-- 用于运行时热重载LUA逻辑,热键F3,在XDataCenter中初始化的相关Manager文件中涉及数据的改动需要重登或断线重连后生效(仅editor + debug模式下生效) XHotReload = XHotReload or {} local function updateFunc(newFunc, oldFunc) assert("function" == type(newFunc)) assert("function" == type(oldFunc)) local newUpvalueDic = {} for i = 1, math.huge do local name, newValue = debug.getupvalue(newFunc, i) if not name then break end newUpvalueDic[name] = newValue end for i = 1, math.huge do local name = debug.getupvalue(oldFunc, i) if not name then break end local newValue = newUpvalueDic[name] if newValue then debug.setupvalue(oldFunc, i, newValue) end end end local updateTable function updateTable(newTable, oldTable) if "table" ~= type(oldTable) then return end if "table" ~= type(newTable) then return end for key, newValue in pairs(newTable) do local oldValue = oldTable[key] local typeValue = type(newValue) if typeValue == "table" then updateTable(newValue, oldValue) elseif typeValue == "function" then updateFunc(newValue, oldValue) end oldTable[key] = newValue--此处未处理newTable中值数量少于oldTable的情况 end local oldMeta = debug.getmetatable(oldTable) local newMeta = debug.getmetatable(newTable) if type(oldMeta) == "table" and type(newMeta) == "table" then updateTable(newMeta, oldMeta) end end local function TryRunInitConfig(fileName) local _, endPos = string.find(fileName, "XConfig/") if not endPos or endPos < 0 then return end local className = string.sub(fileName, endPos + 1) local class = rawget(_G, className) if not class then return end if class.Init then class.Init() end end local function TryReplaceManager(filePath) local _, endPos = string.find(filePath, "XManager/") if not endPos or endPos < 0 then return end local name = string.sub(filePath, endPos + 1) local creatorName = string.format("%sCreator", name) local managerVar = rawget(_G, creatorName) or rawget(_G, name) if type(managerVar) == "function" then local newManager = managerVar() updateTable(newManager, XDataCenter[name]) elseif type(managerVar) == "table" and managerVar.Init then managerVar.Init() XLog.Debug(string.format("已重新运行%s的Init", name)) end end function XHotReload.Reload(fileName) if not XMain.IsEditorDebug then return end --local info = debug.getinfo(2) if not package.loaded[fileName] then XLog.Error("XHotReload.Reload reload file error: file never loaded, fileName is: ", fileName) return end local oldModule = package.loaded[fileName] package.loaded[fileName] = nil local ok, err = pcall(require, fileName) if not ok then package.loaded[fileName] = oldModule XLog.Error("XHotReload.Reload reload file error: ", err) return end local newModule = package.loaded[fileName] if "table" ~= type(newModule) then TryRunInitConfig(fileName)--全局函数中只处理Config文件 end updateTable(newModule, oldModule) UpdateClassType(newModule, oldModule) if "boolean" == type(newModule) then TryReplaceManager(fileName) --改变XDataCenter所指向的Manager end package.loaded[fileName] = oldModule XLog.Debug("kkkttt XHotReload.Reload suc, fileName is: ", fileName) end -- 部分表在Manager里读取 function XHotReload.InitMgrTab() if not XMain.IsDebug then return end XReadOnlyTable.HotLoad = true --XNewRoleShowManager.Init() --XTipManager.Init() XConditionManager.Init() XFightUiManager.Init() XLoginManager.Init() XPlayerManager.Init() XResetManager.Init() XRobotManager.Init() XRoomSingleManager.Init() XFunctionManager.Init() XModelManager.Init() XRewardManager.Init() XReadOnlyTable.HotLoad = false CS.XGame.ClientConfig:Init("Client/Config/ClientConfig.tab") CS.XGame.Config:Init("Share/Config/Config.tab") end