hppeng a1ddce803f Item changes
scuffed and put in manually
2024-07-07 07:55:27 -07:00

1229 lines
47 KiB

* File containing compute graph structure of the builder page.
let armor_powder_node = new (class extends ComputeNode {
constructor() { super('builder-armor-powder-input'); }
compute_func(input_map) {
let damage_boost = 0;
let def_boost = 0;
let statMap = new Map();
for (const [e, elem] of zip2(skp_elements, skp_order)) {
let val = parseInt(document.getElementById(elem+"_boost_armor").value);
statMap.set(e+'DamPct', val);
return statMap;
const damageMultipliers = new Map([ ["totem", 0.2], ["warscream", 0.0], ["ragnarokkr", 0.20], ["fortitude", 0.60], ["radiance", 0.0] ]);
let boosts_node = new (class extends ComputeNode {
constructor() { super('builder-boost-input'); }
compute_func(input_map) {
let damage_boost = 0;
let def_boost = 0;
for (const [key, value] of damageMultipliers) {
let elem = document.getElementById(key + "-boost")
if (elem.classList.contains("toggleOn")) {
damage_boost += value;
if (key === "warscream") { def_boost += .20 }
let res = new Map();
res.set('damMult.Potion', 100*damage_boost);
res.set('defMult.Potion', 100*def_boost);
return res;
/* Updates all spell boosts
function update_boosts(buttonId) {
let elem = document.getElementById(buttonId);
if (elem.classList.contains("toggleOn")) {
} else {
let specialNames = ["Quake", "Chain Lightning", "Curse", "Courage", "Wind Prison"];
let powder_special_input = new (class extends ComputeNode {
constructor() { super('builder-powder-special-input'); }
compute_func(input_map) {
let powder_specials = []; // [ [special, power], [special, power]]
for (const sName of specialNames) {
for (let i = 1;i < 6; i++) {
if (document.getElementById(sName.replace(" ","_") + "-" + i).classList.contains("toggleOn")) {
let powder_special = powderSpecialStats[specialNames.indexOf(sName.replace("_"," "))];
powder_specials.push([powder_special, i]);
return powder_specials;
function updatePowderSpecials(buttonId) {
let prefix = (buttonId).split("-")[0].replace(' ', '_') + '-';
let elem = document.getElementById(buttonId);
if (elem.classList.contains("toggleOn")) { elem.classList.remove("toggleOn"); }
else {
for (let i = 1;i < 6; i++) { //toggle all pressed buttons of the same powder special off
//name is same, power is i
const elem2 = document.getElementById(prefix + i);
if(elem2.classList.contains("toggleOn")) { elem2.classList.remove("toggleOn"); }
//toggle the pressed button on
class PowderSpecialCalcNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor() { super('builder-powder-special-apply'); }
compute_func(input_map) {
const powder_specials = input_map.get('powder-specials');
let stats = new Map();
for (const [special, power] of powder_specials) {
if (special["weaponSpecialEffects"].has("Damage Boost")) {
let name = special["weaponSpecialName"];
if (name === "Courage" || name === "Curse" || name == "Wind Prison") { // Master mod all the way
stats.set("damMult."+name, special.weaponSpecialEffects.get("Damage Boost")[power-1]);
// legacy
stats.set("poisonPct", special.weaponSpecialEffects.get("Damage Boost")[power-1]);
return stats;
class PowderSpecialDisplayNode extends ComputeNode {
// TODO: Refactor this entirely to be adding more spells to the spell list
constructor() {
this.fail_cb = true;
compute_func(input_map) {
const powder_specials = input_map.get('powder-specials');
const stats = input_map.get('stats');
const weapon = input_map.get('build').weapon;
displayPowderSpecials(document.getElementById("powder-special-stats"), powder_specials, stats, weapon.statMap);
* Node for getting an item's stats from an item input field.
* Signature: ItemInputNode() => Item | null
class ItemInputNode extends InputNode {
* Make an item stat pulling compute node.
* @param name: Name of this node.
* @param item_input_field: Input field (html element) to listen for item names from.
