import json with open("dump.json", "r") as infile: data = json.loads( items = data["items"] del data["request"] with open("recipes_compress.json", "r") as infile: recipe_data = json.loads( recipes = recipe_data["recipes"] #this data does not have request :) with open("ingreds_compress.json", "r") as infile: ing_data = json.loads( ings = ing_data["ingredients"] #this data does not have request :) import os sets = dict() item_set_map = dict() for filename in os.listdir('sets'): if "json" not in filename: continue set_name = filename[1:].split(".")[0].replace("+", " ").replace("%27", "'") with open("sets/"+filename) as set_info: set_obj = json.load(set_info) for item in set_obj["items"]: item_set_map[item] = set_name sets[set_name] = set_obj data["sets"] = sets translate_mappings = { #this is used for items. #"name": "name", #"displayName": "displayName", #"tier": "tier", #"set": "set", "sockets": "slots", #"type": "type", #"armorType": "armorType", (deleted) #"armorColor": "color", (deleted) #"addedLore": "lore", (deleted) #"material": "material", (deleted) "dropType": "drop", #"quest": "quest", "restrictions": "restrict", "damage": "nDam", "fireDamage": "fDam", "waterDamage": "wDam", "airDamage": "aDam", "thunderDamage": "tDam", "earthDamage": "eDam", "attackSpeed": "atkSpd", "health": "hp", "fireDefense": "fDef", "waterDefense": "wDef", "airDefense": "aDef", "thunderDefense": "tDef", "earthDefense": "eDef", "level": "lvl", "classRequirement": "classReq", "strength": "strReq", "dexterity": "dexReq", "intelligence": "intReq", "agility": "agiReq", "defense": "defReq", "healthRegen": "hprPct", "manaRegen": "mr", "spellDamage": "sdPct", "damageBonus": "mdPct", "lifeSteal": "ls", "manaSteal": "ms", "xpBonus": "xpb", "lootBonus": "lb", "reflection": "ref", "strengthPoints": "str", "dexterityPoints": "dex", "intelligencePoints": "int", "agilityPoints": "agi", "defensePoints": "def", #"thorns": "thorns", "exploding": "expd", "speed": "spd", "attackSpeedBonus": "atkTier", #"poison": "poison", "healthBonus": "hpBonus", "soulPoints": "spRegen", "emeraldStealing": "eSteal", "healthRegenRaw": "hprRaw", "spellDamageRaw": "sdRaw", "damageBonusRaw": "mdRaw", "bonusFireDamage": "fDamPct", "bonusWaterDamage": "wDamPct", "bonusAirDamage": "aDamPct", "bonusThunderDamage": "tDamPct", "bonusEarthDamage": "eDamPct", "bonusFireDefense": "fDefPct", "bonusWaterDefense": "wDefPct", "bonusAirDefense": "aDefPct", "bonusThunderDefense": "tDefPct", "bonusEarthDefense": "eDefPct", "accessoryType": "type", "identified": "fixID", #"skin": "skin", #"category": "category", "spellCostPct1": "spPct1", "spellCostRaw1": "spRaw1", "spellCostPct2": "spPct2", "spellCostRaw2": "spRaw2", "spellCostPct3": "spPct3", "spellCostRaw3": "spRaw3", "spellCostPct4": "spPct4", "spellCostRaw4": "spRaw4", "rainbowSpellDamageRaw": "rainbowRaw", #"sprint": "sprint", "sprintRegen": "sprintReg", "jumpHeight": "jh", "lootQuality": "lq", "gatherXpBonus": "gXp", "gatherSpeed": "gSpd", } delete_keys = [ "addedLore", #"skin", "armorType", "armorColor", "material" ] ing_translate_mappings = { #"name" : "name", #"tier" :"tier", "level" : "lvl", #"skills" : "skills", "identifications" : "ids", "itemOnlyIDs" : "itemIDs", "consumableOnlyIDs" : "consumableIDs", "ingredientPositionModifiers" : "posMods", } ing_metaID_mappings = { #item only IDs "durabilityModifier": "dura", "strengthRequirement": "strReq", "dexterityRequirement": "dexReq", "intelligenceRequirement": "intReq", "defenceRequirement": "defReq", "agilityRequirement": "agiReq", "attackSpeedModifier": "atkTier", "powderSlotModifier": "slotMod", #consumable only IDs "duration": "dura", #"charges": "charges", #position modifiers #"left": "left", #"right": "right", #"above": "above", #"under": "under", #"touching": "touching", #"notTouching": "notTouching", } ing_id_mappings = { #specifically for the id field of an