local tableInsert = table.insert local ipairs = ipairs local ChatChannelType = ChatChannelType local CSTime = CS.UnityEngine.Time XChatManagerCreator = function() local XChatManager = {} local CLIENT_WORLD_CHAT_MAX_SIZE = 0 local CLIENT_ROOM_CHAT_MAX_SIZE = 0 local REMOVE_CHAT_RECORD_OF_DAY = 0 local CHAT_INTERVAL_TIME = 0 local TodayResetTime = 0 local WORLD_CHAT_MAX_COUNT = 0 local MENTOR_CHAT_MAX_COUNT = 0 -- 一天的秒数 local ONE_DAY_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24 local WorldChatList = {} --保存世界聊天记录 local PrivateChatMap = {} --保存私聊的聊天纪录 local GuildChatList = {} --保存公会聊天纪录 local RoomChatList = {} --保存房间聊天记录 local MentorChatList = {} --师徒聊天记录 local ChatList = {} --各类聊天记录 local EmojiDatasDic = {} local EffectInfo = {} -- 关键字屏幕特效 local EffectTriggerType = { Me = 1, Other = 2, All = 3, } local LastChatCoolTime = 0 local LastEffectCoolTime = 0 local MessageId = -1 --离线消息 local OfflineMessageTag = "OfflineRecordMessage_" local LastRequestChannelTime = 0 local CurrentChatChannelId = 0 local LastReadChatTime = {} local ChatChannelInfos local GuildChatContent = "" local GuildSaveCount = 0 local MentorChatContent = "" local MentorSaveCount = 0 local SubManager = {} --协议处理 local MethodName = { SendChat = "SendChatRequest", GetGift = "GetGiftsRequest", GetAllGiftsRequest = "GetAllGiftsRequest", GetOfflineMessageRequest = "OfflineMessageRequest", SelectChatChannelRequest = "SelectChatChannelRequest", EnterWorldChatRequest = "EnterWorldChatRequest", GetWorldChannelInfoRequest = "GetWorldChannelInfoRequest", CatchRepeatChat = "ReportBanChatRequest", --重复发言检测 } function XChatManager.Init() REMOVE_CHAT_RECORD_OF_DAY = CS.XGame.ClientConfig:GetInt("RemoveChatRecordOfDay") CLIENT_WORLD_CHAT_MAX_SIZE = CS.XGame.ClientConfig:GetInt("WorldChatMaxSize") CLIENT_ROOM_CHAT_MAX_SIZE = CS.XGame.ClientConfig:GetInt("RoomChatMaxSize") CHAT_INTERVAL_TIME = CS.XGame.Config:GetInt("ChatIntervalTime") WORLD_CHAT_MAX_COUNT = CS.XGame.Config:GetInt("WorldChatMaxCount") MENTOR_CHAT_MAX_COUNT = XMentorSystemConfigs.GetMentorSystemData("MentorChatMaxCount") ChatList[ChatChannelType.World] = WorldChatList ChatList[ChatChannelType.Guild] = GuildChatList ChatList[ChatChannelType.Room] = RoomChatList ChatList[ChatChannelType.Mentor] = MentorChatList for _, type in pairs(ChatChannelType) do local key = string.format("%s%d" ,XChatConfigs.KEY_LAST_READ_CHAT_TIME, type) LastReadChatTime[type] = XSaveTool.GetData(key) or XMath.IntMax() end XEventManager.AddEventListener(XEventId.EVENT_ROOM_LEAVE_ROOM, function() RoomChatList = {} ChatList[ChatChannelType.Room] = RoomChatList end) XEventManager.AddEventListener(XEventId.EVENT_LOGIN_DATA_LOAD_COMPLETE, function() XChatManager.InitChatChannel() -- 登录完成后直接获取所有频道信息 XChatManager.GetWorldChannelInfos() end) -- 聊天播放特效功能 local effectTemplates = XChatConfigs.GetEffectTemplates() local nowTime = XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() for _, template in pairs(effectTemplates) do local endTime = XTime.ParseToTimestamp(template.EndTimeStr) if nowTime < endTime then local data = XTool.Clone(template) data.BeginTime = XTime.ParseToTimestamp(data.BeginTimeStr) data.EndTime = endTime tableInsert(EffectInfo, data) end end XChatManager.SetMetaTable() XChatManager.InitSubManager() end function XChatManager.SetMetaTable() local _mTable = {__index = function(baseTable, key) for _, manager in pairs(SubManager) do if manager and manager[key] then local v = manager[key] baseTable[key] = v return v end end return nil end} setmetatable(XChatManager, _mTable) end function XChatManager.InitSubManager() local InitManager = function(managerName) local manager = require("XEntity/XChat/XChat" .. managerName .. "Manager") if manager then manager.Init(XChatManager) table.insert(SubManager, manager) end end InitManager("EmojiPack") end function XChatManager.GetLastRequestChannelTime() return LastRequestChannelTime end function XChatManager.SetLastRequestChannelTime(time) LastRequestChannelTime = time end function XChatManager.GetWorldChatMaxCount() return WORLD_CHAT_MAX_COUNT end function XChatManager.GetMentorChatMaxCount() return MENTOR_CHAT_MAX_COUNT end -- 初始化世界聊天数据 function XChatManager.InitWorldChatData(worldChatDataList) WorldChatList = {} ChatList[ChatChannelType.World] = WorldChatList local WorldChatLoop = function(item) if item ~= nil then XChatManager.ProcessExtraContent(item) tableInsert(WorldChatList, 1, item) end end XTool.LoopCollection(worldChatDataList, WorldChatLoop) end --加载私聊信息 function XChatManager.InitFriendPrivateChatData() PrivateChatMap = {} local cb = function() for _, friendId in pairs(XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetFriendIds()) do XChatManager.ReadSpecifyFriendsChatContent(friendId) end XChatManager.GetOfflineMessageRequest(XChatManager.GetLocalOfflineRecord()) end XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetFriendsInfo(cb) end --处理系统消息 local function HandleSystemChat() --TODO Handle System Chat end --处理世界消息 local function HandleWorldChat(chatData, isNotify) --黑名单的聊天数据不加入 if XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetBlackData(chatData.SenderId) then