* @param none_item: Item object to use as the "none" for this field.
constructor(name, item_input_field, none_item) {
super(name, item_input_field);
this.none_item = new Item(none_item);
this.category = this.none_item.statMap.get('category');
if (this.category == 'armor' || this.category == 'weapon') {
this.none_item.statMap.set('powders', []);
apply_weapon_powders(this.none_item.statMap); // Needed to put in damagecalc zeros
this.none_item.statMap.set('NONE', true);
compute_func(input_map) {
// built on the assumption of no one will type in CI/CR letter by letter
let item_text = this.input_field.value;
if (!item_text) {
return this.none_item;
let item;
if (item_text.slice(0, 3) == "CI-") { item = getCustomFromHash(item_text); }
else if (item_text.slice(0, 3) == "CR-") { item = getCraftFromHash(item_text); }
else if (itemMap.has(item_text)) { item = new Item(itemMap.get(item_text)); }
else if (tomeMap.has(item_text)) { item = new Item(tomeMap.get(item_text)); }
if (item) {
let type_match;
if (this.category == 'weapon') {
type_match = item.statMap.get('category') == 'weapon';
} else {
type_match = item.statMap.get('type') == this.none_item.statMap.get('type');
if (type_match) {
return item;
else if (this.none_item.statMap.get('category') === 'weapon' && item_text.startsWith("Morph-")) {
let replace_items = [ "Morph-Stardust",
for (const [i, x] of zip2(equipment_inputs, replace_items)) { setValue(i, x); }
for (const node of equip_inputs) {
if (node !== this) {
// save a tiny bit of compute
calcSchedule(node, 10);
// Needed to push the weapon node's updates forward
return this.compute_func(input_map);
return null;
* Node for updating item input fields from parsed items.
* Signature: ItemInputDisplayNode(item: Item, powdering: List[powder]) => Item
class ItemPowderingNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor(name) { super(name); }
compute_func(input_map) {
const powdering = input_map.get('powdering');
const input_item = input_map.get('item');
const item = input_item.copy(); // TODO: performance
const max_slots = item.statMap.get('slots');
item.statMap.set('powders', powdering.slice(0, max_slots));
if (item.statMap.get('category') == 'armor') {
else if (item.statMap.get('category') == 'weapon') {
return item;
* Node for updating item input fields from parsed items.
* Signature: ItemInputDisplayNode(item: Item) => null
class ItemInputDisplayNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor(name, eq, item_image) {
this.input_field = document.getElementById(eq+"-choice");
this.health_field = document.getElementById(eq+"-health");
this.level_field = document.getElementById(eq+"-lv");
this.image = item_image;
this.fail_cb = true;
compute_func(input_map) {
if (input_map.size !== 1) { throw "ItemInputDisplayNode accepts exactly one input (item)"; }
const [item] = input_map.values(); // Extract values, pattern match it into size one list and bind to first element
this.input_field.classList.remove("text-light", "is-invalid", 'Normal', 'Unique', 'Rare', 'Legendary', 'Fabled', 'Mythic', 'Set', 'Crafted', 'Custom');
this.image.classList.remove('Normal-shadow', 'Unique-shadow', 'Rare-shadow', 'Legendary-shadow', 'Fabled-shadow', 'Mythic-shadow', 'Set-shadow', 'Crafted-shadow', 'Custom-shadow');
if (this.health_field) {
// Doesn't exist for weapons.
this.health_field.textContent = "0";
if (this.level_field) {
// Doesn't exist for tomes.
this.level_field.textContent = "0";
if (!item) {
return null;
if (item.statMap.has('NONE')) {
return null;
const tier = item.statMap.get('tier');
if (this.health_field) {
// Doesn't exist for weapons.
this.health_field.textContent = item.statMap.get('hp');
if (this.level_field) {
// Doesn't exist for tomes.
this.level_field.textContent = item.statMap.get('lvl');
this.image.classList.add(tier + "-shadow");
return null;
* Node for rendering an item.
* Signature: ItemDisplayNode(item: Item) => null
class ItemDisplayNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor(name, target_elem) {
this.target_elem = target_elem;
compute_func(input_map) {
if (input_map.size !== 1) { throw "ItemInputDisplayNode accepts exactly one input (item)"; }
const [item] = input_map.values(); // Extract values, pattern match it into size one list and bind to first element
displayExpandedItem(item.statMap, this.target_elem);
* Change the weapon to match correct type.
* Signature: WeaponInputDisplayNode(item: Item) => null
class WeaponInputDisplayNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor(name, image_field, dps_field) {
this.image = image_field;
this.dps_field = dps_field;
compute_func(input_map) {
if (input_map.size !== 1) { throw "WeaponDisplayNode accepts exactly one input (item)"; }
const [item] = input_map.values(); // Extract values, pattern match it into size one list and bind to first element
const type = item.statMap.get('type');
this.image.style.backgroundPosition = itemBGPositions[type];
let dps = get_base_dps(item.statMap);
if (isNaN(dps)) {
dps = dps[1];
if (isNaN(dps)) dps = 0;
this.dps_field.textContent = Math.round(dps);
* Encode the build into a url-able string.
