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Facing such eerie artwork, Liv decided to join the battle.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0101.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 4.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 1.0, "RequireActionPoint": 6.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10010102.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100101030.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10010103.0, "FinishDropId": 100103.0, "FirstRewardId": 10010103.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 6.0, "CardExp": 11.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00103BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 3.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10010104, "Name": "Full Strength", "Description": "Commandant, now you can try using Liv in the battle. - Lucia", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 314.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 4.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 1.0, "RequireActionPoint": 6.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10010103.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100101040.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10010104.0, "FinishDropId": 100104.0, "FirstRewardId": 10010104.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 6.0, "CardExp": 11.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00104BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 4.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10010201, "Name": "Restoring Scene", "Description": "After reaching C-point, all Gray Raven saw were the remains of their comrades, as well as the Corrupted feasting on them. Get rid of them.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 5.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 1.0, "RequireActionPoint": 6.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10010104.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100101050.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10010105.0, "FinishDropId": 100105.0, "FirstRewardId": 10010105.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 6.0, "CardExp": 11.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00105BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 5.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10010202, "Name": "Lost in Mist", "Description": "Lucia found an arm from the remains that fit her just well. The Corrupted ahead are perfect targets for her to test it.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 5.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 1.0, "RequireActionPoint": 6.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10010201.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100101060.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10010106.0, "FinishDropId": 100106.0, "FirstRewardId": 10010106.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 6.0, "CardExp": 11.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00106BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 6.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10010203, "Name": "A Soft Heart", "Description": "All squads are C-point were wiped out, but there are more than 1 temporary rendezvous point. Gray Raven decides to check the other points.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 6.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 1.0, "RequireActionPoint": 6.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10010202.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100101070.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10010107.0, "FinishDropId": 100107.0, "FirstRewardId": 10010107.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 6.0, "CardExp": 11.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00107BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1000.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": 1.0, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10010204, "Name": "The Purpose", "Description": "One of the Corrupted kept making a \"giggling\" sound. Go after it.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0102.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 8.0, "RecommandLevel": 6.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 1.0, "RequireActionPoint": 6.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10010203.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100101080.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10010108.0, "FinishDropId": 100108.0, "FirstRewardId": 10010108.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 6.0, "CardExp": 11.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00108BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 8.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10010301, "Name": "The Followers", "Description": "The rendezvous point in the city had also fallen. After investigating the remains, Gray Raven realized their actions were completely transparent to the Corrupted. But they need to get rid of the enemies ahead first.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 9.0, "RecommandLevel": 8.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 1.0, "RequireActionPoint": 6.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10010204.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100101090.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10010109.0, "FinishDropId": 100109.0, "FirstRewardId": 10010109.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 6.0, "CardExp": 15.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00109BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 9.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10010302, "Name": "Base Color", "Description": "Realizing that the enemy had everything planned, Lee lost his cool. However, new pursuers showed up in front of the quarreling Gray Raven.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 10.0, "RecommandLevel": 8.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 1.0, "RequireActionPoint": 6.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10010301.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100101100.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10010110.0, "FinishDropId": 100110.0, "FirstRewardId": 10010110.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 6.0, "CardExp": 16.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00110BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 10.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10010303, "Name": "Self Analysis", "Description": "Gray Raven found a place to regroup in the city. Liv and Lucia picked two plushies from the ruins, but more Corrupted came out of the buildings.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 11.0, "RecommandLevel": 10.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 1.0, "RequireActionPoint": 6.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10010302.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100101110.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10010111.0, "FinishDropId": 100111.0, "FirstRewardId": 10010111.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 6.0, "CardExp": 16.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00111BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 11.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10010304, "Name": "Final Work", "Description": "To seize control of this area again, Gray Raven decided to cross the city and head toward the factory, where the New Variant was found.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0103.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 112, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 12.0, "RecommandLevel": 10.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 1.0, "RequireActionPoint": 6.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10010303.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100101120.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10010112.0, "FinishDropId": 100112.0, "FirstRewardId": 10010112.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 6.0, "CardExp": 16.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00112BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00112EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 12.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10020101, "Name": "A Strange New Friend", "Description": "After destroying the new variant, the Corrupted became disorganized again. Gray Raven decided to take this opportunity to establish a safe route to the portal.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 15.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 5.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10010304.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100201010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10020101.0, "FinishDropId": 100201.0, "FirstRewardId": 10020101.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 20.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00201BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 13.0, "DisableJoystick": 1.0, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10020102, "Name": "Strange Signal", "Description": "Many out-of-control Corrupted were wandering on the bridge. Get rid of them, so the \"Iso-Device\" can be installed.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab04.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 15.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 5.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10020101.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100201020.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10020102.0, "FinishDropId": 100202.0, "FirstRewardId": 10020102.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 20.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00202BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 14.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10020103, "Name": "Old Acquaintance", "Description": "Another task force team was also on a mission in this area. Thanks to their \"careless mistake\", Gray Raven had to deal with more Corrupted.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 15.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 5.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10020102.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100201030.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10020103.0, "FinishDropId": 100203.0, "FirstRewardId": 10020103.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 20.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00203BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 15.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10020104, "Name": "Relic", "Description": "Lee is an expert military engineer. The bridge is still not safe, but the best you can do is to protect him while he sets up the Iso-Device.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 15.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 5.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10020103.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100201040.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10020104.0, "FinishDropId": 100204.0, "FirstRewardId": 10020104.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 20.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00204BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 16.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10020201, "Name": "Language Game", "Description": "To reach the portal, one must go through the city occupied by many Corrupted. Clean this area like what you did last time.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0201.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 18.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 5.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10020104.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100201050.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10020105.0, "FinishDropId": 100205.0, "FirstRewardId": 10020105.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 20.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00205BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 17.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10020202, "Name": "Will to Survive", "Description": "Liv won the recognition of other team members through her hard work and excellent battle performance. Keep the momentum going and clear the next area.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 18.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 5.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10020201.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100201060.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10020106.0, "FinishDropId": 100206.0, "FirstRewardId": 10020106.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 20.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00206BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 18.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10020203, "Name": "Iso-Device", "Description": "It suddenly started to rain. Protect Lee so he could set up the Iso-Device before the rain gets worse.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0202.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 18.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 5.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10020202.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100201070.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10020107.0, "FinishDropId": 100207.0, "FirstRewardId": 10020107.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 20.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00207BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 19.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10020204, "Name": "Rescue Signal", "Description": "While setting up the Iso-Device, The team received a signal from a Construct requesting aid. Help him as soon as possible.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 8.0, "RecommandLevel": 18.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 5.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10020203.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100201080.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10020108.0, "FinishDropId": 100208.0, "FirstRewardId": 10020108.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 20.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00208BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 20.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10020301, "Name": "Will of Steel", "Description": "The rescued Construct's injuries were too serious and he had to be restarted, which would inevitably wipe all his memories. Still, Gray Raven had to keep going.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 9.0, "RecommandLevel": 20.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 5.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10020204.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100201090.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10020109.0, "FinishDropId": 100209.0, "FirstRewardId": 10020109.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 20.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00209BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 21.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10020302, "Name": "A \"Safe\" Exit", "Description": "This is the last area linking to the Portal. Protect Lee so he can set up a safe route.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 10.0, "RecommandLevel": 20.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 5.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10020301.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100201100.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10020110.0, "FinishDropId": 100210.0, "FirstRewardId": 10020110.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 20.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00210BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 22.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10020303, "Name": "The Proud", "Description": "Gray Raven received another rescue signal. Don't lose him this time!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0203.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 11.0, "RecommandLevel": 20.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 5.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10020302.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100201110.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10020111.0, "FinishDropId": 100211.0, "FirstRewardId": 10020111.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 20.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00211BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 23.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10020304, "Name": "End of Torture", "Description": "The rescued Corrupted seemed very anxious. Gray Raven decided to help him evacuate the area first.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0204.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 112, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 12.0, "RecommandLevel": 20.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 5.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10020303.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100201120.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10020112.0, "FinishDropId": 100212.0, "FirstRewardId": 10020112.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 20.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00212BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00212EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 24.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030101, "Name": "Seeds", "Description": "The true identity of the Princess was still unknown. After learning about \"Operation Portal\" from Kamui of Strike Hawk, Gray Raven headed toward the Estate.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0301.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 30.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 20.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11010106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100301010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10030101.0, "FinishDropId": 100301.0, "FirstRewardId": 10030101.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00301BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1001.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030102, "Name": "Terminal", "Description": "Hassen gave you a priority mission. Before joining Strike Hawk, you need to retrieve the Constructs in the subway station with Gray Raven.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 30.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 20.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10030101.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100301020.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10030102.0, "FinishDropId": 100302.0, "FirstRewardId": 10030102.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00302BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 26.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030103, "Name": "Driven by Instinct", "Description": "Tifa was also one of the \"new variants\". How the Corrupted suddenly gained the ability to think was still unknown, but they quickly occupied the subway station after she was gone.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 303.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 30.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 20.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10030102.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100301030.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10030103.0, "FinishDropId": 100303.0, "FirstRewardId": 10030103.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00303BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 27.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030104, "Name": "Good Samaritan", "Description": "The Corrupted significantly impacted the retrieval of Constructs. Gray Raven decided to split into two groups; one would continue working on the retrieval, while the other would focus on fighting the Corrupted.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab05.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 301.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 30.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 20.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10030103.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100301040.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10030104.0, "FinishDropId": 100304.0, "FirstRewardId": 10030104.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00304BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 28.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030201, "Name": "Trespassing", "Description": "Operation Portal was run by Strike Hawk. After joining forces with them, Gray Raven was assigned the task of scouting in the Estate where the portal was located.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 301.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 32.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 20.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10030104.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100301050.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10030105.0, "FinishDropId": 100305.0, "FirstRewardId": 10030105.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00305BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 29.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030202, "Name": "Traps", "Description": "After scouting, Gray Raven's next task is night patrol.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 301.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 32.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 20.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10030201.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100301060.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10030106.0, "FinishDropId": 100306.0, "FirstRewardId": 10030106.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00306BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 30.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030203, "Name": "Final Warning", "Description": "Operation Portal is about to start. Gray Raven and Strike Hawk will launch a joint attack on the Estate.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 301.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 32.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 20.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10030202.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100301070.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10030107.0, "FinishDropId": 100307.0, "FirstRewardId": 10030107.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00307BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 31.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030204, "Name": "Take Caution", "Description": "A new variant, along with many Corrupted reinforcements, suddenly appeared in the Estate. Defeat the new variant and evacuate ASAP.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0302.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 302.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 8.0, "RecommandLevel": 32.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 20.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10030203.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100301080.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10030108.0, "FinishDropId": 100308.0, "FirstRewardId": 10030108.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00308BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 32.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030301, "Name": "Special Mission", "Description": "The first attempt failed, but Strike Hawk had no plans to give up the operation. Gray Raven was asked to patrol in the night for tomorrow's mission.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 302.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 9.0, "RecommandLevel": 34.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 20.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10030204.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100301090.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10030109.0, "FinishDropId": 100309.0, "FirstRewardId": 10030109.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00309BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1002.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030302, "Name": "Twisted Modification", "Description": "The operation has started again. Gray Raven will distract the enemy so Strike Hawk can infiltrate the Estate.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 302.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 10.0, "RecommandLevel": 34.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 20.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10030301.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100301100.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10030110.0, "FinishDropId": 100310.0, "FirstRewardId": 10030110.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00310BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 34.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030303, "Name": "Each Loyal to Their Own", "Description": "To attract as much firepower as possible, Gray Raven decided to enter the Estate building.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 301.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 11.0, "RecommandLevel": 34.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 20.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10030302.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100301110.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10030111.0, "FinishDropId": 100311.0, "FirstRewardId": 10030111.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00311BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 35.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030304, "Name": "A New Seed", "Description": "For some unknown reason, Gray Raven lost contact with Strike Hawk. The priority now is to get out of this place.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0303.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 112, "AmbientSound": 301.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 12.0, "RecommandLevel": 34.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 20.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10030303.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100301120.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10030112.0, "FinishDropId": 100312.0, "FirstRewardId": 10030112.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00312BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00312EA", 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Check it out and ensure the portal is safe.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 301.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 28.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10040102.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100401030.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10040103.0, "FinishDropId": 100403.0, "FirstRewardId": 10040103.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 40.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00403BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00403EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 39.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040104, "Name": "Breaking Through", "Description": "Turned out it was some Corrupted that triggered the safety robots. Destroy the Corrupted and the robots.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0402.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 301.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 28.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10040103.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100401040.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10040104.0, "FinishDropId": 100404.0, "FirstRewardId": 10040104.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 40.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00404BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00404EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 40.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040201, "Name": "Lurking Sand", "Description": "The portal was tampered by Roland and failed to send you to the designated location. After some discussion, you decided to walk there.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 304.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 42.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 28.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10040104.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100401050.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10040105.0, "FinishDropId": 100405.0, "FirstRewardId": 10040105.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 40.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00405BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00405EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 41.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040202, "Name": "Panic Dive", "Description": "Kamui seemed to have this desert's information. Gray Raven headed toward the desert base for supplies and Construct maintenance.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 304.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 42.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 28.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10040201.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100401060.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10040106.0, "FinishDropId": 100406.0, "FirstRewardId": 10040106.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 40.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00406BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00406EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 42.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040203, "Name": "The Forsaken", "Description": "The desert base was under attack of the Corrupted. Defeat them to protect the base.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0403.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 304.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 42.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 28.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10040202.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100401070.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10040107.0, "FinishDropId": 100407.0, "FirstRewardId": 10040107.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 40.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00407BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00407EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 43.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040204, "Name": "Negotiation", "Description": "Gray Raven was met with some uninvited guests who called themselves the \"Forsaken\", and was attacked by one of the male Constructs.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 304.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 8.0, "RecommandLevel": 42.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 28.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10040203.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100401080.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10040108.0, "FinishDropId": 100408.0, "FirstRewardId": 10040108.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 40.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00408BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00408EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 44.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040301, "Name": "Left Behind", "Description": "The \"Forsaken\" Constructs seemed to know Lucia and Kamui. Gray Raven set off once again to seize the base and find out the truth.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab04.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 304.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 9.0, "RecommandLevel": 44.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 28.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10040204.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100401090.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10040109.0, "FinishDropId": 100409.0, "FirstRewardId": 10040109.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 40.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00409BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00409EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 45.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040302, "Name": "Kidnapping", "Description": "The mysterious Construct who clearly disliked humans appeared again. He was upset by Gray Raven as they were taking orders from you. A battle is imminent.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 304.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 10.0, "RecommandLevel": 44.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 28.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10040301.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100401100.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10040110.0, "FinishDropId": 100410.0, "FirstRewardId": 10040110.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 40.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00410BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 46.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040303, "Name": "Noises", "Description": "The male Construct took advantage of the Corrupted's habits and got them to attack Gray Raven. Lucia seemed to have recalled something during the battle though...?", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 304.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 11.0, "RecommandLevel": 44.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 28.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10040302.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100401110.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10040111.0, "FinishDropId": 100411.0, "FirstRewardId": 10040111.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 40.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00411BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 47.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040304, "Name": "Bloody Truth", "Description": "The enemy Construct's name was Watanabe. But before Lucia could recall more, a type of enemy named \"Guardian\" started to attack...", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0404.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 112, "AmbientSound": 304.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 12.0, "RecommandLevel": 44.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 28.0, "RequireActionPoint": 10.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10040303.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100401120.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10040112.0, "FinishDropId": 100412.0, "FirstRewardId": 10040112.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 10.0, "CardExp": 40.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00412BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00412EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 48.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10050101, "Name": "Traces", "Description": "Executive Nikolai sent the Purifying Force to hunt deserter Liv. Time is running out, but you must find Liv and take care of the unconscious Lucia at the same time.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 304.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 52.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 35.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11030106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100501010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10050101.0, "FinishDropId": 100501.0, "FirstRewardId": 10050101.