return end if #WorldChatList >= CLIENT_WORLD_CHAT_MAX_SIZE then table.remove(WorldChatList, #WorldChatList) end tableInsert(WorldChatList, 1, chatData) if isNotify then XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_RECEIVE_WORLD_MSG, chatData) CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_RECEIVE_WORLD_MSG, chatData) end end --处理公会消息 local function HandleGuildChat(chatData, isNotify) if XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetBlackData(chatData.SenderId) then return end tableInsert(GuildChatList, 1, chatData) if isNotify then XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_GUILD_RECEIVE_CHAT, chatData) CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_GUILD_RECEIVE_CHAT, chatData) end end --处理师徒消息 local function HandleMentorChat(chatData, isNotify) if XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetBlackData(chatData.SenderId) then return end if #MentorChatList >= MENTOR_CHAT_MAX_COUNT then table.remove(MentorChatList, #MentorChatList) end tableInsert(MentorChatList, 1, chatData) if isNotify then XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_RECEIVE_MENTOR_MSG, chatData) CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_RECEIVE_MENTOR_MSG, chatData) end end --处理私聊消息 local function HandlePrivateChat(chatData, ignoreNotify) if XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetBlackData(chatData.SenderId) then return end if (not chatData) then return end if chatData.SenderId == XPlayer.Id or chatData.MsgType == ChatMsgType.Gift or chatData.MsgType == ChatMsgType.Tips then chatData.IsRead = true end if chatData.SenderId ~= XPlayer.Id then XChatManager.UpdateLocalOfflineRecord(chatData.MessageId or 0) end local targetId = chatData:GetChatTargetId() XChatManager.AddPrivateChatData(targetId, chatData, false, ignoreNotify) --保存消息 XChatManager.SaveSpecifyFriendsChatContent(targetId) end --处理房间消息 local function HandleRoomChat(chatData) if XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetBlackData(chatData.SenderId) then return end if #RoomChatList >= CLIENT_ROOM_CHAT_MAX_SIZE then table.remove(RoomChatList, #RoomChatList) end tableInsert(RoomChatList, 1, chatData) XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_RECEIVE_ROOM_MSG, chatData) CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_RECEIVE_ROOM_MSG, chatData) end -- 清除房间聊天 function XChatManager.ResetRoomChat() RoomChatList = {} ChatList[ChatChannelType.Room] = RoomChatList end function XChatManager.OnSynChat(chatMsg, ignoreNotify) local chatData = XChatData.New(chatMsg) if chatMsg.ChannelType == ChatChannelType.System then HandleSystemChat(chatData) elseif chatMsg.ChannelType == ChatChannelType.World then HandleWorldChat(chatData, true) elseif chatMsg.ChannelType == ChatChannelType.Private then HandlePrivateChat(chatData, ignoreNotify) elseif chatMsg.ChannelType == ChatChannelType.Room then HandleRoomChat(chatData) elseif chatMsg.ChannelType == ChatChannelType.Guild then HandleGuildChat(chatData, true) XChatManager.SaveGuildChatContent() elseif chatMsg.ChannelType == ChatChannelType.Mentor then HandleMentorChat(chatData, true) end --接收到礼物时增加一条tip提示 if chatMsg.MsgType == ChatMsgType.Gift then chatMsg.MsgType = ChatMsgType.Tips chatMsg.CreateTime = chatMsg.CreateTime chatMsg.GiftId = chatMsg.GiftId XChatManager.OnSynChat(chatMsg, true) end end ---------------------------------public function----------------------------------- function XChatManager.GetRemoveChatRecordOfDays() return REMOVE_CHAT_RECORD_OF_DAY end function XChatManager.GetWorldChatMaxSize() return CLIENT_WORLD_CHAT_MAX_SIZE end --=== Emoji === function XChatManager.GetEmojiIcon(emojiId) return XChatConfigs.GetEmojiIcon(emojiId) end function XChatManager.GetEmojiQuality() return XChatConfigs.GetEmojiQuality() end function XChatManager.GetEmojiName(emojiId) return XChatConfigs.GetEmojiName(emojiId) end function XChatManager.GetEmojiDescription(emojiId) return XChatConfigs.GetEmojiDescription(emojiId) end function XChatManager.GetEmojiWorldDesc(emojiId) return XChatConfigs.GetEmojiWorldDesc(emojiId) end function XChatManager.GetEmojiBigIcon(emojiId) return XChatConfigs.GetEmojiBigIcon(emojiId) end function XChatManager.GetEmojiTemplates() local templates = {} for _, emojiData in pairs(EmojiDatasDic) do tableInsert(templates, emojiData) end table.sort(templates, function(l, r) return l:GetEmojiOrder() < r:GetEmojiOrder() end) return templates end function XChatManager.GetEmojiDatasDic() return EmojiDatasDic end function XChatManager.IsEmojiValid(emojiId) for _, v in pairs(EmojiDatasDic) do if v:IsEmojiValid(emojiId) then return true end end return false end --=== Any Chat === function XChatManager.GetChatList(type) return ChatList[type] end --=== World Chat === function XChatManager.GetWorldChatList() return WorldChatList end --=== Guild Chat === function XChatManager.GetGuildChatList() return GuildChatList end --=== Mentor Chat === function XChatManager.GetMentorChatList() return MentorChatList end --=== Room Chat === function XChatManager.GetRoomChatList() table.sort(RoomChatList, function(a, b) if