{ "MAGNET": { "displayName": "Magnet", "description": "Pulls items within an 8 block radius towards you", "abilities": [] }, "PLAGUE": { "displayName": "Plague", "description": "Poisoned mobs spread their poison to nearby mobs", "abilities": [] }, "HAWKEYE": { "displayName": "Hawkeye", "description": "Condense Arrow Storm into a tight beam. Arrows deal ✤10%, ✦1%, and ❋1%", "abilities": [{ "class": "Archer", "base_abil": "Arrow Storm", "effects": [ { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 1, "target_part": "Single Stream", "behavior": "overwrite", "hits": { "Single Arrow": 5 } }, { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 1, "target_part": "Single Arrow", "behavior": "overwrite", "multipliers": [ 10, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 ] }, { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 1, "target_part": "Total Damage", "behavior": "modify", "hits": { "Single Stream": 4 } } ] }] }, "GREED": { "displayName": "Greed", "description": "Picking up emeralds heals you and nearby players for 15% max health", "abilities": [] }, "CAVALRYMAN": { "displayName": "Cavalryman", "description": "You may cast spells and attack with a 70% damage penalty while on a horse", "abilities": [] }, "GUARDIAN": { "displayName": "Guardian", "description": "20% of the damage taken by nearby allies is redirected to you", "abilities": [] }, "HERO": { "displayName": "Saviour’s Sacrifice", "description": "While under 50% maximum health, nearby allies gain 20% bonus damage and defense", "abilities": [] }, "ALTRUISM": { "displayName": "Heart of the Pack", "description": "Nearby players gain 35% of the health you naturally regenerate", "abilities": [] }, "ARCANES": { "displayName": "Transcendence", "description": "30% chance for spells to cost no mana when casted", "abilities": [] }, "ENTROPY": { "displayName": "Entropy", "description": "Meteor falls three times faster", "abilities": [] }, "ROVINGASSASSIN": { "displayName": "Roving Assassin", "description": "Vanish no longer drains mana while invisible", "abilities": [] }, "MADNESS": { "displayName": "Madness", "description": "Cast a random ability every 3 seconds", "abilities": [] }, "LIGHTWEIGHT": { "displayName": "Lightweight", "description": "You no longer take fall damage", "abilities": [] }, "SORCERY": { "displayName": "Sorcery", "description": "30% chance for spells and attacks to cast a second time at no additional cost", "abilities": [] }, "TAUNT": { "displayName": "Taunt", "description": "Mobs within 12 blocks target you upon casting War Scream", "abilities": [] }, "RALLY": { "displayName": "Rally", "description": "Charge heals you by 10% and nearby allies by 15% on impact, but becomes harmless", "abilities": [{ "class": "Warrior", "base_abil": "Charge", "effects": [ { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 2, "display": "Rally Self Heal", "target_part": "Rally Self Heal", "power": 0.1 }, { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 2, "target_part": "Rally Ally Heal", "power": 0.15 }, { "type": "raw_stat", "bonuses": [ { "type": "stat", "name": "damMult.Rally:2.Flying Kick", "value": -100 }, { "type": "stat", "name": "damMult.Rally:2.Collide", "value": -100 }, { "type": "stat", "name": "damMult.Rally:2.Heavy Impact", "value": -100 }, { "type": "stat", "name": "damMult.Rally:2.Flyby Jab", "value": -100 } ] } ] }] }, "CHERRY_BOMBS": { "displayName": "Cherry Bombs", "description": "Your Smoke Bombs explode instantly, and increase their Neutral Damage by +90%", "abilities": [{ "class": "Assassin", "base_abil": "Smoke Bomb", "effects": [ { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 4, "target_part": "Per Tick", "multipliers": [ 90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 4, "target_part": "Per Bomb", "hits": { "Per Tick": -9 } } ] }] }, "FREERUNNER": { "displayName": "Freerunner", "description": "Double your sprint speed when your sprint bar is under 30%", "abilities": [] }, "PEACEFUL_EFFIGY": { "displayName": "Peaceful Effigy", "description": "Your totem will last twice as long", "abilities": [] }, "FURIOUS_EFFIGY": { "displayName": "Furious Effigy", "description": "Totem effects are twice as fast, but duration is halved", "abilities": [{ "class": "Shaman", "base_abil": "Totem", "properties": { "rate": -0.2, "totem_mul": 2.5 }, "effects": [] }] }, "FLASHFREEZE": { "displayName": "Flashfreeze", "description": "Ice Snake is instant but has a reduced range", "abilities": [] }, "GRAVITYWELL": { "displayName": "Gravity Well", "description": "Meteor has increased blast radius and pulls enemies instead", "abilities": [] }, "DESC_SNOWYSTEPS": { "displayName": "Snowy Steps", "description": "Leaves a trail of snow behind you", "abilities": [] }, "GEOCENTRISM": { "displayName": "Geocentrism", "description": "Aura radiates from you instead of your totem and can be cast anytime", "abilities": [] }, "DESC_FESTIVESPIRIT": { "displayName": "Festive Spirits", "description": "Plays wintery tunes", "abilities": [] }, "TEMBLOR": { "displayName": "Temblor", "description": "Bash gains +1 Area of Effect and is 20% faster.", "abilities": [{ "class": "Warrior", "base_abil": "Bash", "properties": { "aoe": 1 }, "effects": [] }] }, "RECKLESS_ABANDON": { "displayName": "Reckless Abandon", "description": "Tempest deals +15% Fire damage and gains one additional charge. War Scream no longer grants a defence bonus.", "abilities": [{ "class": "Warrior", "base_abil": "War Scream", "effects": [ { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 