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00501BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 49.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10050102, "Name": "Blind Fight", "Description": "Lee and Kamui had an argument about the dismembered team. Their heated debate caught the Corrupted's attention.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 304.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 52.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 35.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10050101.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100501020.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10050102.0, "FinishDropId": 100502.0, "FirstRewardId": 10050102.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00502BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00502EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1003.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10050103, "Name": "Dispelling Illusions", "Description": "The team still had different opinions, but the priority was to treat Lucia. You decided to head toward the oasis that Kamui mentioned.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 304.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 52.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 35.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10050102.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100501030.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10050103.0, "FinishDropId": 100503.0, "FirstRewardId": 10050103.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00503BA", "EndStoryId": null, 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Recalling the tragedies of the First Force seemed to have impacted her significantly. You decided to check her situation.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 112, "AmbientSound": 304.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 54.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 35.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10050201.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100501060.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10050106.0, "FinishDropId": 100506.0, "FirstRewardId": 10050106.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00506BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00506EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 54.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10050203, "Name": "Humanoid", "Description": "Lucia only wanted peace of mind. Yet, the new variant claimed she could be \"freed\" from the past.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 304.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 54.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 35.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10050202.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100501070.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10050107.0, "FinishDropId": 100507.0, "FirstRewardId": 10050107.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00507BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00507EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 55.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10050204, "Name": "Supervisor", "Description": "The guilt from the past and the feeling of powerlessness are killing Lucia. Defeat the new variant along with Kamui.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 112, "AmbientSound": 304.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 8.0, "RecommandLevel": 54.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 35.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10050203.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100501080.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10050108.0, "FinishDropId": 100508.0, "FirstRewardId": 10050108.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00508BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00508EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 56.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10050301, "Name": "The Light of Seven", "Description": "Gray Raven isn't exactly ready to flee, but it's time to run from the Purifying Force.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0503.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 304.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 9.0, "RecommandLevel": 56.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 35.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10050204.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100501090.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10050109.0, "FinishDropId": 100509.0, "FirstRewardId": 10050109.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00509BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00509EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 57.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10050302, "Name": "Lost Sword", "Description": "You must find Liv before the Purifying Force does. She might be with the Forsaken. Gray Raven decided to check the desert base.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 302.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 10.0, "RecommandLevel": 56.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 35.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10050301.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100501100.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10050110.0, "FinishDropId": 100510.0, "FirstRewardId": 10050110.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00510BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00510EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 58.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10050303, "Name": "Turning the Table", "Description": "The base was completely empty, but the radar suggested that Gray Raven was already at Liv's location. The earth suddenly started to tremble...", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 305.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 11.0, "RecommandLevel": 56.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 35.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10050302.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100501110.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10050111.0, "FinishDropId": 100511.0, "FirstRewardId": 10050111.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00511BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 59.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10050304, "Name": "Liv's Return", "Description": "The unknown earthquake also attracted the Guardian to the base. Protect the base and try to reach Liv's location!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0502.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 305.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 12.0, "RecommandLevel": 56.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 35.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10050303.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100501120.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10050112.0, "FinishDropId": 100512.0, "FirstRewardId": 10050112.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00512BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00512EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 60.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10060101, "Name": "Tracking the Ascendant", "Description": "After resting in a Forsaken camp for a night, Gray Raven has received a new mission from Babylonia.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0601.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 307.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11040106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100601010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10060101.0, "FinishDropId": 100601.0, "FirstRewardId": 10060101.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00601BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 61.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10060102, "Name": "Deep Under", "Description": "Under the desert was a gigantic city that wasn't recorded on maps. You decided to walk around first.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10060101.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100601020.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10060102.0, "FinishDropId": 100602.0, "FirstRewardId": 10060102.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00602BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00602EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 62.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10060103, "Name": "Mystery", "Description": "It's difficult to find the entry to the bureau on bare foot. Going high above the ground may be a good option.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10060102.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100601030.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10060103.0, "FinishDropId": 100603.0, "FirstRewardId": 10060103.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00603BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00603EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 63.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10060104, "Name": "Powerful Reinforcement", "Description": "New variants awaited Gray Raven on the high platform. Defeat them.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab05.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10060103.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100601040.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10060104.0, "FinishDropId": 100604.0, "FirstRewardId": 10060104.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00604BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00604EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 64.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10060201, "Name": "Mind Noises", "Description": "According to Watanabe, this city belonged to Kurono Group. They might have put the map in one of the facilities in the city center.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 61.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10060104.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100601050.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10060105.0, "FinishDropId": 100605.0, "FirstRewardId": 10060105.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00605BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 65.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10060202, "Name": "Parting Ways", "Description": "The conflict between Nanami and Watanabe seemed to have started here. A number of Corrupted had gathered here since they left.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 307.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 61.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10060201.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100601060.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10060106.0, "FinishDropId": 100606.0, "FirstRewardId": 10060106.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00606BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 66.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10060203, "Name": "Greater Threats", "Description": "Many guards outside the central facility had already turned into Corrupted. Defeat them to find a way into the facility.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 307.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 61.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10060202.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100601070.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10060107.0, "FinishDropId": 100607.0, "FirstRewardId": 10060107.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00607BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 67.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10060204, "Name": "Detonation", "Description": "Gray Raven triggered the alarm upon entering the facility. Close all the exits now.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0602.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 8.0, "RecommandLevel": 61.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10060203.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100601080.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10060108.0, "FinishDropId": 100608.0, "FirstRewardId": 10060108.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00608BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00608EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 68.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10060301, "Name": "Cleansing", "Description": "The central facility didn't have much internal damage. Gray Raven decided to split up and search for the map of the underground city.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 9.0, "RecommandLevel": 62.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10060204.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100601090.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10060109.0, "FinishDropId": 100609.0, "FirstRewardId": 10060109.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00609BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 69.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10060302, "Name": "Retreat", "Description": "There are many terminals storing different data in the facility. Defeat the Corrupted one by one and look for the map.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 10.0, "RecommandLevel": 62.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10060301.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100601100.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10060110.0, "FinishDropId": 100610.0, "FirstRewardId": 10060110.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00610BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 70.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10060303, "Name": "Cerberus", "Description": "Lee, Kamui and Lucia each picked a different area. In front of Lucia is the Living District.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 11.0, "RecommandLevel": 62.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10060302.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100601110.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10060111.0, "FinishDropId": 100611.0, "FirstRewardId": 10060111.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX00611BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX00611EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 150s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 71.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10060304, "Name": "Purifying Force", "Description": "A room in the Living District reminded Lucia of the days when she and the Princess of Punishing were sisters. 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A voice told the team the truth.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabEXN0207.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben11TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 12.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15020111.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120113.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120113.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, 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Time to say goodbye to this nightmare.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabEXN0212.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 35, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 17.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15020116.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120123.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120123.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX01417BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once", "Die no more than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [ 15020117.0 ], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15020118, "Name": " We Lucky Few", "Description": "Rosetta and Commandant witnessed the end of Amberia and her nightmare. A new day had started.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX02Img01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEx02TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 35, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 18.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15020117.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX01418BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once", "Die no more than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15030101, "Name": "Dusty Memory", "Description": "A theater exists in every city of the KCC, in the corner surrounded by courtyards and old streets. It is lofty and grandiose, but at the same time, it is old and dilapidated.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabEXN0301.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 16020108.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120102.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120102.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX01501BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX01501EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1136.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 3.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangleEx", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15030102, "Name": "Theater Crisis", "Description": "We can still quit with our heads held high, If we sell the theater, we can use this money as a fresh start for each and every one of us. If we wait this out, then... There won't be any money to line our pockets.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX03Img01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEx02TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15030101.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": 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decided to follow their order and go back, but accidentally met a human child. The priority written in their program means they have more important things to do now.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX03Img01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 15.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15030113.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX01515BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquareEx", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15030115, "Name": "Area of Defense", "Description": "We must quickly go past this area of defense before more of those things appear. I'll go first, you take her and follow me.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabEXN0307.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 16.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15030114.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120118.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120118.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX01516BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX01516EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1131.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquareEx", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15030116, "Name": "Little Promise", "Description": "Is it because of the preset command, or is he having an error? He could not tell.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX03Img01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 17.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15030115.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX01517BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquareEx", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15030117, "Name": "Duty of Tai'E", "Description": "I will fulfil the duty of Tai'E.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabEXN0308.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 18.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15030116.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120123.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120123.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX01518BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX01518EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1131.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangleEx", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15030118, "Name": "Farewell", "Description": "During his service in Kowloong, there was nothing that he could take pride in. Those memories were the only thing that supported him and made him happy.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabEXN0309.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEx02TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 19.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15030117.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120123.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120123.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX01519BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX01519EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1131.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangleEx", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15010501, "Name": " Operation Red Tide", "Description": "They are heading toward the shoreline.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX04lmg01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX04TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 52, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 16030103.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX01801BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once", "Die no more than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1136.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 3.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15010502, "Name": " Lone Hawk", "Description": "There does not seem to be any fear in Wanshi. He just let out a big yawn instead.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabEXN0401.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 52, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15010501.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120102.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120102.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX01802BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX01802EA", 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Are you kidding me?", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabEXN0402.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 52, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15010504.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120106.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120106.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX01805BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX01805EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once", "Die no more than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15010506, "Name": " Ashes to Ashes", "Description": "For the greater good. Oh, it never gets old. How morally sound. I am truly amazed.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX04lmg01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX04TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 52, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15010505.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX01806BA", "EndStoryId": null, 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It doesn't matter.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabEXN0406.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 52, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 20.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15010519.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120123.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120123.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX01820BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX01820EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once", "Die no more than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9074.0, 9077.0, 9078.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15010601, "Name": " The Forgotten Children", "Description": "This is Babylonia, not the research institute or Kurono. There are no unexpected menace and experiments on her path that would put her on a leash.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX05lmg01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX05TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 36, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11140108.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02001BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than 1 time", "Die no more than 2 times" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15010602, "Name": " Suspiria", "Description": "Welcome home!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX05lmg01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX05TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 36, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15010601.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02002BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than 1 time", "Die no more than 2 times" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15010603, "Name": " The Mist", "Description": "Shaped like a stuffed animal, it is too dirty to tell its original color, save for the bright red of its cracked lips. The two stiff, sad glass eyeballs, poorly sewn, have melted, staring straight at No. 21.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabEXN0501.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 36, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15010602.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120102.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120102.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02003BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX02003EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than 1 time", "Die no more than 2 times" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9000.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 3.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15010604, "Name": " Kairo", "Description": "A speeding police car stops before you, and Noctis pokes his head out from the rolled-down window wearing a pair of sunglasses he has found, whistling loudly.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX05lmg01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX05TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 36, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15010603.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02004BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than 1 time", "Die no more than 2 times" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15010605, "Name": " Let the Right One In", "Description": "The black fog dissipates, not disappearing completely, retreating to somewhere not far behind you. But it is far enough from her for now, and she is safe from being immediately devoured.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX05lmg01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX05TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 36, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15010604.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02005BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than 1 time", "Die no more than 2 times" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15010606, "Name": " Insidious", "Description": "No. 21 approaches the shade instinctively for a closer look. But the moment she steps forward, all images disappear, leaving behind the Medic Bots and equipment in the dilapidated corridors as if nothing has happened.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabEXN0502.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 36, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15010605.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120106.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120106.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02006BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX02006EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than 1 time", "Die no more than 2 times" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1167.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15010607, "Name": " Cabin in the Woods", "Description": "The night wind howls and an unearthly light shines overhead, casting No. 21 in the shadow of the giant house behind the iron gate.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabEXN0503.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 36, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15010606.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120106.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120106.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02007BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX02007EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than 1 time", "Die no more than 2 times" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1167.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": 1.0 }, { "StageId": 15010608, "Name": " The Skeleton Key", "Description": "The storage before you turns into a few empty shelves on the wall. A scrawled, child-like picture painted with red crayons sits above, with \"Go to Hell and meet Voooo\" written next to it. It looks ridiculous but scary.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabEXN0504.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 36, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 8.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15010607.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120109.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120109.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02008BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX02008EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than 1 time", "Die no more than 2 times" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1167.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15010609, "Name": " The Thirteenth Floor", "Description": "The two girls look at each other and nod. That is the last communication between them.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabEXN0505.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 36, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 9.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15010608.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120109.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120109.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02009BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX02009EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than 1 time", "Die no more than 2 times" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1167.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15010610, "Name": " Hour of the Wolf", "Description": "\u2014I'm going to kill you! I'm going to tear you apart! I'm going to rip your insides out and rub them on your face!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX05lmg01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX05TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 36, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 10.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15010609.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02010BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than 1 time", "Die no more than 2 times" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15010612, "Name": " The Chasers", "Description": "Her laser cannon soars with Buddy, and she breaks through her shackles like a runaway beast. 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An insignificant white daisy on the edge of the grave sways, hoping the wind will carry it away, but the wind cannot.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX05lmg01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX05TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 36, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 12.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15010612.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02012BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than 1 time", "Die no more than 2 times" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10140101, "Name": "Game in a Cage", "Description": "Be careful with your words and action. Don't do anything now. Wait until morning to inspect the room.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN1401.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 53, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15010528.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120102.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120102.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX01901BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": 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Let me give you a bonus question.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN1405.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 53, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10140106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120111.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120111.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX01907BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, 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Another \"World Government Conference\" is about to start.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben16Img1.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben16TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 64, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20017.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11150108.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02201BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than 1 time", "Die no more than 2 times" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 3.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10160102, "Name": "Antagonism", "Description": "Science is a torch that lights the way to humanity's future, not a wind that fans the flame of some civil war.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben16Img1.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben16TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 64, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20017.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10160101.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02202BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than 1 time", "Die no more than 2 times" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10160103, "Name": "After Story", "Description": "The logs have been arranged from left to right chronologically by Liv. 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Trust me.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN1606.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 64, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20017.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 12.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10160111.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10120125.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10120125.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": "ZX02212EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 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We have different life experience but share similar nature and feelings.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17Img3.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17TitleBg3.png", "BgmId": 74, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20017.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10170103.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02304BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once", "Die no more than 2 times." