const classDefenseMultipliers = new Map([ ["relik",0.50], ["bow",0.60], ["wand", 0.80], ["dagger", 1.0], ["spear",1.20], ["sword", 1.10]]); /** * @description Error to catch items that don't exist. * @module ItemNotFound */ class ItemNotFound { /** * @class * @param {String} item the item name entered * @param {String} type the type of item * @param {Boolean} genElement whether to generate an element from inputs * @param {String} override override for item type */ constructor(item, type, genElement, override) { /** * @public * @type {String} */ this.message = `Cannot find ${override||type} named ${item}`; if (genElement) /** * @public * @type {Element} */ this.element = document.getElementById(`${type}-choice`).parentElement.querySelectorAll("p.error")[0]; else this.element = document.createElement("div"); } } /** * @description Error to catch incorrect input. * @module IncorrectInput */ class IncorrectInput { /** * @class * @param {String} input the inputted text * @param {String} format the correct format * @param {String} sibling the id of the error node's sibling */ constructor(input, format, sibling) { /** * @public * @type {String} */ this.message = `${input} is incorrect. Example: ${format}`; /** * @public * @type {String} */ = sibling; } } /** * @description Error that inputs an array of items to generate errors of. * @module ListError * @extends Error */ class ListError extends Error { /** * @class * @param {Array} errors array of errors */ constructor(errors) { let ret = []; if (typeof errors[0] == "string") { super(errors[0]); } else { super(errors[0].message); } for (let i of errors) { if (typeof i == "string") { ret.push(new Error(i)); } else { ret.push(i); } } /** * @public * @type {Object[]} */ this.errors = ret; } } /*Class that represents a wynn player's build. */ class Build{ /** * @description Construct a build. * @param {Number} level : Level of the player. * @param {String[]} equipment : List of equipment names that make up the build. * In order: boots, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots, Ring1, Ring2, Brace, Neck, Weapon. * @param {Number[]} powders : Powder application. List of lists of integers (powder IDs). * In order: boots, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots, Weapon. * @param {Object[]} inputerrors : List of instances of error-like classes. * * @param {Object[]} tomes: List of tomes. * In order: 2x Weapon Mastery Tome, 4x Armor Mastery Tome, 1x Guild Tome. * 2x Slaying Mastery Tome, 2x Dungeoneering Mastery Tome, 2x Gathering Mastery Tome are in game, but do not have "useful" stats (those that affect damage calculations or building) */ constructor(level, items, tomes, weapon){ if (level < 1) { //Should these be constants? this.level = 1; } else if (level > 106) { this.level = 106; } else if (level <= 106 && level >= 1) { this.level = level; } else if (typeof level === "string") { this.level = level; errors.push(new IncorrectInput(level, "a number", "level-choice")); } else { errors.push("Level is not a string or number."); } document.getElementById("level-choice").value = this.level; this.availableSkillpoints = levelToSkillPoints(this.level); = items; this.tomes = tomes; this.weapon = weapon; this.items =[this.weapon]).concat(this.tomes); // return [equip_order, best_skillpoints, final_skillpoints, best_total]; // calc skillpoints requires statmaps only let result = calculate_skillpoints( => x.statMap), this.weapon.statMap); console.log(result); this.equip_order = result[0]; // How many skillpoints the player had to assign (5 number) this.base_skillpoints = result[1]; // How many skillpoints the build ended up with (5 number) this.total_skillpoints = result[2]; // How many skillpoints assigned (1 number, sum of base_skillpoints) this.assigned_skillpoints = result[3]; this.activeSetCounts = result[4]; this.initBuildStats(); } /*Returns build in string format */ toString(){ return [,this.weapon,this.tomes].flat(); } /* Getters */ getSpellCost(spellIdx, cost) { return Math.max(1, this.getBaseSpellCost(spellIdx, cost)); } getBaseSpellCost(spellIdx, cost) { // old intelligence: cost = Math.ceil(cost * (1 - skillPointsToPercentage(this.total_skillpoints[2]))); cost += this.statMap.get("spRaw"+spellIdx); return Math.floor(cost * (1 + this.statMap.get("spPct"+spellIdx) / 100)); } /* Get melee stats for build. Returns an array in the order: */ getMeleeStats(){ const stats = this.statMap; const weapon_stats = this.weapon.statMap; if (weapon_stats.get("tier") === "Crafted") { stats.set("damageBases", [weapon_stats.get("nDamBaseHigh"),weapon_stats.get("eDamBaseHigh"),weapon_stats.get("tDamBaseHigh"),weapon_stats.get("wDamBaseHigh"),weapon_stats.get("fDamBaseHigh"),weapon_stats.get("aDamBaseHigh")]); } let adjAtkSpd = attackSpeeds.indexOf(stats.get("atkSpd")) + stats.get("atkTier"); if(adjAtkSpd > 6){ adjAtkSpd = 6; }else if(adjAtkSpd < 0){ adjAtkSpd = 0; } let damage_mult = 1; if (weapon_stats.get("type") === "relik") { damage_mult = 0.99; // CURSE YOU WYNNCRAFT //One day we will create WynnWynn and no longer have shaman 99% melee