[ { "Id": 1, "Name": "Lamia", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/Role/RoleHeadR3Lamiya1Q.png", "RePlay": "Um... Everything's fine. It's just it's a bit bright and crowded, and there are too many options... Um... Forget it.", "ModelPath": "Assets/Product/Role/Room/Prefab/QR3LamiyaMd010011.prefab", "ControllerPath": null, "Anim": [ null, "Catch03", "Love01", "Kiss01" ] }, { "Id": 2, "Name": "Bambinata", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/Role/RoleHeadR2Bangbinata1Q.png", "RePlay": "Bambinata likes the Ice Milk. Bambinata hopes she can have it again next time... Anything else, Mistress?", "ModelPath": "Assets/Product/Role/Room/Prefab/QR2BangbinataMd010011.prefab", "ControllerPath": null, "Anim": [ null, "Catch03", "Love01", "Kiss01" ] }, { "Id": 3, "Name": "Noan", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/Role/RoleHeadNuoanQnew.png", "RePlay": "Everyone seems busy lately. If it is okay, I also want to help out as much as I can. As for making desserts..., I'll do my best.", "ModelPath": "Assets/Product/Role/Room/Prefab/QR2NuoanMd010011.prefab", "ControllerPath": null, "Anim": [ null, "Catch03", "StandReward01", "Thanks04" ] }, { "Id": 4, "Name": "Rosetta", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/Role/RoleHeadLuosaitaQ.png", "RePlay": "I haven't had coffee like this in a while. I wish your business continued success and longevity.", "ModelPath": "Assets/Product/Role/Room/Prefab/QR3LuosaitaMd010011.prefab", "ControllerPath": null, "Anim": [ null, "Catch03", "Love01", "Kiss01" ] }, { "Id": 5, "Name": "Echo", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/Role/RoleHeadR3Yalisha1Q.png", "RePlay": "The Mango Sorbet tastes great, but did you get the restaurant operation permit? Better hang it outside the restaurant.", "ModelPath": "Assets/Product/Role/Room/Prefab/QR3YalishaMd010011.prefab", "ControllerPath": null, "Anim": [ null, "Catch03", "Love01", "Kiss01" ] }, { "Id": 6, "Name": "Karenina", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/Role/RoleHeadR4KalieninaQ.png", "RePlay": "More discounts if you want me to bring the Engineering Force and Teddy here! More discounts! Got it?", "ModelPath": "Assets/Product/Role/Room/Prefab/QR4KalieninaMd010011.prefab", "ControllerPath": null, "Anim": [ null, "Catch03", "Love01", "Kiss01" ] }, { "Id": 7, "Name": "Qu", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/Role/RoleHeadQuQ.png", "RePlay": "You have a variety of desserts here, but I don't see much creativity. It would be better if you could add more Kowloong elements.", "ModelPath": "Assets/Product/Role/Room/Prefab/QR2QuMd010011.prefab", "ControllerPath": null, "Anim": [ null, "Catch03", "Love01", "Kiss01" ] } ]