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10170105, "Name": " First, \"Joy and Sorrow\"", "Description": "Together they come, and when one sits alone with you at your board, remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17Img5.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17TitleBg5.png", "BgmId": 74, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20017.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10170104.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02305BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once", "Die no more than 2 times." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10170106, "Name": "The Great Evacuation", "Description": "Anything that you are not happy about? 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and his aloneness without regret? It is not a garment I cast off this day, but a skin that I tear with my own hands. Yet I cannot tarry longer.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17Img7.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17TitleBg7.png", "BgmId": 73, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20017.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 12.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10170111.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02312BA", "EndStoryId": 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This battle will decide the fate of all of our lives.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17Img9.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17TitleBg9.png", "BgmId": 73, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20017.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 16.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10170115.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": 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Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight. And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17Img10.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17TitleBg10.png", "BgmId": 73, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20017.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 21.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10170120.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, 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And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17Img11.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17TitleBg11.png", "BgmId": 73, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20017.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 24.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10170122.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, 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Think of them as Hetero-Sapiens or Red Tide Projections. They will transform with your cognition.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17Img14.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17TitleBg14.png", "BgmId": 36, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20017.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 27.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10170126.0, 10170127.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02327BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once", "Die no more than 2 times." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1174.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10170128, "Name": " Seventh, \"Love\"", "Description": "Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. She melts herself for her desires to be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17Img15.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben17TitleBg15.png", "BgmId": 73, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20017.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 28.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10170125.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02328BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once", "Die no more than 2 times." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15020121, "Name": " Reasonable Nonsense", "Description": "What comes around goes around. The only thing that is constant is change.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabSSN1801.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 49, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15030118.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02501BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX02501EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once.", "Die no more than twice." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9108.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15020122, "Name": " The Celestial Being", "Description": "When she calms her mind to listen, there are still faint sounds of bells and chanting from long ago.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabSSN1802.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 49, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15020121.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02502BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX02502EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once.", "Die no more than twice." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9108.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15020123, "Name": " Please \"Like\" Me", "Description": "Um... 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Here I go!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenSS18Img01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenSS18TitleBg01.png", "BgmId": 49, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 10.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15020129.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02510BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once.", "Die no more than twice." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10180101, "Name": "Journey", "Description": "Nanami will travel with her friends! Where to go...? 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Goodbye, Nanami.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben18Img17.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben18TitleBg17.png", "BgmId": 117, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20017.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 20.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10180119.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02620BA", "EndStoryId": null, 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Tell me your story and the future of humanity.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben19TitleBg01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben19Img01.png", "BgmId": 147, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 12.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10190111.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02812BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive.", "Die no more than 1 time.", "Die no more than 2 times." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 17.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10190113, "Name": "Undermine Determination", "Description": "It was once the symbol and hope of humanity toward space navigation and the pinnacle of technology during the Golden Age... 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Captain Rolmo. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben19TitleBg01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben19Img01.png", "BgmId": 147, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 21.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10190120.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02821BA", 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However, they were ambushed, and Liv decided to pick up a weapon.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 23.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 10.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11010102.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110101030.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11010103.0, "FinishDropId": 110103.0, "FirstRewardId": 11010103.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 1002.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11010104, "Name": "Infection", "Description": "Commandant, now you can try using Liv in the battle. - Lucia", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 23.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 10.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11010103.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110101040.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11010104.0, "FinishDropId": 110104.0, "FirstRewardId": 11010104.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1101.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11010105, "Name": "Repair Damaged Sector 2", "Description": "After reaching C-point, all Gray Raven saw were the remains of their comrades, as well as the Corrupted feasting on them. Get rid of them.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 25.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 10.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11010104.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110101050.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11010105.0, "FinishDropId": 110105.0, "FirstRewardId": 11010105.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 1004.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11010106, "Name": "Initial Inspiration", "Description": "Lucia found an arm from the remains that fit her just well. The Corrupted ahead are perfect targets for her to test it.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabH0101.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 25.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 10.0, "RequireActionPoint": 12.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11010105.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110101060.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11010106.0, "FinishDropId": 110106.0, "FirstRewardId": 11010106.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 12.0, "CardExp": 30.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00106BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1102.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 1.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11020101, "Name": "Into the M.I.N.D.", "Description": "After destroying the new variant, the Corrupted became disorganized again. Gray Raven decided to take this opportunity to establish a safe route to the portal.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 41.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 25.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10030304.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110201010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11020101.0, "FinishDropId": 110201.0, "FirstRewardId": 11020101.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00201BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": 21.0, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 1006.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11020102, "Name": "Dark Struggle", "Description": "Many out-of-control Corrupted were wandering on the bridge. Get rid of them, so the \"Iso-Device\" can be installed.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabH0201.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 41.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 25.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11020101.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110201020.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11020102.0, "FinishDropId": 110202.0, "FirstRewardId": 11020102.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00202BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1103.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11020103, "Name": "New Masterpiece", "Description": "Another task force team was also on a mission in this area. Thanks to their \"careless mistake\", Gray Raven had to deal with more Corrupted.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabH0202.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 41.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 25.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11020102.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110201030.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11020103.0, "FinishDropId": 110203.0, "FirstRewardId": 11020103.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": "YC00203EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 1008.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11020104, "Name": "Escape from Underground", "Description": "Lee is an expert military engineer. The bridge is still not safe, but the best you can do is to protect him while he sets up the Iso-Device.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 41.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 25.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11020103.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110201040.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11020104.0, "FinishDropId": 110204.0, "FirstRewardId": 11020104.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1105.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11020105, "Name": "Nostalgic Toy", "Description": "To reach the portal, one must go through the city occupied by many Corrupted. Clean this area like what you did last time.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 41.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 25.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11020104.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110201050.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11020105.0, "FinishDropId": 110205.0, "FirstRewardId": 11020105.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1106.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11020106, "Name": "Collapsed Bridge", "Description": "Liv won the recognition of other team members through her hard work and excellent battle performance. Keep the momentum going and clear the next area.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 41.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 25.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11020105.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110201060.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11020106.0, "FinishDropId": 110206.0, "FirstRewardId": 11020106.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 60.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00206BA", "EndStoryId": "YC00206EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 1011.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11030101, "Name": "Arrival", "Description": "The true identity of the Princess was still unknown. After learning about \"Operation Portal\" from Kamui of Strike Hawk, Gray Raven headed toward the Estate.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 50.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 30.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10040304.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110301010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11030101.0, "FinishDropId": 110301.0, "FirstRewardId": 11030101.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 90.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00301BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 1012.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11030102, "Name": "Vintage Taste", "Description": "Hassen gave you a priority mission. Before joining Strike Hawk, you need to retrieve the Constructs in the subway station with Gray Raven.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 50.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 30.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11030101.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110301020.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11030102.0, "FinishDropId": 110302.0, "FirstRewardId": 11030102.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 90.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00302BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1108.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11030103, "Name": "Enjoyment", "Description": "Tifa was also one of the \"new variants\". How the Corrupted suddenly gained the ability to think was still unknown, but they quickly occupied the subway station after she was gone.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 50.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 30.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11030102.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110301030.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11030103.0, "FinishDropId": 110303.0, "FirstRewardId": 11030103.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 90.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00303BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1109.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11030104, "Name": "Smiling Devil", "Description": "The Corrupted significantly impacted the retrieval of Constructs. Gray Raven decided to split into two groups; one would continue working on the retrieval, while the other would focus on fighting the Corrupted.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabH0301.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 50.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 30.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11030103.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110301040.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11030104.0, "FinishDropId": 110304.0, "FirstRewardId": 11030104.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 90.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00304BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1110.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11030105, "Name": "Hideous Fireworks", "Description": "Operation Portal was run by Strike Hawk. After joining forces with them, Gray Raven was assigned the task of scouting in the Estate where the portal was located.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 50.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 30.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11030104.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110301050.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11030105.0, "FinishDropId": 110305.0, "FirstRewardId": 11030105.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 90.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, 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Check it out and ensure the portal is safe.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 57.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 38.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11040102.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110401030.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11040103.0, "FinishDropId": 110403.0, "FirstRewardId": 11040103.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 120.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00403BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1113.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11040104, "Name": "Protection", "Description": "Turned out it was some Corrupted that triggered the safety robots. Destroy the Corrupted and the robots.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabH0401.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 57.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 38.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11040103.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110401040.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11040104.0, "FinishDropId": 110404.0, "FirstRewardId": 11040104.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 120.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00404BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 1021.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11040105, "Name": "Emma", "Description": "The portal was tampered by Roland and failed to send you to the designated location. After some discussion, you decided to walk there.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 57.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 38.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11040104.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110401050.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11040105.0, "FinishDropId": 110405.0, "FirstRewardId": 11040105.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 120.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00405BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1114.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11040106, "Name": "Farewell", "Description": "Kamui seemed to have this desert's information. Gray Raven headed toward the desert base for supplies and Construct maintenance.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 57.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 38.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11040105.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110401060.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11040106.0, "FinishDropId": 110406.0, "FirstRewardId": 11040106.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 120.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00406BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 1023.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11050101, "Name": "Destination", "Description": "Executive Nikolai sent the Purifying Force to hunt deserter Liv. Time is running out, but you must find Liv and take care of the unconscious Lucia at the same time.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 63.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 45.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10060304.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110501010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11050101.0, "FinishDropId": 110501.0, "FirstRewardId": 11050101.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 150.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00501BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Clear in 300s", "Clear in 240s", "Clear in 180s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 1024.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11050102, "Name": "Tracing", "Description": "Lee and Kamui had an argument about the dismembered team. Their heated debate caught the Corrupted's attention.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 63.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 45.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11050101.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110501020.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11050102.0, "FinishDropId": 110502.0, "FirstRewardId": 11050102.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 150.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00502BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Clear in 300s", "Clear in 240s", "Clear in 180s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1116.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11050103, "Name": "Split Road", "Description": "The team still had different opinions, but the priority was to treat Lucia. You decided to head toward the oasis that Kamui mentioned.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 63.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 45.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11050102.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110501030.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11050103.0, "FinishDropId": 110503.0, "FirstRewardId": 11050103.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 150.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00503BA", "EndStoryId": null, 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Recalling the tragedies of the First Force seemed to have impacted her significantly. You decided to check her situation.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 63.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 45.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11050105.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110501060.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11050106.0, "FinishDropId": 110506.0, "FirstRewardId": 11050106.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 150.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00506BA", "EndStoryId": "YC00506EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Clear in 300s", "Clear in 240s", "Clear in 180s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 1029.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11060101, "Name": "Sister", "Description": "Liv had returned, and Nanami also volunteered to join. Gray Raven decides to take the path that Watanabe mentioned and heads toward the bureau.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 67.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 10070304.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110601010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11060101.0, "FinishDropId": 110601.0, "FirstRewardId": 11060101.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 180.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00601BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 1030.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11060102, "Name": "Child", "Description": "Under the desert was a gigantic city that wasn't recorded on maps. You decided to walk around first.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 67.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11060101.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110601020.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11060102.0, "FinishDropId": 110602.0, "FirstRewardId": 11060102.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 180.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00602BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 1031.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11060103, "Name": "Dismemberment", "Description": "It's difficult to find the entry to the bureau on bare foot. Going high above the ground may be a good option.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 67.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11060102.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110601030.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11060103.0, "FinishDropId": 110603.0, "FirstRewardId": 11060103.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 180.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00603BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1121.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11060104, "Name": "Blade", "Description": "New variants awaited Gray Raven on the high platform. Defeat them.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabH0601.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 67.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11060103.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110601040.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11060104.0, "FinishDropId": 110604.0, "FirstRewardId": 11060104.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 180.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00604BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 1033.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11060105, "Name": "Against the Current", "Description": "According to Watanabe, this city belonged to Kurono Group. They might have put the map in one of the facilities in the city center.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 67.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11060104.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110601050.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11060105.0, "FinishDropId": 110605.0, "FirstRewardId": 11060105.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 180.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00605BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Die less than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 1034.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11060106, "Name": "Ending", "Description": "The conflict between Nanami and Watanabe seemed to have started here. A number of Corrupted had gathered here since they left.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabNormal01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 67.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11060105.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110601060.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11060106.0, "FinishDropId": 110606.0, "FirstRewardId": 11060106.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 180.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC00606BA", "EndStoryId": null, 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The essence of... the Ascension-Network.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX01Img01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20008.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 67.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 16010105.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 240.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC01306BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, 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She decided to do something.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX02Img01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEx02TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 67.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 16020101.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 240.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC01402BA", 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Nanami decided to give everything she had to stop the war.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEX02Img01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenEx02TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 67.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 16020105.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 240.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC01406BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once", "Die no more than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 16020107, "Name": " The Black Figure", "Description": "I will never forgive you, Ascendants!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabEXH0204.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 67.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 16020106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11120107.0, "FinishDropId": 110801.0, "FirstRewardId": 11120107.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 240.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC01407BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once", "Die no more than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9050.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 16020108, "Name": " Nanami and Bionics", "Description": "The war had ended, but the wounds were still there. 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I've never brought it up because this wish will never come true.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben14Img1.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben14TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 53, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11140103.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC01904BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once", "Die no more than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11140105, "Name": "Crossing Paths", "Description": "Let's end it here, Gabriel.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabH1401.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 53, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20010.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11140104.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11120103.0, "FinishDropId": 110801.0, "FirstRewardId": 11120103.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC01905BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than once", "Die no more than twice" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9081.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 3.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11140106, "Name": "Martyr", "Description": "I'll say this again. 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It's \"curiosity.\"", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben15Img1.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben15TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 61, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20016.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11150104.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 240.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC02105BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than 1 time", "Die no more than 2 times" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11150106, "Name": "The First Birth", "Description": "Stop dawdling. Come here, we have to make you adapt to your body right away.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabH1503.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 61, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20016.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11150105.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 110801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 11120104.0, "FinishDropId": 110801.0, "FirstRewardId": 11120104.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 240.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC02106BA", "EndStoryId": "YC02106EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die no more than 1 time", "Die no more than 2 times" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [ 15020115.0 ], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 3.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 11150107, "Name": "Weigh Anchor", "Description": "We aren't devoid of weakness. We were just forced to \"send\" it away.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben15Img1.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFuben15TitleBg1.png", "BgmId": 61, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20016.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 62.0, "RequireActionPoint": 24.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 11150106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 24.0, "CardExp": 240.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "YC02107BA", 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What will her power be...?", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 50.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 300705.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": "YS01501EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [ 30000102.0 ], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 30070105.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070106, "Name": "Guinevere", "Description": "A girl once lost her life in the pursuit of love. 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Monster will go berserk after 2 min." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070139.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070140, "Name": "Twin Hunters - Deep Dive", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi10.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070139.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "3-min time limit. Monster will go berserk after 2 min." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070140.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070141, "Name": "Swift Hunter - 66%", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 41, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 25.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070140.