local XFunctionTime = require("XEntity/XFunctional/XFunctionTime") local tableSort = table.sort local tableInsert = table.insert local TABLE_SECONDARY_FUNCTIONAL_PATH = "Client/Functional/SecondaryFunctional.tab" local TABLE_SKIP_FUNCTIONAL_PATH = "Client/Functional/SkipFunctional.tab" local TABLE_FUNCTIONAL_OPEN = "Share/Functional/FunctionalOpen.tab" --local TABLE_MAIN_AD = "Client/Functional/MainAd.tab" local TABLE_MAIN_ACTIVITY_SKIP_PATH = "Client/Functional/MainActivitySkip.tab" local SecondaryFunctionalTemplates = {} --二级功能配置 local SkipFunctionalTemplates = {} --跳转功能表 local FunctionalOpenTemplates = {} --功能开启表 -- local MainAdTemplates = {} --广告栏 local MainActivitySkipTemplates = {} --活动便捷入口 local ShieldFuncDic = {} -- 功能过滤 local ShieldUiNameDic = {} -- 功能对应的界面过滤 local FunctionTimeData = {} --功能开启时间 XFunctionManager = XFunctionManager or {} XFunctionManager.SkipOrigin = { System = 1, -- 系统来源 SonSystem = 2, -- 子系统来源 Section = 3, -- 副本来源 Main = 4, -- 主界面 Webpage = 5, -- 网页 SystemWithArgs = 6, -- 跳转特定标签页的系统 Custom = 7, -- 跳转自定义系统(大部分副本) Dormitory = 8, -- 跳转宿舍 } XFunctionManager.OpenCondition = { Default = 0, -- 默认 TeamLevel = 1, -- 战队等级 FinishSection = 2, -- 通关副本 FinishTask = 3, -- 完成任务 FinishNoob = 4, -- 完成新手 Main = 5, -- 掉线返回主界面 } -- XFunctionManager.OpenHint = { -- TeamLevelToOpen, -- CopyToOpen, -- FinishToOpen -- } --这个枚举由服务端制定 XFunctionManager.FunctionName = { Target = 1, --目标 SkipObligate = 2, --预留 Deposit = 3, --充值 Setting = 4, --设置 SignIn = 5, --签到 Feedback = 6, --反馈 Welfare = 7, --福利 ExchangeCode = 8, --兑换码 Character = 101, --构造体 CharacterGrade = 102, --构造体晋升 CharacterQuality = 103, --构造体进化 CharacterSkill = 104, --构造体技能 CharacterExhibition = 105, --构造体展示厅 Isomer = 106, --感染体 Equip = 201, --装备 EquipStrengthen = 202, --装备强化 EquipResonance = 203, --装备共鸣 EquipStrengthenAutoSelect = 204, --装备一键强化 EquipAwake = 205, --装备觉醒 Bag = 301, --背包 DrawCard = 401, --研发 DrawCardEquip = 402, --研发装备 ActivityDrawCard = 403, --活动研发 Task = 501, --任务 TaskDay = 503, --任务每日 TaskActivity = 504, --任务活动 TaskWeekly = 505, --任务每周 Player = 601, --战队 PlayerBrand = 602, --战队烙印 PlayerAchievement = 603, --战斗成就 Mail = 701, --邮件 SocialFriend = 801, --好友 SocialChat = 802, --聊天 Domitory = 901, --基建(弃用) Dorm = 902, --宿舍 ShopCommon = 1001, --普通商店 ShopActive = 1002, --活动商店 Dispatch = 1201, --派遣 BountyTask = 1301, --赏金 MaintainerAction = 1302, --维持者行动(大富翁) MentorSystem = 1303, --师徒系统 MainLineTRPG = 1304, --主线跑团玩法(终焉福音) NieR = 1305, --尼尔玩法 Pokemon = 1306, --口袋战双 ChessPursuitMain = 1307, -- 追击玩法 SpringFestivalActivity = 1308, --春节集字活动 WhiteValentineDay = 1309, -- 白色情人节约会活动 MoeWar = 1310, -- 萌战 FavorabilityMain = 1400, --好感度 FavorabilityFile = 1401, --好感度-档案 FavorabilityStory = 1402, --好感度-剧情 FavorabilityGift = 1403, --好感度-礼物 FavorabilityComeAcross = 1404, --好感度-偶遇 CustomUi = 1501, --自定义控件 FubenChallengeTrial = 1601, --试炼玩法 Prequel = 1701, --断章 Practice = 1800, --教学 PartnerTeaching = 1801, -- 宠物教学 Guild = 1901, --指挥部 GuildBoss = 1904, --工会boss OtherHelp = 2001, --助战 Collection = 2100, --收藏品 Medal = 2101, --勋章 Nameplate = 2102, --铭牌 Archive = 2200, --图鉴系统 SubMenu = 2300, -- 主界面二级菜单 Photograph = 2400, -- 拍照模式 PurchaseAdd = 3000, --累计充值 PicComposition = 4000, --看图作文 WindowsInlay = 4001, --外站活动 Partner = 5001, --伙伴系统 InvitationCodeShare = 8001, -- 邀请码分享 FubenDifficulty = 10102, --副本困难 FubenNightmare = 10103, --据点战 FubenChallenge = 10201, --挑战副本 FubenChallengeTower = 10202, --挑战爬塔 