2022-07-10 10:35:06 +07:00

313 lines
13 KiB

const damageMultipliers = new Map([ ["allytotem", .15], ["yourtotem", .35], ["vanish", 0.80], ["warscream", 0.10], ["bash", 0.50] ]);
function get_base_dps(item) {
const attack_speed_mult = baseDamageMultiplier[attackSpeeds.indexOf(item.get("atkSpd"))];
if (item.get("tier") !== "Crafted") {
let total_damage = 0;
for (const damage_k of damage_keys) {
damages = item.get(damage_k);
total_damage += damages[0] + damages[1];
return total_damage * attack_speed_mult / 2;
else {
let total_damage_min = 0;
let total_damage_max = 0;
for (const damage_k of damage_keys) {
damages = item.get(damage_k);
total_damage_min += damages[0][0] + damages[0][1];
total_damage_max += damages[1][0] + damages[1][1];
total_damage_min = attack_speed_mult * total_damage_min / 2;
total_damage_max = attack_speed_mult * total_damage_max / 2;
return [total_damage_min, total_damage_max];
function calculateSpellDamage(stats, weapon, conversions, use_spell_damage, ignore_speed=false, part_filter=undefined) {
// TODO: Roll all the loops together maybe
// Array of neutral + ewtfa damages. Each entry is a pair (min, max).
// 1. Get weapon damage (with powders).
let weapon_damages;
if (weapon.get('tier') === 'Crafted') {
weapon_damages = damage_keys.map(x => weapon.get(x)[1]);
else {
weapon_damages = damage_keys.map(x => weapon.get(x));
let present = deepcopy(weapon.get(damage_present_key));
// 2. Conversions.
// 2.1. First, apply neutral conversion (scale weapon damage). Keep track of total weapon damage here.
let damages = [];
const neutral_convert = conversions[0] / 100;
let weapon_min = 0;
let weapon_max = 0;
for (const damage of weapon_damages) {
let min_dmg = damage[0] * neutral_convert;
let max_dmg = damage[1] * neutral_convert;
damages.push([min_dmg, max_dmg]);
weapon_min += damage[0];
weapon_max += damage[1];
// 2.2. Next, apply elemental conversions using damage computed in step 1.1.
// Also, track which elements are present. (Add onto those present in the weapon itself.)
let total_convert = 0; //TODO get confirmation that this is how raw works.
for (let i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
if (conversions[i] > 0) {
const conv_frac = conversions[i]/100;
damages[i][0] += conv_frac * weapon_min;
damages[i][1] += conv_frac * weapon_max;
present[i] = true;
total_convert += conv_frac
total_convert += conversions[0]/100;
// Also theres prop and rainbow!!
const damage_elements = ['n'].concat(skp_elements); // netwfa
if (!ignore_speed) {
// 3. Apply attack speed multiplier. Ignored for melee single hit
const attack_speed_mult = baseDamageMultiplier[attackSpeeds.indexOf(weapon.get("atkSpd"))];
for (let i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
damages[i][0] *= attack_speed_mult;
damages[i][1] *= attack_speed_mult;
// 4. Add additive damage. TODO: Is there separate additive damage?
for (let i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
if (present[i]) {
damages[i][0] += stats.get(damage_elements[i]+'DamAddMin');
damages[i][1] += stats.get(damage_elements[i]+'DamAddMax');
// 5. ID bonus.
let specific_boost_str = 'Md';
if (use_spell_damage) {
specific_boost_str = 'Sd';
// 5.1: %boost application
let skill_boost = [0]; // no neutral skillpoint booster
for (let i in skp_order) {
const skp = skp_order[i];
skill_boost.push(skillPointsToPercentage(stats.get(skp)) * skillpoint_damage_mult[i]);
let static_boost = (stats.get(specific_boost_str.toLowerCase()+'Pct') + stats.get('damPct')) / 100;
// These do not count raw damage. I think. Easy enough to change
let total_min = 0;
let total_max = 0;
for (let i in damages) {
let damage_prefix = damage_elements[i] + specific_boost_str;
let damageBoost = 1 + skill_boost[i] + static_boost
+ ((stats.get(damage_prefix+'Pct') + stats.get(damage_elements[i]+'DamPct')) /100);
damages[i][0] *= Math.max(damageBoost, 0);
damages[i][1] *= Math.max(damageBoost, 0);
// Collect total damage post %boost
total_min += damages[i][0];
total_max += damages[i][1];
let total_elem_min = total_min - damages[0][0];
let total_elem_max = total_max - damages[0][1];
// 5.2: Raw application.