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Enhanced Shatter - Monsters enhance other monsters upon their death", "Each monster slain will grant others with 50% ATK and 10% DMG Reduction", "Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts permanently." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070141.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070142, "Name": "Blade Flurry - 66%", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 41, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 30.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070141.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Lingering Pain - Monster attacks also apply \"Pain\"", "Pain reduces max HP by 3% every second", "Pain can be removed via dodging" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070142.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070143, "Name": "Resurrected Blademaster - 66%", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi03.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 41, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 38.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070142.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Enhanced Shatter - Monsters enhance other monsters upon their death", "Each monster slain will grant others with 50% ATK and 10% DMG Reduction", "Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts permanently." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070143.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070144, "Name": "Lonewolf Blade - 66%", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi04.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 41, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 45.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070143.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Lingering Pain - Monster attacks also apply \"Pain\"", "Pain reduces max HP by 3% every second", "Pain can be removed via dodging" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070144.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070145, "Name": "Royal Commander - 66%", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi05.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 41, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 50.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070144.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Enhanced Shatter - Monsters enhance other monsters upon their death", "Each monster slain will grant others with 50% ATK and 10% DMG Reduction", "Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts permanently." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070145.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070146, "Name": "Elemental Butcher - 66%", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi06.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 41, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 55.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070145.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Violent Impulse - 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Monsters enhance other monsters upon their death", "Each monster slain will grant others with 50% ATK and 10% DMG Reduction", "Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts permanently." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070151.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070152, "Name": "Blade Flurry - Final", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 42, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 30.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070151.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Lingering Pain - Monster attacks also apply \"Pain\"", "Pain reduces max HP by 3% every second", "Pain can be removed via dodging" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070152.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070153, "Name": "Resurrected Blademaster - Final", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi03.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 42, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 38.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070152.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Enhanced Shatter - Monsters enhance other monsters upon their death", "Each monster slain will grant others with 50% ATK and 10% DMG Reduction", "Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts permanently." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070153.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070154, "Name": "Lonewolf Blade - Final", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi04.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 42, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 45.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070153.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Lingering Pain - Monster attacks also apply \"Pain\"", "Pain reduces max HP by 3% every second", "Pain can be removed via dodging" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070154.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070155, "Name": "Royal Commander - Final", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi05.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 42, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 50.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070154.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Enhanced Shatter - Monsters enhance other monsters upon their death", "Each monster slain will grant others with 50% ATK and 10% DMG Reduction", "Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts permanently." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070155.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070156, "Name": "Elemental Butcher - Final", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi06.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 42, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 55.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070155.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Violent Impulse - 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Lasts permanently." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070161.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070162, "Name": "Blade Flurry - 100%", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 42, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 30.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070161.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Lingering Pain - Monster attacks also apply \"Pain\"", "Pain reduces max HP by 3% every second", "Pain can be removed via dodging" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070162.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070163, "Name": "Resurrected Blademaster - 100%", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi03.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 42, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 38.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070162.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Enhanced Shatter - Monsters enhance other monsters upon their death", "Each monster slain will grant others with 50% ATK and 10% DMG Reduction", "Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts permanently." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070163.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070164, "Name": "Lonewolf Blade - 100%", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi04.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 42, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 45.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070163.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Lingering Pain - Monster attacks also apply \"Pain\"", "Pain reduces max HP by 3% every second", "Pain can be removed via dodging" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070164.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070165, "Name": "Royal Commander - 100%", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi05.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 42, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 50.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070164.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Enhanced Shatter - Monsters enhance other monsters upon their death", "Each monster slain will grant others with 50% ATK and 10% DMG Reduction", "Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts permanently." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070165.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070166, "Name": "Elemental Butcher - 100%", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYiShi/FubenYiShi06.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 42, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 55.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070165.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Violent Impulse - 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Enemy will go berserk after 3 min." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070171.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070172, "Name": "Wave: Switching Sides", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss09.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070171.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403060.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403060.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "5-min time limit. Enemy will go berserk after 3 min." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070171.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070173, "Name": "Wave: Changing Mind", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss08.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070172.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403060.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403060.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "5-min time limit. Enemy will go berserk after 3 min." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070171.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070174, "Name": "Wave: Military Expertise", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss07.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070173.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403060.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403060.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "5-min time limit. Enemy will go berserk after 3 min." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070171.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070175, "Name": "Wave: Rooted Fear", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070174.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403060.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403060.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "5-min time limit. Enemy will go berserk after 3 min." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070171.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070176, "Name": "Wave: Reverse Command", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070175.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403060.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403060.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "The Terminal enhances a random type of enemies every 50s", "The Terminal reduces the current enhance cycle when taking hit", "The Heteromer Terminal dies upon the death of all minions" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070171.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, 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null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070176.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403060.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403060.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Ballwheel gains attack methods when Yazi attacks", "Kemuri gains attack methods when Yazi takes attacks" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070171.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070178, "Name": "Wave: Chained Death", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss04.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070177.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403060.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403060.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Hetero Units will respawn in random versions after death.", "Hetero Units of the same version will be connected.", "Units with more than three connections will die directly" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070171.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070179, "Name": "Wave: Infernal Trickery", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss06.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070178.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403060.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403060.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Enemies will become neutral upon taking damage at weak points", "Neutral enemies will gain a small amount of Resistance" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070171.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070180, "Name": "Wave: Into Your Own Trap", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss05.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070179.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403060.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403060.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Character's Dodge Gauge recovery speed will increase", "The triangle area is the \"safe area\"", "You'll be immune to attacks from the Martyr in the \"safe area\"" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070171.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, 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1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070182, "Name": "Leap: Switching Sides", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss09.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070181.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403060.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403060.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Phecda will issue a command upon 50% HP left", "Complete Phecda's command to add him to your faction", "Phecda will reduce Prime's Resistance every time he attacks" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070181.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070183, "Name": "Leap: Changing Mind", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss08.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070182.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403060.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403060.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Cathy will heal companions upon 70% HP left", "Companions healed by Cathy will have less Extra DMG Reduction" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070181.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070184, "Name": "Leap: Military Expertise", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss07.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], 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null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070185, "Name": "Leap: Rooted Fear", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": 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"NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070186, "Name": "Leap: Reverse Command", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070185.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403060.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403060.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "The Terminal enhances a random type of enemies every 40s", "The Terminal reduces the current enhance cycle when taking hit", "The Heteromer Terminal dies upon the death of all minions" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070181.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { 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null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Ballwheel gains more attack behaviors when Yazi attacks", "Kemuri gains more attack behaviors when Yazi takes attacks", "Yazi grants Ballwheel a random affix when she attacks" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070181.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070188, "Name": "Leap: Chained Death", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss04.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070187.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403060.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403060.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Hetero Units will respawn in random versions after death.", "Hetero Units of the same version will be connected.", "Units with more than three connections will die directly" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070181.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070189, "Name": "Leap: Infernal Trickery", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss06.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070188.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403060.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403060.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Enemies will become neutral upon taking damage at weak points", "Neutral enemies will gain a medium amount of Resistance" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070181.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 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"Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss09.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070191.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403061.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403061.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Phecda will issue a command upon 50% HP left", "Complete Phecda's command to add him to your faction", "Phecda will reduce Prime's Resistance every time he attacks" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [ 30070191.0 ], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070193, "Name": "Depth: Changing Mind", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss08.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], 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"FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30070194, "Name": "Depth: Military Expertise", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss07.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": 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"Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiMemorySave/UiMSBoss01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 43, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20011.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30070195.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 403061.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 403061.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "The 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I'm sure you can do such an easy task, right?", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13010211.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 13010112.0, "FirstRewardShow": 13010112.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010112.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ10302BB", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13010213, "Name": "Honor", "Description": "...I can stay back and take care of our home.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13010212.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 13010113.0, "FirstRewardShow": 13010113.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010113.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ10303BB", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13010214, "Name": "Collapsed Pride", "Description": "Let me go to the war zone. Please.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTabLifu01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13010213.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 13010114.0, "FirstRewardShow": 13010114.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010114.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ10304BB", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 2001.0, 2008.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13010215, "Name": "To a New World", "Description": "Aren't you going to... have a few words with her?", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13010214.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 13010115.0, "FirstRewardShow": 13010115.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010115.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ10305BB", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 2001.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13010216, "Name": "Flower on Battlefield", "Description": "Please answer my question.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTabLifu02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13010215.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 13010116.0, "FirstRewardShow": 13010116.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010116.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ10306BB", "EndStoryId": "JZ10306EB", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 2001.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13010220, "Name": "White Dress", "Description": "Get changed, Liv... At least, you should leave in a beautiful way. You can do it... I'm sure.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [ 130102140.0 ], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13010214.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ10307BB", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 3.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13010301, "Name": "Proving Existence I", "Description": "I am real. 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Just like daddy and mommy...", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab04.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13010311.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 13010112.0, "FirstRewardShow": 13010112.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010112.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ10502BB", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13010313, "Name": "Day XX, Fissure", "Description": "Everybody has stopped going to class. 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Always are!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab04B.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13010912.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 13010113.0, "FirstRewardShow": 13010113.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010113.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ10503BS", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13010914, "Name": "Hunting Ground", "Description": "A scavenger had witnessed some Construct in the hunting ground.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTabQishi01B.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13010913.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 13010114.0, "FirstRewardShow": 13010114.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010114.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ10504BS", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 2010.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13010915, "Name": "Born as Human", "Description": "All this attacking and robbing... 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That is Bruce's... last order!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab07.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [ 130106150.0 ], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13010615.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ10807BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 3.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13011111, "Name": "Retreat", "Description": "Before the shuttle successfully lands on Babylonia, the torch of humanity is in your hands.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab07B.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 13010111.0, "FirstRewardShow": 13010111.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010111.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ10801BS", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13011112, "Name": "Reminisce", "Description": "Bruce and I are different. 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For you will eventually become me.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab08.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [ 130108150.0 ], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13010815.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ10607BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 3.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13011201, "Name": "Dance of the Scythe 1", "Description": "My weapon is a proof of my strength.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTabChallenge.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 30.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 130109010.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 130901.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 30.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 2.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted.", "Carefully consider the choice of Constructs." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": 2.0, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13011211, "Name": "Colors", "Description": "Meka announced the travel plans to the painting Ayla. 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If you exceed your connection threshold, memory loss may occur!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab11.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 16, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13011512.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 13010113.0, "FirstRewardShow": 13010113.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010113.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ11203BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13011514, "Name": "Proud Work", "Description": "You have perfect Tantalum-193 heteropolymer adaptability and beautiful biological readings. 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You were born in the snowy forest, and you must never forget the weight of life.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab14.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 7, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010111.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010111.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ11401BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13011912, "Name": "Being Normal", "Description": "You are a kind girl who is willing to fight for others. One day, you would grow up.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTabLuosaita01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 7, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [ 130119121.0, 130119122.0, 130119123.0 ], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13011911.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010112.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010112.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ11402BA", "EndStoryId": "JZ11402EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1132.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13011913, "Name": "The Only Chance", "Description": "This is the only chance for you to live on as an ordinary girl...", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab14.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 7, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13011912.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010113.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010113.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ11403BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13011914, "Name": "Journey's End", "Description": "This could be the last time for us to be together. You, me, and him.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab14.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 7, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13011913.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010114.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010114.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ11404BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13011915, "Name": "Pray for Life", "Description": "Your prayer created a miracle. Now go for the final hope.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab14.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 7, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13011914.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010115.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010115.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ11405BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13011916, "Name": "The Last Forest Guard", "Description": "Even if you have become a Forest Guard, you are always my granddaughter. My most innocent little girl.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTabLuosaita02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 8, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [ 130119121.0, 130119122.0, 130119123.0 ], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13011915.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010116.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010116.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ11406BA", "EndStoryId": 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I'm the devil... here to take you back to hell.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab21.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010111.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010111.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12101BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13012612, "Name": "Wild Beast", "Description": "Calming down, No .21 stops and looks at the others with only vigilance and curiosity in her eyes, just like a newborn beast.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab2101.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13012611.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010112.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010112.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12102BA", "EndStoryId": "JZ12102EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1167.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13012613, "Name": "Choice", "Description": "It may be the best\u2014or worst decision to let you follow me. But here, things can only get worse.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab21.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13012612.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010113.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010113.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12103BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13012614, "Name": "Journey to Light", "Description": "For some reason, No. 21 cannot help but believe what the Construct before her is saying. Is it because of her threatening color? Or the light in her eyes?", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab21.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13012613.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010114.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010114.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12104BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13012615, "Name": "Return", "Description": "My name? My name is a designation. No. 21 is my designation.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab21.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13012614.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010115.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010115.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12105BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13012616, "Name": "Homeward", "Description": "Collapsed bricks and Corrupted remains pile up before No. 21. Vital fluid drips into the pits of the cement floor. Yet she is white as snow, seemingly fading into the light.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab2102.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [ 130126120.0 ], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13012615.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010116.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010116.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12106BA", "EndStoryId": "JZ12106EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1167.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13012620, "Name": "Cerberus", "Description": "Hmph. Are you my new crew? 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I am surprised and even begin to think that she may be a believer. I have seen many soldiers with faith, but never such a kind and gentle expression on a soldier's face.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab24.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 61, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13012911.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010112.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010112.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12402BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13012913, "Name": "Epiphany", "Description": "An egret lands on the top of the ruins under the sun, making a long and peaceful chirp.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTabSuperLiv02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13012912.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010113.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010113.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12403BA", "EndStoryId": "JZ12403EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9101.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13012914, "Name": "Christmas", "Description": "But they cannot stop her. 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There is only darkness.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab24.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 61, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13012914.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010115.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010115.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12405BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13012916, "Name": "Resurrection", "Description": "She opens her eyes among the blue birds. 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Can it be a song of joy?", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTabSuperSelena02.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTabSuperSelena02.png", "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13013013.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010114.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010114.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12504BA", "EndStoryId": "JZ12504EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9107.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13013015, "Name": "The Fly", "Description": "The feeling of empathy is life, strength, and breath.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTabSuperSelena01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTabSuperSelena01.png", "BgmId": 36, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13013014.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010115.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010115.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12505BA", "EndStoryId": "JZ12505EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9107.