2022-06-20 06:12:32 -07:00

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const classDefenseMultipliers = new Map([ ["relik",0.50], ["bow",0.60], ["wand", 0.80], ["dagger", 1.0], ["spear",1.20], ["sword", 1.10]]);
* @description Error to catch items that don't exist.
* @module ItemNotFound
class ItemNotFound {
* @class
* @param {String} item the item name entered
* @param {String} type the type of item
* @param {Boolean} genElement whether to generate an element from inputs
* @param {String} override override for item type
constructor(item, type, genElement, override) {
* @public
* @type {String}
this.message = `Cannot find ${override||type} named ${item}`;
if (genElement)
* @public
* @type {Element}
this.element = document.getElementById(`${type}-choice`).parentElement.querySelectorAll("p.error")[0];
this.element = document.createElement("div");
* @description Error to catch incorrect input.
* @module IncorrectInput
class IncorrectInput {
* @class
* @param {String} input the inputted text
* @param {String} format the correct format
* @param {String} sibling the id of the error node's sibling
constructor(input, format, sibling) {
* @public
* @type {String}
this.message = `${input} is incorrect. Example: ${format}`;
* @public
* @type {String}
this.id = sibling;
* @description Error that inputs an array of items to generate errors of.
* @module ListError
* @extends Error
class ListError extends Error {
* @class
* @param {Array} errors array of errors
constructor(errors) {
let ret = [];
if (typeof errors[0] == "string") {
} else {
for (let i of errors) {
if (typeof i == "string") {
ret.push(new Error(i));
} else {
* @public
* @type {Object[]}
this.errors = ret;
/*Class that represents a wynn player's build.
class Build{
* @description Construct a build.
* @param {Number} level : Level of the player.
* @param {String[]} equipment : List of equipment names that make up the build.
* In order: boots, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots, Ring1, Ring2, Brace, Neck, Weapon.
* @param {Number[]} powders : Powder application. List of lists of integers (powder IDs).
* In order: boots, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots, Weapon.
* @param {Object[]} inputerrors : List of instances of error-like classes.
* @param {Object[]} tomes: List of tomes.
* In order: 2x Weapon Mastery Tome, 4x Armor Mastery Tome, 1x Guild Tome.
* 2x Slaying Mastery Tome, 2x Dungeoneering Mastery Tome, 2x Gathering Mastery Tome are in game, but do not have "useful" stats (those that affect damage calculations or building)
constructor(level, items, tomes, weapon){
if (level < 1) { //Should these be constants?
this.level = 1;
} else if (level > 106) {
this.level = 106;
} else if (level <= 106 && level >= 1) {
this.level = level;
} else if (typeof level === "string") {
this.level = level;
errors.push(new IncorrectInput(level, "a number", "level-choice"));
} else {
errors.push("Level is not a string or number.");
document.getElementById("level-choice").value = this.level;
this.availableSkillpoints = levelToSkillPoints(this.level);
this.equipment = items;
this.tomes = tomes;
this.weapon = weapon;
this.items = this.equipment.concat([this.weapon]).concat(this.tomes);
// return [equip_order, best_skillpoints, final_skillpoints, best_total];
// calc skillpoints requires statmaps only
let result = calculate_skillpoints(this.equipment.concat(this.tomes).map((x) => x.statMap), this.weapon.statMap);
this.equip_order = result[0];
// How many skillpoints the player had to assign (5 number)
this.base_skillpoints = result[1];
// How many skillpoints the build ended up with (5 number)
this.total_skillpoints = result[2];
// How many skillpoints assigned (1 number, sum of base_skillpoints)
this.assigned_skillpoints = result[3];
this.activeSetCounts = result[4];
/*Returns build in string format
return [this.equipment,this.weapon,this.tomes].flat();
/* Getters */
getSpellCost(spellIdx, cost) {
return Math.max(1, this.getBaseSpellCost(spellIdx, cost));
getBaseSpellCost(spellIdx, cost) {
// old intelligence:
cost = Math.ceil(cost * (1 - skillPointsToPercentage(this.total_skillpoints[2])));
cost += this.statMap.get("spRaw"+spellIdx);
return Math.floor(cost * (1 + this.statMap.get("spPct"+spellIdx) / 100));
/* Get melee stats for build.
