XUiPanelCourse = XClass(nil, "XUiPanelCourse") local Vector2 = CS.UnityEngine.Vector2 local V3Z = CS.UnityEngine.Vector3.zero local ProTime = 2 function XUiPanelCourse:Ctor(rootUi, ui, chapterId, stroyUi) self.GameObject = ui.gameObject self.Transform = ui.transform self.RootUi = rootUi self.StroyUi = stroyUi self.GridCourseList = {} XTool.InitUiObject(self) self.GridCourse.gameObject:SetActive(false) self:RefreshCourseList(chapterId) end function XUiPanelCourse:RefreshCourse() self:RefreshCourseList(self.ChapterId) end function XUiPanelCourse:RefreshCourseList(chapterId) if not chapterId then return end self.CourseInfo = XDataCenter.TaskManager.GetCourseInfo(chapterId) self.ChapterId = chapterId self.SViewCourse.horizontalNormalizedPosition = 0 self.CurPrIndex = 0 local index = 0 local list = self.CourseInfo.Courses for i = 1, #list do local grid = self.GridCourseList[i] if not grid then local ui = CS.UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(self.GridCourse) grid = XUiGridCourse.New(self.RootUi, ui, self.StroyUi, function(cId) self:RefreshCourseList(cId) end, function() -- self:SetSViewIndex() end) grid.GameObject.name = list[i].StageId grid.Transform:SetParent(self.PanelCourseContainer, false) self.GridCourseList[i] = grid end local stageInfo = XDataCenter.FubenManager.GetStageInfo(list[i].StageId) if self:IsPass(list[i].StageId) or (stageInfo and stageInfo.Passed) then self.CurPrIndex = index end grid:Refresh(list[i], self.CourseInfo.LastStageId, self.CourseInfo.NextChapterId) grid.GameObject:SetActive(true) index = index + 1 end for i = #list + 1, #self.GridCourseList do self.GridCourseList[i].GameObject:SetActive(false) end local prowidth = (self.GridCourse.sizeDelta.x + self.PanelCourseContainerLayout.spacing) * (index - 1) local contentwidth = prowidth + self.GridCourse.sizeDelta.x + self.PanelCourseContainerLayout.padding.left self.Container.sizeDelta = Vector2(contentwidth, self.GridCourse.sizeDelta.y) self.ProgressBgRec.sizeDelta = Vector2(prowidth, self.ImgProgressRec.sizeDelta.y) self.ImgProgressRec.sizeDelta = Vector2(prowidth, self.ImgProgressRec.sizeDelta.y) self.ProgressBgRec:SetParent(self.GridCourseList[1].ProGo, true) self.ProgressBgRec.localPosition = V3Z self:SetSViewIndex() self:PlayImgFill() end function XUiPanelCourse:IsPass(id) if not id then return false end local result = XDataCenter.FubenManager.FubenSettleResult return result and result.IsWin and result.StageId == id end function XUiPanelCourse:SetSViewIndex() if not self.CourseInfo then return end local rewardIndex = XDataCenter.TaskManager.GetCourseCurRewardIndex(self.ChapterId) local length = #self.CourseInfo.Courses or 0 if rewardIndex then if rewardIndex <= 1 then rewardIndex = 0 elseif rewardIndex >= 16 then rewardIndex = 1 end local percentage = 0 if length > 0 then percentage = (rewardIndex - 1) / length end self.SViewCourse.horizontalNormalizedPosition = percentage CS.UnityEngine.Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases() end self.CurLen = length end function XUiPanelCourse:FillPro(v) self.ImgProgress.fillAmount = v or 0 end function XUiPanelCourse:PlayImgFill() local r = 0 if self.CurPrIndex and self.CurLen and self.CurPrIndex > 0 and self.CurLen > 1 then r = (self.CurPrIndex) / (self.CurLen - 1) end if r == self.CurRa then return end self.CurRa = r self:FillPro() self.ImgProgress:DOFillAmount(r, ProTime) end