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13013016, "Name": "Songs of the New Bard", "Description": "Youth of delight! Come here and see the opening morn, image of truth new-born.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab25.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 61, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13013015.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010116.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010116.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12506BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13013020, "Name": "Echoes of the Ancient Bard", "Description": "She stumbles all night in the hollow universe.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab25.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 61, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [ 130130140.0 ], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13013015.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12507BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 3.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13013111, "Name": "Night Boat", "Description": "Hundreds of years passed in the flutter of a butterfly's wings, and I sigh when I look back at the past. Spring has just arrived today, yet the flowers will wither tomorrow. Drink before the night ends and the lights go out.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTabSuperPulao02.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTabSuperPulao02.png", "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010111.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010111.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12601BA", "EndStoryId": "JZ12601EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9109.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13013112, "Name": "Ancient Pouring Glass", "Description": "I used to drink wine and enjoy music for days and squander my money just for fun. It is after I bid farewell that I realize how much time I have wasted away.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab26.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 61, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13013111.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010112.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010112.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12602BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13013113, "Name": "Return of a Distant Dawn", "Description": "The plum tree branches cross the moon, creating a special atmosphere. The plum blossoms shade the moonlight, leaving dot shadows in the glass. No matter how I lament the past, those days have long gone. It's hard to see my old friends again.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab26.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 61, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13013112.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010113.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010113.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12603BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13013114, "Name": "Dream Song", "Description": "It was drizzling and windy last night. I slept in but still felt drunk. I ask the maid who is rolling up the shades, yet she tells me that the flowers are still in blossom. Don't you know that there should be more leaves than flowers?", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab26.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 61, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13013113.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010114.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010114.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12604BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13013115, "Name": "Sadness of Farewell", "Description": "I wish to bid farewell, but my words fail me. He departs from me into the flowers and grass. There I stand, waving goodbye to him. The cherry blossoms are still in bloom and the willow leaves are still abundant, yet the wind of spring is blowing in the cold rain.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab26.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 61, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13013114.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010115.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010115.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12605BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13013116, "Name": "Song of Fragrance", "Description": "The silk handkerchief is soaked by the sudden burst of tears. It's hard to resist the sadness of not being able to see him. My sleep is shallow, yet the screen stands tall in this silent long night.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTabSuperPulao01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTabSuperPulao01.png", "BgmId": 36, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [ 130131110.0 ], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13013115.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 13010116.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 13010116.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12606BA", "EndStoryId": "JZ12606EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9109.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 13013120, "Name": "New Farewell Song", "Description": "We are separated by the Yangtze River. One stands on the north bank, and the other stands on the south bank. With whom should we drink wine and admire the moon tonight?", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenPrequelTab/PrequelTab26.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 61, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20009.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [ 130131160.0 ], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 13013116.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "JZ12607BA", "EndStoryId": null, 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The headquarters named it \"Assault Fort\" for its unpredictable yet fearless battle behaviors.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily7.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 11030106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 200101006.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 201130.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv.", "New Memory will not drop in this stage" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [ 102.0, 101.0 ], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30010402.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30010403, "Name": "Emergency Signal", "Description": "A large machine that had restructured after being corrupted by the Punishing Virus. Its underlying circuit board didn't incorporate the function to think, so as a Corrupted it could only follow the most basic order to attack. The headquarters named it \"Assault Fort\" for its unpredictable yet fearless battle behaviors.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily7.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 55.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 25.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10060304.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 200101006.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 201131.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 25.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv.", "New Memory will not drop in this stage" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [ 102.0, 101.0 ], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30010403.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30010404, "Name": "Zero-Point Berserk", "Description": "A large machine that had restructured after being corrupted by the Punishing Virus. Its underlying circuit board didn't incorporate the function to think, so as a Corrupted it could only follow the most basic order to attack. The headquarters named it \"Assault Fort\" for its unpredictable yet fearless battle behaviors.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily7.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 70.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 30.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 11050106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 200101007.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 201132.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 30.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv.", "100% to get 6\u2605 Memory after clearing 8 times", "New Memory will not drop in this stage" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [ 102.0, 101.0 ], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30010404.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30010405, "Name": "Cataclysm", "Description": "A large machine that had restructured after being corrupted by the Punishing Virus. 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We cannot afford to let any Corrupted get in. Find them and destroy them!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily2.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 25.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 30010101.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 301101.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Avoid the laser beam.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [ 102.0, 101.0 ], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30010301.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30010302, "Name": "Mobility", "Description": "The subway is one of the most important passages in the ruins. 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Find them and destroy them!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily2.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10050304.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 30010102.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 301102.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Avoid the laser beam.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [ 102.0, 101.0 ], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30010302.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30010303, "Name": "Penetration", "Description": "The subway is one of the most important passages in the ruins. 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Find them and destroy them!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily2.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 55.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 25.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 11050106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 30010103.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 301103.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 25.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Avoid the laser beam.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [ 102.0, 101.0 ], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30010303.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30010304, "Name": "Recon", "Description": "The subway is one of the most important passages in the ruins. We cannot afford to let any Corrupted get in. Find them and destroy them!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily2.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 70.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 30.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 11070106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 30010104.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 301104.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 30.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Avoid the laser beam.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [ 102.0, 101.0 ], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30010304.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30010801, "Name": "Semi-conductor", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. Please take the resources back! They are vital to us!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily4.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 25.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 200101000.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 201125.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Beware of enemy affixes.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30010801.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30010802, "Name": "Noise Reflection", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. Please take the resources back! They are vital to us!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily4.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10030202.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 200101001.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 201126.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Beware of enemy affixes.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30010802.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30010803, "Name": "3-Dimension Packaging", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. Please take the resources back! They are vital to us!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily4.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 55.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 25.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 11020106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 200101002.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 201127.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 25.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Beware of enemy affixes.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30010803.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30010804, "Name": "Hydraulic Processing", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. Please take the resources back! They are vital to us!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily4.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 70.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 30.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10070304.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 200101003.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 201128.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 30.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Beware of enemy affixes.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30010804.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30010701, "Name": "Origin Analysis", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. Please take the resources back! They are vital to us!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily8.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 25.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 200101009.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 201133.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Beware of enemy affixes.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30010701.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30010702, "Name": "Base Deconstruction", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. Please take the resources back! They are vital to us!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily8.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 11030106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 200101010.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 201134.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Beware of enemy affixes.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30010702.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30010703, "Name": "Reconstruction", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. Please take the resources back! They are vital to us!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily8.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 55.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 25.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10060304.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 200101011.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 201135.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 25.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Beware of enemy affixes.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30010703.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30010704, "Name": "Pressurized Fusion", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. Please take the resources back! They are vital to us!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily8.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 70.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 30.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10080304.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 200101012.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 201136.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 30.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Beware of enemy affixes.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30010704.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30050101, "Name": "Come Get Me", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. Please take the resources back! They are vital to us!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily3.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 25.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 30050101.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 30510100.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Attack the enemies so they can drop Cogs.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30050101.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30050102, "Name": "Run! Run Away!", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. Please take the resources back! They are vital to us!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily3.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10040304.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 30050101.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 30510101.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Attack the enemies so they can drop Cogs.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30050102.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30050103, "Name": "I'm Getting Angry", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. Please take the resources back! They are vital to us!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily3.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 55.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 25.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 11040106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 30050101.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 30510102.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 25.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Attack the enemies so they can drop Cogs.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30050103.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30050104, "Name": "Stop Hitting Me T_T", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. 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They are vital to us!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily3.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 70.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 30.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 11060106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 30050101.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 30510103.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 30.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Attack the enemies so they can drop Cogs.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30050104.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30050201, "Name": "Recovery", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. Please take the resources back! They are vital to us!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily1.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 25.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 30050201.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 30520100.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Remember to pick up the orbs.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30050201.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30050202, "Name": "Charge", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. Please take the resources back! They are vital to us!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily1.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10040304.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 30050201.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 30520101.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Remember to pick up the orbs.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30050202.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30050203, "Name": "Release", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. 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They are vital to us!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenDailyTab/UiExploreDaily1.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 55.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 25.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 11040106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 30050201.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 30520102.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 25.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Remember to pick up the orbs.", "Enemy's power scales with Comm lv." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": 30050203.0, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30050204, "Name": "Burst", "Description": "Reclaim Supplies: Our Cache Resources were raided by the Corrupted. Please take the resources back! 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A Construct caught Lucia's attention. 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Corrupted eventually when humans left Earth.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 50.0, "IsMultiplayer": 1.0, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 1, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": 1.0, "FinishRewardShow": 200101025.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 201101.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 3.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": 1.0, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": 1.0, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 20000202, "Name": "Assault Fort - Overload", "Description": "Once a large scale building robot for cities, but after a military refit, it has been used for combat near the CPF. 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The \"Sister\" is still performing her duties.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 70.0, "IsMultiplayer": 1.0, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 60.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 1, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": 3.0, "FinishRewardShow": 200101027.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 201103.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 3.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": 1.0, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": 1.0, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 20000304, "Name": "Sister - Berserk", "Description": "When religions lost their appeal, churches started to use bionic robots to preach instead of humans. The \"Sister\" is still performing her duties.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": 1.0, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 60.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 1, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": 4.0, "FinishRewardShow": 200101028.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 201104.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 3.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": 1.0, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": 1.0, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 20000401, "Name": "Rosetta - 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After confronting him several times in Babylonia, its form has changed with each occurrence.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": 1.0, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 60.0, "RequireActionPoint": 20.0, "CharacterLimitType": 1, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": 4.0, "FinishRewardShow": 200101028.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 201104.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 20.0, "CardExp": 50.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 3.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": 1.0, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": 1.0, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030402, "Name": "Terminal", "Description": "Hassen gave you a priority mission. Before joining Strike Hawk, you need to retrieve the Constructs in the subway station with Gray Raven.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 10000.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030403, "Name": "Driven by Instinct", "Description": "Tifa was also one of the \"new variants\". How the Corrupted suddenly gained the ability to think was still unknown, but they quickly occupied the subway station after she was gone.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10030402.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 10001.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030404, "Name": "Good Samaritan", "Description": "The Corrupted significantly impacted the retrieval of Constructs. Gray Raven decided to split into two groups; one would continue working on the retrieval, while the other would focus on fighting the Corrupted.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab05.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10030403.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 10002.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030501, "Name": "Trespassing", "Description": "Operation Portal was run by Strike Hawk. After joining forces with them, Gray Raven was assigned the task of scouting in the Estate where the portal was located.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 62.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10030404.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 10003.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030502, "Name": "Traps", "Description": "After scouting, Gray Raven's next task is night patrol.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 62.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10030501.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 10004.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030503, "Name": "Final Warning", "Description": "Operation Portal is about to start. Gray Raven and Strike Hawk will launch a joint attack on the Estate.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 62.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10030502.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 10005.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030504, "Name": "Take Caution", "Description": "A new variant, along with many Corrupted reinforcements, suddenly appeared in the Estate. Defeat the new variant and evacuate ASAP.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0302.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 8.0, "RecommandLevel": 62.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10030503.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 10006.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030602, "Name": "A Twisted Hobby", "Description": "The operation has started again. Gray Raven will distract the enemy so Strike Hawk can infiltrate the Estate.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 10.0, "RecommandLevel": 64.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10030504.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 10007.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030603, "Name": "Loyalty", "Description": "To attract as much firepower as possible, Gray Raven decided to enter the Estate building.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 11.0, "RecommandLevel": 64.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10030602.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 10008.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10030604, "Name": "A New Seed", "Description": "For some unknown reason, Gray Raven lost contact with Strike Hawk. The priority now is to get out of this place.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0303.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 12.0, "RecommandLevel": 64.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10030603.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 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Check it out and ensure the portal is safe.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 66.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10040402.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 10012.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040404, "Name": "Zack", "Description": "Turned out it was some Corrupted that triggered the safety robots. Destroy the Corrupted and the robots.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0402.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 66.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10040403.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 10013.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040501, "Name": "Raging Sand", "Description": "The portal was tampered by Roland and failed to send you to the designated location. After some discussion, you decided to walk there.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 68.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10040404.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 10014.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040502, "Name": "Panic Dive", "Description": "Kamui seemed to have this desert's information. Gray Raven headed toward the desert base for supplies and Construct maintenance.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 68.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10040501.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 10015.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040503, "Name": "The Forsaken", "Description": "Gray Raven was met with some uninvited guests who called themselves the \"Forsaken\", and was attacked by one of the male Constructs.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0403.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 68.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10040502.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 10016.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040504, "Name": "Reinforcement", "Description": "The Corrupted are attacking the desert base. Defeat them to protect the base.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 8.0, "RecommandLevel": 68.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10040503.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 10017.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040601, "Name": "None Shall Pass", "Description": "The \"Forsaken\" Constructs seemed to know Lucia and Kamui. Gray Raven set off once again to seize the base and find out the truth.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab04.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 9.0, "RecommandLevel": 70.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10040504.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": 10018.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040602, "Name": "Silent Night", "Description": "The mysterious Construct who clearly disliked humans appeared again. He was upset by Gray Raven as they were taking orders from you. A battle is imminent.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 10.0, "RecommandLevel": 70.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10040601.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 10019.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040603, "Name": "Noises", "Description": "The male Construct took advantage of the Corrupted's habits and got them to attack Gray Raven. Lucia seemed to have recalled something during the battle though...?", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 11.0, "RecommandLevel": 70.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10040602.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 10020.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 10040604, "Name": "Battle in Temple", "Description": "The enemy Construct's name was Watanabe. But before Lucia could recall more, a type of enemy named \"Guardian\" started to attack...", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabN0404.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 12.0, "RecommandLevel": 70.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 50.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 10040603.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, 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After some discussion, Lucia explained everything...", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenChristmas/UiFubenChristmasImg1.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20001.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "SD00101BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted.", "Carefully consider the choice of Constructs." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30130102, "Name": "Mysterious Helper", "Description": "To prepare a secret Christmas celebration for Liv, other Gray Raven members and the commandant started to take action. They also met a great helper.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenChristmas/UiFubenChristmasImg1.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20001.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30130101.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "SD00102BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted.", "Carefully consider the choice of Constructs." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30130103, "Name": "Operation Begins", "Description": "Sister, are we finally safe?", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenChristmas/UiFubenChristmasBg1.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20001.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30130102.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100701010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 2100010.0, "FinishDropId": 100701.0, "FirstRewardId": 2100010.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 70.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "SD00103BA", "EndStoryId": "SD00103EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Attack Kuroro so it can drop White Cogs.", "Attack all you want to create lots of \"Snowflakes\"." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 5000.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30130104, "Name": "Lumberjack", "Description": "I promised mother and father that I would never let anyone hurt you. So, I'll handle the riskier parts...", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenChristmas/UiFubenChristmasBg2.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20001.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30130103.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100701020.0, "FirstRewardShow": 2100020.0, "FinishDropId": 100702.0, "FirstRewardId": 2100020.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 70.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "SD00104BA", "EndStoryId": "SD00104EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Stay away from the Corrupted.", "Try to find the best work pace for yourself.", "Just hack and slash!" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 5001.