* Signature: BuildEncodeNode(build: Build,
* helmet-powder: List[powder],
* chestplate-powder: List[powder],
* leggings-powder: List[powder],
* boots-powder: List[powder],
* weapon-powder: List[powder]) => str
class BuildEncodeNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor() { super("builder-encode"); }
compute_func(input_map) {
const build = input_map.get('build');
const atree = input_map.get('atree');
const atree_state = input_map.get('atree-state');
let powders = [
const skillpoints = [
// TODO: grr global state for copy button..
player_build = build;
build_powders = powders;
return encodeBuild(build, powders, skillpoints, atree, atree_state);
* Update the window's URL.
* Signature: URLUpdateNode(build_str: str) => null
class URLUpdateNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor() { super("builder-url-update"); }
compute_func(input_map) {
if (input_map.size !== 1) { throw "URLUpdateNode accepts exactly one input (build_str)"; }
const [build_str] = input_map.values(); // Extract values, pattern match it into size one list and bind to first element
location.hash = build_str;
* Create a "build" object from a set of equipments.
* Returns a new Build object, or null if all items are NONE items.
* Signature: BuildAssembleNode(helmet: Item,
* chestplate: Item,
* leggings: Item,
* boots: Item,
* ring1: Item,
* ring2: Item,
* bracelet: Item,
* necklace: Item,
* weapon: Item,
* level: int) => Build | null
class BuildAssembleNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor() { super("builder-make-build"); }
compute_func(input_map) {
let equipments = [
let weapon = input_map.get('weapon');
let level = parseInt(input_map.get('level-input'));
if (isNaN(level)) {
level = 106;
let all_none = weapon.statMap.has('NONE');
for (const item of equipments) {
all_none = all_none && item.statMap.has('NONE');
if (all_none && !location.hash) {
return null;
return new Build(level, equipments, weapon);
class PlayerClassNode extends ValueCheckComputeNode {
constructor(name) { super(name); }
compute_func(input_map) {
if (input_map.size !== 1) { throw "PlayerClassNode accepts exactly one input (build)"; }
const [build] = input_map.values(); // Extract values, pattern match it into size one list and bind to first element
if (build.weapon.statMap.has('NONE')) { return null; }
return wep_to_class.get(build.weapon.statMap.get('type'));
* Read an input field and parse into a list of powderings.
* Every two characters makes one powder. If parsing fails, NULL is returned.
* Signature: PowderInputNode(item: Item) => List[powder] | null
class PowderInputNode extends InputNode {
constructor(name, input_field) { super(name, input_field); this.fail_cb = true; }
compute_func(input_map) {
if (input_map.size !== 1) { throw "PowderInputNode accepts exactly one input (item)"; }
const [item] = input_map.values(); // Extract values, pattern match it into size one list and bind to first element
if (item === null) {
this.input_field.placeholder = 'powders';
return [];
if (item.statMap.has('slots')) {
this.input_field.placeholder = item.statMap.get('slots') + ' slots';
// TODO: haha improve efficiency to O(n) dumb
let input = this.input_field.value.trim();
let powdering = [];
let errorederrors = [];
while (input) {
let first = input.slice(0, 2);
let powder = powderIDs.get(first);
if (powder === undefined) {
if (first.length > 0) {
} else {
} else {
input = input.slice(2);
if (this.input_field.getAttribute("placeholder") != null) {
if (item.statMap.get('slots') < powdering.length) {
errorederrors.push("Too many powders: " + powdering.length);
if (errorederrors.length) {
} else {
return powdering;
* Get all defensive stats for this build.
