local next = next local tableInsert = table.insert local TagTextPrefix = "NoticeTag" local XHtmlHandler = require("XUi/XUiGameNotice/XHtmlHandler") local mathFloor = math.floor local mathCeil = math.ceil local strFind = string.find local HtmlParagraphs = {} local BTN_INDEX = { First = 1, Second = 2, } local XUiGameNotice = XLuaUiManager.Register(XLuaUi, "UiGameNotice") function XUiGameNotice:OnStart(rootUi, selectIdx, selectId, type) self.RootUi = rootUi self.HttpTextures = {} self.HtmlIndexDic = {} self.TabBtns = {} self.Type = type self.SelectIndex = selectIdx self.SelectId = selectId self:InitAutoScript() end function XUiGameNotice:OnDisable() self.CurUrl = nil if self.WebViewPanel then CS.UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(self.WebViewPanel.gameObject) self.WebViewPanel = nil end self:ClearTabBtns() self:ClearAllChildren() LuaGC() end function XUiGameNotice:InitAutoScript() self.SpecialSoundMap = {} self.AutoCreateListeners = {} end function XUiGameNotice:GetAutoKey(uiNode, eventName) if not uiNode then return end return eventName .. uiNode:GetHashCode() end function XUiGameNotice:RegisterListener(uiNode, eventName, func) local key = self:GetAutoKey(uiNode, eventName) if not key then return end local listener = self.AutoCreateListeners[key] if listener ~= nil then uiNode[eventName]:RemoveListener(listener) end if func ~= nil then if type(func) ~= "function" then XLog.Error("XUiPanelWorldChatMyMsgItem:RegisterListener函数错误, 参数func需要是function类型, func的类型是" .. type(func)) end listener = function(...) XSoundManager.PlayBtnMusic(self.SpecialSoundMap[key], eventName) func(self, ...) end uiNode[eventName]:AddListener(listener) self.AutoCreateListeners[key] = listener end end function XUiGameNotice:OnEnable() self:UpdateLeftTabBtns(self.SelectIndex, self.SelectId, self.Type) self:OnSelectedTog() end function XUiGameNotice:OnDestroy() for index, httpTexture in pairs(self.HttpTextures) do if httpTexture:Exist() then CS.UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(httpTexture) self.HttpTextures[index] = nil end end end function XUiGameNotice:OnGetEvents() return { XEventId.EVENT_UIDIALOG_VIEW_ENABLE, XEventId.EVENT_NOTICE_TYPE_CHANAGE, XEventId.EVENT_NOTICE_CONTENT_RESP } end function XUiGameNotice:OnNotify(evt, ...) if evt == XEventId.EVENT_UIDIALOG_VIEW_ENABLE then self.RootUi:Close() elseif evt == XEventId.EVENT_NOTICE_TYPE_CHANAGE then local arg = {...} self:UpdateLeftTabBtns(nil,nil, arg[1]) self:OnSelectedTog() elseif evt == XEventId.EVENT_NOTICE_CONTENT_RESP then local args = {...} self:OnNoticeContentResp(args[1]) end end function XUiGameNotice:GetCertainBtnModel(index, hasChild, pos, totalNum) if index == BTN_INDEX.First then if hasChild then return self.BtnFirstHasSnd else return self.BtnFirst end elseif index == BTN_INDEX.Second then if totalNum == 1 then return self.BtnSecondAll end if pos == 1 then return self.BtnSecondTop elseif pos == totalNum then return self.BtnSecondBottom else return self.BtnSecond end end end function XUiGameNotice:ClearTabBtns() if not self.TabBtns then return end for _, v in pairs(self.TabBtns) do CS.UnityEngine.GameObject.Destroy(v.gameObject) end self.TabBtns = {} end function XUiGameNotice:UpdateLeftTabBtns(selectIdx, selectId, type) self.NoticeMap = XDataCenter.NoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeMap(type) local noticeInfos = self.NoticeMap if not noticeInfos then return end self.HtmlIndexDic = {} self:ClearTabBtns() local btnIndex = 0 local firstRedPointIndex --一级标题 