From ad946ce70f4c24ba136e5f984696dab461de6cad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: endernon <> Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2024 22:34:45 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] test2 still wrong btw --- 2024/day4/part1/output.txt | 158114 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2024/day4/part1/src/ | 23 +- 2 files changed, 158133 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) create mode 100644 2024/day4/part1/output.txt diff --git a/2024/day4/part1/output.txt b/2024/day4/part1/output.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2cc0b0a --- /dev/null +++ b/2024/day4/part1/output.txt @@ -0,0 +1,158114 @@ +ye the lines are ["SAMSXXMAXAMXSMXMMMSMSSSSMASMMAMMSMMMMMMMMSMSMSSXMAMXXXMSXSXSMSSMAMMXMSMMXSASMAXASMSMXMASMMMMSAMXXMAXXMMXAMAMXMSMMMMMMMMMMXSSMASMXXXXXMASXXAX", "SAASMMASAXMAXMAMXAMSAMXMXASASMXAAAAAMSSMMAAAAXAAMASXSAMXMMAMXMAMMXSASAAAAMMAMMMMXAAMMSAMXSAMMASMSAMMAMXXXSXMAXAAASXAAASAMXMASASMSSSMMAMXMASX", "SMMSXSAXMSMSXSASMSMMMSMSMMSAMMMSSSMSMAAASMSMSMSMMAAMSXMAAMAMASMXSASXSSMMXSAMXSAAMXMMAMASAMXSXXMAMXMASMMSMMAMMXXXMXSSSMSASXSMMMMXAXAMAASAMXMX", 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+y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 6 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width 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is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width 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69 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width 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+width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 97 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 123 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 133 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down +successful right + + +x is 134 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down left + + +x is 139 +y is 1 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 11 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 24 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 26 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 32 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 53 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 57 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 90 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 104 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 105 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 106 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 108 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 111 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful right + + +x is 123 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 2 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 69 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 78 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 92 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 99 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 115 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 131 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 139 +y is 3 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 2 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 20 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 22 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 32 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 51 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 55 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 57 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 60 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 64 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful right + + +x is 65 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 76 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 88 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 117 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 125 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 4 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 18 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 119 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 130 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 131 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 5 +width up: false +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 23 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 26 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful right + + +x is 37 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 47 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 66 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 76 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 90 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 94 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 101 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 102 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 108 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 117 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 119 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 6 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 26 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 37 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 42 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 70 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 76 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 110 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 114 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 116 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 119 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 131 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 132 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 134 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down left + + +x is 136 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 7 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 2 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 10 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 11 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 22 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 27 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 28 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 48 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 55 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 59 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 87 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 8 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 26 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 30 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 35 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 48 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 52 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 65 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 88 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 89 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 94 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 96 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 97 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 98 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 99 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 101 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 115 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 122 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 123 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 124 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 125 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 128 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 139 +y is 9 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 22 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 27 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 28 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 43 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 48 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 52 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 72 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 74 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 89 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 90 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 10 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful left + + +x is 1 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 9 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 16 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 20 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 21 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 37 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 39 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 41 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 42 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 58 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 61 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 62 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 77 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 95 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down right + + +x is 108 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 110 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 111 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 113 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 114 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 115 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 117 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 11 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up left + + +x is 1 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 11 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 27 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 35 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 45 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 93 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 105 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 125 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 134 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up left + + +x is 136 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 12 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 2 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 4 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up +successful right + + +x is 6 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 33 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 40 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 62 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 76 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful right + + +x is 78 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 100 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 101 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 112 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 118 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 119 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down + + +x is 120 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 121 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 122 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 125 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 130 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down left +successful down + + +x is 139 +y is 13 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up left + + +x is 1 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 11 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 26 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 28 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 30 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful right + + +x is 31 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 43 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 50 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 56 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 82 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down left + + +x is 90 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 91 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 95 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 102 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 123 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 125 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 129 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 14 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 7 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 21 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 35 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 60 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 62 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 64 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 66 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 67 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 71 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 80 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 95 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 100 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 125 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 15 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up left + + +x is 1 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 19 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 27 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 29 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 35 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful right + + +x is 58 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 67 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 68 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 70 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 74 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 90 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 127 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 129 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 16 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 7 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 11 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful right + + +x is 13 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 36 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 50 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 52 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 56 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 63 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 67 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 113 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 116 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful right + + +x is 119 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 17 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful right + + +x is 7 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 26 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 34 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 40 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 49 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 54 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 58 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 79 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 85 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 93 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 105 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 111 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 122 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful right + + +x is 127 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 18 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 30 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left + + +x is 40 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 58 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 83 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left + + +x is 116 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 19 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down + + +x is 7 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 15 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 26 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 34 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 64 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 68 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful right + + +x is 70 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 81 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 85 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 101 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 125 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 20 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 3 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 15 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 27 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 30 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 31 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 33 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 40 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 50 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 70 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful up right + + +x is 74 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 84 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful right + + +x is 85 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 89 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 91 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 92 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 95 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 100 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 112 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 124 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 21 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 20 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 21 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 26 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 38 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 42 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 44 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 46 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left +successful down right +successful right + + +x is 50 