function getDefenseStats(stats) {
let defenseStats = [];
let def_pct = skillPointsToPercentage(stats.get('def')) * skillpoint_final_mult[3];
let agi_pct = skillPointsToPercentage(stats.get('agi')) * skillpoint_final_mult[4];
//total hp
let totalHp = stats.get("hp") + stats.get("hpBonus");
if (totalHp < 5) totalHp = 5;
let ehp = [totalHp, totalHp];
let defMult = (2 - stats.get("classDef"));
for (const [k, v] of stats.get("defMult").entries()) {
defMult *= (1 - v/100);
// newehp = oldehp / [0.1 * A(x) + (1 - A(x)) * (1 - D(x))]
ehp[0] = ehp[0] / (0.1*agi_pct + (1-agi_pct) * (1-def_pct));
ehp[0] /= defMult;
// ehp[0] /= (1-def_pct)*(1-agi_pct)*defMult;
ehp[1] /= (1-def_pct)*defMult;
let totalHpr = rawToPct(stats.get("hprRaw"), stats.get("hprPct")/100.);
let ehpr = [totalHpr, totalHpr];
ehpr[0] = ehpr[0] / (0.1*agi_pct + (1-agi_pct) * (1-def_pct));
ehpr[0] /= defMult;
ehpr[1] /= (1-def_pct)*defMult;
//skp stats
defenseStats.push([ def_pct*100, agi_pct*100]);
//eledefs - TODO POWDERS
let eledefs = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for(const i in skp_elements){ //kinda jank but ok
eledefs[i] = rawToPct(stats.get(skp_elements[i] + "Def"), (stats.get(skp_elements[i] + "DefPct") + stats.get("rDefPct"))/100.);
//[total hp, [ehp w/ agi, ehp w/o agi], total hpr, [ehpr w/ agi, ehpr w/o agi], [def%, agi%], [edef,tdef,wdef,fdef,adef]]
return defenseStats;
* Compute spell damage of spell parts.
* Currently kinda janky / TODO while we rework the internal rep. of spells.
* Signature: SpellDamageCalcNode(weapon-input: Item,
* stats: StatMap,
* spell-info: [Spell, SpellParts]) => List[SpellDamage]
class SpellDamageCalcNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor(spell) {
this.spell = spell;
compute_func(input_map) {
const weapon = input_map.get('build').weapon.statMap;
const spell = this.spell;
const spell_parts = spell.parts;
const stats = input_map.get('stats');
const skillpoints = [
let display_spell_results = []
let spell_result_map = new Map();
const use_speed = (('use_atkspd' in spell) ? spell.use_atkspd : true);
const use_spell = (('scaling' in spell) ? spell.scaling === 'spell' : true);
for (const part of spell_parts) {
const {name, display=true} = part;
spell_result_map.set(name, {type: "need_eval", store_part: part});
function eval_part(part_name) {
let dat = spell_result_map.get(part_name);
if (!dat) {
return dat; // return null, or undefined, or whatever it is that this gives
if (dat.type !== "need_eval") {
return dat; // Already evaluated. Return it
let part = dat.store_part;
let spell_result;
const part_id = spell.base_spell + '.' + part.name
if ('multipliers' in part) { // damage type spell
let results = calculateSpellDamage(stats, weapon, part.multipliers, use_spell, !use_speed, part_id);
spell_result = {
type: "damage",
normal_min: results[2].map(x => x[0]),
normal_max: results[2].map(x => x[1]),
normal_total: results[0],
crit_min: results[2].map(x => x[2]),
crit_max: results[2].map(x => x[3]),
crit_total: results[1],
} else if ('power' in part) {
// TODO: wynn2 formula
const mult_map = stats.get("healMult");
let heal_mult = 1;
for (const [k, v] of mult_map.entries()) {
if (k.includes(':')) {
// TODO: fragile... checking for specific part multipliers.
const spell_match = k.split(':')[1];
if (spell_match !== part_id) {
heal_mult *= (1 + v/100);
let _heal_amount = part.power * getDefenseStats(stats)[0] * heal_mult;
spell_result = {
type: "heal",
heal_amount: _heal_amount
} else { // if 'hits' in part
spell_result = {
normal_min: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
normal_max: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
normal_total: [0, 0],
crit_min: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
crit_max: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
crit_total: [0, 0],
heal_amount: 0
const dam_res_keys = ['normal_min', 'normal_max', 'normal_total', 'crit_min', 'crit_max', 'crit_total'];
for (const [subpart_name, hits] of Object.entries(part.hits)) {
const subpart = eval_part(subpart_name);
if (!subpart) { continue; }
if (spell_result.type) {
if (subpart.type !== spell_result.type) {
throw "SpellCalc total subpart type mismatch";
else {
spell_result.type = subpart.type;
if (spell_result.type === 'damage') {
for (const key of dam_res_keys) {
for (let i in spell_result.normal_min) {
spell_result[key][i] += subpart[key][i] * hits;
else {
spell_result.heal_amount += subpart.heal_amount * hits;
const {name, display = true} = part;
spell_result.name = name;
spell_result.display = display;
spell_result_map.set(name, spell_result);
return spell_result;
// TODO: move preprocessing to separate node/node chain
for (const part of spell_parts) {
let spell_result = eval_part(part.name);
return display_spell_results;
* Display spell damage from spell parts.
* Currently kinda janky / TODO while we rework the internal rep. of spells.
