let armorTypes = [ "helmet", "chestplate", "leggings", "boots" ]; let accessoryTypes = [ "ring", "bracelet", "necklace" ]; let weaponTypes = [ "wand", "spear", "bow", "dagger", "relik" ]; let consumableTypes = [ "potion", "scroll", "food"] /* Creates a crafted item object. */ class Craft{ /* Constructs a craft. @param recipe: Helmet-1-3 (id), etc. A recipe object. @param mat_tiers: [1->3, 1->3]. An array with 2 numbers. @param ingreds: []. An array with 6 entries, each with an ingredient Map. */ constructor(recipe, mat_tiers, ingreds, attackSpeed) { this.recipe = recipe; this.mat_tiers = mat_tiers; this.ingreds = ingreds; this.statMap = new Map(); //can use the statMap as an expanded Item this.atkSpd = attackSpeed; this.initCraftStats(); } /* Get all stats for this build. Stores in this.statMap. @pre The craft itself should be valid. No checking of validity of pieces is done here. */ initCraftStats(){ let consumables = ["POTION", "SCROLL", "FOOD"]; let statMap = new Map(); statMap.set("minRolls", new Map()); statMap.set("maxRolls", new Map()); statMap.set("displayName", "Crafted Item"); //TODO: DISPLAY THE HASH statMap.set("tier", "Crafted"); statMap.set("type", this.recipe.get("type").toLowerCase()); statMap.set("duration", [this.recipe.get("duration")[0], this.recipe.get("duration")[1]]); //[low, high] statMap.set("durability", [this.recipe.get("durability")[0], this.recipe.get("durability")[1]]); statMap.set("lvl", (this.recipe.get("lvl")[0] + "-" + this.recipe.get("lvl")[1]) ); statMap.set("nDam", 0); if (armorTypes.includes(statMap.get("type")) || weaponTypes.includes(statMap.get("type"))) { if(this.recipe.get("lvl")[0] < 30) { statMap.set("slots", 1); } else if (this.recipe.get("lvl") < 70) { statMap.set("slots", 2); } else{ statMap.set("slots", 3); } } else { statMap.set("slots", 0); } if (consumableTypes.includes(statMap.get("type"))) { if(this.recipe.get("lvl")[0] < 30) { statMap.set("charges", 1); } else if (this.recipe.get("lvl") < 70) { statMap.set("charges", 2); } else{ statMap.set("charges", 3); } //no ingredient consumables ALWAYS have 3 charges. let allNone = true; for(const ingred of this.ingreds) { if(ingred.get("name") !== "No Ingredient") { allNone = false; break; } } if (allNone) { statMap.set("charges", 3); statMap.set("hp", this.recipe.get("healthOrDamage").join("-")); statMap.set("duration", this.recipe.get("basicDuration")); } statMap.set("category","consumable"); } else { statMap.set("slots", 0); } if (armorTypes.includes(statMap.get("type"))) { statMap.set("hp", this.recipe.get("healthOrDamage").join("-")); statMap.set("category","armor"); } else if (weaponTypes.includes(statMap.get("type"))) { statMap.set("nDam", this.recipe.get("healthOrDamage").join("-")); for (const e of skp_elements) { statMap.set(e + "Dam", "0-0"); } //statMap.set("damageBonus", [statMap.get("eDamPct"), statMap.get("tDamPct"), statMap.get("wDamPct"), statMap.get("fDamPct"), statMap.get("aDamPct")]); statMap.set("category","weapon"); statMap.set("atkSpd",this.atkSpd); } statMap.set("powders",""); /* Change certain IDs based on material tier. healthOrDamage changes. duration and durability change. (but not basicDuration) */ let matmult = 1; let sorted = this.mat_tiers.slice().sort(); //TODO - idfk how this works if( sorted[0] == 1 && sorted[1] == 1) { matmult = 1; } else if( sorted[0] == 1 && sorted[1] == 2) { matmult = 1.079; }else if( sorted[0] == 1 && sorted[1] == 3) { matmult = 1.15; }else if( sorted[0] == 2 && sorted[1] == 2) { matmult = 1.24; }else if( sorted[0] == 2 && sorted[1] == 3) { matmult = 1.3; }else if( sorted[0] == 3 && sorted[1] == 3) { matmult = 1.4; } let low = this.recipe.get("healthOrDamage")[0]; let high = this.recipe.get("healthOrDamage")[1]; if (statMap.get("category") === "consumable") { //duration modifier if(statMap.has("hp")) { //hack