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 55 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 66 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 72 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 74 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful right + + +x is 85 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 91 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 105 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 106 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down right + + +x is 109 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 110 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 124 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 127 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 131 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 132 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 135 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 22 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 17 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 25 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 27 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 36 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 40 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 58 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 69 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful up right + + +x is 74 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 76 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 77 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 81 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 97 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 122 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 128 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 137 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 139 +y is 23 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down + + +x is 31 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 33 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 36 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 39 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 40 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 54 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 77 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 85 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 115 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 121 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 126 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 24 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 14 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 25 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 57 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 60 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 61 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 66 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 70 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 72 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 87 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 100 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 104 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 25 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 8 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 9 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left + + +x is 25 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 36 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 40 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 49 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 53 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 74 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 76 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 89 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 95 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful up right + + +x is 109 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 111 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 115 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 126 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 133 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 135 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down left + + +x is 139 +y is 26 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 53 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 55 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 63 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 82 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 87 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 88 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 91 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 97 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 99 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 108 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 113 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 125 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right +successful right + + +x is 130 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 27 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 4 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 19 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 22 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 25 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 33 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 36 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 40 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 47 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 50 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 53 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 56 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 68 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 75 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 77 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 84 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 101 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful up right + + +x is 105 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 114 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 119 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 122 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 132 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up + + +x is 138 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 28 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 23 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 35 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 47 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 63 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 64 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 67 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 74 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 94 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down left + + +x is 139 +y is 29 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 30 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 36 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 83 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 101 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 113 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 116 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 118 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 130 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 30 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 9 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 14 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 15 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 22 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 40 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 52 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 55 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 57 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 61 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down + + +x is 62 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 63 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 85 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 87 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 88 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 90 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 96 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down left + + +x is 106 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 122 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 126 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 128 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 31 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up +successful down right + + +x is 2 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 19 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 44 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 50 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 69 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 71 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 74 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 80 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 84 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 94 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 97 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 110 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 112 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 113 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 114 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right +successful right + + +x is 116 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 32 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left + + +x is 9 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down + + +x is 10 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 23 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 29 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful right + + +x is 40 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 50 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 51 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 80 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 111 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left +successful up right + + +x is 125 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 129 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 133 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 33 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 32 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 33 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 40 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 61 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 116 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 135 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 34 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 11 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 14 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 27 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 28 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 31 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 34 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 45 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 52 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful right + + +x is 57 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 77 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 90 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 96 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 99 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 103 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 110 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 118 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 130 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up +successful down left + + +x is 139 +y is 35 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 19 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 20 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 36 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 40 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 54 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 55 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 61 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 66 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up right + + +x is 84 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down right + + +x is 88 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 108 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 112 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 116 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 118 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 36 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 4 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 8 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 11 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 40 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful left + + +x is 50 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 59 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 60 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 65 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 66 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 77 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down right + + +x is 80 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful right + + +x is 82 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up right + + +x is 98 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 100 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 106 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 118 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 124 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 127 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 129 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 37 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 2 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down + + +x is 19 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 53 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 59 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 71 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 76 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 94 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 96 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 105 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 109 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 111 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 112 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 119 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful right + + +x is 124 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 38 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 7 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 27 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 41 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 43 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down + + +x is 59 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 62 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 77 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 95 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 99 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 101 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 122 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 125 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 39 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 26 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 45 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 50 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 66 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 84 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down + + +x is 85 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 91 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 94 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 108 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 116 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 118 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 133 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 40 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 33 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 36 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 38 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 40 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 42 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 48 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 66 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 69 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 72 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 92 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 96 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 126 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 135 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 41 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 17 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 53 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 82 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down + + +x is 92 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 98 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful left + + +x is 107 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 108 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful right + + +x is 110 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 42 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 6 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 17 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 33 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down + + +x is 34 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up right + + +x is 35 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 40 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 50 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 52 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 55 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 59 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up right + + +x is 62 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 