[ { "Key": "InitCharacterEnergy", "Comment": "Default energy stone quantity", "Value": 3.0 }, { "Key": "BattlePassExpItem", "Comment": "BP EXP Item", "Value": 96188.0 }, { "Key": "TalentTreePointItem", "Comment": "Talent Points Item", "Value": 96187.0 }, { "Key": "CharacterExpByNode", "Comment": "Character Advanced EXP conversion multiplier", "Value": 40.0 }, { "Key": "OpenCloseCheck", "Comment": "Enable Force Exit Detection", "Value": 1.0 }, { "Key": "CloseCheckCount", "Comment": "Fault-Tolerant Guaranteed Attempts", "Value": 1.0 }, { "Key": "FloorGoldGroupId", "Comment": "Guaranteed gold box after equipment is drawn out", "Value": 1.0 }, { "Key": "FloorWorkShopId", "Comment": "Guaranteed workshop ID, must be the exchangeable type", "Value": 1.0 }, { "Key": "InitEquipPosCapacity", "Comment": "Default slot capacity", "Value": 3.0 }, { "Key": "InitSelectedEquipSuitCount", "Comment": "Number of default drawn sets", "Value": 17.0 }, { "Key": "InitSelectedEquipSuitType", "Comment": "Type of the default set with a specified upper and lower limit", "Value": 2.0 }, { "Key": "InitSelectedEquipSuitUpLimit", "Comment": "Upper limit of the default drawn set with a specified upper and lower limit", "Value": 5.0 }, { "Key": "InitSelectedEquipSuitDownLimit", "Comment": "Lower limit of the default drawn set with a specified upper and lower limit", "Value": 3.0 }, { "Key": "InheritEquipNeedChapterCount", "Comment": "Number of chapter required to trigger equipment inheritance", "Value": 4.0 }, { "Key": "InheritEquipSelectCount", "Comment": "Number of inherited equipment drawn in the next round", "Value": 5.0 }, { "Key": "EquipSuitDuplicationRate", "Comment": "Set duplication check rate, more than redraw", "Value": 0.6 }, { "Key": "EquipSuitReChoiceMaxLoopCount", "Comment": "Max retry limit of set duplication check", "Value": 3.0 }, { "Key": "EquipSuitSeqDuplicationRate", "Comment": "Set number duplication check rate, no less than redraw", "Value": 0.5 } ]