local tableInsert = table.insert XNoticeManagerCreator = function() local Json = require("XCommon/Json") local pcall = pcall local XNoticeManager = {} local NoticePicList = {} local NowTextNotice = nil local NowPicNotice = nil local InGameNoticeReadList = {} local InGameNoticeMap = {} local InGameNoticeReadKey = "_InGameNoticeReadKey" local InGameAutoPopupMap local SubMenuNoticeReadList = {} local SubMenuNoticeMap = {} local SubMenuNoticeReadKey = "_SubMenuNoticeReadKey" local ScrollCountList = {} local ScrollCountSaveKey = "_NoticeScrollCountList" local LoginNotice = nil local LoginNoticeTimeInfo = {} local LoginNoticeCacheKey = "LoginNotice" local TextNoticeHideCache = {} local TextNoticeHideCacheKey = "_TextNotice" local LoginNoticAutoOpenKey = "_LoginNoticeNotOpenKey" ------------------------------------------------------ local NoticeRequestTimer = nil -- 向服务端请求数据的最小间隔周期(秒) local NoticeRequestTimerInterval = 10 local NoticeRequestTimeOut = 30 local DefaultTextScrollInterval = 10 local ScreenShotFlag = false local DisableFunction = false --功能屏蔽标记(调试模式时使用) local XNoticeType = { -- 顶部文字滚动公告 ScrollText = 0, -- 主界面广告图 ScrollPic = 1, -- 游戏内公告 InGame = 2, -- 登陆公告 Login = 3, -- 主界面二级菜单 SubMenu = 4, } XNoticeManager.NoticeType = XNoticeType --游戏内公告类型 local InGameNoticeType = { --活动 Activity = 0, --游戏 Game = 1, --外部链接 Link = 2 } XNoticeManager.GameNoticeType = InGameNoticeType -- 自动向服务端请求数据的间隔周期(秒) local RequestInterval = { [XNoticeType.ScrollText] = 30, [XNoticeType.ScrollPic] = 60, [XNoticeType.InGame] = 120, [XNoticeType.Login] = 0, [XNoticeType.SubMenu] = 120, } local LastRequestTime = { [XNoticeType.ScrollText] = 0, [XNoticeType.ScrollPic] = 0, [XNoticeType.InGame] = 0, [XNoticeType.SubMenu] = 0, } local NoticeRequestHandler = { [XNoticeType.ScrollText] = function(notice) XNoticeManager.HandleRequestScrollTextNotice(notice) end, [XNoticeType.ScrollPic] = function(notice) XNoticeManager.HandleRequestScrollPicNotice(notice) end, [XNoticeType.InGame] = function(notice) XNoticeManager.HandleRequestInGameNotice(notice) end, [XNoticeType.SubMenu] = function(notice) XNoticeManager.HandleRequestSubMenuNotice(notice) end, } local NoticeRequestFailHandler = { [XNoticeType.ScrollText] = function() XNoticeManager.HandleRequestScrollTextNotice() end, [XNoticeType.ScrollPic] = function() XNoticeManager.HandleRequestScrollPicNoticeFail() end, [XNoticeType.InGame] = function() XNoticeManager.HandleRequestInGameNotice() end, [XNoticeType.SubMenu] = function() XNoticeManager.HandleRequestSubMenuNotice() end, } ----------------------------------初始化公告cdn路径 beg---------------------------------- local NoticeCdnUrl = {} local NoticeFileName = { [XNoticeType.ScrollText] = "ScrollTextNotice.json", [XNoticeType.ScrollPic] = "ScrollPicNotice.json", [XNoticeType.InGame] = "GameNotice.json", [XNoticeType.Login] = "LoginNotice.json", [XNoticeType.SubMenu] = "SecondMenuNotice.json", } function XNoticeManager.GetNoticeUrl(noticeType) return NoticeCdnUrl[noticeType] end function XNoticeManager.InitNoticeCdnUrl() local noticePathPrefix = CS.XGame.ClientConfig:GetString("NoticePathPrefix") for k, v in pairs(NoticeFileName) do NoticeCdnUrl[k] = noticePathPrefix .. CS.XInfo.Identifier .. "/" .. CS.XRemoteConfig.ApplicationVersion .. "/" .. v end end ----------------------------------初始化公告cdn路径 end---------------------------------- ----------------------------------获取公网ip地址 beg---------------------------------- local Ip = "" local IpUrlIndex = 0 local IpUrls = { "https://ipv4.icanhazip.com/", "https://api.ipify.org/" } function XNoticeManager.RequestIp() IpUrlIndex = IpUrlIndex + 1 if IpUrlIndex > #IpUrls then return end local request = CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Get(IpUrls[IpUrlIndex]) local requestEnd = function() if request.isNetworkError or request.isHttpError then XNoticeManager.RequestIp() end Ip = request.downloadHandler.text request:Dispose() end CS.XTool.WaitNativeCoroutine(request:SendWebRequest(), requestEnd) end function XNoticeManager.GetIp() return Ip end ----------------------------------获取公网ip地址 end---------------------------------- --------------------------cache beg-------------------------- function XNoticeManager.ReadTextNoticeHideCache() local cache = CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.GetString(tostring(XPlayer.Id) .. TextNoticeHideCacheKey) if string.IsNilOrEmpty(cache) then return end TextNoticeHideCache = Json.decode(cache) for k, v in pairs(TextNoticeHideCache) do if XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() > v.EndTime then TextNoticeHideCache[k] = nil end end end function XNoticeManager.SaveTextNoticeHideCache() if not TextNoticeHideCache then return end CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetString(tostring(XPlayer.Id) .. TextNoticeHideCacheKey, Json.encode(TextNoticeHideCache)) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.Save() end function XNoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeReadKey() local key = XPlayer.Id and XPlayer.Id or "NotLoggedIn" return key .. InGameNoticeReadKey end function XNoticeManager.SaveInGameNoticeReadList() if not InGameNoticeReadList then return end local saveContent = "" local splitMark = "\n" for _, v in pairs(InGameNoticeReadList) do local list = {} tableInsert(list, v.Id) tableInsert(list, v.Index) tableInsert(list, (v.IsRead and 1 or 0)) tableInsert(list, v.EndTime) tableInsert(list, v.ModifyTime) local tempStr = table.concat(list, "\t") saveContent = string.format("%s%s%s", tempStr, splitMark, saveContent) end CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetString(XNoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeReadKey(), saveContent) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.Save() XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_ACTIVITY_NOTICE_READ_CHANGE) end function XNoticeManager.ReadInGameNoticeReadList() InGameNoticeReadList = {} if not CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.HasKey(XNoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeReadKey()) then return end local dataStr = CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.GetString(XNoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeReadKey()) local msgTab = string.Split(dataStr, '\n') if not msgTab or #msgTab <= 0 then return end for _, content in ipairs(msgTab) do if (not string.IsNilOrEmpty(content)) then local tab = string.Split(content, '\t') if tab then local readInfo = { Id = tostring(tab[1]), Index = tonumber(tab[2]), IsRead = tonumber(tab[3]) > 0, EndTime = tonumber(tab[4]), ModifyTime = tonumber(tab[5]), } if readInfo.ModifyTime and readInfo.EndTime and readInfo.EndTime > XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() then local dataKey = XNoticeManager.GetGameNoticeReadDataKey(readInfo, readInfo.Index) InGameNoticeReadList[dataKey] = readInfo end end end end end function XNoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeAutoPopupKey(noticeId, modifyTime) return string.format("%s_%s", noticeId, tostring(modifyTime)) end function XNoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeAutoMap() if not InGameAutoPopupMap then local key = "XNoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeAutoMap_InGameNoticeAutoMap" InGameAutoPopupMap = XSaveTool.GetData(key) or {} end return InGameAutoPopupMap end function XNoticeManager.MarkInGameNoticeAutoMap(noticeId, modifyTime) InGameAutoPopupMap = XNoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeAutoMap() local noticeKey = XNoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeAutoPopupKey(noticeId, modifyTime) InGameAutoPopupMap[noticeKey] = true local key = "XNoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeAutoMap_InGameNoticeAutoMap" XSaveTool.SaveData(key, InGameAutoPopupMap) end function XNoticeManager.GetSubMenuNoticeReadKey() return tostring(XPlayer.Id) .. SubMenuNoticeReadKey end function XNoticeManager.SaveSubMenuNoticeReadList() if not SubMenuNoticeReadList then return end local saveContent = "" local splitMark = "\n" for _, v in pairs(SubMenuNoticeReadList) do local list = {} tableInsert(list, v.Id) tableInsert(list, v.EndTime) tableInsert(list, v.TipResetTime) tableInsert(list, v.LastReadTime) local tempStr = table.concat(list, "\t") saveContent = string.format("%s%s%s", tempStr, splitMark, saveContent) end -- XLog.Warning("save",saveContent) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetString(XNoticeManager.GetSubMenuNoticeReadKey(), saveContent) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.Save() XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_ACTIVITY_SUBMENU_READ_CHANGE) end function XNoticeManager.ReadSubMenuNoticeReadList() SubMenuNoticeReadList = {} if not CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.HasKey(XNoticeManager.GetSubMenuNoticeReadKey()) then return end local dataStr = CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.GetString(XNoticeManager.GetSubMenuNoticeReadKey()) local msgTab = string.Split(dataStr, '\n') if not msgTab or #msgTab <= 0 then return end for _, content in ipairs(msgTab) do if (not string.IsNilOrEmpty(content)) then local tab = string.Split(content, '\t') if tab then local readInfo = { Id = tostring(tab[1]), EndTime = tonumber(tab[2]), TipResetTime = tonumber(tab[3]), LastReadTime = tonumber(tab[4]), } if readInfo.EndTime and readInfo.EndTime > XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() then SubMenuNoticeReadList[readInfo.Id] = readInfo