64 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 66 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 70 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 71 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 76 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 77 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 86 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 107 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 123 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down left + + +x is 138 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 43 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 5 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 11 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 27 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 40 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 59 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 60 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 71 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 79 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 85 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 93 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 96 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up right + + +x is 97 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 116 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 118 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 126 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left + + +x is 135 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 44 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 14 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 17 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 25 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 31 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 33 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 40 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 58 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 67 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down + + +x is 75 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 79 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 87 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful right + + +x is 96 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 101 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 103 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 135 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 45 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 24 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 40 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 46 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 64 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 79 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 94 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 100 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 133 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 46 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 5 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down + + +x is 11 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 13 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 19 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 30 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 32 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 44 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 47 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 52 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left + + +x is 56 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 57 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 58 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 73 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 81 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 86 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 91 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 93 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 97 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 99 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 129 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up + + +x is 136 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 47 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left + + +x is 7 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 60 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 63 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful right + + +x is 77 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful up right + + +x is 110 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 112 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 114 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 119 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 129 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down left + + +x is 138 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 48 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 38 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 40 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 73 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 77 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 90 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 93 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 123 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 128 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 49 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 5 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 15 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 26 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 32 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 40 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 44 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 66 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 106 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 115 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 132 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 50 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 2 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 11 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 17 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 49 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 69 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 76 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 77 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 93 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 104 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 108 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 111 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful left + + +x is 138 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 51 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up left + + +x is 1 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 19 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 51 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 72 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 78 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 86 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 95 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 116 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 118 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 119 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 126 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 129 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 130 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 131 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down + + +x is 137 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 52 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 7 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 30 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful up right + + +x is 38 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 40 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 46 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 48 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 52 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 58 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 60 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 77 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 84 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 88 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 100 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 105 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 107 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 108 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 111 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful left + + +x is 138 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 53 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 12 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 14 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 16 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 86 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 87 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 88 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 92 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 102 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 115 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 119 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 54 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 2 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 7 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 22 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 26 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 40 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 42 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 44 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 52 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful up right + + +x is 63 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 71 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 76 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 80 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 92 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 100 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 102 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 106 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 120 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down left + + +x is 136 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 55 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 20 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 26 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 36 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 38 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 62 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 63 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 65 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 66 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 83 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful left + + +x is 96 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 98 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful left + + +x is 136 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 56 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 14 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 72 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 96 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 111 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 113 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 114 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down + + +x is 117 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 118 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 120 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 121 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 132 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 57 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 14 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful right + + +x is 16 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 20 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 31 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 32 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 33 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 34 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 73 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 74 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 77 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 87 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 91 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 58 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 2 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 3 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 6 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down +successful right + + +x is 10 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 22 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 40 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 42 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 47 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left + + +x is 52 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful right + + +x is 68 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 77 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 102 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 108 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 110 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 112 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 114 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 124 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful left + + +x is 139 +y is 59 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 20 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 22 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 30 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 48 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 58 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful right + + +x is 62 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 69 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 86 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 94 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 108 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 116 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up + + +x is 138 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 60 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 40 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 44 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 48 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 52 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 53 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful right + + +x is 61 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 72 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 119 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 130 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up left + + +x is 136 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 137 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 61 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down left + + +x is 1 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 31 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 37 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 39 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 71 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 80 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 81 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 89 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 96 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 102 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down + + +x is 104 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 108 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 120 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 123 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 126 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 62 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 10 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 11 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 24 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful right + + +x is 31 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 37 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 38 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 52 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 70 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 76 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 79 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 97 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 102 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 106 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 116 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 125 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 129 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 63 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 5 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 7 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful right + + +x is 12 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 16 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 17 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 20 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 26 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 48 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 62 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 82 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 84 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 87 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left + + +x is 93 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 117 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 132 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 64 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 18 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 24 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 26 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 29 