Bureau chat failed. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063213, "Key": "GuildListChatGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to retrieve Command Bureau chat. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063214, "Key": "GuildListChatNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to retrieve Command Bureau chat. You are not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063215, "Key": "GuildFindServiceException", "Text": "Command Bureau search failed. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063216, "Key": "GuildChangeApplyOptionHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to change Command Bureau application settings. You have not joined the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063217, "Key": "GuildChangeApplyOptionServiceException", "Text": "Failed to change Command Bureau application settings. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063218, "Key": "GuildChangeApplyOptionGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to change Command Bureau application settings. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063219, "Key": "GuildChangeApplyOptionNotInThisGuild", "Text": "Failed to change Command Bureau application settings. You are not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063220, "Key": "GuildChangeApplyOptionLessRank", "Text": "Failed to change Command Bureau application settings. Insufficient authority level" }, { "Id": 20063221, "Key": "GuildServerInternalError", "Text": "Command Bureau service error" }, { "Id": 20063222, "Key": "GuildGetMemberNotFound", "Text": "Failed to retrieve Command Bureau members" }, { "Id": 20063223, "Key": "GuildShopGetGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to retrieve Command Bureau shop info. The Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063224, "Key": "GuildBuyGoodsMemberLessRank", "Text": "Insufficient purchase access in Command Bureau shop" }, { "Id": 20063225, "Key": "GuildRefreshShopMemberLessRank", "Text": "Insufficient refresh access in Command Bureau shop" }, { "Id": 20063226, "Key": "GuildGetShopHasNotGuild", "Text": "Failed to retrieve Command Bureau shop info. You have not joined the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063227, "Key": "GuildGetShopServiceException", "Text": "Command Bureau shop error. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063228, "Key": "GuildBuyGoodsHasNotGuild", "Text": "Unable to purchase from Command Bureau shop. You have not joined the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063229, "Key": "GuildBuyGoodsServiceException", "Text": "Command Bureau shop purchase error. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063230, "Key": "GuildRefreshShopHasNotGuild", "Text": "Unable to refresh Command Bureau shop. You have not joined the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063231, "Key": "GuildRefreshShopServiceException", "Text": "Command Bureau shop refresh error. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063232, "Key": "GuildListRankHasNotGuild", "Text": "Error viewing Command Bureau ranking. You have not joined the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063233, "Key": "GuildListRankServiceException", "Text": "Command Bureau ranking error. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063234, "Key": "GuildAddBuildGuildNotExist", "Text": "Failed to increase construction level. Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063235, "Key": "GuildAddBuildNotInGuild", "Text": "Failed to increase construction level. You are not in the Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063236, "Key": "GuildRecruitGuildDailyCount", "Text": "Today's recruit attempts have been used up" }, { "Id": 20063237, "Key": "GuildGiveLikeItemInvalid", "Text": "Failed to send gift. Invalid gift item" }, { "Id": 20063238, "Key": "GuildChangeNameNotInGuild", "Text": "Operation failed. You are not in this Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20063239, "Key": "GuildChangeNameGuildNameIsNull", "Text": "Operation failed. New Command Bureau name cannot be empty" }, { "Id": 20063240, "Key": "GuildChangeNameGuildNameLengthError", "Text": "GuildChangeNameGuildNameLengthError" }, { "Id": 20063241, "Key": "GuildChangeNameGuildNameInvalid", "Text": "Operation failed. The new name contains illegal characters" }, { "Id": 20063242, "Key": "GuildChangeNameGuildNameEqual", "Text": "Operation failed. The new name cannot be the same as the original name" }, { "Id": 20063243, "Key": "GuildChangeNameNotEnoughCost", "Text": "Operation failed. You don't have any Command Bureau name change card" }, { "Id": 20063244, "Key": "GuildChangeNameGuildNameDuplicated", "Text": "Operation failed. This name is already in use" }, { "Id": 20063245, "Key": "GuildChangeNameServiceException", "Text": "Operation failed. Error during operation" }, { "Id": 20063246, "Key": "GuildChangeNameLessRank", "Text": "Failed to change Command Bureau position name. Insufficient authority level" }, { "Id": 20063247, "Key": "GuildChangeNameIsBanned", "Text": "20063247 Unable to edit this message. Please contact customer services" }, { "Id": 20063248, "Key": "GuildListTalentException", "Text": "Failed to retrieve talent. Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20063249, "Key": "GuildListTalentNotInGuild", "Text": "You are no longer in the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063250, "Key": "GuildListTalentGuildNotExist", "Text": "The Command Bureau has been disbanded" }, { "Id": 20063251, "Key": "GuildUpgradeTalentNotInGuild", "Text": "You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063252, "Key": "GuildUpgradeTalentGuildNotExist", "Text": "Command Bureau does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063253, "Key": "GuildUpgradeTalentLessRank", "Text": "The position has insufficient authority" }, { "Id": 20063254, "Key": "GuildUpgradeTalentTalentNotExist", "Text": "Invalid beacon amplification point" }, { "Id": 20063255, "Key": "GuildUpgradeTalentLessLevel", "Text": "Command Bureau level too low" }, { "Id": 20063256, "Key": "GuildUpgradeTalentParentNotExist", "Text": "Prerequisite beacon amplification point not found" }, { "Id": 20063257, "Key": "GuildUpgradeTalentParentLessLevel", "Text": "Prerequisite beacon amplification point level too low" }, { "Id": 20063258, "Key": "GuildUpgradeTalentMaxLevel", "Text": "Already at max level" }, { "Id": 20063259, "Key": "GuildUpgradeTalentPointNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Beacon Points" }, { "Id": 20063260, "Key": "GuildBossBossStatusGuildNotExist", "Text": "Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info" }, { "Id": 20063261, "Key": "GuildBossBossStatusNotInGuild", "Text": "You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063262, "Key": "GuildBossBossStatusNotOpen", "Text": "You need to wait for the next season of event to participate" }, { "Id": 20063263, "Key": "GuildBossBossInfoGuildNotExist", "Text": "Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info" }, { "Id": 20063264, "Key": "GuildBossBossInfoNotInGuild", "Text": "You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063265, "Key": "GuildBossBossInfoNotOpen", "Text": "You need to wait for the next season of event to participate" }, { "Id": 20063266, "Key": "GuildBossBossActivityGuildNotExist", "Text": "Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info" }, { "Id": 20063267, "Key": "GuildBossBossActivityNotInGuild", "Text": "You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063268, "Key": "GuildBossBossActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Available in the next season" }, { "Id": 20063269, "Key": "GuildBossCheckResetNotInGuild", "Text": "You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063270, "Key": "GuildBossCheckResetNotOpen", "Text": "Available in the next season" }, { "Id": 20063271, "Key": "GuildBossBossStageGuildNotExist", "Text": "Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info" }, { "Id": 20063272, "Key": "GuildBossBossStageNotInGuild", "Text": "You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063273, "Key": "GuildBossBossStageNotExist", "Text": "Invalid stage" }, { "Id": 20063274, "Key": "GuildBossBossStageNotOpen", "Text": "You need to wait for the next season of event to participate" }, { "Id": 20063275, "Key": "GuildBossPlayerRankGuildNotExist", "Text": "Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info" }, { "Id": 20063276, "Key": "GuildBossPlayerRankNotInGuild", "Text": "You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063277, "Key": "GuildBossPlayerStageRankGuildNotExist", "Text": "Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info" }, { "Id": 20063278, "Key": "GuildBossPlayerStageRankNotInGuild", "Text": "You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063279, "Key": "GuildBossPlayerStageRankStageNotExist", "Text": "Stage does not exist" }, { "Id": 20063280, "Key": "GuildBossGuildRankGuildNotExist", "Text": "Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info" }, { "Id": 20063281, "Key": "GuildBossGuildRankNotInGuild", "Text": "You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063282, "Key": "GuildBossHpBoxGuildNotExist", "Text": "Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info" }, { "Id": 20063283, "Key": "GuildBossHpBoxNotInGuild", "Text": "You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063284, "Key": "GuildBossHpBoxDuplicated", "Text": "Duplicate claim" }, { "Id": 20063285, "Key": "GuildBossHpBoxRewardNotExist", "Text": "Invalid reward info" }, { "Id": 20063286, "Key": "GuildBossHpBoxConditionFail", "Text": "Reward condition not met" }, { "Id": 20063287, "Key": "GuildBossHpBoxNotOpen", "Text": "You need to wait for the next season of event to participate" }, { "Id": 20063288, "Key": "GuildBossHpBoxActivityUpdate", "Text": "This cycle of event has expired" }, { "Id": 20063289, "Key": "GuildBossScoreBoxGuildNotExist", "Text": "Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info" }, { "Id": 20063290, "Key": "GuildBossScoreBoxNotInGuild", "Text": "You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063291, "Key": "GuildBossScoreBoxDuplicated", "Text": "Duplicate claim" }, { "Id": 20063292, "Key": "GuildBossScoreBoxRewardNotExist", "Text": "Invalid reward info" }, { "Id": 20063293, "Key": "GuildBossScoreBoxConditionFail", "Text": "Reward condition not met" }, { "Id": 20063294, "Key": "GuildBossScoreBoxNotOpen", "Text": "You need to wait for the next season of event to participate" }, { "Id": 20063295, "Key": "GuildBossScoreBoxActivityUpdate", "Text": "This cycle of event has expired" }, { "Id": 20063296, "Key": "GuildBossFightNoBoss", "Text": "Event info not found" }, { "Id": 20063297, "Key": "GuildBossFightNoStage", "Text": "Invalid stage not found" }, { "Id": 20063298, "Key": "GuildBossFightNoRobot", "Text": "Trial info not found" }, { "Id": 20063299, "Key": "GuildBossFightInvalidRobot", "Text": "Invalid trial character" }, { "Id": 20063300, "Key": "GuildBossFightStageNotMatch", "Text": "Stage does not match" }, { "Id": 20063301, "Key": "GuildBossFightNoScoreRule", "Text": "Unable to find result calculation rules" }, { "Id": 20063302, "Key": "GuildBossUploadNotInGuild", "Text": "You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063303, "Key": "GuildBossUploadStageNotMatch", "Text": "Stage does not match" }, { "Id": 20063304, "Key": "GuildBossUploadDamageNotMatch", "Text": "Result data does not match" }, { "Id": 20063305, "Key": "GuildBossUploadMaxCount", "Text": "Insufficient upload attempts" }, { "Id": 20063306, "Key": "GuildBossDamageNotInGuild", "Text": "You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063307, "Key": "GuildBossDamageActivityUpdate", "Text": "Event has expired" }, { "Id": 20063308, "Key": "GuildBossDamageNoStage", "Text": "Stage not found" }, { "Id": 20063309, "Key": "GuildBossDamageDuplicated", "Text": "You have already challenged another stage of the same type" }, { "Id": 20063310, "Key": "GuildBossDamageActivityNotOpen", "Text": "You need to wait for the next season of event to participate" }, { "Id": 20063311, "Key": "GuildBossDamageNotBreak", "Text": "You can only save when your points are higher than the best score in the current season" }, { "Id": 20063312, "Key": "GuildBossSetLevelNotInGuild", "Text": "You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063313, "Key": "GuildBossSetLevelActivityUpdate", "Text": "Event has expired" }, { "Id": 20063314, "Key": "GuildBossSetLevelNotAdmin", "Text": "Only officers can perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063315, "Key": "GuildBossSetLevelNoLevelCfg", "Text": "Invalid level configuration" }, { "Id": 20063316, "Key": "GuildBossSetLevelLessScore", "Text": "Insufficient point to unlock" }, { "Id": 20063317, "Key": "GuildBossSetLevelGuildNotExist", "Text": "Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info" }, { "Id": 20063318, "Key": "GuildBossSetLevelNotOpen", "Text": "You need to wait for the next season of event to participate" }, { "Id": 20063319, "Key": "GuildBossSetOrderNotInGuild", "Text": "You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063320, "Key": "GuildBossSetOrderActivityUpdate", "Text": "Event has expired" }, { "Id": 20063321, "Key": "GuildBossSetOrderNotAdmin", "Text": "Only officers can perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20063322, "Key": "GuildBossSetOrderGuildNotExist", "Text": "Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info" }, { "Id": 20063323, "Key": "GuildBossSetOrderNotOpen", "Text": "You need to wait for the next season of event to participate" }, { "Id": 20063324, "Key": "GuildCreateConditionNotReach", "Text": "Guild creation requirement(s) not met" }, { "Id": 20063325, "Key": "GuildCreateReachDailyLimit", "Text": "Too many guild creation attempts. Please try again later." }, { "Id": 20064001, "Key": "RogueLikeActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Outside the event period" }, { "Id": 20064002, "Key": "RogueLikeActionPointNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Action Points" }, { "Id": 20064003, "Key": "RogueLikeSectionInfoIsNull", "Text": "Chapter info not found" }, { "Id": 20064004, "Key": "RogueLikeNodeIsNull", "Text": "location settings not found" }, { "Id": 20064005, "Key": "RogueLikeNodeIsNotFightNode", "Text": "This location is not a combat" }, { "Id": 20064006, "Key": "RogueLikeNodeStageIsError", "Text": "Stage mismatched" }, { "Id": 20064007, "Key": "RogueLikeNodeIdNotInTierCfg", "Text": "Location is not on this floor" }, { "Id": 20064008, "Key": "RogueLikeNodeLineError", "Text": "Selected route mismatched" }, { "Id": 20064009, "Key": "RogueLikeNodePreFightDataIsNull", "Text": "Prebattle data for tower-climbing not found" }, { "Id": 20064010, "Key": "RogueLikeFightTeamCountIsError", "Text": "Number of deployed teams mismatched" }, { "Id": 20064011, "Key": "RogueLikeAssistRobotNotEnough", "Text": "Fewer than 3 constructs for Assist" }, { "Id": 20064012, "Key": "RogueLikeAssistCharacterIdError", "Text": "Robot mismatched" }, { "Id": 20064013, "Key": "RogueLikeFightCharacterNotInSetTeam", "Text": "No deployed team members" }, { "Id": 20064014, "Key": "RogueLikeFightNodeNotNeedSelect", "Text": "Combat cannot be completed manually" }, { "Id": 20064015, "Key": "RogueLikeTierAlreadySelectNode", "Text": "Location has been selected on this floor" }, { "Id": 20064016, "Key": "RogueLikeFinishNodeMustSelectFirst", "Text": "Select location first" }, { "Id": 20064017, "Key": "RogueLikeBlackShopIdError", "Text": "Black Market ID mismatched" }, { "Id": 20064018, "Key": "RogueLikeBlackShopNotHaveItemId", "Text": "Shop does not have this item" }, { "Id": 20064019, "Key": "RogueLikeShopCfgNotFound", "Text": "Shop settings not found" }, { "Id": 20064020, "Key": "RogueLikeShopItemCfgNotFound", "Text": "Shop item settings not found" }, { "Id": 20064021, "Key": "RogueLikeBuyCountNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough purchases" }, { "Id": 20064022, "Key": "RogueLikeSelectNodeIsNull", "Text": "Selected location does not exist" }, { "Id": 20064023, "Key": "RogueLikeSelectNodeIsError", "Text": "Current location is different from the selected location" }, { "Id": 20064024, "Key": "RogueLikeEventNodeCfgIsNull", "Text": "Event location settings not found" }, { "Id": 20064025, "Key": "RogueLikeEventNodeIsNotRestType", "Text": "This location is not for rest" }, { "Id": 20064026, "Key": "RogueLikeBuffCfgIsNull", "Text": "Buff settings not found" }, { "Id": 20064027, "Key": "RogueLikeBuffCanNotIntensify", "Text": "This buff cannot be enhanced" }, { "Id": 20064028, "Key": "RogueLikeIntensifyBuffNotExist", "Text": "Enhanced buff not found" }, { "Id": 20064029, "Key": "RogueLikeNodeTypeError", "Text": "Type of location mismatched" }, { "Id": 20064030, "Key": "RogueLikeNotOwnerBuff", "Text": "You do not have this buff" }, { "Id": 20064031, "Key": "RogueLikeShopInfoIsNull", "Text": "Shop info does not exist" }, { "Id": 20064032, "Key": "RogueLikeNodeShopNotHaveItemId", "Text": "Shop does not have this item" }, { "Id": 20064033, "Key": "RogueLikeSpecialEventIdError", "Text": "Special event ID mismatched" }, { "Id": 20064034, "Key": "RogueLikeSpecialEventCfgIsNull", "Text": "Special event settings not found" }, { "Id": 20064035, "Key": "RogueLikeEventTypeError", "Text": "Type of event mismatched" }, { "Id": 20064036, "Key": "RogueLikeSpecialEventTypeError", "Text": "Type of special event mismatched" }, { "Id": 20064037, "Key": "RogueLikeRecoverCfgIsNull", "Text": "Recovery settings not found" }, { "Id": 20064038, "Key": "RogueLikeShopBuyCountError", "Text": "Purchase attempt error" }, { "Id": 20064039, "Key": "RogueLikeFightIsOver", "Text": "Battle status has ended" }, { "Id": 20064040, "Key": "RogueLikeSectionIdIsError", "Text": "Chapter ID error" }, { "Id": 20064041, "Key": "RogueLikeSupportStationCfgNotExist", "Text": "Support station settings not found" }, { "Id": 20064042, "Key": "RogueLikeSupportCountLimit", "Text": "Max support attempts reached" }, { "Id": 20064043, "Key": "RogueLikeSpecialEventGroupCfgNotExist", "Text": "Event group settings not found" }, { "Id": 20064044, "Key": "RogueLikeSpecialEventGroupNotInEventCfg", "Text": "Event group settings do not match" }, { "Id": 20064045, "Key": "RogueLikeNodeNoNeedSelect", "Text": "This node does not require selection" }, { "Id": 20064046, "Key": "RogueLikeBoxCfgNotFound", "Text": "Chest settings not found" }, { "Id": 20064047, "Key": "RogueLikeGroupTierCfgNotExist", "Text": "Event group settings not found" }, { "Id": 20064048, "Key": "RogueLikeEventGroupNotExist", "Text": "Event group not found" }, { "Id": 20064049, "Key": "RogueLikeGroupEventNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient random group event" }, { "Id": 20064050, "Key": "RogueLikeTeamAlreadySet", "Text": "Team already configured" }, { "Id": 20064051, "Key": "RogueLikeTeamSetFirst", "Text": "Today's formation has been reset. Please leave and reconfigure the team." }, { "Id": 20064052, "Key": "RogueLikeRobotIsFull", "Text": "Support Construct full" }, { "Id": 20064053, "Key": "RogueLikeHPFull", "Text": "You don't need to rest now" }, { "Id": 20065001, "Key": "ArchiveInvalidEvaluateId", "Text": "Comment ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20065002, "Key": "ArchiveInvalidMonsterId", "Text": "Monster does not exist" }, { "Id": 20065003, "Key": "ArchiveInvalidId", "Text": "Invalid ID" }, { "Id": 20065004, "Key": "ArchiveConditionNotFit", "Text": "Unlocking condition not met" }, { "Id": 20065005, "Key": "ArchiveInvalidTag", "Text": "Invalid comment tag" }, { "Id": 20065006, "Key": "ArchiveInvalidStoryId", "Text": "Invalid story ID" }, { "Id": 20065007, "Key": "ArchiveInvalidEvaluateType", "Text": "20065007 Invalid Codex type" }, { "Id": 20066001, "Key": "RegressionActivityCfgNotExist", "Text": "Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20066002, "Key": "RegressionTaskActivityIsOver", "Text": "Event is over" }, { "Id": 20066003, "Key": "RegressionGroupScheduleRewardCfgNotExist", "Text": "Progress reward group not found" }, { "Id": 20066004, "Key": "RegressionScheduleRewardCfgNotExist", "Text": "Progress reward not found" }, { "Id": 20066005, "Key": "RegressionScheduleItemNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient progress" }, { "Id": 20066006, "Key": "RegressionScheduleRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Progress reward claimed" }, { "Id": 20066007, "Key": "RegressionInviteDissatisfied", "Text": "Invite requirements not met" }, { "Id": 20066008, "Key": "RegressionInviteCodeDataAlreadyExist", "Text": "Invite Code already exists" }, { "Id": 20066009, "Key": "RegressionInviteCodeDataNotExist", "Text": "Invite Code data does not exist" }, { "Id": 20066010, "Key": "RegressionInviteLoadCodeDataIsNull", "Text": "No Invite Code loaded" }, { "Id": 20066011, "Key": "RegressionInviteCfgNotExist", "Text": "Invite settings not found" }, { "Id": 20066012, "Key": "RegressionInviteRewardIdError", "Text": "Invite reward ID mismatched" }, { "Id": 20066013, "Key": "RegressionInviteRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Invitation reward already claimed" }, { "Id": 20066014, "Key": "RegressionInviteRewardCfgNotExist", "Text": "Invite reward not found" }, { "Id": 20066015, "Key": "RegressionInvitePeopleNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient invites" }, { "Id": 20066016, "Key": "RegressionCanNotUseSelfCode", "Text": "You cannot use your own Invite Code" }, { "Id": 20066017, "Key": "RegressionInviteCodeAlreadyUse", "Text": "Invite Code already used" }, { "Id": 20066018, "Key": "RegressionInviteCodeUseMax", "Text": "Use limit reached" }, { "Id": 20066019, "Key": "RegressionInviteCodeNotExist", "Text": "Invite Code does not exist" }, { "Id": 20066020, "Key": "RegressionInviteCodeUseFail", "Text": "Failed to use Invite Code" }, { "Id": 20066021, "Key": "RegressionInviteOperating", "Text": "Now busy, please wait" }, { "Id": 20066022, "Key": "RegressionTaskGroupCfgNotExist", "Text": "Mission group not found" }, { "Id": 20066023, "Key": "RegressionInviteCodeInvalid", "Text": "Invalid Invite Code" }, { "Id": 20067001, "Key": "ProductCommentActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event not available" }, { "Id": 20067002, "Key": "ProductCommentPraiseNotOpen", "Text": "Like is not available" }, { "Id": 20067003, "Key": "ProductCommentActivityCfgNotExist", "Text": "Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20067004, "Key": "ProductCommentPraiseItemNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient cost to like" }, { "Id": 20067005, "Key": "ProductCommentHttpResponseError", "Text": "Request respond error" }, { "Id": 20067006, "Key": "ProductCommentContentCountExceedMaxNum", "Text": "Comment limit exceeded" }, { "Id": 20067007, "Key": "ProductCommentContentLengthExceedLength", "Text": "Comment length exceeded" }, { "Id": 20067008, "Key": "ProductCommentContentIllegal", "Text": "Comment contains illegal characters" }, { "Id": 20067009, "Key": "ProductCommentActivityIdError", "Text": "Event ID error" }, { "Id": 20067010, "Key": "ProductCommentUploadCountReachMax", "Text": "Upload limit reached" }, { "Id": 20067011, "Key": "ProductCommentTodayAlreadyUpload", "Text": "You have reached today's upload limit" }, { "Id": 20067012, "Key": "ProductCommentUploadNotOpen", "Text": "Upload not available" }, { "Id": 20067013, "Key": "ProductCommentAlreadyPraiseComment", "Text": "You have already liked this comment" }, { "Id": 20067014, "Key": "ProductCommentNotPraiseSelfComment", "Text": "You cannot like your own comment" }, { "Id": 20067015, "Key": "ProductCommentSystemError", "Text": "System error" }, { "Id": 20067016, "Key": "ProductCommentSignError", "Text": "Signature error" }, { "Id": 20067017, "Key": "ProductCommentUrlNotExist", "Text": "Link does not exist" }, { "Id": 20067018, "Key": "ProductCommentUnKnowError", "Text": "Unknown error" }, { "Id": 20067019, "Key": "ProductCommentScheduleRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20067020, "Key": "ProductCommentScheduleRewardIdNotExist", "Text": "Reward ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20067021, "Key": "ProductCommentScheduleNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient current progress" }, { "Id": 20067022, "Key": "ProductCommentHttpRequestError", "Text": "Request error. Try again later." }, { "Id": 20067023, "Key": "ProductCommentIsPraising", "Text": "Sending like request. Please wait..." }, { "Id": 20067024, "Key": "ProductCommentIsUnloading", "Text": "Uploading. Please wait..." }, { "Id": 20068001, "Key": "WeaponFashionTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Corresponding Weapon Coating settings not found" }, { "Id": 20068002, "Key": "WeaponFashionTimeInvalid", "Text": "Weapon Coating remaining time cannot stack" }, { "Id": 20068003, "Key": "WeaponFashionNotEffect", "Text": "Weapon Coating not in effect" }, { "Id": 20068004, "Key": "WeaponFashionExpired", "Text": "Weapon Coating expired" }, { "Id": 20068005, "Key": "WeaponFashionNotFound", "Text": "Weapon Coating settings not found" }, { "Id": 20068006, "Key": "WeaponFashionUseEquipTypeError", "Text": "Weapon Coating usage type does not match" }, { "Id": 20068007, "Key": "WeaponFashionTimeUseUp", "Text": "Weapon Coating rental time expired" }, { "Id": 20068008, "Key": "WeaponFashionAddCountError", "Text": "Weapon Coating amount error" }, { "Id": 20068009, "Key": "WeaponFashionCharacterDressRepeat", "Text": "Weapon Coating equipped repeatedly" }, { "Id": 20068010, "Key": "WeaponFashionIsOwnedPerpetual", "Text": "You already own this Coating" }, { "Id": 20068011, "Key": "WeaponFashionIsUnOwnedPerpetual", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20069001, "Key": "MatchServiceInvalidRoomId", "Text": "Team room disbanded" }, { "Id": 20069002, "Key": "MatchServiceRepeatRoomId", "Text": "Duplicated room ID" }, { "Id": 20069003, "Key": "MatchServiceInvalidPlayerId", "Text": "Invalid player ID" }, { "Id": 20069004, "Key": "MatchServiceAlreadyInThisRoom", "Text": "You are in a room already" }, { "Id": 20069005, "Key": "MatchServiceYouAreNotLeader", "Text": "Only room host can do this" }, { "Id": 20069006, "Key": "MatchServiceMatchCanceled", "Text": "Matchmaking cancelled" }, { "Id": 20069007, "Key": "MatchServiceAlreadyInMatchPool", "Text": "You are already in matchmaking" }, { "Id": 20069008, "Key": "MatchServiceHavePlayerNotReady", "Text": "One or more players are not ready" }, { "Id": 20069009, "Key": "MatchServiceRoomOptionNotExist", "Text": "Operation does not exist" }, { "Id": 20069010, "Key": "MatchServiceAutoMatchSetSameValue", "Text": "Cannot set the same value" }, { "Id": 20069011, "Key": "MatchServicePlayerIsFull", "Text": "Room full. Unable to enter" }, { "Id": 20069012, "Key": "MatchServiceRoomHasClosed", "Text": "Room has closed" }, { "Id": 20069013, "Key": "MatchServerPlayerHeartbeatTimeout", "Text": "Room heartbeat timeout" }, { "Id": 20069014, "Key": "MatchServiceMatchTimeout", "Text": "20069014" }, { "Id": 