for groupIndex, data in ipairs(noticeInfos) do local htmlList = data.Content local totalNum = #htmlList local btnModel = self:GetCertainBtnModel(BTN_INDEX.First, totalNum > 1) local btn = CS.UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(btnModel) btn.transform:SetParent(self.PanelNoticeTitleBtnGroup.transform, false) btn.gameObject:SetActiveEx(true) btn:SetName(data.Title) if not data.Tag or data.Tag == 0 then btn:ShowTag(false) else local txtTag = btn.transform:Find("Tag/ImgTag/Text"):GetComponent("Text") txtTag.text = CS.XTextManager.GetText(TagTextPrefix .. data.Tag) btn:ShowTag(true) end local uiButton = btn:GetComponent("XUiButton") tableInsert(self.TabBtns, uiButton) btnIndex = btnIndex + 1 --二级标题 local needRedPoint = false local firstIndex = btnIndex local onlyOne = totalNum == 1 for htmlIndex, htmlCfg in ipairs(htmlList) do needRedPoint = XDataCenter.NoticeManager.CheckInGameNoticeRedPointIndividual(data, htmlIndex) if needRedPoint and not firstRedPointIndex then firstRedPointIndex = btnIndex end if not onlyOne then local tmpBtnModel = self:GetCertainBtnModel(BTN_INDEX.Second, nil, htmlIndex, totalNum) local tmpBtn = CS.UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(tmpBtnModel) tmpBtn:SetName(htmlCfg.Title) tmpBtn.transform:SetParent(self.PanelNoticeTitleBtnGroup.transform, false) local tmpUiButton = tmpBtn:GetComponent("XUiButton") tmpUiButton.SubGroupIndex = firstIndex tableInsert(self.TabBtns, tmpUiButton) btnIndex = btnIndex + 1 if needRedPoint then tmpUiButton:ShowReddot(true) else tmpUiButton:ShowReddot(false) end end local indexInfo = { HtmlReadKey = XDataCenter.NoticeManager.GetGameNoticeReadDataKey(data, htmlIndex), HtmlUrl = htmlCfg.Url, HtmlUrlSlave = htmlCfg.UrlSlave, GroupIndex = groupIndex } self.HtmlIndexDic[btnIndex] = indexInfo if selectId and selectId == tonumber(htmlCfg.Order) then selectIdx = btnIndex end end uiButton:ShowReddot(needRedPoint) end local selectIndex = selectIdx or firstRedPointIndex or 1 self.PanelNoticeTitleBtnGroup:Init(self.TabBtns, function(index) self:OnSelectedTog(index) end) self.PanelNoticeTitleBtnGroup:SelectIndex(selectIndex, false) self.SelectIndex = selectIndex self.SelectId = nil end function XUiGameNotice:OnSelectedTog(index) if self.SelectIndex and self.SelectIndex == index then return end index = index or self.SelectIndex self.SelectIndex = index local indexInfo = self.HtmlIndexDic[index] if not indexInfo or not next(indexInfo) then return end --刷新右边UI self:UpdateWebView(indexInfo.HtmlUrl) --取消小红点 XDataCenter.NoticeManager.ChangeInGameNoticeReadStatus(indexInfo.HtmlReadKey, true) local uiButton = self.TabBtns[index] uiButton:ShowReddot(false) --判断一级按钮小红点 local subGroupIndex = uiButton.SubGroupIndex if subGroupIndex and self.TabBtns[subGroupIndex] then local needRed = false for _, btn in pairs(self.TabBtns) do if btn.SubGroupIndex and btn.SubGroupIndex == subGroupIndex and btn.ReddotObj.activeSelf then needRed = true break end end if not needRed then self.TabBtns[subGroupIndex]:ShowReddot(false) end end end function XUiGameNotice:CreateImgObj(texture) local parent = self.Img.transform.parent.transform local newImgObj = CS.UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(self.Img, parent) newImgObj.gameObject:SetActiveEx(true) newImgObj.texture = texture local width = parent.rect.width local height = mathFloor(width * texture.height / texture.width) newImgObj.rectTransform.sizeDelta = CS.UnityEngine.Vector2(width, height) return newImgObj end function