a.CreateTime ~= b.CreateTime then return a.CreateTime > b.CreateTime end end) return RoomChatList end --=== Private Chat === -- 获取私聊聊天数据 function XChatManager.GetPrivateDynamicList(friendId) local msgData = XChatManager.GetPrivateChatsByFriendId(friendId) local sortFunc = function(a, b) if a.CreateTime ~= b.CreateTime then return a.CreateTime > b.CreateTime else if a.MsgType == ChatMsgType.Tips then if b.MsgType == ChatMsgType.Tips then return a.GiftStatus > b.GiftStatus end return true end end end table.sort(msgData, sortFunc) return msgData end -- 获取私聊好友id列表 function XChatManager.GetPrivateChatGroupData(nowID) --初始化数据 local chatFriendIdList = XChatManager.GetHaveChatDataFriendIds() local targetInList = false for _, id in ipairs(chatFriendIdList) do if id == nowID then targetInList = true break end end if not targetInList then tableInsert(chatFriendIdList, 1, nowID) end local dynamicListData = {} for _, v in ipairs(chatFriendIdList) do local friendInfo = XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetFriendInfo(v) tableInsert(dynamicListData, friendInfo) end return dynamicListData end --新增私聊消息 function XChatManager.AddPrivateChatData(friendId, chatData, isInit, ignoreNotify) if XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetBlackData(friendId) then return end --好友聊天数据结构 local friendChats = PrivateChatMap[friendId] if not friendChats then friendChats = {} friendChats.ChatMap = {} friendChats.LastChat = nil PrivateChatMap[friendId] = friendChats end friendChats.LastChat = chatData friendChats.ChatMap = friendChats.ChatMap or {} tableInsert(friendChats.ChatMap, chatData) if not isInit or not chatData.IsRead then if not ignoreNotify then XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_RECEIVE_PRIVATECHAT, chatData) CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_RECEIVE_PRIVATECHAT, chatData) end end end --获取已聊天过的好友id列表 function XChatManager.GetHaveChatDataFriendIds() local list = {} for friendId, chatInfo in pairs(PrivateChatMap) do if chatInfo and chatInfo.ChatMap then for _, _ in pairs(chatInfo.ChatMap) do tableInsert(list, friendId) break end end end if #list >= 2 then local sortByCreateTime = function(l, r) local lchat = XChatManager.GetLastPrivateChatByFriendId(l) local rchat = XChatManager.GetLastPrivateChatByFriendId(r) if lchat.CreateTime > rchat.CreateTime then return true else return false end end table.sort(list, sortByCreateTime) end return list end --更新礼物信息 function XChatManager.UpdateGiftData(friendId, giftId, status, giftCount) local friendChats = PrivateChatMap[friendId] if not friendChats or not friendChats.ChatMap then return end for _, v in pairs(friendChats.ChatMap) do if (v.MsgType == ChatMsgType.Gift or v.MsgType == ChatMsgType.Tips) and v.GiftId == giftId and v.SenderId == friendId then friendChats.LastChat = v v.GiftStatus = status if giftCount and giftCount > 0 then v.GiftCount = giftCount end end end --保存消息 XChatManager.SaveSpecifyFriendsChatContent(friendId) end --获取指定好友聊天列表 function XChatManager.GetPrivateChatsByFriendId(friendId) local list = {} if (PrivateChatMap[friendId] and PrivateChatMap[friendId].ChatMap) then for _, chat in pairs(PrivateChatMap[friendId].ChatMap) do tableInsert(list, chat) end end return list end --获取好友最后一条聊天 function XChatManager.GetLastPrivateChatByFriendId(friendId) local lastChat = nil local info = PrivateChatMap[friendId] if (info) then lastChat = info.LastChat end return lastChat end --获取好友未读聊天数量 function XChatManager.GetPrivateUnreadChatCountByFriendId(friendId) local count = 0 local info = PrivateChatMap[friendId] if (info and info.ChatMap) then for _, chat in pairs(info.ChatMap) do if (not chat.IsRead) then count = count + 1 end end end return count end --设置指定好友全部聊天为已读 function XChatManager.SetPrivateChatReadByFriendId(friendId) local friendChat = PrivateChatMap[friendId] local count = 0 if friendChat and friendChat.ChatMap then for _, chat in pairs(friendChat.ChatMap) do if not chat.IsRead then chat.IsRead = true count = count + 1 end end end --保存消息 XChatManager.SaveSpecifyFriendsChatContent(friendId) if count > 0 then XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_FRIEND_READ_PRIVATE_MSG) end end --检测好友是否有自己可以领取的礼物 function XChatManager.CheckDoesHaveGiftByFriendId(friendId) local friendChats = PrivateChatMap[friendId] if not friendChats or not friendChats.ChatMap then return false end for _, v in pairs(friendChats.ChatMap) do if v:CheckHaveGift() then return true end end return false end ---------------------------------Chat Record----------------------------------- local ChatRecordTag = "ChatRecord_%d_%d" --标识 + 好友id + 自己id --读取指定好友的聊天内容 function XChatManager.ReadSpecifyFriendsChatContent(friendId) local key = string.format(ChatRecordTag, friendId, XPlayer.Id) if CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key) then local chatRecord = CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.GetString(key) local msgTab = string.Split(chatRecord, '\n') if msgTab ~= nil and #msgTab > 0 then for index = 1, #msgTab do local content = msgTab[index] if (not string.IsNilOrEmpty(content)) then