
717 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

const custom_url_base = location.href.split("#")[0];
const custom_url_tag = location.hash.slice(1);
const CUSTOM_BUILD_VERSION = "7.0.1";
function setTitle() {
let text = "WynnCustom version "+CUSTOM_BUILD_VERSION;
document.getElementById("header").textContent = text;
let player_custom_item;
let player_custom_ing;
let base_item; //the item that a user starts from, if any
let pos_range = [0.3,1.3];
let neg_range = [1.3,0.7];
let roll_range_ids = ["neg_roll_range-choice-min","neg_roll_range-choice-max","pos_roll_range-choice-min","pos_roll_range-choice-max"];
2021-04-02 22:07:15 +00:00
function init_customizer() {
try {
for (const id of rolledIDs) {
if (document.getElementById(id+"-choice-base")) {
let base_elem = document.getElementById(id+"-choice-base");
base_elem.addEventListener("focusout", (event) => {
let min_elem = document.getElementById(id+"-choice-min");
min_elem.addEventListener("focusout", (event) => {
let max_elem = document.getElementById(id+"-choice-max");
max_elem.addEventListener("focusout", (event) => {
for (const id of roll_range_ids) {
document.getElementById(id).addEventListener("focusout", (event) => {
} catch (error) {
console.log("If you are seeing this while building, do not worry. Oherwise, panic! (jk contact ferricles)");
/** Create a custom item based on data input into the fields.
function calculateCustom() {
try {
//Make things display.
for (let i of document.getElementsByClassName("hide-container-block")) {
i.style.display = "block";
for (let i of document.getElementsByClassName("hide-container-grid")) {
i.style.display = "grid";
let statMap = new Map();
statMap.set("minRolls", new Map());
statMap.set("maxRolls", new Map());
let inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
if (document.getElementById("fixID-choice").textContent === "yes") {//Fixed IDs
for (const input of inputs) {
if (input.id.includes("-min") || input.id.includes("-max")) {
let id = input.id.replace("-choice", "");
id = id.replace("-fixed", "");
id = id.replace("-min", "");
id = id.replace("-max", "");
if (input.classList.contains("number-input")) {
if (parseFloat(input.value)) {
if(rolledIDs.includes(id)) {
} else {
statMap.set(id, Math.round(parseFloat(input.value)));
} else if (input.classList.contains("string-input")) {
if(rolledIDs.includes(id)) {
} else {
statMap.set(id, input.value);
} else if (input.classList.contains("array-input")) {
statMap.set(id, input.value.split("-").map(x=>Math.round(parseFloat(x))));
if(input.value === "" && input.placeholder && input.placeholder !== "") {
if (input.classList.contains("number-input") && parseFloat(input.placeholder)) {
statMap.set(id, Math.round(parseFloat(input.placeholder)));
} else if (input.classList.contains("string-input")) {
statMap.set(id, input.placeholder);
} else if (input.classList.contains("array-input")) {
statMap.set(id, input.placeholder.split("-").map(x=>Math.round(parseFloat(x))));
statMap.set("fixID", true);
} else { //not fixed
for (const input of inputs) {
if (input.id.includes("-fixed")) {
let id = input.id.replace("-choice", "");
let rollMap = "";
let oppMap = "";
//If it's a minimum, it's -min
if(id.includes("-min")) {
rollMap = "minRolls";
//If it's a maximum, it's -max
else if(id.includes("-max")) {
rollMap = "maxRolls";
id = id.replace("-fixed", "");
id = id.replace("-min", "");
id = id.replace("-max", "");
if (input.classList.contains("number-input")) {
if (parseFloat(input.value)) {
if (rolledIDs.includes(id)) {
statMap.get(rollMap).set(id, Math.round(parseFloat(input.value)));
} else {
statMap.set(id, Math.round(parseFloat(input.value)));
} else if (input.classList.contains("string-input")) {
if(rolledIDs.includes(id)) {
statMap.get(rollMap).set(id, input.value);
} else {
statMap.set(id, input.value);
} else if (input.classList.contains("array-input")) {
statMap.set(id, input.value.split("-").map(x=>Math.round(parseFloat(x))));
if(input.value === "" && input.placeholder && input.placeholder !== "") {
if (input.classList.contains("number-input")) {
if (rolledIDs.includes(id)) {
statMap.get(rollMap).set(id, Math.round(parseFloat(input.placeholder)));
} else {
statMap.set(id, Math.round(parseFloat(input.placeholder)));
} else if (input.classList.contains("string-input")){
if (rolledIDs.includes(id)) {
statMap.get(rollMap).set(id, input.placeholder);
} else {
statMap.set(id, input.placeholder);
} else if (input.classList.contains("array-input")) {
