[ { "Id": 1, "TimeId": null, "OpenCondition": null, "GroupId": 1, "Difficulty": 1, "InitialTime": 150, "MaxTime": 360, "LayerIds": [ 1, 2, 3, 37, 4, 5, 6, 43 ], "ScoreRatio": 1, "Name": "Devour Wave Companion", "BuffDesc": "1. Clear the stage to earn time and points. You will fail the challenge when time is up.\\n2. On Apr 8, 02:00 with the Ordinary Mode cleared, the Nightmare Mode will be unlocked.", "ShowFightEventIds": [ 2240261, 2240248 ], "EnvironmentDesc": [ "During the challenge, team members cannot be changed or inherit HP.", "Recommended to be used with a ranged attack character" ] }, { "Id": 2, "TimeId": null, "OpenCondition": 1002079.0, "GroupId": 1, "Difficulty": 2, "InitialTime": 150, "MaxTime": 360, "LayerIds": [ 19, 20, 21, 38, 22, 23, 24, 44 ], "ScoreRatio": 1, "Name": "H Devour Wave Companion", "BuffDesc": "1. Clear the stage to earn time and points. You will fail the challenge when time is up.\\n2. Select orange stages where possible to earn more points and get collectibles.", "ShowFightEventIds": [ 2240261, 2240249 ], "EnvironmentDesc": [ "During the challenge, team members cannot be changed or inherit HP.", "Recommended to be used with a ranged attack character" ] }, { "Id": 3, "TimeId": null, "OpenCondition": null, "GroupId": 2, "Difficulty": 1, "InitialTime": 150, "MaxTime": 360, "LayerIds": [ 7, 8, 9, 39, 10, 11, 12, 45 ], "ScoreRatio": 1, "Name": "Rush Hour Challenge", "BuffDesc": "1. Clear the stage to earn time and points. You will fail the challenge when time is up.\\n2. On Apr 10, 02:00 with the Ordinary Mode cleared, the Nightmare Mode will be unlocked.", "ShowFightEventIds": [ 2240261, 2240248 ], "EnvironmentDesc": [ "During the challenge, team members cannot be changed or inherit HP.", "Recommended to be used with a ranged attack character" ] }, { "Id": 4, "TimeId": null, "OpenCondition": 1002080.0, "GroupId": 2, "Difficulty": 2, "InitialTime": 150, "MaxTime": 360, "LayerIds": [ 25, 26, 27, 40, 28, 29, 30, 46 ], "ScoreRatio": 1, "Name": "H Rush Hour Challenge", "BuffDesc": "1. Clear the stage to earn time and points. You will fail the challenge when time is up.\\n2. Select orange stages where possible to earn more points and get collectibles.", "ShowFightEventIds": [ 2240261, 2240249 ], "EnvironmentDesc": [ "During the challenge, team members cannot be changed or inherit HP.", "Recommended to be used with a ranged attack character" ] }, { "Id": 5, "TimeId": null, "OpenCondition": null, "GroupId": 3, "Difficulty": 1, "InitialTime": 150, "MaxTime": 360, "LayerIds": [ 13, 14, 15, 41, 16, 17, 18, 47 ], "ScoreRatio": 1, "Name": "Life or Death", "BuffDesc": "1. Clear the stage to earn time and points. You will fail the challenge when time is up.\\n2. On Apr 13, 02:00 with the Ordinary Mode cleared, the Nightmare Mode will be unlocked.", "ShowFightEventIds": [ 2240261, 2240248 ], "EnvironmentDesc": [ "During the challenge, team members cannot be changed or inherit HP.", "Recommended to be used with a ranged attack character" ] }, { "Id": 6, "TimeId": null, "OpenCondition": 1002081.0, "GroupId": 3, "Difficulty": 2, "InitialTime": 150, "MaxTime": 360, "LayerIds": [ 31, 32, 33, 42, 34, 35, 36, 48 ], "ScoreRatio": 1, "Name": "H Life or Death", "BuffDesc": "1. Clear the stage to earn time and points. You will fail the challenge when time is up.\\n2. Select orange stages where possible to earn more points and get collectibles.", "ShowFightEventIds": [ 2240261, 2240249 ], "EnvironmentDesc": [ "During the challenge, team members cannot be changed or inherit HP.", "Recommended to be used with a ranged attack character" ] } ]