2021-02-05 12:09:36 -06:00
let getUrl = window . location ;
const url _base = getUrl . protocol + "//" + getUrl . host + "/" + getUrl . pathname . split ( '/' ) [ 1 ] ;
2021-01-18 12:23:37 -08:00
let skp _order = [ "str" , "dex" , "int" , "def" , "agi" ] ;
let skill = [ "Strength" , "Dexterity" , "Intelligence" , "Defense" , "Agility" ] ;
let skp _elements = [ "e" , "t" , "w" , "f" , "a" ] ;
2021-01-27 16:52:34 -08:00
let damageClasses = [ "Neutral" , "Earth" , "Thunder" , "Water" , "Fire" , "Air" ] ;
2021-01-30 00:50:25 -08:00
// Set up item lists for quick access later.
let armorTypes = [ "helmet" , "chestplate" , "leggings" , "boots" ] ;
let accessoryTypes = [ "ring" , "bracelet" , "necklace" ] ;
let weaponTypes = [ "wand" , "spear" , "bow" , "dagger" , "relik" ] ;
let consumableTypes = [ "potion" , "scroll" , "food" ] ;
2021-03-05 08:28:00 -08:00
const attackSpeeds = [ "SUPER_SLOW" , "VERY_SLOW" , "SLOW" , "NORMAL" , "FAST" , "VERY_FAST" , "SUPER_FAST" ] ;
2021-03-13 23:55:08 -08:00
const classes = [ "Warrior" , "Assassin" , "Mage" , "Archer" , "Shaman" ] ;
const tiers = [ "Normal" , "Unique" , "Rare" , "Legendary" , "Fabled" , "Mythic" , "Set" , "Crafted" ] //I'm not sure why you would make a custom crafted but if you do you should be able to use it w/ the correct powder formula
const types = armorTypes . concat ( accessoryTypes ) . concat ( weaponTypes ) . concat ( consumableTypes ) . map ( x => x . substring ( 0 , 1 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + x . substring ( 1 ) ) ;
2021-01-30 00:50:25 -08:00
2021-01-18 12:23:37 -08:00
let elementIcons = [ "\u2724" , "\u2726" , "\u2749" , "\u2739" , "\u274b" ] ;
let skpReqs = skp _order . map ( x => x + "Req" ) ;
2021-02-12 09:00:06 -08:00
function clamp ( num , low , high ) {
return Math . min ( Math . max ( num , low ) , high ) ;
2021-01-07 00:41:41 -06:00
// Permutations in js reference (also cool algorithm):
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/41068709
function perm ( a ) {
if ( a . length == 0 ) return [ [ ] ] ;
var r = [ [ a [ 0 ] ] ] ,
t = [ ] ,
s = [ ] ;
if ( a . length == 1 ) return r ;
for ( var i = 1 , la = a . length ; i < la ; i ++ ) {
for ( var j = 0 , lr = r . length ; j < lr ; j ++ ) {
r [ j ] . push ( a [ i ] ) ;
t . push ( r [ j ] ) ;
for ( var k = 1 , lrj = r [ j ] . length ; k < lrj ; k ++ ) {
for ( var l = 0 ; l < lrj ; l ++ ) s [ l ] = r [ j ] [ ( k + l ) % lrj ] ;
t [ t . length ] = s ;
s = [ ] ;
r = t ;
t = [ ] ;
return r ;
2021-02-17 12:08:47 -06:00
function round _near ( value ) {
let eps = 0.00000001 ;
if ( Math . abs ( value - Math . round ( value ) ) < eps ) {
return Math . round ( value ) ;
return value ;
2021-01-07 20:40:12 -06:00
function setText ( id , text ) {
document . getElementById ( id ) . textContent = text ;
2021-01-07 00:41:41 -06:00
function setHTML ( id , html ) {
document . getElementById ( id ) . innerHTML = html ;
function setValue ( id , value ) {
2021-01-07 04:23:54 -06:00
let el = document . getElementById ( id ) ;
el . value = value ;
el . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( "change" ) ) ;
2021-01-07 00:41:41 -06:00
2021-01-07 02:34:31 -06:00
2021-01-08 14:17:37 -06:00
function getValue ( id ) {
return document . getElementById ( id ) . value ;
2021-03-08 14:50:47 -08:00
function log ( b , n ) {
return Math . log ( n ) / Math . log ( b ) ;
2021-01-07 02:34:31 -06:00
// Base 64 encoding tools
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/27696695
2021-01-07 04:23:54 -06:00
// Modified for fixed precision
2021-01-07 02:34:31 -06:00
Base64 = ( function ( ) {
var digitsStr =
// 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 63
// v v v v v v v v v
"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+-" ;
var digits = digitsStr . split ( '' ) ;
var digitsMap = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < digits . length ; i ++ ) {
digitsMap [ digits [ i ] ] = i ;
return {
2021-01-07 04:23:54 -06:00
fromIntV : function ( int32 ) {
2021-01-07 02:34:31 -06:00
var result = '' ;
while ( true ) {
result = digits [ int32 & 0x3f ] + result ;
int32 >>>= 6 ;
if ( int32 === 0 )
break ;
return result ;
} ,
2021-01-07 04:23:54 -06:00
fromIntN : function ( int32 , n ) {
var result = '' ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < n ; ++ i ) {