end end end end --XLog.Warning("ReadSubMenuNoticeReadList",SubMenuNoticeReadList) end function XNoticeManager.GetScrollCountSaveKey() return tostring(XPlayer.Id) .. ScrollCountSaveKey end function XNoticeManager.SaveScrollCountList() if not ScrollCountList then return end local saveContent = '' for _, v in pairs(ScrollCountList) do saveContent = saveContent .. v.id .. '\t' saveContent = saveContent .. v.maxCount .. '\t' saveContent = saveContent .. v.nowCount .. '\t' saveContent = saveContent .. v.overTime .. '\n' end CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetString(XNoticeManager.GetScrollCountSaveKey(), saveContent) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.Save() end function XNoticeManager.ReadScrollCountList() ScrollCountList = {} if not CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.HasKey(XNoticeManager.GetScrollCountSaveKey()) then return end local dataStr = CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.GetString(XNoticeManager.GetScrollCountSaveKey()) local msgTab = string.Split(dataStr, '\n') if not msgTab or #msgTab <= 0 then return end for _, content in ipairs(msgTab) do if (not string.IsNilOrEmpty(content)) then local tab = string.Split(content, '\t') if tab then local countInfo = { id = tostring(tab[1]), maxCount = tonumber(tab[2]), nowCount = tonumber(tab[3]), overTime = tonumber(tab[4]), } if countInfo.overTime and countInfo.overTime > XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() then ScrollCountList[countInfo.id] = countInfo end end end end end --------------------------cache end-------------------------- --------------------------text beg-------------------------- function XNoticeManager.HandleRequestScrollTextNotice(notice) -- XLog.Warning("new text notice",notice) NowTextNotice = notice if not XNoticeManager.CheckTextNoticeValid(notice) then CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_NOTICE_CLOSE_TEXT_NOTICE) else XLuaUiManager.Open("UiNoticeTips") end if NowTextNotice then local key = XNoticeManager.GetTextNoticeKey(NowTextNotice) if not ScrollCountList or not ScrollCountList[key] then XNoticeManager.CreateDefaultScrollCountData(NowTextNotice) end end end function XNoticeManager.GetTextNoticeKey(notice) return notice.Id .. "_" .. notice.ModifyTime end function XNoticeManager.CreateDefaultScrollCountData(notice) local key = XNoticeManager.GetTextNoticeKey(notice) local countInfo = { id = key, maxCount = notice.ScrollTimes, nowCount = 0, overTime = notice.EndTime, } ScrollCountList[key] = countInfo end function XNoticeManager.CheckTextNoticeValid(notice) notice = notice or NowTextNotice if not XNoticeManager.CheckNoticeValid(notice) then return false end if not XNoticeManager.CheckTextNoticeHideCache(notice) then return false end if notice.ShowInFight < 1 and not CS.XFight.IsOutFight then return false end if notice.ShowInPhotograph < 1 and ScreenShotFlag then return false end local key = XNoticeManager.GetTextNoticeKey(notice) if ScrollCountList[key] and ScrollCountList[key].nowCount > ScrollCountList[key].maxCount then return false end return true end function XNoticeManager.GetTextNoticeContent() if not NowTextNotice then return end return NowTextNotice.Content end function XNoticeManager.AddTextNoticeCount() if not NowTextNotice then return end local key = XNoticeManager.GetTextNoticeKey(NowTextNotice) if not ScrollCountList[key] then XNoticeManager.CreateDefaultScrollCountData(NowTextNotice) end ScrollCountList[key].nowCount = ScrollCountList[key].nowCount + 1 XNoticeManager.SaveScrollCountList() end function XNoticeManager.GetTextNoticeScrollInterval() if not NowTextNotice then return DefaultTextScrollInterval end return tonumber(NowTextNotice.ScrollInterval) or DefaultTextScrollInterval end function XNoticeManager.ChangeTextNoticeHideCache(notice) notice = notice or NowTextNotice if not notice then return end local key = XNoticeManager.GetTextNoticeKey(notice) if not TextNoticeHideCache[key] then TextNoticeHideCache[key] = { Id = key, IsHide = 1, EndTime = notice.EndTime } else TextNoticeHideCache[key].IsHide = not TextNoticeHideCache[key].IsHide end XNoticeManager.SaveTextNoticeHideCache() end function XNoticeManager.CheckTextNoticeHideCache(notice) notice = notice or NowTextNotice if not notice then return false end local key = XNoticeManager.GetTextNoticeKey(notice) if not TextNoticeHideCache[key] then return true end return TextNoticeHideCache[key].IsHide < 0 end --------------------------text end-------------------------- ----------------------Scroll Pic beg---------------------- function XNoticeManager.HandleRequestScrollPicNoticeFail() if not NowPicNotice then return end NowPicNotice = nil CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_NOTICE_PIC_CHANGE) end