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30130105, "Name": "Super Christmas Tree", "Description": "Nanami brought back a Christmas tree, but Lucia and Lee were puzzled by the choice of decorations.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenChristmas/UiFubenChristmasImg1.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20001.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30130104.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "SD00105BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted.", "Carefully consider the choice of Constructs." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30130106, "Name": "Operation Christmas", "Description": "Liv also ended up joining the preparation. Everyone was working full on for the final stage before the Christmas celebration.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenChristmas/UiFubenChristmasImg1.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20001.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 6.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30130105.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "SD00106BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted.", "Carefully consider the choice of Constructs." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30130107, "Name": "Lone Wolf", "Description": "I promised mother and father that I would never let anyone hurt you. So, I'll handle the riskier parts...", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenChristmas/UiFubenChristmasBg3.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20001.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30130106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100701030.0, "FirstRewardShow": 2100030.0, "FinishDropId": 100703.0, "FirstRewardId": 2100030.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 70.0, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "SD00107BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "The mechanical firefly will ignite anything it touches.", "When in doubt... just wait for an opportunity.", "Running away is shameful, but it works." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 5002.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30130108, "Name": "Fireworks and Presents", "Description": "Thanks to Karenina, the fireworks were lit up. 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As the Gray Raven hadn't left the train, they received an order to assist the train repair works.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFushuaguan/UiFushuaguanPlay1.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 13, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20004.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 75.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 55.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10100101.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10100101.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "HD00501BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 240s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 86.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30090522, "Name": "Chaotic Carriages", "Description": "Before getting to the next check point, Gray Ravens had to pass a commoners' carriage corrupted by the Heterozygote. Meanwhile, someone caught up with them...", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFushuaguan/UiFushuaguanPlay1.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 13, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20004.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 75.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 55.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10100101.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10100101.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "HD00502BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 240s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 86.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30090523, "Name": "Baby Dream", "Description": "Gray Ravens arrived at the central stronghold, the industrial carriage. Lee would team up with the repairers to face the dangers in this carriage.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFushuaguan/UiFushuaguanPlay1.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 13, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20004.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 75.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 55.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10100101.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10100101.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "HD00503BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 240s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 86.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30090524, "Name": "Endless Tunnel", "Description": "Sophia informed Gray Ravens out of the blue that a substantial malfunction forced the train to stop in an emergency...", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFushuaguan/UiFushuaguanPlay1.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 13, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20004.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 10.0, "RecommandLevel": 75.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 55.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10100101.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10100101.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "HD00504BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive", "Die less than once", "Clear in 240s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 1.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": 86.0, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30090525, "Name": "Gronin Station", "Description": "The repair works nearly came to an end. It was time to farewell this train at this nostalgic place.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFushuaguan/UiFushuaguanPlay1.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 13, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20004.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 13.0, "RecommandLevel": 75.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 1, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 55.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100801010.0, "FirstRewardShow": 10100101.0, "FinishDropId": 100801.0, "FirstRewardId": 10100101.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "HD00505BA", "EndStoryId": null, 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Commandant, why are you using remote communication... 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We are like two musketeers now.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYurenjie/Yurenjie02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 205, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30130202.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 100701020.0, "FirstRewardShow": 2103020.0, "FinishDropId": 100702.0, "FirstRewardId": 2103020.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "RY00103BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted.", "Take note of the Constructs... 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They've been... searching for the meaning of their existence ever since.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenER01Img01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenER01TitleBg01.png", "BgmId": 140, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15020215.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02707BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive.", "Die no more than 1 time.", "Die no more than 2 times." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15020217, "Name": "Chariot", "Description": "But since you are also our kin in pursuit of awakening, you can join our Church of Machina.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabERN0108.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 140, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 8.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15020216.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02708BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX02708EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive.", "Die no more than 1 time.", "Die no more than 2 times." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1184.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15020218, "Name": "Church of Machina", "Description": "These enlightened machines are like newborn babies. They don't understand what \"creation\" is. They just do what humans do and follow their footsteps.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenER01Img01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenER01TitleBg01.png", "BgmId": 140, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 9.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15020217.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02709BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive.", "Die no more than 1 time.", "Die no more than 2 times." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15020219, "Name": "Scarlet Threat", "Description": "They learned what \"fear\" is. They just want to search for a new home.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTabERN0110.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 140, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 10.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15020218.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02710BA", "EndStoryId": "ZX02710EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive.", "Die no more than 1 time.", "Die no more than 2 times." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1184.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwRectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15020220, "Name": "Dusty Starship", "Description": "Now that the Sage hasn't arrived, it's the responsibility of \"Gear\" to select a future for the machines.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenER01Img01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/UiFubenER01TitleBg01.png", "BgmId": 140, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 10101.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 11.0, "RecommandLevel": 80.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 0, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 0, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 15020219.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 15.0, "CardExp": 80.0, "MaxChallengeNums": 10.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZX02711BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Have all members survive.", "Die no more than 1 time.", "Die no more than 2 times." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 16.0, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "FwSquare", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 15020221, "Name": "Mechanoids' Choice", "Description": "A machine's love is freed from the shackles of programming. 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A rubbish dump? A single misstep might get us buried in this sea of mechanical remains!\"\\n\"Then don't go that far alone!\"\\n\"But we still need someone to cut a path, right?\"\\n\"So tired...\"\\n\"Hey! Open your eyes, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0! Two o'clock. Corrupted signals behind the remains.\"\\n\"Great. No need to climb these trash hills anymore. Let's finish the Corrupted off at once!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140107, "Name": "[Battle] Penitent Saints", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.117:\\n\"Gimme a break! What're the Missionaries doing here?\"\\n\"I didn't know you're afraid of them.\"\\n\"Bite me! I just can't tolerate their religious mumbo jumbo! They remind me of my school days.\"\\n\"Haha, is that so? Then I'll leave the Ronin IV to you.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140109, "Name": "[Battle] Silence Workshop", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.018:\\n\"Shishi, have you ever seen a Corrupted that quiet?\"\\n\"It's Wanshi! Don't mix up people's names!\"\\n\"...I don't mind it.\"\\n\"Ha, hear what Baishi said?\"\\n\"Hmph... Those Corrupted're focusing on their work. We can bypass them without being spotted.\"\\n\"Ah... I already threw a bomb at them.\"\\n\"Tch!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140110, "Name": "[Battle] Forgotten Cogs", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.075:\\n\"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, what's with \u25a0?\"\\n\"You know those Corrupted's models, right?\"\\n\"Repairer I\u03b1-I003 and Sentry Gun M\u03b2-I010, just some machines that could be seen everywhere in the Golden Age.\"\\n\"Yep, and these commonly-seen machines were the first wave of enemies that brought destruction to this world.\"\\n\"A record says that they destroyed City 76 when the virus outbreak started... That's why...\"\\n\"Hey! When did you become so close?\"\\n\"...Let's focus on our mission now. We can talk about it when everything's done.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140111, "Name": "[Battle] Forgotten Wings", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.156:\\n\"I feel like I'm back to the time when I did shooting practice with Chrame just by looking at these monitors.\"\\n\"Name is Chrome, and judging by your accuracy, I seriously doubt you've practiced your shooting skills.\\n\"What? My skills are fine. I barely missed a shot in this mission.\"\\n\"Because you didn't pull the trigger until you put your gun at their heads!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140112, "Name": "[Battle] Show Starts", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.141:\\n\"Nothing personal, but their music is really lame. Seriously, which theme park would employ these robots?\"\\n\"If there's a theme park playing your favorite kind of music, I'm sure it's not a theme park. It must be an elderly center.\"\\n\"Am I really that old-school?\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 29, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140113, "Name": "[Battle] Fiery Battle", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.177:\\n\"Get down!\"\\n\"Phew... That was close. But my hair... still got messy by it...\"\\n\"Pffft... Messy? Seriously?\\n\"You ****** bastard! Why didn't you warn me earlier? Did you want me to get burned?\"\\n\"Well\u2014\"\\n\"****! I'm gonna clean your clock after I'm done with this huge garbage!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140117, "Name": "[Battle] The Lost", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.240:\\n\"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, Wanshi, are we going to end like them as well?\"\\n\"Who knows? It's just a possible ending for the vanguards like us.\"\\n\"...\"\\n\"\u25a0, what is our credo?\"\\n\"Die for the survivors.\"\\n\"Hmph, you're wrong. I'm not going to die here. I belong to a place full of cute ladies. That's why we'll get home. Don't you worry.\"\\n\"Hmm... And this is not a place for sleeping.\"\\n\"Haha, certainly. I guess Chrome's having a hard time leading Kamui while Wanshi's here, so we must return home together.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140120, "Name": "[Battle] Death Charges", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.215:\\n\"I Just stole a few sips of their wine. Damn it, how long will they keep pursuing us?\"\\n\"Stop complaining. Let's finish these four robots off around the corner.\"\\n\"Cool. By the way, this situation reminds me of the street fights where \u25a0\u25a0 and I grasped a wine bottle and beat the pants off our opponents.\"\\n\"Got into street fights with a newbie? What were you thinking back in Kurono?\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 29, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140121, "Name": "[Battle] Kowloong Crew", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.195:\\n\"Hey, this is our old friend, isn't it?\"\\n\"Yazi of the Kowloong Crew. Looks like we aren't the first ones entering this place.\"\\n\"How's it, Kuze?\"\\n\"Too late. She's been deeply corrupted.\"\\n\"Then there's no other way... That said, if we took her corpse out of this place, what would other Yazis feel about it?\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 16, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140122, "Name": "[Battle] Formidable Guardians", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.207:\\n\"Leave these two big guys to me. It's been a long time since I met someone who could endure my strikes!\"\\n\"You didn't go over their reports, did you? Both Prime and Phecda can perform ranged attacks.\"\\n\"Hahahaha, this is exactly why I don't need to go over those reports. Thanks, \u25a0!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140124, "Name": "[Battle] Ruin Wanderer", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.107:\\n\"Never thought we would run into exploration robots in this kind of labyrinthine construction.\"\\n\"This might be a valuable ruin to them. Let's see what they've dug up.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140125, "Name": "[Battle] Iron Maiden", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.098:\\n\"Is this... Tifa after being modified?\"\\n\"Calm down. It's just something replicated with Tifa's data.\"\\n\"Right... Tifa's already...\"\\n\"...Don't be like that. I'm sure you'll meet a much better girl in the future.\"\\n\"Shut up!\"\\n\"Haha, let's go. All we have to do is crush the core. We can't let our comrades suffer from this kind of torture anymore.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140126, "Name": "[Battle] Roseblade", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.031:\\n\"Hello, is there anybody home?\"\\n\"Humph, so this is how you treat your guests\u2014stabbing them with a blade.\"\\n\"Looks like we have to teach you and your master some manners.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140131, "Name": "[Battle] Call of Chilling Winter", "Description": "Recordings from the Pioneer Joint Force Squad No.210:\\n\"\u25a0! Drop down!\"\\n\"I just saved you again. You owe me a beer!\"\\n\"Look at those tentacles. I wish I can unsee the moment when you got all tangled with them.\"\\n\"Just stay where you are, Wanshi. You're going to have nightmares after seeing this.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140132, "Name": "[Battle] Growl of Silence", "Description": "Recordings from the Pioneer Joint Force Squad No.158:\\n\"Phew, that was tough. But that's it, big guy. Hey, Wanshi, \u25a0! It was just two rabbits! What took you so long?\"\\n\"I'm not \u25a0! In fact, I think we should come back later. You seem to be having fun with this bear.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140201, "Name": "[Battle] Machine Wreckers", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.164:\\n\"What's this? A rubbish dump? A single misstep might get us buried in this sea of mechanical remains!\"\\n\"Then don't go that far alone!\"\\n\"But we still need someone to cut a path, right?\"\\n\"So tired...\"\\n\"Hey! Open your eyes, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0! Two o'clock. Corrupted signals behind the remains.\"\\n\"Great. No need to climb these trash hills anymore. Let's finish the Corrupted off at once!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140202, "Name": "[Battle] Gardeners", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.152:\\n\"I remember the Deconstruct Units aren't Cosmos Industries' products, right? How can they coexist with the Gardeners here?\"\\n\"Who knows? Maybe they're working together to green this place.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140203, "Name": "[Battle] Bullet Storm ", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.045:\\n\"What the hell is this firepower?\\n\"Save your breath and help me complete this explosion module!\"\\n\"I can't handle a sophisticated device like this... Wait, the Fire Units seem to have overheated. My turn now! Cover me!\"\\n\"Tch!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140204, "Name": "[Battle] Conceptual Dragons", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.023:\\n\"These are Copperfield's bionic creatures that imitate dragons... I haven't seen a dragon like them. Wansui, do you know their species?\"\\n\"It's Wanshi. How hard is it to remember a name? Wanshi, don't sleep, say something to \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\"\\n\"You guys are so noisy... Oh right, you better stay away from them.\"\\n\"No, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, You've triggered the alarms of those monitors!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140205, "Name": "[Battle] Staring Eyes", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.249:\\n\"Dodge, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0! It's no joke to be hit by these spheres!\"\\n\"How careless of me...\"\\n\"Wanshi, take \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 out of here. I'll catch you later.\"\\n\"It's no big deal...\"\\n\"Go. Trust him.\"\\n\"Humph... Hey, Big balls, where are you looking at?\"\\n\"...Seems like this is the farthest I can go... \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 is still unreliable, but luckily Wanshi's there. The mission is in their hands now...\"\\n\"Haha, at the end of the day, all vanguards have to follow their credo.\"\\n\"Whew... Come! Corrupted!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 13, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140206, "Name": "[Battle] Abyss Ambushers", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.253:\\n\"These must be the supplies left by a vanguard squad. Maybe we can find something to treat \u25a0's wound.\"\\n\"...Wait, something's wrong.\"\\n\"But \u25a0's wound is already!\"\\n\"Have you heard anything? It sounds like... a crab's moving.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 7, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140207, "Name": "[Battle] Penitent Saints", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.117:\\n\"Gimme a break! What're the Missionaries doing here?\"\\n\"I didn't know you're afraid of them.\"\\n\"Bite me! I just can't tolerate their religious mumbo jumbo! They remind me of my school days.\"\\n\"Haha, is that so? Then I'll leave the Ronin IV to you.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140208, "Name": "[Battle] Postmen of the Wild", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.214:\\n\"Wannian, \u25a0, have you requested delivery service?\"\\n\"Nope? So this is another lady's love letter for me.\"\\n\"Hey, no need to rush. I haven't even confirmed this is mine... Oh, I get it now.\"\\n\"I'm flattered by your enthusiasm. Let me repay you with a bullet of mine.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140209, "Name": "[Battle] Silence Workshop", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.018:\\n\"Shishi, have you ever seen a Corrupted that quiet?\"\\n\"It's Wanshi! Don't mix up people's names!\"\\n\"...I don't mind it.\"\\n\"Ha, hear what Baishi said?\"\\n\"Hmph... Those Corrupted're focusing on their work. We can bypass them without being spotted.\"\\n\"Ah... I already threw a bomb at them.\"\\n\"Tch!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140210, "Name": "[Battle] Forgotten Cogs", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.075:\\n\"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, what's with \u25a0?\"\\n\"You know those Corrupted's models, right?\"\\n\"Repairer I\u03b1-I003 and Sentry Gun M\u03b2-I010, just some machines that could be seen everywhere in the Golden Age.\"\\n\"Yep, and these commonly-seen machines were the first wave of enemies that brought destruction to this world.\"\\n\"A record says that they destroyed City 76 when the virus outbreak started... That's why...\"\\n\"Hey! When did you become so close?\"\\n\"...Let's focus on our mission now. We can talk about it when everything's done.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140211, "Name": "[Battle] Forgotten Wings", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.156:\\n\"I feel like I'm back to the time when I did shooting practice with Chrame just by looking at these monitors.\"\\n\"Name is Chrome, and judging by your accuracy, I seriously doubt you've practiced your shooting skills.\\n\"What? My skills are fine. I barely missed a shot in this mission.\"\\n\"Because you didn't pull the trigger until you put your gun at their heads!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140212, "Name": "[Battle] Show Starts", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.141:\\n\"Nothing personal, but their music is really lame. Seriously, which theme park would employ these robots?\"\\n\"If there's a theme park playing your favorite kind of music, I'm sure it's not a theme park. It must be an elderly center.\"\\n\"Am I really that old-school?\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 29, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140213, "Name": "[Battle] Fiery Battle", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.177:\\n\"Get down!\"\\n\"Phew... That was close. But my hair... still got messy by it...\"\\n\"Pffft... Messy? Seriously?\\n\"You ****** bastard! Why didn't you warn me earlier? Did you want me to get burned?\"\\n\"Well\u2014\"\\n\"****! I'm gonna clean your clock after I'm done with this huge garbage!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 7, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140214, "Name": "[Battle] Heavy Fire", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.232:\\n\"****! What the hell is with this armor?\"\\n\"Not just armor. Musashi VI's firepower's also no joke.\"\\n\"Wanmiao, \u25a0, I'm gonna attract his attention. You attack his weakness from behind.\"\\n\"It's not his name! And we've already been doing this!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 16, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140215, "Name": "[Battle] Secret Tamer ", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.162:\\n\"Have I told you that I once imagined myself being a matador after everything ends. It's pretty cool, isn't it? And look at how these three bulls are chasing me. I'm sure I have talent in it.\"\\n\"It's only because you're in a red suit.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140216, "Name": "[Battle] Deep Sea Wanderer", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.259:\\n\"Where'd \u25a0 go? It's impossible for him to go anywhere with that wound.\"\\n\"Look... there's a fluid trace on the ground.\"\\n\"Gosh! What is this quake?\"\\n\"The Polar Soldiers...\"\\n\"They're coming from where the trace leads... Wanshi, take the supplies, weave around them and see what's happened over there. I'll meet up with you later.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 7, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140217, "Name": "[Battle] The Lost", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.240:\\n\"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, Wanshi, are we going to end like them as well?\"\\n\"Who knows? It's just a possible ending for the vanguards like us.\"\\n\"...\"\\n\"\u25a0, what is our credo?\"\\n\"Die for the survivors.\"\\n\"Hmph, you're wrong. I'm not going to die here. I belong to a place full of cute ladies. That's why we'll get home. Don't you worry.\"\\n\"Hmm... And this is not a place for sleeping.\"\\n\"Haha, certainly. I guess Chrome's having a hard time leading Kamui while Wanshi's here, so we must return home together.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140218, "Name": "[Battle] Wandering Samurais", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.059:\\n\"The sword marks on this wall are fresh. Stay vigilant. They must've been around.\"\\n\"Judging by how deep these marks are, it's likely that they were dealt by Musashi IX.\"\\n\"Tough enemies. Wanshi, \u25a0, prepare to engage. I'm going to open the door.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140219, "Name": "[Battle] Performer Puppets", "Description": "Vanguard Union Squad Record No.228:\\n\"Ugh, what disaster. I can't bring myself to hit a girl.\"\\n\"Enough, we're burning daylight. Quit staring at me, and get going. You take care of the Ballwheel. Leave Kemuri to me and Wanshi.\"\\n\"Good grief\u2026\u2026 Can't I just leave the rest to you two?\"\\n\"...No, that won't do.\"\\n\"Got that right, \u25a0. You're almost as reliable as me.\"\\n\"If it's not \u25a0, then it's \u25a0. All I ask is you to keep your mouth shut.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 16, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140220, "Name": "[Battle] Death Charges", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.215:\\n\"I Just stole a few sips of their wine. Damn it, how long will they keep pursuing us?\"\\n\"Stop complaining. Let's finish these four robots off around the corner.\"\\n\"Cool. By the way, this situation reminds me of the street fights where \u25a0\u25a0 and I grasped a wine bottle and beat the pants off our opponents.\"\\n\"Got into street fights with a newbie? What were you thinking back in Kurono?\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 29, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140221, "Name": "[Battle] Kowloong Crew", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.195:\\n\"Hey, this is our old friend, isn't it?\"\\n\"Yazi of the Kowloong Crew. Looks like we aren't the first ones entering this place.\"\\n\"How's it, Kuze?\"\\n\"Too late. She's been deeply corrupted.\"\\n\"Then there's no other way... That said, if we took her corpse out of this place, what would other Yazis feel about it?\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 16, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140222, "Name": "[Battle] Formidable Guardians", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.207:\\n\"Leave these two big guys to me. It's been a long time since I met someone who could endure my strikes!\"\\n\"You didn't go over their reports, did you? Both Prime and Phecda can perform ranged attacks.\"\\n\"Hahahaha, this is exactly why I don't need to go over those reports. Thanks, \u25a0!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140223, "Name": "[Battle] Puppet Play", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad No. 219:\\n\"Wanshi? Aren't you supposed to be downstairs collecting data with \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0? When did you get here?\"\\n\"BANG\u2014\u2014!\"\\n\"Ugh~ I'm exhausted.\"\\n\"Ahhh! Wanshi shot the other Wanshi?!\"\\n\"Hey, \u25a0! How can you fall such childish antics?\"\\n\"It's not, \u25a0 it's \u25a0! Pfff, looks like it's the Kowloong machine over there.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 16, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140224, "Name": "[Battle] Ruin Wanderer", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.107:\\n\"Never thought we would run into exploration robots in this kind of labyrinthine construction.\"\\n\"This might be a valuable ruin to them. Let's see what they've dug up.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140225, "Name": "[Battle] Iron Maiden", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.098:\\n\"Is this... Tifa after being modified?\"\\n\"Calm down. It's just something replicated with Tifa's data.\"\\n\"Right... Tifa's already...\"\\n\"...Don't be like that. I'm sure you'll meet a much better girl in the future.\"\\n\"Shut up!\"\\n\"Haha, let's go. All we have to do is crush the core. We can't let our comrades suffer from this kind of torture anymore.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140226, "Name": "[Battle] Roseblade", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.031:\\n\"Hello, is there anybody home?\"\\n\"Humph, so this is how you treat your guests\u2014stabbing them with a blade.\"\\n\"Looks like we have to teach you and your master some manners.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140227, "Name": "[Battle] Roland", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad No. 111:\\n\"Hmph, I didn't know someone would be so bold to come to Babylonia.\"\\n\"Pff, Roland.\"\\n\"In the flesh~ Think your squad has what it takes? You languishing idiots think you're worthy of the battlefield?\"\\n\"Hahahaha, see for yourself.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140228, "Name": "[Battle] Unknown Construct Alpha", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad No. 237:\\n\"Hmph, what on earth is in here. That detestable woman is here, too.\"\\n\"Defensive retreat! We're no match for her.\"\\n\"Even Wanshi is on his toes. Looks like we really are in trouble. We can go around that way. Get moving!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 112, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140229, "Name": "[Battle] Huaxu", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad No. 185:\\n\"This horrific place can even simulate Huaxu's data?!\"\\n\"The Ascendant must have already taken Huaxu in order to replicate something so vile.\"\\n\"You being able to explain it so casually sure doesn't put me at ease.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 17, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140230, "Name": "[Battle] Gabriel", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad No. 251:\\n\"What's the phrase again? Out of the frying pan and into the fire?\"\\n\"If I remember correctly, you're getting a promotion after this mission. Right, Wanshi?\"\\n\"I couldn't figure out why you wanted to come with us to this hellhole, but I'm sure glad you did.\"\\n\"I'll buy you a juicy steak once this mission is over. Haha, relax. I won't leave you high and dry this time. It's a deal!\"\\n\"Alright, take the records and supply. I'll be there in a minute. If you don't hear from me, give this to the leader. Don't say that I stole it!\"\\n\"Don't worry, I'll give it to you just in case. Get going. I got an old score to settle.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 21, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140231, "Name": "[Battle] Call of Chilling Winter", "Description": "Recordings from the Pioneer Joint Force Squad No.210:\\n\"\u25a0! Drop down!\"\\n\"I just saved you again. You owe me a beer!\"\\n\"Look at those tentacles. I wish I can unsee the moment when you got all tangled with them.\"\\n\"Just stay where you are, Wanshi. You're going to have nightmares after seeing this.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140232, "Name": "[Battle] Growl of Silence", "Description": "Recordings from the Pioneer Joint Force Squad No.158:\\n\"Phew, that was tough. But that's it, big guy. Hey, Wanshi, \u25a0! It was just two rabbits! What took you so long?\"\\n\"I'm not \u25a0! In fact, I think we should come back later. You seem to be having fun with this bear.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140301, "Name": "[Battle] Machine Wreckers", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.164:\\n\"What's this? A rubbish dump? A single misstep might get us buried in this sea of mechanical remains!\"\\n\"Then don't go that far alone!\"\\n\"But we still need someone to cut a path, right?\"\\n\"So tired...\"\\n\"Hey! Open your eyes, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0! Two o'clock. Corrupted signals behind the remains.\"\\n\"Great. No need to climb these trash hills anymore. Let's finish the Corrupted off at once!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140307, "Name": "[Battle] Penitent Saints", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.117:\\n\"Gimme a break! What're the Missionaries doing here?\"\\n\"I didn't know you're afraid of them.\"\\n\"Bite me! I just can't tolerate their religious mumbo jumbo! They remind me of my school days.\"\\n\"Haha, is that so? Then I'll leave the Ronin IV to you.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140309, "Name": "[Battle] Silence Workshop", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.018:\\n\"Shishi, have you ever seen a Corrupted that quiet?\"\\n\"It's Wanshi! Don't mix up people's names!\"\\n\"...I don't mind it.