result = digits [ int32 & 0x3f ] + result ;
2021-01-09 03:09:47 -06:00
int32 >>= 6 ;
2021-01-07 04:23:54 -06:00
return result ;
} ,
2021-01-07 02:34:31 -06:00
toInt : function ( digitsStr ) {
var result = 0 ;
var digits = digitsStr . split ( '' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < digits . length ; i ++ ) {
result = ( result << 6 ) + digitsMap [ digits [ i ] ] ;
return result ;
2021-01-07 04:23:54 -06:00
} ,
2021-01-09 03:09:47 -06:00
toIntSigned : function ( digitsStr ) {
var result = 0 ;
var digits = digitsStr . split ( '' ) ;
if ( digits [ 0 ] && ( digitsMap [ digits [ 0 ] ] & 0x20 ) ) {
result = - 1 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < digits . length ; i ++ ) {
result = ( result << 6 ) + digitsMap [ digits [ i ] ] ;
return result ;
2021-01-07 02:34:31 -06:00
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
// Base64.fromInt(-2147483648); // gives "200000"
// Base64.toInt("200000"); // gives -2147483648
2021-01-10 02:02:23 -08:00
/ *
2021-01-14 16:30:49 -08:00
Turns a raw stat and a % stat into a final stat on the basis that - raw and >= 100 % becomes 0 and + raw and <= - 100 % becomes negative .
2021-01-10 02:02:23 -08:00
Pct would be 0.80 for 80 % , - 1.20 for 120 % , etc
2021-01-10 16:08:14 -08:00
Example Outputs :
raw : - 100
pct : + 0.20 , output = - 80
pct : + 1.20 , output = 0
pct : - 0.20 , output = - 120
pct : - 1.20 , output = - 220
raw : + 100
pct : + 0.20 , output = 120
pct : + 1.20 , output = 220
pct : - 0.20 , output = 80
2021-01-14 16:30:49 -08:00
pct : - 1.20 , output = - 20
2021-01-10 02:02:23 -08:00
* /
function rawToPct ( raw , pct ) {
final = 0 ;
if ( raw < 0 ) {
final = ( Math . min ( 0 , raw - ( raw * pct ) ) ) ;
} else if ( raw > 0 ) {
2021-01-11 23:11:20 -08:00
final = raw + ( raw * pct ) ;
2021-01-10 02:02:23 -08:00
} else { //do nothing - final's already 0
return final ;
2021-01-11 05:08:10 -06:00
/ *
* Clipboard utilities
* From : https : //stackoverflow.com/a/30810322
* /
function fallbackCopyTextToClipboard ( text ) {
var textArea = document . createElement ( "textarea" ) ;
// *** This styling is an extra step which is likely not required. ***
// Why is it here? To ensure:
// 1. the element is able to have focus and selection.
// 2. if the element was to flash render it has minimal visual impact.
// 3. less flakyness with selection and copying which **might** occur if
// the textarea element is not visible.
// The likelihood is the element won't even render, not even a
// flash, so some of these are just precautions. However in
// Internet Explorer the element is visible whilst the popup
// box asking the user for permission for the web page to
// copy to the clipboard.
// Place in the top-left corner of screen regardless of scroll position.
textArea . style . position = 'fixed' ;
textArea . style . top = 0 ;
textArea . style . left = 0 ;
// Ensure it has a small width and height. Setting to 1px / 1em
// doesn't work as this gives a negative w/h on some browsers.
textArea . style . width = '2em' ;
textArea . style . height = '2em' ;
// We don't need padding, reducing the size if it does flash render.
textArea . style . padding = 0 ;
// Clean up any borders.
textArea . style . border = 'none' ;
textArea . style . outline = 'none' ;
textArea . style . boxShadow = 'none' ;
// Avoid flash of the white box if rendered for any reason.
textArea . style . background = 'transparent' ;
textArea . value = text ;
document . body . appendChild ( textArea ) ;
textArea . focus ( ) ;
textArea . select ( ) ;
try {
var successful = document . execCommand ( 'copy' ) ;
var msg = successful ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful' ;
console . log ( 'Copying text command was ' + msg ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
console . log ( 'Oops, unable to copy' ) ;
document . body . removeChild ( textArea ) ;
function copyTextToClipboard ( text ) {
if ( ! navigator . clipboard ) {
fallbackCopyTextToClipboard ( text ) ;
return ;
navigator . clipboard . writeText ( text ) . then ( function ( ) {
console . log ( 'Async: Copying to clipboard was successful!' ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
console . error ( 'Async: Could not copy text: ' , err ) ;
} ) ;
2021-02-17 10:29:41 -08:00