local XUiTest = XUiManager.Register("UiTest") function XUiTest:OnOpen() self:InitAutoScript() self:Test() end function XUiTest:Test() local count = 10 local baseItem = self.GridItem baseItem.gameObject:SetActive(false) local scrollItems = {} for i = 1, count do local item = CS.UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(baseItem) table.insert(scrollItems, XScrollFlowGrid.New(item, i)) end XScrollFlow.New(self.PanelScorll, scrollItems, {selectIndex = 1, moveEndCb = function(item) XLog.Debug(item.Index) end, direction = XScrollConfig.VERTICAL, offsetValue = 0.2, animSpeed = 2.0, isLoop = true}) end -- auto -- Automatic generation of code, forbid to edit function XUiTest:InitAutoScript() self:AutoInitUi() self.SpecialSoundMap = {} self:AutoAddListener() end function XUiTest:AutoInitUi() self.PanelScorll = self.Transform:Find("PanelScorll") self.GridItem = self.Transform:Find("PanelScorll/GridItem") self.TxtId = self.Transform:Find("PanelScorll/GridItem/TxtId"):GetComponent("Text") end function XUiTest:GetAutoKey(uiNode,eventName) if not uiNode then return end return eventName .. uiNode:GetHashCode() end function XUiTest:RegisterListener(uiNode, eventName, func) local key = self:GetAutoKey(uiNode, eventName) if not key then return end local listener = self.AutoCreateListeners[key] if listener ~= nil then uiNode[eventName]:RemoveListener(listener) end if func ~= nil then if type(func) ~= "function" then XLog.Error("XUiTest:RegisterListener函数错误, 参数func需要是function类型, func的类型是" .. type(func)) end listener = function(...) XSoundManager.PlayBtnMusic(self.SpecialSoundMap[key],eventName) func(self, ...) end uiNode[eventName]:AddListener(listener) self.AutoCreateListeners[key] = listener end end function XUiTest:AutoAddListener() self.AutoCreateListeners = {} end -- auto