/* * TESTING SECTION */ const ing_url_base = location.href.split("#")[0]; const ing_url_tag = location.hash.slice(1); // console.log(ing_url_base); // console.log(ing_url_tag); const ING_BUILD_VERSION = "7.0.1"; /* * END testing section */ /* TODO: Make material tier do something Double powders Integrate to normal builder */ let player_craft; function setTitle() { document.getElementById("header").textContent = "WynnCrafter version "+ING_BUILD_VERSION+" (ingredient db version "+ING_DB_VERSION+")"; document.getElementById("header").classList.add("funnynumber"); } function init_crafter() { //no ing console.log("all ingredients"); console.log(ingMap); console.log("all recipes"); console.log(recipeMap); /*console.log(ingList); console.log(recipeList); console.log(ingIDMap); console.log(recipeIDMap);*/ try { document.getElementById("recipe-choice").addEventListener("change", (event) => { updateMaterials(); }); document.getElementById("level-choice").addEventListener("change", (event) => { updateMaterials(); }); populateFields(); decodeCraft(ing_url_tag); setTitle(); } catch (error) { console.log("If you are seeing this while building, do not worry. Oherwise, panic! (jk contact ferricles)"); console.log(error); } } function updateMaterials() { let recipeName = getValue("recipe-choice") ? getValue("recipe-choice") : "Potion"; let levelRange = getValue("level-choice") ? getValue("level-choice") : "103-105"; let recipe = expandRecipe(recipeMap.get(recipeName + "-" + levelRange)); if (recipe !== undefined) { try{ document.getElementById("mat-1").textContent = recipe.get("materials")[0].get("item").split(" ").slice(1).join(" ") + " Tier:"; document.getElementById("mat-2").textContent = recipe.get("materials")[1].get("item").split(" ").slice(1).join(" ") + " Tier:"; } catch (error){ //e e e } } else { document.getElementById("mat-1").textContent = "Material 1 Tier:"; document.getElementById("mat-2").textContent = "Material 2 Tier:"; } } function toggleAtkSpd(buttonId) { let buttons = ["slow-atk-button", "normal-atk-button", "fast-atk-button"]; let elem = document.getElementById(buttonId); if (elem.classList.contains("toggleOn")) { elem.classList.remove("toggleOn"); } else { for (const button of buttons) { document.getElementById(button).classList.remove("toggleOn"); } elem.classList.add("toggleOn"); } } function calculateCraft() { //Make things display. for (let i of document.getElementsByClassName("hide-container-block")) { i.style.display = "block"; } for (let i of document.getElementsByClassName("hide-container-grid")) { i.style.display = "grid"; } //define the fields that will go into crafting the craft. let recipe = getValue("recipe-choice") === "" ? "Potion" : getValue("recipe-choice"); let levelrange = getValue("level-choice") === "" ? "103-105" : getValue("level-choice"); recipe = expandRecipe(recipeMap.get(recipe+"-"+levelrange)); let mat_tiers = []; for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) { for(j = 1; j < 4; j++) { let elem = document.getElementById("mat-" + i + "-" + j); if(elem.classList.contains("toggleOn")) { mat_tiers.push(j); //Tier is 1, 2, or 3. break; } } if (mat_tiers.length < i) { //default to t3 mat_tiers.push(3); document.getElementById("mat-"+i+"-3").classList.add("toggleOn"); } } let ingreds = []; for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) { console.log(getValue("ing-choice-"+i)); getValue("ing-choice-" + i) === "" ? ingreds.push(expandIngredient(ingMap.get("No Ingredient"))) : ingreds.push(expandIngredient(ingMap.get(getValue("ing-choice-" + i)))); } let atkSpd = "NORMAL"; //default attack speed will be normal. for (const b of ["slow-atk-button", "normal-atk-button", "fast-atk-button"]) { button = document.getElementById(b); if (button.classList.contains("toggleOn")) { atkSpd = b.split("-")[0].toUpperCase(); } } //create the craft player_craft = new Craft(recipe,mat_tiers,ingreds,atkSpd,""); let craft_str = encodeCraft(player_craft); location.hash = craft_str; player_craft.setHash(craft_str); console.log(player_craft); /*console.log(recipe) console.log(levelrange) console.log(mat_tiers) console.log(ingreds)*/ document.getElementById("mat-1").textContent = recipe.get("materials")[0].get("item").split(" ").slice(1).join(" ") + " Tier:"; document.getElementById("mat-2").textContent = recipe.get("materials")[1].get("item").split(" ").slice(1).join(" ") + " Tier:"; //Display Recipe Stats displayRecipeStats(player_craft, "recipe-stats"); for(let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { displayExpandedIngredient(player_craft["ingreds"][i],"tooltip-" + i); } //Display Craft Stats displayCraftStats(player_craft, "craft-stats"); //Display Ingredients' Stats for (let i = 1; i < 7; i++) { displayExpandedIngredient(player_craft.ingreds[i-1] , "ing-"+i+"-stats"); } //Display Warnings - only ingred type warnings for now let warning_elem = document.getElementById("craft-warnings"); warning_elem.textContent = ""; //refresh warnings warning_elem.classList.add("warning"); let type = player_craft["recipe"].get("skill"); for (const ingred of player_craft["ingreds"]) { if (!