FubenChallengeBossSingle = 10203, --挑战单机Boss FubenArena = 10204, -- 竞技 Stronghold = 10205, -- 超级据点 ActivityBrief = 10300, --活动简介 FubenActivity = 10301, --活动副本 FubenActivityOnlineBoss = 10302, --活动联机boss FubenActivityBranch = 10303, --活动支线 FubenActivitySingleBoss = 10304, --活动单挑boss FubenActivityTrial = 10305, --试验区 FestivalActivity = 10306, --节日活动 FubenActivityFestival = 10306, --节日活动 BabelTower = 10307, --巴别塔计划 FubenActivityMainLine = 10308, --活动主线 RepeatChallenge = 10309, --复刷本 RogueLike = 10310, --爬塔 FubenAssign = 10311, --占领玩法 ArenaOnline = 10312, --区域联机玩法 FubenUnionKill = 10313, --狙击战 Extra = 10314, -- 外章 FubenInfesotorExplore = 10315, --感染体玩法 SpecialTrain = 10316, -- 特训关 EliminateGame = 10317, -- 特训关小游戏 Expedition = 10318, -- 虚像地平线 ClickClearGame = 10319, -- 中元节点消小游戏 WorldBoss = 10320, -- 世界boss RpgTower = 10321, -- 兵法蓝图 HonorLevel = 10322, -- 荣耀勋阶 FubenZhongYuanFestival = 10323, -- 中元节副本 DragPuzzleGame = 10324, -- 拼图小游戏 NewCharAct = 10325, -- 新角色教学 ChristmasTreeGame = 10326, -- 圣诞树装扮小游戏 CoupletGame = 10328, -- 对联小游戏 FingerGuessing = 10329, --猜拳小游戏 FubenSimulatedCombat = 10330, -- 模拟作战 InvertCardGame = 10331, -- 翻牌小游戏 PokerGuessing = 10333, --翻牌猜大小 MovieAssemble = 10334, -- 剧情合集 MineSweeping = 10335, -- 扫雷 FubenHack = 10336, -- 骇入玩法 Reform = 10337, -- 改造玩法 ScratchTicket = 10338, -- 刮刮卡 KillZone = 10339, --杀戮空间 SuperTower = 10340, -- 超级爬塔 FashionStory = 10341, -- 涂装剧情活动 Passport = 10342, --战斗通行证 FubenCoupleCombat = 10343, -- 双人下场玩法 RpgMakerActivity = 10345, --21年端午活动 FubenDaily = 10401, --日常副本 FubenDailyYSHTX = 10402, --日常意识海特训 FubenDailyEMEX = 10403, --日常EMEX行动 FubenDailyResource = 10404, --日常资源副本 FubenExplore = 10405, --探索 FubenDailyGZTX = 10406, --日常構造體特訓 FubenDailyXYZB = 10407, --日常稀有裝備 FubenDailyTPCL = 10408, --日常突破材料 FubenDailyZBJY = 10409, --日常裝備經驗 FubenDailyLMDZ = 10410, --日常螺母大戰 FubenDailyJNQH = 10411, --日常技能强化 FubenDailyFZJQH = 10412, --日常辅助机强化 FubenDailyShop = 10450, --日常补给商店 } XFunctionManager.FunctionType = { System = 1, Stage = 2, } XFunctionManager.TimeState = { Start = 1, End = 2, } function XFunctionManager.Init() FunctionalOpenTemplates = {} SecondaryFunctionalTemplates = XTableManager.ReadByIntKey(TABLE_SECONDARY_FUNCTIONAL_PATH, XTable.XTableSecondaryFunctional, "Id") SkipFunctionalTemplates = XTableManager.ReadByIntKey(TABLE_SKIP_FUNCTIONAL_PATH, XTable.XTableSkipFunctional, "SkipId") MainActivitySkipTemplates = XTableManager.ReadByIntKey(TABLE_MAIN_ACTIVITY_SKIP_PATH, XTable.XTableMainActivitySkip, "Id") --local mainAdTemplates = XTableManager.ReadByIntKey(TABLE_MAIN_AD, XTable.XTableMainAd, "Id") --for _, v in pairs(mainAdTemplates) do -- if not MainAdTemplates[v.ChannelId] then -- MainAdTemplates[v.ChannelId] = {} -- end -- -- tableInsert(MainAdTemplates[v.ChannelId], v) --end --MainAdTemplates = XReadOnlyTable.Create(MainAdTemplates) local listOpenFunctional = XTableManager.ReadByIntKey(TABLE_FUNCTIONAL_OPEN, XTable.XTableFunctionalOpen, "Id") for k, v in pairs(listOpenFunctional) do local IsHasCondition = false for _, id in pairs(v.Condition) do if id ~= 0 then IsHasCondition = true end end if IsHasCondition then FunctionalOpenTemplates[k] = v end end XFunctionManager.IsOpen = false end function XFunctionManager.FilterUi(evt, args, ...) local uiName = args[0].UiData.UiName if ShieldUiNameDic[uiName] then XUiManager.TipText("ShieldFunctionTip", nil, true) XLuaUiManager.RunMain() end end function XFunctionManager.FilterUiFinish() ShieldUiNameDic = {} CsXGameEventManager.Instance:RemoveEvent(CS.XEventId.EVENT_UI_ALLOWOPERATE, XFunctionManager.FilterUi) XEventManager.RemoveEventListener(XEventId.EVENT_MAINUI_ENABLE, XFunctionManager.FilterUiFinish) end function XFunctionManager.InitShieldFuncData(shieldFuncList, inGameUpdate) ShieldFuncDic = {} ShieldUiNameDic = {} local EnableFilterUi = true for _, v in ipairs(shieldFuncList) do ShieldFuncDic[v] = true if inGameUpdate then for _, uiName in ipairs(XFunctionConfig.GetShieldFuncUiName(v)) do if CS.XFight.Instance and XLuaUiManager.IsUiShow(uiName) then EnableFilterUi = false XUiManager.TipText("ShieldFunctionTip", nil, true) XLuaUiManager.RunMain() ShieldUiNameDic = {} end ShieldUiNameDic[uiName] = true end end end if inGameUpdate and EnableFilterUi then CsXGameEventManager.Instance:RegisterEvent(CS.XEventId.EVENT_UI_ALLOWOPERATE, XFunctionManager.FilterUi) XEventManager.AddEventListener(XEventId.EVENT_MAINUI_ENABLE, XFunctionManager.FilterUiFinish) end end --检测是否可以过滤该功能 function XFunctionManager.CheckFunctionFitter(id) return ShieldFuncDic[id] end --界面跳转 function XFunctionManager.SkipInterface(id) if id == 0 then return end local list = XFunctionConfig.GetSkipFuncCfg(id) if list == nil then XLog.Error("XFunctionManager.SkipInterface error: can not found list, id = " .. tostring(id)) return end if list.FunctionalId ~= nil and list.FunctionalId ~= 0 then -- 屏蔽功能 if XFunctionManager.CheckFunctionFitter(list.FunctionalId) then XUiManager.TipMsg(CS.XTextManager.GetText("FunctionalMaintain")) return end if not XFunctionManager.DetectionFunction(list.FunctionalId) then return end end -- 提审包屏蔽,跳转到主线页面 if XUiManager.IsHideFunc and list.IsHideFunc then XLuaUiManager.Open("UiFuben", XDataCenter.FubenManager.StageType.Mainline, nil, 1) return end if list.Origin == XFunctionManager.SkipOrigin.System then if XLuaUiManager.IsUiShow(list.UiName) then return end XLuaUiManager.Open(list.UiName) end if list.Origin == XFunctionManager.SkipOrigin.SonSystem then if XLuaUiManager.IsUiShow(list.UiName) then return end if list.UiName == "UiCharacter" then XLuaUiManager.Open(list.UiName, list.ParamId, nil, nil, nil, true) elseif list.UiName == "UiActivityBase" then XLuaUiManager.Open(list.UiName, list.ParamId, list.CustomParams[1], list.CustomParams[2]) elseif list.UiName == "UiSet" then XLuaUiManager.Open(list.UiName, false, list.ParamId or 4) elseif list.UiName == "UiActivityBase" then XLuaUiManager.Open(list.UiName, list.ParamId, list.CustomParams[1], list.CustomParams[2]) else XLuaUiManager.Open(list.UiName, list.ParamId) end end if list.Origin == XFunctionManager.SkipOrigin.Section then XDataCenter.FubenManager.GoToFuben(list.ParamId) end if list.Origin == XFunctionManager.SkipOrigin.Main then if XLuaUiManager.IsUiShow("UiMain") then return end XLuaUiManager.RunMain() end if list.Origin == XFunctionManager.SkipOrigin.SystemWithArgs then XDataCenter.FunctionalSkipManager.SkipSystemWidthArgs(list) return end if list.Origin == XFunctionManager.SkipOrigin.Custom then XDataCenter.FunctionalSkipManager.SkipCustom(list) return end if list.Origin == XFunctionManager.SkipOrigin.Dormitory then XDataCenter.FunctionalSkipManager.SkipDormitory(list) return end -- if list.Origin == XFunctionManager.SkipOrigin.Webpage then -- end end function XFunctionManager.CheckSkipInDuration(id) local cfg = XFunctionConfig.GetSkipFuncCfg(id) if not cfg then return false end local