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406102, 406002 ], "TeamMember": [ 2 ], "DistributionGroup": 1, "BuffGroup": [ "0|0" ], "RobotGroup": [ 2, 1, 1 ], "StageIdGroup": [ "30202003|30202004" ], "BaseBuffId": [ "56|56|56" ], "StageBuffId": [] }, { "Id": 103, "PreId": null, "Order": "NA-03", "DetailDesc": "Clear to get Miners as reward", "Name": "Redstone Terrace", "Prefab": "Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage03.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage03.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, "FinishRelatedId": [], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 406203, 406103, 406003 ], "TeamMember": [ 2 ], "DistributionGroup": 1, "BuffGroup": [ "0|0" ], "RobotGroup": [ 2, 1, 1 ], "StageIdGroup": [ "30202005|30202006" ], "BaseBuffId": [ "56|56|56" ], "StageBuffId": [] }, { "Id": 104, "PreId": null, "Order": "SP-01", "DetailDesc": "Complete the operation to reduce the difficulty of EX-01", "Name": "Redstone Cave", "Prefab": "Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage02.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage020.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, "FinishRelatedId": [], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 406204, 406104, 406004 ], "TeamMember": [ 2 ], "DistributionGroup": 1, "BuffGroup": [ "76|76" ], "RobotGroup": [ 2, 1, 1 ], "StageIdGroup": [ "30202007|30202008" ], "BaseBuffId": [ "24|24|24" ], "StageBuffId": [ "53|53|53" ] }, { "Id": 105, "PreId": null, "Order": "SP-02", "DetailDesc": "Complete the operation to reduce the difficulty of EX-01", "Name": "Redstone Passage", "Prefab": "Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage02.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage021.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, "FinishRelatedId": [], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 406205, 406105, 406005 ], "TeamMember": [ 2 ], "DistributionGroup": 1, "BuffGroup": [ "76|76" ], 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"Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage03.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, "FinishRelatedId": [], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 406208, 406108, 406008 ], "TeamMember": [ 2, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 ], "DistributionGroup": 2, "BuffGroup": [ "0|0", "0|0", "0|0", "0|0", "0|0", "0|0" ], "RobotGroup": [ 2, 1, 1 ], "StageIdGroup": [ "30202020|30202021", "30202022|30202322", "30202023|30202323", "30202024|30202324", "30202025|30202325", "30202026|30202326" ], "BaseBuffId": [ "56|56|56" ], "StageBuffId": [] }, { "Id": 109, "PreId": null, "Order": "NA-06", "DetailDesc": "Clear to get Miners as reward", "Name": "Southern Terrace", "Prefab": "Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage03.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage03.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, "FinishRelatedId": [], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 406209, 406109, 406009 ], "TeamMember": [ 2, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 ], 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"NA-07", "DetailDesc": "Clear to get Miners as reward", "Name": "Groening Entrance", "Prefab": "Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage03.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage03.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, "FinishRelatedId": [], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 406213, 406113, 406013 ], "TeamMember": [ 3, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0 ], "DistributionGroup": 3, "BuffGroup": [ "0|0", "0|0", "0|0", "0|0", "0|0", "0|0" ], "RobotGroup": [ 2, 1, 1 ], "StageIdGroup": [ "30202055|30202056", "30202057|30202357", "30202058|30202358", "30202059|30202359", "30202060|30202360", "30202061|30202361" ], "BaseBuffId": [ "56|56|56" ], "StageBuffId": [] }, { "Id": 114, "PreId": null, "Order": "NA-08", "DetailDesc": "Clear to get Miners as reward", "Name": "Groening Surface", "Prefab": "Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage03.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage03.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, "FinishRelatedId": [], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 406214, 406114, 406014 ], "TeamMember": [ 3, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0 ], "DistributionGroup": 3, "BuffGroup": [ "0|0", "0|0", "0|0", "0|0", "0|0", "0|0" ], "RobotGroup": [ 2, 1, 1 ], "StageIdGroup": [ "30202062|30202063", "30202064|30202364", "30202065|30202365", "30202066|30202366", "30202067|30202367", "30202068|30202368" ], "BaseBuffId": [ "56|56|56" ], "StageBuffId": [] }, { "Id": 115, "PreId": null, "Order": "SP-05", "DetailDesc": "Complete the operation to reduce the difficulty of EX-03", "Name": "Groening Cave", "Prefab": "Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage02.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage022.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, "FinishRelatedId": [], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 406215, 406115, 406015 ], "TeamMember": [ 3, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0 ], "DistributionGroup": 3, "BuffGroup": [ "81|81", "82|82", "83|83", "84|84", "85|85", "201|201" ], "RobotGroup": [ 2, 1, 1 ], "StageIdGroup": [ "30202069|30202070", "30202071|30202371", "30202072|30202372", "30202073|30202373", "30202074|30202374", "30202075|30202375" ], "BaseBuffId": [ "58|58|58" ], "StageBuffId": [ "29|29|29" ] }, { "Id": 116, "PreId": null, "Order": "SP-06", "DetailDesc": "Complete the operation to reduce the difficulty of EX-03", "Name": "Groening Passage", "Prefab": "Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage02.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage023.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, "FinishRelatedId": [], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 406216, 406116, 406016 ], "TeamMember": [ 3, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0 ], "DistributionGroup": 3, "BuffGroup": [ "81|81", "82|82", "83|83", "84|84", "85|85", "201|201" ], "RobotGroup": [ 2, 1, 1 ], "StageIdGroup": [ "30202076|30202077", 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"33|33|33" ] }, { "Id": 119, "PreId": 118.0, "Order": "NA-09", "DetailDesc": "Clear to get Miners as reward", "Name": "Stratum Entrance", "Prefab": "Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage03.