(ingred.get("skills").includes(type))) { let p = document.createElement("p"); p.textContent = "WARNING: " + ingred.get("name") + " cannot be used for " + type.charAt(0) + type.substring(1).toLowerCase() +"!"; warning_elem.appendChild(p); } } } function decodeCraft(ing_url_tag) { if (ing_url_tag) { if (ing_url_tag.slice(0,3) === "CR-") { ing_url_tag = ing_url_tag.substring(3); location.hash = location.hash.substring(3); } console.log(ing_url_tag); let version = ing_url_tag.charAt(0); let tag = ing_url_tag.substring(1); if (version === "1") { ingreds = []; for (let i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) { setValue("ing-choice-"+(i+1), ingIDMap.get(Base64.toInt(tag.substring(2*i,2*i+2)))); //console.log(Base64.toInt(tag.substring(2*i,2*i+2))); } recipe = recipeIDMap.get(Base64.toInt(tag.substring(12,14))); //console.log(Base64.toInt(tag.substring(12,14))); recipesName = recipe.split("-"); setValue("recipe-choice",recipesName[0]); setValue("level-choice",recipesName[1]+"-"+recipesName[2]); tierNum = Base64.toInt(tag.substring(14,15)); mat_tiers = []; mat_tiers.push(tierNum % 3 == 0 ? 3 : tierNum % 3); mat_tiers.push(Math.floor((tierNum-0.5) / 3)+1); //Trying to prevent round-off error, don't yell at me toggleMaterial("mat-1-"+mat_tiers[0]); toggleMaterial("mat-2-"+mat_tiers[1]); atkSpd = Base64.toInt(tag.substring(15)); let atkSpdButtons = ["slow-atk-button", "normal-atk-button", "fast-atk-button"]; toggleAtkSpd(atkSpdButtons[atkSpd]); calculateCraft(); } } } function populateFields() { let recipe_list = document.getElementById("recipe-choices"); for (const recipe of recipeTypes) { let el = document.createElement("option"); el.value = recipe.charAt(0) + recipe.substring(1).toLowerCase(); recipe_list.appendChild(el); } let level_list = document.getElementById("level-choices"); for (const range of levelTypes) { let el = document.createElement("option"); el.value = range; level_list.appendChild(el); } for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) { let ing_list = document.getElementById("ing-choices-"+i); for (const ing of ingList) { let el = document.createElement("option"); el.value = ing; ing_list.appendChild(el); } } } /* Copy the link */ function copyRecipe(){ if (player_craft) { copyTextToClipboard(ing_url_base+location.hash); document.getElementById("copy-button").textContent = "Copied!"; } } /* Copy the link AND a display of all ingredients */ function shareRecipe(){ if (player_craft) { let copyString = ing_url_base+location.hash + "\n"; let name = player_craft.recipe.get("name").split("-"); copyString += " > " + name[0] + " " + "Lv. " + name[1] + "-" + name[2] + " (" + player_craft.mat_tiers[0] + "\u272B, " + player_craft.mat_tiers[1] + "\u272B)\n"; let names = [ player_craft.ingreds[0].get("displayName"), player_craft.ingreds[1].get("displayName"), player_craft.ingreds[2].get("displayName"), player_craft.ingreds[3].get("displayName"), player_craft.ingreds[4].get("displayName"), player_craft.ingreds[5].get("displayName") ]; //fancy justify code that doesn't work properly b/c most font isn't monospaced let buffer1 = Math.max(names[0].length,names[2].length,names[4].length); let buffer2 = Math.max(names[1].length,names[3].length,names[5].length); for (let i in names) { let name = names[i]; let spaces; if (i % 2 == 0) { //buffer 1 spaces = buffer1 - name.length; } else { //buffer 2 spaces = buffer2 - name.length; } for (let j = 0; j < spaces; j ++) { if (j % 2 == 0) { names[i]+=" "; } else { names[i] = " "+names[i]; } } } copyString += " > [" + names[0] + " | " + names[1] + "\n"; copyString += " > " + names[2] + " | " + names[3] + "\n"; copyString += " > " + names[4] + " | " + names[5] + "]"; copyTextToClipboard(copyString); document.getElementById("share-button").textContent = "Copied!"; } } /* Toggles the entire material's buttons */ function toggleMaterial(buttonId) { let elem = document.getElementById(buttonId); let mat = buttonId.split("-")[1] if (!elem.classList.contains("toggleOn")) { //we turned on that button, now toggle the others off toggleButton(buttonId); for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if ("mat-" + mat + "-" + i !== buttonId) { document.getElementById("mat-" + mat + "-" + i).classList.remove("toggleOn"); } } } else { //we turned off a button: do nothing toggleButton(buttonId); } } /* Reset all fields */ function resetFields() { for (let i = 1; i < 3; i ++) { for (let j = 1; j < 4; j++) { document.getElementById("mat-"+i+"-"+j).classList.remove("toggleOn"); } } for (let i = 1; i < 7; i++) { setValue("ing-choice-"+i, ""); } setValue("recipe-choice", ""); setValue("level-choice", ""); location.hash = ""; calculateCraft(); } load_ing_init(init_crafter);