let prop_raw = stats.get(specific_boost_str.toLowerCase()+'Raw') + stats.get('damRaw');
let rainbow_raw = stats.get('r'+specific_boost_str+'Raw') + stats.get('rDamRaw');
for (let i in damages) {
let damages_obj = damages[i];
let damage_prefix = damage_elements[i] + specific_boost_str;
// Normie raw
let raw_boost = 0;
if (present[i]) {
raw_boost += stats.get(damage_prefix+'Raw') + stats.get(damage_elements[i]+'DamRaw');
// Next, rainraw and propRaw
let min_boost = raw_boost;
let max_boost = raw_boost;
if (total_max > 0) { // TODO: what about total negative all raw?
if (total_min > 0) {
min_boost += (damages_obj[0] / total_min) * prop_raw;
max_boost += (damages_obj[1] / total_max) * prop_raw;
if (i != 0 && total_elem_max > 0) { // rainraw TODO above
if (total_elem_min > 0) {
min_boost += (damages_obj[0] / total_elem_min) * rainbow_raw;
max_boost += (damages_obj[1] / total_elem_max) * rainbow_raw;
damages_obj[0] += min_boost * total_convert;
damages_obj[1] += max_boost * total_convert;
// 6. Strength boosters
// str/dex, as well as any other mutually multiplicative effects
let strBoost = 1 + skill_boost[1];
let total_dam_norm = [0, 0];
let total_dam_crit = [0, 0];
let damages_results = [];
const mult_map = stats.get("damMult");
let damage_mult = 1;
for (const [k, v] of mult_map.entries()) {
if (k.includes(':')) {
// TODO: fragile... checking for specific part multipliers.
const spell_match = k.split(':')[1];
if (spell_match !== part_filter) {
damage_mult *= (1 + v/100);
for (const damage of damages) {
const res = [
damage[0] * strBoost * damage_mult, // Normal min
damage[1] * strBoost * damage_mult, // Normal max
damage[0] * (strBoost + 1) * damage_mult, // Crit min
damage[1] * (strBoost + 1) * damage_mult, // Crit max
total_dam_norm[0] += res[0];
total_dam_norm[1] += res[1];
total_dam_crit[0] += res[2];
total_dam_crit[1] += res[3];
if (total_dam_norm[0] < 0) total_dam_norm[0] = 0;
if (total_dam_norm[1] < 0) total_dam_norm[1] = 0;
if (total_dam_crit[0] < 0) total_dam_crit[0] = 0;
if (total_dam_crit[1] < 0) total_dam_crit[1] = 0;
return [total_dam_norm, total_dam_crit, damages_results];
Spell schema:
spell: {
name: str internal string name for the spell. Unique identifier, also display
cost: Optional[int] ignored for spells that are not id 1-4
base_spell: int spell index. 0-4 are reserved (0 is melee, 1-4 is common 4 spells)
spell_type: str [TODO: DEPRECATED/REMOVE] "healing" or "damage"
scaling: Optional[str] [DEFAULT: "spell"] "melee" or "spell"
use_atkspd: Optional[bool] [DEFAULT: true] true to factor attack speed, false otherwise.
display: Optional[str] [DEFAULT: "total"] "total" to sum all parts. Or, the name of a spell part
parts: List[part] Parts of this spell (different stuff the spell does basically)
NOTE: when using `replace_spell` on an existing spell, all fields become optional.
Specified fields overwrite existing fields; unspecified fields are left unchanged.