timeId = cfg.TimeId local startTimeStr = cfg.StartTime local closeTimeStr = cfg.CloseTime if timeId and timeId ~= 0 then return XFunctionManager.CheckInTimeByTimeId(timeId) else local nowTimeStamp = XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() if startTimeStr and startTimeStr ~= "" and closeTimeStr and closeTimeStr ~= "" then local startTime = XTime.ParseToTimestamp(startTimeStr) local closeTime = XTime.ParseToTimestamp(closeTimeStr) return (nowTimeStamp >= startTime and nowTimeStamp <= closeTime) elseif startTimeStr and startTimeStr ~= "" then local startTime = XTime.ParseToTimestamp(startTimeStr) return nowTimeStamp >= startTime elseif closeTimeStr and closeTimeStr ~= "" then local closeTime = XTime.ParseToTimestamp(closeTimeStr) return nowTimeStamp < closeTime end end return true end function XFunctionManager.GetSkipList(id) if SkipFunctionalTemplates[id] then return SkipFunctionalTemplates[id] end end function XFunctionManager.IsCanSkip(skipId) local list = XFunctionConfig.GetSkipList(skipId) if not list then return false end return XFunctionManager.JudgeCanOpen(list.FunctionalId) end function XFunctionManager.JudgeOpen(id) --判断是否开启功能 if not XFunctionConfig.GetFuncOpenCfg(id) then return true end return XPlayer.IsMark(id) end function XFunctionManager.GetFunctionOpenCondition(id) --获取开启条件说明 local isOpen local decs = "" if not XFunctionConfig.GetFuncOpenCfg(id) then return decs end if not XFunctionManager.IsDuringTime(id) then return CS.XTextManager.GetText("FunctionNotDuringOpening") end for _, v in pairs(XFunctionConfig.GetFuncOpenCfg(id).Condition) do if v and v ~= 0 then isOpen, decs = XConditionManager.CheckCondition(v) if not isOpen then break end end end return decs end function XFunctionManager.JudgeCanOpen(id) if not XFunctionManager.IsDuringTime(id) then return false end -- 判断是否能开启 local isOpen = true -- 如果没有配置应该返回true if not XFunctionConfig.GetFuncOpenCfg(id) then return true end for _, v in pairs(XFunctionConfig.GetFuncOpenCfg(id).Condition) do if v and v ~= 0 then isOpen = XConditionManager.CheckCondition(v) if not isOpen then break end end end return isOpen end --================ --检测功能是否开放 --@param functionNameId:FunctionManager.FunctionName 功能枚举ID --@param needMark:是否需要通知后端标记功能开放 --@param noTips:是否要弹出错误提示 --================ function XFunctionManager.DetectionFunction(functionNameId, needMark, noTips) --判断能否进入功能按钮 if not XFunctionManager.JudgeCanOpen(functionNameId) then if not noTips then XUiManager.TipError(XFunctionManager.GetFunctionOpenCondition(functionNameId)) end return false end --后端需要使用功能开放标记时另外特殊判断并添加标记 if needMark then if not XFunctionManager.JudgeOpen(functionNameId) then XPlayer.ChangeMarks(functionNameId) end end return true end local CanOpenId = {} function XFunctionManager.CheckOpen() --开启功能 for _, id in ipairs(XFunctionConfig.GetOpenList()) do if not XFunctionManager.JudgeOpen(id) then if XFunctionManager.JudgeCanOpen(id) then XPlayer.ChangeMarks(id) if XFunctionConfig.GetOpenHint(id) == 1 then tableInsert(CanOpenId, id) end end end end end --获取功能开启提醒方式 function XFunctionManager.ShowOpenHint() if not CanOpenId or #CanOpenId <= 0 then return false end for i = 1, #CanOpenId do if XFunctionConfig.GetOpenHint(CanOpenId[i]) == 1 then XLuaUiManager.Open("UiHintFunctional", CanOpenId) CanOpenId = {} return true end end return false end --活动跳转相关 begin function XFunctionManager.CheckSkipActivityOpen() local