20070001, "Key": "ArenaOnlineNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20070002, "Key": "ArenaOnlineCharacterTooMuch", "Text": "Member limit exceeded" }, { "Id": 20070003, "Key": "ArenaOnlineCharacterNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough member deployed" }, { "Id": 20070004, "Key": "ArenaOnlineEnduranceNotEnough", "Text": "Character has insufficient stamina" }, { "Id": 20070005, "Key": "ArenaOnlineRoomIdInvalid", "Text": "Invalid Joint Warfare room ID" }, { "Id": 20070006, "Key": "ArenaOnlineStageIdInvalid", "Text": "Invalid Joint Warfare mission ID" }, { "Id": 20070007, "Key": "ArenaOnlineGetSelfPlayerParamFail", "Text": "Temporarily not useful" }, { "Id": 20070008, "Key": "ArenaOnlineRoomParamMetaKeyInvalid", "Text": "Temporarily not useful" }, { "Id": 20070009, "Key": "ArenaOnlineRoomPlayeridInvalid", "Text": "Invalid Joint Warfare player ID" }, { "Id": 20070010, "Key": "ArenaOnlinePlayerParamMetaKeyInvalid", "Text": "Temporarily not useful" }, { "Id": 20070011, "Key": "ArenaOnlinePlayerNotInRoom", "Text": "Not in a team room" }, { "Id": 20070012, "Key": "ArenaOnlinePlayerHaveInRoom", "Text": "Already in a team room" }, { "Id": 20070013, "Key": "ArenaOnlinePlayerIsNotLeader", "Text": "Only room leader may perform this operation" }, { "Id": 20070014, "Key": "ArenaOnlineCharacterIdInvalid", "Text": "All characters have insufficient stamina and cannot participate in the challenge" }, { "Id": 20070015, "Key": "ArenaOnlineLeaderForceLeave", "Text": "Temporarily not useful" }, { "Id": 20070016, "Key": "ArenaOnlinePlayerIsInMatching", "Text": "Matchmaking in progress. Unable to resend request" }, { "Id": 20070017, "Key": "ArenaOnlinePlayerNotInMatching", "Text": "Unable to cancel as you are not in matchmaking" }, { "Id": 20070018, "Key": "ArenaOnlinePlayerNotReady", "Text": "One or more team members are not ready" }, { "Id": 20070019, "Key": "ArenaOnlinePlayerLevelNotMatch", "Text": "Unable to enter room. You are not in the level range" }, { "Id": 20070020, "Key": "ArenaOnlineInFight", "Text": "Unable to change during battle" }, { "Id": 20070021, "Key": "ArenaOnlineEnterRoomInFight", "Text": "Unable to enter during battle" }, { "Id": 20070022, "Key": "ArenaOnlineStageNotSingleStage", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20070023, "Key": "ArenaOnlineFightCharacterRepeat", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20072001, "Key": "InfestorExploreChapterNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze chapter configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072002, "Key": "InfestorExploreMapNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze map configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072003, "Key": "InfestorExploreGridNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze location configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072004, "Key": "InfestorExploreGroupNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze group configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072005, "Key": "InfestorExploreNodeNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze location type configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072006, "Key": "InfestorExploreRewardNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze reward configuration does not exist" }, { "Id": 20072007, "Key": "InfestorExploreRewardPoolNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze reward pool configuration does not exist" }, { "Id": 20072008, "Key": "InfestorExploreEventPoolNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze event library configuration does not exist" }, { "Id": 20072009, "Key": "InfestorExploreDiffTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze difficulty configuration does not exist" }, { "Id": 20072010, "Key": "InfestorExploreGroupLevelNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze level group configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072011, "Key": "InfestorExploreShopGoodsNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze add-on terminal item configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072012, "Key": "InfestorExploreShopGoodsListNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze item list configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072013, "Key": "InfestorExploreShopNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze shop configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072014, "Key": "InfestorExploreCoreNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze add-on unit configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072015, "Key": "InfestorExploreCoreLevelEffectNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze add-on unit level effect configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072016, "Key": "InfestorExploreBuffNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze negative effect configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072017, "Key": "InfestorExploreBuffListNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze negative effect list configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072018, "Key": "InfestorExploreActivityNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072019, "Key": "InfestorExploreEventShopGoodsNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze overload module item configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072020, "Key": "InfestorExploreBossScoreRuleNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze Analysis Period Progress tally rules configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20072021, "Key": "InfestorExploreTeamFull", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze team full" }, { "Id": 20072022, "Key": "InfestorExploreJoinTeamFail", "Text": "Failed to join Autopoiesis Maze team" }, { "Id": 20072023, "Key": "InfestorExplorePlayerAlreadySignUp", "Text": "Already signed up for Autopoiesis Maze" }, { "Id": 20072024, "Key": "InfestorExploreStatusIsUnOpen", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze not yet available" }, { "Id": 20072025, "Key": "InfestorExploreStatusIsReset", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze tally in progress" }, { "Id": 20072026, "Key": "InfestorExploreCreatePlayerFail", "Text": "Failed to create player data in Autopoiesis Maze" }, { "Id": 20072027, "Key": "InfestorExploreStatusIsNotStageExplore", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze not in exploration status" }, { "Id": 20072028, "Key": "InfestorExplorePlayerSignUpLevelLimit", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze sign-up restriction" }, { "Id": 20072029, "Key": "InfestorExplorePlayerNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze player data does not exist" }, { "Id": 20072030, "Key": "InfestorExploreTeamNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze team data does not exist" }, { "Id": 20072031, "Key": "InfestorExploreMoveToGridRepeated", "Text": "Already in this position" }, { "Id": 20072032, "Key": "InfestorExploreMoveToGridCanNotMove", "Text": "Cannot move to this position at the moment" }, { "Id": 20072033, "Key": "InfestorExploreMapNotContainGrid", "Text": "Location not in Autopoiesis Maze map" }, { "Id": 20072034, "Key": "InfestorExploreFrontGridNotFinish", "Text": "Clear the current location before exploring further" }, { "Id": 20072035, "Key": "InfestorExploreCoreUseIndexError", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze add-on unit position error" }, { "Id": 20072036, "Key": "InfestorExploreCoreUnOwned", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze does not have this add-on unit" }, { "Id": 20072037, "Key": "InfestorExploreCoreUseRepeated", "Text": "Add-on unit already equipped" }, { "Id": 20072038, "Key": "InfestorExploreCoreIsUsed", "Text": "Add-on unit is being equipped" }, { "Id": 20072039, "Key": "InfestorExploreTakeOffIndexError", "Text": "Grid error while removing add-on unit" }, { "Id": 20072040, "Key": "InfestorExploreTakeOffPosIsEmpty", "Text": "Grid empty while removing add-on unit" }, { "Id": 20072041, "Key": "InfestorExploreNodeTypeNotMatch", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze location type mismatch" }, { "Id": 20072042, "Key": "InfestorExploreFightStageIdNotMatch", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze battle stage mismatch" }, { "Id": 20072043, "Key": "InfestorExploreFightStageTeamError", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze battle stage team error" }, { "Id": 20072044, "Key": "InfestorExploreBuyFightRewardNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze card-flipping reward does not exist" }, { "Id": 20072045, "Key": "InfestorExploreBuyFightRewardAlreadyBuy", "Text": "Reward already bought" }, { "Id": 20072046, "Key": "InfestorExploreBuyGoodsNotExist", "Text": "Item does not exist" }, { "Id": 20072047, "Key": "InfestorExploreBuyGoodsSellout", "Text": "Item sold out" }, { "Id": 20072048, "Key": "InfestorExploreCanNotChangeCharacter", "Text": "Cannot change lineup during exploration" }, { "Id": 20072049, "Key": "InfestorExploreCanNotFoundSelectEvent", "Text": "Selected event does not exist Autopoiesis Maze" }, { "Id": 20072050, "Key": "InfestorExploreRewardGridInfoNotFound", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze reward info does not exist" }, { "Id": 20072051, "Key": "InfestorExploreSetRewardIdInvalid", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze setting reward ID invalid" }, { "Id": 20072052, "Key": "InfestorExploreSetRewardMsgToLong", "Text": "Message too long. Please edit it again" }, { "Id": 20072053, "Key": "InfestorExploreMsgInvalid", "Text": "Message contains sensitive characters. Please try again" }, { "Id": 20072054, "Key": "InfestorExploreBossFightStageIdInvalid", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze boss stage ID invalid" }, { "Id": 20072055, "Key": "InfestorExploreCanBuyEventGoodsThisStatus", "Text": "Cannot purchase overload module item under the current Autopoiesis Maze status" }, { "Id": 20072056, "Key": "InfestorExploreEventShopNotExist", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze overload module does not exist" }, { "Id": 20072057, "Key": "InfestorExploreBuyEventGoodsLimit", "Text": "Item sold out" }, { "Id": 20072058, "Key": "InfestorExploreBuyEventGoodsIdInvalid", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze overload module item ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20072059, "Key": "InfestorExploreLeaveMsgTimeLimit", "Text": "Sending message too frequently. Please try again later" }, { "Id": 20072060, "Key": "InfestorExploreLeaveMsgChapterNotFound", "Text": "Empty comms content" }, { "Id": 20072061, "Key": "InfestorExploreLeaveMsgToLong", "Text": "Message too long. Please edit it again" }, { "Id": 20072062, "Key": "InfestorExploreBfrtCharacterIdError", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze strategy simulator dispatched character ID error" }, { "Id": 20072063, "Key": "InfestorUpdateTeamCharacterTypeError", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze updated team member type error" }, { "Id": 20072064, "Key": "InfestorUpdateTeamPosTeamIsEmpty", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze team position changed. Team does not exist" }, { "Id": 20072065, "Key": "InfestorExploreFightUnknownGridId", "Text": "Autopoiesis Maze exploration battle location does not exist" }, { "Id": 20072066, "Key": "InfestorExploreFightStageUnMatch", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20080001, "Key": "UnionKillActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not open yet" }, { "Id": 20080002, "Key": "UnionKillActivityCfgNotExist", "Text": "Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20080003, "Key": "UnionKillSectionIsNotCurSection", "Text": "Chapter has ended" }, { "Id": 20080004, "Key": "UnionKillSectionCfgNotExist", "Text": "Chapter settings not found" }, { "Id": 20080005, "Key": "UnionKillSectionInfoNotExist", "Text": "Chapter info not found" }, { "Id": 20080006, "Key": "UnionKillSectionStagesNotExist", "Text": "Chapter stage does not exist" }, { "Id": 20080007, "Key": "UnionKillEventStageCfgNotExist", "Text": "Stage settings not found" }, { "Id": 20080008, "Key": "UnionKillScoreRuleCfgNotExist", "Text": "Point settings not found" }, { "Id": 20080009, "Key": "UnionKillWeatherCfgNotExist", "Text": "Weather settings not found" }, { "Id": 20080010, "Key": "UnionKillSectionNotOpen", "Text": "Repeated character in team" }, { "Id": 20080011, "Key": "UnionKillSectionIsClose", "Text": "Chapter has ended" }, { "Id": 20080012, "Key": "UnionKillStageNotInCurSectionCfg", "Text": "Stage is not in current chapter" }, { "Id": 20080013, "Key": "UnionKillFightRoomNotExist", "Text": "Battle room info not found" }, { "Id": 20080014, "Key": "UnionKillPreFightShareCardInfosError", "Text": "Deployed character info error" }, { "Id": 20080015, "Key": "UnionKillChallengeEventStageReachMax", "Text": "Event stage limit reached" }, { "Id": 20080016, "Key": "UnionKillFinishEventStageNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient event stages completed" }, { "Id": 20080017, "Key": "UnionKillFinishBossIsDead", "Text": "Boss has died" }, { "Id": 20080018, "Key": "UnionKillFinishBossNotDead", "Text": "Boss is still alive; kill Boss first" }, { "Id": 20080019, "Key": "UnionKillBossNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Boss defeated" }, { "Id": 20080020, "Key": "UnionKillSectionRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20080021, "Key": "UnionKillPreFightShareCardInfoIsNull", "Text": "Deployed character info empty" }, { "Id": 20080022, "Key": "UnionKillPreFightOneShareInfoIsNull", "Text": "Single deployed character info not found" }, { "Id": 20080023, "Key": "UnionKillShareCharacterNotExist", "Text": "Shared deployed character not found" }, { "Id": 20080024, "Key": "UnionKillCanNotPraiseSelf", "Text": "You cannot like yourself" }, { "Id": 20080025, "Key": "UnionKillPraisePlayerNotExist", "Text": "Player who liked does not exist" }, { "Id": 20080026, "Key": "UnionKillPraiseCharacterIdError", "Text": "Incorrect character liked" }, { "Id": 20080027, "Key": "UnionKillAlreadyPraisePlayer", "Text": "You have already liked this player" }, { "Id": 20080028, "Key": "UnionKillAlreadyHaveTeam", "Text": "You already have a team" }, { "Id": 20080029, "Key": "UnionKillRoomIdInvalid", "Text": "Invalid room Id" }, { "Id": 20080030, "Key": "UnionKillNotHaveTeam", "Text": "You don't have a team" }, { "Id": 20080031, "Key": "UnionKillKickOut", "Text": "You have been kicked from room" }, { "Id": 20080032, "Key": "UnionKillNotMatching", "Text": "You are not in matchmaking" }, { "Id": 20080033, "Key": "UnionKillFightIsOver", "Text": "Battle over" }, { "Id": 20080034, "Key": "UnionKillPlayerIsFighting", "Text": "Player is in battle" }, { "Id": 20080035, "Key": "UnionKillOperateFail", "Text": "Operation failed" }, { "Id": 20080036, "Key": "UnionKillIsMatching", "Text": "Matchmaking..." }, { "Id": 20080037, "Key": "UnionKillTrialStageCanNotUseShareCharacter", "Text": "Shared character cannot be used in trials" }, { "Id": 20080038, "Key": "UnionKillFightCharacterRepeat", "Text": "Duplicate character deployed" }, { "Id": 20080039, "Key": "UnionKillFightCardNotEqualShareInfo", "Text": "Number of deployed characters inconsistent with info" }, { "Id": 20081001, "Key": "DailyLotteryInvalidId", "Text": "Event ID not found" }, { "Id": 20081002, "Key": "DailyLotteryIdIsClosed", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20081003, "Key": "DailyLotteryDataNotFound", "Text": "Event data not found" }, { "Id": 20081004, "Key": "DailyLotteryRewardIsGot", "Text": "Insufficient Main Story attempts" }, { "Id": 20081005, "Key": "DailyLotteryInvalidLotteryRewardId", "Text": "Invalid event reward ID" }, { "Id": 20081101, "Key": "FireworksNotUnlock", "Text": "Function locked" }, { "Id": 20081102, "Key": "FireworksInvalidId", "Text": "Invalid event ID" }, { "Id": 20081103, "Key": "FireworksAlreadyFinish", "Text": "Event is over" }, { "Id": 20081104, "Key": "FireworksNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available" }, { "Id": 20081105, "Key": "FireworksTimesIsUpperLimit", "Text": "You have reached today's event attempts." }, { "Id": 20090001, "Key": "CollectionScoreNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient collection score" }, { "Id": 20090002, "Key": "CollectionNotExist", "Text": "20090002 Collectible does not exist" }, { "Id": 20090003, "Key": "CollectionCanOnlyPlacedOnce", "Text": "20090003 Each Collectible can only be placed once" }, { "Id": 20090004, "Key": "CollectionNotInThisWall", "Text": "20090004 Collectible not found on the wall" }, { "Id": 20090005, "Key": "CollectionWallNotUnlock", "Text": "20090005 Collection wall locked" }, { "Id": 20090006, "Key": "CollectionWallDecorationNotUnlock", "Text": "20090006 Collectible on Collection wall is locked" }, { "Id": 20090007, "Key": "CollectionWallDecorationTypeNotMatch", "Text": "20090007 Incorrect Collectible type on Collection wall" }, { "Id": 20090008, "Key": "CollectionWallScoreTitleSizeNotMatch", "Text": "20090008 Collectible size does not match" }, { "Id": 20091001, "Key": "EliminateGameNotInTime", "Text": "Not yet available" }, { "Id": 20091002, "Key": "EliminateGameNotInMove", "Text": "Cannot move yet" }, { "Id": 20091003, "Key": "EliminateGameNotInFlip", "Text": "Cannot flip yet" }, { "Id": 20091004, "Key": "EliminateGameGridPosInvalid", "Text": "Invalid tile" }, { "Id": 20091005, "Key": "EliminateGameGridHadFlip", "Text": "Tile already flipped" }, { "Id": 20091006, "Key": "EliminateGameInvalidGameId", "Text": "Invalid game ID" }, { "Id": 20091007, "Key": "EliminateGameInitError", "Text": "Game initialization error" }, { "Id": 20091008, "Key": "EliminateGameNotExist", "Text": "Game does not exist" }, { "Id": 20091009, "Key": "EliminateGameRewardNotExist", "Text": "Reward does not exist" }, { "Id": 20091010, "Key": "EliminateGameRewardNotEnough", "Text": "Requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20091011, "Key": "EliminateGameRewardHadGet", "Text": "Reward already claimed" }, { "Id": 20091012, "Key": "EliminateGameTargetIsObstacle", "Text": "Cannot perform this action on obstacles" }, { "Id": 20091013, "Key": "EliminateGameTooFarAway", "Text": "Too far" }, { "Id": 20091014, "Key": "EliminateGameNotMove", "Text": "Please move first" }, { "Id": 20092001, "Key": "SpecialTrainStarNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough stars gained" }, { "Id": 20092002, "Key": "SpecialTrainRewardHaveGot", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20092003, "Key": "SpecialTrainRewardNotExist", "Text": "Reward does not exist" }, { "Id": 20092004, "Key": "SpecialTrainRewardCannotFoundChapter", "Text": "Corresponding chapter not found" }, { "Id": 20092005, "Key": "SpecialTrainActivityNotInOpenTime", "Text": "Event has not started" }, { "Id": 20092006, "Key": "SpecialTrainPointRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Points reward already claimed" }, { "Id": 20092007, "Key": "SpecialTrainPointRewardIdNotExist", "Text": "Points reward ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20092008, "Key": "SpecialTrainPointNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient points" }, { "Id": 20093001, "Key": "ChapterExtraPassTimesNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough extra mission completions" }, { "Id": 20093002, "Key": "ChapterExtraInvalidStageId", "Text": "Invalid extra mission ID" }, { "Id": 20093003, "Key": "ChapterExtraActivityHideChapterNotOpen", "Text": "Extra event mission not yet available" }, { "Id": 20094001, "Key": "MarketVoteTokenUrlConnectFail", "Text": "Connection failed" }, { "Id": 20094002, "Key": "MarketVoteTokenUrlParamError", "Text": "Token parameter request error" }, { "Id": 20094003, "Key": "MarketVoteTokenUrlServerError", "Text": "Token service request error" }, { "Id": 20094004, "Key": "MarketVoteTokenUrlSignError", "Text": "Token signature request error" }, { "Id": 20094005, "Key": "MarketVoteTokenUrlUnknownError", "Text": "Unknown token request error" }, { "Id": 20094006, "Key": "MarketGetVoteTokenFail", "Text": "Token request failed" }, { "Id": 20095001, "Key": "BriefStoryIdInvalid", "Text": "Story ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20095002, "Key": "BriefStoryIdIsFinished", "Text": "Stage already completed" }, { "Id": 20096001, "Key": "WorldBossIsNotOpen", "Text": "Outside the event period" }, { "Id": 20096002, "Key": "WorldBossAttributeAreaCfgNotFound", "Text": "Outside the event period" }, { "Id": 20096003, "Key": "WorldBossAttributeStageCfgNotFound", "Text": "Area stage settings not found" }, { "Id": 20096004, "Key": "WorldBossBossAreaCfgNotFound", "Text": "Boss settings not found" }, { "Id": 20096005, "Key": "WorldBossBossStageCfgNotFound", "Text": "Boss settings not found" }, { "Id": 20096006, "Key": "WorldBossStageLevelNotExist", "Text": "Boss stage level not found" }, { "Id": 20096007, "Key": "WorldBossStageInfoNotFound", "Text": "Stage info not found" }, { "Id": 20096008, "Key": "WorldBossBuffCfgNotFound", "Text": "Buff settings not found" }, { "Id": 20096009, "Key": "WorldBossScoreRuleCfgNotFound", "Text": "Point settings not found" }, { "Id": 20096010, "Key": "WorldBossScorePhasesCfgNotFound", "Text": "Progress settings not found" }, { "Id": 20096011, "Key": "WorldBossScoreShopCfgNotFound", "Text": "Item settings not found" }, { "Id": 20096012, "Key": "WorldBossAttributePreStageNotFinish", "Text": "Previous stage not complete" }, { "Id": 20096013, "Key": "WorldBossAttributeStageNotFinish", "Text": "Previous stage not complete" }, { "Id": 20096014, "Key": "WorldBossBossUnlockFinishedStageNotEnough", "Text": "Boss stage locked" }, { "Id": 20096015, "Key": "WorldBossChallengeCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient attempts" }, { "Id": 20096016, "Key": "WorldBossActionPointNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient action points" }, { "Id": 20096017, "Key": "WorldBossPreFightRobotIdsIsNull", "Text": "Robot info error" }, { "Id": 20096018, "Key": "WorldBossCardIdCountNotEqualRobotIdCount", "Text": "Deployed team info error" }, { "Id": 20096019, "Key": "WorldBossRobotIdNotUnlock", "Text": "Robot locked" }, { "Id": 20096020, "Key": "WorldBossFightCharacterIdRepeat", "Text": "Duplicate character deployed" }, { "Id": 20096021, "Key": "WorldBossAttributeAreaNotFinished", "Text": "This area is incomplete" }, { "Id": 20096022, "Key": "WorldBossAttributeAreaRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Area reward has been claimed" }, { "Id": 20096023, "Key": "WorldBossAttributeAreaNotContainStageId", "Text": "This stage is not part of the area" }, { "Id": 20096024, "Key": "WorldBossAttributeStageNotHaveFinishReward", "Text": "This stage has no reward" }, { "Id": 20096025, "Key": "WorldBossAttributeStageFinishRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Stage reward has been claimed" }, { "Id": 20096026, "Key": "WorldBossBossPhasesRewardIdsNotContainsPhasesId", "Text": "Progress ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20096027, "Key": "WorldBossBossPhasesRewardHpPercentNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Boss HP progress" }, { "Id": 20096028, "Key": "WorldBossBossPhasesRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Progress reward claimed" }, { "Id": 20096029, "Key": "WorldBossShopIdAlreadyBuy", "Text": "Item already bought" }, { "Id": 20097001, "Key": "PuzzleActivityInvalidId", "Text": "Item already bought" }, { "Id": 20097002, "Key": "PuzzleActivityInvalidPieceId", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20097003, "Key": "PuzzleActivityPieceAlreadyFilped", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20097004, "Key": "PuzzleActivityRewardFailedPieceNotEnough", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20098001, "Key": "ClickClearCanNotFindActivityData", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20098002, "Key": "ClickClearCanNotFindStageConfig", "Text": "Stage info not found" }, { "Id": 20098003, "Key": "ClickClearStageLock", "Text": "Unlock requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20098004, "Key": "ClickClearNotBestRecord", "Text": "Not the best on record" }, { "Id": 20098005, "Key": "ClickClearRewardAlreadyGot", "Text": "Failed to claim reward. You have already claimed it" }, { "Id": 20098006, "Key": "ClickClearNotPass", "Text": "Corresponding difficulty not completed" }, { "Id": 20098007, "Key": "ClickClearTimeOut", "Text": "Record timeout" }, { "Id": 20099001, "Key": "ExpeditionNoRefreshTimes", "Text": "No refresh attempts left. Please wait until refresh" }, { "Id": 20099002, "Key": "ExpeditionExceedingRecruitTimes", "Text": "You can only recruit 1 member each time. Please wait until refresh" }, { "Id": 20099003, "Key": "ExpeditionExceedingMaxMemberNum", "Text": "Team full. Dismiss 1 member before recruiting again" }, { "Id": 20099004, "Key": "ExpeditionDailyLikeLimited", "Text": "You cannot like anymore today" }, { "Id": 20099005, "Key": "ExpeditionCannotFindChapterConfig", "Text": "Chapter info not found" }, { "Id": 20099006, "Key": "ExpeditionCannotFindDifficultyConfig", "Text": "20099006 Cannot reach stage difficulty configuration" }, { "Id": 20099007, "Key": "ExpeditionCannotFindStageConfig", "Text": "Stage info not found" }, { "Id": 20099008, "Key": "ExpeditionRefreshException", "Text": "Refresh error" }, { "Id": 20099009, "Key": "ExpeditionCannotFindCharacterConfig", "Text": "Character info not found" }, { "Id": 20099010, "Key": "ExpeditionCharacterLevelWrong", "Text": "Character level error" }, { "Id": 20099011, "Key": "ExpeditionCommentTooLong", "Text": "The message is too long" }, { "Id": 20099012, "Key": "ExpeditionNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20099013, "Key": "ExpeditionHadCommented", "Text": "You have already sent a message" }, { "Id": 20099014, "Key": "ExpeditionCannotFindCommand", "Text": "Message info not found" }, { "Id": 20099015, "Key": "ExpeditionChapterRewardIsGot", "Text": "Failed to claim reward. You have already claimed it" }, { "Id": 20099016, "Key": "ExpeditionChapterIsNotPassed", "Text": "Complete the stage first" }, { "Id": 20099017, "Key": "ExpeditionCanNotFindCharacterConfig", "Text": "Character info not found" }, { "Id": 20099018, "Key": "ExpeditionCanNotFindBaseCharacterConfig", "Text": "Basic character configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20099019, "Key": "ExpeditionCanNotFindDrawPrConfig", "Text": "Recruit chance configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20099020, "Key": "ExpeditionCanNotFindDrawStarConfig", "Text": "Recruit rank configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20099021, "Key": "ExpeditionCanNotFindChapterRewardConfig", "Text": "Chapter reward configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20099022, "Key": "ExpeditionActivityIsEnd", "Text": "Event is over" }, { "Id": 20099023, "Key": "ExpeditionActivityIsReset", "Text": "Event