* Signature: SpellDisplayNode(stats: StatMap,
* spell-info: [Spell, SpellParts],
* spell-damage: List[SpellDamage]) => null
class SpellDisplayNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor(spell) {
this.spell = spell;
compute_func(input_map) {
const stats = input_map.get('stats');
const damages = input_map.get('spell-damage');
const spell = this.spell;
const i = this.spell.base_spell;
let parent_elem = document.getElementById("spell"+i+"-info");
let overallparent_elem = document.getElementById("spell"+i+"-infoAvg");
displaySpellDamage(parent_elem, overallparent_elem, stats, spell, i, damages);
* Display build stats.
* Signature: BuildDisplayNode(build: Build) => null
class BuildDisplayNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor() { super("builder-stats-display"); }
compute_func(input_map) {
const build = input_map.get('build');
const stats = input_map.get('stats');
displayBuildStats('summary-stats', build, build_overall_display_commands, stats);
displayBuildStats("detailed-stats", build, build_detailed_display_commands, stats);
displaySetBonuses("set-info", build);
// TODO: move weapon out?
// displayDefenseStats(document.getElementById("defensive-stats"), stats);
displayPoisonDamage(document.getElementById("build-poison-stats"), stats);
displayEquipOrder(document.getElementById("build-order"), build.equip_order);
* Show warnings for skillpoints, level, set bonus for a build
* Also shosw skill point remaining and other misc. info
* Signature: DisplayBuildWarningNode(build: Build, str: int, dex: int, int: int, def: int, agi: int) => null
class DisplayBuildWarningsNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor() { super("builder-show-warnings"); }
compute_func(input_map) {
const build = input_map.get('build');
const min_assigned = build.base_skillpoints;
const base_totals = build.total_skillpoints;
const skillpoints = [
let skp_effects = ["% damage","% crit","% cost red.","% resist","% dodge"];
let total_assigned = 0;
for (let i in skp_order){ //big bren
const assigned = skillpoints[i] - base_totals[i] + min_assigned[i]
setText(skp_order[i] + "-skp-base", "Original: " + base_totals[i]);
setText(skp_order[i] + "-skp-assign", "Assign: " + assigned);
setValue(skp_order[i] + "-skp", skillpoints[i]);
let linebreak = document.createElement("br");
setText(skp_order[i] + "-skp-pct", (skillPointsToPercentage(skillpoints[i])*100*skillpoint_final_mult[i]).toFixed(1).concat(skp_effects[i]));
document.getElementById(skp_order[i]+"-warnings").textContent = ''
if (assigned > 100) {
let skp_warning = document.createElement("p");
skp_warning.classList.add("warning", "small-text");
skp_warning.textContent += "Cannot assign " + assigned + " skillpoints in " + ["Strength","Dexterity","Intelligence","Defense","Agility"][i] + " manually.";
total_assigned += assigned;
let summarybox = document.getElementById("summary-box");
summarybox.textContent = "";
let remainingSkp = make_elem("p", ['scaled-font', 'my-0']);
let remainingSkpTitle = make_elem("b", [], { textContent: "Assigned " + total_assigned + " skillpoints. Remaining skillpoints: " });
let remainingSkpContent = document.createElement("b");
remainingSkpContent.textContent = "" + (levelToSkillPoints(build.level) - total_assigned);
remainingSkpContent.classList.add(levelToSkillPoints(build.level) - total_assigned < 0 ? "negative" : "positive");
if(total_assigned > levelToSkillPoints(build.level)){
let skpWarning = document.createElement("span");
skpWarning.textContent = "WARNING: Too many skillpoints need to be assigned!";
let skpCount = document.createElement("p");
skpCount.textContent = "For level " + (build.level>101 ? "101+" : build.level) + ", there are only " + levelToSkillPoints(build.level) + " skill points available.";
let lvlWarning;
for (const item of build.items) {
let item_lvl;
if (item.statMap.get("crafted")) {
//item_lvl = item.get("lvlLow") + "-" + item.get("lvl");
item_lvl = item.statMap.get("lvlLow");
else {
item_lvl = item.statMap.get("lvl");
if (build.level < item_lvl) {
if (!lvlWarning) {
lvlWarning = document.createElement("p");
lvlWarning.classList.add("itemp"); lvlWarning.classList.add("warning");
lvlWarning.textContent = "WARNING: A level " + build.level + " player cannot use some piece(s) of this build."
let baditem = document.createElement("p");
baditem.classList.add("nocolor"); baditem.classList.add("itemp");
baditem.textContent = item.statMap.get("displayName") + " requires level " + item_lvl + " to use.";
for (const [setName, count] of build.activeSetCounts) {
const bonus = sets.get(setName).bonuses[count-1];
if (bonus["illegal"]) {
let setWarning = document.createElement("p");
setWarning.classList.add("itemp"); setWarning.classList.add("warning");
setWarning.textContent = "WARNING: illegal item combination: " + setName
* Aggregate stats from all inputs (merges statmaps).