statMap.set(id, input.placeholder.split("-").map(x=>Math.round(parseFloat(x))));
player_custom_item = new Custom(statMap);
let custom_str = encodeCustom(player_custom_item.statMap, true);
location.hash = custom_str;
displayExpandedItem(player_custom_item.statMap, "custom-stats");
}catch (error) {
let msg = error.stack;
let lines = msg.split("\n");
let header = document.getElementById("header");
header.textContent = "";
for (const line of lines) {
let p = document.createElement("p");
p.textContent = line;
let p2 = document.createElement("p");
p2.textContent = "If you believe this is an error, contact hppeng on forums or discord.";
function decodeCustom(custom_url_tag) {
if (custom_url_tag) {
if (custom_url_tag.slice(0,3) === "CI-") {
custom_url_tag = custom_url_tag.substring(3);
location.hash = location.hash.substring(3);
let version = custom_url_tag.charAt(0);
let fixID = Boolean(parseInt(custom_url_tag.charAt(1),10));
let tag = custom_url_tag.substring(2);
let statMap = new Map();
statMap.set("minRolls", new Map());
statMap.set("maxRolls", new Map());
if (version === "1") {
//do the things
2021-03-08 23:14:47 +00:00
if (fixID) {
statMap.set("fixId", true);
2021-03-08 23:14:47 +00:00
while (tag !== "") {
let id = ci_save_order[Base64.toInt(tag.slice(0,2))];
console.log(tag.slice(0, 2) + ": " + id);
let len = Base64.toInt(tag.slice(2,4));
if (rolledIDs.includes(id)) {
let sign = parseInt(tag.slice(4,5),10);
let minRoll = Base64.toInt(tag.slice(5,5+len));
if (!fixID) {
let maxRoll = Base64.toInt(tag.slice(5+len,5+2*len));
if (sign > 1) {
maxRoll *= -1;
if (sign % 2 == 1) {
minRoll *= -1;
setValue(id+"-choice-min", minRoll);
setValue(id+"-choice-max", maxRoll);
tag = tag.slice(5+2*len);
} else {
if (sign != 0) {
minRoll *= -1;
setValue(id+"-choice-fixed", minRoll);
tag = tag.slice(5+len);
} else {
let val;
//let elem = document.getElementById(id+"-choice");
if (nonRolled_strings.includes(id)) {
if (id === "tier") {
val = tiers[Base64.toInt(tag.charAt(2))];
len = -1;
} else if (id === "type") {
val = types[Base64.toInt(tag.charAt(2))];
len = -1;
} else if (id === "atkSpd") {
val = attackSpeeds[Base64.toInt(tag.charAt(2))];
len = -1;
} else if (id === "classReq") {
val = classes[Base64.toInt(tag.charAt(2))];
len = -1;
} else { //general case
val = tag.slice(4,4+len).replaceAll("%20"," ");
tag = tag.slice(4+len);
} else {
let sign = parseInt(tag.slice(4,5),10);
val = Base64.toInt(tag.slice(5,5+len));
if (sign == 1) {
val *= -1;
tag = tag.slice(5+len);
statMap.set(id, val);
setValue(id+"-choice", val);
function populateFields() {
let recipe_list = document.getElementById("recipe-choices");
for (const recipe of recipeTypes) {
let el = document.createElement("option");
el.value = recipe.charAt(0) + recipe.substring(1).toLowerCase();
let tier_list = document.getElementById("tier-list");
for (const tier of tiers) {
let el = document.createElement("option");
el.value = tier;
let type_list = document.getElementById("type-list");
for (const type of types) {
let el = document.createElement("option");
el.value = type;
let atkSpd_list = document.getElementById("atkSpd-list");
for (const atkSpd of attackSpeeds) {
let el = document.createElement("option");
el.value = atkSpd;
let class_list = document.getElementById("class-list");
for (const className of classes) {
let el = document.createElement("option");
el.value = className;
let item_list = document.getElementById("base-list");
for (const name of itemMap.keys()) {
let el = document.createElement("option");
el.value = name;
/* Changes an element's text content from yes to no or vice versa
function toggleYN(elemId) {
let elem = document.getElementById(elemId);
if (elem.textContent && elem.textContent === "no") {
elem.textContent = "yes";
} else if (elem.textContent === "yes") {
elem.textContent = "no";
} else {
elem.textContent = "no";
2021-03-08 23:14:47 +00:00
* @param fixed : a boolean for the state of the fixID button.
function toggleFixed(fixed) {
for (const id of rolledIDs) {
let elem = document.getElementById(id);
if (elem) {
if (fixed.textContent === "yes") { //now fixed IDs -> go to 1 input
document.getElementById(id+"-choice-fixed-container").style = "";
document.getElementById(id+"-choice-container").style = "display:none";
} else { //now rollable -> go to 2 inputs
document.getElementById(id+"-choice-fixed-container").style = "display:none";
document.getElementById(id+"-choice-container").style = "";
/** Make a custom item
* @param {elem} : The elem with value item to base off of. A string input.
