546 lines
15 KiB
546 lines
15 KiB
"Title":"Corrupting Darkness",
"Text":"Hides in darkness before charging at the enemy, knocking them away.",
"Title":"Dark Swordwind",
"Text":"Unleashes a dark shockwave at a distant enemy.",
"Title":"Three Flame Strikes",
"Text":"Imbues sword with fire, unleashing flaming shockwaves at nearby enemies.",
"Title":"Earth Flame",
"Text":"Creates a field of fire beneath the enemy, which explodes to deal damage.",
"Title":"Shadow Strike",
"Text":"Creates multiple shadows to impale the enemy, dealing heavy damage.",
"Title":"Devil's Kiss",
"Text":"Creates a rose-shaped energy field beneath the enemy, which explodes to deal damage.",
"Text":"Continuously deals damage in a circular area around self, and periodically bombard all enemies. Evangelism is canceled if Sister takes heavy damage.",
"Text":"Sister summons Martyrs to attack the enemy. Martyr continuously deals damage in a circular area around self.",
"Text":"Sister triggers an energy explosion, dealing heavy damage in a large area.",
"Text":"Greatly increases own speed.",
"Title":"Blade Shockwave",
"Text":"Musashi IX unleashes multiple shockwaves at an enemy from multiple directions.",
"Title":"Heart of Sword Mode",
"Text":"Musashi IX conceals his own form, leaving only a shadow behind, and unleashes a shockwave at the enemy.",
"Title":"Jet Blade",
"Text":"Musashi IX fires a powerful blade shockwave at the enemy.",
"Text":"Musashi IX closes the distance quickly with an enemy.",
"Title":"Blade Storm",
"Text":"Musashi IX spins his great sword, unleashing shockwaves at nearby enemies.",
"Title":"Boosted Spray",
"Text":"Sprays the ground with ice, which deals damage over time to enemies. Ice duration extended",
"Title":"Jump Smash",
"Text":"Smashes the ground multiple times, dealing area damage.",
"Text":"Throws an ice bomb at an enemy.",
"Title":"Leap Attack",
"Text":"Smashes the ground, dealing area damage.",
"Text":"Call upon Jitterbombs to defeat the enemies",
"Title":"Thorn Barrier",
"Text":"Iron Maiden blocks the enemy's path with thorns.",
"Text":"Iron Maiden throws multiple spherical bombs at the enemy.",
"Text":"Iron Maiden fires powerful thorn missiles at nearby enemies.",
"Title":"Chain Bomb",
"Text":"Iron Maiden removes her crown and fires multiple spherical bombs at the enemy.",
"Title":"Retreating Thorn",
"Text":"Iron Maiden moves away from the enemy, and creates thorns beneath the target.",
"Title":"Piercing Scream",
"Text":"Iron Maiden screams painfully, dealing damage to nearby targets.",
"Text":"Charges energy to create a sandstorm that continuously deals damage.",
"Title":"Ex Air Blast",
"Text":"Fires multiple energy blasts at the enemy.",
"Title":"Fury Attack",
"Text":"Smashes the ground multiple times at the enemy.",
"Text":"Digs underground, then emerges to deal heavy damage.",
"Title":"Air Blast",
"Text":"Fires an energy blast mixed with sand at an enemy.",
"Title":"Wave Blast",
"Text":"Unleashes multiple air-bending sword waves at the enemy.",
"Text":"Unleashes an air-bending sword wave at the enemy.",
"Text":"Dodge attacks from enemies.",
"Text":"Zigzags to close the distance with an enemy.",
"Text":"Holds up weapon to block some damage from attacks.",
"Title":"Cross Slash",
"Text":"Unleashes a quick cross slash at enemies.",
"Title":"Random Laser",
"Text":"Fires multiple laser beams on the map. Increased number of laser beams with random position and movement.",
"Title":"Scatter Laser",
"Text":"Fires multiple laser beams on the map.",
"Title":"Grapeshot Blast",
"Text":"Quickly fires bullets in a fan-shape.",
"Title":"Energy Blast",
"Text":"Fires a powerful energy beam.",
"Title":"Gravity Bomb",
"Text":"Bomb follows the target slowly, exploding on contact.",
"Text":"Osiris attacks the nearest enemy.",
"Text":"Osiris summons the Eye of Punishment, which will fire a laser beam when fully charged. Damage taken by the Eye of Punishment is greatly reduced when Super Armor and Shield are active.",
"Text":"Osiris summons a sandstorm, which draws in nearby enemies.",
"Title":"Nightmare - Judgment",
"Text":"Legends say that Osiris can summon the Eye of Judgment, bringing about the end of the world when it is fully charged.",
"Title":"Explosive Barrel",
"Text":"Roland hooks an explosive barrel and detonates it in mid-air, dealing heavy damage.",
"Title":"Flying Man",
"Text":"Roland pulls himself into the air with his chain blade, dropping powerful bombs on the enemy.",
"Title":"Scythe Form",
"Text":"Roland swings his chain blade, unleashing a powerful shockwave.",
"Title":"Open Fire",
"Text":"Roland fires his shotgun at an enemy.",
"Title":"Step Slash",
"Text":"Roland leaps in front and swipes at the enemy.",
"Title":"Bullet Kick",
"Text":"Roland kicks the enemy multiple times, dealing damage and knocking them away.",
"Title":"Skull Bash",
"Text":"Rosetta unleashes a charged attack, dealing heavy damage.",
"Text":"Rosetta charges forward, dealing damage to enemies in the way.",
"Title":"Ion Blast - Explosion",
"Text":"Rosetta swings her spear, creating ion fields that draw in the enemy and deal damage.",
"Title":"Ion Blast - Scatter",
"Text":"Rosetta fires multiple tracking ion shots, dealing damage to multiple targets.",
"Title":"Ion Blast - Cross",
"Text":"Rosetta unleashes a cross slash attack, dealing heavy damage in a large area in front.",
"Title":"Annihilation Mode",
"Text":"Rosetta switches to attack mode, increasing mobility and attack power.",
"Title":"Ion Blast - Scatter",
"Text":"Rosetta fires multiple tracking ion shots, dealing damage to a single target.",
"Title":"Ion Gale",
"Text":"Rosetta fires a shockwave, dealing damage to a distant target.",
"Text":"Rosetta increases her energy output, greatly increasing attack speed.",
"Title":"Polar Storm",
"Text":"Rosetta leaps high in the air to create a storm, calling down thunder around all targets",
"Title":"Nightmare - Ion Zone",
"Text":"The Polar Storm is said to leave behind ion fields on the ground, creating energy clones of Rosetta. One must use their own body to destabilize the ion fields.",
"Text":"Huaxu puts her palms together to channel two giant hands from her M.I.N.D. that slap the enemies.",
"Text":"After channeling, Huaxu launches 3 consecutive attacks under her enemies that also knock them back for a short duration.",
"Title":"Lightning Storm",
"Text":"Huaxu creates 7 circular lightning zones near the enemies, damaging any enemy caught within.",
"Title":"Claw of Expulsion",
"Text":"Huaxu swings her arms to claw at the enemies in mid range.",
"Title":"Sacred Mode",
"Text":"Huaxu enters the Sacred mode to gain bonus shield and take significantly less damage from the front.",
] |