function XNoticeManager.HandleRequestScrollPicNotice(notice) if not notice then return end if NowPicNotice and NowPicNotice.Id == notice.Id and NowPicNotice.ModifyTime == notice.ModifyTime then return end NowPicNotice = notice CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_NOTICE_PIC_CHANGE) end function XNoticeManager.GetScrollPicList() XNoticeManager.RequestNoticeByType(XNoticeType.ScrollPic, true) if not NowPicNotice then return end local scrollPicList = {} for _, v in ipairs(NowPicNotice.Content) do local isOpen = true if not v.BeginTime or not v.EndTime or not v.AppearanceDay or not v.AppearanceTime or not v.DisappearanceCondition or not v.AppearanceCondition then isOpen = false end if isOpen then isOpen = false if XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() >= tonumber(v.BeginTime) and XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() < tonumber(v.EndTime) then --是否在开放区间内(日期) isOpen = true end end if isOpen then isOpen = false if #v.AppearanceDay > 0 then for _, day in ipairs(v.AppearanceDay) do if day == XDataCenter.FubenDailyManager.GetNowDayOfWeekByRefreshTime() then --是否位于可以显示的周目 isOpen = true end end else isOpen = true end end if isOpen then isOpen = false if #v.AppearanceTime > 0 then for _, time in ipairs(v.AppearanceTime) do if XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() - XTime.GetTodayTime(0, 0, 0) >= time[1] and XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() - XTime.GetTodayTime(0, 0, 0) < time[2] then --是否位于可以显示的时间段 isOpen = true end end else isOpen = true end end if isOpen then if #v.DisappearanceCondition > 0 then for _, condition in ipairs(v.DisappearanceCondition) do --是否符合不显示的条件 if XConditionManager.CheckCondition(condition) then isOpen = false end end end end if isOpen then if #v.AppearanceCondition > 0 then for _, condition in ipairs(v.AppearanceCondition) do if not XConditionManager.CheckCondition(condition) then --是否不符合显示条件 isOpen = false end end end end if isOpen then if not XNoticeManager.IsWhiteIp(v.WhiteLists) then isOpen = false end end if isOpen then v.Interval = tonumber(v.Interval) table.insert(scrollPicList, v) end end return scrollPicList end ----------------------Scroll Pic end---------------------- ----------------------InGame Notice beg---------------------- function XNoticeManager.HandleRequestInGameNotice(notice) InGameNoticeMap = {} if not notice then return end if type(notice) ~= "table" then XLog.Error("InGame notice invalid format: " .. tostring(notice)) return end local timeOfNow = XLoginManager.IsLogin() and XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() or os.time() for _, v in ipairs(notice) do if XNoticeManager.CheckNoticeValid(v, timeOfNow) then if not InGameNoticeMap[v.Type] then InGameNoticeMap[v.Type] = {} end local content = {} for _, item in ipairs(v.Content) do if XNoticeManager.IsWhiteIp(item.WhiteLists) then table.insert(content, item) end end if #content > 0 then v.Content = content table.insert(InGameNoticeMap[v.Type], v) end end end for _, v in pairs(InGameNoticeMap) do XNoticeManager.InitInGameReadList(v) local sortFunc = function(l, r) return l.Order > r.Order end table.sort(v, sortFunc) end end function XNoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeMap(type) return InGameNoticeMap[type] end function XNoticeManager.CheckHaveNotice(type) if type == InGameNoticeType.Link then return true end XNoticeManager.RequestNoticeByType(XNoticeType.InGame, true) if not InGameNoticeMap then return false end if not InGameNoticeMap[type] or not next(InGameNoticeMap[type]) then return false end return true end function XNoticeManager.CheckInGameNoticeRedPoint(type) if not InGameNoticeMap or not InGameNoticeMap[type] then return false end for _, notice in pairs(InGameNoticeMap[type]) do for i, _ in ipairs(notice.Content) do if XNoticeManager.CheckInGameNoticeRedPointIndividual(notice, i) then return true end end end return false end function XNoticeManager.InitInGameReadList(noticeList) if not noticeList then return end if not InGameNoticeReadList then InGameNoticeReadList = {} end for _, noticeData in pairs(noticeList) do for i, _ in pairs(noticeData.Content) do local dataKey = XNoticeManager.GetGameNoticeReadDataKey(noticeData, i) if not InGameNoticeReadList[dataKey] then InGameNoticeReadList[dataKey] = {} InGameNoticeReadList[dataKey].Id = noticeData.Id InGameNoticeReadList[dataKey].EndTime = noticeData.EndTime InGameNoticeReadList[dataKey].Index = i InGameNoticeReadList[dataKey].IsRead = false InGameNoticeReadList[dataKey].ModifyTime = noticeData.ModifyTime end end end XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_ACTIVITY_NOTICE_READ_CHANGE) end function XNoticeManager.GetGameNoticeReadDataKey(noticeData, index) return