function useBaseItem(elem) {
let itemName = getValue(elem);
let baseItem;
//Check items db.
for (const [name,itemObj] of itemMap) {
if (itemName === name) {
baseItem = expandItem(itemObj, []);
//If it starts with CR-, try creating a craft
if(!baseItem) {
baseItem = getCraftFromHash(itemName) ? getCraftFromHash(itemName) : (getCustomFromHash(itemName) ? getCustomFromHash(itemName) : null);
baseItem = baseItem.statMap;
//If the item exists, go through stats and assign to values!
if(baseItem) {
//Rolled IDs
if (document.getElementById("fixID-choice").textContent === "yes") { //fixed IDs
for (const id of rolledIDs) { //use maxrolls
if (baseItem.get("maxRolls").get(id) && document.getElementById(id+"-choice-fixed")) {
setValue(id+"-choice-fixed", baseItem.get("maxRolls").get(id));
setValue(id+"-choice-min", baseItem.get("maxRolls").get(id));
setValue(id+"-choice-max", baseItem.get("maxRolls").get(id));
} else { //use both
for (const id of rolledIDs) {
if (baseItem.get("maxRolls").get(id) && document.getElementById(id+"-choice-fixed")) {
setValue(id+"-choice-fixed", baseItem.get("maxRolls").get(id));
setValue(id+"-choice-min", baseItem.get("minRolls").get(id));
setValue(id+"-choice-max", baseItem.get("maxRolls").get(id));
//Static IDs
for (const id of nonRolledIDs) {
if (baseItem.get(id) && document.getElementById(id+"-choice")) {
setValue(id+"-choice", baseItem.get(id));
//take care of displayName
if (baseItem.get("displayName")) {
setValue("name-choice", baseItem.get("displayName"));
//Take care of durability, duration, and charges.
if (baseItem.get("tier") === "Crafted") {
let specialIDs = ["duration", "durability"];
setValue("charges-choice", baseItem.get("charges"));
for (const id of specialIDs) {
setValue(id+"-choice", baseItem.get(id)[0]+"-"+baseItem.get(id)[1]);
//Don't do anything if nothing is met
/* Copy the link
function copyCustom() {
if (player_custom_item) {
document.getElementById("copy-button").textContent = "Copied!";
function copyHash() {
if (player_custom_item) {
let hash = player_custom_item.statMap.get("hash");
document.getElementById("copy-button-hash").textContent = "Copied!";
/* Reset all fields
function resetFields() {
let inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (const input of inputs) {
input.textContent = "";
input.value = "";
let elem = document.getElementById("fixID-choice")
if (elem.textContent === "yes") {
elem.textContent = "no";
/** Takes the base value for an id and attempts to autofill the corresponding min and maxes.
* @param {String} id - the id to do the math for (ex: hprPct)
function base_to_range(id) {
let base = parseFloat(getValue(id+"-choice-base"));
if(base) {
//This version allows overriding of min and max.
if (reversedIDs.includes(id)) {
if (base < 0) {
setValue(id+"-choice-min", Math.min(Math.round(neg_range[1]*base),-1));
} else {
setValue(id+"-choice-min", Math.max(Math.round(pos_range[1]*base),1));
if (base < 0) {
setValue(id+"-choice-max", Math.min(Math.round(neg_range[0]*base),-1));
} else {
setValue(id+"-choice-max", Math.max(Math.round(pos_range[0]*base),1));
} else {
if (base < 0) {
setValue(id+"-choice-min", Math.min(Math.round(neg_range[0]*base),-1));
} else {
setValue(id+"-choice-min", Math.max(Math.round(pos_range[0]*base),1));
if (base < 0) {
setValue(id+"-choice-max", Math.min(Math.round(neg_range[1]*base),-1));
} else {
setValue(id+"-choice-max", Math.max(Math.round(pos_range[1]*base),1));
/* No overiding min/max version
if (!getValue(id+"-choice-min")) {
if (base < 0) {
setValue(id+"-choice-min", Math.min(Math.round(neg_range[0]*base),-1));
} else {
setValue(id+"-choice-min", Math.max(Math.round(pos_range[0]*base),1));
if (!getValue(id+"-choice-max")) {
if (base < 0) {
setValue(id+"-choice-max", Math.min(Math.round(neg_range[1]*base),-1));
} else {
setValue(id+"-choice-max", Math.max(Math.round(pos_range[1]*base),1));
/** Takes min/max value(s) and attempts to autofill the corresponding base and min/max
* @param {String} id - the id to do the math for (ex: hprPct)
* @param {String} mode - the tabbed value (min or max)
function range_to_base(id, mode) {
let value;
try {
value = parseFloat(getValue(id+"-choice-"+mode));
