XFightWordsManagerCreator = function() local XFightWordsManager = {} local CSXScheduleManagerScheduleOnce = XScheduleManager.ScheduleOnce local CSXScheduleManagerUnSchedule = XScheduleManager.UnSchedule local XEventId = XEventId local CsXGameEventManager = CS.XGameEventManager local TemplateId = nil local CurrentTemplate = nil local CurrentId = nil local MaxId = nil local ScheduleId = nil local CurAudioInfo = nil local NextTime local PauseTime function XFightWordsManager.Init() CsXGameEventManager.Instance:RegisterEvent(CS.XEventId.EVENT_FIGHT_PRE_CLEAR_UI, XFightWordsManager.OnFightExit) end function XFightWordsManager.OnFightExit() XFightWordsManager.Stop(true) end function XFightWordsManager.InitData() CurrentId = 0 MaxId = #CurrentTemplate end local PlayNextWordFunc = function() XFightWordsManager.PlayNext() end function XFightWordsManager.Run(wordsId) if TemplateId then XFightWordsManager.Stop(true) end TemplateId = wordsId CurrentTemplate = XFightWordsConfigs.GetMovieCfg(wordsId) if not CurrentTemplate then XLog.Error("找不到wordsId,请检查 "..tostring(wordsId)) return end XLuaUiManager.Open("UiFightWords") XFightWordsManager.InitData() XFightWordsManager.PlayNext() end function XFightWordsManager.UnSchedule() if ScheduleId then CSXScheduleManagerUnSchedule(ScheduleId) ScheduleId = nil end end function XFightWordsManager.Stop(isForce) if TemplateId then TemplateId = nil CurrentTemplate = nil CurrentId = nil PauseTime = nil NextTime = nil XFightWordsManager.UnSchedule() if isForce then XLuaUiManager.Remove("UiFightWords") else XLuaUiManager.Close("UiFightWords") end if CurAudioInfo then CurAudioInfo:Stop() CurAudioInfo = nil end end end function XFightWordsManager.Pause() if TemplateId then PauseTime = CS.UnityEngine.Time.time XFightWordsManager.UnSchedule() if CurAudioInfo then CurAudioInfo:Pause() end end end function XFightWordsManager.Resume() if TemplateId and PauseTime and NextTime then local duration = NextTime - PauseTime if (duration > 0) then duration = math.floor(duration * 1000) ScheduleId = CSXScheduleManagerScheduleOnce(PlayNextWordFunc, duration) end PauseTime = nil NextTime = nil if CurAudioInfo then CurAudioInfo:Resume() end end end -- local GetTotalDuration = function(tab) -- local duration = 0 -- for _, t in ipairs(tab) do -- duration = duration + t -- end -- return duration -- end function XFightWordsManager.PlayNext() if not TemplateId and not CurrentTemplate then XLog.Warning("No Runnig Fight Words") return end CurrentId = CurrentId + 1 if CurrentId > MaxId then XFightWordsManager.Stop() return end local Template = CurrentTemplate[CurrentId] local text = Template.Text local duration = Template.Duration * 1000 NextTime = CS.UnityEngine.Time.time + Template.Duration XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_FIGHT_WORDS_NEXT, text) -- 音效 local cueId = Template.CueId if cueId and cueId ~= 0 then if CurAudioInfo then CurAudioInfo:Stop() end CurAudioInfo = CS.XAudioManager.PlaySound(cueId) else CurAudioInfo = nil end XFightWordsManager.UnSchedule() ScheduleId = CSXScheduleManagerScheduleOnce(PlayNextWordFunc, duration) end XFightWordsManager.Init() return XFightWordsManager end