ingredient. #"name": "name", #"displayName": "displayName", #"tier": "tier", #"set": "set", #"sockets": "slots", #"type": "type", #"armorType": "armorType", (deleted) #"armorColor": "color", (deleted) #"addedLore": "lore", (deleted) #"material": "material", (deleted) #"dropType": "drop", #"quest": "quest", #"restrictions": "restrict", #"damage": "nDam", #"fireDamage": "fDam", #"waterDamage": "wDam", #"airDamage": "aDam", #"thunderDamage": "tDam", #"earthDamage": "eDam", #"ATTACKSPEED": "atkSpd", #"health": "hp", "FIREDEFENSE": "fDefPct", "WATERDEFENSE": "wDefPct", "AIRDEFENSE": "aDefPct", "THUNDERDEFENSE": "tDefPct", "EARTHDEFENSE": "eDefPct", #"level": "lvl", #"classRequirement": "classReq", #"strength": "strReq", #"dexterity": "dexReq", #"intelligence": "intReq", #"agility": "agiReq", #"defense": "defReq", "HEALTHREGEN": "hprPct", "MANAREGEN": "mr", "SPELLDAMAGE": "sdPct", "DAMAGEBONUS": "mdPct", "LIFESTEAL": "ls", "MANASTEAL": "ms", "XPBONUS": "xpb", "LOOTBONUS": "lb", "LOOT_QUALITY": "lq", "REFLECTION": "ref", "STRENGTHPOINTS": "str", "DEXTERITYPOINTS": "dex", "INTELLIGENCEPOINTS": "int", "AGILITYPOINTS": "agi", "DEFENSEPOINTS": "def", "THORNS": "thorns", "EXPLODING": "expd", "SPEED": "spd", "ATTACKSPEED": "atkTier", "POISON": "poison", "HEALTHBONUS": "hpBonus", "SOULPOINTS": "spRegen", "EMERALDSTEALING": "eSteal", "HEALTHREGENRAW": "hprRaw", "SPELLDAMAGERAW": "sdRaw", "DAMAGEBONUSRAW": "mdRaw", "FIREDAMAGEBONUS": "fDamPct", "WATERDAMAGEBONUS": "wDamPct", "AIRDAMAGEBONUS": "aDamPct", "THUNDERDAMAGEBONUS": "tDamPct", "EARTHDAMAGEBONUS": "eDamPct", #"accessoryType": "type", #"identified": "fixID", #"skin": "skin", #"category": "category", #THESE ARE NOT IN ANY INGREDIENT YET. THEY MAY NOT HAVE THE CORRECT ID NAME "SPELLCOSTPCT1": "spPct1", "SPELLCOSTRAW1": "spRaw1", "SPELLCOSTPCT2": "spPct2", "SPELLCOSTRAW2": "spRaw2", "SPELLCOSTPCT3": "spPct3", "SPELLCOSTRAW3": "spRaw3", "SPELLCOSTPCT4": "spPct4", "SPELLCOSTRAW4": "spRaw4", "JUMPHEIGHT": "jh", #"rainbowSpellDamageRaw": "rainbowRaw", "SPRINT": "sprint", "SPRINGREGEN": "sprintReg", "GATHERXPBONUS": "gXp", "GATHERSPEED": "gSpd", #"lootQuality": "lq", } ing_delete_keys = [ "sprite", ] recipe_translate_mappings = { "level" : "lvl", } recipe_delete_keys = [ #lol ] import os if os.path.exists("id_map.json"): with open("id_map.json","r") as id_mapfile: id_map = json.load(id_mapfile) else: id_map = {item["name"]: i for i, item in enumerate(items)} # wtf is this hpp texture_names = [] import base64 for item in items: for key in delete_keys: if key in item: del item[key] for k, v in translate_mappings.items(): if k in item: item[v] = item[k] del item[k] if not (item["name"] in id_map): id_map[item["name"]] = len(id_map) print(f'New item: {item["name"]}') item["id"] = id_map[item["name"]] item["type"] = item["type"].lower() if item["name"] in item_set_map: item["set"] = item_set_map[item["name"]] print(ings[0]) for ing in ings: for key in ing_delete_keys: if key in ing: del ing[key] for k, v in ing_translate_mappings.items(): if k in ing: ing[v] = ing[k] del ing[k] for k, v in ing_metaID_mappings.items(): if k in ing['itemIDs']: print(ing['itemIDs']) ing['itemIDs'][v] = ing['itemIDs'][k] del ing['itemIDs'][k] elif k in ing['consumableIDs']: ing['consumableIDs'][v] = ing['consumableIDs'][k] del ing['consumableIDs'][k] '''elif k in ing.posMods: #Not subbing, if we do sub uncomment this. ing.posMods[v] = ing.posMods[k] del ing.posMods[k] ''' for k, v in ing_id_mappings.items(): if k in ing['ids']: #yes this is dumb ing['ids'][v] = ing['ids'][k] del ing['ids'][k] for recipe in recipes: for key in recipe_delete_keys: if key in recipe: del recipe[key] for k, v in recipe_translate_mappings.items(): if k in recipe: recipe[v] = recipe[k] del recipe[k] with open("1_20_ci.json", "r") as ci_file: ci_items = json.load(ci_file) items.extend(ci_items) '''with open("id_map.json","w") as id_mapfile: json.dump(id_map, id_mapfile, indent=2) with open("clean.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, indent=2) with open("compress.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile)''' with open("ingreds_clean.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(ing_data, outfile, indent = 2) with open("ingreds_compress2.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(ing_data, outfile) '''with open("recipes_clean.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(recipe_data, outfile, indent = 2) with open("recipes_compress2.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(recipe_data, outfile)'''