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 33 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 35 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 36 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 40 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 49 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 50 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 51 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 52 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 63 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 65 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 66 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 72 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 87 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful right + + +x is 95 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 129 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 132 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 65 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 11 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 28 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 40 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 45 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down + + +x is 49 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 52 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 54 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 55 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 71 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 80 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 84 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 88 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 89 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 100 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 123 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 66 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 7 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 10 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 32 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 37 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 42 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 61 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 65 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 78 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 96 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 104 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 112 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 116 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 121 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful down right +successful right + + +x is 123 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 127 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 67 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 39 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 44 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 48 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 67 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 76 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 84 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 107 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 108 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 110 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 111 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 122 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 127 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 132 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down left + + +x is 139 +y is 68 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 5 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 16 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 22 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 28 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 61 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down + + +x is 72 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down + + +x is 75 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 76 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 90 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down left +successful right + + +x is 92 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 98 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 108 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 109 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 130 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 69 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 2 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 11 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 34 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down right + + +x is 36 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 38 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 40 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 45 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful right + + +x is 48 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 59 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 61 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 76 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 81 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 85 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 87 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 104 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 134 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 70 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 24 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 56 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 58 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 78 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 80 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 116 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 119 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 123 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 71 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 21 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 30 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 48 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 52 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 80 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 81 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 87 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 102 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down left + + +x is 103 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful right + + +x is 119 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 129 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 131 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 132 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 135 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 72 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 13 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 19 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 20 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 32 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 45 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 55 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 111 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 112 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 116 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 119 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 126 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 130 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 73 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 30 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 33 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 34 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 38 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 61 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 76 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 90 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 97 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 105 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 116 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 130 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 132 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 74 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down + + +x is 1 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 6 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful right + + +x is 9 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 38 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 42 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 45 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful right + + +x is 66 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 76 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 80 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 82 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left + + +x is 103 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 127 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 130 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 75 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 4 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 33 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 37 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 59 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 70 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 90 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 97 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 108 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 116 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful right + + +x is 120 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful right + + +x is 130 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 135 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 76 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up right + + +x is 15 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 20 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 22 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 24 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down + + +x is 25 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 32 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 35 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 42 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 70 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 103 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 113 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 116 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down right + + +x is 125 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 131 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 77 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 13 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 21 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 30 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 40 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 70 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful right + + +x is 84 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 93 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 98 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 101 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 103 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down left + + +x is 107 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 120 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 134 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down + + +x is 136 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 78 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 8 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 10 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down left +successful down + + +x is 47 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 48 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 52 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful right + + +x is 60 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 72 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 80 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 82 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 86 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 113 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 126 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 130 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 132 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 79 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 18 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 20 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 42 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 59 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 82 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 87 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 88 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 92 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left + + +x is 98 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 103 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 111 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 133 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 80 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 2 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 6 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 26 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 28 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 48 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up right + + +x is 49 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up right + + +x is 76 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down left + + +x is 78 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 85 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 86 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 98 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 113 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up + + +x is 137 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 81 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 6 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 30 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 57 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 71 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 76 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 82 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 91 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 103 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 105 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 115 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 120 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 122 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 82 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 2 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 7 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 8 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 22 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 31 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 40 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 44 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 64 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 66 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 68 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 71 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 90 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 92 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 112 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 127 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 131 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down left + + +x is 136 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 83 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 13 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 17 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 20 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful right + + +x is 22 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 49 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 71 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 74 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 76 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 88 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down + + +x is 89 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 93 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 94 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left +successful down + + +x is 96 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up right + + +x is 104 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 111 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 127 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 84 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 3 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 13 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 18 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 26 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 28 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 38 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 54 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 55 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 56 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 100 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 113 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 115 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 85 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down left + + +x is 1 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 11 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 37 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 49 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 57 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 85 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 86 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 87 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 91 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 100 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 108 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 