XUiGameNotice:CreateTextObj(params, textData, sourceTextData, fontSize) local parent = self.Txt.transform.parent.transform local newTextObj = CS.UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(self.Txt, parent):GetComponent("XUiHrefText") newTextObj.gameObject:SetActiveEx(true) newTextObj.fontSize = fontSize or XHtmlHandler.FontSizeMap["xx-large"] newTextObj.lineSpacing = 1.5 local width = parent.rect.width local tg = newTextObj.cachedTextGeneratorForLayout local set = newTextObj:GetGenerationSettings(CS.UnityEngine.Vector2(width, 0)) local height = mathCeil(tg:GetPreferredHeight(CS.XTool.ReplaceNoBreakingSpace(sourceTextData), set) / newTextObj.pixelsPerUnit) + newTextObj.fontSize * (newTextObj.lineSpacing - 1) newTextObj.rectTransform.sizeDelta = CS.UnityEngine.Vector2(width, height) newTextObj.text = textData local align local _, _, styleParam = strFind(params, "style=\"(.-)\"") if styleParam then _, _, align = strFind(styleParam, "text%-align:(.-);") if align then align = XHtmlHandler.RemoveBlank(align) newTextObj.alignment = XHtmlHandler.AlignMap[align] end end if not align then _, _, align = strFind(params, "align=\"(.-)\"") if align then align = XHtmlHandler.RemoveBlank(align) newTextObj.alignment = XHtmlHandler.AlignMap[align] end end return newTextObj end function XUiGameNotice:ShowHtml(paragraphs) self:ClearAllChildren() for _, v in ipairs(paragraphs) do if v.Type == XHtmlHandler.ParagraphType.Text then v.Obj = self:CreateTextObj(v.Param, v.Data, v.SourceData, v.FontSize) self:RegisterListener(v.Obj, "onHrefClick", self.OnBtnHrefClick) else v.Obj = self:CreateImgObj(v.Data) end end self.CurParagraphs = paragraphs end function XUiGameNotice:OnBtnHrefClick(str) if string.find(str, "suikawari") ~= nil or string.find(str, "thelastspark") ~= nil then -- 1.5周年和黄金周的 local uid = XLoginManager.GetUserId() if uid and uid ~= "" then CS.UnityEngine.Application.OpenURL(str.."?uid="..uid) return end elseif string.find(str, "seeed") ~= nil or string.find(str, "rooot") ~= nil then -- rooot活动的 XDataCenter.ActivityManager.OpenRoootUrl(str) else if string.find(str, "eden") ~= nil then -- 萌战网页活动接入需求 local uid = XUserManager.UserId local serverId = CS.XHeroBdcAgent.ServerId if uid and serverId then CS.UnityEngine.Application.OpenURL(str.."?uid="..uid.."&serverId="..serverId) end else CS.UnityEngine.Application.OpenURL(str) end end CS.UnityEngine.Application.OpenURL(str) end function XUiGameNotice:UpdateWebView(url) if self.CurUrl == url then return end self.CurUrl = url if HtmlParagraphs[url] then self:ShowHtml(HtmlParagraphs[url]) return end self.ImgLoading.gameObject:SetActiveEx(true) local request = CS.XUriPrefixRequest.Get(url) CS.XTool.WaitCoroutine(request:SendWebRequest(), function() if request.isNetworkError or request.isHttpError then return end local content = request.downloadHandler.text if string.IsNilOrEmpty(content) then return end request:Dispose() HtmlParagraphs[url] = XHtmlHandler.Deserilize(content) if not HtmlParagraphs[url] then XLog.Error("content deserilized is nil, url:" .. tostring(url)) return end CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_NOTICE_CONTENT_RESP, HtmlParagraphs[url]) end) end function XUiGameNotice:OnNoticeContentResp(content) self:ShowHtml(content) self.ImgLoading.gameObject:SetActiveEx(false) end function XUiGameNotice:ClearAllChildren() if self.CurParagraphs then for _, v in ipairs(self.CurParagraphs) do CS.UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(v.Obj.gameObject) end end self.CurParagraphs = {} end