\"\\n\"Ha, hear what Baishi said?\"\\n\"Hmph... Those Corrupted're focusing on their work. We can bypass them without being spotted.\"\\n\"Ah... I already threw a bomb at them.\"\\n\"Tch!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140310, "Name": "[Battle] Forgotten Cogs", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.075:\\n\"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, what's with \u25a0?\"\\n\"You know those Corrupted's models, right?\"\\n\"Repairer I\u03b1-I003 and Sentry Gun M\u03b2-I010, just some machines that could be seen everywhere in the Golden Age.\"\\n\"Yep, and these commonly-seen machines were the first wave of enemies that brought destruction to this world.\"\\n\"A record says that they destroyed City 76 when the virus outbreak started... That's why...\"\\n\"Hey! When did you become so close?\"\\n\"...Let's focus on our mission now. We can talk about it when everything's done.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140311, "Name": "[Battle] Forgotten Wings", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.156:\\n\"I feel like I'm back to the time when I did shooting practice with Chrame just by looking at these monitors.\"\\n\"Name is Chrome, and judging by your accuracy, I seriously doubt you've practiced your shooting skills.\\n\"What? My skills are fine. I barely missed a shot in this mission.\"\\n\"Because you didn't pull the trigger until you put your gun at their heads!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140312, "Name": "[Battle] Show Starts", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.141:\\n\"Nothing personal, but their music is really lame. Seriously, which theme park would employ these robots?\"\\n\"If there's a theme park playing your favorite kind of music, I'm sure it's not a theme park. It must be an elderly center.\"\\n\"Am I really that old-school?\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 29, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140313, "Name": "[Battle] Fiery Battle", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.177:\\n\"Get down!\"\\n\"Phew... That was close. But my hair... still got messy by it...\"\\n\"Pffft... Messy? Seriously?\\n\"You ****** bastard! Why didn't you warn me earlier? Did you want me to get burned?\"\\n\"Well\u2014\"\\n\"****! I'm gonna clean your clock after I'm done with this huge garbage!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140317, "Name": "[Battle] The Lost", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.240:\\n\"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, Wanshi, are we going to end like them as well?\"\\n\"Who knows? It's just a possible ending for the vanguards like us.\"\\n\"...\"\\n\"\u25a0, what is our credo?\"\\n\"Die for the survivors.\"\\n\"Hmph, you're wrong. I'm not going to die here. I belong to a place full of cute ladies. That's why we'll get home. Don't you worry.\"\\n\"Hmm... And this is not a place for sleeping.\"\\n\"Haha, certainly. I guess Chrome's having a hard time leading Kamui while Wanshi's here, so we must return home together.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140320, "Name": "[Battle] Death Charges", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.215:\\n\"I Just stole a few sips of their wine. Damn it, how long will they keep pursuing us?\"\\n\"Stop complaining. Let's finish these four robots off around the corner.\"\\n\"Cool. By the way, this situation reminds me of the street fights where \u25a0\u25a0 and I grasped a wine bottle and beat the pants off our opponents.\"\\n\"Got into street fights with a newbie? What were you thinking back in Kurono?\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 29, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140321, "Name": "[Battle] Kowloong Crew", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.195:\\n\"Hey, this is our old friend, isn't it?\"\\n\"Yazi of the Kowloong Crew. Looks like we aren't the first ones entering this place.\"\\n\"How's it, Kuze?\"\\n\"Too late. She's been deeply corrupted.\"\\n\"Then there's no other way... That said, if we took her corpse out of this place, what would other Yazis feel about it?\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 16, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140322, "Name": "[Battle] Formidable Guardians", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.207:\\n\"Leave these two big guys to me. It's been a long time since I met someone who could endure my strikes!\"\\n\"You didn't go over their reports, did you? Both Prime and Phecda can perform ranged attacks.\"\\n\"Hahahaha, this is exactly why I don't need to go over those reports. Thanks, \u25a0!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140324, "Name": "[Battle] Ruin Wanderer", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.107:\\n\"Never thought we would run into exploration robots in this kind of labyrinthine construction.\"\\n\"This might be a valuable ruin to them. Let's see what they've dug up.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140325, "Name": "[Battle] Iron Maiden", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.098:\\n\"Is this... Tifa after being modified?\"\\n\"Calm down. It's just something replicated with Tifa's data.\"\\n\"Right... Tifa's already...\"\\n\"...Don't be like that. I'm sure you'll meet a much better girl in the future.\"\\n\"Shut up!\"\\n\"Haha, let's go. All we have to do is crush the core. We can't let our comrades suffer from this kind of torture anymore.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140326, "Name": "[Battle] Roseblade", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.031:\\n\"Hello, is there anybody home?\"\\n\"Humph, so this is how you treat your guests\u2014stabbing them with a blade.\"\\n\"Looks like we have to teach you and your master some manners.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140331, "Name": "[Battle] Call of Chilling Winter", "Description": "Recordings from the Pioneer Joint Force Squad No.210:\\n\"\u25a0! Drop down!\"\\n\"I just saved you again. You owe me a beer!\"\\n\"Look at those tentacles. I wish I can unsee the moment when you got all tangled with them.\"\\n\"Just stay where you are, Wanshi. You're going to have nightmares after seeing this.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140332, "Name": "[Battle] Growl of Silence", "Description": "Recordings from the Pioneer Joint Force Squad No.158:\\n\"Phew, that was tough. But that's it, big guy. Hey, Wanshi, \u25a0! It was just two rabbits! What took you so long?\"\\n\"I'm not \u25a0! In fact, I think we should come back later. You seem to be having fun with this bear.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140401, "Name": "[Battle] Machine Wreckers", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.164:\\n\"What's this? A rubbish dump? A single misstep might get us buried in this sea of mechanical remains!\"\\n\"Then don't go that far alone!\"\\n\"But we still need someone to cut a path, right?\"\\n\"So tired...\"\\n\"Hey! Open your eyes, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0! Two o'clock. Corrupted signals behind the remains.\"\\n\"Great. No need to climb these trash hills anymore. Let's finish the Corrupted off at once!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140402, "Name": "[Battle] Gardeners", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.152:\\n\"I remember the Deconstruct Units aren't Cosmos Industries' products, right? How can they coexist with the Gardeners here?\"\\n\"Who knows? Maybe they're working together to green this place.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140403, "Name": "[Battle] Bullet Storm ", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.045:\\n\"What the hell is this firepower?\\n\"Save your breath and help me complete this explosion module!\"\\n\"I can't handle a sophisticated device like this... Wait, the Fire Units seem to have overheated. My turn now! Cover me!\"\\n\"Tch!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140404, "Name": "[Battle] Conceptual Dragons", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.023:\\n\"These are Copperfield's bionic creatures that imitate dragons... I haven't seen a dragon like them. Wansui, do you know their species?\"\\n\"It's Wanshi. How hard is it to remember a name? Wanshi, don't sleep, say something to \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\"\\n\"You guys are so noisy... Oh right, you better stay away from them.\"\\n\"No, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, You've triggered the alarms of those monitors!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140405, "Name": "[Battle] Staring Eyes", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.249:\\n\"Dodge, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0! It's no joke to be hit by these spheres!\"\\n\"How careless of me...\"\\n\"Wanshi, take \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 out of here. I'll catch you later.\"\\n\"It's no big deal...\"\\n\"Go. Trust him.\"\\n\"Humph... Hey, Big balls, where are you looking at?\"\\n\"...Seems like this is the farthest I can go... \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 is still unreliable, but luckily Wanshi's there. The mission is in their hands now...\"\\n\"Haha, at the end of the day, all vanguards have to follow their credo.\"\\n\"Whew... Come! Corrupted!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 13, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140406, "Name": "[Battle] Abyss Ambushers", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.253:\\n\"These must be the supplies left by a vanguard squad. Maybe we can find something to treat \u25a0's wound.\"\\n\"...Wait, something's wrong.\"\\n\"But \u25a0's wound is already!\"\\n\"Have you heard anything? It sounds like... a crab's moving.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 7, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140407, "Name": "[Battle] Penitent Saints", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.117:\\n\"Gimme a break! What're the Missionaries doing here?\"\\n\"I didn't know you're afraid of them.\"\\n\"Bite me! I just can't tolerate their religious mumbo jumbo! They remind me of my school days.\"\\n\"Haha, is that so? Then I'll leave the Ronin IV to you.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140408, "Name": "[Battle] Postmen of the Wild", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.214:\\n\"Wannian, \u25a0, have you requested delivery service?\"\\n\"Nope? So this is another lady's love letter for me.\"\\n\"Hey, no need to rush. I haven't even confirmed this is mine... Oh, I get it now.\"\\n\"I'm flattered by your enthusiasm. Let me repay you with a bullet of mine.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140409, "Name": "[Battle] Silence Workshop", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.018:\\n\"Shishi, have you ever seen a Corrupted that quiet?\"\\n\"It's Wanshi! Don't mix up people's names!\"\\n\"...I don't mind it.\"\\n\"Ha, hear what Baishi said?\"\\n\"Hmph... Those Corrupted're focusing on their work. We can bypass them without being spotted.\"\\n\"Ah... I already threw a bomb at them.\"\\n\"Tch!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140410, "Name": "[Battle] Forgotten Cogs", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.075:\\n\"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, what's with \u25a0?\"\\n\"You know those Corrupted's models, right?\"\\n\"Repairer I\u03b1-I003 and Sentry Gun M\u03b2-I010, just some machines that could be seen everywhere in the Golden Age.\"\\n\"Yep, and these commonly-seen machines were the first wave of enemies that brought destruction to this world.\"\\n\"A record says that they destroyed City 76 when the virus outbreak started... That's why...\"\\n\"Hey! When did you become so close?\"\\n\"...Let's focus on our mission now. We can talk about it when everything's done.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140411, "Name": "[Battle] Forgotten Wings", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.156:\\n\"I feel like I'm back to the time when I did shooting practice with Chrame just by looking at these monitors.\"\\n\"Name is Chrome, and judging by your accuracy, I seriously doubt you've practiced your shooting skills.\\n\"What? My skills are fine. I barely missed a shot in this mission.\"\\n\"Because you didn't pull the trigger until you put your gun at their heads!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140412, "Name": "[Battle] Show Starts", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.141:\\n\"Nothing personal, but their music is really lame. Seriously, which theme park would employ these robots?\"\\n\"If there's a theme park playing your favorite kind of music, I'm sure it's not a theme park. It must be an elderly center.\"\\n\"Am I really that old-school?\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 29, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140413, "Name": "[Battle] Fiery Battle", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.177:\\n\"Get down!\"\\n\"Phew... That was close. But my hair... still got messy by it...\"\\n\"Pffft... Messy? Seriously?\\n\"You ****** bastard! Why didn't you warn me earlier? Did you want me to get burned?\"\\n\"Well\u2014\"\\n\"****! I'm gonna clean your clock after I'm done with this huge garbage!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 7, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140414, "Name": "[Battle] Heavy Fire", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.232:\\n\"****! What the hell is with this armor?\"\\n\"Not just armor. Musashi VI's firepower's also no joke.\"\\n\"Wanmiao, \u25a0, I'm gonna attract his attention. You attack his weakness from behind.\"\\n\"It's not his name! And we've already been doing this!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 16, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140415, "Name": "[Battle] Secret Tamer ", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.162:\\n\"Have I told you that I once imagined myself being a matador after everything ends. It's pretty cool, isn't it? And look at how these three bulls are chasing me. I'm sure I have talent in it.\"\\n\"It's only because you're in a red suit.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140416, "Name": "[Battle] Deep Sea Wanderer", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.259:\\n\"Where'd \u25a0 go? It's impossible for him to go anywhere with that wound.\"\\n\"Look... there's a fluid trace on the ground.\"\\n\"Gosh! What is this quake?\"\\n\"The Polar Soldiers...\"\\n\"They're coming from where the trace leads... Wanshi, take the supplies, weave around them and see what's happened over there. I'll meet up with you later.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 7, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140417, "Name": "[Battle] The Lost", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.240:\\n\"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, Wanshi, are we going to end like them as well?\"\\n\"Who knows? It's just a possible ending for the vanguards like us.\"\\n\"...\"\\n\"\u25a0, what is our credo?\"\\n\"Die for the survivors.\"\\n\"Hmph, you're wrong. I'm not going to die here. I belong to a place full of cute ladies. That's why we'll get home. Don't you worry.\"\\n\"Hmm... And this is not a place for sleeping.\"\\n\"Haha, certainly. I guess Chrome's having a hard time leading Kamui while Wanshi's here, so we must return home together.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140418, "Name": "[Battle] Wandering Samurais", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.059:\\n\"The sword marks on this wall are fresh. Stay vigilant. They must've been around.\"\\n\"Judging by how deep these marks are, it's likely that they were dealt by Musashi IX.\"\\n\"Tough enemies. Wanshi, \u25a0, prepare to engage. I'm going to open the door.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140419, "Name": "[Battle] Performer Puppets", "Description": "Vanguard Union Squad Record No.228:\\n\"Ugh, what disaster. I can't bring myself to hit a girl.\"\\n\"Enough, we're burning daylight. Quit staring at me, and get going. You take care of the Ballwheel. Leave Kemuri to me and Wanshi.\"\\n\"Good grief\u2026\u2026 Can't I just leave the rest to you two?\"\\n\"...No, that won't do.\"\\n\"Got that right, \u25a0. You're almost as reliable as me.\"\\n\"If it's not \u25a0, then it's \u25a0. All I ask is you to keep your mouth shut.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 16, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140420, "Name": "[Battle] Death Charges", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.215:\\n\"I Just stole a few sips of their wine. Damn it, how long will they keep pursuing us?\"\\n\"Stop complaining. Let's finish these four robots off around the corner.\"\\n\"Cool. By the way, this situation reminds me of the street fights where \u25a0\u25a0 and I grasped a wine bottle and beat the pants off our opponents.\"\\n\"Got into street fights with a newbie? What were you thinking back in Kurono?\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 29, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140421, "Name": "[Battle] Kowloong Crew", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.195:\\n\"Hey, this is our old friend, isn't it?\"\\n\"Yazi of the Kowloong Crew. Looks like we aren't the first ones entering this place.\"\\n\"How's it, Kuze?\"\\n\"Too late. She's been deeply corrupted.\"\\n\"Then there's no other way... That said, if we took her corpse out of this place, what would other Yazis feel about it?\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 16, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140422, "Name": "[Battle] Formidable Guardians", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.207:\\n\"Leave these two big guys to me. It's been a long time since I met someone who could endure my strikes!\"\\n\"You didn't go over their reports, did you? Both Prime and Phecda can perform ranged attacks.\"\\n\"Hahahaha, this is exactly why I don't need to go over those reports. Thanks, \u25a0!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140423, "Name": "[Battle] Puppet Play", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad No. 219:\\n\"Wanshi? Aren't you supposed to be downstairs collecting data with \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0? When did you get here?\"\\n\"BANG\u2014\u2014!\"\\n\"Ugh~ I'm exhausted.\"\\n\"Ahhh! Wanshi shot the other Wanshi?!\"\\n\"Hey, \u25a0! How can you fall such childish antics?\"\\n\"It's not, \u25a0 it's \u25a0! Pfff, looks like it's the Kowloong machine over there.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 16, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140424, "Name": "[Battle] Ruin Wanderer", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.107:\\n\"Never thought we would run into exploration robots in this kind of labyrinthine construction.\"\\n\"This might be a valuable ruin to them. Let's see what they've dug up.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140425, "Name": "[Battle] Iron Maiden", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.098:\\n\"Is this... Tifa after being modified?\"\\n\"Calm down. It's just something replicated with Tifa's data.\"\\n\"Right... Tifa's already...\"\\n\"...Don't be like that. I'm sure you'll meet a much better girl in the future.\"\\n\"Shut up!\"\\n\"Haha, let's go. All we have to do is crush the core. We can't let our comrades suffer from this kind of torture anymore.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140426, "Name": "[Battle] Roseblade", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.031:\\n\"Hello, is there anybody home?\"\\n\"Humph, so this is how you treat your guests\u2014stabbing them with a blade.\"\\n\"Looks like we have to teach you and your master some manners.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140427, "Name": "[Battle] Roland", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad No. 111:\\n\"Hmph, I didn't know someone would be so bold to come to Babylonia.\"\\n\"Pff, Roland.\"\\n\"In the flesh~ Think your squad has what it takes? You languishing idiots think you're worthy of the battlefield?\"\\n\"Hahahaha, see for yourself.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140428, "Name": "[Battle] Unknown Construct Alpha", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad No. 237:\\n\"Hmph, what on earth is in here. That detestable woman is here, too.\"\\n\"Defensive retreat! We're no match for her.\"\\n\"Even Wanshi is on his toes. Looks like we really are in trouble. We can go around that way. Get moving!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 112, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140429, "Name": "[Battle] Huaxu", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad No. 185:\\n\"This horrific place can even simulate Huaxu's data?!\"\\n\"The Ascendant must have already taken Huaxu in order to replicate something so vile.\"\\n\"You being able to explain it so casually sure doesn't put me at ease.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 17, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140430, "Name": "[Battle] Gabriel", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad No. 251:\\n\"What's the phrase again? Out of the frying pan and into the fire?\"\\n\"If I remember correctly, you're getting a promotion after this mission. Right, Wanshi?\"\\n\"I couldn't figure out why you wanted to come with us to this hellhole, but I'm sure glad you did.\"\\n\"I'll buy you a juicy steak once this mission is over. Haha, relax. I won't leave you high and dry this time. It's a deal!\"\\n\"Alright, take the records and supply. I'll be there in a minute. If you don't hear from me, give this to the leader. Don't say that I stole it!\"\\n\"Don't worry, I'll give it to you just in case. Get going. I got an old score to settle.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 21, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140431, "Name": "[Battle] Call of Chilling Winter", "Description": "Recordings from the Pioneer Joint Force Squad No.210:\\n\"\u25a0! Drop down!\"\\n\"I just saved you again. You owe me a beer!\"\\n\"Look at those tentacles. I wish I can unsee the moment when you got all tangled with them.\"\\n\"Just stay where you are, Wanshi. You're going to have nightmares after seeing this.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140432, "Name": "[Battle] Growl of Silence", "Description": "Recordings from the Pioneer Joint Force Squad No.158:\\n\"Phew, that was tough. But that's it, big guy. Hey, Wanshi, \u25a0! It was just two rabbits! What took you so long?\"\\n\"I'm not \u25a0! In fact, I think we should come back later. You seem to be having fun with this bear.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140501, "Name": "[Battle] Machine Wreckers", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.164:\\n\"What's this? A rubbish dump? A single misstep might get us buried in this sea of mechanical remains!\"\\n\"Then don't go that far alone!\"\\n\"But we still need someone to cut a path, right?\"\\n\"So tired...\"\\n\"Hey! Open your eyes, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0! Two o'clock. Corrupted signals behind the remains.\"\\n\"Great. No need to climb these trash hills anymore. Let's finish the Corrupted off at once!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140507, "Name": "[Battle] Penitent Saints", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.117:\\n\"Gimme a break! What're the Missionaries doing here?\"\\n\"I didn't know you're afraid of them.\"\\n\"Bite me! I just can't tolerate their religious mumbo jumbo! They remind me of my school days.\"\\n\"Haha, is that so? Then I'll leave the Ronin IV to you.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140509, "Name": "[Battle] Silence Workshop", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.018:\\n\"Shishi, have you ever seen a Corrupted that quiet?\"\\n\"It's Wanshi! Don't mix up people's names!\"\\n\"...I don't mind it.\"\\n\"Ha, hear what Baishi said?\"\\n\"Hmph... Those Corrupted're focusing on their work. We can bypass them without being spotted.\"\\n\"Ah... I already threw a bomb at them.\"\\n\"Tch!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140510, "Name": "[Battle] Forgotten Cogs", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.075:\\n\"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, what's with \u25a0?\"\\n\"You know those Corrupted's models, right?\"\\n\"Repairer I\u03b1-I003 and Sentry Gun M\u03b2-I010, just some machines that could be seen everywhere in the Golden Age.\"\\n\"Yep, and these commonly-seen machines were the first wave of enemies that brought destruction to this world.\"\\n\"A record says that they destroyed City 76 when the virus outbreak started... That's why...\"\\n\"Hey! When did you become so close?\"\\n\"...Let's focus on our mission now. We can talk about it when everything's done.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140511, "Name": "[Battle] Forgotten Wings", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.156:\\n\"I feel like I'm back to the time when I did shooting practice with Chrame just by looking at these monitors.\"\\n\"Name is Chrome, and judging by your accuracy, I seriously doubt you've practiced your shooting skills.\\n\"What? My skills are fine. I barely missed a shot in this mission.\"\\n\"Because you didn't pull the trigger until you put your gun at their heads!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 102, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140512, "Name": "[Battle] Show Starts", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.141:\\n\"Nothing personal, but their music is really lame. Seriously, which theme park would employ these robots?\"\\n\"If there's a theme park playing your favorite kind of music, I'm sure it's not a theme park. It must be an elderly center.\"\\n\"Am I really that old-school?\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 29, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140513, "Name": "[Battle] Fiery Battle", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.177:\\n\"Get down!\"\\n\"Phew... That was close. But my hair... still got messy by it...\"\\n\"Pffft... Messy? Seriously?\\n\"You ****** bastard! Why didn't you warn me earlier? Did you want me to get burned?\"\\n\"Well\u2014\"\\n\"****! I'm gonna clean your clock after I'm done with this huge garbage!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140517, "Name": "[Battle] The Lost", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.240:\\n\"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, Wanshi, are we going to end like them as well?\"\\n\"Who knows? It's just a possible ending for the vanguards like us.\"\\n\"...\"\\n\"\u25a0, what is our credo?\"\\n\"Die for the survivors.\"\\n\"Hmph, you're wrong. I'm not going to die here. I belong to a place full of cute ladies. That's why we'll get home. Don't you worry.\"\\n\"Hmm... And this is not a place for sleeping.\"\\n\"Haha, certainly. I guess Chrome's having a hard time leading Kamui while Wanshi's here, so we must return home together.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 103, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140520, "Name": "[Battle] Death Charges", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.215:\\n\"I Just stole a few sips of their wine. Damn it, how long will they keep pursuing us?\"\\n\"Stop complaining. Let's finish these four robots off around the corner.\"\\n\"Cool. By the way, this situation reminds me of the street fights where \u25a0\u25a0 and I grasped a wine bottle and beat the pants off our opponents.\"\\n\"Got into street fights with a newbie? What were you thinking back in Kurono?\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 29, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140521, "Name": "[Battle] Kowloong Crew", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.195:\\n\"Hey, this is our old friend, isn't it?\"\\n\"Yazi of the Kowloong Crew. Looks like we aren't the first ones entering this place.\"\\n\"How's it, Kuze?\"\\n\"Too late. She's been deeply corrupted.\"\\n\"Then there's no other way... That said, if we took her corpse out of this place, what would other Yazis feel about it?\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 16, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140522, "Name": "[Battle] Formidable Guardians", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.207:\\n\"Leave these two big guys to me. It's been a long time since I met someone who could endure my strikes!\"\\n\"You didn't go over their reports, did you? Both Prime and Phecda can perform ranged attacks.\"\\n\"Hahahaha, this is exactly why I don't need to go over those reports. Thanks, \u25a0!\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140524, "Name": "[Battle] Ruin Wanderer", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.107:\\n\"Never thought we would run into exploration robots in this kind of labyrinthine construction.\"\\n\"This might be a valuable ruin to them. Let's see what they've dug up.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 104, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140525, "Name": "[Battle] Iron Maiden", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.098:\\n\"Is this... Tifa after being modified?\"\\n\"Calm down. It's just something replicated with Tifa's data.\"\\n\"Right... Tifa's already...\"\\n\"...Don't be like that. I'm sure you'll meet a much better girl in the future.\"\\n\"Shut up!\"\\n\"Haha, let's go. All we have to do is crush the core. We can't let our comrades suffer from this kind of torture anymore.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140526, "Name": "[Battle] Roseblade", "Description": "United Vanguard Squad Record No.031:\\n\"Hello, is there anybody home?\"\\n\"Humph, so this is how you treat your guests\u2014stabbing them with a blade.\"\\n\"Looks like we have to teach you and your master some manners.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 111, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140531, "Name": "[Battle] Call of Chilling Winter", "Description": "Recordings from the Pioneer Joint Force Squad No.210:\\n\"\u25a0! Drop down!\"\\n\"I just saved you again. You owe me a beer!\"\\n\"Look at those tentacles. I wish I can unsee the moment when you got all tangled with them.\"\\n\"Just stay where you are, Wanshi. You're going to have nightmares after seeing this.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30140532, "Name": "[Battle] Growl of Silence", "Description": "Recordings from the Pioneer Joint Force Squad No.158:\\n\"Phew, that was tough. But that's it, big guy. Hey, Wanshi, \u25a0! It was just two rabbits! What took you so long?\"\\n\"I'm not \u25a0! In fact, I think we should come back later. You seem to be having fun with this bear.\"", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 34, "AmbientSound": 308.0, "LoadingType": 20006.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 52.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], 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Thus, the Gray Raven awaits your challenge.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenZhongYuan/FubenZhongYuanbg02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 205, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30130701.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 38205.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 38205.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZY00102BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Follow the tips to find the real teammates", "A wrong selection will start a punishing battle", "There might be some surprises when you revisit" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9061.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 3.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30130703, "Name": "Entropy Counting", "Description": "The second trial involves numbers. Lee volunteers to set out and reclaim the items!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenZhongYuan/FubenZhongYuanbg03.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 205, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30130702.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 38205.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 38205.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZY00103BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Follow the tips to find the real enemies", "Note that the questions might be changed", "There might be some surprises when you revisit" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9041.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 3.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30130704, "Name": "Spirit Walker", "Description": "The 3rd trial is a test of courage. Lucia raises her hand to accept the challenge.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenZhongYuan/FubenZhongYuanbg04.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 205, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30130703.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 38205.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 38205.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZY00104BA", "EndStoryId": "ZY00104EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Follow the ghost's movement order", "It does not matter if you can fight your way out", "There might be some surprises when you revisit" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9031.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 3.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30130705, "Name": "Last Fight", "Description": "The fourth trial is a test of teamwork. Fight to become a taoist!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenZhongYuan/FubenZhongYuanbg05.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 205, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 5.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30130704.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 38205.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 38205.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZY00105BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Each character can only use one type of Signal Orb", "Each enemy is weak against a type of Signal Orb", "What? What was that?" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9031.0, 9061.0, 9041.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 3.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 1.0, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30130706, "Name": "The End", "Description": "The Mechanoids are pleased with the Gray Ravens' participation. 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Please ignore", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYurenjie/UiFubenYurenjieImg01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Look for the real key 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Get Wanshi up, Kamui.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UIFubenYure/FubenYureCD01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20001.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": "SD00203BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted.", "Carefully consider the choice of Constructs." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30130902, "Name": "Oasis Flower", "Description": "The children tried to hide something behind them, but Watanabe easily noticed what they had in their hands.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UIFubenYure/FubenYureCD01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20001.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30130901.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": "SD00204BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted.", "Carefully consider the choice of Constructs." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30130903, "Name": "Best Partners", "Description": "Could you help me, Karenina? Let's just have some fun.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenChristmas/UiFubenChristmasBg1.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20001.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 900.0, "PreStageId": [ 30130902.