has been reset" }, { "Id": 20099024, "Key": "ExpeditionPreLayerNotPass", "Text": "20099024 Complete the prerequisite floor first" }, { "Id": 20099025, "Key": "ExpeditionStageDoNotNeedReset", "Text": "20099025 No need to reset stage" }, { "Id": 20099026, "Key": "ExpeditionChapterDoNotNeedReset", "Text": "No content needs to be reset" }, { "Id": 20099027, "Key": "ExpeditionSelectDefaultTeamFirst", "Text": "20099027 Select a preset team first" }, { "Id": 20099028, "Key": "ExpeditionDefaultTeamIdDoNotExist", "Text": "20099028 Preset team does not exist" }, { "Id": 20099029, "Key": "ExpeditionCanNotSelectDefaultTeamRepeatedly", "Text": "20099029 Unable to select the same preset team again" }, { "Id": 20099030, "Key": "ExpeditionCanNotFireDefaultTeamCharacter", "Text": "20099030 Unable to fire members of the preset team" }, { "Id": 20099031, "Key": "ExpeditionCannotFindTierConfig", "Text": "20099031 Cannot reach stage level configuration" }, { "Id": 20099032, "Key": "ExpeditionCannotFindCharacterConfigByBaseId", "Text": "20099032 Unable to find character configuration for corresponding base ID" }, { "Id": 20099033, "Key": "ExpeditionCannotFindCharacterConfigByRank", "Text": "20099033 Unable to find character configuration for corresponding rank" }, { "Id": 20099034, "Key": "ExpeditionCharacterHadBeenUsedInSameLayer", "Text": "20099034 The character is already used in another stage of the same level" }, { "Id": 20099035, "Key": "ExpeditionPreStageNotPass", "Text": "20099035 Pre-requisite stage limit not reached" }, { "Id": 20099036, "Key": "ExpeditionChapterNotOpen", "Text": "20099036 Chapter not available yet" }, { "Id": 20100001, "Key": "RpgNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20100002, "Key": "RpgCanNotFindCharacter", "Text": "Character data not found" }, { "Id": 20100003, "Key": "RpgTalentPosHadActivated", "Text": "Modification Slot already activated" }, { "Id": 20100004, "Key": "RpgCanNotFindTalentConfig", "Text": "Modification Slot configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20100005, "Key": "RpgTalentPointsNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Modification Points" }, { "Id": 20100006, "Key": "RpgSameCharacter", "Text": "The same character already exists" }, { "Id": 20100007, "Key": "RpgFightParamsError", "Text": "Event battle parameter error" }, { "Id": 20100008, "Key": "RpgTalentDoNotNeedReset", "Text": "No need to reset" }, { "Id": 20100009, "Key": "RpgTalentIsNotForThisCharacter", "Text": "Not the Modification Slot of Current Character" }, { "Id": 20100010, "Key": "RpgCanNotFindCharacterTalentLayer", "Text": "20100010 Character talent level configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20100011, "Key": "RpgCanNotFindTalentLayer", "Text": "Modification Layer configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20100012, "Key": "RpgPreTalentLayerDoNotActivated", "Text": "Activate the Modification Slot on the previous layer first" }, { "Id": 20100013, "Key": "RpgCanNotFindDailyReward", "Text": "Daily Supply Rewards configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20100014, "Key": "RpgHadGetDailyReward", "Text": "Daily supply claimed today" }, { "Id": 20100015, "Key": "RpgTalentPosNotActivated", "Text": "20100017 Talent point not activated" }, { "Id": 20100016, "Key": "RpgMustResetNextLayerTalent", "Text": "20100018 Reset the talent of the next level first" }, { "Id": 20100017, "Key": "RpgCanNotFindTalentLayerTemplate", "Text": "20100017 Talent level configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20100018, "Key": "RpgTalentNeedTeamLevelNotEnough", "Text": "20100018 Insufficient team level" }, { "Id": 20100019, "Key": "RpgTalentNotFindTalentType", "Text": "20100019 Character switch talent does not exist" }, { "Id": 20100020, "Key": "RpgTalentNotResetNotUseTalentType", "Text": "20100020 Talent type error of the skill" }, { "Id": 20100021, "Key": "RpgTalentActivateNotCurLayer", "Text": "20100021 Unable to activate stat is not on the talent page" }, { "Id": 20101001, "Key": "BackgroundChoseSameScene", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20101002, "Key": "BackgroundIsLock", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20102001, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityInvalidId", "Text": "Invalid Event ID" }, { "Id": 20102002, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityInvalidPuzzleId", "Text": "Invalid Puzzle ID" }, { "Id": 20102003, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityInvalidPieceId", "Text": "Invalid Shard ID" }, { "Id": 20102004, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityNoPieceCanBeExchanged", "Text": "No Shard available" }, { "Id": 20102005, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityInvalidTargetIdx", "Text": "Invalid target location" }, { "Id": 20102006, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityPieceIdxIsCorrect", "Text": "This Shard is already in the correct location" }, { "Id": 20102007, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityPieceIdxEqualsTargetIdx", "Text": "Shard has not been moved" }, { "Id": 20102008, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityCantSwapOnBoardPiece", "Text": "Unable to swap Shards not on the puzzle" }, { "Id": 20102009, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityInvalidRewardIdx", "Text": "Invalid reward index" }, { "Id": 20102010, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityInvalidRewardIdxIsGot", "Text": "Reward has been claimed" }, { "Id": 20102011, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityCorrectPieceNotEnoughForReward", "Text": "Reward requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20102012, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityExchangePieceRandIdExisted", "Text": "Exchange failed. Please try again" }, { "Id": 20102013, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityPasswordAlreadyCorrect", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20102014, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityPuzzleStatusError", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20102015, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityPuzzlePasswordFormatError", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20102016, "Key": "DragPuzzleActivityPuzzlePasswordOutRange", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20103001, "Key": "MaintainerActionWrongCard", "Text": "Patrol plan does not exist" }, { "Id": 20103002, "Key": "MaintainerActionCardPoolError", "Text": "Patrol plan pool error" }, { "Id": 20103003, "Key": "MaintainerActionBoxFinish", "Text": "Weekly support limit reached" }, { "Id": 20103004, "Key": "MaintainerActionNodeEventValueError", "Text": "Area data error" }, { "Id": 20103005, "Key": "MaintainerActionDailyActionPointLimit", "Text": "Daily action limit reached" }, { "Id": 20103006, "Key": "MaintainerActionCurrentNodeException", "Text": "Current area error" }, { "Id": 20103007, "Key": "MaintainerActionNodeTypeIsNotFight", "Text": "You are not in a battle mission area and cannot challenge the stage" }, { "Id": 20103008, "Key": "MaintainerActionStageIdError", "Text": "Stage ID error" }, { "Id": 20103009, "Key": "MaintainerActionFightFinish", "Text": "Battle mission completed" }, { "Id": 20103010, "Key": "MaintainerActionNodeNotTriggered", "Text": "Area event not triggered. Unable to move" }, { "Id": 20103011, "Key": "MaintainerActionNodeIsTriggered", "Text": "Area event has been triggered" }, { "Id": 20103012, "Key": "MaintainerActionNotOpen", "Text": "Feature not yet available" }, { "Id": 20103013, "Key": "MaintainerActionHadReset", "Text": "Event has been reset" }, { "Id": 20103014, "Key": "MaintainerActionCanNotFindFightNode", "Text": "Battle mission not found" }, { "Id": 20103015, "Key": "MaintainerActionFightNodeException", "Text": "Battle mission error" }, { "Id": 20103016, "Key": "MaintainerActionExplorationIsComplete", "Text": "Unknown area has already been explored" }, { "Id": 20103017, "Key": "MaintainerActionWarehouseFinish", "Text": "Abandoned Warehouse is already completed" }, { "Id": 20104001, "Key": "TrpgTargetLinkIdExit", "Text": "Target chain does not exist" }, { "Id": 20104002, "Key": "TrpgFuncNotOpen", "Text": "Feature is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20104003, "Key": "TrpgTimeNotOpen", "Text": "The area is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20104004, "Key": "TrpgTargetCfgNotExist", "Text": "Target settings not found" }, { "Id": 20104005, "Key": "TrpgTargetIsFinished", "Text": "Target completed" }, { "Id": 20104006, "Key": "TrpgPreTargetNotFinished", "Text": "Prerequisite condition incomplete" }, { "Id": 20104007, "Key": "TrpgFuncCfgNotExist", "Text": "Function event settings not found" }, { "Id": 20104008, "Key": "TrpgFuncIdNotNeedSave", "Text": "Function event does not need to be completed" }, { "Id": 20104009, "Key": "TrpgFuncIdNotInGroup", "Text": "Function event ID not in the group" }, { "Id": 20104010, "Key": "TrpgFuncGroupPreFuncNotFinish", "Text": "Prerequisite function event incomplete" }, { "Id": 20104011, "Key": "TrpgFuncIsFinished", "Text": "Function event already completed" }, { "Id": 20104012, "Key": "TrpgFuncStageNotFinish", "Text": "Function event stage incomplete" }, { "Id": 20104013, "Key": "TrpgFuncExamineNotFinish", "Text": "Function event check incomplete" }, { "Id": 20104014, "Key": "TrpgCharacterNotOwner", "Text": "You don't own this investigator" }, { "Id": 20104015, "Key": "TrpgCharacterCfgNotExist", "Text": "Investigator configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20104016, "Key": "TrpgTalentCfgNotExit", "Text": "Talent does not exist" }, { "Id": 20104017, "Key": "TrpgTalentAlreadyActivate", "Text": "Talent already activated" }, { "Id": 20104018, "Key": "TrpgTalentPreIdNotActivate", "Text": "Prerequisite talent not activated" }, { "Id": 20104019, "Key": "TrpgTalentPointNoEnough", "Text": "Insufficient talent points" }, { "Id": 20104020, "Key": "TrpgCharacterTalentsIsEmpty", "Text": "No talent activated" }, { "Id": 20104021, "Key": "TrpgMazeIdNotExist", "Text": "Maze ID error" }, { "Id": 20104022, "Key": "TrpgMazeInstNotExist", "Text": "Maze data not found" }, { "Id": 20104023, "Key": "TrpgLayerIdNotInCurrentMaze", "Text": "Current maze does not have this level" }, { "Id": 20104024, "Key": "TrpgLayerCfgNotExist", "Text": "Maze level settings not found" }, { "Id": 20104025, "Key": "TrpgMapCfgNotExist", "Text": "Map settings not found" }, { "Id": 20104026, "Key": "TrpgSelectLayerIdIsError", "Text": "Level selection error" }, { "Id": 20104027, "Key": "TrpgSelectNodeIdIsError", "Text": "Node selection error" }, { "Id": 20104028, "Key": "TrpgSelectPosNodeIdNotExist", "Text": "Selected node does not exist" }, { "Id": 20104029, "Key": "TrpgSelectPosIndexNotExist", "Text": "Selected index location does not exist" }, { "Id": 20104030, "Key": "TrpgSelectCardCfgNotExist", "Text": "Card settings not found" }, { "Id": 20104031, "Key": "TrpgSelectPosIndexIsCross", "Text": "Selected index location overflow" }, { "Id": 20104032, "Key": "TrpgSelectCardCanNotGiveUp", "Text": "Unable to give up current card" }, { "Id": 20104033, "Key": "TrpgLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Exploration level too low" }, { "Id": 20104034, "Key": "TrpgBlockCardCanNotSelect", "Text": "Unable to select a Block Card" }, { "Id": 20104035, "Key": "TrpgItemCfgNotExist", "Text": "Item settings not found" }, { "Id": 20104036, "Key": "TrpgUseItemCountError", "Text": "Item use quantity error" }, { "Id": 20104037, "Key": "TrpgUseItemCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient items" }, { "Id": 20104038, "Key": "TrpgItemCanNotUse", "Text": "This item cannot be used" }, { "Id": 20104039, "Key": "TrpgExamineIdError", "Text": "Check ID error" }, { "Id": 20104040, "Key": "TrpgExamineActionIdError", "Text": "Check action ID error" }, { "Id": 20104041, "Key": "TrpgEnduranceNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Stamina for checking" }, { "Id": 20104042, "Key": "TrpgExamineInstNotExist", "Text": "Check data not found" }, { "Id": 20104043, "Key": "TrpgExamineReachMaxRound", "Text": "Max check rounds reached" }, { "Id": 20104044, "Key": "TrpgExamineCurRoundNotFinish", "Text": "Current round is not completed" }, { "Id": 20104045, "Key": "TrpgExamineIdIsError", "Text": "Check ID error" }, { "Id": 20104046, "Key": "TrpgExamineAttributeIdNotExist", "Text": "Check stats ID not found" }, { "Id": 20104047, "Key": "TrpgExamineRoundError", "Text": "Check round error" }, { "Id": 20104048, "Key": "TrpgExamineCharacterAlreadyExamine", "Text": "Character has already gone through check" }, { "Id": 20104049, "Key": "TrpgExamineUseItemNotExist", "Text": "Check item does not exist" }, { "Id": 20104050, "Key": "TrpgExamineUseItemEffectError", "Text": "Check item usage error" }, { "Id": 20104051, "Key": "TrpgExamineUseItemAttributeError", "Text": "Check item stats error" }, { "Id": 20104052, "Key": "TrpgExamineCharacterNotHaveScore", "Text": "Character has not been checked yet" }, { "Id": 20104053, "Key": "TrpgShopIdIsError", "Text": "Shop ID error" }, { "Id": 20104054, "Key": "TrpgShopItemIdIsError", "Text": "Shop item ID error" }, { "Id": 20104055, "Key": "TrpgShopItemCfgNotExist", "Text": "Shop item settings not found" }, { "Id": 20104056, "Key": "TrpgShopItemBuyCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient item purchase attempts" }, { "Id": 20104057, "Key": "TrpgMemoirIdIsError", "Text": "Memory ID error" }, { "Id": 20104058, "Key": "TrpgMemoirIdAlreadyUnlock", "Text": "Memory already unlocked" }, { "Id": 20104059, "Key": "TrpgMemoirUnlockItemNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient unlock items" }, { "Id": 20104060, "Key": "TrpgRewardIdIsError", "Text": "Reward ID error" }, { "Id": 20104061, "Key": "TrpgRewardIdAlreadyGet", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20104062, "Key": "TrpgBossNotInOpenTime", "Text": "Boss is not available" }, { "Id": 20104063, "Key": "TrpgBossPhasesRewardIdIsError", "Text": "Progress reward error" }, { "Id": 20104064, "Key": "TrpgBossPhasesRewardIdAlreadyGet", "Text": "Progress reward claimed" }, { "Id": 20104065, "Key": "TrpgBossPercentNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Boss HP" }, { "Id": 20104066, "Key": "TrpgBossCfgNotExist", "Text": "Boss settings not found" }, { "Id": 20104067, "Key": "TrpgBossChallengeCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Boss challenge attempts" }, { "Id": 20104068, "Key": "TrpgPageStatusNotChange", "Text": "No change to page switching status" }, { "Id": 20104069, "Key": "TrpgConditionNotPass", "Text": "Requirements not met" }, { "Id": 20104070, "Key": "TrpgSecondMainStageNotExist", "Text": "Stage does not exist" }, { "Id": 20105001, "Key": "NieRActivityIsNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20105002, "Key": "NieRRepeatedCharacter", "Text": "Duplicate battle character" }, { "Id": 20105003, "Key": "NieRFightNpcIsNullOrEmpty", "Text": "You must deploy at least one character" }, { "Id": 20105004, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindCharacterConfig", "Text": "Character configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20105005, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindCharacterLevelConfig", "Text": "Character level configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20105006, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindCharacter", "Text": "Character data not found" }, { "Id": 20105007, "Key": "NieRWrongFightCharacter", "Text": "Incorrect battle character" }, { "Id": 20105008, "Key": "NieRCharacterDoNotHasFashion", "Text": "Character does not own this Coating" }, { "Id": 20105009, "Key": "NieRCharacterIsLocked", "Text": "Character locked" }, { "Id": 20105010, "Key": "NieRWrongItemType", "Text": "Incorrect item type" }, { "Id": 20105011, "Key": "NieRFightResultIsNull", "Text": "Battle result empty" }, { "Id": 20105012, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindChapterConfig", "Text": "Chapter configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20105013, "Key": "NieRChapterNotInTime", "Text": "Chapter locked" }, { "Id": 20105014, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindRepeatableStageConfig", "Text": "Stage configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20105015, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindRepeatableStageStarConfig", "Text": "Stage rank configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20105016, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindExStageConfig", "Text": "Stage configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20105017, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindBossData", "Text": "Boss data not found" }, { "Id": 20105018, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindActivityConfig", "Text": "Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20105019, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindSupportConfig", "Text": "POD configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20105020, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindSupportSkillConfig", "Text": "POD skill configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20105021, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindSupportLevelConfig", "Text": "POD level configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20105022, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindSupportSkillLevelConfig", "Text": "POD skill level configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20105023, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindSkillData", "Text": "Skill data not found" }, { "Id": 20105024, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindSupportData", "Text": "POD data not found" }, { "Id": 20105025, "Key": "NieRSupportSkillMaxLevel", "Text": "Skill at max level" }, { "Id": 20105026, "Key": "NieRActivityIsEnd", "Text": "Event is over" }, { "Id": 20105027, "Key": "NieRActivityIsReset", "Text": "Event has been reset" }, { "Id": 20105028, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindEasterEggMessageConfig", "Text": "Message configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20105029, "Key": "NieREasterEggAgeWrong", "Text": "Message age error" }, { "Id": 20105030, "Key": "NieRCanNotFindEasterEggLabelConfig", "Text": "Message tag configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20105031, "Key": "NieREasterEggNotOpen", "Text": "Easter egg locked" }, { "Id": 20105032, "Key": "NieREasterEggStageNotPass", "Text": "Rank reward claimed" }, { "Id": 20105033, "Key": "NieREasterEggHadFinished", "Text": "Already completed" }, { "Id": 20105034, "Key": "NieREasterEggWrongFightCharacter", "Text": "Incorrect battle character" }, { "Id": 20106001, "Key": "MentorServiceUnavailable", "Text": "Mentorship system not available" }, { "Id": 20106002, "Key": "MentorNotExit", "Text": "The other player has not posted an Instructor announcement" }, { "Id": 20106003, "Key": "StudentNotExit", "Text": "Student does not exist" }, { "Id": 20106004, "Key": "StudentNotPublish", "Text": "The other player has not posted a student announcement" }, { "Id": 20106005, "Key": "MentorStudentFull", "Text": "The other player's student list is full. Unable to start collaboration" }, { "Id": 20106006, "Key": "MentorStudentApplyFull", "Text": "This Instructor cannot receive anymore request" }, { "Id": 20106007, "Key": "MentorApplyCd", "Text": "Request in cooldown" }, { "Id": 20106008, "Key": "MentorAckApplyNotApply", "Text": "This student is not on the request list" }, { "Id": 20106009, "Key": "MentorAckApplyReachCapacity", "Text": "Student list full. Cannot recruit more students" }, { "Id": 20106010, "Key": "MentorAckApplyStudentLevelError", "Text": "Student level does not meet the requirement" }, { "Id": 20106011, "Key": "MentorApplyFriendFailedIsNotRepeatApply", "Text": "Failed to send student request as you have requested already" }, { "Id": 20106012, "Key": "MentorApplyListFull", "Text": "The player's application list is full" }, { "Id": 20106013, "Key": "MentorAcceptFriendFailedApplyIsNotExist", "Text": "Failed! Player does not exist or is your student already!" }, { "Id": 20106014, "Key": "MentorStudentDataError", "Text": "Student info error" }, { "Id": 20106015, "Key": "MentorCannotApplyIsNotMentor", "Text": "Not an Instructor" }, { "Id": 20106016, "Key": "MentorCannotApplyToMyself", "Text": "You cannot send request to yourself" }, { "Id": 20106017, "Key": "MentorYourStudentFull", "Text": "Student list is full. Unable to start collaboration" }, { "Id": 20106018, "Key": "MentorIsYourStudentAlready", "Text": "The player is already your student" }, { "Id": 20106019, "Key": "MentorOnlyStudentCanAgreeTeacher", "Text": "Only a student can accept the Instructor's request" }, { "Id": 20106020, "Key": "MentorNotSendAnnouncement", "Text": "You have not posted an announcement" }, { "Id": 20106021, "Key": "MentorCannotSendAnnouncement", "Text": "You do not have the permission to post an announcement" }, { "Id": 20106022, "Key": "MentorNoAuthority", "Text": "You don't have the permission" }, { "Id": 20106023, "Key": "MentorManagerApplyFailedIsRefused", "Text": "Your request has been rejected" }, { "Id": 20106024, "Key": "MentorManagerApplyFriendFailedIsDeleted", "Text": "Request failed. You have been deleted" }, { "Id": 20106025, "Key": "MentorManagerRecommendFriendFailedRecommendCoolDownTime", "Text": "You are refreshing the recommendation list too often. Please wait 1 minute before trying again" }, { "Id": 20106026, "Key": "MentorDailyApplyCountTooMuch", "Text": "Too many requests today" }, { "Id": 20106027, "Key": "MentorManagerSearchFriendFailedRecommendCoolDownTime", "Text": "Player search failed. Search in cooldown" }, { "Id": 20106028, "Key": "MentorAddMemberMongoDbError", "Text": "This player is already a student and cannot be recruited by other Instructors" }, { "Id": 20106029, "Key": "MentorTickMemberMongoDbError", "Text": "Error deleting player database" }, { "Id": 20106030, "Key": "MentorCannotTickMyself", "Text": "Unable to delete yourself" }, { "Id": 20106031, "Key": "MentorCannotApplyMentorForTheMoment", "Text": "You cannot establish collaboration at the moment" }, { "Id": 20106032, "Key": "MentorCannotApplyStudentForTheMoment", "Text": "You cannot recruit students at the moment" }, { "Id": 20106033, "Key": "MentorMailContentFormatError", "Text": "Mentorship mail format error" }, { "Id": 20106034, "Key": "MentorAddMemberFullForStudent", "Text": "This player is already a student and cannot be recruited by other Instructors" }, { "Id": 20106035, "Key": "MentorAddMemberFullForTeacher", "Text": "The player is a student of another Instructor and cannot be recruited by you" }, { "Id": 20106036, "Key": "MentorAnnouncementTooLong", "Text": "Announcement too long" }, { "Id": 20106037, "Key": "MentorCannotGetTaskRewardAfterGraduate", "Text": "You cannot claim graduation challenge reward after graduating" }, { "Id": 20106038, "Key": "MentorCannotGetGraduateRewardCondition", "Text": "Graduation requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20106039, "Key": "MentorCannotGraduateMyself", "Text": "The Instructor cannot graduate" }, { "Id": 20106040, "Key": "MentorMasterStageNotExit", "Text": "Graduation progress reward not found" }, { "Id": 20106041, "Key": "MentorAlreadyGetStageReward", "Text": "You have already claimed this reward" }, { "Id": 20106042, "Key": "MentorMasterStageNotReachCondition", "Text": "Claim requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20106043, "Key": "MentorMasterGetRewardAfterStudentGraduate", "Text": "Student can only claim rewards after graduation" }, { "Id": 20106044, "Key": "MentorGraduateTaskNotExit", "Text": "This mission does not exist" }, { "Id": 20106045, "Key": "MentorGraduateTaskNotAchieved", "Text": "This mission is not completed yet" }, { "Id": 20106046, "Key": "MentorCannotGetGraduateTaskRewardTwice", "Text": "Cannot claim the same mission reward again" }, { "Id": 20106047, "Key": "MentorManagerRefreshFriendFailedRecommendCoolDownTime", "Text": "Failed to refresh player mission list. Refresh in cooldown" }, { "Id": 20106048, "Key": "MentorOnlyTeacherCanRefreshGraduateTask", "Text": "Only an Instructor can refresh the mission list" }, { "Id": 20106049, "Key": "MentorStudentAlreadyGraduate", "Text": "This player has already graduated" }, { "Id": 20106050, "Key": "MentorTaskNotExist", "Text": "This mission does not exist" }, { "Id": 20106051, "Key": "MentorTaskAlreadyReceived", "Text": "This mission has already been claimed" }, { "Id": 20106052, "Key": "MentorTaskAlreadyCompleted", "Text": "This mission has been completed" }, { "Id": 20106053, "Key": "MentorChangeTaskCountTooMany", "Text": "Mission swap limit reached" }, { "Id": 20106054, "Key": "MentorGetTaskCountTooMany", "Text": "Daily mission limit reached" }, { "Id": 20106055, "Key": "MentorGetWeeklyTaskCountTooMany", "Text": "Daily mission limit reached" }, { "Id": 20106056, "Key": "MentorTaskNotInCache", "Text": "This mission is not in the refresh cache" }, { "Id": 20106057, "Key": "MentorEquipTooMany", "Text": "Memory quantity limit reached" }, { "Id": 20106058, "Key": "MentorEquipNotExist", "Text": "Memory does not exist" }, { "Id": 20106059, "Key": "MentorEquipLevelWrong", "Text": "Memory level does not match" }, { "Id": 20106060, "Key": "MentorEquipStarWrong", "Text": "Memory rank does not match" }, { "Id": 20106061, "Key": "MentorTaskStatusWrong", "Text": "Mission incomplete or has already awarded a Memory" }, { "Id": 20106062, "Key": "MentorEquipIsLock", "Text": "Memory is locked" }, { "Id": 20106063, "Key": "MentorEquipTypeWrong", "Text": "Equipment type error" }, { "Id": 20106064, "Key": "MentorEquipNotInCache", "Text": "No Memory available" }, { "Id": 20106065, "Key": "MentorEquipFull", "Text": "Warehouse full" }, { "Id": 20106066, "Key": "MentorEquipAlreadyPutOn", "Text": "Memory has already been equipped" }, { "Id": 20106067, "Key": "MentorEquipTooFew", "Text": "Please select at least 1 Memory" }, { "Id": 20106068, "Key": "MentorCannotAgreeStudentForTheMoment", "Text": "This instructor cannot recruit students at the moment" }, { "Id": 20106069, "Key": "MentorApplyAlreadyTimeout", "Text": "Request has expired" }, { "Id": 20106070, "Key": "MentorMasterTaskExpire", "Text": "Reward has expired" }, { "Id": 20106071, "Key": "MentorMonthlyStudentCountTooMany", "Text": "Instructor's monthly student limit reached" }, { "Id": 20106072, "Key": "MentorMonthlyStudentCountTooManyForMentor", "Text": "Monthly student limit reached" }, { "Id": 20106073, "Key": "MentorMessageBoardIsNull", "Text": "Message cannot be empty" }, { "Id": 20106074, "Key": "MentorMessageBoardInvalid", "Text": "Message contains invalid characters" }, { "Id": 20106075, "Key": "MentorMessageBoardTooLong", "Text": "Message is too long" }, { "Id": 20106076, "Key": "MentorGiftNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient gifts" }, { "Id": 20106077, "Key": "MentorCanNotSendToMyself", "Text": "You