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage03.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, "FinishRelatedId": [], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 406219, 406119, 406019 ], "TeamMember": [ 3, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0 ], "DistributionGroup": 4, "BuffGroup": [ "0|0", "0|0", "0|0", "0|0", "0|0", "0|0" ], "RobotGroup": [ 2, 1, 1 ], "StageIdGroup": [ "30202097|30202098", "30202099|30202399", "30202100|30202400", "30202101|30202401", "30202102|30202402", "30202103|30202403" ], "BaseBuffId": [ "58|58|58", "0|160|0" ], "StageBuffId": [] }, { "Id": 120, "PreId": null, "Order": "NA-10", "DetailDesc": "Clear to get Miners as reward", "Name": "Stratum Surface", "Prefab": "Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage03.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage03.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, "FinishRelatedId": [], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 406220, 406120, 406020 ], "TeamMember": [ 3, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0 ], "DistributionGroup": 4, "BuffGroup": [ "0|0", "0|0", "0|0", "0|0", "0|0", "0|0" ], "RobotGroup": [ 2, 1, 1 ], "StageIdGroup": [ "30202104|30202105", "30202106|30202406", "30202107|30202407", "30202108|30202408", "30202109|30202409", "30202110|30202410" ], "BaseBuffId": [ "58|58|58", "0|160|0" ], "StageBuffId": [] }, { "Id": 121, "PreId": null, "Order": "SP-08", "DetailDesc": "Complete the operation to reduce the difficulty of EX-04", "Name": "Stratum Cave", "Prefab": "Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage02.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage022.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, 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"86|86", "87|87", "88|88", "89|89", "90|90", "201|201" ], "RobotGroup": [ 2, 1, 1 ], "StageIdGroup": [ "30202118|30202119", "30202120|30202420", "30202121|30202421", "30202122|30202422", "30202123|30202423", "30202124|30202424" ], "BaseBuffId": [ "21|21|21", "35|35|35", "0|160|0" ], "StageBuffId": [ "155|161|155" ] }, { "Id": 123, "PreId": null, "Order": "SP-10", "DetailDesc": "Complete the operation to reduce the difficulty of EX-04", "Name": "Stratum Cliff", "Prefab": "Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage02.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage024.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, "FinishRelatedId": [], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 406223, 406123, 406023 ], "TeamMember": [ 3, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0 ], "DistributionGroup": 4, "BuffGroup": [ "86|86", "87|87", "88|88", "89|89", "90|90", "201|201" ], "RobotGroup": [ 2, 1, 1 ], "StageIdGroup": [ "30202125|30202126", "30202127|30202427", "30202128|30202428", "30202129|30202429", "30202130|30202430", "30202131|30202431" ], "BaseBuffId": [ "21|21|21", "28|28|28", "0|160|0" ], "StageBuffId": [ "34|163|157" ] }, { "Id": 124, "PreId": null, "Order": "EX-04", "DetailDesc": "Complete the operation to eliminate all the enemies in the mine", "Name": "Stratum Deep Hive", "Prefab": "Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage01.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage01.png", "IconBoss": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStageBoss07.png", "DetailBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdBossBg.png", "FinishRelatedId": [ 119.0, 120.0, 121.0, 122.0, 123.0 ], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 406224, 406124, 406024 ], "TeamMember": [ 3, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0 ], "DistributionGroup": 4, "BuffGroup": [ "86|86", "87|87", "88|88", "89|89", "90|90", "201|201" ], "RobotGroup": [ 2, 1, 1 ], "StageIdGroup": [ "30202132|30202133", 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"Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage02.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage022.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, "FinishRelatedId": [], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 406127, 406127, 406027 ], "TeamMember": [ 3, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0 ], "DistributionGroup": 5, "BuffGroup": [ "86|86", "87|87", "88|88", "89|89", "90|90", "201|201" ], "RobotGroup": [ 2, 1, 1 ], "StageIdGroup": [ "30202153|30202154", "30202155|30202455", "30202156|30202456", "30202157|30202457", "30202158|30202458", "30202159|30202459" ], "BaseBuffId": [ "22|22|22", "57|57|57", "0|164|0" ], "StageBuffId": [ "31|166|158" ] }, { "Id": 128, "PreId": null, "Order": "SP-12", "DetailDesc": "Complete the operation to reduce the difficulty of EX-05", "Name": "Bollie Passage", "Prefab": "Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage02.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage023.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, "FinishRelatedId": [], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 406128, 406128, 406028 ], "TeamMember": [ 3, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0 ], "DistributionGroup": 5, "BuffGroup": [ "86|86", "87|87", "88|88", "89|89", "90|90", "201|201" ], "RobotGroup": [ 2, 1, 1 ], "StageIdGroup": [ "30202160|30202161", "30202162|30202462", "30202163|30202463", "30202164|30202464", "30202165|30202465", "30202166|30202466" ], "BaseBuffId": [ "22|22|22", "55|55|55", "0|164|0" ], "StageBuffId": [ "169|165|169" ] }, { "Id": 129, "PreId": null, "Order": "SP-13", "DetailDesc": "Complete the operation to reduce the difficulty of EX-05", "Name": "Bollie Cliff", "Prefab": "Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/FubenStronghold/FuBenStrongholdStage02.prefab", "IconBg": "Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiStronghold/UiStrongholdFightStage024.png", "IconBoss": null, "DetailBg": null, "FinishRelatedId": [], "Endurance": 1, "RewardId": [ 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