noticeData.Id .. "_" .. noticeData.ModifyTime .. "_" .. index end function XNoticeManager.CheckInGameNoticeRedPointIndividual(notice, index) if not InGameNoticeReadList then return false end local redPointKey = XNoticeManager.GetGameNoticeReadDataKey(notice, index) if not InGameNoticeReadList[redPointKey] then return false end return (not InGameNoticeReadList[redPointKey].IsRead and notice.BluePoint == 1) end function XNoticeManager.ChangeInGameNoticeReadStatus(dataKey, isRead) if not InGameNoticeReadList then return end InGameNoticeReadList[dataKey].IsRead = isRead XNoticeManager.SaveInGameNoticeReadList() end ----------------------InGame Notice end---------------------- -------------------------Sub Menu beg------------------------ --[[ 二级菜单配置 json数据格式 {"Id":每次生成配置时的唯一标识, "ModifyTime":配置最后修改时间, "Content":配置具体内容,可以包含多个按钮 [ "Id":唯一按钮Id, "Title":按钮名称, "SubTitle":按钮描述(显示在第二行), "JumpType":1表示网址,2表示游戏内跳转, "JumpAddr":跳转地址, "BeginTime":开始显示时间, "EndTime":结束显示时间, "AppearanceDay":一周内出现的日子,不填则为全部出现, "AppearanceTime":每天出现的时间段,不填则为全天出现, "TipResetTime":红点重置时间, "ModifyTime":最后修改时间 ] * N } --]] function XNoticeManager.HandleRequestSubMenuNotice(notice) SubMenuNoticeMap = {} if not notice then return end if type(notice) ~= "table" then XLog.Error("SubMenu notice invalid format: " .. tostring(notice)) return end for _, v in ipairs(notice.Content) do if XNoticeManager.CheckNoticeValid(v) then table.insert(SubMenuNoticeMap, v) end end XNoticeManager.InitSubMenuReadList(notice) end function XNoticeManager.GetMainUiSubMenu() XNoticeManager.RequestNoticeByType(XNoticeType.SubMenu, true) if not SubMenuNoticeMap then return end --XLog.Warning("start",SubMenuNoticeMap) local subMenuList = {} for _, v in ipairs(SubMenuNoticeMap) do local isOpen = true if not v.BeginTime or not v.EndTime or not v.AppearanceDay or not v.AppearanceTime then isOpen = false end if isOpen then isOpen = false if XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() >= tonumber(v.BeginTime) and XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() < tonumber(v.EndTime) then --是否在开放区间内(日期) isOpen = true end end if isOpen then isOpen = false if #v.AppearanceDay > 0 then for _, day in ipairs(v.AppearanceDay) do if day == XDataCenter.FubenDailyManager.GetNowDayOfWeekByRefreshTime() then --是否位于可以显示的周目 isOpen = true end end else isOpen = true end end if isOpen then isOpen = false if #v.AppearanceTime > 0 then for _, time in ipairs(v.AppearanceTime) do if XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() - XTime.GetTodayTime(0, 0, 0) >= time[1] and XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() - XTime.GetTodayTime(0, 0, 0) < time[2] then --是否位于可以显示的时间段 isOpen = true end end else isOpen = true end end if isOpen then if v.DisappearanceCondition and #v.DisappearanceCondition > 0 then for _, condition in ipairs(v.DisappearanceCondition) do --是否符合不显示的条件 if XConditionManager.CheckCondition(condition) then isOpen = false end end end end if isOpen then if v.AppearanceCondition and #v.AppearanceCondition > 0 then for _, condition in ipairs(v.AppearanceCondition) do if not XConditionManager.CheckCondition(condition) then --是否不符合显示条件 isOpen = false end end end end if isOpen then if not XNoticeManager.IsWhiteIp(v.WhiteLists) then isOpen = false end end if isOpen then table.insert(subMenuList, v) end end return subMenuList end function XNoticeManager.CheckSubMenuRedPoint() if not SubMenuNoticeMap then return false end for _, data in pairs(SubMenuNoticeMap) do if XNoticeManager.CheckSubMenuRedPointIndividual(data.Id) then return true end end return false end function XNoticeManager.InitSubMenuReadList(notice) if not notice then return end if not SubMenuNoticeReadList then SubMenuNoticeReadList = {} end for _, noticeData in pairs(notice.Content) do local dataKey = noticeData.Id if not SubMenuNoticeReadList[dataKey] then SubMenuNoticeReadList[dataKey] = {} SubMenuNoticeReadList[dataKey].Id = noticeData.Id SubMenuNoticeReadList[dataKey].LastReadTime = 0 end SubMenuNoticeReadList[dataKey].EndTime = noticeData.EndTime SubMenuNoticeReadList[dataKey].TipResetTime = noticeData.TipResetTime or 0 end XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_ACTIVITY_SUBMENU_READ_CHANGE) -- CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_ACTIVITY_SUBMENU_READ_CHANGE) end function XNoticeManager.CheckSubMenuRedPointIndividual(id) if not SubMenuNoticeReadList then return false end local data = SubMenuNoticeReadList[id] if not data then return false end if data.TipResetTime > XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() then return false end return data.LastReadTime < data.TipResetTime end function XNoticeManager.ChangeSubMenuReadStatus(dataKey, time) if not