local XUiGridCoolTime = XClass(XLuaBehaviour, "XUiGridCoolTime") local RemainTimerName = "XUiGridCoolTime_RemainTimer" function XUiGridCoolTime:Ctor(rootUi, ui, hudType) self.RootUi = rootUi self.InstId = 0 self.GameObject = ui.gameObject self.Transform = ui.transform self.IsShow = false self.HudType = hudType self:InitAutoScript() end -- auto -- Automatic generation of code, forbid to edit function XUiGridCoolTime:InitAutoScript() self:AutoInitUi() self.SpecialSoundMap = {} self:AutoAddListener() end function XUiGridCoolTime:AutoInitUi() self.TxtTime = XUiHelper.TryGetComponent(self.Transform, "TxtTime", "Text") end function XUiGridCoolTime:GetAutoKey(uiNode,eventName) if not uiNode then return end return eventName .. uiNode:GetHashCode() end function XUiGridCoolTime:RegisterListener(uiNode, eventName, func) local key = self:GetAutoKey(uiNode, eventName) if not key then return end local listener = self.AutoCreateListeners[key] if listener ~= nil then uiNode[eventName]:RemoveListener(listener) end if func ~= nil then if type(func) ~= "function" then XLog.Error("XUiGridCoolTime:RegisterListener函数错误, 参数func需要是function类型, func的类型是" .. type(func)) end listener = function(...) XSoundManager.PlayBtnMusic(self.SpecialSoundMap[key],eventName) func(self, ...) end uiNode[eventName]:AddListener(listener) self.AutoCreateListeners[key] = listener end end function XUiGridCoolTime:AutoAddListener() self.AutoCreateListeners = {} end -- auto function XUiGridCoolTime:Update() if (not XTool.UObjIsNil(self.FollowTarget) and not XTool.UObjIsNil(self.Camera)) then local followPos = self.FollowTarget.position if self.Data.Cfg then followPos = followPos + CS.UnityEngine.Vector3(self.Data.Cfg.HudX or 0,self.Data.Cfg.HudY or 0,0) end local viewportPos = self.Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(followPos) self.Transform.anchoredPosition = CS.UnityEngine.Vector2(viewportPos.x * XGlobalVar.UiDesignSize.Width, viewportPos.y * XGlobalVar.UiDesignSize.Height) end end function XUiGridCoolTime:SetMetaData(data) self.IsShow = true self.GameObject:SetActive(true) self.Data = data self:InitSizeAndScale() self.RemainTime = data.Time self.TimeOutCb = data.CallBack self:InitTime() end function XUiGridCoolTime:InitSizeAndScale() if not self.Data.Cfg then return end local cfgHei = self.Data.Cfg.HudHeight or 0 local cfgWid = self.Data.Cfg.HudWidth or 0 local cfgScale = self.Data.Cfg.HudScale or 0 local sizeX = (cfgWid > 0) and cfgWid or self.Transform.sizeDelta.x local sizeY = (cfgHei > 0) and cfgHei or self.Transform.sizeDelta.y self.Transform.sizeDelta = CS.UnityEngine.Vector2(sizeX,sizeY) local scale = (cfgScale > 0) and cfgScale or 1 self.Transform.localScale = CS.UnityEngine.Vector3(scale,scale,scale) end function XUiGridCoolTime:SetFollowTarget(transform, camera) self.FollowTarget = transform self.Camera = camera end function XUiGridCoolTime:Refresh() -- end function XUiGridCoolTime:GetTimerName() if not self.TimerName then self.TimerName = RemainTimerName..self.InstId end return self.TimerName end function XUiGridCoolTime:Dispose() XCountDown.RemoveTimer(self:GetTimerName()) self.RemainTime = nil self.FollowTarget = nil self.Camera = nil end function XUiGridCoolTime:Hide() self:Dispose() self.IsShow = false self.GameObject:SetActive(false) XHudManager.ReturnHud(self) end function XUiGridCoolTime:InitTime() XCountDown.CreateTimer(self:GetTimerName(), self.RemainTime) XCountDown.BindTimer(self, self:GetTimerName(), function(v) if v > 0 then if not XTool.UObjIsNil(self.TxtTime) then self.TxtTime.text = XUiHelper.GetTime(v, XUiHelper.TimeFormatType.HOSTEL) end else if not XTool.UObjIsNil(self.TxtTime) then self.TxtTime.text = "" end self:Hide() if self.TimeOutCb then self.TimeOutCb() end end end) end return XUiGridCoolTime