120 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 127 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 86 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 2 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 17 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 21 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 22 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 31 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 35 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 37 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 45 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 47 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 63 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 73 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 87 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 10 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 23 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful right + + +x is 35 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 41 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 66 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 75 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right +successful right + + +x is 83 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 89 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 94 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 96 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 106 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 117 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 121 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 123 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 125 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 128 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 130 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 132 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 88 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 5 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 8 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 21 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 26 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 28 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 31 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 41 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 66 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 72 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 76 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 93 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 95 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 106 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 108 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 111 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down +successful right + + +x is 114 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 118 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 121 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 128 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 89 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 10 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 49 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 50 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 57 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 91 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 100 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 125 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 90 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 2 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 15 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 35 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 45 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 46 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 56 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 57 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 72 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 91 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 95 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 106 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 122 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 133 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 134 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 136 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 91 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 12 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 14 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 19 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 26 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 45 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 50 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 83 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 88 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 94 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 95 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 100 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 102 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 126 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 129 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 92 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 2 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 4 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 12 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 22 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 39 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 42 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 43 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 45 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 46 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 48 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 50 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 58 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful right + + +x is 59 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 63 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 77 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 89 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 91 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 103 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 104 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 111 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful left + + +x is 138 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 93 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 20 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 50 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 65 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 75 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 79 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 83 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful right + + +x is 95 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 103 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 122 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down + + +x is 127 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 134 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 94 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 4 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 12 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 20 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 30 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 33 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 34 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 103 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 108 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 111 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 112 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 117 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 122 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 134 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful left + + +x is 138 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 95 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 2 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 7 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 14 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 19 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 22 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 28 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 59 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 65 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 75 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left + + +x is 79 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 83 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 99 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 126 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 128 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 130 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 96 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 2 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 3 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 14 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 20 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down + + +x is 30 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 31 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 34 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 35 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 42 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 43 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 44 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 47 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 50 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 75 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 79 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 82 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 85 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 92 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 98 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 110 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 134 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 97 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 60 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down + + +x is 64 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 66 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 77 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 99 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 125 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 127 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful left + + +x is 136 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 98 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 10 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 37 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 42 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 57 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 59 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 69 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 75 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 83 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 89 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 97 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 98 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 113 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 99 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up left + + +x is 1 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 7 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful right + + +x is 17 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 28 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 40 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 44 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 46 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 50 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 65 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 67 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 77 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 101 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 102 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 107 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 116 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up right + + +x is 124 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 134 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down + + +x is 136 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 100 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 3 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up +successful down right + + +x is 5 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 38 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 42 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 79 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 87 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 98 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful up right + + +x is 103 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 105 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 111 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 101 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 31 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 39 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 48 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 61 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 62 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 88 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 91 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 93 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 101 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful right + + +x is 107 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 118 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 120 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 123 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 125 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 126 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 131 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 132 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 102 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 4 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down + + +x is 11 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 12 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 32 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 42 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 50 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 56 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down left + + +x is 57 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 59 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 69 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 71 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 79 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 82 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 105 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 107 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 122 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 103 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 13 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 17 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 19 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 42 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 81 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 83 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 96 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 108 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 111 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 114 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 120 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up left + + +x is 136 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down + + +x is 137 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 104 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down left + + +x is 1 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 5 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 29 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 30 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 42 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 50 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left +successful left + + +x is 54 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 107 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 108 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 110 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 126 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 130 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 105 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 3 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 7 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 16 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 18 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 25 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 34 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 48 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 53 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 63 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 64 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 67 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 115 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 118 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up + + +x is 139 +y is 106 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 9 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 32 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 34 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 53 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 69 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 72 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 75 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down right + + +x is 103 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 107 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up right + + +x is 13 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 17 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 22 