Returns an array in the order:
const stats = this.statMap;
const weapon_stats = this.weapon.statMap;
if (weapon_stats.get("tier") === "Crafted") {
stats.set("damageBases", [weapon_stats.get("nDamBaseHigh"),weapon_stats.get("eDamBaseHigh"),weapon_stats.get("tDamBaseHigh"),weapon_stats.get("wDamBaseHigh"),weapon_stats.get("fDamBaseHigh"),weapon_stats.get("aDamBaseHigh")]);
let adjAtkSpd = attackSpeeds.indexOf(stats.get("atkSpd")) + stats.get("atkTier");
if(adjAtkSpd > 6){
adjAtkSpd = 6;
}else if(adjAtkSpd < 0){
adjAtkSpd = 0;
let damage_mult = 1;
if (weapon_stats.get("type") === "relik") {
damage_mult = 0.99; // CURSE YOU WYNNCRAFT
//One day we will create WynnWynn and no longer have shaman 99% melee injustice.
//In all seriousness 99% is because wynn uses 0.33 to estimate dividing the damage by 3 to split damage between 3 beams.
// 0spellmult for melee damage.
let results = calculateSpellDamage(stats, [100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], stats.get("mdRaw"), stats.get("mdPct"), 0, this.weapon.statMap, this.total_skillpoints, damage_mult * this.damageMultiplier);
let dex = this.total_skillpoints[1];
let totalDamNorm = results[0];
let totalDamCrit = results[1];
let damages_results = results[2];
let singleHitTotal = ((totalDamNorm[0]+totalDamNorm[1])*(totalDamNorm[2])
//Now do math
let normDPS = (totalDamNorm[0]+totalDamNorm[1])/2 * baseDamageMultiplier[adjAtkSpd];
let critDPS = (totalDamCrit[0]+totalDamCrit[1])/2 * baseDamageMultiplier[adjAtkSpd];
let avgDPS = (normDPS * (1 - skillPointsToPercentage(dex))) + (critDPS * (skillPointsToPercentage(dex)));
//[[n n n n] [e e e e] [t t t t] [w w w w] [f f f f] [a a a a] [lowtotal hightotal normalChance] [critlowtotal crithightotal critChance] normalDPS critCPS averageDPS adjAttackSpeed, singleHit]
return damages_results.concat([totalDamNorm,totalDamCrit,normDPS,critDPS,avgDPS,adjAtkSpd, singleHitTotal]).concat(results[3]);
/* Get all stats for this build. Stores in this.statMap.
@pre The build itself should be valid. No checking of validity of pieces is done here.
let staticIDs = ["hp", "eDef", "tDef", "wDef", "fDef", "aDef", "str", "dex", "int", "def", "agi"];
//Create a map of this build's stats
let statMap = new Map();
for (const staticID of staticIDs) {
statMap.set(staticID, 0);
statMap.set("hp", levelToHPBase(this.level));
let major_ids = new Set();
for (const item of this.items){
const item_stats = item.statMap;
for (let [id, value] of item_stats.get("maxRolls")) {
if (staticIDs.includes(id)) {
statMap.set(id,(statMap.get(id) || 0)+value);
for (const staticID of staticIDs) {
if (item_stats.get(staticID)) {
statMap.set(staticID, statMap.get(staticID) + item_stats.get(staticID));
if (item_stats.get("majorIds")) {
for (const major_id of item_stats.get("majorIds")) {
statMap.set("activeMajorIDs", major_ids);
for (const [setName, count] of this.activeSetCounts) {
const bonus = sets.get(setName).bonuses[count-1];
for (const id in bonus) {
if (skp_order.includes(id)) {
// pass. Don't include skillpoints in ids
else {
statMap.set(id,(statMap.get(id) || 0)+bonus[id]);
statMap.set("poisonPct", 100);
// The stuff relevant for damage calculation!!! @ferricles
statMap.set("atkSpd", this.weapon.statMap.get("atkSpd"));
this.statMap = statMap;
aggregateStats() {
let statMap = this.statMap;
let weapon_stats = this.weapon.statMap;
statMap.set("damageRaw", [weapon_stats.get("nDam"), weapon_stats.get("eDam"), weapon_stats.get("tDam"), weapon_stats.get("wDam"), weapon_stats.get("fDam"), weapon_stats.get("aDam")]);
statMap.set("damageBonus", [statMap.get("eDamPct"), statMap.get("tDamPct"), statMap.get("wDamPct"), statMap.get("fDamPct"), statMap.get("aDamPct")]);
statMap.set("defRaw", [statMap.get("eDef"), statMap.get("tDef"), statMap.get("wDef"), statMap.get("fDef"), statMap.get("aDef")]);
statMap.set("defBonus", [statMap.get("eDefPct"), statMap.get("tDefPct"), statMap.get("wDefPct"), statMap.get("fDefPct"), statMap.get("aDefPct")]);
statMap.set("defMult", classDefenseMultipliers.get(weapon_stats.get("type")));