4, "target_part": "Tempest", "behavior": "modify", "multipliers": [0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0] }, { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 4, "target_part": "Tempest Total Damage", "behavior": "modify", "hits": { "Tempest": 1 } }, { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 4, "target_part": "Total Damage", "behavior": "modify", "hits": { "Tempest": 1 } } ] }] }, "ALTEREGO": { "displayName": "Alterego", "description": "Awakened can be activated after saving 40% less mana, but its duration is reduced by 25%.", "abilities": [] }, "FOREST_BLESSING": { "displayName": "Forest's Blessing", "description": "Your archer summons have increased movement speed, attack speed and vision. Arrow Bomb's damage is reduced by -30% Neutral damage.", "abilities": [{ "class": "Archer", "base_abil": "Arrow Bomb", "effects": [ { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 3, "target_part": "Arrow Bomb", "behavior": "modify", "multipliers": [-30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }, { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 8, "target_part": "DPS", "behavior": "modify", "hits": { "Single Hit": 1.666666666666667 } }, { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 10, "target_part": "Crow DPS", "behavior": "modify", "hits": { "Single Hit": 0.555555555555556 } } ] }] }, "SOUL_EATER": { "displayName": "Soul eater", "description": "Devour and Harvester grant double mana, but your maximum Marks are decreased by 1.", "abilities": [{ "class": "Assassin", "base_abil": "Marked", "effects": [{ "type": "stat_scaling", "slider": true, "slider_name": "Marked", "slider_max": -1 }] }] }, "STRINGS_OF_FATE": { "displayName": "Strings of Fate", "description": "Your puppets have a lifetime of 3 seconds, but do double damage with attacks and explosions.", "abilities": [{ "class": "Shaman", "base_abil": "Puppet Master", "effects": [ { "type": "raw_stat", "bonuses": [ { "type": "stat", "name": "damMult.FateString:6.Puppet Hit", "value": 100 }, { "type": "stat", "name": "damMult.FateString:6.Puppet Explosion", "value": 100 } ] } ] }] }, "ESCAPE_ROUTE": { "displayName": "Escape Route", "description": "Frenzy and Time Dilation charge twice as fast, but to a halved maximum.", "abilities": [ { "class": "Archer", "base_abil": "Frenzy", "effects": [ { "type": "stat_scaling", "slider": true, "slider_name": "Hits dealt", "slider_max": -18, "output": { "type": "stat", "name": "spd" }, "scaling": [-3] }, { "type": "stat_scaling", "slider": true, "slider_name": "Hits dealt", "output": { "type": "stat", "name": "spd" }, "scaling": [6], "max": 35 } ] }, { "class": "Mage", "base_abil": "Time Dilation", "effects": [ { "type": "stat_scaling", "slider": true, "slider_name": "Time Dilated", "slider_max": -22, "output": { "type": "stat", "name": "spd" }, "scaling": [-10] }, { "type": "stat_scaling", "slider": true, "slider_name": "Time Dilated", "output": { "type": "stat", "name": "spd" }, "scaling": [20], "max": 150 } ] } ] }, "DIVINE_HONOR": { "displayName": "Divine Honor", "description": "Increase the bonus from Radiance by 5%. Decrease the Earth damage of Bash by -15%.", "abilities": [{ "class": "Warrior", "base_abil": "Bash", "effects": [ { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 1, "target_part": "Single Hit", "behavior": "modify", "multipliers": [0, -15, 0, 0, 0, 0] } ] }] }, "GENTLE_GLOW": { "displayName": "Gentle Glow", "description": "Orphion's Pulse and Fluid Healing restore more health, especially to allies, but at a slower speed.", "abilities": [] }, "PERFECT_RECALL": { "displayName": "Perfect Recall", "description": "Memory Recollection casts an extra spell, but only activates at 150 banked mana.", "abilities": [] }, "OVERWHELM": { "displayName": "Overwhelm", "description": "Bash will hit +2 times.", "abilities": [{ "class": "Warrior", "base_abil": "Bash", "properties": { "hits": 2 }, "effects": [] }] }, "JUGGLE": { "displayName": "Juggle", "description": "Stronger Multihit adds an additional 12 hits. All hits are reduced by -10% Neutral damage.", "abilities": [{ "class": "Assassin", "base_abil": "Multihit", "effects": [ { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 3, "target_part": "Total Damage", "behavior": "modify", "hits": { "Per Hit": 12 } }, { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 3, "target_part": "Per Hit", "behavior": "modify", "multipliers": [ -10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] } ] }] }, "GRUESOME_KNOTS": { "displayName": "Gruesome Knots", "description":"Twisted Tether spends twice as much of your Blood Pool to deal triple damage", "abilities": [{ "class": "Shaman", "base_abil": "Twisted Tether", "effects": [{ "type": "raw_stat", "bonuses": [ { "type": "stat", "name": "damMult.GruesomeKnots:8.Tether Tick", "value": 200 } ] }] }] }, "COAGULATE": { "displayName": "Coagulate", "description":"Blood Connection launches you further and higher upon teleporting to a nearby Totem", "abilities": [] }, "DEADWEIGHT": { "displayName": "Dead Weight", "description":"Totem's horizontal velocity is greatly increased at the cost of vertical movement", "abilities": [] }, "EXPUNGE": { "displayName": "Expunge", "description":"When using Heal, instead cast one instant pulse that heals 20% of your max health", "abilities": [{ "class": "Mage", "base_abil": "Heal", "effects": [ { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 1, "target_part": "Second and Third Pulses", "behavior": "modify", "power": -0.20 }, { "type": "add_spell_prop", "base_spell": 1, "target_part": "Heal", "behavior": "modify", "power": 0.05 } ] }] } }