--======================= --以下脚本以废弃,由XUiPanelEmojiEx代替 --======================= --[[ XUiPanelEmoji = XClass(nil, "XUiPanelEmoji") local STR_RESIDUE = CS.XTextManager.GetText("Residue") local interval = 1000 local XUiEmojiItem = require("XUi/XUiChatServe/ChatModel/EmojiModel/XUiEmojiItem") function XUiPanelEmoji:Ctor(rootUi, ui) self.RootUi = rootUi self.GameObject = ui.gameObject self.GameObject.gameObject:SetActive(false) self.Transform = ui.transform XTool.InitUiObject(self) self:InitAutoScript() self.BtnBack.CallBack = function() self:Hide() end self.EmojiPrefab = self.EmojiItem.gameObject self.EmojiList = {} self.EmojiTimeLimitDic = {} self.NeedTimeCountDown = false self.EmojiScheduleTimer = false self:Init() end function XUiPanelEmoji:Init() self.EmojiPrefab:SetActive(false) if self.EmojiPrefab == nil then return end local templates = XDataCenter.ChatManager.GetEmojiTemplates() self.EmojiTimeLimitDic = {} --local serverTime = XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() for _, emojiData in ipairs(templates) do local luaObj = self:CreateEmoji() if luaObj ~= nil then luaObj:Refresh(emojiData) luaObj:Show() table.insert(self.EmojiList, luaObj) if emojiData:IsLimitEmoji() then self.EmojiTimeLimitDic[emojiData:GetEmojiId()] = {luaObjT = luaObj, emojiDataT = emojiData} end end end end function XUiPanelEmoji:EmojiStartScheduleTime() local function CountDownFunc() local UnNeedTimerList = {} local serverTime = XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() self.NeedTimeCountDown = false for emojiId, template in pairs(self.EmojiTimeLimitDic) do local luaObj = template.luaObjT local data = template.emojiDataT local lastTime = data:GetEmojiEndTime() - serverTime if lastTime > 0 then self.NeedTimeCountDown = true luaObj:ShowTimeLabel(STR_RESIDUE .. XUiHelper.GetTime(lastTime, XUiHelper.TimeFormatType.CHATEMOJITIMER)) else luaObj:Hide() table.insert(UnNeedTimerList, emojiId) end end for _ , tempId in ipairs(UnNeedTimerList) do self.EmojiTimeLimitDic[tempId] = nil end end CountDownFunc() if self.NeedTimeCountDown and not self.EmojiScheduleTimer then self.EmojiScheduleTimer = XScheduleManager.ScheduleForever(function() CountDownFunc() if not self.NeedTimeCountDown then self:EmojiUnScheduleTime() end end, interval ) end end function XUiPanelEmoji:EmojiUnScheduleTime() if self.EmojiScheduleTimer then XScheduleManager.UnSchedule(self.EmojiScheduleTimer) self.EmojiScheduleTimer = false end end function XUiPanelEmoji:SetClickCallBack(cb) for index = 1, #self.EmojiList do local emoji = self.EmojiList[index] if emoji ~= nil then emoji:SetClickCallBack(cb) end end end function XUiPanelEmoji:CreateEmoji() local parent = self.EmojiPrefab.transform.parent if parent ~= nil and self.EmojiPrefab ~= nil then local gameObject = CS.UnityEngine.GameObject.Instantiate(self.EmojiPrefab) if gameObject ~= nil then gameObject.transform:SetParent(parent, false) local luaObj = XUiEmojiItem.New(self.RootUi, gameObject) return luaObj end end return nil end -- auto -- Automatic generation of code, forbid to edit function XUiPanelEmoji:InitAutoScript() self.SpecialSoundMap = {} self:AutoAddListener() end function XUiPanelEmoji:GetAutoKey(uiNode, eventName) if not uiNode then return end return eventName .. uiNode:GetHashCode() end function XUiPanelEmoji:RegisterListener(uiNode, eventName, func) local key = self:GetAutoKey(uiNode, eventName) if not key then return end local listener = self.AutoCreateListeners[key] if listener ~= nil then uiNode[eventName]:RemoveListener(listener) end if func ~= nil then if type(func) ~= "function" then XLog.Error("XUiPanelEmoji:RegisterListener函数错误, 参数func需要是function类型, func的类型是" .. type(func)) end listener = function(...) XSoundManager.PlayBtnMusic(self.SpecialSoundMap[key], eventName) func(self, ...) end uiNode[eventName]:AddListener(listener) self.AutoCreateListeners[key] = listener end end function XUiPanelEmoji:AutoAddListener() self.AutoCreateListeners = {} end -- auto function XUiPanelEmoji:Show() if not XTool.UObjIsNil(self.GameObject) then self.GameObject:SetActiveEx(true) self:EmojiStartScheduleTime() end end function XUiPanelEmoji:Hide() if not XTool.UObjIsNil(self.GameObject) then self.GameObject:SetActiveEx(false) self:EmojiUnScheduleTime() end end function XUiPanelEmoji:OpenOrClosePanel() if self.GameObject == nil then return end if not XTool.UObjIsNil(self.GameObject) then if not self.GameObject.activeSelf then self:Show() else self:Hide() end end end ]]