local tab = string.Split(content, '\t') if tab ~= nil then if XChatManager.CheckIsRemove(tonumber(tab[3])) then local chatData = XChatData.New() chatData.ChannelType = ChatChannelType.Private chatData.SenderId = tonumber(tab[1]) chatData.TargetId = tonumber(tab[2]) chatData.CreateTime = tonumber(tab[3]) chatData.Content = tab[4] chatData.MsgType = tonumber(tab[5]) chatData.GiftId = tonumber(tab[6]) chatData.GiftCount = tonumber(tab[7]) chatData.GiftStatus = tonumber(tab[8]) chatData.IsRead = tonumber(tab[9]) == 1 chatData.CustomContent = tab[10] if XPlayer.Id == chatData.SenderId then chatData.Icon = XPlayer.CurrHeadPortraitId chatData.NickName = XPlayer.Name chatData.HeadFrameId = XPlayer.CurrHeadFrameId else local friendInfo = XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetFriendInfo(friendId) if friendInfo then chatData.Icon = friendInfo.Icon chatData.NickName = friendInfo.NickName chatData.HeadFrameId = friendInfo.HeadFrameId end end XChatManager.ProcessExtraContent(chatData) XChatManager.AddPrivateChatData(friendId, chatData, true) end end end end end end end --检测该消息是否是七天前的 function XChatManager.CheckIsRemove(time) if time == nil then return false end local curTime = XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() return curTime - time <= REMOVE_CHAT_RECORD_OF_DAY * 24 * 60 * 60 end function XChatManager.DeleteGuildChat(guildId) GuildChatList = {} ChatList[ChatChannelType.Guild] = GuildChatList local key = XDataCenter.GuildManager.GetGuildChannelKey(guildId) if CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key) then CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(key) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.Save() end end -- 登录初始化公会聊天内容 function XChatManager.InitLocalCacheGuildChatContent() if not XDataCenter.GuildManager.IsJoinGuild() then return end local guildId = XDataCenter.GuildManager.GetGuildId() local key = XDataCenter.GuildManager.GetGuildChannelKey(guildId) if CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key) then GuildChatList = {} ChatList[ChatChannelType.Guild] = GuildChatList local chatRecord = CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.GetString(key) local allLines = string.Split(chatRecord, '\n') if allLines ~= nil and #allLines > 0 then for i = 1, #allLines do local content = allLines[i] if (not string.IsNilOrEmpty(content)) then local tab = string.Split(content, '\t') if tab ~= nil then local chatData = XChatData.New() chatData.SenderId = tonumber(tab[1]) chatData.TargetId = tonumber(tab[2]) chatData.CreateTime = tonumber(tab[3]) chatData.Content = tab[4] chatData.MsgType = tonumber(tab[5]) chatData.IsRead = tonumber(tab[6]) chatData.MessageId = tonumber(tab[7]) chatData.Icon = tonumber(tab[8]) chatData.CustomContent = tab[9] chatData.NickName = tab[10] chatData.GuildRankLevel = tonumber(tab[11]) chatData.ChannelType = tonumber(tab[12]) chatData.HeadFrameId = tonumber(tab[13]) chatData.CollectWordId = tonumber(tab[14]) chatData.NameplateId = tonumber(tab[15]) or 0 tableInsert(GuildChatList, chatData) end end end end end end -- 合并客户端,服务端公会聊天 function XChatManager.MergeClientAndServerGuildChat(serverChat) if #serverChat <= 0 then return end if #GuildChatList <= 0 then if #serverChat > 0 then for _, chatData in pairs(serverChat) do tableInsert(GuildChatList, chatData) end return end end local clientTailIndex = 1 local clientTailCreateTime = GuildChatList[clientTailIndex].CreateTime local serverTailIndex = #serverChat local serverTailCreateTime = serverChat[serverTailIndex].CreateTime local serverHeadIndex = 1 local serverHeadCreateTime = serverChat[serverHeadIndex].CreateTime -- 服务端缓存与客户端缓存完全重叠 if clientTailCreateTime > serverHeadCreateTime then return end -- 服务端缓存与客户端缓存部分重叠 local beginIndex = 0 if serverTailCreateTime <= clientTailCreateTime and clientTailCreateTime <= serverHeadCreateTime then local clientHeadChat = GuildChatList[clientTailIndex] for i = #serverChat, 1, -1 do local curServerChat = serverChat[i] if clientHeadChat.CreateTime == curServerChat.CreateTime and clientHeadChat.SenderId == curServerChat.SenderId and clientHeadChat.Content == curServerChat.Content then beginIndex = i - 1 break end if clientHeadChat.CreateTime < curServerChat.CreateTime then beginIndex = i break end end if beginIndex > 0 and beginIndex <= #serverChat then for i = beginIndex, 1, -1 do tableInsert(GuildChatList, 1, serverChat[i]) end end XChatManager.SaveGuildChatContent() return end -- 服务端缓存与客户端缓存完成不重叠 if clientTailCreateTime < serverTailCreateTime then for i = #serverChat, 1, -1 do tableInsert(GuildChatList, 1, serverChat[i]) end end XChatManager.SaveGuildChatContent() end -- 存储公会聊天内容 function XChatManager.SaveGuildChatContent() if not XDataCenter.GuildManager.IsJoinGuild() then return end local splitMark = "\n" for i = #GuildChatList-GuildSaveCount, 1, -1 do local chat = GuildChatList[i] local list = {} if chat ~= nil and type(chat) == 'table' and i <= XGuildConfig.GuildChatCacheCount then tableInsert(list, chat.SenderId) tableInsert(list, chat.TargetId) tableInsert(list, chat.CreateTime) tableInsert(list, chat.Content) tableInsert(list, chat.MsgType) tableInsert(list, (chat.IsRead