There are three possible spell "part" types: damage, heal, and total.
part: spell_damage | spell_heal | spell_total
spell_damage: {
name: str != "total" Name of the part.
type: "damage" [TODO: DEPRECATED/REMOVE] flag signaling what type of part it is. Can infer from fields
multipliers: array[num, 6] floating point spellmults (though supposedly wynn only supports integer mults)
spell_heal: {
name: str != "total" Name of the part.
type: "heal" [TODO: DEPRECATED/REMOVE] flag signaling what type of part it is. Can infer from fields
power: num floating point healing power (1 is 100% of max hp).
spell_total: {
name: str != "total" Name of the part.
type: "total" [TODO: DEPRECATED/REMOVE] flag signaling what type of part it is. Can infer from fields
hits: Map[str, num] Keys are other part names, numbers are the multipliers. Undefined behavior if subparts
are not the same type of spell. Can only pull from spells defined before it.
Before passing to display, use the following structs.
NOTE: total is collapsed into damage or healing.
spell_damage: {
type: "damage" Internal use
name: str Display name of part. Should be human readable
normal_min: array[num, 6] floating point damages (no crit, min), can be less than zero. Order: NETWFA
normal_max: array[num, 6] floating point damages (no crit, max)
normal_total: array[num, 2] (min, max) noncrit total damage (not negative)
crit_min: array[num, 6] floating point damages (crit, min), can be less than zero. Order: NETWFA
crit_max: array[num, 6] floating point damages (crit, max)
crit_total: array[num, 2] (min, max) crit total damage (not negative)
spell_heal: {
type: "heal" Internal use
name: str Display name of part. Should be human readable
heal_amount: num floating point HP healed (self)
const default_spells = {
wand: [{
type: "replace_spell", // not needed but makes this usable as an "abil part"
name: "Wand Melee", // TODO: name for melee attacks?
base_spell: 0,
scaling: "melee", use_atkspd: false,
display: "Melee",
parts: [{ name: "Melee", multipliers: [100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }]
spear: [{
type: "replace_spell", // not needed but makes this usable as an "abil part"
name: "Melee", // TODO: name for melee attacks?
base_spell: 0,
scaling: "melee", use_atkspd: false,
display: "Melee",
parts: [{ name: "Melee", multipliers: [100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }]
bow: [{
type: "replace_spell", // not needed but makes this usable as an "abil part"
name: "Bow Shot", // TODO: name for melee attacks?
base_spell: 0,
scaling: "melee", use_atkspd: false,
display: "Single Shot",
parts: [{ name: "Single Shot", multipliers: [100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }]
dagger: [{
type: "replace_spell", // not needed but makes this usable as an "abil part"
name: "Melee", // TODO: name for melee attacks?
base_spell: 0,
scaling: "melee", use_atkspd: false,
display: "Melee",
parts: [{ name: "Melee", multipliers: [100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }]
relik: [{
type: "replace_spell", // not needed but makes this usable as an "abil part"
name: "Relik Melee", // TODO: name for melee attacks?
base_spell: 0,
spell_type: "damage",
scaling: "melee", use_atkspd: false,
display: "Total",
parts: [
{ name: "Single Beam", multipliers: [33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] },
{ name: "Total", hits: { "Single Beam": 3 } }
const spell_table = {
"powder": [ //This is how instant-damage powder specials are implemented.
{ title: "Quake", cost: 0, parts:[
{ subtitle: "Total Damage", type: "damage", multiplier: [155, 220, 285, 350, 415], conversion: [0,100,0,0,0,0], summary: true},
] },
{ title: "Chain Lightning", cost: 0, parts: [
{ subtitle: "Total Damage", type: "damage", multiplier: [200, 225, 250, 275, 300], conversion: [0,0,100,0,0,0], summary: true},
{ title: "Courage", cost: 0, parts: [
{ subtitle: "Total Damage", type: "damage", multiplier: [75, 87.5, 100, 112.5, 125], conversion: [0,0,0,0,100,0], summary: true},
]}, //[75, 87.5, 100, 112.5, 125]