* Signature: AggregateStatsNode(*args) => StatMap
class AggregateStatsNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor(name) { super(name); }
compute_func(input_map) {
const output_stats = new Map();
for (const [k, v] of input_map.entries()) {
for (const [k2, v2] of v.entries()) {
merge_stat(output_stats, k2, v2);
return output_stats;
let radiance_affected = [ /*"hp"*/, "fDef", "wDef", "aDef", "tDef", "eDef", "hprPct", "mr", "sdPct", "mdPct", "ls", "ms",
// "xpb", "lb",
/*"str", "dex", "int", "agi", "def",*/ // TODO its affected but i have to make it not affect req
"thorns", "expd", "spd", "atkTier", "poison", "hpBonus", "spRegen", "eSteal", "hprRaw", "sdRaw", "mdRaw", "fDamPct", "wDamPct", "aDamPct", "tDamPct", "eDamPct", "fDefPct", "wDefPct", "aDefPct", "tDefPct", "eDefPct", "fixID", "category", "spPct1", "spRaw1", "spPct2", "spRaw2", "spPct3", "spRaw3", "spPct4", "spRaw4", "rSdRaw", "sprint", "sprintReg", "jh",
// "lq", "gXp", "gSpd",
// wynn2 damages.
"nMdPct","nMdRaw","nSdPct","nSdRaw","nDamPct","nDamRaw",//"nDamAddMin","nDamAddMax", // neutral which is now an element
/*"mdPct","mdRaw","sdPct","sdRaw",*/"damPct","damRaw",//"damAddMin","damAddMax", // These are the old ids. Become proportional.
"rMdPct","rMdRaw","rSdPct",/*"rSdRaw",*/"rDamPct","rDamRaw",//"rDamAddMin","rDamAddMax", // rainbow (the "element" of all minus neutral). rSdRaw is rainraw
//"spPct1Final", "spPct2Final", "spPct3Final", "spPct4Final",
"healPct", "kb", "weakenEnemy", "slowEnemy", "rDefPct"
* Scale stats if radiance is enabled.
* TODO: skillpoints...
const radiance_node = new (class extends ComputeNode {
constructor() { super('radiance-node->:('); }
compute_func(input_map) {
const [statmap] = input_map.values(); // Extract values, pattern match it into size one list and bind to first element
let elem = document.getElementById('radiance-boost');
if (elem.classList.contains("toggleOn")) {
const ret = new Map(statmap);
for (const val of radiance_affected) {
if (reversedIDs.includes(val)) {
if ((ret.get(val) || 0) < 0) {
ret.set(val, Math.floor((ret.get(val) || 0) * 1.2));
else {
if ((ret.get(val) || 0) > 0) {
ret.set(val, Math.floor((ret.get(val) || 0) * 1.2));
// const dam_mults = new Map(ret.get('damMult'));
// dam_mults.set('tome', dam_mults.get('tome') * 1.2)
// ret.set('damMult', dam_mults)
// const def_mults = new Map(ret.get('defMult'));
// def_mults.set('tome', def_mults.get('tome') * 1.2)
// ret.set('defMult', def_mults)
return ret;
else {
return statmap;
/* Updates all spell boosts
function update_radiance() {
let elem = document.getElementById('radiance-boost');
if (elem.classList.contains("toggleOn")) {
} else {
* Aggregate editable ID stats with build and weapon type.
* Signature: AggregateEditableIDNode(build: Build, weapon: Item, *args) => StatMap
class AggregateEditableIDNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor() { super("builder-aggregate-inputs"); }
compute_func(input_map) {
const build = input_map.get('build'); input_map.delete('build');
const output_stats = new Map(build.statMap);
for (const [k, v] of input_map.entries()) {
output_stats.set(k, v);
output_stats.set('classDef', classDefenseMultipliers.get(build.weapon.statMap.get("type")));
return output_stats;
let edit_id_output;
function resetEditableIDs() {
* Set the editble id fields.