can't give yourself a gift" }, { "Id": 20106078, "Key": "MentorAlreadySendGift", "Text": "You have sent out your gift" }, { "Id": 20106079, "Key": "MentorTaskAlreadyChange", "Text": "You have changed the mission for your students" }, { "Id": 20106080, "Key": "MentorSendMessageNotExit", "Text": "You should publish Instructor's Declaration on [Recruitment] to activate message function" }, { "Id": 20106081, "Key": "MentorCannotApplyMentorByBlockList", "Text": "Currently blacklisted, cannot establish collaboration." }, { "Id": 20106082, "Key": "MentorCannotApplyStudentByBlockList", "Text": "Currently blacklisted, cannot send request." }, { "Id": 20107001, "Key": "TeachingActivityIsNotOpen", "Text": "Event has not started" }, { "Id": 20107002, "Key": "TeachingActivityIdNotFount", "Text": "Event is over" }, { "Id": 20107003, "Key": "TeachingActivityHaveNotPassedRecord", "Text": "No clear record found" }, { "Id": 20107004, "Key": "TeachingActivityTreasureRewardNotFound", "Text": "No chest reward found" }, { "Id": 20107005, "Key": "TeachingActivityRobotCanNotUse", "Text": "No Trial Character in current stage" }, { "Id": 20107006, "Key": "TeachingActivityStageNoThisRobot", "Text": "Trial Character cannot be used in current stage" }, { "Id": 20107007, "Key": "TeachingActivityCharCountNotMatch", "Text": "Inconsistent number of configuration characters" }, { "Id": 20107008, "Key": "TeachingActivityRobotIdsIsNull", "Text": "Available character list cannot be empty" }, { "Id": 20108001, "Key": "GuardCampActivityIdError", "Text": "Event ID error" }, { "Id": 20108002, "Key": "GuardCampIdError", "Text": "Faction ID error" }, { "Id": 20108003, "Key": "GuardCampNotInOpenTime", "Text": "Event has not started" }, { "Id": 20108004, "Key": "GuardCampNotInSupportTime", "Text": "Cheering has not started for the event" }, { "Id": 20108005, "Key": "GuardCampIsInSupportTime", "Text": "Cheering has started for the event" }, { "Id": 20108006, "Key": "GuardCampCenterDataNotFound", "Text": "Event data not found" }, { "Id": 20108007, "Key": "GuardCampWinCampAlreadySet", "Text": "Winning faction has already been configured" }, { "Id": 20108008, "Key": "GuardCampAlreadySelected", "Text": "You have already chosen a faction" }, { "Id": 20108009, "Key": "GuardCampNotSelectCamp", "Text": "Choose your faction first" }, { "Id": 20108010, "Key": "GuardCampSupportCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient cheer attempt" }, { "Id": 20108011, "Key": "GuardCampIsOperating", "Text": "Processing. Please wait..." }, { "Id": 20108012, "Key": "GuardCampNotJoinActivity", "Text": "You have not participated in this event" }, { "Id": 20108013, "Key": "GuardCampResultRewardIsGet", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20108014, "Key": "GuardCampResultIsNotSet", "Text": "Event results are not available yet" }, { "Id": 20108015, "Key": "GuardCampResultRewardIsEmpty", "Text": "Reward data error" }, { "Id": 20108016, "Key": "GuardCampGlobalDataNotFound", "Text": "Event data not found" }, { "Id": 20109001, "Key": "PokemonIsNotOpen", "Text": "Outside the event period" }, { "Id": 20109002, "Key": "PokemonMonsterInvalidMonsterId", "Text": "Invalid Mechanoid" }, { "Id": 20109003, "Key": "PokemonMonsterDataNotExist", "Text": "Mechanoid not obtained" }, { "Id": 20109011, "Key": "PokemonFirstMonsterIsGot", "Text": "You have already obtained your first mechanoid" }, { "Id": 20109012, "Key": "PokemonFirstMonsterNotConfig", "Text": "This mechanoid cannot be obtained via the first mechanoid" }, { "Id": 20109021, "Key": "PokemonMonsterLevelConfigNotExist", "Text": "Mechanoid level not found" }, { "Id": 20109022, "Key": "PokemonMonsterMaxLevel", "Text": "Mechanoid has reached level limit" }, { "Id": 20109023, "Key": "PokemonMonsterStarConfigNotExist", "Text": "Mechanoid rank not found" }, { "Id": 20109024, "Key": "PokemonMonsterLevelNotEnoughForStarUp", "Text": "Mechanoid level too low to star up" }, { "Id": 20109025, "Key": "PokemonMonsterMaxStar", "Text": "Mechanoid rank limit reached" }, { "Id": 20109031, "Key": "PokemonMonsterInvalidSkillId", "Text": "Invalid mechanoid skill" }, { "Id": 20109032, "Key": "PokemonMonsterStarNotEnoughForSkill", "Text": "Mechanoid skill level too low to star up" }, { "Id": 20109041, "Key": "PokemonFormationMonsterRepeated", "Text": "Duplicate mechanoid in the lineup" }, { "Id": 20109042, "Key": "PokemonFormationMonsterNotExist", "Text": "Locked mechanoid in the lineup" }, { "Id": 20109043, "Key": "PokemonFormationPositionLocked", "Text": "Lineup slot locked" }, { "Id": 20109044, "Key": "PokemonFormationOutOfEnergy", "Text": "Lineup requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20109045, "Key": "PokemonMonsterTeamBossCountError", "Text": "Incorrect core member quantity" }, { "Id": 20109051, "Key": "PokemonStageInvalidId", "Text": "Invalid Micawberism Cloisters stage" }, { "Id": 20109052, "Key": "PokemonPokeChapterIsNotOpen", "Text": "Chapter locked" }, { "Id": 20109053, "Key": "PokemonStageFailedToRandom", "Text": "Micawberism Cloisters random failure" }, { "Id": 20109054, "Key": "PokemonStageTimesNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient challenge attempts" }, { "Id": 20109055, "Key": "PokemonStageActivityIdDoNotMatch", "Text": "Micawberism Cloisters event ID do not match" }, { "Id": 20109056, "Key": "PokemonStageSkipRepeated", "Text": "Stage cleared or skipped" }, { "Id": 20109057, "Key": "PokemonStageSkipTimesNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Trap Dolls" }, { "Id": 20109061, "Key": "PokemonTimeSupplyTimeNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient time to claim rewards" }, { "Id": 20110001, "Key": "ComposeGameBagCapacityIsFull", "Text": "Inventory full. Cannot purchase" }, { "Id": 20110002, "Key": "ComposeGameRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20110003, "Key": "ComposeGameRewardScheduleNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient prototype progress. Unable to claim" }, { "Id": 20110004, "Key": "ComposeGameCanNotFoundReward", "Text": "Corresponding reward is empty" }, { "Id": 20110005, "Key": "ComposeGameCanNotFoundShopId", "Text": "Part material not found" }, { "Id": 20110006, "Key": "ComposeGameActivityIsNotOpen", "Text": "Event has not started" }, { "Id": 20110007, "Key": "ComposeGameActivityIsNotFound", "Text": "Event is over" }, { "Id": 20110008, "Key": "ComposeGameShopIdAlreadySell", "Text": "Part material has already been purchased" }, { "Id": 20110009, "Key": "ComposeGameGoodNotFound", "Text": "You don't own this part material" }, { "Id": 20110010, "Key": "ComposeGameRefreshCountNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough refresh attempts" }, { "Id": 20110011, "Key": "ComposeGameCanNotFoundCanRefreshGoods", "Text": "Material shop is empty under the current prototype progress" }, { "Id": 20110012, "Key": "ComposeGameFubenScheduleNotEnough", "Text": "You must meet the required prototype progress to unlock" }, { "Id": 20111001, "Key": "LottoNotOpen", "Text": "Coating pool not available" }, { "Id": 20111002, "Key": "LottoTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to retrieve research info of pool" }, { "Id": 20111003, "Key": "LottoAlreadyGetMaxLimitTimes", "Text": "Pool research attempt limit reached" }, { "Id": 20111004, "Key": "LottoBuyTicketTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Failed to retrieve token exchange info" }, { "Id": 20111005, "Key": "LottoBuyTicketCanNotFindCostItemId", "Text": "Failed to retrieve token-consumable exchange info" }, { "Id": 20111006, "Key": "LottoBuyTicketCanNotFindCostItemCount", "Text": "Failed to retrieve token-consumable exchange quantity" }, { "Id": 20111007, "Key": "LottoBuyTicketRuleCountError", "Text": "Token exchange info does not match the pool research attempts" }, { "Id": 20112001, "Key": "CoupletIndexError", "Text": "Outside the event period" }, { "Id": 20112002, "Key": "DoubleClickCoupletIndexError", "Text": "[Fill] step already completed" }, { "Id": 20112003, "Key": "CoupletConfigError", "Text": "Couplets configuration error" }, { "Id": 20112004, "Key": "CoupletSortError", "Text": "The lines don't match. Check your second line again!" }, { "Id": 20113001, "Key": "StrongholdNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20113002, "Key": "StrongholdActivityIdNotMatch", "Text": "Event id does not match" }, { "Id": 20113003, "Key": "StrongholdAssistDataIsLoading", "Text": "Loading support data" }, { "Id": 20113004, "Key": "StrongholdSetAssistCharacterIsSame", "Text": "Support character is the same as current character" }, { "Id": 20113005, "Key": "StrongholdSetAssistCharacterIsInCd", "Text": "Support character setting in cooldown" }, { "Id": 20113006, "Key": "StrongholdSetAssistCharacterFail", "Text": "Support character setting failed" }, { "Id": 20113007, "Key": "StrongholdFightNotBegin", "Text": "Challenge phase has not started" }, { "Id": 20113008, "Key": "StrongholdFightIsEnd", "Text": "Battle phase has ended" }, { "Id": 20113009, "Key": "StrongholdNotMineralLeft", "Text": "No Ore available to claim" }, { "Id": 20113010, "Key": "StrongholdNotHaveMineOutPutDetail", "Text": "No Ore production log available" }, { "Id": 20113011, "Key": "StrongholdResetGroupInfoNotExist", "Text": "Current stronghold has no progress" }, { "Id": 20113012, "Key": "StrongholdElectricTeamMemberCountError", "Text": "Electricity support member quantity error" }, { "Id": 20113013, "Key": "StrongholdPreTeamCountError", "Text": "Team preset quantity error" }, { "Id": 20113014, "Key": "StrongholdPreTeamCharacterRepeat", "Text": "Duplicate member configured" }, { "Id": 20113015, "Key": "StrongholdPluginIdNotExist", "Text": "Add-on id does not exist" }, { "Id": 20113016, "Key": "StrongholdElectricEnergyNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient current electricity" }, { "Id": 20113017, "Key": "StrongholdCharacterIdIsInElectricTeam", "Text": "This member is already set for electricity support" }, { "Id": 20113018, "Key": "StrongholdGroupIdNotExist", "Text": "Stage id does not exist" }, { "Id": 20113019, "Key": "StrongholdGroupNotOpen", "Text": "Challenge stage locked" }, { "Id": 20113020, "Key": "StrongholdEnduranceNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient combat points" }, { "Id": 20113021, "Key": "StrongholdGroupStageDataNotFound", "Text": "Stage data not found" }, { "Id": 20113022, "Key": "StrongholdFightTeamCountError", "Text": "Combat team quantity error" }, { "Id": 20113023, "Key": "StrongholdTeamSetCharacterError", "Text": "Team size configuration error" }, { "Id": 20113024, "Key": "StrongholdFinishedStageCanNotChangeTeam", "Text": "Unable to change team for already completed stage" }, { "Id": 20113025, "Key": "StrongholdFightTeamCharacterRepeat", "Text": "Duplicate team character configuration" }, { "Id": 20113026, "Key": "StrongholdCurFightTeamDataNotExist", "Text": "Combat team info does not exist" }, { "Id": 20113027, "Key": "StrongholdRobotIdIsNotExist", "Text": "Trial member id does not exist" }, { "Id": 20113028, "Key": "StrongholdRobotCharacterIdNotMatch", "Text": "Trial member does not match" }, { "Id": 20113029, "Key": "StrongholdRobotIsNotValid", "Text": "Invalid trial member id" }, { "Id": 20113030, "Key": "StrongholdFightGroupIdError", "Text": "Current stronghold id error" }, { "Id": 20113031, "Key": "StrongholdStageNotInCurActivity", "Text": "Stage is not in the current stronghold" }, { "Id": 20113032, "Key": "StrongholdStageIsFinished", "Text": "Stage already completed" }, { "Id": 20113033, "Key": "StrongholdPreStageNotFinish", "Text": "You have not completed the previous stage yet" }, { "Id": 20113034, "Key": "StrongholdStageTeamNotExist", "Text": "Stage team does not exist" }, { "Id": 20113035, "Key": "StrongholdPreFightDataTeamError", "Text": "Team data error prior to stage" }, { "Id": 20113036, "Key": "StrongholdBorrowDataNotExist", "Text": "Borrow data not found" }, { "Id": 20113037, "Key": "StrongholdBorrowCharacterIdError", "Text": "Borrowed character error" }, { "Id": 20113038, "Key": "StrongholdBorrowCharacterCountOverflow", "Text": "Character borrowed exceeding single limit" }, { "Id": 20113039, "Key": "StrongholdBorrowCountReachMax", "Text": "Total borrow exceeding limit" }, { "Id": 20113040, "Key": "StrongholdRewardIdIsError", "Text": "Reward ID error" }, { "Id": 20113041, "Key": "StrongholdRewardIdIsOffline", "Text": "Reward has expired" }, { "Id": 20113042, "Key": "StrongholdRewardIdIsAlreadyGet", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20113043, "Key": "StrongholdMinerCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient total miners" }, { "Id": 20113044, "Key": "StrongholdMineralNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient total Ore production" }, { "Id": 20113045, "Key": "StrongholdFinishGroupNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient stages completed" }, { "Id": 20113046, "Key": "StrongholdGroupNotFinish", "Text": "Configured stronghold not completed" }, { "Id": 20113047, "Key": "StrongholdGroupIsFinish", "Text": "Configured stronghold already completed" }, { "Id": 20113048, "Key": "StrongholdPredictMineralCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient expected total Ore production" }, { "Id": 20113049, "Key": "StrongholdFightTeamNotFull", "Text": "Deployed team is not full" }, { "Id": 20113050, "Key": "StrongholdFightTeamNotReachAbility", "Text": "Deployed team is below the required power" }, { "Id": 20113051, "Key": "StrongholdHaveGroupNotFinished", "Text": "Deployed team is below the required power" }, { "Id": 20113052, "Key": "StrongholdPreSetTeamCanNotAssistCharacter", "Text": "Unable to set support character for preset team" }, { "Id": 20113053, "Key": "StrongholdPreSetTeamCanNotRobot", "Text": "Unable to set miner for preset team" }, { "Id": 20113054, "Key": "StrongholdNotSelectLevelId", "Text": "Level id not selected" }, { "Id": 20113055, "Key": "StrongholdAlreadySelectLevelId", "Text": "Level id selected" }, { "Id": 20113056, "Key": "StrongholdLevelIdCfgNotExit", "Text": "Level settings not found" }, { "Id": 20113057, "Key": "StrongholdLevelIdNotMatch", "Text": "Selection-Level not match" }, { "Id": 20113058, "Key": "StrongholdRewardLevelIdNotMatch", "Text": "Reward-Level not match" }, { "Id": 20113059, "Key": "StrongholdCurDayCanNotStay", "Text": "Cannot pause currently" }, { "Id": 20113060, "Key": "StrongholdCurDayIsStay", "Text": "Paused currently" }, { "Id": 20113061, "Key": "StrongholdGroupChapterError", "Text": "Stronghold Chapter error" }, { "Id": 20113062, "Key": "StrongholdTeamSetRuneRepeat", "Text": "Energy Field settings repeated" }, { "Id": 20113063, "Key": "StrongholdRuneCfgNotExist", "Text": "Energy Field settings not found" }, { "Id": 20113064, "Key": "StrongholdSetSubRuneError", "Text": "Energy Field Module settings error" }, { "Id": 20113065, "Key": "StrongholdSetRuneIdIsNotOpen", "Text": "This Energy Field is not yet available" }, { "Id": 20113066, "Key": "StrongholdGroupStageNotFinish", "Text": "Current Stronghold stage not cleared, cannot reset" }, { "Id": 20113067, "Key": "StrongholdElectricEnergyOverMax", "Text": "20113067 Electric power exceeding the limit" }, { "Id": 20113068, "Key": "StrongholdLendCharacterDisableUse", "Text": "20113068 Use of support characters prohibited" }, { "Id": 20113069, "Key": "StrongholdFinishGroupUsedElectricOutOfRange", "Text": "20113069 Use of electric power exceeding the configurated amount" }, { "Id": 20114001, "Key": "PartnerTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Unable to find CUB configuration" }, { "Id": 20114002, "Key": "PartnerCapacityNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient CUB hangar capacity" }, { "Id": 20114003, "Key": "PartnerGetPartnerNotFound", "Text": "CUB does not exist" }, { "Id": 20114004, "Key": "PartnerChangeNameIsTooLong", "Text": "Name length exceeding 5 characters" }, { "Id": 20114005, "Key": "PartnerChangeNameIsNotChange", "Text": "Name has no change" }, { "Id": 20114006, "Key": "PartnerChangeNameIsNull", "Text": "Name is empty" }, { "Id": 20114007, "Key": "PartnerChangeNameIsInvalid", "Text": "Name contains sensitive characters. Please change it" }, { "Id": 20114008, "Key": "PartnerNewPartnerFail", "Text": "Failed to add CUB" }, { "Id": 20114009, "Key": "PartnerCanNotCarryByThisCharacterType", "Text": "This character type cannot equip a CUB" }, { "Id": 20114010, "Key": "PartnerIsLocked", "Text": "CUB is locked" }, { "Id": 20114011, "Key": "PartnerIsUnLock", "Text": "CUB is unlocked" }, { "Id": 20114012, "Key": "PartnerLevelUpUseMaterialsIsEmpty", "Text": "No CUB upgrade material" }, { "Id": 20114013, "Key": "PartnerLevelUpIsMaxLevel", "Text": "CUB has reached max level" }, { "Id": 20114014, "Key": "PartnerGetLevelUpTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Unable to find CUB upgrade configuration" }, { "Id": 20114015, "Key": "PartnerLevelUpLevelLimit", "Text": "CUB has reached level limit" }, { "Id": 20114016, "Key": "PartnerBreakThroughLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Must reach the max level to overclock" }, { "Id": 20114017, "Key": "PartnerBreakThroughIsMaxLevel", "Text": "CUB overclock full" }, { "Id": 20114018, "Key": "PartnerCostPartnerStatusIsLock", "Text": "One or more CUBs to be consumed is locked" }, { "Id": 20114019, "Key": "PartnerCostPartnerIsCarryByCharacter", "Text": "One or more CUBs to be consumed is equipped" }, { "Id": 20114020, "Key": "PartnerCostPartnerIsDifferActivate", "Text": "Consumed CUB ID is different from the activated CUB ID" }, { "Id": 20114021, "Key": "PartnerStarScheduleIsFull", "Text": "CUB node is full. No need to activate" }, { "Id": 20114022, "Key": "PartnerStarScheduleIsNotFull", "Text": "CUB node is not full. Unable to evolve" }, { "Id": 20114023, "Key": "PartnerQualityIsMax", "Text": "Max quality reached" }, { "Id": 20114024, "Key": "PartnerTemplateSkillNotFound", "Text": "CUB skill configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20114025, "Key": "PartnerAllSkillAlreadyFullLevel", "Text": "All CUB skills have reached max level" }, { "Id": 20114026, "Key": "PartnerSkillIdIsNotActivate", "Text": "Skill unactivated" }, { "Id": 20114027, "Key": "PartnerSkillChangeTypeNotTheSame", "Text": "Skill to replace has different type" }, { "Id": 20114028, "Key": "PartnerMainSkillPosCanNotBeTakeOff", "Text": "Main skill is fixed and cannot be unequipped" }, { "Id": 20114029, "Key": "PartnerMainSkillPosCanNotBeWear", "Text": "Main skill is fixed and cannot be equipped" }, { "Id": 20114030, "Key": "PartnerSkillPosHaveNotUnlock", "Text": "This slot is locked and cannot be equipped" }, { "Id": 20114031, "Key": "PartnerSkillSwitchNotSameGroup", "Text": "The skill to swap does not belong to the same group" }, { "Id": 20114032, "Key": "PartnerSkillSwitchElementNotFound", "Text": "The skill to swap has different element type" }, { "Id": 20114033, "Key": "PartnerSkillPosNotChange", "Text": "Skill slot has not changed" }, { "Id": 20114034, "Key": "PartnerComposeChipNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient shards to combine" }, { "Id": 20114035, "Key": "PartnerHasNotBeCarry", "Text": "This CUB is not equipped" }, { "Id": 20114036, "Key": "PartnerBreakThroughTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Unable to find CUB overclock configuration" }, { "Id": 20114037, "Key": "PartnerQualityTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Unable to find CUB quality configuration" }, { "Id": 20114038, "Key": "PartnerSkillEffectTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Unable to find CUB skill effect configuration" }, { "Id": 20114039, "Key": "PartnerStoryTemplateNotFound", "Text": "Unable to find CUB story configuration" }, { "Id": 20114040, "Key": "PartnerCarryRepeat", "Text": "This CUB is already equipped by the character" }, { "Id": 20114041, "Key": "PartnerCostPartnerIsCanNotBeSelf", "Text": "Unable to consume self" }, { "Id": 20114042, "Key": "PartnerSkillUpTimesMoreThanCanUpTimes", "Text": "The level-up selected exceeds the available level-up attempts" }, { "Id": 20114043, "Key": "PartnerRenameBanned", "Text": "20114043 Companion rename forbidden" }, { "Id": 20114044, "Key": "PartnerIsNullCanNotWearSkill", "Text": "20114045 No companion to assign skills" }, { "Id": 20114045, "Key": "PartnerCanNotSetWhenCharacterIsNull", "Text": "20114046 No character to set as companion" }, { "Id": 20114046, "Key": "PartnerIsNotCarrySkills", "Text": "20114047 Companion has no configured skills" }, { "Id": 20115001, "Key": "SimulatedCombatActivityNotOpen", "Text": "20115001 Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20115002, "Key": "SimulatedCombatActivityEnd", "Text": "20115002 Event is over" }, { "Id": 20115003, "Key": "SimulatedCombatCanNotFindStarRewardConfig", "Text": "20115003 Rank reward configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20115004, "Key": "SimulatedCombatTotalStarNotEnough", "Text": "20115004 Rank requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20115005, "Key": "SimulatedCombatStarRewardHadGot", "Text": "20115005 Rank reward already claimed" }, { "Id": 20115006, "Key": "SimulatedCombatCanNotFindPointRewardConfig", "Text": "20115006 Points reward configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20115007, "Key": "SimulatedCombatTotalPointNotEnough", "Text": "20115007 Points requirement not met" }, { "Id": 20115008, "Key": "SimulatedCombatPointRewardHadGot", "Text": "20115008 Points reward already claimed" }, { "Id": 20115009, "Key": "SimulatedCombatCanNotFindFunctionStageConfig", "Text": "20115009 Gameplay stage configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20115010, "Key": "SimulatedCombatCanNotFindStageChallengeConfig", "Text": "20115010 Stage challenge configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20115011, "Key": "SimulatedCombatCanNotFindStageMemberConfig", "Text": "20115011 Stage member configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20115012, "Key": "SimulatedCombatMemberIsNullOrEmpty", "Text": "20115012 You need to purchase at least one member" }, { "Id": 20115013, "Key": "SimulatedCombatMaxMemberLimit", "Text": "20115013 You can only purchase up to 3 members" }, { "Id": 20115014, "Key": "SimulatedCombatNormalTypeMinMemberLimit", "Text": "20115014 You must purchase 3 members to form a team" }, { "Id": 20115015, "Key": "SimulatedCombatCanNotFindStageAdditionConfig", "Text": "20115015 Stage bonus configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20115016, "Key": "SimulatedCombatWrongConsumeType", "Text": "20115016 Incorrect consumable type" }, { "Id": 20115017, "Key": "SimulatedCombatCanNotFindMemberConfig", "Text": "20115017 Stage member configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20115018, "Key": "SimulatedCombatCanNotFindAdditionConfig", "Text": "20115018 Bonus configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20115019, "Key": "SimulatedCombatPreFightCacheDoNotExist", "Text": "20115019 You have not purchased any member" }, { "Id": 20115020, "Key": "SimulatedCombatStarCacheDoNotExist", "Text": "20115020 No clear reward to claim" }, { "Id": 20115021, "Key": "SimulatedCombatStageStarRewardDoNotExist", "Text": "20115021 Stage star reward does not exist" }, { "Id": 20115022, "Key": "SimulatedCombatStageStarRewardDailyLimit", "Text": "20115022 Daily claim limit reached" }, { "Id": 20115023, "Key": "SimulatedCombatFightNpcIsNullOrEmpty", "Text": "20115023 Character deployed cannot be empty" }, { "Id": 20115024, "Key": "SimulatedCombatRepeatedCharacter", "Text": "20115024 Cannot deploy the same character again" }, { "Id": 20115025, "Key": "SimulatedCombatMemberConfigDoNotExist", "Text": "20115025 Member configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20115026, "Key": "SimulatedCombatRobotNotInMembers", "Text": "20115026 You have not purchased the character to deploy" }, { "Id": 20115027, "Key": "SimulatedCombatChallengeModeWrongConsume", "Text": "20115027 Only basic currency can be used in challenge mode" }, { "Id": 20115028, "Key": "SimulatedCombatChallengeStageIsNotTheSameAsBuy", "Text": "20115028 Challenge stage does not match the stage you purchase members for" }, { "Id": 20115029, "Key": "SimulatedCombatWrongChallengeIdCount", "Text": "20115029 Identical challenge exceeding the limit" }, { "Id": 20115030, "Key": "SimulatedCombatWrongMemberIdCount", "Text": "20115030 Identical member exceeding the limit" }, { "Id": 20115031, "Key": "SimulatedCombatWrongAdditionIdCount", "Text": "20115031 Identical bonus exceeding the limit" }, { "Id": 20116001, "Key": "CollectWordsCanNotGiveToSelf", "Text": "Cannot send the character to yourself" }, { "Id": 20116002, "Key": "CollectWordsCanNotFoundWord", "Text": "Character not found" }, { "Id": 20116003, "Key": "CollectWordsNotRequestWord", "Text": "Requested character not set" }, { "Id": 20116004, "Key": "CollectWordsCanNotRequestWord", "Text": "Unable to request this character" }, { "Id": 20116005, "Key": "CollectWordsCanNotGiveWord", "Text": "Unable to send this character to others" }, { "Id": 20116006, "Key": "CollectWordsActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available at this time" }, { "Id": 20116007, "Key": "CollectWordsRequestWordTooFast", "Text": "Request in cooldown. Please try again later" }, { "Id": 20116008, "Key": "CollectWordsWordNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient characters. Unable to send" }, { "Id": 20116009, "Key": "CollectWordsCantGiveToStranger", "Text": "The player is not your friend or fellow Command Bureau member. Unable to send" }, { "Id": 20116010, "Key": "CollectWordsGiftBoxIsEmpty", "Text": "No character available for claim in the package" }, { "Id": 20116011, "Key": "CollectWordsGiftBoxIsFull", "Text": "The other player cannot receive any more characters" }, { "Id": 20116012, "Key": "CollectWordsIsNotFriend", "Text": "Unable to send request: The player is not your friend" }, { "Id": 20116013, "Key": "CollectWordsTodayCanNotRecv", "Text": "You cannot claim any more today" }, { "Id": 20116014, "Key": "CollectWordsOthersRequestListFulled", "Text": "Unable to send request: The player's request received list is full" }, { "Id": 20116015, "Key": "CollectWordsPlayerNotInGuild", "Text": "Unable to request from Command Bureau members: You are not in a Command Bureau" }, { "Id": 20116016, "Key": "CollectWordsNoRewardCanGet", "Text": "No rewards available to claim" }, { "Id": 20116017, "Key": "CollectWordsNoGetRewardTimes", "Text": "All rewards have been claimed" }, { "Id": 20116018, "Key": "CollectWordsRequestNotExist", "Text": "Request message expired. Unable to send" }, { "Id": 20116019, "Key": "CollectWordsGiveWordToQuick", "Text": "Sending character in cooldown. Please try again later" }, { "Id": 20116020, "Key": "SmashEggsActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available at this time" }, { "Id": 20116021, "Key": "SmashEggsEggIsBroken", "Text": "Unable to hammer the Fortune Giver: The Fortune Giver here has disappeared" }, { "Id": 20116022, "Key": "SmashEggsGetActivityInfoFail", "Text": "Failed