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 11954.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 11954.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": "SD00205BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 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So, I'll take the risks...", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenChristmas/UiFubenChristmasBg2.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20001.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 7.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 30130906.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": 11956.0, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": 211203.0, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": 1.0, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted.", "Carefully consider the choice of Constructs." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 3.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30130912, "Name": "Ballwheel Performance", "Description": "Thanks to Karenina, the fireworks were lit up. 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So were these children.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiSpringFestival/UiSpringFestivalFuben02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20003.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30131102.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 401010.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 401010.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": "HD00703BA", "EndStoryId": "HD00703EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "We are not the only ones that were forgotten.", "So were these children." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 2005.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 3.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30131104, "Name": "Battle under Fireworks", "Description": "Here's the mission. Destroy all the invading Corrupted... Let none survive!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiSpringFestival/UiSpringFestivalFuben02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20003.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30131103.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 401011.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 401011.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": "HD00704BA", "EndStoryId": "HD00704EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Here's the mission\u2014", "Destroy all the invading Corrupted... 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What could they be...?", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiSpringFestival/UiSpringFestivalFuben01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20003.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30131105.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": "HD00706BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30131107, "Name": "The Besieged Girl", "Description": "Hang in there! We're coming right now!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiSpringFestival/UiSpringFestivalFuben02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20003.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30131106.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 401012.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 401012.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": "HD00707BA", "EndStoryId": "HD00707EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Hang in there! 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Let's start collecting the baits!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiSpringFestival/UiSpringFestivalFuben02.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20003.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 60.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30131108.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 401013.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 401013.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": "HD00709BA", "EndStoryId": "HD00709EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Everybody get ready! 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Go, my brave bodyguards! 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The grand welcoming ceremony is about to begin!", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYurenjie/UiFubenYurenjieImg12.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 205, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20013.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 900.0, "PreStageId": [ 30131202.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 38206.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 38206.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "RY00203BA", "EndStoryId": "RY00203EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat the abnormal program", "Better run!", "Why is a raven like a writing-desk?" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 2010.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 3.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30131204, "Name": "Colorful Wrap", "Description": "Perhaps she just wants a dreamland like what she sees through the candy wrap.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYurenjie/UiFubenYurenjieImg13.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 205, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20013.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30131203.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "RY00204BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 12.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30131205, "Name": "Lies and Friends", "Description": "Words can hurt. 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This is the wonderland.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenYurenjie/UiFubenYurenjieImg11.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 205, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20013.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 8.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 900.0, "PreStageId": [ 30131207.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 38208.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 38208.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "RY00208BA", "EndStoryId": "RY00208EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat the Queen of the abnormal programs", "Don't drag Liv down." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 8020.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 3.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30131209, "Name": "The Fools' Future", "Description": "A man who doesn't know his direction is a fool. 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Was \"she\" really just an AI?", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 30210042.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZZ00108BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "SquareEx", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30200105, "Name": "SP-01", "Description": "Rosetta believed the Virtual Horizon system was found in the Niflheim Lab and could be extremely dangerous. She wanted you to stop the tests.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZZ00109BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "SquareEx", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30200106, "Name": "SP-02", "Description": "Nikola and Hassen discussed how Virtual Horizon could be utilized for various purposes.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 30210054.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZZ00110BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "SquareEx", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30200107, "Name": "SP-03", "Description": "Asimov and Rosetta found the information hidden under the AI's noises. The test must be stopped!", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 30210060.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZZ00111BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "SquareEx", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30200108, "Name": "SP-04", "Description": "You finally completed the test mission, but the system AI had an error.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 30210066.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZZ00112BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "SquareEx", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30200109, "Name": "SP-01", "Description": "Your mind was trapped within Virtual Horizon. The AI that had been guiding you told you her name was \"Ann.\" She hoped you could stay and fight forever.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZZ00113BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "SquareEx", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30200110, "Name": "SP-02", "Description": "Ann was attacked by a monster that resembled Amberia. 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Just when she was about to be devoured, the Construct she created saved her.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [ 30210078.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZZ00114BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], 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It is not staring at the earth, but at what is beyond it.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZZ00201BA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "SquareEx", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30200114, "Name": "SP-02", "Description": "Hassen nods a little after a few seconds, maintaining his usual pose and gaze into the blue planet.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 28, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 40.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": 15.0, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "ZZ00201EA", "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": 3.0, "StageType": 2.0, "StageGridStyle": "SquareEx", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061401, "Name": "Nun", "Description": "Constructs have gone missing in this area. Investigate the site.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 96.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061402, "Name": "Nun", "Description": "Constructs have gone missing in this area. Investigate the site.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 480.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061403, "Name": "Firefighter", "Description": "Powerful Firefighter detected. Neutralize the target.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 96.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061404, "Name": "Firefighter", "Description": "Powerful Firefighter detected. Neutralize the target.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 480.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061405, "Name": "Nozzle", "Description": "Corrupted are gathering around an inactive Nozzle. Investigate the area.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 96.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061406, "Name": "Nozzle", "Description": "Corrupted are gathering around an inactive Nozzle. Investigate the area.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 480.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061407, "Name": "Musashi IX", "Description": "Uninfected Musashi IX detected. Recover it before the Corrupted can get to it.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 96.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061408, "Name": "Musashi IX", "Description": "Uninfected Musashi IX detected. Recover it before the Corrupted can get to it.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 480.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061409, "Name": "Terrapod", "Description": "Corrupted have appeared. Defeat them using the Terrapod.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 96.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061410, "Name": "Terrapod", "Description": "Corrupted have appeared. Defeat them using the Terrapod.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 480.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061411, "Name": "Royal guard", "Description": "Large numbers of Royal Guards have appeared. 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Neutralize them.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 480.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061413, "Name": "Deconstructor", "Description": "Deconstructors have appeared. Neutralize them.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 96.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061414, "Name": "Deconstructor", "Description": "Deconstructors have appeared. 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Defeat them.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 96.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061416, "Name": "Missionary", "Description": "Corrupted are gathering around a Missionary. 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Investigate their goal.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 96.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061420, "Name": "Bio-Bull", "Description": "Mech Corrupted are here for unknown reasons. Investigate their goal.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 480.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061421, "Name": "Missionary", "Description": "A Ronin IV has appeared, seeking the thrill of a duel to the death. Neutralize it.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 96.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061422, "Name": "Missionary", "Description": "A Ronin IV has appeared, seeking the thrill of a duel to the death. Neutralize it.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 480.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061423, "Name": "Envoy", "Description": "The roaming Musashi VI presents a hidden threat. Neutralize it.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": 96.0, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 4.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": 2.0, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30061424, "Name": "Envoy", "Description": "The roaming Musashi VI presents a hidden threat. 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Never had she thought that one day that she could wear this outfit herself, as you took her hand in the blessed light.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenTrialBanner/UiFubenZhenliMarried.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1140.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101003, "Name": "Florescence", "Description": "She quietly awaits, like a blooming bud that awaits to be picked up, hoping that her feelings would one day be discovered.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenTrialBanner/UiFubenLiuguangMarried.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1139.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101004, "Name": "Howling Crown", "Description": "When all things are silent, she still holds the shining spear up high, for she vows to protect, save, and uphold this world with dignity. You are the first to discover her in the snow.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenTrialBanner/UiFubenZhenliMarried.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1157.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101005, "Name": "Scarlet Spring", "Description": "When spring returns to the garden, flowers would blossom brilliantly. The elegant pattern is made from a traditional gold-weaving technique. Qu does not have many opportunities to wear this outfit, but she still hopes this indispensable part of Tabula Akasha can be shown to the world.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenTrialBanner/UiFubenZhenliMarried.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1158.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101006, "Name": "Azure Apocalypse", "Description": "Finally, it is over, and all the noises in the world come to a screeching halt. She returns to you, freed from all the thorns brought by the fate. You have each other for all the time from now on.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenTrialBanner/UiFubenLiuguangMarried.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1156.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101007, "Name": "Honor Model", "Description": "The custom-made uniform of the outstanding graduates of F.O.S. It is close-fitting but does not impede movement, flashy but not ostentatious, suitable for attending various occasions. The pure gold chain presiding on the chest always reminds the dresser to shoulder the mission of the elite, to hang the honor and responsibility on the heart, and to become a glorious example to lead the crowd.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenTrialBanner/UiFubenZhenliMarried.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, 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frivolous as the main concept of the design, the coating shows the rebellion and self of the lone wolf girl. Just standing at the corner of the street in this dress, it seems that it can release an aura that strangers are not allowed to approach.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenTrialBanner/UiFubenLunaBadgirl.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 3.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, 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This is what trust really is.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiSummerFashion/SummerFashionFight.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiSummerFashion/SummerFashionFight.png", "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20016.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 4.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30101015.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": "H001004BA", "EndStoryId": "H001004EA", "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1169.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101017, "Name": "Aria of Nymph", "Description": "A fae of the sea, resting by the distant shore, singing along the waves. She blesses the hero, helps the travelers, and protects the warriors from harm. But she never leaves this place, turning the waves into her garment, guarding a dream far, far away.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiSummerFashion/SummerFashionSpinting2.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiSummerFashion/SummerFashionSpinting2.png", "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20016.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 4, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 2, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1170.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101018, "Name": "Beach Frolics", "Description": "On the island where it is always summer, a young girl is swimming behind a small boat. Her joyful strokes might worry other swimmers or annoy the fishermen. But in the end, everyone is infected by her cheerfulness. Perhaps she will jump out from the sea when you are unprepared and enthusiastically shout, \"Aloha!\"", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiSummerFashion/SummerFashionSpinting3.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiSummerFashion/SummerFashionSpinting3.png", "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20016.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1171.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101019, "Name": "Nitor", "Description": "Nitor Description", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiPartnerTeaching/Chapter/UiPartnerTeachingChapterMaoStage01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiPartnerTeaching/Chapter/UiPartnerTeachingChapterMaoStage01.png", "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Pay attention to CUB tutorial tips.", "Learn practical skills of CUB Nitor" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9096.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101020, "Name": "Wings of Dawn", "Description": "Legend says humans couldn't endure through the long night. So, they gathered the sparkles and shimmers of their life forces, and together they weaved a pair of feather wings for their god. The god took the wings and ascended to the sky, becoming the stars and shone light upon the earth so that humans could see daylight again. What about the god, you say? Well, the god... Even now, the god is still watching us from thousands of miles away, alone in a cold place.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiSummerFashion/SummerFashionSpinting3.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiSummerFashion/SummerFashionSpinting3.png", "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1178.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101021, "Name": "Boreas", "Description": "Ice Bird Description", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiPartnerTeaching/Chapter/UiPartnerTeachingChapterEagleStage01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiPartnerTeaching/Chapter/UiPartnerTeachingChapterMaoStage01.png", "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Pay attention to CUB tutorial tips.", "Learn practical skills of CUB Boreas" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 9105.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101022, "Name": "Nosferatu", "Description": "Drink a glass of redness in the dark night in admiration of all beings. No longer accepted by the light, he will still protect you quietly in the darkness.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiSummerFashion/SummerFashionSpinting3.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiSummerFashion/SummerFashionSpinting3.png", "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1179.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101023, "Name": "Deed of Snow Leopard", "Description": "What can I do for you, Commandant...? Wait! Why do I have to do this? Although there is anger in the girl's eyes, she will only bare her fangs when she tries to protect her allies. She will also try her best to temporarily disguise herself for missions. And of course, she won't let anyone take her most important customer away from her.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenTrialBanner/UiFubenKareninaSpecial.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenTrialBanner/UiFubenKareninaSpecial.png", "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted", "No character restart", "Clear within 900s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1180.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101024, "Name": "Jet Jaeger", "Description": "Fire Tiger Description", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiPartnerTeaching/Chapter/UiPartnerTeachingChapterHuStage01.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiPartnerTeaching/Chapter/UiPartnerTeachingChapterMaoStage01.png", "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Pay attention to CUB tutorial tips.", "Learn practical skills of CUB Jet Jaeger." ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 2219.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101025, "Name": "Spring Huntress", "Description": "Inspired by a royal spring hunting tradition thousands of years ago, this coating combines the traditional archer costume with the aristocratic clothing style. It dispels misfortune and misery that imprison the world with the sound of the deities and brings back spring.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenTrialBanner/UiFubenBiancaTiger.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenTrialBanner/UiFubenBiancaTiger.png", "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted", "No character restart", "Clear within 900s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1181.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101026, "Name": "Tiger Imperium", "Description": "A tiger general charges onto the field, slashing at the enemies with his greatsword. To fit the user's untamed style, this new coating is designed with various wild animal patterns that seem to carry the power of a mythical oriental beast, making the user look even fiercer.", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenTrialBanner/UiFubenKamuiTiger.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenTrialBanner/UiFubenKamuiTiger.png", "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 2.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Defeat all the Corrupted", "No character restart", "Clear within 900s" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": 1.0, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": 2.0, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [ 1182.0 ], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Rectangle", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": null, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30101027, "Name": "Lover's Bridge", "Description": "The one who was once hidden in the darkness is once more standing on the battlefield under the spotlight. The difficult past that haunted him has now converted into an unbreakable bond. \"Please sign your name on the new contract, Lee. Term: the rest of your life.\"", "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenTrialBanner/UiFubenLiang.png", "StoryIcon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenTrialBanner/UiFubenLiang.png", "BgmId": 101, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": null, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": 1.0, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 12051.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 12051.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": 1.0, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, 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[ 30201105.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 405065.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 405065.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, "StarDesc": [ "Recommendation: Use 2800 \u3010Consume2\u3011 to recruit 1 member", "Recommendation: Use 560 \u3010Consume1\u3011 to recruit 2 members", "Recommendation: Use 1500 \u3010Consume2\u3011 to purchase bonus" ], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": "Square", "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ], 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"VH-8", "Description": null, "Icon": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFubenMainTab/FubenMainTab01.png", "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 52, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20013.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": null, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": null, "PreStageId": [ 30201107.0 ], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": 405067.0, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": 405067.0, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": 3.0, 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062015, "Name": "Tidal Pull Breakthrough - Hard", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062016, "Name": "Flee Candle Light", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062017, "Name": "Flee Candle Light - Hard", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062018, "Name": "Pull and Defeat", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062019, "Name": "Pull and Defeat - Hard", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062020, "Name": "Reach Destination", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062021, "Name": "Reach Destination - Hard", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062024, "Name": "Watch the Breezes", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062025, "Name": "Watch the Breezes - Hard", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062026, "Name": "Batch Kill", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062027, "Name": "Batch Kill - Hard", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062028, "Name": "Break the Tides", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062029, "Name": "Break the Tides - Hard", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062030, "Name": "Flee Candle Light", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062031, "Name": "Flee Candle Light - Hard", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062032, "Name": "Flee Candle Light II", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062033, "Name": "Flee Candle Light II - Hard", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062034, "Name": "Flee Candle Light III", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062035, "Name": "Flee Candle Light III - Hard", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062038, "Name": "Laser Avoidance", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062039, "Name": "Laser Avoidance - Hard", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062040, "Name": "Laser Avoidance II", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062041, "Name": "Laser Avoidance II - Hard", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062042, "Name": "Reach Destination", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062043, "Name": "Reach Destination - Hard", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062044, "Name": "Reach Destination II", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062045, "Name": "Reach Destination II - Hard", "Description": "1. A hard stage. Breezes, Candle Light, and Condensing Tides will appear in turn.\\n2. Defeat all enemies or reach the destination within the time limit.\\n3. Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062046, "Name": "Chaotic Tides", "Description": "1. All mechanisms will appear before the destination.\\n2. Defeat all enemies within the time limit.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062047, "Name": "Chaotic Tides - Hard", "Description": "1. A hard stage. All mechanisms will appear before the destination.\\n2. Defeat all enemies within the time limit.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062048, "Name": "Chaotic Tides II", "Description": "1. All mechanisms will appear before the destination.\\n2. Defeat all enemies within the time limit.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062049, "Name": "Chaotic Tides II - Hard", "Description": "1. A hard stage. All mechanisms will appear before the destination.\\n2. Defeat all enemies within the time limit.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062110, "Name": "H Barrier Breakthrough", "Description": "1. Break through the Frail Obstacles.\\n2. Defeat all enemies within the time limit.\\n3. Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062111, "Name": "H Barrier Breakthrough - Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062112, "Name": "H Laser Avoidance", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062113, "Name": "H Laser Avoidance - Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062114, "Name": "H Tidal Pull Breakthrough", "Description": "1. Break the Condensing Tides that show up at intervals in the center of the field in a timely manner.\\n2. Defeat all enemies within the time limit.\\n3. Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062115, "Name": "H Tidal Breakthrough \u2013 Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062116, "Name": "H Flee Candle Light", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062117, "Name": "H Flee Candle Light \u2013 Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062118, "Name": "H Pull and Defeat", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062119, "Name": "H Pull and Defeat - Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062120, "Name": "H Reach Destination", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062121, "Name": "H Reach Destination - Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062124, "Name": "H Watch the Breezes", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062125, "Name": "H Watch the Breezes - Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062126, "Name": "H Batch Kill", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062127, "Name": "H Batch Kill - Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062128, "Name": "H Break the Tides", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062129, "Name": "H Break the Tides - Nightmare", "Description": "1. A hard stage. Move agilely to deal with the Condensing Tides blown around by the Breezes.\\n2. Defeat all enemies within the time limit.\\n3. Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062130, "Name": "H Flee Candle Light", "Description": "1. Move agilely to deal with the Candle Light blown around by the Breezes.\\n2. Defeat all enemies within the time limit.\\n3. Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062131, "Name": "H Flee Candle Light \u2013 Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062132, "Name": "H Flee Candle Light II", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062133, "Name": "H Flee Candle Light II \u2013 Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062134, "Name": "H Flee Candle Light III", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062135, "Name": "H Flee Candle Light III \u2013 Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062138, "Name": "H Laser Avoidance", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062139, "Name": "H Laser Avoidance - Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062140, "Name": "H Laser Avoidance II", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062141, "Name": "H Laser Avoidance II - Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062142, "Name": "H Reach Destination", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062143, "Name": "H Reach Destination - Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062144, "Name": "H Reach Destination II", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062145, "Name": "H Reach Destination II - Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Defeat all enemies within the time limit.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062147, "Name": "H Chaotic Tides - Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Defeat all enemies within the time limit.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062148, "Name": "H Chaotic Tides II", "Description": "1. 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Defeat all enemies within the time limit.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062149, "Name": "H Chaotic Tides II - Nightmare", "Description": "1. 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Tap the Affixes below to view the detailed mechanism.", "Icon": null, "StoryIcon": null, "BgmId": 58, "AmbientSound": null, "LoadingType": 20014.0, "RewardTipId": null, "EventId": null, "NormalEventIdOnPassed": 1, "UnlockEventId": [], "NormalEventId": [], "PreEventId": [], "OrderId": 1.0, "RecommandLevel": null, "IsMultiplayer": null, "HaveAssist": 0, "StandardUseTimeSec": null, "RequireLevel": 40.0, "RequireActionPoint": null, "CharacterLimitType": 3, "CareerSuggestType": null, "AISuggestType": null, "LimitBuffId": 1, "PassTimeLimit": 300.0, "PreStageId": [], "FlopRewardId": null, "FinishRewardShow": null, "FirstRewardShow": null, "FinishDropId": null, "FirstRewardId": null, "StarRewardId": null, "TeamExp": null, "CardExp": null, "MaxChallengeNums": null, "BuyChallengeCost": null, "BuyChallengeCount": null, "KeepPlayingStory": null, "BeginStoryId": null, "EndStoryId": null, "OnlinePlayerLeast": null, "OnlinePlayerLimit": null, "StarDesc": [], "SettleLoseTipId": null, "SuggestedConditionId": [], "ForceConditionId": [], "HaveFirstPass": null, "FirstGotoSkipId": null, "FunctionLeftBtn": null, "FunctionRightBtn": 1.0, "RobotId": [], "UrgentEventId": [], "RebootId": null, "AutoFightId": null, "StageType": null, "StageGridStyle": null, "FightControlId": null, "DisableJoystick": null, "NeedJobType": [], "MultiChallengeId": null, "Restartable": 1.0, "ResetHpCount": [], "StoryUiStyle": null, "OnlineMsgId": null, "ForceAllyEffect": null, "DisableDeadEffect": null }, { "StageId": 30062122, "Name": "H Push Forward", "Description": "1. 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