and "1" or "0")) tableInsert(list, chat.MessageId) tableInsert(list, chat.Icon) tableInsert(list, (chat.CustomContent or "")) tableInsert(list, (chat.NickName or "")) tableInsert(list, (chat.GuildRankLevel or "0")) tableInsert(list, (chat.ChannelType or "0")) tableInsert(list, (chat.HeadFrameId or "0")) tableInsert(list, (chat.CollectWordId or "0")) tableInsert(list, (chat.NameplateId or "0")) end GuildSaveCount = GuildSaveCount + 1 local chatStr = table.concat(list, "\t") GuildChatContent = string.format("%s%s%s", chatStr, splitMark, GuildChatContent) end if GuildChatContent ~= nil and GuildChatContent ~= '' then local guildId = XDataCenter.GuildManager.GetGuildId() local key = XDataCenter.GuildManager.GetGuildChannelKey(guildId) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetString(key, GuildChatContent) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.Save() end end -- 关键字匹配 function XChatManager.KeywordMatch(channelType, chatData) local nowTime = XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() local firstMatchIndex = nil local minMatchPos = XMath.IntMax() for index, info in ipairs(EffectInfo) do local isMatch = true isMatch = isMatch and nowTime > info.BeginTime and nowTime < info.EndTime isMatch = isMatch and nowTime > LastEffectCoolTime + info.CoolTime isMatch = isMatch and chatData.MsgType == ChatMsgType.Normal or chatData.MsgType == ChatMsgType.RoomMsg if not isMatch then goto CONTINUE end if info.TriggerType == EffectTriggerType.Me then isMatch = isMatch and chatData.SenderId == XPlayer.Id elseif info.TriggerType == EffectTriggerType.Other then isMatch = isMatch and chatData.SenderId ~= XPlayer.Id end if info.Channel and next(info.Channel) then local isPartMatch = false for _,channel in ipairs(info.Channel) do isPartMatch = isPartMatch or channel == channelType end isMatch = isMatch and isPartMatch end if not isMatch then goto CONTINUE end -- 开始匹配具体内容 if info.Keyword and next(info.Keyword) then for _,pattern in ipairs(info.Keyword) do local matchPos = string.find(chatData.Content, pattern) if matchPos and matchPos < minMatchPos then firstMatchIndex = index minMatchPos = matchPos end end end :: CONTINUE :: end if firstMatchIndex then CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_MATCH_EFFECT, EffectInfo[firstMatchIndex]) return end end -- 设置特效播放完毕的时间 function XChatManager.SetEffectEnd(time) LastEffectCoolTime = time or XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() end -- 设置最后一次读消息的时间 function XChatManager.SetChatRead(type) local key = string.format("%s%d" ,XChatConfigs.KEY_LAST_READ_CHAT_TIME, type) if next(ChatList[type]) then LastReadChatTime[type] = ChatList[type][1].CreateTime else local nowTime = XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() LastReadChatTime[type] = nowTime -- XLog.Warning("nowTime",XTime.TimestampToLocalDateTimeString(nowTime),type) end XSaveTool.SaveData(key, LastReadChatTime[type]) end -- 获取未读信息数量 function XChatManager.GetUnreadChatCount(type) local count = 0 local chatList = XChatManager.GetChatList(type) if not (chatList and next(chatList)) then return count end for i = 1, #chatList do local chat = chatList[i] if chat.CreateTime > LastReadChatTime[type] then count = count + 1 end end return count end function XChatManager.CheckRedPointByType(type) -- return XChatManager.GetUnreadChatCount(type) > 0 local chatList = XChatManager.GetChatList(type) if not (chatList and next(chatList)) then return false end -- 除了好友消息,其他类型都是将最新消息插入到表头 -- XLog.Warning(chatList) -- XLog.Warning(type, chatList[1].CreateTime > LastReadChatTime[type], chatList[1].CreateTime, XTime.TimestampToLocalDateTimeString(LastReadChatTime[type]),XTime.TimestampToLocalDateTimeString(chatList[1].CreateTime)) return chatList[1].CreateTime > LastReadChatTime[type] end function XChatManager.GetLatestChatData(type) if type then return ChatList[type][1] else -- 默认返回最后一次公会或者世界聊天内容 local worldMsg = ChatList[ChatChannelType.World][1] local guildMsg = ChatList[ChatChannelType.Guild][1] local latestMsg local latestTime = 0 if guildMsg then latestMsg = guildMsg latestTime = guildMsg.CreateTime end if worldMsg and worldMsg.CreateTime > latestTime then latestMsg = worldMsg latestTime = worldMsg.CreateTime end return latestMsg end end -- 删除上一个公会的聊天缓存 function XChatManager.DeleteLastGuildChatContent(lastGuildId) if XDataCenter.GuideManager.IsJoinGuild() then local guildId = XDataCenter.GuildManager.GetGuildId() if guildId == lastGuildId then return end end local lastGuildKey = XDataCenter.GuildManager.GetGuildChannelKey(lastGuildId) if CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.HasKey(lastGuildKey) then CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(lastGuildKey) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.Save() end end --存储指定好友的聊天内容 function XChatManager.SaveSpecifyFriendsChatContent(friendId) local chatList = XChatManager.GetPrivateDynamicList(friendId) if chatList == nil or #chatList == 0 then return end local saveContent = '' for index = 1, #chatList do local chat = chatList[index] if chat ~= nil and type(chat) == 'table' then saveContent = saveContent .. chat.SenderId .. '\t' saveContent = saveContent .. chat.TargetId .. '\t' saveContent = saveContent .. chat.CreateTime .. '\t' saveContent = saveContent .. chat.Content .. '\t' saveContent = saveContent .. chat.MsgType .. "\t" saveContent = saveContent .. tostring(chat.GiftId) .. "\t" saveContent = saveContent .. tostring(chat.GiftCount) .. "\t" saveContent = saveContent .. tostring(chat.GiftStatus) .. "\t" saveContent = saveContent .. (chat.IsRead and "1" or "0") .. "\t" saveContent = saveContent .. (chat.CustomContent or "") .. "\n" end end if saveContent ~= nil and saveContent ~= '' then local key = string.format(ChatRecordTag, friendId, XPlayer.Id) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetString(key, saveContent) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.Save() end end --清除指定好友的聊天内容 function XChatManager.ClearFriendChatContent(friendId) local key = string.format(ChatRecordTag, friendId, XPlayer.Id) PrivateChatMap[friendId] = nil if CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key) then CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(key) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.Save() end end --获取所有私聊信息 function XChatManager.GetAllPrivateChatMsgCount() if not PrivateChatMap then return 0 end local count = 0 for _, v in pairs(PrivateChatMap) do local info = v if (info and info.ChatMap) then for _, chat in pairs(info.ChatMap) do if (not chat.IsRead) then count = count + 1 end end end end return count end function XChatManager.CheckCd() if LastChatCoolTime > 0 and LastChatCoolTime + CHAT_INTERVAL_TIME > XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() then XUiManager.TipCode(XCode.ChatManagerRefreshTimeCooling) return false end return true end --发送聊天 function XChatManager.SendChat(chatData, cb) XNetwork.Call(MethodName.SendChat, { ChatData = chatData, TargetIdList = chatData.TargetIds }, function(response) LastChatCoolTime = response.RefreshTime if response.Code ~= XCode.Success then XUiManager.TipCode(response.Code) if chatData.ChannelType == ChatChannelType.World then if cb then cb(CHAT_INTERVAL_TIME + LastChatCoolTime - XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp(), response.ChatData) end end return end if cb then cb(CHAT_INTERVAL_TIME + LastChatCoolTime - XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp(), response.ChatData) end XDataCenter.ChatManager.CheckChat(chatData.Content) end) end ----------------------------------------重复聊天发言检测----------------------------------- local CheckChatTimer local CheckChatList = {} local CheckChatId = 1 local WaitDelectChatList = {} local CheckContent = {} function XChatManager.CheckChat(content) if not content then return end --先检测是否是过滤内容 local filters = XChatConfigs.GetRepeatChatForbidStringFilter() if filters then for _, filterStr in pairs(filters) do if content == filterStr then return end end end --提取字符串中的英文+汉字 local pureStr = XTool.GetPureStr(content) if not pureStr then return end local chatData = { Id = CheckChatId, Time = 0, Content = pureStr, RepeatCount = 0 } CheckChatList[CheckChatId] = chatData CheckChatId = CheckChatId + 1 CheckContent[pureStr] = true if not CheckChatTimer then XChatManager.StartCheckChatTimer() end end function XChatManager.StartCheckChatTimer() CheckChatTimer = XScheduleManager.ScheduleForever(function() --是否进行了检测(检查列表是否空列) local haveCheck = false for _, chat in pairs(CheckChatList) do haveCheck = true chat.Time = chat.Time + CSTime.deltaTime if CheckContent[chat.Content] then chat.RepeatCount = chat.RepeatCount + 1 if chat.RepeatCount >= XChatConfigs.GetRepeatChatForbidRepeatCount() then XChatManager.CatchRepeatChat(chat.RepeatCount) end end if chat.Time >= XChatConfigs.GetRepeatChatForbidCalculateTime() then table.insert(WaitDelectChatList, chat.Id) end end for _, delectChatId in pairs(WaitDelectChatList) do if CheckChatList[delectChatId] then CheckChatList[delectChatId] = nil end end if not haveCheck then XScheduleManager.UnSchedule(CheckChatTimer) CheckChatTimer = nil return end WaitDelectChatList = {} CheckContent = {} end, 0) end function XChatManager.CatchRepeatChat(repeatCount) XNetwork.Call(MethodName.CatchRepeatChat, { Times = repeatCount }, function(response) if response.Code ~= XCode.Success then local text = CS.XTextManager.GetCodeText(response.Code) XLog.Error(text) return end XLog.Debug("捕捉到10秒内的第" .. repeatCount .. "次重复发言!