to retrieve event info" }, { "Id": 20116023, "Key": "SmashEggsBuffItemNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient item. Unable to select" }, { "Id": 20116024, "Key": "SmashEggsBuffItemCanOnlyUseOneType", "Text": "You can only use one of this type of bonus item" }, { "Id": 20116025, "Key": "SmashEggsTodayRewardIsGot", "Text": "Today's rewards have already been collected" }, { "Id": 20116026, "Key": "SmashEggsThisStageNoReward", "Text": "No rewards available to claim" }, { "Id": 20116027, "Key": "SmashEggsScoreNotEnough", "Text": "You do not meet the points target today and cannot claim any rewards" }, { "Id": 20116028, "Key": "SmashEggsCurrentScoreIsZero", "Text": "You don't have any points to redeem" }, { "Id": 20116029, "Key": "SmashEggsCurrentScoreIsMax", "Text": "You have reached the points limit and cannot earn any more points. Tap to convert points into Lucky Money" }, { "Id": 20117001, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityNotOpen", "Text": "This event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20117002, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityCoinNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient items. You cannot wander around" }, { "Id": 20117003, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityInviteCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient invites. Try to think of a solution" }, { "Id": 20117004, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityRoleCfgNotExit", "Text": "Event configured character does not exist" }, { "Id": 20117005, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityLocationNotOpen", "Text": "This location is not available yet. Explore the previous location first" }, { "Id": 20117006, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityLocationCfgLose", "Text": "Location configuration error. Check the map" }, { "Id": 20117007, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityEventCfgLose", "Text": "Event configuration error. This is unlikely to happen here" }, { "Id": 20117008, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityEventRankCfgLose", "Text": "Event level not configured. It can't work out like this" }, { "Id": 20117009, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityEventOnWorking", "Text": "Event in progress" }, { "Id": 20117010, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityEnergyNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient stamina. Try again later" }, { "Id": 20117011, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityRoleNotActive", "Text": "You haven't met this character yet. Walk around and try your luck" }, { "Id": 20117012, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityRoleOnEvent", "Text": "This character is busy" }, { "Id": 20117013, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityEventAlreadyFinish", "Text": "Event completed. Good job" }, { "Id": 20117014, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityEventNoteDispatch", "Text": "This event is not published yet" }, { "Id": 20117015, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityRandomEventCfgLose", "Text": "There is no event in this location. You can only wander around" }, { "Id": 20117016, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityAttrTypeNotMatch", "Text": "Character type does not match the event and cannot earn the bonus" }, { "Id": 20117017, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityCfgLose", "Text": "Event has disappeared" }, { "Id": 20117018, "Key": "WhiteValentinesDayActivityRoleAlredyActive", "Text": "You can move with this character now" }, { "Id": 20118001, "Key": "MoeWarNotInVotingPeriod", "Text": "Outside of voting period" }, { "Id": 20118002, "Key": "MoeWarInnerError", "Text": "20118002 Moe War internal error" }, { "Id": 20118003, "Key": "MoeWarPlayerNotFound", "Text": "20118003 Contestant does not exist" }, { "Id": 20118004, "Key": "MoeWarActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20118005, "Key": "MoeWarServiceUnavailable", "Text": "20118005 Moe War service is not available" }, { "Id": 20118006, "Key": "MoeWarVoteDailyLimit", "Text": "The number of votes for the partner exceeds the limit" }, { "Id": 20118007, "Key": "MoeWarVoteCountWrong", "Text": "Vote item number error" }, { "Id": 20118008, "Key": "MoeWarVoteItemWrong", "Text": "Vote item id error" }, { "Id": 20118009, "Key": "MoeWarVoteTotalDailyLimit", "Text": "Today's voting limit reached. You cannot vote anymore." }, { "Id": 20118010, "Key": "MoeWarWinGroupNotNeedMatch", "Text": "20118010 Losers match in progress. Winners cannot participate." }, { "Id": 20119001, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20119002, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationHadReset", "Text": "Event has been reset" }, { "Id": 20119003, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindActivityTemplate", "Text": "Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20119004, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindMatchTemplate", "Text": "Game configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20119005, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindStageTemplate", "Text": "Stage configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20119006, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindActivityGearId", "Text": "Rank configuration of event not found" }, { "Id": 20119007, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindGearTemplate", "Text": "Rank configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20119008, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindHelperTemplate", "Text": "Helper configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20119009, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindMatchHelperTemplate", "Text": "Helper configuration in current Preparation not found" }, { "Id": 20119010, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindQuestionTemplate", "Text": "Topic configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20119011, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindAssistanceTemplate", "Text": "Unable to find off-site assistant effect configuration" }, { "Id": 20119012, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationGearRewardHadGot", "Text": "Reward has been claimed" }, { "Id": 20119013, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationGearRewardNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient preparation feedback" }, { "Id": 20119014, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationHelperIsNotCommunicating", "Text": "Helper is not contacted" }, { "Id": 20119015, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationHelperCommunicationEnd", "Text": "Contact over" }, { "Id": 20119016, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationAssistanceCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient number of off-site assistance" }, { "Id": 20119017, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationStageDataNotFind", "Text": "Stage data not found" }, { "Id": 20119018, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationCanOnlyOneRoleFight", "Text": "Only one character can be deployed" }, { "Id": 20119019, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationCanOnlySelectHelperCharacter", "Text": "Character without contact cannot be deployed" }, { "Id": 20119020, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationRecruitHelperFinish", "Text": "Helper has been contacted" }, { "Id": 20119021, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationNoWrongAnswer", "Text": "No error options to exclude" }, { "Id": 20119022, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationCanNotSelectExcludeWrongAnswer", "Text": "Cannot select excluded error answers" }, { "Id": 20119023, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationRecruitHelperNotFinish", "Text": "Helper not recruited" }, { "Id": 20119024, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationNotSelectHelper", "Text": "Character not selected" }, { "Id": 20119025, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationMoodValueNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Mood" }, { "Id": 20119026, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationMoodValueLimit", "Text": "Mood limit reached" }, { "Id": 20119027, "Key": "MoeWarPreparationGiftNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient supplies. Complete preparatory tasks to obtain more" }, { "Id": 20119028, "Key": "MoeWarStoreNameplateAlreadyOwn", "Text": "Nameplate already owned" }, { "Id": 20119029, "Key": "MoeWarStoreNameplateAlreadyOwnMoreHigher", "Text": "Higher level nameplate already owned" }, { "Id": 20119030, "Key": "MoeWarStoreCanNotFindTemplate", "Text": "Item not found in the Festival Shop" }, { "Id": 20120001, "Key": "NameplateTemplateNotFound", "Text": "20120001 Nameplate configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20120002, "Key": "NameplateNotAvailable", "Text": "20120002 Nameplate is not available" }, { "Id": 20121001, "Key": "FingerGuessingGameActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20121002, "Key": "FingerGuessingGameStageNotUnlock", "Text": "The stage is still locked" }, { "Id": 20121003, "Key": "FingerGuessingGameStageIsChallenging", "Text": "A challenge is already in progress" }, { "Id": 20121004, "Key": "FingerGuessingGameStageNoChallenging", "Text": "You can only choose one card to play" }, { "Id": 20121005, "Key": "FingerGuessingGameRoundIsEnd", "Text": "This round has ended" }, { "Id": 20121006, "Key": "FingerGuessingGameNoRobotTrick", "Text": "Unable to retrieve robot's move list" }, { "Id": 20121007, "Key": "FingerGuessingGameCheatingCanNotClose", "Text": "Cannot turn off once enabled" }, { "Id": 20121008, "Key": "FingerGuessingGameTricksNotExist", "Text": "The card to play does not exist" }, { "Id": 20121009, "Key": "FingerGuessingGameStageNotExist", "Text": "Stage info not found" }, { "Id": 20121010, "Key": "FingerGuessingGameActivityInFoError", "Text": "Error retrieving event info" }, { "Id": 20121011, "Key": "FingerGuessingGameCheatingStatusNotChange", "Text": "Third Eye status error" }, { "Id": 20122001, "Key": "PurchasePackageConvertPriceAll", "Text": "20122001 Price cannot be 0 after deducting gift pack" }, { "Id": 20123001, "Key": "FubenReformNotInTime", "Text": "Modified Instance difficulty mode is inactivated" }, { "Id": 20123002, "Key": "FubenReformStageNotActive", "Text": "Modified instance stages is inactivated" }, { "Id": 20123003, "Key": "FubenReformStageCfgLose", "Text": "Modified instance stages configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20123004, "Key": "FubenReformStageNotInTime", "Text": "Modified instance stages is not open" }, { "Id": 20123005, "Key": "FubenReformStageDifficultyCfgLose", "Text": "Modified instance difficulty configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20123006, "Key": "FubenReformStageCurDifficultyDbLose", "Text": "Modified instance stages difficulty File is lost" }, { "Id": 20123007, "Key": "FubenReformDifficultyCfgLose", "Text": "Modified Instance difficulty configuration File is lost" }, { "Id": 20123008, "Key": "FubenReformDifficultyNotActive", "Text": "Modified Instance difficulty is inactivated" }, { "Id": 20123009, "Key": "FubenReformEnemyOverMax", "Text": "Modified instance stage enemy number exceeds the limit" }, { "Id": 20123010, "Key": "FubenReformEnemyGroupCfgLose", "Text": "Modified instance stage enemy group configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20123011, "Key": "FubenReformEnemySourceCfgNotExist", "Text": "Modified instance stage enemy source configuration does not exist" }, { "Id": 20123012, "Key": "FubenReformEnemyDifficultyNotExist", "Text": "Modified instance stage enemy difficulty does not exist" }, { "Id": 20123013, "Key": "FubenReformEnemySourceRepeat", "Text": "Modified instance stage enemy repeats modification" }, { "Id": 20123014, "Key": "FubenReformEnemySourceCfgLose", "Text": "Modified instance stage enemy source configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20123015, "Key": "FubenReformEnemyTargetCfgLose", "Text": "Modified instance stage target configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20123016, "Key": "FubenReformEnvCfgLose", "Text": "Modified instance stage environments configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20123017, "Key": "FubenReformEnvGroupCfgLose", "Text": "Modified instance stage environments group configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20123018, "Key": "FubenReformEnvCfgNotExist", "Text": "Modified instance stage environments configuration does not exist" }, { "Id": 20123019, "Key": "FubenReformBuffOverMax", "Text": "Modified instance stage Buff exceeds the limit" }, { "Id": 20123020, "Key": "FubenReformBuffNotExist", "Text": "Modified instance stage Buff does not exist" }, { "Id": 20123021, "Key": "FubenReformBuffCfgLose", "Text": "Modified instance stage Buff configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20123022, "Key": "FubenReformBuffGroupCfgLose", "Text": "Modified instance stage Buff group configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20123023, "Key": "FubenReformBuffDifficultyNotExist", "Text": "Modified instance stage Buff difficulty does not exist" }, { "Id": 20123024, "Key": "FubenReformScoreNotEnougth", "Text": "Modified instance stage score is insufficient" }, { "Id": 20123025, "Key": "FubenReformBuffRepeat", "Text": "Modified instance stage Buff repeats modification" }, { "Id": 20123026, "Key": "FubenReformMemberSizeIsZero", "Text": "Modified instance stage members is empty" }, { "Id": 20123027, "Key": "FubenReformMemberSizeOverMax", "Text": "Modified instance stage members exceeds the limit" }, { "Id": 20123028, "Key": "FubenReformMemberGroupCfgLose", "Text": "Modified instance stage member group configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20123029, "Key": "FubenReformMemberSourceRepeat", "Text": "Modified instance stage member source repeats" }, { "Id": 20123030, "Key": "FubenReformMemberSourceCfgNotExist", "Text": "Modified instance stage member source configuration does not exist" }, { "Id": 20123031, "Key": "FubenReformMemberSourceCfgLose", "Text": "Modified instance stage member source configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20123032, "Key": "FubenReformMemberTargetCfgLose", "Text": "Modified instance stage member target configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20123033, "Key": "FubenReformMemberTargetCfgNotExist", "Text": "Modified instance stage member target configuration does not exist" }, { "Id": 20123034, "Key": "FubenReformMemberDifficultyNotExist", "Text": "Modified instance stage member difficulty does not exist" }, { "Id": 20123035, "Key": "FubenReformUseRobotRepeat", "Text": "Modified instance stage battle request used duplicate bots" }, { "Id": 20123036, "Key": "FubenReformUseCustomCharacter", "Text": "Use customized characters in Modify Stage battle requests" }, { "Id": 20123037, "Key": "FubenReformEnvOverMax", "Text": "Modified instance environments required to modify exceeds the limit" }, { "Id": 20124001, "Key": "ChristmasTreeActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20124002, "Key": "ChristmasTreeRecvDataError", "Text": "Event time error" }, { "Id": 20124003, "Key": "ChristmasTreePartNotExist", "Text": "Christmas tree part error" }, { "Id": 20124004, "Key": "ChristmasTreeOrnamentsNotActived", "Text": "You have not obtained this decoration" }, { "Id": 20124005, "Key": "ChristmasTreeOrnamentsOnUsed", "Text": "Decoration already in use" }, { "Id": 20124006, "Key": "ChristmasTreeOrnamentsTabLoseConfig", "Text": "Corresponding decoration position not found" }, { "Id": 20124007, "Key": "ChristmasTreeOrnamentsWearPartError", "Text": "Decoration part error" }, { "Id": 20124008, "Key": "ChristmasTreeOrnamentsActived", "Text": "Decoration already obtained" }, { "Id": 20124009, "Key": "ChristmasTreeOrnamentsActiveNotFound", "Text": "You have not obtained this decoration" }, { "Id": 20125001, "Key": "ChessPursuitMapNotEnterYet", "Text": "You have not entered the map" }, { "Id": 20125002, "Key": "ChessPursuitMapNoNeedToBattle", "Text": "No need for battle at this stage" }, { "Id": 20125003, "Key": "ChessPursuitMapCfgNotExist", "Text": "Map does not exist" }, { "Id": 20125004, "Key": "ChessPursuitGroupCfgNotExist", "Text": "Map group does not exist" }, { "Id": 20125005, "Key": "ChessPursuitMapNotOpen", "Text": "Map locked" }, { "Id": 20125006, "Key": "ChessPursuitMapBossCfgLose", "Text": "Boss configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20125007, "Key": "ChessPursuitMapAlreadySetTeam", "Text": "You have already deployed and cannot repeat action" }, { "Id": 20125008, "Key": "ChessPursuitMapMustSetTeam", "Text": "You must deploy forces to continue" }, { "Id": 20125009, "Key": "ChessPursuitMapSetTeamOutOfRange", "Text": "Team limit exceeding the configuration" }, { "Id": 20125010, "Key": "ZhuiMapCurGirdCouldNotSetTeam", "Text": "Unable to configure team in the current Grid" }, { "Id": 20125011, "Key": "ZhuiMapCurGirdRepeatSetTeam", "Text": "Repeated team in the current Grid" }, { "Id": 20125012, "Key": "ChessPursuitMapNeedBattleBoss", "Text": "You must complete the battle to continue" }, { "Id": 20125013, "Key": "ChessPursuitSetCardRepeat", "Text": "Duplicate card found" }, { "Id": 20125014, "Key": "ChessPursuitSetCardPosOutOfRange", "Text": "Card position exceeding the area" }, { "Id": 20125015, "Key": "ChessPursuitSetCardNotByYet", "Text": "You have not bought the card in use" }, { "Id": 20125016, "Key": "ChessPursuitGridAlreadyHaveTream", "Text": "Already deployed in this grid" }, { "Id": 20125017, "Key": "ChessPursuitNeedSetGridTeamFirst", "Text": "You haven't configured the forces. Please deploy forces first" }, { "Id": 20125018, "Key": "ChessPursuitBuyCardListIsNull", "Text": "Card purchase list empty" }, { "Id": 20125019, "Key": "ChessPursuitBuyCardNotExist", "Text": "You are buying a card that does not exist" }, { "Id": 20125020, "Key": "ChessPursuitBuyCardRepeat", "Text": "This Tactic Card is sold out" }, { "Id": 20125021, "Key": "ChessPursuitCurMapIsNull", "Text": "You have not entered the map" }, { "Id": 20125022, "Key": "ChessPursuitCoinNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient tokens. Unable to purchase." }, { "Id": 20125023, "Key": "ChessPursuitBuyCardOverMax", "Text": "Card limit reached. Unable to purchase." }, { "Id": 20125024, "Key": "ChessPursuitBossStepNotFinish", "Text": "Boss still has more steps to make" }, { "Id": 20125025, "Key": "ChessPursuitCardEffectCfgNotInit", "Text": "Card effect not initialized" }, { "Id": 20125026, "Key": "ChessPursuitCardCfgLose", "Text": "Card configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20125027, "Key": "ChessPursuitCardEffectCfgLose", "Text": "Similar card effect not found" }, { "Id": 20125028, "Key": "ChessPursuitCardEffectBossActionIsNull", "Text": "Card effect has no sync data" }, { "Id": 20125029, "Key": "ChessPursuitMapInitFuncNotExist", "Text": "Initialized function not configured" }, { "Id": 20125030, "Key": "ChessPursuitMapInitFuncNotInit", "Text": "Map initialization function not initialized" }, { "Id": 20125031, "Key": "ChessPursuitInitFuncTypeCfgLose", "Text": "Map initialization function type configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20125032, "Key": "ChessPursuitInitFuncParamCountLess", "Text": "Insufficient parameters for map initialization function" }, { "Id": 20125033, "Key": "ChessPursuitReusedRoleOnSetTeam", "Text": "Duplicate team configuration" }, { "Id": 20125034, "Key": "ChessPursuitReusedRobotOnSetTeam", "Text": "Duplicate trial character configuration" }, { "Id": 20125035, "Key": "ChessPursuitCaptainPosErrorOnSetTeam", "Text": "Incorrect leader position" }, { "Id": 20125036, "Key": "ChessPursuitFirstFightPosErrorOnSetTeam", "Text": "Incorrect first battle position" }, { "Id": 20125037, "Key": "ChessPursuitCountIsNullOnSetTeam", "Text": "Incorrect leader position" }, { "Id": 20125038, "Key": "ChessPursuitCountOverMaxlOnSetTeam", "Text": "Characters deployed exceed the limit" }, { "Id": 20125039, "Key": "ChessPursuitGridCantAutoFight", "Text": "No need for battle in current state" }, { "Id": 20125040, "Key": "ChessPursuitGridCantAutoFightCaseNoTeamData", "Text": "Unable to auto clear. No team info found." }, { "Id": 20125041, "Key": "ChessPursuitGridTeamLose", "Text": "Team configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20125042, "Key": "ChessPursuitGridCantAutoFightCaseNotFightOnce", "Text": "Auto battle is unavailable. You have not fought this battle." }, { "Id": 20125043, "Key": "ChessPursuitSaoDangSomeGridNotFightYet", "Text": "Sweep failed: One or more forces has not caused any DMG to the Boss" }, { "Id": 20125044, "Key": "ChessPursuitBossDeath", "Text": "Main target has been defeated" }, { "Id": 20125045, "Key": "ConditionManagerChessPursuitMapNotFinish", "Text": "Map not won" }, { "Id": 20125046, "Key": "ChessPursuitCardUseTargetError", "Text": "Incorrect target to use" }, { "Id": 20125047, "Key": "ChessPursuitDBMapNotExist", "Text": "No map saved data found" }, { "Id": 20125048, "Key": "ChessPursuitDBMapRankError", "Text": "Ranking does not exist" }, { "Id": 20125049, "Key": "ChessPursuitDBMapAlreadyTakeReward", "Text": "Reward has been claimed" }, { "Id": 20125050, "Key": "ChessPursuitDBMapNotRewardTime", "Text": "Reward is not ready to claim" }, { "Id": 20125051, "Key": "ChessPursuitDBMapNotPlayingTime", "Text": "Current cycle has ended" }, { "Id": 20125052, "Key": "ChessPursuitGroupCfgLose", "Text": "No group configuration found" }, { "Id": 20125053, "Key": "ChessPursuitGroupRewardCfgLose", "Text": "No reward configuration found" }, { "Id": 20125054, "Key": "ChessPursuitGroupRankNotOpen", "Text": "Ranking is not activated in current group" }, { "Id": 20125055, "Key": "ChessPursuitGroupRankLose", "Text": "This group's ranking has expired" }, { "Id": 20125056, "Key": "ChessPursuitLoseRank", "Text": "No ranking data" }, { "Id": 20125057, "Key": "ChessPursuitTestRoleCfgLose", "Text": "Trial character not configured" }, { "Id": 20125058, "Key": "ChessPursuitTestRoleNotExist", "Text": "Trial character does not exist" }, { "Id": 20125059, "Key": "ChessPursuitRankPlayerNotExit", "Text": "Player is not in the ranking" }, { "Id": 20125060, "Key": "ChessPursuitMapCantAutoClear", "Text": "The map cannot be swept" }, { "Id": 20126001, "Key": "InvertCardGameNotOpen", "Text": "20126001 Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20126002, "Key": "InvertCardGameActivityIdError", "Text": "20126002 Event ID error" }, { "Id": 20126003, "Key": "InvertCardGameCurStageStatusError", "Text": "20126003 Selected stage status error" }, { "Id": 20126004, "Key": "InvertCardGameCurStageIdDbNull", "Text": "20126004 Selected stage id does not exist" }, { "Id": 20126005, "Key": "InvertCardGameCurStageIdCfgNull", "Text": "20126005 Selected stage id does not in configuration" }, { "Id": 20126006, "Key": "InvertCardGameCoinCfgNull", "Text": "20126006 Tokens configuration error" }, { "Id": 20126007, "Key": "InvertCardGameCardIndexOutRange", "Text": "20126007 Index of selected cards out of range" }, { "Id": 20126008, "Key": "InvertCardGameCardIndexFinish", "Text": "20126008 Selected cards are removed" }, { "Id": 20126009, "Key": "InvertCardGameCardIndexAlreadyInvert", "Text": "20126009 Selected cards are flipped over" }, { "Id": 20126010, "Key": "InvertCardGameStageNotInDictonary", "Text": "20126010 Selected stages do not complete" }, { "Id": 20126011, "Key": "InvertCardGameCardNotInDictonary", "Text": "20126011 Selected cards do not complete" }, { "Id": 20126012, "Key": "InvertCardGameCardNotInRewardDict", "Text": "20126012 Selected stages are not in bonus list" }, { "Id": 20126013, "Key": "InvertCardGameCardArrayShortDict", "Text": "20126013 Array length is shorted than bonus list length" }, { "Id": 20126014, "Key": "InvertCardGameCardRewardNull", "Text": "20126014 No rewards to be claimed" }, { "Id": 20126015, "Key": "InvertCardGameCardInvertListNull", "Text": "20126015 Card Flipping List is empty" }, { "Id": 20127001, "Key": "HackActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Mode is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20127002, "Key": "HackChapterIdError", "Text": "Mode chapter error" }, { "Id": 20127003, "Key": "HackStageCfgNotExist", "Text": "Mode stage does not exist" }, { "Id": 20127004, "Key": "HackPreStageNotFinish", "Text": "Previous stage not complete" }, { "Id": 20127005, "Key": "HackPreStageStarNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough Stars obtained from the previous stage" }, { "Id": 20127006, "Key": "HackRewardIdNotInCurChapter", "Text": "Rewards and Chapter do not match" }, { "Id": 20127007, "Key": "HackRewardIdNotExist", "Text": "Reward ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20127008, "Key": "HackRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Reward has been claimed" }, { "Id": 20127009, "Key": "HackStageTotalStarNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Stars" }, { "Id": 20127010, "Key": "HackSetBuffIndexError", "Text": "Buff effect error" }, { "Id": 20127011, "Key": "HackSetBuffIdIsNotUnlock", "Text": "Buff effect is still locked" }, { "Id": 20127012, "Key": "HackSetBuffIdIsRepeated", "Text": "Buff effect IDs repeated" }, { "Id": 20127013, "Key": "HackFightCharacterRepeated", "Text": "Trial characters repeated" }, { "Id": 20127014, "Key": "HackFightRobotError", "Text": "Trial character error" }, { "Id": 20127015, "Key": "HackDailyTicketAlreadyGet", "Text": "Daily ticket is claimed" }, { "Id": 20127016, "Key": "HackNoDailyTicketGet", "Text": "Daily ticket is unclaimed" }, { "Id": 20127017, "Key": "HackLevelCfgNotExist", "Text": "Buff level info does not exist" }, { "Id": 20127018, "Key": "HackBuffPosNotUnlock", "Text": "This buff slot is still locked" }, { "Id": 20128001, "Key": "PokerGuessingNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20128002, "Key": "PokerGuessingPlayerStatusError", "Text": "Player status error" }, { "Id": 20128003, "Key": "PokerGuessingGuessError", "Text": "Figure selection of blind card error" }, { "Id": 20128004, "Key": "PokerGuessingLibraryEmpty", "Text": "Deck is empty" }, { "Id": 20128005, "Key": "PokerGuessingCardCfgError", "Text": "Card configuration error" }, { "Id": 20129001, "Key": "PartnerTeachingChapterIsNotFound", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20130001, "Key": "ScratchTicketActivityNotStart", "Text": "20130001 Scratch-off event is not open yet" }, { "Id": 20130002, "Key": "ScratchTicketActivityAlreadyEnd", "Text": "20130002 Scratch-off event is over" }, { "Id": 20130003, "Key": "ScratchTicketActivityCfgLose", "Text": "20130003 Scratch-off event configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20130004, "Key": "ScratchTicketGridCfgLose", "Text": "20130004 Scratch-off Sudoku configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20130005, "Key": "ScratchTicketActivityOpenGridRepeatOpen", "Text": "20130005 Scratch-off repeated lottery" }, { "Id": 20130006, "Key": "ScratchTicketActivityOpenGridOverMaxCount", "Text": "20130006 Expand lottery scope of Scratch-off event" }, { "Id": 20130007, "Key": "ScratchTicketActivityCanNotReset", "Text": "20130007 Scratch-off cannot be reset" }, { "Id": 20130008, "Key": "ScratchTicketActivityEnd", "Text": "20130008 Scratch-off event is over" }, { "Id": 20130009, "Key": "ScratchTicketCfgLose", "Text": "20130009 Scratch-off configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20130010, "Key": "ScratchTicketStarted", "Text": "20130010 The current scratch-off is in process" }, { "Id": 20130011, "Key": "ScratchTicketNotFinish", "Text": "20130011 The current scratch-off is in process" }, { "Id": 20130012, "Key": "ScratchTicketNotWin", "Text": "20130012 You have not won the current scratch-off" }, { "Id": 20130013, "Key": "ScratchTicketActivityNotOpen", "Text": "20130013 Scratch-off event is not open" }, { "Id": 20130014, "Key": "ScratchTicketActivityFinish", "Text": "20130014 Scratch-off event completed" }, { "Id": 20130015, "Key": "ScratchTicketActivityOpenGridOutOfRange", "Text": "20130015 Scratch-off open slot exceeds maximum index" }, { "Id": 20131001, "Key": "KillZoneStarRewardStarNotEnough", "Text": "20131001 Unrivaled Massacre stars insufficient" }, { "Id": 20131002, "Key": "KillZonePluginAlreadyActivity", "Text": "Unrivaled Massacre Add-on activated" }, { "Id": 20131003, "Key": "KillZonePluginLevelCfgNotExist", "Text": "Unrivaled Massacre stage Add-on level settings not found" }, { "Id": 20131004, "Key": "KillZonePluginOnMaxLevel", "Text": "Unrivaled Massacre Add-on level maxed" }, { "Id": 20131005, "Key": "KillZonePluginCfgNotExist", "Text": "Unrivaled Massacre Add-on settings not found" }, { "Id": 20131006, "Key": "KillZonePluginNotActive", "Text": "20131006 Unrivaled Massacre stage Add-on inactive" }, { "Id": 20131007, "Key": "KillZonePluginNotUpgrade", "Text": "20131007 Unrivaled Massacre stage Add-on not upgraded" }, { "Id": 20131008, "Key": "KillZonePluginSlotCfgNotExist", "Text": "Unrivaled Massacre stage Add-on grid settings not found" }, { "Id": 20131009, "Key": "KillZoneStarRewardChapterCfgLose", "Text": "Unrivaled Massacre stage Rank Rewards Chapter not found" }, { "Id": 20131010, "Key": "KillZoneStarRewardCfgLose", "Text": "Unrivaled Massacre Rank Rewards settings not found" }, { "Id": 20131011, "Key": "KillZoneStarRewardAlreadyTakeIt", "Text": "Unrivaled Massacre Rank Rewards claimed" }, { "Id": 20131012, "Key": "TakeFarmRewardOnMaxCount", "Text": "Unrivaled Massacre Instance Rewards maxed" }, { "Id": 20131013, "Key": "KillZoneStageCfgOnExist", "Text": "Unrivaled Massacre stage settings not found" }, { "Id": 20131014, "Key": "KillZoneStageOnLock", "Text": "Unrivaled Massacre stage not cleared" }, { "Id": 20131015, "Key": "KillZoneStageNotFarmYet", "Text": "20131015 Unrivaled Massacre stage Instance not cleared" }, { "Id": 20131016, "Key": "KillZoneStageNotRelateChapter", "Text": "20131016 Unrivaled Massacre stage chapter not set" }, { "Id": 20131017, "Key": "KillZoneRobotRepeatUse", "Text": "20131014 Unrivaled Massacre Bot is repeatedly used" }, { "Id": 20131018, "Key": "KillZoneRobotIdNotInConfig", "Text": "20131015 Unrivaled Massacre Bot ID is not in the configuration range" }, { "Id": 20131019, "Key": "KillZoneStageNotInTime", "Text": "20131016 Unrivaled Massacre is not open yet" }, { "Id": 20131020, "Key": "KillZonePreStageNotFinish", "Text": "20131020 Unrivaled Massacre previous stage not cleared" }, { "Id": 20131021, "Key": "KillZoneChapterPreStageIsLock", "Text": "20131021 Unrivaled Massacre chapter previous stage not unlocked" }, { "Id": 20131022, "Key": "KillZoneChapterNotInTime", "Text": "20131022 Unrivaled Massacre chapter is not open yet" }, { "Id": 20131023, "Key": "KillZoneActivityNotInTime", "Text": "20131023 Killing Event does not start yet" }, { "Id": 20131024, "Key": "KillZoneTaleDailyStarRewardRepeat", "Text": "20131024 Unrivaled Massacre Daily Rewards already claimed" }, { "Id": 20131025, "Key": "KillZoneTaleDailyStarRewardCfgNotExist", "Text": "20131025 Unrivaled Massacre Daily Rewards do not exist" }, { "Id": 20131026, "Key": "KillZoneTaleDailyStarRewardStarNotEnough", "Text": "20131026 Unrivaled Massacre Daily Rewards stars insufficient" }, { "Id": 20131027, "Key": "KillZonePluginAlreadyUse", "Text": "20131027 Slaughter no add-on repeated use" }, { "Id": 20132001, "Key": "RpgMakerGameMapIdWrong", "Text": "Map ID error" }, { "Id": 20132002, "Key": "RpgMakerGameMapNotInit", "Text": "Map is not initialized" }, { "Id": 20132003, "Key": "RpgMakerGameMapAlreadyPass", "Text": "Cleared" }, { "Id": 20132004, "Key": "RpgMakerGameMapPlayerAlreadyDead", "Text": "Player died" }, { "Id": 20132005, "Key": "RpgMakerGameMapCannotBackUp", "Text": "Cannot return" }, { "Id": 20132006, "Key": "RpgMakerGameMapRoundFinish", "Text": "Turns reaches the limit" }, { "Id": 20132007, "Key": "RpgMakerGameMapOperateTooOften", "Text": "Operation is too frequent" }, { "Id": 20132008, "Key": "RpgMakerGameStageCfgNotExist", "Text": "Stage does not exist" }, { "Id": 20132009, "Key": "RpgMakerGameChapterNotExist", "Text": "Chapter does not exist" }, { "Id": 20132010, "Key": "RpgMakerGameChapterNotInOpenTime", "Text": "Chapter unavailable" }, { "Id": 20132011, "Key": "RpgMakerGameSelectRoleNotExist", "Text": "Character does not exist" }, { "Id": 20132012, "Key": "RpgMakerGameSelectRoleIsLock", "Text": "Character locked" }, { "Id": 20132013, "Key": "RpgMakerGamePreStageNotFinish", "Text": "Previous stage not complete" }, { "Id": 20132014, "Key": "RpgMakerGameMapConfigError", "Text": "Map configuration error" }, { "Id": 20132015, "Key": "RpgMakerGameMapInnerError", "Text": "Map Internal error" }, { "Id": 20132016, "Key": "RpgMakerGameMapNotOpen", "Text": "Event has not started" }, { "Id": 20132017, "Key": "RpgMakerGameMapAnswerIsUnlock", "Text": "20132017 Answer already unlocked" }, { "Id": 20132018, "Key": "RpgMakerGameMapAnswerTypeError", "Text": "20132018 Answer type error" }, { "Id": 20133001, "Key": "SuperTowerActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event has not started" }, { "Id": 20133002, "Key": "SuperTowerMapCfgNotExist", "Text": "Map settings not found" }, { "Id": 20133003, "Key": "SuperTowerMapNotOpen", "Text": "The area is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20133004, "Key": "SuperTowerOtherTierIsProceed", "Text": "Other area's Infinite Abyss is in progress" }, { "Id": 20133005, "Key": "SupperTowerStageSubTypeNotDefine", "Text": "Stage sub-type not set" }, { "Id": 20133006, "Key": "SuperTowerStageNotHaveTiers", "Text": "Current stage floor count not set" }, { "Id": 20133007, "Key": "SuperTowerCurTierNotMatchStage", "Text": "Current floor and stage mismatch" }, { "Id": 20133008, "Key": "SuperTowerMapTierInfoNotExist", "Text": "Current Tower Climb information not found" }, { "Id": 20133009, "Key": "SuperTowerFightCharacterNotInMapTierTeam", "Text": "Deploy character not set in current team" }, { "Id": 20133010, "Key": "SuperTowerBagIsFull", "Text": "Insufficient Add-on Inventory capacity, please first consume or scrap Add-ons" }, { "Id": 20133011, "Key": "SuperTowerMapTierNotHaveProgress", "Text": "No current Infinite Abyss progress" }, { "Id": 20133012, "Key": "SuperTowerPluginResolveNumNotEnough", "Text": "Scrapped Add-on amount insufficient" }, { "Id": 20133013, "Key": "SuperTowerTargetCfgNotExist", "Text": "Target stage settings not found" }, { "Id": 20133014, "Key": "SuperTowerTargetStageNotOpen", "Text": "Target stage not yet available" }, { "Id": 20133015, "Key": "SuperTowerPreTargetProgressNotReach", "Text": "Complete the previous stage first" }, { "Id": 20133016, "Key": "SuperTowerFightCharacterIdRepeat", "Text": "Duplicate character deployed" }, { "Id": 20133017, "Key": "SuperTowerPluginCfgNotExist", "Text": "Add-on settings not found" }, { "Id": 20133018, "Key": "SuperTowerPluginCountError", "Text": "Add-on quantity error" }, { "Id": 20133019, "Key": "SuperTowerPluginNotEnough", "Text": "Add-ons insufficient" }, { "Id": 20133020, "Key": "SuperTowerTeamPluginReachMax", "Text": "Team Add-on limit exceeded" }, { "Id": 20133021, "Key": "SuperTowerFightTeamCountError", "Text": "Number of deployed teams error" }, { "Id": 20133022, "Key": "SuperTowerFightTeamCharacterCountError", "Text": "Team character quantity error" }, { "Id": 20133023, "Key": "SuperTowerNotSetFightTeam", "Text": "Deployed team is not set" }, { "Id": 20133024, "Key": "SuperTowerStageNotMatchFightTeam", "Text": "Target stage and setting mismatch" }, { "Id": 20133025, "Key": "SuperTowerTargetPreStageNotFinish", "Text": "Complete the prerequisite stage first" }, { "Id": 20133026, "Key": "SuperTowerTargetStageNotRepeatChallenge", "Text": "Cannot repeatedly challenge the same stage" }, { "Id": 20133027, "Key": "SuperTowerTargetStageIndexError", "Text": "Stage search error" }, { "Id": 20133028, "Key": "SuperTowerRobotInvalid", "Text": "Null Robot" }, { "Id": 20133029, "Key": "SuperTowerRobotIsNotOpened", "Text": "Robot not yet available" }, { "Id": 20133030, "Key": "SuperTowerFightCharacterNotInSetTeam", "Text": "Deploy character not yet set in current team" }, { "Id": 20133031, "Key": "SuperTowerFightPosNotMatchSetTeam", "Text": "Deploy information and set team mismatch" }, { "Id": 20133032, "Key": "SuperTowerStageTeamNotFound", "Text": "Set team not found" }, { "Id": 20133033, "Key": "SuperTowerTargetStageTypeError", "Text": "Target stage type error" }, { "Id": 20133034, "Key": "SuperTowerTargetResultNotProgress", "Text": "Current target has no progress" }, { "Id": 20133035, "Key": "SuperTowerTargetProgressRewardIsGet", "Text": "Progress reward claimed" }, { "Id": 20133036, "Key": "StCharacterNotExist", "Text": "Character unobtained" }, { "Id": 20133037, "Key": "StCharacterAlreadyMountPlugin", "Text": "Character Add-on already set" }, { "Id": 20133038, "Key": "StCharacterCfgNotExist", "Text": "Character settings not found" }, { "Id": 20133039, "Key": "StrongholdPluginNotExist", "Text": "Add-on unobtained" }, { "Id": 20133040, "Key": "StMallRefreshCountIsZero", "Text": "Add-on Fusion Center refresh data is 0" }, { "Id": 20133041, "Key": "SuperTowerMallPluginNotExist", "Text": "Add-on not found in Add-on Fusion Center" }, { "Id": 20133042, "Key": "SuperTowerBagAddPluginFailed", "Text": "Adding Add-on to Inventory failed" }, { "Id": 20133043, "Key": "StCharacterLevelCfgNotExist", "Text": "Character level not found" }, { "Id": 20133044, "Key": "SuperTowerBagCapacityNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Add-on Inventory capacity, cannot advance to the Infinite Abyss. Please first consume or scrap Add-ons" }, { "Id": 20133045, "Key": "SuperTowerPluginIdNotExistOnBuyList", "Text": "Purchased Add-on is not found in purchasable list, please refresh" }, { "Id": 20133046, "Key": "SuperTowerBuyPluginRepeat", "Text": "Add-on already purchased" }, { "Id": 20133047, "Key": "SuperTowerCharacterIsAllDie", "Text": "Infinite Abyss Character insufficient remaining HP" }, { "Id": 20133048, "Key": "SuperTowerCaptainPosIsError", "Text": "Infinite Abyss Leader position setting error" }, { "Id": 20133049, "Key": "SuperTowerFirstFightPosIsError", "Text": "Infinite Abyss starter position setting error" }, { "Id": 20133050, "Key": "SuperTowerTierStageFightCharacterError", "Text": "Please deploy 3 characters" }, { "Id": 20134001, "Key": "MineSweepingActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20134002, "Key": "MineSweepingCanNotFindChapterConfig", "Text": "Chapter configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20134003, "Key": "MineSweepingCanNotFindChapterData", "Text": "Chapter data not found" }, { "Id": 20134004, "Key": "MineSweepingStageNotStart", "Text": "Stage is locked" }, { "Id": 20134005, "Key": "MineSweepingCanNotFindStageConfig", "Text": "Stage configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20134006, "Key": "MineSweepingCanNotFindStageData", "Text": "Stage data not found" }, { "Id": 20134007, "Key": "MineSweepingStageIndexYOutRange", "Text": "Y axis configuration has exceeded the boundary" }, { "Id": 20134008, "Key": "MineSweepingStageIndexXOutRange", "Text": "X axis configuration has exceeded the boundary" }, { "Id": 20134009, "Key": "MineSweepingStageFlagError", "Text": "MineSweeper marking error" }, { "Id": 20134010, "Key": "MineSweepingStageHadStarted", "Text": "Stage challenge has started" }, { "Id": 20134011, "Key": "MineSweepingPreChapterIsNotFinish", "Text": "Clear the prerequisite chapter to unlock" }, { "Id": 20134012, "Key": "MineSweepingPreStageIsNotFinish", "Text": "Clear the prerequisite stage to unlock" }, { "Id": 20134013, "Key": "MineSweepingStageIsNotInThisChapter", "Text": "Stage's chapter error" }, { "Id": 20134014, "Key": "MineSweepingGridIsSwept", "Text": "The slot is already open" }, { "Id": 20135001, "Key": "FashionStoryChapterIsNotFound", "Text": "20135001 Coating event chapter not found" }, { "Id": 20135002, "Key": "FashionStoryChapterIsNotOpen", "Text": "20135002 Coating event selected chapter not found" }, { "Id": 20135003, "Key": "FashionStoryStageIsNotCfg", "Text": "20135003 Coating event selected Trial stage not set" }, { "Id": 20135004, "Key": "FashionStoryStageIsNotOpen", "Text": "20135004 Coating event selected stage not yet available" }, { "Id": 20136001, "Key": "CoupleCombatNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20136002, "Key": "CoupleCombatCanNotFindActivityTemplate", "Text": "Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20136003, "Key": "CoupleCombatCanNotFindStageData", "Text": "Stage data not found" }, { "Id": 20136004, "Key": "CoupleCombatCanNotFindChapterTemplate", "Text": "Chapter configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20136005, "Key": "CoupleCombatCanNotFindStageTemplate", "Text": "Gameplay stage configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20136006, "Key": "CoupleCombatFightMemberDoNotExist", "Text": "Can't deploy a member that doesn't existent" }, { "Id": 20136007, "Key": "CoupleCombatFightMemberCountLimit", "Text": "Can only deploy two members" }, { "Id": 20136008, "Key": "CoupleCombatStageOpenDayLimit", "Text": "Stage is open later" }, { "Id": 20136009, "Key": "CoupleCombatRobotHadBeenUsed", "Text": "Can't use locked characters" }, { "Id": 20136010, "Key": "CoupleCombatChapterNotOpenTime", "Text": "Chapter not available" }, { "Id": 20136011, "Key": "CoupleCombatChapterNotOpenCondition", "Text": "Chapter unlocking requirement(s) not met" }, { "Id": 20136012, "Key": "CoupleCombatCareerSkillNotActive", "Text": "Class skill not activated" }, { "Id": 20136013, "Key": "CoupleCombatCanNotFindCareerSkillTemplate", "Text": "Class skill configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20136014, "Key": "CoupleCombatAddCharacterLose", "Text": "Failed to add deployed character" }, { "Id": 20136015, "Key": "CoupleCombatCanNotSelectMultiSameCareerSkill", "Text": "You cannot select multiple skills of the same class" }, { "Id": 20136016, "Key": "CoupleCombatStageIsNotCurrentActivity", "Text": "Stage selected does not belong to the ongoing event" }, { "Id": 20137001, "Key": "PassportActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Current Tactical Assessment Manual is not available" }, { "Id": 20137002, "Key": "PassportInfoNotExist", "Text": "Intel info does not exist" }, { "Id": 20137003, "Key": "PassportNotUnlock", "Text": "Intel is locked" }, { "Id": 20137004, "Key": "PassportAlreadyUnlocked", "Text": "Intel is unlocked" }, { "Id": 20137005, "Key": "PassportInfoActivityIdNotMatch", "Text": "Intel not found in current Tactical Assessment Manual" }, { "Id": 20137006, "Key": "PassportLevelNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient level to claim reward" }, { "Id": 20137007, "Key": "PassportNoRewardCanGet", "Text": "No claimable rewards found" }, { "Id": 20137008, "Key": "PassportAlreadyMaxLevel", "Text": "Highest Rating Level reached" }, { "Id": 20137009, "Key": "PassportLevelCfgNotExist", "Text": "Rating Level info does not exist" }, { "Id": 20137010, "Key": "PassportRewardTemplateNotExist", "Text": "Reward does not exist" }, { "Id": 20137011, "Key": "PassportBuyLevelMustBiggerThanNow", "Text": "Purchase level cannot be lower than current level" }, { "Id": 20137012, "Key": "PassportExpConfigError", "Text": "Intel Value settings error" }, { "Id": 20137013, "Key": "PassportRewardAlreadyGot", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20137014, "Key": "PassportBuyTimeAlreadyEnd", "Text": "Current Tactical Assessment Manual purchase window has closed" }, { "Id": 20137015, "Key": "PassportBuyExpTranscend", "Text": "20137015 Unable to purchase Infinite Zone Level" }, { "Id": 20138001, "Key": "LimitedLoginQuizIsNull", "Text": "20136001 Login limit questions not yet reset" }, { "Id": 20138002, "Key": "LimitedLoginVerifyInvalidIndex", "Text": "20136002 Null answer number" }, { "Id": 20138003, "Key": "LimitedLoginVerifyQuizAnswered", "Text": "20136003 Cannot repeatedly answer unified question" }, { "Id": 20138004, "Key": "LimitedLoginVerifyQuizId", "Text": "20136004 Null answer setting ID" }, { "Id": 20139001, "Key": "ReportReportInvalidTag", "Text": "Invalid report tag" }, { "Id": 20139002, "Key": "ReportReportIntervalLimited", "Text": "Report interval not met" }, { "Id": 20139003, "Key": "ReportReportTimesLimited", "Text": "Report limit reached" }, { "Id": 20139004, "Key": "ReportReportedPlayerNotExist", "Text": "Reported player ID data not found" }, { "Id": 20139005, "Key": "ReportReportedGuildNotExist", "Text": "Reported guild ID data not found" }, { "Id": 20140001, "Key": "SlotMachinesTemplateNotFound", "Text": "detector settings not found" }, { "Id": 20140002, "Key": "SlotMachinesIconTemplateNotFound", "Text": "detector symbol settings not found" }, { "Id": 20140003, "Key": "SlotMachinesActivityTemplateCanNotFound", "Text": "detector event not found" }, { "Id": 20140004, "Key": "SlotMachinesTemplateIconNotFound", "Text": "detector symbols not found" }, { "Id": 20140005, "Key": "SlotMachinesActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20140006, "Key": "SlotMachinesActivityIsNotFound", "Text": "Event is over" }, { "Id": 20140007, "Key": "SlotMachinesScoreAlreadyFull", "Text": "Points full" }, { "Id": 20140008, "Key": "SlotMachinesStartConfigNeedPerUnlock", "Text": "Need to complete the Common Detector before unlocking the Wide-Range Detector" }, { "Id": 20140009, "Key": "SlotMachinesPerDataIsNull", "Text": "No prerequisite detector data" }, { "Id": 20140010, "Key": "SlotMachinesNeedAchievePerUnlockScore", "Text": "Points must reach unlock prerequisite" }, { "Id": 20140011, "Key": "SlotMachinesReceiveRewardNotExist", "Text": "Rewards to claim does not exist" }, { "Id": 20140012, "Key": "SlotMachinesScoreIsNotEnough", "Text": "Not enough points. Cannot claim." }, { "Id": 20140013, "Key": "SlotMachinesRewardIsAlreadyReceive", "Text": "Reward claimed" }, { "Id": 20140014, "Key": "SlotMachinesRockTypeNotFound", "Text": "detector error" }, { "Id": 20140015, "Key": "SlotMachinesCoinEnoughNotNeedBuy", "Text": "Enough Cell Battery, no need to purchase" }, { "Id": 20140016, "Key": "SlotMachinesBuyNumNoMatchNeedNum", "Text": "The quantity purchased don't match the quantity required" }, { "Id": 20140101, "Key": "RoootActivityNotOpen", "Text": "RoootActivityNotOpen" }, { "Id": 20140102, "Key": "RoootActivityIsEnd", "Text": "RoootActivityIsEnd" }, { "Id": 20140103, "Key": "RoootDataError", "Text": "RoootDataError" }, { "Id": 20141001, "Key": "LivWarmActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20141002, "Key": "LivWarmActivityStageCfgNotExist", "Text": "Stage configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20141003, "Key": "LivWarmActivityStageNotOpen", "Text": "Stage is not available" }, { "Id": 20141004, "Key": "LivWarmActivityRequireStageNotFinish", "Text": "Previous stage not complete" }, { "Id": 20141005, "Key": "LivWarmActivityStageWasFinish", "Text": "Stage cleared" }, { "Id": 20141006, "Key": "LivWarmActivityRewardAlreadyTakeAll", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20141007, "Key": "LivWarmActivityDismisCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient 3-Ping attempts" }, { "Id": 20142001, "Key": "LivSoundActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20142002, "Key": "LivSoundActivityStageCfgNotExist", "Text": "Stage configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20142003, "Key": "LivSoundActivityStageCfgNotOpen", "Text": "Stage is not available" }, { "Id": 20142004, "Key": "LivSoundActivityStageAlreadyWin", "Text": "Stage cleared" }, { "Id": 20143001, "Key": "SameColorGameInnerError", "Text": "Internal error" }, { "Id": 20143002, "Key": "SameColorGameMapInitError", "Text": "Map initialization failed" }, { "Id": 20143003, "Key": "SameColorGameMapPositionError", "Text": "Illegal coordinates" }, { "Id": 20143004, "Key": "SameColorGameMapItemIsNull", "Text": "Item does not exist" }, { "Id": 20143005, "Key": "SameColorGameMapSwapItemFail", "Text": "Failed to swap item" }, { "Id": 20143006, "Key": "SameColorGameMapNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20143007, "Key": "SameColorGameServiceUnavailable", "Text": "3-Ping link not available" }, { "Id": 20143008, "Key": "SameColorGameBossNotExist", "Text": "Boss not found" }, { "Id": 20143009, "Key": "SameColorGameBossNotUnlock", "Text": "Boss is locked" }, { "Id": 20143010, "Key": "SameColorGameBossNotUnlockCondition", "Text": "Boss unlocking condition not met" }, { "Id": 20143011, "Key": "SameColorGameRoleNotExist", "Text": "Character does not exist" }, { "Id": 20143012, "Key": "SameColorGameRoleNotUnlock", "Text": "You have not purchased the character" }, { "Id": 20143013, "Key": "SameColorGameSkillNotUnlock", "Text": "Skill locked" }, { "Id": 20143014, "Key": "SameColorGameMaxRound", "Text": "No steps left" }, { "Id": 20143015, "Key": "SameColorGameSkillNotExist", "Text": "Skill does not exist" }, { "Id": 20143016, "Key": "SameColorGameSkillCd", "Text": "Skill is still in cooldown" }, { "Id": 20143017, "Key": "SameColorGameSkillParamError", "Text": "Skill parameter error" }, { "Id": 20143018, "Key": "SameColorGameBossIdError", "Text": "bossId error" }, { "Id": 20143019, "Key": "SameColorGameSkillEnergyNotEnoughError", "Text": "Insufficient Skill Energy" }, { "Id": 20143020, "Key": "SameColorGameSkillCannotCancelError", "Text": "Skill cannot be canceled" }, { "Id": 20143021, "Key": "SameColorGameEnergyFullError", "Text": "Energy is full" }, { "Id": 20143022, "Key": "SameColorGameBuffIdNotMatchError", "Text": "No matching Buff ID found" }, { "Id": 20143023, "Key": "SameColorGameNoSkillCdError", "Text": "No skills in cooldown" }, { "Id": 20143024, "Key": "SameColorGameNoSwitchItemCountError", "Text": "Maximum swaps reached" }, { "Id": 20144001, "Key": "SimulateTrainBossNotUnlock", "Text": "20144001 Simulation Training monster locked" }, { "Id": 20144002, "Key": "SimulateTrainBossNotOpen", "Text": "20144002 Simulation Training monster not activated" }, { "Id": 20144003, "Key": "SimulateTrainNotConfig", "Text": "20144003 Simulation Training configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20144004, "Key": "SimulateTrainParamsError", "Text": "20144004 Simulation Training parameter error" }, { "Id": 20145001, "Key": "RunGameActivityNotExist", "Text": "20145001 Event does not exist" }, { "Id": 20145002, "Key": "RunGameChallengeTargetCfgNotExist", "Text": "20145002 Challenge target configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20145003, "Key": "RunGameRewardHadToken", "Text": "20145003 Reward already claimed" }, { "Id": 20145004, "Key": "RunGameTargetNotComplete", "Text": "20145004 Challenge goal not achieved" }, { "Id": 20145005, "Key": "RunGameSelectRobotInvalid", "Text": "20145005 Illegal character selection" }, { "Id": 20146001, "Key": "PickFlipActivityInvalidId", "Text": "Invalid event" }, { "Id": 20146002, "Key": "PickFlipActivityInvalidGroupId", "Text": "Invalid reward group" }, { "Id": 20146003, "Key": "PickFlipActivityInvalidRewardId", "Text": "Invalid reward" }, { "Id": 20146004, "Key": "PickFlipActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Specified event not available" }, { "Id": 20146005, "Key": "PickFlipActivityPickRewardFixedReward", "Text": "Reward already selected" }, { "Id": 20146006, "Key": "PickFlipActivityPickRewardCountNotMatch", "Text": "Mismatched number of selected rewards" }, { "Id": 20146007, "Key": "PickFlipActivityPickRewardNotInCurrentGroup", "Text": "Reward ID does not belong to the reward group" }, { "Id": 20146008, "Key": "PickFlipActivityPickRewardTypeIsNotPick", "Text": "Reward selected is not a pick reward" }, { "Id": 20146009, "Key": "PickFlipActivityPickRewardDumplicatedRewardId", "Text": "Duplicate Reward ID" }, { "Id": 20146010, "Key": "PickFlipActivityPickRewardRandomConfigError", "Text": "Random reward configuration error" }, { "Id": 20146011, "Key": "PickFlipActivityFlipRewardRewardNotFixed", "Text": "Reward not selected" }, { "Id": 20146012, "Key": "PickFlipActivityFlipRewardIndexOverflow", "Text": "Reward index exceeding valid range" }, { "Id": 20146013, "Key": "PickFlipActivityFlipRewardRewardFliped", "Text": "Reward already flipped over" }, { "Id": 20146014, "Key": "PickFlipActivityFinishGroupRewardRemained", "Text": "Reward(s) not flipped over" }, { "Id": 20146015, "Key": "PickFlipActivityFinishGroupNoMoreReward", "Text": "Reward already claimed with no subsequent reward groups" }, { "Id": 20146016, "Key": "PickFlipActivityFlipAddExchangeTimeInvalidTimes", "Text": "Invalid accumulated exchange attempts" }, { "Id": 20147001, "Key": "Regression2NotInRegression", "Text": "Player is not a returning player" }, { "Id": 20147002, "Key": "Regression2ActivityInvaliId", "Text": "Invalid Returning to Battle Event ID" }, { "Id": 20147003, "Key": "Regression2ActivityNotCurrentId", "Text": "Returning to Battle already ended" }, { "Id": 20147004, "Key": "Regression2SignInInvaliId", "Text": "Invalid Bond Sign-in event" }, { "Id": 20147005, "Key": "Regression2SignInIdNotInActivity", "Text": "Sign-in ID does not belong to the event" }, { "Id": 20147006, "Key": "Regression2SignInRewardAlreadyGot", "Text": "Sign-in reward already claimed" }, { "Id": 20147007, "Key": "Regression2SignInUnsatisfied", "Text": "Sign-in reward requirement(s) not met" }, { "Id": 20147008, "Key": "Regression2GachaInvalidId", "Text": "Invalid Reward ID" }, { "Id": 20147009, "Key": "Regression2GachaInvalidGroupId", "Text": "Invalid Reward Pool ID" }, { "Id": 20147010, "Key": "Regression2GachaInvalidTimes", "Text": "Invalid supply attempts" }, { "Id": 20147011, "Key": "Regression2GachaIdGroupIdNotMatch", "Text": "Reward does not exist in the Returning Supplies reward pool" }, { "Id": 20147012, "Key": "Regression2GachaIdPrevGroupIdCoreUnfinished", "Text": "Returning Supplies reward locked" }, { "Id": 20147013, "Key": "Regression2GachaNotInActivity", "Text": "Returning Supplies participation requirement(s) not