XLog = XLog or {} local MAX_DEPTH = 5 local Type = type local Tostring = tostring local TableRemove = table.remove local TableInsert = table.insert local TableConcat = table.concat local StringGub = string.gsub local DebugTraceback = debug.traceback local XLogDebug = CS.XLog.Debug local XLogWarning = CS.XLog.Warning local XLogError = CS.XLog.Error local Pairs = function(arr) local meta_t = getmetatable(arr) if meta_t and meta_t.__pairs then return meta_t.__pairs(arr) end return pairs(arr) end local indentCache = { "" } local function GetIndent(depth) if not indentCache[depth] then indentCache[depth] = GetIndent(depth - 1) .. " " end return indentCache[depth] end local function Dump(target) local content = {} local stack = { { obj = target, name = nil, depth = 1, symbol = nil, } } while #stack > 0 do local top = TableRemove(stack) local obj = top.obj local name = top.name local depth = top.depth local symbol = top.symbol if Type(obj) == "table" then if depth > MAX_DEPTH then TableInsert(stack, { obj = "too depth ...", name = name, depth = depth, symbol = symbol, }) else TableInsert(stack, { obj = "}", name = nil, depth = depth, symbol = symbol, }) local temp = {} for k, v in Pairs(obj) do TableInsert(temp, { obj = v, name = k, depth = depth + 1, symbol = ",", }) end local count = #temp for i = 1, count do TableInsert(stack, temp[count - i + 1]) end TableInsert(stack, { obj = "{", name = name, depth = depth, symbol = nil, }) end else TableInsert(content, GetIndent(depth)) if name then if Type(name) == "string" then TableInsert(content, "[\"") TableInsert(content, name) TableInsert(content, "\"]") else TableInsert(content, "[") TableInsert(content, Tostring(name)) TableInsert(content, "]") end TableInsert(content, " = ") end if obj and Type(obj) == "string" then if obj ~= "{" and obj ~= "}" then TableInsert(content, "\"") TableInsert(content, obj) TableInsert(content, "\"") else TableInsert(content, obj) end else TableInsert(content, Tostring(obj)) end if symbol then TableInsert(content, symbol) end TableInsert(content, "\n") end end return TableConcat(content) end local Print = function(...) local args = { ... } local count = #args if count <= 0 then return end local content = {} for i = 1, count do if Type(args[i]) == "table" then TableInsert(content, Dump(args[i])) else TableInsert(content, Tostring(args[i])) TableInsert(content, "\n") end end return TableConcat(content) -- return StringGub(StringGub(TableConcat(content), "{", "/{"), "}", "/}") end XLog.Debug = function(...) local content = Print(...) if content then XLogDebug(content .. "\n" .. DebugTraceback()) else XLogDebug("nil\n" .. DebugTraceback()) end end XLog.Warning = function(...) local content = Print(...) if content then XLogWarning(content .. "\n" .. DebugTraceback()) else XLogWarning("nil\n" .. DebugTraceback()) end end XLog.Error = function(...) local content = Print(...) if content then XLogError(content .. "\n" .. DebugTraceback()) else XLogError("nil\n" .. DebugTraceback()) end end -- 表格找不到数据错误统一输出接口 XLog.ErrorTableDataNotFound = function(functionName, dataName, tablePath, paramName, paramValue) XLog.Error(string.format("%s出错:找不到%s数据。搜索路径: %s 索引%s = %s", functionName, dataName, tablePath, paramName, paramValue)) end XLog.Dump = function(value) if type(value) ~= "table" then return tostring(value) end return Dump(value) end