已发送成功!") end) end ----------------------------------------重复聊天发言检测 end----------------------------------- --收取单个礼物 function XChatManager.GetGift(giftId, callback) callback = callback or function() end XNetwork.Call(MethodName.GetGift, { GiftId = giftId or 0 }, function(response) if response.Code ~= XCode.Success then XUiManager.TipCode(response.Code) return end callback(response.RewardGoodsList) end) end --群收礼物 function XChatManager.GetAllGiftsRequest(callback) if not XChatManager.CheckHasGift() then XUiManager.TipError(CS.XTextManager.GetText("ChatManagerGetGiftNotGift")) return end XNetwork.Call(MethodName.GetAllGiftsRequest, nil, function(response) if response.Code ~= XCode.Success then XUiManager.TipCode(response.Code) return end if #response.RewardGoodsList <= 0 then XUiManager.TipError(CS.XTextManager.GetText("ChatManagerGetGiftNotGift")) return end if callback then callback(response.GiftInfoList, response.RewardGoodsList) end end) end -- 离线消息 function XChatManager.GetOfflineMessageRequest(msgId, cb) XNetwork.Call(MethodName.GetOfflineMessageRequest, { MessageId = msgId }, function(response) if response.Code ~= XCode.Success then XUiManager.TipCode(response.Code) return end -- 处理离线的消息 XChatManager.HandleOfflineMessage(response.Messages) if cb then cb() end end) end function XChatManager.HandleOfflineMessage(offlineMessages) if not offlineMessages then return end local lastChatData = nil local earliestChatTime = XMath.IntMax() for _, chatData in pairs(offlineMessages) do XChatManager.ProcessExtraContent(chatData) XChatManager.OnSynChat(chatData, true) if earliestChatTime < chatData.CreateTime then earliestChatTime = chatData.CreateTime end lastChatData = chatData end for _, type in ipairs(ChatChannelType) do if earliestChatTime < LastReadChatTime[type] then LastReadChatTime[type] = earliestChatTime local key = string.format("%s%d" ,XChatConfigs.KEY_LAST_READ_CHAT_TIME, type) XSaveTool.SaveData(key, LastReadChatTime[type]) end end -- 只在最后检查一次红点 if lastChatData then local data = XChatData.New(lastChatData) XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_RECEIVE_PRIVATECHAT, data) end end function XChatManager.UpdateLocalOfflineRecord(messageId) if messageId > MessageId then MessageId = messageId local key = string.format("%s%s", OfflineMessageTag, tostring(XPlayer.Id)) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key, MessageId) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.Save() end end function XChatManager.GetLocalOfflineRecord() local key = string.format("%s%s", OfflineMessageTag, tostring(XPlayer.Id)) if CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key) then MessageId = CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key, MessageId) end return MessageId end -- 【聊天分频道】 function XChatManager.GetCurrentChatChannelId() return CurrentChatChannelId end -- 切换聊天频道 function XChatManager.SelectChatChannel(channelId, succeedCb, failedCb) if channelId == CurrentChatChannelId then return end XNetwork.Call(MethodName.SelectChatChannelRequest, { ChannelId = channelId - 1 }, function(response) if response.Code ~= XCode.Success then XUiManager.TipCode(response.Code) if failedCb then failedCb() end return end CurrentChatChannelId = channelId CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_CHANNEL_CHANGED) if succeedCb then succeedCb() end end) end -- 登录初始化聊天频道 function XChatManager.InitChatChannel() XNetwork.Call(MethodName.EnterWorldChatRequest, {}, function(response) if response.Code ~= XCode.Success then XUiManager.TipCode(response.Code) return end CurrentChatChannelId = response.ChannelId + 1 CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_CHANNEL_CHANGED) end) end local RecruitChannelId = -1 -- 获取频道消息 function XChatManager.GetWorldChannelInfos(cb) XNetwork.Call(MethodName.GetWorldChannelInfoRequest, {}, function(response) if response.Code ~= XCode.Success then XUiManager.TipCode(response.Code) return end ChatChannelInfos = response.ChannelInfos local lastIndex = #ChatChannelInfos for index, v in pairs(ChatChannelInfos) do v.ChannelId = v.ChannelId + 1 if index == lastIndex then v.IsRecruitChannel = true end end RecruitChannelId = lastIndex if cb then cb(ChatChannelInfos) end end) end function XChatManager.GetRecruitChannelId() return RecruitChannelId end function XChatManager.GetAllChannelInfos() return ChatChannelInfos end function XChatManager.OnChatChannelChanged(notifyData) if not notifyData then return end local notifyChannelId = notifyData.ChannelId + 1 if CurrentChatChannelId ~= notifyChannelId then CurrentChatChannelId = notifyChannelId CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_SERVER_CHANNEL_CHANGED, notifyChannelId) end end function XChatManager.UpdateGiftResetTime(resetTime) TodayResetTime = resetTime end function XChatManager.CheckHasGift() for _, chatInfo in pairs(PrivateChatMap) do for _, chat in pairs(chatInfo.ChatMap) do if chat.MsgType == ChatMsgType.Gift and chat.GiftStatus == ChatGiftState.WaitReceive and chat.SenderId ~= XPlayer.Id then return true end end end return false end function XChatManager.UpdateGiftStatus() for _, chatInfo in pairs(PrivateChatMap) do for _, chat in pairs(chatInfo.ChatMap) do if TodayResetTime > 0 and chat.MsgType == ChatMsgType.Gift and chat.GiftStatus == ChatGiftState.WaitReceive and chat.CreateTime < (TodayResetTime - ONE_DAY_SECONDS) then chat.GiftStatus = ChatGiftState.Fetched end end end end -- 创建礼物文本 function XChatManager.CreateGiftTips(chatData) if not chatData then return "" end -- 发礼物提示 if chatData.GiftStatus == ChatGiftState.WaitReceive then if chatData.SenderId == XPlayer.Id then local friend = XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetFriendInfo(chatData.TargetId) if friend then local name = XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetPlayerRemark(chatData.TargetId, chatData.NickName) return CS.XTextManager.GetText("GiftMoneySendNotReceive", name, chatData.GiftCount) end else local name = XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetPlayerRemark(chatData.SenderId, chatData.NickName) return CS.XTextManager.GetText("GiftMoneyReceiveNotReceive", name, chatData.GiftCount) end -- 领礼物提示 elseif chatData.GiftStatus == ChatGiftState.Received then -- 自己领礼物 if chatData.SenderId ~= XPlayer.Id then local friend = XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetFriendInfo(chatData.SenderId) local name = XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetPlayerRemark(chatData.SenderId, chatData.NickName) if friend then return CS.XTextManager.GetText("GiftMoneyReceiveHaveReceive", name, chatData.GiftCount) else return CS.XTextManager.GetText("GiftMoneyReceiveHaveReceive", "", chatData.GiftCount) end else -- 别人领礼物 local friend = XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetFriendInfo(chatData.TargetId) local name = XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetPlayerRemark(chatData.TargetId, chatData.NickName) if friend then return CS.XTextManager.GetText("GiftMoneySendHaveReceive", name, chatData.GiftCount) end end end return "" end -- 检查是否有新的表情包 function XChatManager.CheckIsNewEmoji() local isRed = nil local allPacks = XChatManager.GetAllEmojiPacksWithAutoSort() for k, v in pairs(allPacks) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v:GetEmojiList()) do if v2:GetIsNew() then isRed = true break end end end return isRed end function XChatManager.ProcessExtraContent(chatData) if not chatData then return end local customContent = XMessagePack.Decode(chatData.CustomContent) if not customContent then return end if string.find(chatData.Content, "room") then chatData.Content = string.gsub(chatData.Content, "room", customContent) end end function XChatManager.NotifyChatMessage(chatData) XChatManager.ProcessExtraContent(chatData) XChatManager.OnSynChat(chatData) XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_MSG_SYNC) end function XChatManager.NotifyPrivateChat(chatData) if not chatData or not chatData.ChatMessages then return end if XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetBlackData(chatData.SenderId) then return end local lastChatMsg for _, chatMsg in ipairs(chatData.ChatMessages) do lastChatMsg = XChatData.New(chatMsg) XChatManager.ProcessExtraContent(chatMsg) XChatManager.OnSynChat(chatMsg, true) end XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_MSG_SYNC) if lastChatMsg then XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_RECEIVE_PRIVATECHAT, lastChatMsg) CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_RECEIVE_PRIVATECHAT, lastChatMsg) end end function XChatManager.NotifyWorldChat(chatData) if not chatData or not chatData.ChatMessages then return end local lastChatMsg for _, chatMsg in ipairs(chatData.ChatMessages) do if not XDataCenter.SocialManager.GetBlackData(chatMsg.SenderId) then XChatManager.ProcessExtraContent(chatMsg) lastChatMsg = XChatData.New(chatMsg) HandleWorldChat(lastChatMsg) end end if lastChatMsg then XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_RECEIVE_WORLD_MSG, lastChatMsg) CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_RECEIVE_WORLD_MSG, lastChatMsg) end end function XChatManager.NotifyMentorChat(chatData) if not chatData or not chatData.ChatMessages then return end local lastChatMsg for _, chatMsg in ipairs(chatData.ChatMessages) do XChatManager.ProcessExtraContent(chatMsg) lastChatMsg = XChatData.New(chatMsg) HandleMentorChat(lastChatMsg) end if lastChatMsg then XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_RECEIVE_MENTOR_MSG, lastChatMsg) CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_CHAT_RECEIVE_MENTOR_MSG, lastChatMsg) end end function XChatManager.NotifyChatEmoji(emojiData) if not emojiData.Emoji then return end EmojiDatasDic[emojiData.Emoji.Id] = XChatEmoji.New(emojiData.Emoji) end function XChatManager.NotifyChatLoginData(loginData) TodayResetTime = loginData.RefreshTime for __, v in pairs(loginData.UnlockEmojis) do EmojiDatasDic[v.Id] = XChatEmoji.New(v) end end XChatManager.Init() return XChatManager end --同步聊天 XRpc.NotifyChatMessage = function(chatData) XDataCenter.ChatManager.NotifyChatMessage(chatData) end XRpc.NotifyPrivateChat = function(chatData) XDataCenter.ChatManager.NotifyPrivateChat(chatData) end XRpc.NotifyTodayGiftResetTime = function(notifyData) XDataCenter.ChatManager.UpdateGiftResetTime(notifyData.ResetTime) end XRpc.NotifyWorldChat = function(chatData) XDataCenter.ChatManager.NotifyWorldChat(chatData) end XRpc.NotifyMentorChat = function(chatData) XDataCenter.ChatManager.NotifyMentorChat(chatData) end -- 聊天频道切换 XRpc.NotifyChatChannelChange = function(notifyData) XDataCenter.ChatManager.OnChatChannelChanged(notifyData) end XRpc.NotifyChatLoginData = function(loginData) XDataCenter.ChatManager.NotifyChatLoginData(loginData) end XRpc.NotifyChatEmoji = function(emojiData) XDataCenter.ChatManager.NotifyChatEmoji(emojiData) end