hppeng-wynn dc878caf1c
2.0.2 (#252)
* 2.0.2 mage tree

Super super janky implementation of winded

* Clean up breathless definition

* Numerical values and archetype req update for non mage ability trees

Notably excludes:
Effigy attack speed
Double/Triple totem multipliers
more shields damage change
arrow hurricane nerf

don't think this includes dependencies but idk if any changed? Topology fixing still needed

* Archer, Warrior and Shaman updated (mostly)

* Assassin tree changes

* Item db update

guess this is the 2.0.2 branch now

* Mage edit to match ingame

* Fix misc. atree stuff that wasn't fixed yet

warrior connections and positions
double/triple totem implementation
ragna nerf


Co-authored-by: hppeng <hppeng>
Co-authored-by: TopHat of Pride <33451677+TopHat-of-Pride@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: aspiepuppy <emimeado@gmail.com>
2023-02-17 03:40:23 -08:00

255 lines
8.2 KiB

const ING_DB_VERSION = 20;
// @See https://github.com/mdn/learning-area/blob/master/javascript/apis/client-side-storage/indexeddb/video-store/index.js
let idb;
let ireload = false;
let iload_in_progress = false;
let iload_complete = false;
let ings;
let recipes;
let ingMap = new Map();
let ingList = [];
let recipeMap;
let recipeList = [];
let ingIDMap = new Map();
let recipeIDMap;
* Load item set from local DB. Calls init() on success.
async function ing_load_local() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
let get_tx = idb.transaction(['ing_db', 'recipe_db'], 'readonly');
let ings_store = get_tx.objectStore('ing_db');
let recipes_store = get_tx.objectStore('recipe_db');
let request3 = ings_store.getAll();
request3.onerror = function(event) {
reject("Could not read local ingredient db...");
request3.onsuccess = function(event) {
console.log("Successfully read local ingredient db.");
let request4 = recipes_store.getAll();
request4.onerror = function(event) {
reject("Could not read local recipe db...");
request4.onsuccess = function(event) {
console.log("Successfully read local recipe db.");
get_tx.oncomplete = function(event) {
ings = request3.result;
recipes = request4.result;
iload_complete = true;
function clean_ing(ing) {
if (ing.remapID === undefined) {
if (ing.displayName === undefined) {
ing.displayName = ing.name;
async function load_ings_old_version(version_str) {
iload_in_progress = true;
let getUrl = window.location;
let baseUrl = `${getUrl.protocol}//${getUrl.host}/`;
// No random string -- we want to use caching
let url = `${baseUrl}/data/${version_str}/ingreds.json`;
let result = await (await fetch(url)).json();
ings = result;
for (const id in ings) {
url = baseUrl + "/recipes_compress.json";
result = await (await fetch(url)).json();
recipes = result.recipes;
iload_complete = true;
* Load item set from remote DB (aka a big json file). Calls init() on success.
async function load_ings() {
let getUrl = window.location;
let baseUrl = `${getUrl.protocol}//${getUrl.host}/`;
// "Random" string to prevent caching!
let url = baseUrl + "/ingreds_compress.json?"+new Date();
let result = await (await fetch(url)).json();
result = await (await fetch(url)).json();
ings = result;
url = baseUrl + "/recipes_compress.json?"+new Date();
result = await (await fetch(url)).json();
recipes = result.recipes;
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBObjectStore/clear
/*let clear_tx2 = db.transaction(['ing_db'], 'readwrite');
let clear_ings = clear_tx2.objectStore('ing_db');
let clear_tx3 = db.transaction(['recipe_db'], 'readwrite');
let clear_recipes = clear_tx3.objectStore('recipe_db');
await clear_ings.clear();
await clear_recipes.clear();
await clear_tx2.complete;
await clear_tx3.complete;*/
let add_promises = [];
let add_tx2 = idb.transaction(['ing_db'], 'readwrite');
let ings_store = add_tx2.objectStore('ing_db');
for (const id in ings) {
add_promises.push(ings_store.add(ings[id], id));
let add_tx3 = idb.transaction(['recipe_db'], 'readwrite');
let recipes_store = add_tx3.objectStore('recipe_db');
for (const recipe in recipes) {
add_promises.push(recipes_store.add(recipes[recipe], recipe));
await Promise.all(add_promises);
iload_complete = true;
async function load_ing_init() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let request = window.indexedDB.open("ing_db", ING_DB_VERSION)
request.onerror = function() {
reject("DB failed to open...");
request.onsuccess = async function() {
idb = request.result;
if (iload_in_progress) {
while (!iload_complete) {
await sleep(100);
console.log("Skipping load...")
else {
iload_in_progress = true
if (ireload) {
console.log("Using new data...")
await load_ings();
else {
console.log("Using stored data...")
await ing_load_local();
request.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
ireload = true;
let idb = e.target.result;
try {
catch (error) {
console.log("Could not delete ingredient DB. This is probably fine");
try {
catch (error) {
console.log("Could not delete recipe DB. This is probably fine");
console.log("DB setup complete...");
function init_ing_maps() {
recipeMap = new Map();
recipeIDMap = new Map();
let ing = {
name: "No Ingredient",
displayName: "No Ingredient",
tier: 0,
lvl: 0,
ids: {},
itemIDs: {"dura": 0, "strReq": 0, "dexReq": 0,"intReq": 0,"defReq": 0,"agiReq": 0,},
consumableIDs: {"dura": 0, "charges": 0},
posMods: {"left": 0, "right": 0, "above": 0, "under": 0, "touching": 0, "notTouching": 0},
id: 4000
ingMap.set(ing.displayName, ing);
ingIDMap.set(ing.id, ing.displayName);
let numerals = new Map([[1, "I"], [2, "II"], [3, "III"], [4, "IV"], [5, "V"], [6, "VI"]]);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i ++) {
for (const powderIng of powderIngreds) {
let ing = {
name: "" + damageClasses[i+1] + " Powder " + numerals.get(powderIngreds.indexOf(powderIng) + 1),
tier: 0,
lvl: 0,
ids: {},
isPowder: true,
pid: 6*i + powderIngreds.indexOf(powderIng),
itemIDs: {"dura": powderIng["durability"], "strReq": 0, "dexReq": 0,"intReq": 0,"defReq": 0,"agiReq": 0},
consumableIDs: {"dura": 0, "charges": 0},
posMods: {"left": 0, "right": 0, "above": 0, "under": 0, "touching": 0, "notTouching": 0}
ing.id = 4001 + ing.pid;
ing.displayName = ing.name;
switch(i) {
case 0:
ing.itemIDs["strReq"] = powderIng["skpReq"];
case 1:
ing.itemIDs["dexReq"] = powderIng["skpReq"];
case 2:
ing.itemIDs["intReq"] = powderIng["skpReq"];
case 3:
ing.itemIDs["defReq"] = powderIng["skpReq"];
case 4:
ing.itemIDs["agiReq"] = powderIng["skpReq"];
ingMap.set(ing.displayName, ing);
ingIDMap.set(ing.id, ing.displayName);
for (const ing of ings) {
ingMap.set(ing.displayName, ing);
ingIDMap.set(ing.id, ing.displayName);
for (const recipe of recipes) {
recipeMap.set(recipe.name, recipe);
recipeIDMap.set(recipe.id, recipe.name);