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 30 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 53 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 78 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 83 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 90 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 92 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 94 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 118 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 122 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 124 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 126 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up left +successful down + + +x is 136 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 108 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 13 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 26 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 36 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 37 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 39 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 42 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 49 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down +successful right + + +x is 58 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 64 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 72 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 75 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 99 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 107 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 110 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 111 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 122 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 135 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 109 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 23 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 24 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 26 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 30 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down + + +x is 53 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 61 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 63 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 82 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left +successful down right +successful right + + +x is 84 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 88 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 94 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 112 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 118 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 123 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 125 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 110 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 2 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 8 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 48 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 49 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 59 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 68 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 69 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 77 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 96 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 98 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 100 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 120 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 124 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right +successful right + + +x is 126 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 111 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 7 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 9 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 18 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 20 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 22 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 23 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 55 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 64 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 73 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 101 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 113 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 117 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 124 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 130 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful right + + +x is 134 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 112 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up left + + +x is 1 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 20 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 21 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 49 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 59 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 63 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 86 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 88 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 90 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 92 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 94 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 106 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down left + + +x is 136 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 113 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 8 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 26 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 32 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 33 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 36 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 55 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 57 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 61 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful right + + +x is 65 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 84 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 86 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 90 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 126 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful left +successful down + + +x is 136 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 138 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 114 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 7 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 29 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 33 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 56 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 72 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 81 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 85 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 96 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 99 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 102 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 110 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 126 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 115 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 8 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 16 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 19 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful up right + + +x is 23 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 25 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful right + + +x is 28 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 34 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down + + +x is 46 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 48 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 50 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 68 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 70 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 76 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 89 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 90 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 117 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 122 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 116 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful right + + +x is 22 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 57 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 74 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 94 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 105 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful right + + +x is 111 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 118 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 117 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 12 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 24 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 40 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 42 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 48 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 70 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 74 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 90 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 110 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 111 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 116 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 118 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down + + +x is 122 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 132 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 138 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 118 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 22 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful right + + +x is 32 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 50 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 52 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 56 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 75 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 102 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 115 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 121 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 130 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful left + + +x is 138 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 119 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down left + + +x is 1 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 3 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 26 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 32 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 38 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 60 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 62 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 63 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 69 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 85 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 120 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 124 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 134 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 120 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 8 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 55 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 70 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 76 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful left + + +x is 80 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 100 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 118 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 128 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 121 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 16 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 42 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 44 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 45 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 56 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 63 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 68 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 72 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 91 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 92 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 94 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful left + + +x is 114 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 115 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 116 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 126 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 122 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 42 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 46 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 52 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 53 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 56 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 72 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 74 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 86 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 94 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 107 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 110 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 128 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 131 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 123 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up + + +x is 1 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 25 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 50 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 54 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 75 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 84 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful left + + +x is 90 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 96 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 97 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 100 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 104 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 114 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 116 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 124 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left +successful up right + + +x is 23 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 27 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 34 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 42 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 52 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 55 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down + + +x is 56 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 68 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 89 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 95 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 103 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 108 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 128 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 134 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 125 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 3 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 8 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 9 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 11 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 16 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 47 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 51 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 67 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up right + + +x is 80 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 96 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up right + + +x is 99 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down left + + +x is 102 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 122 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 123 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 126 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 8 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 34 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down right + + +x is 72 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 74 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 77 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 87 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 89 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 94 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 108 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 112 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 127 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 8 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 9 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 81 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 89 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 94 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful right + + +x is 106 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 126 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 127 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 134 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 135 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 128 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 8 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 15 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 29 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 35 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 43 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 53 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 56 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 57 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down right + + +x is 61 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 66 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 70 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left +successful down right + + +x is 72 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 79 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 81 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 89 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 93 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful left +successful down right + + +x is 110 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 135 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 129 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up +successful down right + + +x is 2 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 3 