SubMenuNoticeReadList then return end SubMenuNoticeReadList[dataKey].LastReadTime = time or XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() --XLog.Warning("ChangeSubMenuReadStatus",SubMenuNoticeReadList) XNoticeManager.SaveSubMenuNoticeReadList() end -------------------------Sub Menu end------------------------ ----------------------------------------login beg---------------------------------------- function XNoticeManager.RequestLoginNotice(cb, ...) local requestCb = function(notice) local valid = XNoticeManager.CheckNoticeValid(notice, os.time()) if not valid then if cb then cb(valid) end local msgtab = {} msgtab.error = valid CS.XRecord.Record(msgtab, "24000", "RequestLoginNoticeError") return end if LoginNotice and LoginNotice.Id == notice.Id and LoginNotice.ModifyTime == notice.ModifyTime then if cb then cb(valid) end local msgtab = {} msgtab.error = valid CS.XRecord.Record(msgtab, "24006", "RequestLoginNoticeError") return end LoginNotice = notice local openNotice = false if XNoticeManager.CheckLoginNoticeDailyAutoShow(LoginNotice) then openNotice = true end CS.XRecord.Record("24005", "RequestLoginNoticeEnd") if cb then cb(valid, openNotice) end end CS.XRecord.Record("24004", "RequestLoginNoticeStart") XNoticeManager.RequestNotice(XNoticeType.Login, requestCb, requestCb, RequestInterval[XNoticeType.Login]) end function XNoticeManager.AutoOpenLoginNotice() if XNoticeManager.CheckLoginNoticeDailyAutoShow(LoginNotice) then if not XNoticeManager.CheckNoticeValid(LoginNotice, os.time()) then return false end XLuaUiManager.Open("UiLoginNotice", LoginNotice, true) XNoticeManager.RefreshLoginNoticeTime() return true end return false end function XNoticeManager.CheckHasOpenLoginNotice() local isSelect = XSaveTool.GetData(LoginNoticAutoOpenKey) return isSelect or false end function XNoticeManager.SaveOpenLoginNoticeValue(value) XSaveTool.SaveData(LoginNoticAutoOpenKey, value) end function XNoticeManager.OpenLoginNotice() if not LoginNotice then XNoticeManager.RequestLoginNotice(function(isValid) if isValid then XLuaUiManager.Open("UiLoginNotice", LoginNotice, true) XNoticeManager.RefreshLoginNoticeTime() return true end end) else if not XNoticeManager.CheckNoticeValid(LoginNotice, os.time()) then return false end XLuaUiManager.Open("UiLoginNotice", LoginNotice, true) XNoticeManager.RefreshLoginNoticeTime() return true end return false end function XNoticeManager.ReadLoginNoticeTime() local cache = CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.GetString(LoginNoticeCacheKey) if string.IsNilOrEmpty(cache) then return end LoginNoticeTimeInfo = Json.decode(cache) end function XNoticeManager.CheckLoginNoticeDailyAutoShow(notice) if not notice then return end local id = notice.Id .. notice.ModifyTime local resetTime = CS.XReset.GetNextDailyResetTime() - CS.XDateUtil.ONE_DAY_SECOND if LoginNoticeTimeInfo[id] and LoginNoticeTimeInfo[id].Time > resetTime then return not XNoticeManager.CheckHasOpenLoginNotice() end return true end function XNoticeManager.RefreshLoginNoticeTime() if not LoginNotice then return end local id = LoginNotice.Id .. LoginNotice.ModifyTime LoginNoticeTimeInfo[id] = { Id = id, -- 此处有可能无法获取到真实时间(尚未与服务端同步时间) --Time = XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() -- 既然如此, 用本地时间就好了 Time = XTime.GetLocalNowTimestamp() } CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetString(LoginNoticeCacheKey, Json.encode(LoginNoticeTimeInfo)) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.Save() end function XNoticeManager.CheckLoginNoticeValid(time) return XNoticeManager.CheckNoticeValid(LoginNotice, time) end ----------------------------------------login end---------------------------------------- --region ------------------游戏公告 start------------------- ---@desc 打开公告界面,公告类型可能为空,只要有公告就打开界面 ---@param announcementType 游戏内公告类型 function XNoticeManager.OpenGameNotice(announcementType, defaultId) local empty = true for _, noticeType in pairs(InGameNoticeType) do local hasNotice = XNoticeManager.CheckHaveNotice(noticeType) if hasNotice then empty = false break end end if empty then XUiManager.TipText("NoInGameNotice") return end local _, infoList = XNoticeManager.GetAutoOpenNoticeInfos() --将所有需要弹出的公告标记为已弹出 for _, info in ipairs(infoList) do XNoticeManager.MarkInGameNoticeAutoMap(info.Id, info.ModifyTime) end XLuaUiManager.Open("UiAnnouncement", announcementType, defaultId) end ---@desc 获取游戏内需要展示的公告下标 ---@param noticeType 公告类型 ---@return number function XNoticeManager.GetShowNoticeIndex(noticeType) local noticeInfo = XDataCenter.NoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeMap(noticeType) if not noticeInfo then XLog.Warning("XNoticeManager.GetShowNoticeIndex: not exist notice info!, noticeType = " .. noticeType) return nil end local index = 1 --再判断红点 for idx, info in pairs(noticeInfo) do for i, _ in ipairs(info.Content) do if XNoticeManager.CheckInGameNoticeRedPointIndividual(info, i) then return idx end end end return index end --- 登陆界面请求游戏内公告 ---@param cb 回调 ---@param timeStamp 判断时间戳 ---@return nil -------------------------- function XNoticeManager.RequestInGameNotice(cb, timeStamp) --如果未登陆到游戏服,无法获取服务器时间 local timeOfNow = timeStamp and timeStamp or XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() local checkCb = function() local valid, _ = XNoticeManager.GetAutoOpenNoticeInfos() if cb then cb(valid) end end local handler = function(notice) InGameNoticeMap = {} notice = notice or {} for _, v in ipairs(notice) do if not XNoticeManager.CheckNoticeValid(v, timeOfNow) then goto continue end if not InGameNoticeMap[v.Type] then InGameNoticeMap[v.Type] = {} end local content = {} for _, item in ipairs(v.Content) do if XNoticeManager.IsWhiteIp(item.WhiteLists) then table.insert(content, item) end end if #content > 0 then v.Content = content table.insert(InGameNoticeMap[v.Type], v) end ::continue:: end for _, v in pairs(InGameNoticeMap) do XNoticeManager.InitInGameReadList(v) local sortFunc = function(l, r) return l.Order > r.Order end table.sort(v, sortFunc) end checkCb() end XNoticeManager.RequestNotice(XNoticeType.InGame, handler, handler, NoticeRequestTimerInterval, checkCb) end function XNoticeManager.GetAutoOpenNoticeInfos() if XTool.IsTableEmpty(InGameNoticeMap) then return false, {} end local infoList = {} local autoMap = XNoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeAutoMap() for _, type in pairs(InGameNoticeType) do local noticeInfo = XDataCenter.NoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeMap(type) if noticeInfo then for _, info in pairs(noticeInfo) do local autoKey = XNoticeManager.GetInGameNoticeAutoPopupKey(info.Id, info.ModifyTime) if info.LoginEject and info.LoginEject == 1 and not autoMap[autoKey] then tableInsert(infoList, info) end end end end if XTool.IsTableEmpty(infoList) then return false, {} end local count = #infoList if count > 1 then table.sort(infoList, function(a, b) local timeA = a.BeginTime local timeB = b.BeginTime return timeA > timeB end) end return true, infoList end --- 自动打开公告界面,并选中对应公告。自动弹出时会将所有需要弹出公告标记为已弹出 -------------------------- function XNoticeManager.AutoOpenInGameNotice() local valid, infoList = XNoticeManager.GetAutoOpenNoticeInfos() if not valid then return false end --将所有需要弹出的公告标记为已弹出 for _, info in ipairs(infoList) do XNoticeManager.MarkInGameNoticeAutoMap(info.Id, info.ModifyTime) end local selectInfo = infoList[1] XNoticeManager.OpenGameNotice(selectInfo.Type, selectInfo.Id) return true end --endregion------------------游戏公告 finish------------------ ----------------------------image process beg---------------------------- function XNoticeManager.LoadPicFromLocal(url, successCb) if NoticePicList and NoticePicList[url] then if successCb then successCb(NoticePicList[url]) end return NoticePicList[url] end local fileName = XNoticeManager.GetImgNameByUrl(url) CS.XTool.LoadLocalNoticeImg(fileName, function(texture) if not texture then XNoticeManager.LoadPic(url, successCb) else NoticePicList[url] = texture if successCb then successCb(texture) end end end) end function XNoticeManager.LoadPic(url, successCb) local request = CS.XUriPrefixRequest.Get(url, function() return CS.UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerTexture(true) end, NoticeRequestTimeOut, false) CS.XTool.WaitCoroutine(request:SendWebRequest(), function() if request.isNetworkError or request.isHttpError then return end local texture = request.downloadHandler.texture; if not texture then return end local fileName = XNoticeManager.GetImgNameByUrl(url) CS.XTool.SaveNoticeImg(fileName, texture) NoticePicList[url] = texture if successCb then successCb(texture) end request:Dispose() end) end function XNoticeManager.GetImgNameByUrl(url) local _, _, _, fileName = url:find("(.+)/(.+)") return fileName end ----------------------------image process end---------------------------- --function XNoticeManager.UrlDecode(s) -- s = string.gsub(s, '%%(%x%x)', function(h) -- return string.char(tonumber(h, 16)) -- end) -- return s --end function XNoticeManager.CheckNoticeValid(notice, nowTime) if not notice then return false end nowTime = nowTime or XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() if nowTime < notice.BeginTime then return false end if nowTime > notice.EndTime then return false end if not XNoticeManager.IsWhiteIp(notice.WhiteLists) then return false end -- 发布渠道 local channelInfoList = notice.ChannelInfoList if channelInfoList then local myChannel = CS.XHeroSdkAgent.GetChannelId() local