* Signature: EditableIDSetterNode(build: Build) => null
class EditableIDSetterNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor(notify_nodes) {
this.notify_nodes = notify_nodes.slice();
for (const child of this.notify_nodes) {
child.fail_cb = true;
compute_func(input_map) {
if (input_map.size !== 1) { throw "EditableIDSetterNode accepts exactly one input (build)"; }
const [build] = input_map.values(); // Extract values, pattern match it into size one list and bind to first element
for (const id of editable_item_fields) {
const val = build.statMap.get(id);
document.getElementById(id).value = val;
document.getElementById(id+'-base').textContent = 'Original Value: ' + val;
notify() {
// NOTE: DO NOT merge these loops for performance reasons!!!
for (const node of this.notify_nodes) {
for (const node of this.notify_nodes) {
* Set skillpoint fields from build.
* This is separate because..... because of the way we work with edit ids vs skill points during the load sequence....
* Signature: SkillPointSetterNode(build: Build) => null
class SkillPointSetterNode extends ComputeNode {
constructor(notify_nodes) {
this.notify_nodes = notify_nodes.slice();
for (const child of this.notify_nodes) {
child.fail_cb = true;
// This is needed because initially there is a value mismatch possibly... due to setting skillpoints manually
child.mark_input_clean(this.name, null);
compute_func(input_map) {
if (input_map.size !== 1) { throw "SkillPointSetterNode accepts exactly one input (build)"; }
const [build] = input_map.values(); // Extract values, pattern match it into size one list and bind to first element
for (const [idx, elem] of skp_order.entries()) {
document.getElementById(elem+'-skp').value = build.total_skillpoints[idx];
* Get number (possibly summed) from a text input.
* Signature: SumNumberInputNode() => int
class SumNumberInputNode extends InputNode {
compute_func(input_map) {
let value = this.input_field.value;
if (value === "") { value = "0"; }
let input_num = 0;
if (value.includes("+")) {
let skp = value.split("+");
for (const s of skp) {
const val = parseInt(s,10);
if (isNaN(val)) {
return null;
input_num += val;
} else {
input_num = parseInt(value,10);
if (isNaN(input_num)) {
return null;
return input_num;
let item_final_nodes = [];
let powder_nodes = [];
let edit_input_nodes = [];
let skp_inputs = [];
let equip_inputs = [];
let build_node;
let stat_agg_node;
let edit_agg_node;
let atree_graph_creator;
* Parameters:
* save_skp: bool True if skillpoints are modified away from skp engine defaults.
function builder_graph_init(save_skp) {
// Phase 1/3: Set up item input, propagate updates, etc.
// Level input node.
let level_input = new InputNode('level-input', document.getElementById('level-choice'));
// "Build" now only refers to equipment and level (no powders). Powders are injected before damage calculation / stat display.
build_node = new BuildAssembleNode();
atree_merge.link_to(build_node, "build");
let build_encode_node = new BuildEncodeNode();
build_encode_node.link_to(build_node, 'build');
// Bind item input fields to input nodes, and some display stuff (for auto colorizing stuff).
for (const [eq, display_elem, none_item] of zip3(equipment_fields, build_fields, none_items)) {
let input_field = document.getElementById(eq+"-choice");
let item_image = document.getElementById(eq+"-img");
let item_input = new ItemInputNode(eq+'-input', input_field, none_item);
if (powder_inputs.includes(eq+'-powder')) { // TODO: fragile
const powder_name = eq+'-powder';
let powder_node = new PowderInputNode(powder_name, document.getElementById(powder_name))
.link_to(item_input, 'item');
build_encode_node.link_to(powder_node, powder_name);
let item_powdering = new ItemPowderingNode(eq+'-powder-apply')
.link_to(powder_node, 'powdering').link_to(item_input, 'item');
item_input = item_powdering;
new ItemInputDisplayNode(eq+'-input-display', eq, item_image).link_to(item_input);
new ItemDisplayNode(eq+'-item-display', display_elem).link_to(item_input);
//new PrintNode(eq+'-debug').link_to(item_input);
//document.querySelector("#"+eq+"-tooltip").setAttribute("onclick", "collapse_element('#"+ eq +"-tooltip');"); //toggle_plus_minus('" + eq + "-pm');
build_node.link_to(item_input, eq);
for (const [eq, none_item] of zip2(tome_fields, [none_tomes[0], none_tomes[0], none_tomes[1], none_tomes[1], none_tomes[1], none_tomes[1], none_tomes[2], none_tomes[3]])) {
let input_field = document.getElementById(eq+"-choice");
let item_image = document.getElementById(eq+"-img");
let item_input = new ItemInputNode(eq+'-input', input_field, none_item);
new ItemInputDisplayNode(eq+'-input-display', eq, item_image).link_to(item_input);
build_node.link_to(item_input, eq);
// weapon image changer node.