template = XFunctionConfig.GetMainActSkipCfg(1) local stageType = template.StageType local stageTypes = XDataCenter.FubenManager.StageType if stageType == stageTypes.Mainline then return XDataCenter.FubenMainLineManager.IsMainLineActivityOpen() elseif stageType == stageTypes.ActivtityBranch then return XDataCenter.FubenActivityBranchManager.IsOpen() elseif stageType == stageTypes.ActivityBossSingle then return XDataCenter.FubenActivityBossSingleManager.IsOpen() end return false end function XFunctionManager.SkipToActivity() if not XFunctionManager.CheckSkipActivityOpen() then return end local skipId = XFunctionConfig.GetMainActSkipCfg(1).SkipId if not skipId then return end XFunctionManager.SkipInterface(skipId) end --活动跳转相关 end --功能时间相关 begin local function GetTimeData(timeId) return FunctionTimeData[timeId] end function XFunctionManager.IsEffectiveTimeId(timeId) if not timeId then return false end if FunctionTimeData[timeId] then return true else return false end end function XFunctionManager.CheckInTimeByTimeId(timeId, defaultOpen) --未配置timeId默认未开启 if not XTool.IsNumberValid(timeId) then return defaultOpen and true or false end --timeId配置错误默认未开启 local timeData = GetTimeData(timeId) if not timeData then return defaultOpen and true or false end --startTime未配置默认无开启时间限制 --endTime未配置默认无结束时间限制 return timeData:IsInTime() end function XFunctionManager.GetStartTimeByTimeId(timeId) if not timeId then return end local timeData = GetTimeData(timeId) return timeData and timeData:GetStartTime() or 0 end function XFunctionManager.GetEndTimeByTimeId(timeId) if not timeId then return 0 end local timeData = GetTimeData(timeId) return timeData and timeData:GetEndTime() or 0 end function XFunctionManager.GetTimeByTimeId(timeId) return XFunctionManager.GetStartTimeByTimeId(timeId), XFunctionManager.GetEndTimeByTimeId(timeId) end function XFunctionManager.IsDuringTime(functionId) local timeId = XFunctionConfig.GetFuncOpenCfg(functionId) and XFunctionConfig.GetFuncOpenCfg(functionId).TimeId --未配置timeId默认开启(功能开启特殊处理) if not timeId or timeId == 0 then return true end return XFunctionManager.CheckInTimeByTimeId(timeId) end function XFunctionManager.BindTimeId(timeId) if not timeId then return end local timeData = GetTimeData(timeId) if timeData then timeData:CreateTimer() end end --AFDeepLink特定需求 function XFunctionManager.IsAFDeepLinkCanSkipByShowTips(skipId) local list = XFunctionManager.GetSkipList(skipId) if not list then return false end local isCanSkip = XFunctionManager.DetectionFunction(list.FunctionalId) if isCanSkip and not XFunctionManager.CheckSkipInDuration(skipId) then XUiManager.TipError(CS.XTextManager.GetText("AFDeepLinkNotTime")) return false end return isCanSkip end local function UpdateFunctionTimeData(dataList) if not dataList then return end for _, data in pairs(dataList) do local timeId = data.Id local timeData = FunctionTimeData[timeId] if not timeData then timeData = XFunctionTime.New(timeId) FunctionTimeData[timeId] = timeData end timeData:UpdateData(data) end end function XFunctionManager.InitFuncOpenTime(data) UpdateFunctionTimeData(data) end XRpc.NotifyTimeLimitCtrlConfigList = function(data) UpdateFunctionTimeData(data.TimeLimitCtrlConfigList) XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_ETCD_TIME_CHANGE) end --功能时间相关 end XRpc.NotifyClientShieldFunction = function(data) XFunctionManager.InitShieldFuncData(data.ShieldFunctionIds, true) end