isMyChannelInclude = false for i = 1, #channelInfoList do local channel = channelInfoList[i] if channel == myChannel then isMyChannelInclude = true break end end if not isMyChannelInclude then return false end end -- 发布平台 pc,ios,android local loginPlatformList = notice.LoginPlatformList if loginPlatformList then local myPlatform = XUserManager.Platform local isMyPlatformInclude = false for i = 1, #loginPlatformList do local platform = loginPlatformList[i] if platform == myPlatform then isMyPlatformInclude = true break end end if not isMyPlatformInclude then return false end end return true end function XNoticeManager.IsWhiteIp(whiteList) if not whiteList then return true end if string.IsNilOrEmpty(Ip) then return false end for _, whiteIp in pairs(whiteList) do if string.find(Ip, whiteIp) then return true end end return false end function XNoticeManager.RequestNoticeByType(noticeType, proactiveRequest) local successCb = NoticeRequestHandler[noticeType] local failCb = NoticeRequestFailHandler[noticeType] local interval = proactiveRequest and NoticeRequestTimerInterval or RequestInterval[noticeType] -- XLog.Warning("RequestNoticeByType", NoticeRequestTimerInterval, "type", RequestInterval[noticeType], "主动", proactiveRequest) XNoticeManager.RequestNotice(noticeType, successCb, failCb, interval) end function XNoticeManager.RequestNotice(noticeType, successCb, failCb, interval, unaskedCb) if DisableFunction or not noticeType then if unaskedCb then unaskedCb() end return end local nowTime = XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() --if ((not nowTime) or (not noticeType) or (not interval)) then -- XLog.Warning("XNoticeManager nowTime", nowTime,"noticeType", noticeType,"LastRequestTime", LastRequestTime[noticeType],"interval", interval) --end if LastRequestTime[noticeType] and LastRequestTime[noticeType] > 0 and nowTime - LastRequestTime[noticeType] < interval then if unaskedCb then unaskedCb() end return end LastRequestTime[noticeType] = nowTime local url = XNoticeManager.GetNoticeUrl(noticeType) if string.IsNilOrEmpty(url) then if unaskedCb then unaskedCb() end return end local request = CS.XUriPrefixRequest.Get(url, nil, NoticeRequestTimeOut, false, true) CS.XTool.WaitCoroutine(request:SendWebRequest(), function() if not request then if failCb then failCb() end return end if request.isNetworkError or request.isHttpError or not request.downloadHandler or string.IsNilOrEmpty(request.downloadHandler.text) then if failCb then failCb() end return end local ok, notice = pcall(Json.decode, request.downloadHandler.text) if not ok then XLog.Error("XNoticeManager json 解码失败. 数据是:", request.downloadHandler.data) if failCb then failCb() end return end if not notice then if failCb then failCb() end return end if successCb then successCb(notice) end CsXGameEventManager.Instance:Notify(XEventId.EVENT_NOTICE_REQUEST_SUCCESS, noticeType) request:Dispose() end) end function XNoticeManager.InitTimer() if NoticeRequestTimer then return end for noticeType, _ in pairs(RequestInterval) do XNoticeManager.RequestNoticeByType(noticeType) end NoticeRequestTimer = XScheduleManager.ScheduleForever(function() for noticeType, _ in pairs(RequestInterval) do XNoticeManager.RequestNoticeByType(noticeType) end end, NoticeRequestTimerInterval * 1000) end function XNoticeManager.OnLogin() XNoticeManager.ReadScrollCountList() --登录时刷新玩家的蓝点 XNoticeManager.ReadInGameNoticeReadList() XNoticeManager.ReadTextNoticeHideCache() XNoticeManager.ReadSubMenuNoticeReadList() XNoticeManager.InitTimer() end function XNoticeManager.OnLogout() if NoticeRequestTimer then XScheduleManager.UnSchedule(NoticeRequestTimer) NoticeRequestTimer = nil end for _, v in pairs(NoticePicList) do if v and v:Exist() then CS.UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(v) end end NoticePicList = {} end --检测请求开关 function XNoticeManager.CheckFuncDisable() return XSaveTool.GetData(XPrefs.NoticeTrigger) end function XNoticeManager.ChangeFuncDisable(state) DisableFunction = state XSaveTool.SaveData(XPrefs.NoticeTrigger, DisableFunction) end function XNoticeManager.Init() DisableFunction = XMain.IsDebug and XNoticeManager.CheckFuncDisable() XNoticeManager.InitNoticeCdnUrl() XNoticeManager.RequestIp() XNoticeManager.ReadLoginNoticeTime() --未登陆时使用通用蓝点 XNoticeManager.ReadInGameNoticeReadList() XEventManager.AddEventListener(XEventId.EVENT_USER_LOGOUT, XNoticeManager.OnLogout) XEventManager.AddEventListener(XEventId.EVENT_LOGIN_DATA_LOAD_COMPLETE, XNoticeManager.OnLogin) XEventManager.AddEventListener(XEventId.EVENT_PHOTO_ENTER, function() ScreenShotFlag = true end) XEventManager.AddEventListener(XEventId.EVENT_PHOTO_LEAVE, function() ScreenShotFlag = false end) end XNoticeManager.Init() return XNoticeManager end