[ { "Id": 1, "Name": "misaki", "Level": 10, "HeadPortrait": 1001, "Sign": "Nice to meet you.", "CharRobot[1]": 1000, "CharRobot[2]": 1001, "CharRobot[3]": 1002 }, { "Id": 2, "Name": "Eyestone", "Level": 20, "HeadPortrait": 1001, "Sign": "Nice to meet you.", "CharRobot[1]": 1003, "CharRobot[2]": 1004, "CharRobot[3]": 1005 }, { "Id": 3, "Name": "Islander", "Level": 30, "HeadPortrait": 1002, "Sign": "Nice to meet you.", "CharRobot[1]": 1006, "CharRobot[2]": 1007, "CharRobot[3]": 1008 }, { "Id": 4, "Name": "Misaki", "Level": 40, "HeadPortrait": 1003, "Sign": "Nice to meet you.", "CharRobot[1]": 1009, "CharRobot[2]": 1010, "CharRobot[3]": 1011 }, { "Id": 5, "Name": "Broken Rays", "Level": 50, "HeadPortrait": 1004, "Sign": "Nice to meet you.", "CharRobot[1]": 1012, "CharRobot[2]": 1013, "CharRobot[3]": 1014 }, { "Id": 6, "Name": "Dragonstone", "Level": 60, "HeadPortrait": 1002, "Sign": "Nice to meet you.", "CharRobot[1]": 1015, "CharRobot[2]": 1016, "CharRobot[3]": 1017 }, { "Id": 7, "Name": "Lumos", "Level": 70, "HeadPortrait": 1003, "Sign": "Nice to meet you.", "CharRobot[1]": 1018, "CharRobot[2]": 1019, "CharRobot[3]": 1020 }, { "Id": 8, "Name": "Summer", "Level": 80, "HeadPortrait": 1001, "Sign": "Nice to meet you.", "CharRobot[1]": 1021, "CharRobot[2]": 1022, "CharRobot[3]": 1023 } ]