met" }, { "Id": 20147014, "Key": "Regression2GachaActivityExpired", "Text": "Returning Supplies already ended" }, { "Id": 20147015, "Key": "Regression2GachaRegressionStateNotMatch", "Text": "Returning Supplies draw requirement(s) not met" }, { "Id": 20147016, "Key": "Regression2GachaGroupNoMoreReward", "Text": "Returning Supplies reward limit reached" }, { "Id": 20147017, "Key": "Regression2InviteActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Brothers in Arms already not available" }, { "Id": 20147018, "Key": "Regression2InviteNotInActivity", "Text": "Invitation does not meet participation requirement(s)" }, { "Id": 20147019, "Key": "Regression2InviteNotInvitee", "Text": "Player's returning does not meet the invitation requirement(s)" }, { "Id": 20147020, "Key": "Regression2InviteInvalidId", "Text": "Brothers in Arms already ended" }, { "Id": 20147021, "Key": "Regression2InviteAlreadyBinded", "Text": "Existing bond with another Commandant" }, { "Id": 20147022, "Key": "Regression2InviteInvalidInviteCode", "Text": "Invalid Invite Code" }, { "Id": 20147023, "Key": "Regression2InviteInviteCodeNotInActivity", "Text": "Invite Code expired" }, { "Id": 20147024, "Key": "Regression2InviteOutOfInviteCount", "Text": "Player has used up their invitation quota" }, { "Id": 20147025, "Key": "Regression2InviteRewardInvalidId", "Text": "Invalid Bond Reward ID" }, { "Id": 20147026, "Key": "Regression2InviteRewardIdNotInActivity", "Text": "Invitation Reward ID does not belong to the event" }, { "Id": 20147027, "Key": "Regression2InviteRewardInviteStateNotMatch", "Text": "Invitation not in the status required by the reward" }, { "Id": 20147028, "Key": "Regression2InviteRewardAlreadyGot", "Text": "Invitation reward already claimed" }, { "Id": 20147029, "Key": "Regression2InviteRewardUnsatisfied", "Text": "Bond Points required by the reward does not met" }, { "Id": 20148001, "Key": "AreaWarActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20148002, "Key": "AreaWarHoleNotUnlock", "Text": "Buff slot locked" }, { "Id": 20148003, "Key": "AreaWarBuffIdAlreadyUnlock", "Text": "Buff already unlocked" }, { "Id": 20148004, "Key": "AreaWarHoleNotMount", "Text": "Buff slot is empty" }, { "Id": 20148005, "Key": "AreaWarHoleNotDemount", "Text": "Buff slot is occupied" }, { "Id": 20148006, "Key": "AreaWarBuffIdNotUnlock", "Text": "Buff locked" }, { "Id": 20148007, "Key": "AreaWarSpecialRoleRewardNotUnlock", "Text": "Amplification character reward locked" }, { "Id": 20148008, "Key": "AreaWarSpecialRoleRewardAlreadyReceived", "Text": "Amplification character reward already claimed" }, { "Id": 20148009, "Key": "AreaWarRankBlockIdError", "Text": "Ranking ID error" }, { "Id": 20148010, "Key": "AreaWarInnerError", "Text": "Server Battle service not available" }, { "Id": 20148011, "Key": "AreaWarBlockIdError", "Text": "Server Battle Block ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20148012, "Key": "AreaWarDetachConditionError", "Text": "Dispatch requirement configuration error" }, { "Id": 20148013, "Key": "AreaWarDetachConditionNotInit", "Text": "Dispatch requirement(s) not initialized" }, { "Id": 20148014, "Key": "AreaWarBlockNotOpen", "Text": "Block not available" }, { "Id": 20148015, "Key": "AreaWarBlockCannotClean", "Text": "Block cannot be cleared" }, { "Id": 20148016, "Key": "AreaWarNoHangUpReward", "Text": "No idle reward to claim" }, { "Id": 20148017, "Key": "AreaWarBlockAlreadyClean", "Text": "Block already cleared" }, { "Id": 20148018, "Key": "AreaWarPurificationZero", "Text": "Progress less than 0" }, { "Id": 20148019, "Key": "AreaWarRobotNotUnlock", "Text": "Trial character locked" }, { "Id": 20148020, "Key": "AreaWarFightStageNotMatch", "Text": "Mismatched Server Battle stage" }, { "Id": 20148021, "Key": "AreaWarFightUploading", "Text": "Uploading" }, { "Id": 20148022, "Key": "AreaWarRobotIdError", "Text": "Trial Character ID error" }, { "Id": 20148023, "Key": "ConditionManagerAreaWarCleanCountNotFinish", "Text": "Mismatched number of blocks cleared" }, { "Id": 20148024, "Key": "ConditionManagerAreaWarCleanBlockIdNotFinish", "Text": "Mismatched number of blocks cleared" }, { "Id": 20149001, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityModeNotExist", "Text": "Division does not exist" }, { "Id": 20149002, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityCfgNotExist", "Text": "Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20149003, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20149004, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityModeNotOpen", "Text": "Related division locked" }, { "Id": 20149005, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivitySelectRoleCountOutOfLimit", "Text": "Number of characters selected exceeding the range" }, { "Id": 20149006, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivitySelectMonsterLess", "Text": "Number of monsters selected must not be less than the designated value" }, { "Id": 20149007, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityCaptainPosOutOfRange", "Text": "Captain position exceeding the range" }, { "Id": 20149008, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityFirstFightPosOutOfRange", "Text": "First battle position exceeding the range" }, { "Id": 20149009, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityCharacterIsZero", "Text": "0 in Character ID" }, { "Id": 20149010, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityCharacterPosNotMatch", "Text": "Mismatched character position" }, { "Id": 20149011, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityCharacterPosRepeat", "Text": "Duplicate character position" }, { "Id": 20149012, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivitySelectRoleLess", "Text": "Number of selected characters less than designated value" }, { "Id": 20149013, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityCoreCfgLose", "Text": "Super Core configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20149014, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityCoreLevelNotExist", "Text": "Super Core Level configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20149015, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityStrongAttackOutOfRange", "Text": "Enhanced ATK exceeding the range" }, { "Id": 20149016, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityStrongAttackOverMax", "Text": "Enhanced ATK exceeding the max limit" }, { "Id": 20149017, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityStrongHpOutOfRange", "Text": "Enhanced HP exceeding the range" }, { "Id": 20149018, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityStrongHpOverMax", "Text": "Enhanced HP exceeding the max limit" }, { "Id": 20149019, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityEnergyNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Energy" }, { "Id": 20149020, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityNextStageIsNull", "Text": "Next stage is empty" }, { "Id": 20149021, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityNextStageIdNotMatch", "Text": "Mismatched next stage" }, { "Id": 20149022, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityCharacterRepeatUse", "Text": "Duplicate use of the character" }, { "Id": 20149023, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityModeDataLose", "Text": "Mode data is lost" }, { "Id": 20149024, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityCharacterKillAll", "Text": "All characters are dead" }, { "Id": 20149025, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityCaptainPosError", "Text": "Leader position error" }, { "Id": 20149026, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityFirstPosError", "Text": "First battle position error" }, { "Id": 20149027, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityCharacterIdRepeat", "Text": "Duplicate Character ID" }, { "Id": 20149028, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityBattleDataErrorAllCharacterDeath", "Text": "Battle data all characters dead" }, { "Id": 20149029, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityMonsterGroupConfigLose", "Text": "Monster group configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20149030, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityStageIdLimitMonsterCannotUsed", "Text": "Stage ID does not allow use of monsters" }, { "Id": 20149031, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityModeCfgDataLose", "Text": "Mode configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20149032, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivitySettingDataIsNull", "Text": "Set data is empty" }, { "Id": 20149033, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityEnvLibraryLose", "Text": "Environment library is lost" }, { "Id": 20149034, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityEnvCanotUsed", "Text": "Environment cannot be used" }, { "Id": 20149035, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityEnvCfgNotExist", "Text": "Environment decoration is lost" }, { "Id": 20149036, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityMonsterGroupNotExist", "Text": "Monster group configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20149037, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityMonsterGroupNotOpen", "Text": "Monster grout not available" }, { "Id": 20149038, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityMonsterLibraryLose", "Text": "Monster library is lost" }, { "Id": 20149039, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityMapLibraryLose", "Text": "Map library is lost" }, { "Id": 20149040, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityMapCfgNotExist", "Text": "Map configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20149041, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityMapCanotUsed", "Text": "Map cannot be used" }, { "Id": 20149042, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityMapFinish", "Text": "Map already completed" }, { "Id": 20149043, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityMapIsNotNextStage", "Text": "Map is not the next map" }, { "Id": 20149044, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityMosterKillAll", "Text": "All monsters already killed" }, { "Id": 20149045, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityRewardConfigNotExist", "Text": "Reward configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20149046, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityRewardAlreadyTaked", "Text": "Reward already claimed" }, { "Id": 20149047, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosActivityRewardConfigScoreNoEnough", "Text": "Points required by reward not met" }, { "Id": 20149048, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosGetRankFailed", "Text": "Failed to retrieve leaderboard" }, { "Id": 20149049, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosSystemRobotDoNotExist", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20149050, "Key": "SuperSmashBrosEggException", "Text": null }, { "Id": 20150001, "Key": "MemorySaveChapterNotFind", "Text": "20150001 Memory Rescue: Chapter ID not found" }, { "Id": 20150002, "Key": "MemorySavePerNotFinish", "Text": "20150002 Memory Rescue: Prerequisite stage not completed" }, { "Id": 20150003, "Key": "MemorySaveChapterAwardIsGet", "Text": "20150003 Memory Rescue: Chapter reward already claimed" }, { "Id": 20150004, "Key": "MemorySaveChapterNotFinished", "Text": "20150004 Memory Rescue: Incomplete chapter stage(s)" }, { "Id": 20150005, "Key": "MemorySaveChapterNotOpen", "Text": "20150005 Memory Rescue: Chapter not available" }, { "Id": 20150006, "Key": "MemorySaveStageIdNotFind", "Text": "20150006 Memory Rescue: Stage ID not found" }, { "Id": 20150007, "Key": "MemorySaveStageTemplateNotFind", "Text": "20150007 Memory Rescue: Stage template not found" }, { "Id": 20150008, "Key": "MemorySaveStageAwardNotFind", "Text": "20150008 Memory Rescue: Reward ID not found" }, { "Id": 20151001, "Key": "ReviewActivityDataNotExist", "Text": "Review data not found" }, { "Id": 20151002, "Key": "ShareReviewRewardHadToken", "Text": "Reward already claimed" }, { "Id": 20151003, "Key": "ShareReviewRewardNotExist", "Text": "Reward does not exist" }, { "Id": 20151004, "Key": "ReviewActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Review event not available" }, { "Id": 20152001, "Key": "MaverickActivityConfigNotExist", "Text": "20152001 Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20152002, "Key": "MaverickPatternConfigNotExist", "Text": "20152002 Mode configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20152003, "Key": "MaverickStageConfigNotExist", "Text": "20152003 Stage configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20152004, "Key": "MaverickLevelUpConfigNotExist", "Text": "20152004 Upgrade configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20152005, "Key": "MaverickMemberConfigNotExist", "Text": "20152005 Member configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20152006, "Key": "MaverickTalentConfigNotExist", "Text": "20152006 Talent configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20152007, "Key": "MaverickMemberDataNotExist", "Text": "20151007 Member data not found" }, { "Id": 20152008, "Key": "MaverickMaxLevelNotExist", "Text": "20152008 Max member level does not exist" }, { "Id": 20152009, "Key": "MaverickHadMaxLevel", "Text": "20152009 Member already reached the max level" }, { "Id": 20152010, "Key": "MaverickTalentHadActive", "Text": "20152010 Talent already activated" }, { "Id": 20152011, "Key": "MaverickTalentHadNotActive", "Text": "20152011 Talent not activated" }, { "Id": 20152012, "Key": "MaverickTalentNotUnlock", "Text": "20152012 Talent locked" }, { "Id": 20152013, "Key": "MaverickLevelUpTotalConsumeFail", "Text": "20152015 Failed to retrieve member corrupted level total cost info" }, { "Id": 20152014, "Key": "MaverickLevelCanNotReset", "Text": "20152016 Member corrupted level cannot be reset" }, { "Id": 20152015, "Key": "MaverickPatternNotOpenTime", "Text": "20152017 Mode not available" }, { "Id": 20152016, "Key": "MaverickCanNotFindFightCharacterId", "Text": "20152018 Character corresponding to player's deployed bot not found" }, { "Id": 20152017, "Key": "MaverickHaveNotFightRobot", "Text": "20152019 Deployed members cannot be empty" }, { "Id": 20152018, "Key": "MaverickAddCharacterLose", "Text": "20152020 Failed to add deployed character" }, { "Id": 20152019, "Key": "MaverickFightOnlyOne", "Text": "20152021 Only one member can be deployed" }, { "Id": 20152020, "Key": "MaverickActivityNotOpen", "Text": "20152022 Event not available" }, { "Id": 20153001, "Key": "DiceGameRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20153002, "Key": "DiceGameRewardScoreNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient points. Unable to claim the reward." }, { "Id": 20153003, "Key": "DiceGameCanNotFoundReward", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 20153004, "Key": "DiceGameIsNotOpen", "Text": "Event has not started" }, { "Id": 20153005, "Key": "DiceGameIsNotFound", "Text": "Event is over" }, { "Id": 20153006, "Key": "DiceGameSelectResultParamError", "Text": "Option parameter error" }, { "Id": 20153007, "Key": "DiceGameNextDice", "Text": "20153007 Please throw the dice again" }, { "Id": 20154001, "Key": "BirthdayPlotDoNotReset", "Text": "20154001 Birthday Communications: Unable to set the birthday again" }, { "Id": 20154002, "Key": "BirthdayPlotCgNotLock", "Text": "20154002 Birthday Communications: Birthday story locked" }, { "Id": 20155001, "Key": "TheatreDifficultyConditionError", "Text": "Hard mode requirement(s) not met" }, { "Id": 20155002, "Key": "TheatreDifficultyAlreadySet", "Text": "Hard mode configuration already done" }, { "Id": 20155003, "Key": "TheatreKeepsakeNotUnlock", "Text": "Work is locked" }, { "Id": 20155004, "Key": "TheatreAdventureAlreadyStart", "Text": "Adventure already began" }, { "Id": 20155005, "Key": "TheatreAdventureNotInit", "Text": "Adventure not started yet" }, { "Id": 20155006, "Key": "TheatreRecruitRefreshCountError", "Text": "No refresh attempts" }, { "Id": 20155007, "Key": "TheatreRecruitCountError", "Text": "No recruitment attempts" }, { "Id": 20155008, "Key": "TheatreRecruitRoleIdError", "Text": "Recruitment Character ID error" }, { "Id": 20155009, "Key": "TheatreRecruitRoleRepeatError", "Text": "Duplicate recruitment of the character" }, { "Id": 20155010, "Key": "TheatreChapterCannotRecruitRoleError", "Text": "Chapter does not allow character recruitment" }, { "Id": 20155011, "Key": "TheatreDecorationIdError", "Text": "Decoration Item ID error" }, { "Id": 20155012, "Key": "TheatreDecorationConditionError", "Text": "Decoration item requirement(s) not met" }, { "Id": 20155013, "Key": "TheatreDecorationMaxLevelError", "Text": "Decoration item does not have the next level" }, { "Id": 20155014, "Key": "TheatrePowerFavorNotUnlock", "Text": "School rehearsal locked" }, { "Id": 20155015, "Key": "TheatrePowerFavorMaxLevelError", "Text": "School already reached the max level" }, { "Id": 20155016, "Key": "TheatrePowerFavorGetRewardError", "Text": "Duplicate claiming of the faction Affection reward" }, { "Id": 20155017, "Key": "TheatreCurNodeNotExit", "Text": "Node does not exist" }, { "Id": 20155018, "Key": "TheatreCurNodeIdError", "Text": "Node ID error" }, { "Id": 20155019, "Key": "TheatreSelectOtherNodeError", "Text": "Another node selected" }, { "Id": 20155020, "Key": "TheatreSlotNotExitError", "Text": "Slot does not exist" }, { "Id": 20155021, "Key": "TheatreSlotStageIdError", "Text": "Slot Stage ID error" }, { "Id": 20155022, "Key": "TheatreChapterNotExitError", "Text": "Chapter does not exist" }, { "Id": 20155023, "Key": "TheatreChapterSkillNotExitError", "Text": "No skills available for selection" }, { "Id": 20155024, "Key": "TheatreAdventureAlreadyStartError", "Text": "Performance already started. You can only do this after result calculation." }, { "Id": 20155025, "Key": "TheatreCurrentSlotTypeError", "Text": "Node type error" }, { "Id": 20155026, "Key": "TheatreShopNoItemError", "Text": "No items available for purchase in the shop" }, { "Id": 20155027, "Key": "TheatreShopItemCannotBuyRepeatError", "Text": "Shop items can only be purchased once" }, { "Id": 20155028, "Key": "TheatreEventNodeCurStepIdError", "Text": "Wrong step of the event" }, { "Id": 20155029, "Key": "TheatreEventNodeConfigError", "Text": "Event configuration error" }, { "Id": 20155030, "Key": "TheatreEventNodeOptionIdError", "Text": "Event Option ID error" }, { "Id": 20155031, "Key": "TheatreEventNodeOptionNotUnlockError", "Text": "Event options locked" }, { "Id": 20155032, "Key": "TheatreRobotNotUnlockError", "Text": "Bot locked" }, { "Id": 20155033, "Key": "TheatreCharacterNotUnlockError", "Text": "Bot corresponding to your character not recruited" }, { "Id": 20155034, "Key": "TheatreCharacterFaNotEnoughError", "Text": "Insufficient Power to use your own character" }, { "Id": 20155035, "Key": "TheatreTeamCaptainPosError", "Text": "Leader position error" }, { "Id": 20155036, "Key": "TheatreCurrentSlotNotMultiTeamError", "Text": "Not a multi-team node" }, { "Id": 20155037, "Key": "TheatreTeamIndexError", "Text": "Team ID error" }, { "Id": 20155038, "Key": "TheatreMultiTeamNotSaveError", "Text": "Multi-team mode data not saved" }, { "Id": 20155039, "Key": "TheatreMultiTeamCardRepeatError", "Text": "Multi-team mode does not allow duplicate characters" }, { "Id": 20155040, "Key": "TheatreTeamNotSameError", "Text": "Mismatched team" }, { "Id": 20155041, "Key": "TheatreReopenCountNotEnoughError", "Text": "No restart attempts" }, { "Id": 20155042, "Key": "ConditionManagerTheatreChapterIdNotFinish", "Text": "Chapter not completed" }, { "Id": 20155043, "Key": "ConditionManagerTheatreEventStepIdNotFinish", "Text": "Event step(s) not completed" }, { "Id": 20155044, "Key": "TheatreMultiTeamIndexError", "Text": "Multi-team index error" }, { "Id": 20155045, "Key": "ConditionManagerTheatreDecorationLevelNotFinish", "Text": "Event step(s) not completed" }, { "Id": 20155046, "Key": "ConditionManagerTheatreEndingNotFinish", "Text": "Ending not completed" }, { "Id": 20156001, "Key": "ShieldRequestProtocolCanNotUse", "Text": "20156001 Feature under maintenance. Unable to use." }, { "Id": 20157001, "Key": "ShortStoryInvalidStageId", "Text": "20156002 Invalid Stage ID" }, { "Id": 20157002, "Key": "ShortStoryChapterIsNotExist", "Text": "20156003 Chapter does not exist" }, { "Id": 20157003, "Key": "ShortStoryActivityChapterNotOpen", "Text": "20156004 Event chapter not available" }, { "Id": 20157004, "Key": "ShortStoryStageNotPass", "Text": "20156005 Stage not cleared" }, { "Id": 20157005, "Key": "ShortStoryStageRewardAlready", "Text": "20156006 Stage reward claimed" }, { "Id": 20157006, "Key": "ShortStoryStarRateNotEnough", "Text": "20156007 Insufficient story collection mission collection rate" }, { "Id": 20158001, "Key": "EscapeIsNotOpen", "Text": "20158001 Event not available" }, { "Id": 20158101, "Key": "EscapeStageInvalidId", "Text": "20158101 Invalid Battle Royale Stage ID" }, { "Id": 20158102, "Key": "EscapeStageInvalidChapterId", "Text": "20158102 Invalid Battle Royale Chapter" }, { "Id": 20158103, "Key": "EscapeStageActivityIdDoNotMatch", "Text": "20158103 Mismatched Battle Royale Event ID" }, { "Id": 20158104, "Key": "EscapeStageChapterIdDoNotMatch", "Text": "20158104 Mismatched Battle Royale chapter" }, { "Id": 20158105, "Key": "EscapeStageLayerIdDoNotMatch", "Text": "20158105 Mismatched Battle Royale floor" }, { "Id": 20158106, "Key": "EscapeStageStageIsPassed", "Text": "20158106 Battle Royale stage already cleared" }, { "Id": 20158107, "Key": "EscapeStageNoCardAndRobot", "Text": "20158107 Battle Royale no valid characters" }, { "Id": 20158108, "Key": "EscapeStageInvalidRobotId", "Text": "20158108 Battle Royale invalid Robot ID" }, { "Id": 20158201, "Key": "EscapeResetStageStageNotPassed", "Text": "20158201 Battle Royale Reset Stage not cleared" }, { "Id": 20158202, "Key": "EscapeResetStageInvalidLayer", "Text": "20158202 Battle Royale Reset Stage not the current floor" }, { "Id": 20158301, "Key": "EscapeChapterNotPassed", "Text": "20158301 Battle Royale chapter not cleared" }, { "Id": 20159001, "Key": "NewYearLuckAward", "Text": "Lottery Ticket reward already claimed" }, { "Id": 20159002, "Key": "NewYearLuckNotAwardTime", "Text": "Result not available yet. Please wait." }, { "Id": 20159003, "Key": "NewYearLuckPassUnlockTime", "Text": "You missed the time. Unable to purchase the Lottery Ticket." }, { "Id": 20159004, "Key": "NewYearLuckUnlockIsMax", "Text": "You already purchased all the Lottery Tickets." }, { "Id": 20159005, "Key": "NewYearLuckNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20159006, "Key": "NewYearLuckConfigNotFind", "Text": "Lottery Ticket does not exist" }, { "Id": 20159007, "Key": "NewYearLuckUnLuck", "Text": "Lottery Ticket locked" }, { "Id": 20159008, "Key": "NewYearLuckActivityNotFind", "Text": "Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20159009, "Key": "NewYearLuckCoinNotFind", "Text": "Event token configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20160001, "Key": "HitMouseActivityNotOpen", "Text": "20158213 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: Event not available" }, { "Id": 20160002, "Key": "HitMouseScoreError", "Text": "20158214 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: Error in data sent" }, { "Id": 20160003, "Key": "HitMouseConfigNotFind", "Text": "20158215 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20160004, "Key": "HitMouseStageNotUnlock", "Text": "20158216 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: Stage locked" }, { "Id": 20160005, "Key": "HitMousePreStageNotUnlock", "Text": "20158217 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: Prerequisite stage not complete" }, { "Id": 20160006, "Key": "HitMousePreStageNotFinish", "Text": "20158218 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: Stage not cleared" }, { "Id": 20160007, "Key": "HitMouseNotRewardGet", "Text": "20158219 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: No rewards to claim" }, { "Id": 20160008, "Key": "HitMouseUnlockStage", "Text": "20158220 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: Stage already unlocked" }, { "Id": 20161001, "Key": "PivotCombatActivityNotOpen", "Text": "20161001 Event not available" }, { "Id": 20161002, "Key": "PivotCombatActivityCfgNotExist", "Text": "20161002 Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20161003, "Key": "PivotCombatRegionCfgNotExist", "Text": "20161003 Area configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20161004, "Key": "PivotCombatStageLibCfgNotExist", "Text": "20161004 Stage library configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20161005, "Key": "PivotCombatEffectLibCfgNotExist", "Text": "20161005 Energy Supply Effect library configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20161006, "Key": "PivotCombatCanFindCorrespondingRegionId", "Text": "20161006 Area corresponding to the stage not found" }, { "Id": 20161007, "Key": "PivotCombatDifficultyInvalid", "Text": "20161007 Illegal difficulty" }, { "Id": 20161008, "Key": "PivotCombatFightMemberCountLimit", "Text": "20161008 Illegal number of participants in the battle" }, { "Id": 20161009, "Key": "PivotCombatRobotInvalid", "Text": "20161009 Illegal robot" }, { "Id": 20161010, "Key": "PivotCombatTimeCtrlCfgNotExist", "Text": "20161010 Time control configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20161011, "Key": "PivotCombatRegionDataNotExist", "Text": "20161011 Area data not found" }, { "Id": 20161012, "Key": "PivotCombatStageDataNotExist", "Text": "20161012 Stage data not found" }, { "Id": 20161013, "Key": "PivotCombatCancelLockCharOpNotAllowed", "Text": "20161013 Canceling locked character not allowed" }, { "Id": 20161014, "Key": "PivotCombatRegionNotOpen", "Text": "20161014 Area not available" }, { "Id": 20161015, "Key": "PivotCombatCharacterHadBeenUsed", "Text": "20161015 Participant character already used in another stage" }, { "Id": 20161016, "Key": "PivotCombatSupplyEnergyLevelNotEnough", "Text": "20161016 Insufficient Energy Supply Level" }, { "Id": 20161017, "Key": "PivotCombatAddCharacterLose", "Text": "20161017 Failed to add deployed character" }, { "Id": 20161018, "Key": "PivotCombatDifficultyHadSelected", "Text": "20161018 Difficulty already selected" }, { "Id": 20162001, "Key": "AccumulatedConsumeDrawCanNotFoundReward", "Text": "20162001 Corresponding rewards not found" }, { "Id": 20162002, "Key": "AccumulatedConsumeDrawIsNotOpen", "Text": "20162002 Event not available" }, { "Id": 20162003, "Key": "AccumulatedConsumeDrawIsNotFound", "Text": "20162003 Event is over" }, { "Id": 20162004, "Key": "AccumulatedConsumeDrawMaxDrawLimit", "Text": "20162004 Single-time pull limit exceeded" }, { "Id": 20163001, "Key": "DoubleTowerTeamSettingUnableToUsed", "Text": "20163001 Team settings not available" }, { "Id": 20163002, "Key": "DoubleTowerActivityNotOpen", "Text": "20163002 