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 4 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 23 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 68 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 72 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down right + + +x is 81 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 96 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 103 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 108 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 110 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 130 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 27 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 39 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 41 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 47 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 53 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful down right + + +x is 58 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 64 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 65 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful down right + + +x is 67 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 69 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 71 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 80 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left + + +x is 87 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 91 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 104 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 108 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 110 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 131 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 13 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 22 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down left + + +x is 26 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 33 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 40 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 63 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 74 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 90 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left +successful right + + +x is 107 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 111 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 123 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 132 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 14 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 19 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right +successful up right + + +x is 27 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 35 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful down left + + +x is 39 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 43 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 64 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 102 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 128 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 131 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 134 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 133 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 7 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 16 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 21 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 22 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 41 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 46 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 66 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 83 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 91 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 124 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 127 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down left + + +x is 135 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful up + + +x is 136 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful down + + +x is 138 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 134 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down +successful up right + + +x is 35 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 43 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 55 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 56 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 58 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful down + + +x is 59 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 60 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 61 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 87 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 88 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 92 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down + + +x is 111 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 113 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 116 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true +successful down right + + +x is 127 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false +successful left + + +x is 139 +y is 135 +width up: true +width down: true +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 2 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 5 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 37 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful right + + +x is 60 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 66 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 101 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 102 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 105 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 115 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 136 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 11 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 16 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 21 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 66 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 76 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up +successful up left + + +x is 79 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 97 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 113 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 119 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 130 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 137 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 12 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 18 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 24 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 37 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 44 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 46 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 101 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 107 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 114 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 135 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 138 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 4 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 7 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 18 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 24 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful right +successful up right + + +x is 31 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 35 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 37 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 39 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 40 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 41 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 42 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 70 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful left +successful up right + + +x is 73 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 77 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 80 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 81 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 83 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 85 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 101 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 107 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 109 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 111 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 112 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 124 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 127 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 139 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 1 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 2 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 3 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 4 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 5 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: false +width right: true + + +x is 6 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 7 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 8 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 9 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 10 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 11 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 12 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 13 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 14 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 15 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 16 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 17 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 18 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 19 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 20 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 21 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 22 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 23 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 24 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 25 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 26 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 27 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 28 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 29 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 30 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 31 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 32 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 33 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 34 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 35 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 36 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful left + + +x is 37 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 38 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 39 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 40 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 41 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 42 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 43 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 44 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 45 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 46 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 47 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 48 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 49 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 50 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 51 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 52 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 53 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 54 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 55 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 56 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 57 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 58 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 59 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 60 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 61 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 62 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 63 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 64 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 65 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 66 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 67 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 68 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 69 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful left +successful right + + +x is 70 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 71 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 72 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 73 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 74 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 75 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 76 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 77 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 78 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 79 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up + + +x is 80 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left +successful up right + + +x is 81 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 82 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 83 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 84 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 85 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 86 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 87 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 88 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 89 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 90 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 91 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 92 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 93 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 94 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 95 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 96 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 97 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 98 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 99 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 100 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 101 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 102 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 103 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 104 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 105 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 106 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 107 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 108 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 109 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 110 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up left + + +x is 111 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 112 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 113 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 114 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 115 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 116 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 117 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 118 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 119 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 120 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 121 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 122 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 123 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful up right + + +x is 124 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 125 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 126 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true +successful right + + +x is 127 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 128 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 129 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 130 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 131 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 132 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 133 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 134 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: true + + +x is 135 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 136 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 137 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 138 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +x is 139 +y is 140 +width up: true +width down: false +width left: true +width right: false + + +2431 diff --git a/2024/day4/part1/src/ b/2024/day4/part1/src/ index b955e3b..39224a3 100644 --- a/2024/day4/part1/src/ +++ b/2024/day4/part1/src/ @@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ fn main() { frfrvec.push(pushvec); } println!("{:?}", frfrvec); - let lenx = lines[1].chars().count(); - let leny = frfrvec.clone().len(); + let lenx = lines[1].chars().count() - 1; + let leny = frfrvec.clone().len() - 1; - for y in 1..leny { + for y in 1..leny + 1 { let widthup = y - 1 > 4; let widthdown = (leny - y) > 4; - for x in 1..lenx { + for x in 1..lenx + 1 { // check if enough space left and right println!("x is {x}"); println!("y is {y}"); @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ fn main() { && frfrvec[y - 3][x] == 'S' { pointcounter += 1; + println!("successful up"); } } // check if going diag up left @@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ fn main() { && frfrvec[y - 3][x - 3] == 'S' { pointcounter += 1; + println!("successful up left"); } } // check if going left @@ -75,6 +77,8 @@ fn main() { && frfrvec[y][x - 3] == 'S' { pointcounter += 1; + println!("successful left"); + } } // check if going diag down left @@ -84,6 +88,8 @@ fn main() { && frfrvec[y + 3][x - 3] == 'S' { pointcounter += 1; + println!("successful down left"); + } } // check if going down @@ -93,6 +99,8 @@ fn main() { && frfrvec[y + 3][x] == 'S' { pointcounter += 1; + println!("successful down"); + } } // check if going diag down right @@ -102,6 +110,8 @@ fn main() { && frfrvec[y + 3][x + 3] == 'S' { pointcounter += 1; + println!("successful down right"); + } } // check if going right @@ -111,6 +121,8 @@ fn main() { && frfrvec[y][x + 3] == 'S' { pointcounter += 1; + println!("successful right"); + } } // check if going diag right up @@ -120,9 +132,12 @@ fn main() { && frfrvec[y - 3][x + 3] == 'S' { pointcounter += 1; + println!("successful up right"); + } } } + println!("\n") } }