XCountDown = XCountDown or {} XCountDown.GTimerName = { UrgentEvent = "UrgentEvent", FubenInfestorExplore = "FubenInfestorExplore", FubenInfestorExploreDaily = "FubenInfestorExploreDaily", Stronghold = "Stronghold", --超级据点活动倒计时 KillZone = "KillZone", --杀戮无双活动倒计时 } -- 倒计时存储容器 -- bindCnt : 当前倒计时的总数 -- record : 倒计时 -- record[name] : 通过倒计时命名来记录 -- record[name].remainTime : 剩余时间 -- record[name].lastTime : 最后一次绑定时间 -- record[name].bindCnt : 单个命名绑定的倒计时的个数 -- record[name].nodeList : 记录当前名字存下的节点 -- timeHandle : 处理事件 local TimerRecord = { bindCnt = 0, record = {}, timeHandle = nil } local function UpdateTimerRecord() local now = XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() for _, v in pairs(TimerRecord.record) do if v.bindCnt > 0 and v.remainTime > 0 then v.remainTime = v.remainTime - (now - v.lastTime) v.lastTime = now if v.remainTime < 0 then v.remainTime = 0 end end end end function XCountDown.CreateTimer(name, remainTime, now) if not TimerRecord.record[name] then TimerRecord.record[name] = { bindCnt = 0, } end now = now or XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() TimerRecord.record[name].remainTime = remainTime TimerRecord.record[name].lastTime = now end function XCountDown.RemoveTimer(name) local record = TimerRecord.record[name] if record then TimerRecord.bindCnt = TimerRecord.bindCnt - record.bindCnt XBindTool.UnBindObj(record) TimerRecord.record[name] = nil if TimerRecord.bindCnt == 0 and TimerRecord.timeHandle then XScheduleManager.UnSchedule(TimerRecord.timeHandle) TimerRecord.timeHandle = nil end end end function XCountDown.GetRemainTime(name) local record = TimerRecord.record[name] if record then local now = XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() if record.bindCnt > 0 and record.remainTime > 0 then record.remainTime = record.remainTime - (now - record.lastTime) record.lastTime = now if record.remainTime < 0 then record.remainTime = 0 end end return record.remainTime else return 0 end end function XCountDown.BindTimer(node, name, cb) local record = TimerRecord.record[name] if record then if not record.nodeList then record.nodeList = {} end table.insert(record.nodeList, node) if not TimerRecord.timeHandle then TimerRecord.timeHandle = XScheduleManager.ScheduleForever(function() UpdateTimerRecord() end, XScheduleManager.SECOND, 0) UpdateTimerRecord() end TimerRecord.bindCnt = TimerRecord.bindCnt + 1 record.bindCnt = record.bindCnt + 1 XBindTool.BindNode(node, record, "remainTime", cb, function() TimerRecord.bindCnt = TimerRecord.bindCnt - 1 record.bindCnt = record.bindCnt - 1 if TimerRecord.bindCnt == 0 then XScheduleManager.UnSchedule(TimerRecord.timeHandle) TimerRecord.timeHandle = nil end end) end end function XCountDown.UnBindTimer(curNode, name) XBindTool.UnBindNode(curNode) local record = TimerRecord.record[name] if not record or not record.nodeList then return end for i = 1, #record.nodeList do if record.nodeList[i] == curNode then TimerRecord.bindCnt = TimerRecord.bindCnt - 1 record.bindCnt = record.bindCnt - 1 if TimerRecord.bindCnt == 0 then XScheduleManager.UnSchedule(TimerRecord.timeHandle) TimerRecord.timeHandle = nil end table.remove(record.nodeList, i) end end end