Event not available" }, { "Id": 20163003, "Key": "DoubleTowerStageCfgNotExist", "Text": "20163003 Stage configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20163004, "Key": "DoubleTowerStageGroupNotExist", "Text": "20163004 Stage group configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20163005, "Key": "DoubleTowerStageGroupNotOpen", "Text": "Not available yet. Please wait for the Defense Point to be available" }, { "Id": 20163006, "Key": "DoubleTowerPreStageOnLock", "Text": "20163006 Previous stage not complete" }, { "Id": 20163007, "Key": "DoubleTowerStageOnLock", "Text": "20163007 Stage is locked" }, { "Id": 20163008, "Key": "DoubleTowerPreStageNotFinish", "Text": "20163008 Previous stage not complete" }, { "Id": 20163009, "Key": "DoubleTowerGroupIdNotExist", "Text": "20163009 Stage Group ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20163010, "Key": "DoubleTowerCurRoleCfgIsNull", "Text": "20163010 Character settings not found" }, { "Id": 20163011, "Key": "DoubleTowerRoleNotExist", "Text": "20163011 Character does not exist" }, { "Id": 20163012, "Key": "DoubleTowerRolePluginNotOnType", "Text": "20163012 Character add-on type does not match" }, { "Id": 20163013, "Key": "DoubleTowerRolePluginLevelCfgNotExist", "Text": "20163013 Character Add-on Level configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20163014, "Key": "DoubleTowerRolePluginLevelCfgLevelNotZero", "Text": "20163014 Character Disassembly Level configuration cannot be 0" }, { "Id": 20163015, "Key": "DoubleTowerRolePluginCfgNotExist", "Text": "20163015 Character add-on settings not found" }, { "Id": 20163016, "Key": "DoubleTowerRolePluginOutOfRange", "Text": "20163016 Character add-on exceeded the range" }, { "Id": 20163017, "Key": "DoubleTowerRolePluginNotOnGroup", "Text": "20163017 Character add-on is not in the specified group" }, { "Id": 20163018, "Key": "DoubleTowerRolePluginMustHaveOne", "Text": "20163018 There has to be one specified character add-on" }, { "Id": 20163019, "Key": "DoubleTowerGuardCfgNotExist", "Text": "20163019 Guard configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20163020, "Key": "DoubleTowerGuardPluginRepeatUse", "Text": "20163020 Guard add-on repeated use" }, { "Id": 20163021, "Key": "DoubleTowerCurGuardPluginOutOfRange", "Text": "20163021 Guard add-on exceeded the range" }, { "Id": 20163022, "Key": "DoubleTowerPluginCfgNotExist", "Text": "20163022 Add-on settings not found" }, { "Id": 20163023, "Key": "DoubleTowerPluginLevelCfgNotExist", "Text": "20163023 Stage Level configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20163024, "Key": "DoubleTowerPluginOnLock", "Text": "20163024 Stage is locked" }, { "Id": 20163025, "Key": "DoubleTowerPluginUpgradeItemNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient items. Unable to level up." }, { "Id": 20163026, "Key": "DoubleTowerCacheCoinIsEmpty", "Text": "20163026 No cached tokens" }, { "Id": 20163027, "Key": "DoubleTowerGetRankFailed", "Text": "20163027 Center server failed to obtain the rankings" }, { "Id": 20163028, "Key": "DoubleTowerOnlyGroupOfLastStageCantRepeatFight", "Text": "20163028 Not the final stage. Cannot be cleared repetitively." }, { "Id": 20164001, "Key": "GuildWarActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20164002, "Key": "GuildWarDataIsNull", "Text": "No event data" }, { "Id": 20164003, "Key": "GuildWarNoAuth", "Text": "No permission" }, { "Id": 20164004, "Key": "GuildWarServiceUnavailable", "Text": "Guild Expedition not available" }, { "Id": 20164005, "Key": "GuildWarActivityRoundNotOpen", "Text": "Round is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20164006, "Key": "GuildWarRoundDataNotExist", "Text": "Round data not found" }, { "Id": 20164007, "Key": "GuildWarDifficultyConfigNotExist", "Text": "Difficulty data not found" }, { "Id": 20164008, "Key": "GuildWarDifficultyUnlockError", "Text": "Difficulty is still locked" }, { "Id": 20164009, "Key": "GuildWarDifficultySelectError", "Text": "Repetitive choice of Difficulty" }, { "Id": 20164010, "Key": "GuildWarCannotJoinCurRound", "Text": "Cannot participate in this round" }, { "Id": 20164011, "Key": "GuildWarVersionNotMatch", "Text": "Version No. does not match" }, { "Id": 20164012, "Key": "GuildWarInternalError", "Text": "Internal error" }, { "Id": 20164013, "Key": "GuildWarNotSelectDifficultyError", "Text": "Difficulty not selected" }, { "Id": 20164014, "Key": "GuildWarNodeIdError", "Text": "Node ID error" }, { "Id": 20164015, "Key": "GuildWarNodeIsDead", "Text": "Node already destroyed" }, { "Id": 20164016, "Key": "GuildWarNodeMaxRebuildTime", "Text": "Max reconstruction time of the outpost reached" }, { "Id": 20164017, "Key": "GuildWarMonsterUidError", "Text": "Enemy ID error" }, { "Id": 20164018, "Key": "GuildWarFightStageNotMatch", "Text": "Guild Expedition stage does not match" }, { "Id": 20164019, "Key": "GuildWarFightUploading", "Text": "Uploading" }, { "Id": 20164020, "Key": "GuildWarMonsterIdError", "Text": "Enemy ID error" }, { "Id": 20164021, "Key": "GuildWarFightTypeError", "Text": "Battle type error" }, { "Id": 20164022, "Key": "GuildWarNodeStateError", "Text": "Node status has changed" }, { "Id": 20164023, "Key": "GuildWarMonsterIsDead", "Text": "Node has been cleared or ambush has been defeated. Unable to start the challenge." }, { "Id": 20164024, "Key": "GuildWarCannotSweepBeforeFight", "Text": "Auto Clear only available after battle" }, { "Id": 20164025, "Key": "GuildWarCurNodeError", "Text": "Node error" }, { "Id": 20164026, "Key": "GuildWarCannotMoveToNextNodeError", "Text": "Prerequisite node or Guard Node not cleared. Unable to go to this node." }, { "Id": 20164027, "Key": "GuildWarCurNodeIdxError", "Text": "Position error" }, { "Id": 20164028, "Key": "GuildWarFightCacheNotExist", "Text": "Battle cache does not exist" }, { "Id": 20164029, "Key": "GuildWarCannotKickMember", "Text": "Command Bureau members cannot be kicked out during the Guild Expedition" }, { "Id": 20164030, "Key": "GuildWarRobotIdError", "Text": "Guild Expedition bot ID error" }, { "Id": 20165001, "Key": "DoomsdayStageNotExist", "Text": "Stage does not exist" }, { "Id": 20165002, "Key": "DoomsdayStageNotInOpenTime", "Text": "Not available" }, { "Id": 20165003, "Key": "DoomsdayStageFuncCfgNotExist", "Text": "Function configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20165004, "Key": "DoomsdayMemberRepestUsed", "Text": "Duplicate use of the member" }, { "Id": 20165005, "Key": "DoomsdayPeopleNotExist", "Text": "Scavenger does not exist" }, { "Id": 20165006, "Key": "DoomsdayMemberOnTeam", "Text": "Member already in team" }, { "Id": 20165007, "Key": "DoomsdayMemberOnBuilding", "Text": "Member already in the building" }, { "Id": 20165008, "Key": "DoomsdayResourceNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient resources" }, { "Id": 20165009, "Key": "DoomsdayTeamDbNotExist", "Text": "Team does not exist" }, { "Id": 20165010, "Key": "DoomsdayCantExplore", "Text": "Unable to explore" }, { "Id": 20165011, "Key": "DoomsdayPlaceAlreadyHaveTeam", "Text": "Team(s) at the location" }, { "Id": 20165012, "Key": "DoomsdayCurStageDbIsNull", "Text": ": Empty stage" }, { "Id": 20165013, "Key": "DoomsdayCurStageDbExtIsNull", "Text": "Empty stage ext" }, { "Id": 20165014, "Key": "DoomsdayCurStageCfgIsNull", "Text": "Empty stage configuration" }, { "Id": 20165015, "Key": "DoomsdayEventCfgLose", "Text": "Event configuration is lost" }, { "Id": 20165016, "Key": "DoomsdayEventDbNotExist", "Text": "Event has no saved data" }, { "Id": 20165017, "Key": "DoomsdayEventFinished", "Text": "Event already completed" }, { "Id": 20165018, "Key": "DoomsdayEventSelctOutOfRange", "Text": "Event option exceeding the range" }, { "Id": 20165019, "Key": "DoomsdayPeopleDbRepeatUsed", "Text": "Duplicate use of the Scavenger" }, { "Id": 20165020, "Key": "DoomsdayPeopleDbNotExist", "Text": "Scavenger has no saved data" }, { "Id": 20165021, "Key": "DoomsdayBuildingDbNotExist", "Text": "Building has no saved data" }, { "Id": 20165022, "Key": "DoomsdayContructorDbRepeastUsed", "Text": "Duplicate use of saved Construct data" }, { "Id": 20165023, "Key": "DoomsdayContrucutorUsedOnBuilding", "Text": "20154025" }, { "Id": 20165024, "Key": "DoomsdayContrucutorUsedOnTeam", "Text": "20154026" }, { "Id": 20165025, "Key": "DoomsdayOpResourceRepeat", "Text": "Duplicate operation of resources" }, { "Id": 20165026, "Key": "DoomsdayResourceOpsIsNull", "Text": "Empty resource operation" }, { "Id": 20165027, "Key": "DoomsdayResourceOpsTargetIsNull", "Text": "Resource allocation target is empty" }, { "Id": 20165028, "Key": "DoomsdayEffectArgNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient effect parameters" }, { "Id": 20165029, "Key": "DoomsdayResourceCfgNotExist", "Text": "Resource configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20165030, "Key": "DoomsdayOpResourceCountOutOfRange", "Text": "Resource calculation exceeding the range" }, { "Id": 20165031, "Key": "DoomsdayStructureDbNotExist", "Text": "Construct has no saved data" }, { "Id": 20165032, "Key": "DoomsdayResourceContainterNotExist", "Text": "Resource container does not exist" }, { "Id": 20165033, "Key": "DoomsdayNextPlaceCfgNotExist", "Text": "Configuration of the next location not found" }, { "Id": 20165034, "Key": "DoomsdayPrePlaceOnLock", "Text": "Prerequisite location locked" }, { "Id": 20165035, "Key": "DoomsdayPrePlaceUnfinish", "Text": "Prerequisite location not completed" }, { "Id": 20165036, "Key": "DoomsdayBuildingCfgNotExist", "Text": "Building configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20165037, "Key": "DoomsdayPlaceConfigNotExist", "Text": "Location configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20165038, "Key": "DoomsdayTaskCfgNotExist", "Text": "Mission configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20165039, "Key": "DoomsdayCreateTeamCfgNotExist", "Text": "Team creation configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20165040, "Key": "DoomsdayStageNotOnCurActivty", "Text": "Stage does not belong to the event" }, { "Id": 20165041, "Key": "DoomsdayActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20165042, "Key": "DoomsdayStageNotExistCurActivity", "Text": "Stage does not belong to the event" }, { "Id": 20165043, "Key": "DoomsdayEffectRequireBuildingDb", "Text": "Effect must be applied to a building" }, { "Id": 20165044, "Key": "DoomsdayEffectRequireEventDb", "Text": "Effect must be applied to an event" }, { "Id": 20165045, "Key": "DoomsdayBuildingPosOnUsed", "Text": "Location already occupied by another building" }, { "Id": 20165046, "Key": "DoomsdayPreStageNotFinish", "Text": "Previous stage not complete" }, { "Id": 20165047, "Key": "DoomsdayStageAlreadyFinished", "Text": "Stage already completed" }, { "Id": 20165048, "Key": "DoomsdayEventNotFinish", "Text": "Incomplete event(s)" }, { "Id": 20165049, "Key": "DoomsdayTargetPalceAlreadySet", "Text": "Exploration target occupied" }, { "Id": 20165050, "Key": "DoomsdayPlaceDbNotExist", "Text": "Exploration target does not exist" }, { "Id": 20165051, "Key": "DoomsdayConditionNotEnough", "Text": "Requirement(s) not met" }, { "Id": 20165052, "Key": "DoomsdayEffectRequireTeamDb", "Text": "Effect must be applied to a team" }, { "Id": 20165053, "Key": "DoomsdayBuildingPosOutOfRange", "Text": "Building location exceeding the range" }, { "Id": 20165054, "Key": "DoomsdayUnlockTeamCountNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient unlocked team(s)" }, { "Id": 20165055, "Key": "DoomsdayTeamMemberNotEnough", "Text": "Team member does not exist" }, { "Id": 20165056, "Key": "DoomsdayTaskConditionCfgNotExist", "Text": "Mission requirement configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20165057, "Key": "DoomsdayGetFreeBuildingPosFailed", "Text": "Auto-selecting building location failed" }, { "Id": 20165058, "Key": "DoomsdayStageBuildingNotContainId", "Text": "Building does not belong to the stage" }, { "Id": 20165059, "Key": "DoomsdayBuildingCantManualRemove", "Text": "You cannot demolish the building manually" }, { "Id": 20165060, "Key": "DoomsdayTaskStateError", "Text": "Mission status error" }, { "Id": 20165061, "Key": "DoomsdayCantGiveUpStageTask", "Text": "Mission cannot be abandoned" }, { "Id": 20165062, "Key": "DoomsdayNotImplementation", "Text": "Not achieved" }, { "Id": 20165063, "Key": "DoomsdayTriggerIsNull", "Text": "Empty trigger" }, { "Id": 20165064, "Key": "DoomsdayTriggerNotMatch", "Text": "Wrong trigger type" }, { "Id": 20165065, "Key": "DoomsdayRequestDataError", "Text": "Network request data error" }, { "Id": 20165066, "Key": "DoomsdayCheckTaskFailed", "Text": "Inspection mission failed" }, { "Id": 20165067, "Key": "DoomsdayCheckConditionFailed", "Text": "Inspection requirement failed" }, { "Id": 20165068, "Key": "DoomsdayDoEffectFailed", "Text": "Implementing effect failed" }, { "Id": 20165069, "Key": "DoomsdayEffectCfgNotExist", "Text": "Effect configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20165070, "Key": "DoomsdayTeamInEvent", "Text": "Team occupied by an event. Unable to move." }, { "Id": 20165071, "Key": "DoomsdayPlaceExplorationCompleted", "Text": "Explored location cannot be explored again" }, { "Id": 20166001, "Key": "BodyCombineGameNotOpen", "Text": "20166001 Haicma Minigame: Event is not open yet" }, { "Id": 20166002, "Key": "BodyCombineGameConfigNotFind", "Text": "20166002 Haicma Minigame: Configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20166003, "Key": "BodyCombineGameLock", "Text": "20166003 Haicma Minigame: Already unlocked" }, { "Id": 20166004, "Key": "BodyCombineGamePreNotFinish", "Text": "20166004 Haicma Minigame: Previous stage locked or not complete" }, { "Id": 20166005, "Key": "BodyCombineGameUnlock", "Text": "20166005 Haicma Minigame: Stage is locked" }, { "Id": 20166006, "Key": "BodyCombineGameActConfigNotFind", "Text": "20166006 Haicma Minigame: Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20166007, "Key": "BodyCombineGameStageConfigNotFind", "Text": "20166007 Haicma Minigame: Stage swipe configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20166008, "Key": "BodyCombineGameSendError", "Text": "20166008 Haicma Minigame: Error in data sent" }, { "Id": 20166009, "Key": "BodyCombineGameMatchError", "Text": "20166009 Haicma Minigame: Pattern matching error" }, { "Id": 20166010, "Key": "BodyCombineGameStageIsFinish", "Text": "20166010 Haicma Minigame: Modify stage to complete" }, { "Id": 20167001, "Key": "GoldenMinerNotOpen", "Text": "20167001 Event not available" }, { "Id": 20167002, "Key": "GoldenMinerItemNotFind", "Text": "20167002 Item configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20167003, "Key": "GoldenMinerShopConfigNotExist", "Text": "20167003 Item not found in the shop" }, { "Id": 20167004, "Key": "GoldenMinerShopIsBuy", "Text": "20167004 Item has already been purchased" }, { "Id": 20167005, "Key": "GoldenMinerItemIndexRepeat", "Text": "20167005 Item bar is occupied" }, { "Id": 20167006, "Key": "GoldenMinerScoresNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient Resource Points" }, { "Id": 20167007, "Key": "GoldenMinerShipSkillNotFind", "Text": "20167007 UFO Skill not found" }, { "Id": 20167008, "Key": "GoldenMinerShipSkillIndexNotFind", "Text": "20167008 UFO Skill Level configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20167009, "Key": "GoldenMinerShipSkillNotUp", "Text": "20167009 UFO Skill cannot be upgraded to the same level" }, { "Id": 20167010, "Key": "GoldenMinerCharacterNotFind", "Text": "20167010 Character settings not found" }, { "Id": 20167011, "Key": "GoldenMinerShopConfigNotFind", "Text": "20167011 Shop drop configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20167012, "Key": "GoldenMinerStageConfigNotFind", "Text": "20167012 Stage configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20167013, "Key": "GoldenMinerStageIsFinish", "Text": "20167013 Stage already cleared" }, { "Id": 20167014, "Key": "GoldenMinerMapDropNotFind", "Text": "20167014 Scene drop configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20167015, "Key": "GoldenMinerCharacterIsZero", "Text": "20167015 Character not selected" }, { "Id": 20167016, "Key": "GoldenMinerCharacterNotUnlock", "Text": "20167016 Character is locked" }, { "Id": 20167017, "Key": "GoldenMinerMapNotFind", "Text": "20167017 Scene dos not exist" }, { "Id": 20167018, "Key": "GoldenMinerStageScoresIsMax", "Text": "Resource Point number error" }, { "Id": 20167019, "Key": "GoldenMinerPreStageNotFinish", "Text": "20167019 Previous stage not complete" }, { "Id": 20167020, "Key": "GoldenMinerNotHasCurrentStage", "Text": "20167020 Game progress error" }, { "Id": 20167021, "Key": "GoldenMinerBuffParamsError", "Text": "20167022 Skill parameter error" }, { "Id": 20167022, "Key": "GoldenMinerBuffParamsNotRegister", "Text": "20167023 Skill parameter not registered" }, { "Id": 20167023, "Key": "GoldenMinerSelectRankError", "Text": "20167023 Failure to query leaderboard" }, { "Id": 20167024, "Key": "GoldenMinerBuffRepeat", "Text": "20167024 Unable to purchase a duplicate buff" }, { "Id": 20168001, "Key": "WeekChallengeIsNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20168002, "Key": "WeekChallengeRewardAlreadyGet", "Text": "Reward already claimed" }, { "Id": 20168003, "Key": "WeekChallengeConfigNotFound", "Text": "Corresponding configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20168004, "Key": "WeekChallengeProgressNotEnough", "Text": "Progress required by the reward is not reached" }, { "Id": 20169001, "Key": "MultiDimActivityIsNotOpen", "Text": "20169001 Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20169002, "Key": "MultiDimFubenNotExist", "Text": "20169002 Mission configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20169003, "Key": "MultiDimThemeNotExist", "Text": "20169003 Theme configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20169004, "Key": "MultiDimThemeNotOpen", "Text": "20169004 Theme not available" }, { "Id": 20169005, "Key": "MultiDimSingleFubenStageNotOpen", "Text": "20169005 Solo mission stage not available" }, { "Id": 20169006, "Key": "MultiDimTalentNotExist", "Text": "20169006 Talent configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20169007, "Key": "MultiDimTalentIdError", "Text": "20169007 Talent ID error" }, { "Id": 20169008, "Key": "MultiDimThemeIdError", "Text": "20169008 Theme ID error" }, { "Id": 20169009, "Key": "MultiDimRankTypeError", "Text": "20169009 Ranking type error" }, { "Id": 20169010, "Key": "MultiDimInnerError", "Text": "20169010 Multidimensional Challenge service not available" }, { "Id": 20169011, "Key": "MultiDimCharacterIdNotExist", "Text": "20169011 Character ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20169012, "Key": "MultiDimTooManyCharacter", "Text": "20169012 Too many characters" }, { "Id": 20169013, "Key": "MultiDimCharacterCareerError", "Text": "20169013 Character class error" }, { "Id": 20169014, "Key": "MultiDimNotInOpenTime", "Text": "Multiplayer challenge is not available. Please try again later." }, { "Id": 20169015, "Key": "MultiDimDifficultyConfigNotExist", "Text": "20169015 Difficulty configuration error" }, { "Id": 20169016, "Key": "MultiDimResetTalentCd", "Text": "20169016 Resetting Talent cooldown" }, { "Id": 20169017, "Key": "MultiDimNoTalentToReset", "Text": "20169017 No Talents to reset" }, { "Id": 20169018, "Key": "MultiDimNoRecommendClass", "Text": "20169018 No classes to change" }, { "Id": 20169019, "Key": "MultiDimRecommendClassIdNotExist", "Text": "20169019 Original class ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 20169020, "Key": "MultiDimMatchNotOpenCondition", "Text": "20169020 Available requirement(s) not met" }, { "Id": 20169021, "Key": "MultiDimTalentNotOpenCondition", "Text": "20169021 Available requirement(s) not met" }, { "Id": 20170001, "Key": "TaikoMasterActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20170002, "Key": "TaikoMasterActivityCfgNotExist", "Text": "Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20170003, "Key": "TaikoMasterStageIdInvalid", "Text": "Illegal Stage" }, { "Id": 20170004, "Key": "TaikoMasterSongCfgNotExist", "Text": "Song configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20170005, "Key": "TaikoMasterSongNotOpen", "Text": "Song not available" }, { "Id": 20170006, "Key": "TaikoMasterOffsetInvalid", "Text": "Invalid Deviation" }, { "Id": 20170007, "Key": "TaikoMasterRobotInvalid", "Text": "Illegal character" }, { "Id": 20171001, "Key": "FestivalSendGiftError", "Text": "20171001 Cannot send this gift" }, { "Id": 20171002, "Key": "FestivalSendGiftOnlyOne", "Text": "20171002 You can only sent one special gift at a time" }, { "Id": 20172001, "Key": "MoeWarParkourActivityNotOpen", "Text": "Event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20172002, "Key": "MoeWarParkourActivityCfgNotExist", "Text": "Event configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20172003, "Key": "MoeWarParkourStageCfgNotExist", "Text": "Stage configuration not found" }, { "Id": 20172004, "Key": "MoeWarParkourStageNotOpen", "Text": "Stage is not available yet" }, { "Id": 20172005, "Key": "MoeWarParkourCanOnlyOneRoleFight", "Text": "Only one character can be deployed" }, { "Id": 20172006, "Key": "MoeWarParkourCanOnlySelectHelperCharacter", "Text": "Cannot deploy unrecruited characters" }, { "Id": 20173001, "Key": "GuildDormCodeStart", "Text": "20173001" }, { "Id": 20173002, "Key": "GuildDormInvalidRoomId", "Text": "Invalid room ID" }, { "Id": 20173003, "Key": "GuildDormInvalidChannelId", "Text": "Invalid channel ID" }, { "Id": 20173004, "Key": "GuildDormInvalidCharId", "Text": "Invalid character ID" }, { "Id": 20173005, "Key": "GuildDormInvalidActionId", "Text": "Invalid action ID" }, { "Id": 20173006, "Key": "GuildDormInvalidFurnId", "Text": "Invalid decor ID" }, { "Id": 20173007, "Key": "GuildDormGdsInvalidRequest", "Text": "Invalid Dormitory service request" }, { "Id": 20173008, "Key": "GuildDormGdsGetRoomGrainFailed", "Text": "Dormitory server failed to obtain room channel target." }, { "Id": 20173009, "Key": "GuildDormGdsTcpSessionNotActivated", "Text": "Invalid data flow." }, { "Id": 20173010, "Key": "GuildDormRoomInvalidPlayerId", "Text": "Invalid player ID." }, { "Id": 20173011, "Key": "GuildDormRoomInvalidRoomState", "Text": "Room channel unavailable." }, { "Id": 20173012, "Key": "GuildDormRoomOutOfCapacity", "Text": "Room channel full." }, { "Id": 20173013, "Key": "GuildDormRoomCreateActorFailed", "Text": "Player failed to create room channel" }, { "Id": 20173014, "Key": "GuildDormRoomAddActorFailed", "Text": "Failed to add player to room channel." }, { "Id": 20173015, "Key": "GuildDormRoomEnterInvalidToken", "Text": "Room channel verification failed." }, { "Id": 20173016, "Key": "GuildDormRoomEnterInvalidTcpSession", "Text": "Room channel data flow error." }, { "Id": 20173017, "Key": "GuildDormRoomEnterInvalidKcpSession", "Text": "Room channel data pack error." }, { "Id": 20173018, "Key": "GuildDormRoomFurnFurnOnUsed", "Text": "Decor is occupied by another player." }, { "Id": 20173019, "Key": "GuildDormRoomFurnInOtherFurn", "Text": "Interacting with decor." }, { "Id": 20173501, "Key": "GuildDormPlayerCodeStart", "Text": "Guild Dormitory gameserver error." }, { "Id": 20173502, "Key": "GuildDormPlayerNotInGuild", "Text": "No guild joined. Cannot perform this operation." }, { "Id": 20173503, "Key": "GuildDormPlayerGetRoomGrainFailed", "Text": "Failed to acquire room channel target." }, { "Id": 20173504, "Key": "GuildDormPlayerRoomGrainActivateFailed", "Text": "Failed to activate room channel target." }, { "Id": 20173505, "Key": "GuildDormPlayerRoomGrainCallFailed", "Text": "Room channel request failed." }, { "Id": 20173506, "Key": "GuildDormPlayerGetDcGrainFailed", "Text": "Failed to obtain data operation target." }, { "Id": 20173507, "Key": "GuildDormPlayerDcGrainCallFailed", "Text": "Data operation request failed." }, { "Id": 20173508, "Key": "GuildDormPlayerNoChannelAvailable", "Text": "No channels available." }, { "Id": 30002001, "Key": "PlayerNotExist", "Text": "Player does not exist" }, { "Id": 30002002, "Key": "ServerNodeNotFound", "Text": "Server not found" }, { "Id": 30002003, "Key": "RequestError", "Text": "Request error" }, { "Id": 40001001, "Key": "PayLoginTypeNonsupport", "Text": "Invalid type of recharge" }, { "Id": 40001002, "Key": "PayCheckSignUnMatch", "Text": "Invalid type of recharge" }, { "Id": 40001003, "Key": "PayDecodeSignException", "Text": null }, { "Id": 40001004, "Key": "PayGetOrderInfoError", "Text": "Failed to obtain recharge order" }, { "Id": 40001005, "Key": "PayCheckReceiptGameNoIsNullOrEmpty", "Text": "Recharge info not found" }, { "Id": 40001006, "Key": "PayCheckReceiptGameOrderIsNullOrEmpty", "Text": "Recharge info not found" }, { "Id": 40001007, "Key": "PayReceiptNotFound", "Text": "Recharge permit not found" }, { "Id": 40001008, "Key": "PayCheckReceiptGoodsIdUnMatch", "Text": "Product ID on the recharge permit mismatched" }, { "Id": 40001009, "Key": "PayCheckReceiptAmountUnMatch", "Text": "Price on the recharge permit mismatched" }, { "Id": 40001010, "Key": "PayCheckReceiptChannelIdUnMatch", "Text": "Channel on the recharge permit mismatched" }, { "Id": 40001011, "Key": "PayCheckReceiptChannelUidUnMatch", "Text": "User ID on the recharge permit mismatched" }, { "Id": 40001012, "Key": "PayUpdateReceiptStatusFail", "Text": "Failed to refresh the recharge permit" }, { "Id": 40001013, "Key": "PayFirstPayRewardIsGet", "Text": "1st Recharge reward claimed" }, { "Id": 40001014, "Key": "PayTotalPayMoneyNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient total recharge" }, { "Id": 40001015, "Key": "PayOrderAlreadyRefund", "Text": "Recharge order refunded" }, { "Id": 40001016, "Key": "PayUseKeyPlatformError", "Text": null }, { "Id": 40001017, "Key": "AccumulatedPayIdIsError", "Text": "Total recharge ID error" }, { "Id": 40001018, "Key": "AccumulatedPayIdIsNotExist", "Text": "Total recharge ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 40001019, "Key": "AccumulatedPayIdNotInOpenTime", "Text": "Total Recharge event is not available yet" }, { "Id": 40001020, "Key": "AccumulatedPayRewardIdIsError", "Text": "Total Recharge reward ID error" }, { "Id": 40001021, "Key": "AccumulatedPayRewardIdIsNotExist", "Text": "Total Recharge reward ID does not exist" }, { "Id": 40001022, "Key": "AccumulatePayRewardIdIsGot", "Text": "Reward Claimed" }, { "Id": 40001023, "Key": "AccumulatePayRewardMoneyNotEnough", "Text": "Insufficient recharge amount" }, { "Id": 40001024, "Key": "PayUnsupportedTargetType", "Text": "Payment processing method unsupported" }, { "Id": 40001025, "Key": "PayInvalidPlatformForPay", "Text": "Payment platform settings invalid" }, { "Id": 40001026, "Key": "PayPlatformPayKeyNotMatch", "Text": "PayKey mismatched" }, { "Id": 40001027, "Key": "PayModuleNotHandled", "Text": "Did not perform payment module processing" }, { "Id": 40001028, "Key": "PayPlatformShield", "Text": "The payment platform you are using has been banned." } ]