local Platform = CS.UnityEngine.Application.platform local RuntimePlatform = CS.UnityEngine.RuntimePlatform XServerManager = XServerManager or {} local Json = require("XCommon/Json") local LoginTimeOutSecond = CS.XGame.Config:GetInt("LoginTimeOutInterval") local SERVER_CONNECT_TIME_KEY = "SERVER_CONNECT_TIME_KEY" local RECENT_TIME_PERIOD = 3600 * 24 * 7 local GetTime = os.time XServerManager.SERVER_STATE = { MAINTAIN = 0, -- 维护 LOW = 1, -- 畅通 HIGH = 2, -- 爆满 CHECK = 3, -- 检测中 FAIL = 4, -- 失败 } local ServerList = {} local SortedList = {} local TempServerDic = {} local LastServerCheckTime = {} local LastServerConnectTime = {} local AndroidPayCallList = {} local IosPayCallList = {} function XServerManager.SplitPayCallList(list, str) if str == "" or str == nil then return end local strs = string.Split(str, '#') local i = 1 for _, value in ipairs(strs) do list[i] = value i = i + 1 end end XServerManager.Id = nil XServerManager.ServerName = nil function XServerManager.GetLoginUrl() local server = ServerList[XServerManager.Id] if not server then return nil end if XMain.IsDebug then server.LastTime = GetTime() LastServerConnectTime[server.Name] = server.LastTime XSaveTool.SaveData(SERVER_CONNECT_TIME_KEY, LastServerConnectTime) end return server.LoginUrl end function XServerManager.Init(cb) XServerManager.Id = CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.GetInt(XPrefs.ServerId, 1) ServerList = {} local i = 1 local strs = string.Split(CS.XRemoteConfig.ServerListStr, "|") for _, value in ipairs(strs) do local item = string.Split(value, "#") if #item >= 2 then local server = {} server.Id = i server.Name = item[1] server.LoginUrl = item[2] ServerList[server.Id] = server i = i + 1 end end if not ServerList or #ServerList <= 0 then XLog.Error("Get ServerList error. content = " .. CS.XRemoteConfig.ServerListStr) return end local androidCallbackListStr = CS.XRemoteConfig.AndroidPayCallbackList local iosCallbackListStr = CS.XRemoteConfig.IosPayCallbackList XServerManager.SplitPayCallList(AndroidPayCallList, androidCallbackListStr) XServerManager.SplitPayCallList(IosPayCallList, iosCallbackListStr) if XServerManager.Id and ServerList[XServerManager.Id] then XServerManager.Select(ServerList[XServerManager.Id]) else XServerManager.Select(ServerList[1]) end XServerManager.UpdateSortedServer() if cb then cb() end end function XServerManager.UpdateSortedServer() if XMain.IsDebug then SortedList = {} LastServerConnectTime = XSaveTool.GetData(SERVER_CONNECT_TIME_KEY) or {} for _, v in pairs(ServerList) do v.LastTime = LastServerConnectTime[v.Name] or 0 table.insert(SortedList, v) end end end function XServerManager.InsertTempServer(ip) if not XMain.IsDebug then return false, "该功能仅Debug模式下可使用!" end if not string.IsIp(ip) then return false, "请输入合法Ip地址!" end if TempServerDic[ip] then return false, "该临时服已存在" end local tempServer = { Id = #ServerList + 1, Name = "临时服: " .. ip, LastTime = 0, LoginUrl = string.format("http://%s:2333/api/Login/Login", ip), IsTempServer = true, } table.insert(ServerList, tempServer) TempServerDic[ip] = true XServerManager.UpdateSortedServer() CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_SERVER_LIST_CHANGE) return true end function XServerManager.Select(server) if not server then XLog.Error("Selected Server is nil.") return end XServerManager.Id = server.Id XServerManager.ServerName = server.Name CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetInt(XPrefs.ServerId, server.Id) if XUserManager.UserId then -- 海外修改 XSaveTool.SaveData(XPrefs.User_ServerId..XUserManager.UserId, tostring(server.Id)) end if Platform == RuntimePlatform.Android then if server.Id > #AndroidPayCallList then XLog.Error("支付服务器地址数量与服务器数量不匹配") return end XHgSdkManager.SetCallBackUrl(AndroidPayCallList[server.Id]) elseif true or Platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer then if server.Id > #IosPayCallList then XLog.Error("支付服务器地址数量与服务器数量不匹配") return end XHgSdkManager.SetCallBackUrl(IosPayCallList[server.Id]) else XLog.Debug("其他平台无需设置支付回调地址") end end function XServerManager.CheckOpenSelect() return ServerList and #ServerList > 1 end function XServerManager.GetServerList(needSort) if not XMain.IsDebug or not needSort then return ServerList end table.sort(SortedList, function(a, b) if a.IsTempServer ~= b.IsTempServer then return a.IsTempServer end if GetTime() - a.LastTime < RECENT_TIME_PERIOD or GetTime() - b.LastTime < RECENT_TIME_PERIOD then return a.LastTime > b.LastTime else return a.Id < b.Id end end) return SortedList end function XServerManager.GetCurServerName() return XServerManager.ServerName end function XServerManager.TestConnectivity(server, gridCb) if not server or not gridCb then return end local id = server.Id if LastServerCheckTime[id] and LastServerCheckTime[id] + LoginTimeOutSecond > GetTime() then gridCb() return end ServerList[id].State = XServerManager.SERVER_STATE.CHECK LastServerCheckTime[id] = GetTime() gridCb() local loginUrl = server.LoginUrl if not XUserManager.IsNeedLogin() then loginUrl = server.LoginUrl .. "?loginType=" .. XUserManager.Channel .. "&userId=" .. XUserManager.UserId .. "&projectId=" .. CS.XHgSdkAgent.GetAppProjectId() .. "&token=" .. (XUserManager.Token or "") end local request = CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Get(loginUrl) request.timeout = LoginTimeOutSecond CS.XTool.WaitNativeCoroutine(request:SendWebRequest(), function() LastServerCheckTime[id] = GetTime() if request.isNetworkError or request.isHttpError then ServerList[id].State = XServerManager.SERVER_STATE.FAIL gridCb() return end local result = Json.decode(request.downloadHandler.text) if result.code == 1 -- 服务器暂未开放 or result.code == 8 -- 服务器未开放 or result.code == 9 -- 服务器已满员 or result.code == 10 then -- 服务器内部错误 ServerList[id].State = XServerManager.SERVER_STATE.MAINTAIN gridCb() return end ServerList[id].State = XServerManager.SERVER_STATE.LOW gridCb() end) end