injustice. //In all seriousness 99% is because wynn uses 0.33 to estimate dividing the damage by 3 to split damage between 3 beams. } // 0spellmult for melee damage. let results = calculateSpellDamage(stats, [100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], stats.get("mdRaw"), stats.get("mdPct"), 0, this.weapon.statMap, this.total_skillpoints, damage_mult * this.damageMultiplier); let dex = this.total_skillpoints[1]; let totalDamNorm = results[0]; let totalDamCrit = results[1]; totalDamNorm.push(1-skillPointsToPercentage(dex)); totalDamCrit.push(skillPointsToPercentage(dex)); let damages_results = results[2]; let singleHitTotal = ((totalDamNorm[0]+totalDamNorm[1])*(totalDamNorm[2]) +(totalDamCrit[0]+totalDamCrit[1])*(totalDamCrit[2]))/2; //Now do math let normDPS = (totalDamNorm[0]+totalDamNorm[1])/2 * baseDamageMultiplier[adjAtkSpd]; let critDPS = (totalDamCrit[0]+totalDamCrit[1])/2 * baseDamageMultiplier[adjAtkSpd]; let avgDPS = (normDPS * (1 - skillPointsToPercentage(dex))) + (critDPS * (skillPointsToPercentage(dex))); //[[n n n n] [e e e e] [t t t t] [w w w w] [f f f f] [a a a a] [lowtotal hightotal normalChance] [critlowtotal crithightotal critChance] normalDPS critCPS averageDPS adjAttackSpeed, singleHit] return damages_results.concat([totalDamNorm,totalDamCrit,normDPS,critDPS,avgDPS,adjAtkSpd, singleHitTotal]).concat(results[3]); } /* Get all defensive stats for this build. */ getDefenseStats(){ const stats = this.statMap; let defenseStats = []; let def_pct = skillPointsToPercentage(this.total_skillpoints[3]); let agi_pct = skillPointsToPercentage(this.total_skillpoints[4]); //total hp let totalHp = stats.get("hp") + stats.get("hpBonus"); if (totalHp < 5) totalHp = 5; defenseStats.push(totalHp); //EHP let ehp = [totalHp, totalHp]; let defMult = classDefenseMultipliers.get(this.weapon.statMap.get("type")); ehp[0] /= ((1-def_pct)*(1-agi_pct)*(2-defMult)*(2-this.defenseMultiplier)); ehp[1] /= ((1-def_pct)*(2-defMult)*(2-this.defenseMultiplier)); defenseStats.push(ehp); //HPR let totalHpr = rawToPct(stats.get("hprRaw"), stats.get("hprPct")/100.); defenseStats.push(totalHpr); //EHPR let ehpr = [totalHpr, totalHpr]; ehpr[0] /= ((1-def_pct)*(1-agi_pct)*(2-defMult)*(2-this.defenseMultiplier)); ehpr[1] /= ((1-def_pct)*(2-defMult)*(2-this.defenseMultiplier)); defenseStats.push(ehpr); //skp stats defenseStats.push([ (1 - ((1-def_pct) * (2 - this.defenseMultiplier)))*100, agi_pct*100]); //eledefs - TODO POWDERS let eledefs = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for(const i in skp_elements){ //kinda jank but ok eledefs[i] = rawToPct(stats.get(skp_elements[i] + "Def"), stats.get(skp_elements[i] + "DefPct")/100.); } defenseStats.push(eledefs); //[total hp, [ehp w/ agi, ehp w/o agi], total hpr, [ehpr w/ agi, ehpr w/o agi], [def%, agi%], [edef,tdef,wdef,fdef,adef]] return defenseStats; } /* Get all stats for this build. Stores in this.statMap. @pre The build itself should be valid. No checking of validity of pieces is done here. */ initBuildStats(){ let staticIDs = ["hp", "eDef", "tDef", "wDef", "fDef", "aDef", "str", "dex", "int", "def", "agi"]; //Create a map of this build's stats let statMap = new Map(); for (const staticID of staticIDs) { statMap.set(staticID, 0); } statMap.set("hp", levelToHPBase(this.level)); let major_ids = new Set(); for (const item of this.items){ const item_stats = item.statMap; for (let [id, value] of item_stats.get("maxRolls")) { if (staticIDs.includes(id)) { continue; } statMap.set(id,(statMap.get(id) || 0)+value); } for (const staticID of staticIDs) { if (item_stats.get(staticID)) { statMap.set(staticID, statMap.get(staticID) + item_stats.get(staticID)); } } if (item_stats.get("majorIds")) { for (const major_id of item_stats.get("majorIds")) { major_ids.add(major_id); } } } statMap.set("activeMajorIDs", major_ids); for (const [setName, count] of this.activeSetCounts) { const bonus = sets.get(setName).bonuses[count-1]; for (const id in bonus) { if (skp_order.includes(id)) { // pass. Don't include skillpoints in ids } else { statMap.set(id,(statMap.get(id) || 0)+bonus[id]); } } } statMap.set("poisonPct", 100); // The stuff relevant for damage calculation!!! @ferricles statMap.set("atkSpd", this.weapon.statMap.get("atkSpd")); this.statMap = statMap; this.aggregateStats(); } aggregateStats() { let statMap = this.statMap; let weapon_stats = this.weapon.statMap; statMap.set("damageRaw", [weapon_stats.get("nDam"), weapon_stats.get("eDam"), weapon_stats.get("tDam"), weapon_stats.get("wDam"), weapon_stats.get("fDam"), weapon_stats.get("aDam")]); statMap.set("damageBonus", [statMap.get("eDamPct"), statMap.get("tDamPct"), statMap.get("wDamPct"), statMap.get("fDamPct"), statMap.get("aDamPct")]); statMap.set("defRaw", [statMap.get("eDef"), statMap.get("tDef"), statMap.get("wDef"), statMap.get("fDef"), statMap.get("aDef")]); statMap.set("defBonus", [statMap.get("eDefPct"), statMap.get("tDefPct"), statMap.get("wDefPct"), statMap.get("fDefPct"), statMap.get("aDefPct")]); statMap.set("defMult", classDefenseMultipliers.get(weapon_stats.get("type"))); } }