statMap.set("hp", Math.floor( low * matmult )+ "-" + Math.floor( high * matmult )); } else { statMap.set("duration", [Math.floor( statMap.get("duration")[0] * matmult ), Math.floor( statMap.get("duration")[1] * matmult )]); } } else { //durability modifier statMap.set("durability", [Math.floor( statMap.get("durability")[0] * matmult ), Math.floor( statMap.get("durability")[1] * matmult )]); } if (statMap.get("category") === "weapon") { //attack damages oh boy let ratio = 2.05; //UNSURE IF THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE. MIGHT BE DONE WITH SKETCHY FLOORING. if (this.atkSpd === "SLOW") { ratio /= 1.5; } else if (this.atkSpd === "NORMAL") { ratio = 1; } else if (this.atkSpd = "FAST") { ratio /= 2.5; } low *= ratio*matmult; high *= ratio*matmult; this.recipe.get("healthOrDamage")[0] = low; this.recipe.get("healthOrDamage")[1] = high; } /* END SECTION */ //calc ingredient effectivenesses -> see https://wynndata.tk/cr/585765168 let eff = [[100,100],[100,100],[100,100]]; for (let n in this.ingreds) { let ingred = this.ingreds[n]; //i and j will refer to the eff matrix. let i = Math.floor(n / 2); let j = n % 2; for (const [key,value] of ingred.get("posMods")) { if(value == 0) { continue; } else { if (key === "above") { for (let k = i-1; k > -1; k--) { eff[k][j] += value; } } else if (key === "under") { for (let k = i+1; k < 3; k++) { eff[k][j] += value; } } else if (key === "left") { if (j == 1) { eff[i][j-1] += value; } } else if (key === "right") { if (j == 0) { eff[i][j+1] += value; } } else if (key === "touching") { for (let k in eff) { for (let l in eff[k]) { if ( (Math.abs(k-i) == 1 && Math.abs (l-j) == 0) || (Math.abs(k-i) == 0 && Math.abs (l-j) == 1) ) { eff[k][l] += value; } } } } else if (key === "notTouching") { for (let k in eff) { for (let l in eff[k]) { if ( (Math.abs(k-i) > 1) || (Math.abs(k-i) == 1 && Math.abs(l-j) == 1) ) { eff[k][l] += value; } } } } else { console.log("Something went wrong. Please contact hppeng."); //wtf happened } } } } //apply ingredient effectivness - on ids, and reqs (itemIDs). NOT on durability, duration, or charges. let eff_flat = eff.flat(); statMap.set("ingredEffectiveness", eff_flat); //console.log(eff_flat); //apply ingredient ids for (const n in this.ingreds) { let ingred = this.ingreds[n]; let eff_mult = (eff_flat[n] / 100).toFixed(2); for (const [key, value] of ingred.get("itemIDs")) { if(key !== "dura") { statMap.set(key, statMap.get(key) + Math.floor(value*eff_mult)); //CHECK IF THIS IS CORRECT } else { //durability, NOT affected by effectiveness statMap.set("durability", statMap.get("durability").map(x => x + value)); } } for (const [key,value] of ingred.get("consumableIDs")) { //neither duration nor charges are affected by effectiveness if(key === "dura") { statMap.set("duration", statMap.get("duration").map(x => x + value)); } else{ statMap.set(key, statMap.get("charges") + value); } } for (const [key,value] of ingred.get("ids").get("minRolls")) { if (value && value != 0) { let rolls = [value,ingred.get("ids").get("maxRolls").get(key)]; rolls = rolls.map(x => Math.floor(x * eff_mult)).sort(); statMap.get("minRolls").set(key, (statMap.get("minRolls").get(key)) ? statMap.get("minRolls").get(key) + rolls[0] : rolls[0]); statMap.get("maxRolls").set(key, (statMap.get("maxRolls").get(key)) ? statMap.get("maxRolls").get(key) + rolls[1] : rolls[1]); } } } for (const e of skp_order) { statMap.set(e,statMap.get("maxRolls").get(e)); } for (const d in statMap.get("durability")) { if(statMap.get("durability")[d] < 1) { statMap.get("durability")[d] = 1;} } for (const d in statMap.get("duration")) { if(statMap.get("duration")[d] < 1) { statMap.get("duration")[d] = 1;} } if(statMap.has("charges") && statMap.get("charges") < 1 ) { statMap.set("charges",1)} this.statMap = statMap; } }