XDynamicList = XClass(nil, "XDynamicList") DLDelegateEvent = { DYNAMIC_GRID_TOUCHED = 5, DYNAMIC_GRID_ATINDEX = 6, DYNAMIC_GRID_RECYCLE = 7, } DLInsertDataDir = { None = 0, Head = 1, Tail = 2, } DLScrollDataDir = { None = 0, Head = 1, Tail = 2 } function XDynamicList:DebugLog(...) if self.showLog then XLog.Error(...) end end function XDynamicList:Ctor(ui) self.GameObject = ui.gameObject self.Transform = ui.transform self.ItemCache = {} self.showLog = false self:ResetData() self:InitView() end function XDynamicList:ResetData()--重置数据 self.Data = {} self.curDataMaxIndex = 0--当前数据最大的索引 self.dataHeadIndex = -1 --当前数据头索引 self.dataTailIndex = -1--当前数据尾索引 self.NodeListData = {} self.curShowHeadIndex = -1--当前展示的头索引 self.curShowTailIndex = -1--当前展示的尾索引 end function XDynamicList:InitView() self.DynamicList = self.Transform:GetComponent("XVerticalDynamicList") self.DynamicListBar = self.DynamicList.verticalScrollbar if self.DynamicList == nil then XLog.Error("Not Find XVerticalDynamicList Component!") return end self.DynamicList:SetViewSize(self.Transform:GetComponent("RectTransform").rect.size) end function XDynamicList:SetData(data, cb)--设置数据 self:DebugLog("------数据初始化----", data) self:ResetData() self.CallBack = cb self.DynamicList.tableViewGridDelegate = function(evt, index, dir) return self:GenerateItem(evt, dir, index) end self:FormatData(data) end function XDynamicList:FormatData(data)--格式化数据 if data == nil then XLog.Error("------FormatData is error!------> data is nil! please check!") return end self.dataHeadIndex = 1 self.dataTailIndex = #data self.NodeListData = {} for i = 1, self.dataTailIndex do self.curDataMaxIndex = self.curDataMaxIndex + 1 local temp = {} temp.data = data[i] temp.index = self.curDataMaxIndex temp.Pre = (i == 1) and -1 or self.curDataMaxIndex - 1 temp.Next = (i == #data) and -1 or self.curDataMaxIndex + 1 self.NodeListData[self.curDataMaxIndex] = temp end self:DebugLog("------FormatData------", self.NodeListData) self:ReloadData() end function XDynamicList:ReloadData() -- if #self.NodeListData <= 0 then -- return -- end self.curShowTailIndex = -1 self.curShowHeadIndex = -1 self.DynamicList.TotalCount = #self.NodeListData self.DynamicList:ReloadData(true) self:DebugLog("------ReloadData------", self.NodeListData) end function XDynamicList:InsertData(insertData, dir, isReload)--插入数据 if #insertData == 0 then XLog.Error("-----------insertData is null--------------") return end local tempDataHeadIndex = self.dataHeadIndex local tempDataTailIndex = self.dataTailIndex for i = 1, #insertData do self.curDataMaxIndex = self.curDataMaxIndex + 1 local temp = {} temp.data = insertData[i] temp.index = self.curDataMaxIndex if dir == DLInsertDataDir.Head then temp.Pre = (i == 1) and -1 or self.curDataMaxIndex - 1 if #self.NodeListData == 0 then temp.Next = -1 else temp.Next = (i == #insertData) and self.dataHeadIndex or self.curDataMaxIndex + 1 end if i == 1 then tempDataHeadIndex = self.curDataMaxIndex end if i == #insertData and #self.NodeListData > 0 then self.NodeListData[self.dataHeadIndex].Pre = self.curDataMaxIndex end elseif dir == DLInsertDataDir.Tail then if #self.NodeListData == 0 then temp.Pre = -1 else temp.Pre = (i == 1) and self.dataTailIndex or self.curDataMaxIndex - 1 end temp.Next = (i == #insertData) and -1 or self.curDataMaxIndex + 1 if i == 1 and #self.NodeListData > 0 then self.NodeListData[self.dataTailIndex].Next = self.curDataMaxIndex end if i == #insertData then tempDataTailIndex = self.curDataMaxIndex end end self.NodeListData[self.curDataMaxIndex] = temp end self.dataHeadIndex = tempDataHeadIndex self.dataTailIndex = tempDataTailIndex self:AddTotalCount(#insertData, dir) if isReload then self:ReloadData() end end function XDynamicList:AddTotalCount(addCount, dir) self.DynamicList.TotalCount = self.DynamicList.TotalCount + addCount; if dir == DLInsertDataDir.Head then self.DynamicList.StartIndex = self.DynamicList.StartIndex + addCount -- self.DynamicList.EndIndex = self.DynamicList.EndIndex + addCount end end function XDynamicList:GenerateItem(evt, dir, index) if self.DynamicListBar then if self:GetBarValue() <= 0 then--拉到底了 XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_PULL_SCROLLVIEW_END, 0) -- 添加新事件系统触发 CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_PULL_SCROLLVIEW_END, 0) elseif self:GetBarValue() >= 1 then--拉到顶了 XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_PULL_SCROLLVIEW_UP, 0) -- 添加新事件系统触发 CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_PULL_SCROLLVIEW_UP, 0) end end if not self.CallBack then XLog.Error("You must be set callBack......") return end if evt == DLDelegateEvent.DYNAMIC_GRID_ATINDEX then if #self.NodeListData == 0 then return true end local curShowDataIndex = nil--下一个需要展示的数据index if dir == DLScrollDataDir.Head then if not self.NodeListData[self.curShowHeadIndex] then return true end if self.NodeListData[self.curShowHeadIndex].Pre == -1 then return true end self.curShowHeadIndex = self.NodeListData[self.curShowHeadIndex].Pre curShowDataIndex = self.curShowHeadIndex elseif dir == DLScrollDataDir.Tail then if self.curShowTailIndex == -1 and self.curShowHeadIndex == -1 then self.curShowHeadIndex = self.dataHeadIndex self.curShowTailIndex = self.dataHeadIndex else if not self.NodeListData[self.curShowTailIndex] then return true end if self.NodeListData[self.curShowTailIndex].Next == -1 then return true end self.curShowTailIndex = self.NodeListData[self.curShowTailIndex].Next end curShowDataIndex = self.curShowTailIndex end self.CallBack(self.NodeListData[curShowDataIndex].data, function(poolName, ctor) local item = self.DynamicList:PreDequeueGrid(poolName, index) local xlayoutNode = item:GetComponent("XLayoutNode") if self.DynamicList and xlayoutNode then xlayoutNode.minSize = CS.UnityEngine.Vector2(self.DynamicList.transform:GetComponent("RectTransform").rect.width, 0) end if item == nil then XLog.Error("GenerateItem is Fail......index = ", index) return false end local key = item.gameObject:GetHashCode() local itemScript = self.ItemCache[key] if itemScript ~= nil then return itemScript else local newItemScript = ctor(item.gameObject) self.ItemCache[key] = newItemScript return newItemScript end end) return false elseif evt == DLDelegateEvent.DYNAMIC_GRID_RECYCLE then if dir == DLScrollDataDir.Head then self.curShowHeadIndex = self.NodeListData[self.curShowHeadIndex].Next elseif dir == DLScrollDataDir.Tail then self.curShowTailIndex = self.NodeListData[self.curShowTailIndex].Pre end end end --------------------------Set------------------- function XDynamicList:SetReverse(code) self.DynamicList.Reverse = code end function XDynamicList:SetBarValue(value) self.DynamicListBar.value = value end function XDynamicList:SetViewSize(rectSize, isReload) self.DynamicList:SetViewSize(rectSize) if isReload then self:ReloadData() end end ---------------------------Get----------------- function XDynamicList:GetBarValue() if self.DynamicListBar then return self.DynamicListBar.value else XLog.Error("------DynamicList Not ScrollBar Component!------") return nil end end function XDynamicList:GetCurDataCount() return #self.NodeListData end function XDynamicList:AddObjectPools(poolName, prefab) self.DynamicList.ObjectPool:Add(poolName, prefab) end