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error in range_to_base.");
if (mode === "min") { //base and max
if (value && !getValue(id+"-choice-base")) {
if (value < 0) {
setValue(id+"-choice-base", Math.min(Math.round(1/neg_range[0]*value),-1));
} else {
setValue(id+"-choice-base", Math.max(Math.round(1/pos_range[0]*value),1));
if (value && !getValue(id+"-choice-max")) {
if (value < 0) {
setValue(id+"-choice-max", Math.min(Math.round(neg_range[1]/neg_range[0]*value),-1));
} else {
setValue(id+"-choice-max", Math.max(Math.round(pos_range[1]/pos_range[0]*value),1));
} else if (mode === "max") { //min and base
if (value && !getValue(id+"-choice-base")) {
if (value < 0) {
setValue(id+"-choice-base", Math.min(Math.round(1/neg_range[1]*value),-1));
} else {
setValue(id+"-choice-base", Math.max(Math.round(1/pos_range[1]*value),1));
if (value && !getValue(id+"-choice-min")) {
if (value < 0) {
setValue(id+"-choice-min", Math.min(Math.round(neg_range[0]/neg_range[1]*value),-1));
} else {
setValue(id+"-choice-min", Math.max(Math.round(pos_range[0]/pos_range[1]*value),1));
/** Uses the base value input fields and changes the base values.
function changeBaseValues() {
for (const id of roll_range_ids) {
if (getValue(id)) {
if (id.includes("neg")) {
if (id.includes("min")) {
neg_range[0] = parseFloat(getValue(id));
} else {
neg_range[1] = parseFloat(getValue(id));
} else {
if (id.includes("min")) {
pos_range[0] = parseFloat(getValue(id));
} else {
pos_range[1] = parseFloat(getValue(id));
for (const identification of rolledIDs) {
if (document.getElementById(identification)) {
function resetBaseValues() {
pos_range = [0.3,1.3];
neg_range = [1.3,0.7];
for (const id of roll_range_ids) {
2021-04-02 22:07:15 +00:00
function _init_customizer() {
2021-04-21 05:28:16 +00:00
/** Saves the current user's item as a JSON file.
* Starts a JSON download.
function saveAsJSON() {
let CI = {};
for (const [id, val] of player_custom_item.statMap) {
let skipIds = ["minRolls", "maxRolls", "skillpoints", "reqs", "custom", "crafted", "restrict", "hash",
"nDam_", "tDam_", "eDam_", "wDam_", "fDam_", "aDam_",
"powders", "durability", "duration" ]
if (skipIds.includes(id)) {
2021-04-21 05:28:16 +00:00
} else {
val ? CI[reversetranslations.get(id) ? reversetranslations.get(id) : id] = val : "" ;
if (player_custom_item.statMap.get("minRolls")) {
for (const [id, min] of player_custom_item.statMap.get("minRolls")) {
const max = player_custom_item.statMap.get("maxRolls").get(id);
if (min && max) {
let base = full_range_to_base(min, max);
if (base === null) {
CI[reversetranslations.get(id) ? reversetranslations.get(id) : id] = [min,max];
} else if (base) {
CI[reversetranslations.get(id) ? reversetranslations.get(id) : id] = base;
2021-04-21 05:28:16 +00:00
copyTextToClipboard(JSON.stringify(CI, null, 0));
document.getElementById("json-button").textContent = "Copied!";
// let filename = player_custom_item.statMap.get("displayName");
// var element = document.createElement('a');
// element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(CI, null, 0)));
// element.setAttribute('download', filename + ".json");
// element.style.display = 'none';
// document.body.appendChild(element);
// element.click();
// document.body.removeChild(element);
2021-04-21 05:28:16 +00:00
/**Helper function
* Takes min, max, attempts to get the correct base. Returns null if no possible base or no base found.
function full_range_to_base(min, max) {
//checks against the range
function checkBase(b, min, max) {
if ( b > 0 ) {
if (Math.round(pos_range[0] * b) == min && Math.round(pos_range[1] * b ) == max) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
if (Math.round(neg_range[0] * b) == min && Math.round(neg_range[1] * b ) == max) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if (min && max && min/max < 0) {
return null;
} else if (min == max) {
//0 shouldn't save but this is for -1 and 1
return min;
} else {
//both should be same sign - now do math
if (min < 0) {
} else {
let minPossible = (max - 0.5) / pos_range[1];
let maxPossible = (max + 0.5) / pos_range[1];
for (let i = Math.floor(minPossible); i < Math.ceil(maxPossible); i++) {
if (checkBase(i, min, max)) {
return i;
return null;
2021-04-02 22:07:15 +00:00