diff --git a/dev/index.html b/dev/index.html index a92b575..7baf0c3 100644 --- a/dev/index.html +++ b/dev/index.html @@ -118,24 +118,26 @@
  • Item powderings
  • - Wynnbuilder assigns each item in the Wynncraft item pool to a unique ID number. For example, the bracelet Atlas + Wynnbuilder assigns each item in the Wynncraft item pool to a unique ID number. +

    - For items, you can download the item DB here: clean.json. Each item has an id value that can be put in a map. The NoneItem ID numbers start at 10000 in the canonical order: [helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots, ring 1, ring 2, bracelet, necklace, weapon]. + For items, you can download the item DB here: clean.json. Each item has an id value that can be put in a map. The NoneItem ID numbers start at 10000 in the canonical order: [helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots, ring 1, ring 2, bracelet, necklace, weapon] (No Weapon has an id of 10008).

    - For tomes, you can download the tome DB here: tomes.json. Each tome has a tomeID value that can be put in a map. The NoneTome ID numbers start at 61 in the order [no weapon tome, no armor tome, no guild tome] so that we can store tome IDs in 1 Base 64 character. + For tomes, you can download the tome DB here: tome_map.json. The NoneTome ID numbers start at 61 in the order [no weapon tome, no armor tome, no guild tome] so that we can store tome IDs in 1 Base 64 character.

    For powders: id numbers 1 through 30 map to Earth I, Earth II, ..., Earth VI, etc. in the order Earth, Thunder, Water, Fire, Air. 0 is the id number for no powder.


    All build links will end in "#[version number]_[build hash]". @@ -390,24 +392,246 @@

    - + Version 3 encoding added the ability to save build level.

    + + https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder/#3_06W2SH0D40Qq2SK2SL02d0og0Qi191V-E0i2C1g0000100nZ6 + +

    + Build hash format: +

    + +

    - + Version 2 encoding added the ability to save skill point info.

    + + https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder/#2_06W2SH0D40Qq2SK2SL02d0og0Qi191V-E0i2C0000100nZ6 + +

    + Build hash format: +

    + +

    - + Version 1 is the very first encoding version by Wynnbuilder. It allows for saving all equipment (armors, accessories, weapon) and powders put on that equipment.

    + + https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder/#1_06W2SH0D40Qq2SK2SL02d0og0Qi0000100nZ6 + +

    + Build hash format: +

    + +

    + This section is about how to decode crafted items. To view an example of a crafted item in a build, check out Builds > Version 4. +


    + Crafted items always start with "CR-" so that they are, as an entire category, distinguishable from item pool items. The ingredients and materials that make up the crafted item are stored in the rest of the "hash". +


    + To encode all the info about a crafted item, we need: +

    + +

    + Wynnbuilder assigns each ingredient and recipe to a unique ID number. +


    + For ingredients, you can download the ingredient DB here: ing_map.json. The ID number for No Ingredient is 4000. +


    + For recipes, you can download the recipe DB here: recipe_map.json. +

    + +

    + This is the first version of crafted item encoding. Crafted Items are always stored in a constant number of base 64 characters. +


    + This example shows how to parse a crafted item hash. +

    + + CR-1628i8v8v94948f21 + +

    + Crafted item hash format: +

    • 3 characters to denote item type as crafted: CR- (always)
    • +
    • 1 character for encoding version: 1
    • +
    • 6 ingredient IDs (2 Base 64 characters each): + 62, + 8i, + 8v, + 8v, + 94, + 94 +
    • +
    • 2 characters for recipe ID: 8f
    • +
    • 1 character to encode material tiers: 2 +
        + +
    • +
    • 1 character to encode attack speed: 1 +
      • The integer after doing unsigned decoding from the Base 64 character denotes the index within the following array: [SLOW, NORMAL, FAST]. Base 64 1 maps to the unsigned integer 1, meaning that the attack speed of this crafted item would be NORMAL if it were a weapon.
      • +
      • Note: although only weapons will have attack speed, we decided to include the character in all crafted item hashes to keep a constant hash length.
      • +
    • +
    + +

    + You may need to parse a crafted item from a wynnbuilder link with a crafted item. +

    + + http://hppeng-wynn.github.io/crafter/#1628i8v8v94948f21 + +

    + We can simply take the string after the octothorpe/hash tag (#), tack on "CR-" in front of this string, and arrive at the full hash for the crafted item in question. Decode using the same logic as the previous example. +

    + +

    + This section is about how to decode custom items. To view an example of a custom item in a build, check out Builds > Version 5. +


    + Custom items always start with "CI-" so that they are, as an entire category, distinguishable from item pool items. The stats and values that make up the custom item are stored in the rest of the "hash". +