let weapon_image = document.getElementById("weapon-img");
let weapon_dps = document.getElementById("weapon-dps");
new WeaponInputDisplayNode('weapon-type-display', weapon_image, weapon_dps).link_to(item_final_nodes[8]);
// linking to atree verification
atree_validate.link_to(level_input, 'level');
let url_update_node = new URLUpdateNode();
url_update_node.link_to(build_encode_node, 'build-str');
// Phase 2/3: Set up editable IDs, skill points; use decodeBuild() skill points, calculate damage
// Create one node that will be the "aggregator node" (listen to all the editable id nodes, as well as the build_node (for non editable stats) and collect them into one statmap)
pre_scale_agg_node = new AggregateStatsNode('pre-scale-stats');
stat_agg_node = new AggregateStatsNode('final-stats');
edit_agg_node = new AggregateEditableIDNode();
edit_agg_node.link_to(build_node, 'build');
for (const field of editable_item_fields) {
// Create nodes that listens to each editable id input, the node name should match the "id"
const elem = document.getElementById(field);
const node = new SumNumberInputNode('builder-'+field+'-input', elem);
edit_agg_node.link_to(node, field);
// Edit IDs setter declared up here to set ids so they will be populated by default.
edit_id_output = new EditableIDSetterNode(edit_input_nodes); // Makes shallow copy of list.
edit_agg_node.link_to(edit_id_output, 'edit-id-setter');
for (const skp of skp_order) {
const elem = document.getElementById(skp+'-skp');
const node = new SumNumberInputNode('builder-'+skp+'-input', elem);
edit_agg_node.link_to(node, skp);
build_encode_node.link_to(node, skp);
// Phase 3/3: Set up atree stuff.
let class_node = new PlayerClassNode('builder-class').link_to(build_node);
// These two are defined in `builder/atree.js`
atree_node.link_to(class_node, 'player-class');
atree_merge.link_to(class_node, 'player-class');
pre_scale_agg_node.link_to(atree_raw_stats, 'atree-raw-stats');
radiance_node.link_to(pre_scale_agg_node, 'stats');
atree_scaling.link_to(radiance_node, 'scale-stats');
stat_agg_node.link_to(radiance_node, 'pre-scaling');
stat_agg_node.link_to(atree_scaling_stats, 'atree-scaling');
build_encode_node.link_to(atree_node, 'atree').link_to(atree_state_node, 'atree-state');
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Trigger the update cascade for build!
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
for (const input_node of equip_inputs) {
atree_graph_creator = new AbilityTreeEnsureNodesNode(build_node, stat_agg_node)
.link_to(atree_collect_spells, 'spells');
// kinda janky, manually set atree and update. Some wasted compute here
if (atree_data !== null && atree_node.value !== null) { // janky check if atree is valid
const atree_state = atree_state_node.value;
if (atree_data.length > 0) {
try {
const active_nodes = decode_atree(atree_node.value, atree_data);
for (const node of active_nodes) {
atree_set_state(atree_state.get(node.ability.id), true);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Failed to decode atree. This can happen when updating versions. Give up!")
// Powder specials.
let powder_special_calc = new PowderSpecialCalcNode().link_to(powder_special_input, 'powder-specials');
new PowderSpecialDisplayNode().link_to(powder_special_input, 'powder-specials')
.link_to(stat_agg_node, 'stats').link_to(build_node, 'build');
pre_scale_agg_node.link_to(powder_special_calc, 'powder-boost');
stat_agg_node.link_to(armor_powder_node, 'armor-powder');
// Potion boost.
stat_agg_node.link_to(boosts_node, 'potion-boost');
// Also do something similar for skill points
let build_disp_node = new BuildDisplayNode()
build_disp_node.link_to(build_node, 'build');
build_disp_node.link_to(stat_agg_node, 'stats');
for (const node of edit_input_nodes) {
let skp_output = new SkillPointSetterNode(skp_inputs);
if (!save_skp) {
let build_warnings_node = new DisplayBuildWarningsNode();
build_warnings_node.link_to(build_node, 'build');
for (const [skp_input, skp] of zip2(skp_inputs, skp_order)) {
build_warnings_node.link_to(skp_input, skp);
// call node.update() for each skillpoint node and stat edit listener node manually
// NOTE: the text boxes for skill points are already filled out by decodeBuild() so this will fix them
// this will propagate the update to the `stat_agg_node`, and then to damage calc
console.log("Set up graph");
graph_live_update = true;