// ['Title', ["type of paper","file name"]] const pdfs = new Map([ ["Wynncraft Damage Calculation",["mechanics", "Damage_calculation", "hppeng, ferricles, et al.", "A complete guide to Wynncraft's damage calculations. Includes formulas, tested game values, and worked examples."]], ["Crafted Weapon Powder Mechanics",["mechanics", "Crafted_Weapon_Powder_Mechanics", "ferricles", "A short guide to the mechanics of powder application on crafted weapons. Includes formulas and a worked example."]], //[title ,[genre, filename, author(s), abstract/desc]] ]); const sections = ["mechanics", "documentation", "history"] function init() { initSections(); for ([title, pdf] of pdfs) { let sec = document.getElementById(pdf[0]+"-section"); if (sec) { let pre = document.createElement("pre"); let firstline = document.createElement("div"); firstline.style.display = "flex"; firstline.style.justifyContent = "space-between"; let titleElem = document.createElement("p"); titleElem.textContent = title; let a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = "./pdfs/" + pdf[1] + ".pdf"; a.target = "_blank"; a.textContent = pdf[1] + ".pdf"; a.classList.add("link"); a.style.display = "flex-end"; let secondline = document.createElement("div"); secondline.style.dipslay = "flex"; let ul = document.createElement("ul"); ul.style.wordBreak = "break-word"; let li = document.createElement("li"); let div = document.createElement("div"); if (pdf[2]) { li.textContent = "Author(s): " + pdf[2]; } else { li.textContent = "Author(s): Unknown"; } ul.appendChild(li); li = document.createElement("li"); div = document.createElement("div"); if (pdf[3]) { div.textContent = "Description: " + pdf[3]; } else { div.textContent = "Description: None"; } ul.appendChild(li); li.appendChild(div); pre.appendChild(firstline); firstline.appendChild(titleElem); firstline.appendChild(a); pre.appendChild(secondline); secondline.appendChild(ul); sec.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); sec.appendChild(pre); } else { console.log("Invalid paper type for " + title + ": " + pdf[0]); } } } function initSections() { let main = document.getElementById("main"); for (const sec of sections) { let div = document.createElement("div"); div.classList.add(["section"]); div.id = sec; let secspan = document.createElement("span"); secspan.classList.add("span-flex", "up"); div.appendChild(secspan); let title = document.createElement("h2"); title.classList.add("indicator-title") title.style.margin = "0 0 0"; title.textContent = "Section: " + sec; let indicator = document.createElement("img"); indicator.classList.add("indicator-img"); indicator.src = "./media/indicator-down.png"; secspan.appendChild(title); secspan.appendChild(indicator); let section = document.createElement("section"); section.classList.add(["toggle-section"]); section.id = sec + "-section"; section.style.display = "none"; div.appendChild(section); main.appendChild(div); secspan.addEventListener("click", function(){ if (secspan.classList.contains("up")) { secspan.classList.remove("up"); secspan.classList.add("down"); indicator.src = "./media/indicator-up.png"; section.style.display = ""; } else { secspan.classList.remove("down"); secspan.classList.add("up"); indicator.src = "./media/indicator-down.png"; section.style.display = "none"; } }); } } init();