XPayConfigs = XPayConfigs or {} local TABLE_PAY_PATH = "Share/Pay/Pay.tab" local TABLE_FIRST_PAY_PATH = "Share/Pay/FirstPayReward.tab" local TABLE_PAYKEY_PLATFORMPREFIX = "Share/Pay/PayKeyPlatformPrefix.tab" local Application = CS.UnityEngine.Application local Platform = Application.platform local RuntimePlatform = CS.UnityEngine.RuntimePlatform local PayTemplates = {} local FirstPayTemplates = {} local PayPlatformTemplates = {} local PayListDataConfig = nil -- 充值目标模块(该类型决定服务端去走哪一部分的业务逻辑) XPayConfigs.PayTargetModuleTypes = { None = 0, Purchase = 1, -- 采购系统 Shop = 2, -- 商店系统 Passport = 3,-- 通行证系统 GooglePlayPoints = 4,--谷歌积分兑换系统 -- 来自日服 Regression3Passport = 5,--回归3通行证系统 } XPayConfigs.PayTemplateType = { PC = 0, Android = 1, IOS = 2, } function XPayConfigs.Init() PayTemplates = XTableManager.ReadByStringKey(TABLE_PAY_PATH, XTable.XTablePay, "Key") FirstPayTemplates = XTableManager.ReadByIntKey(TABLE_FIRST_PAY_PATH, XTable.XTableFirstPayReward, "NeedPayMoney") PayPlatformTemplates = XTableManager.ReadByIntKey(TABLE_PAYKEY_PLATFORMPREFIX, XTable.XTablePayKeyPlatformPrefix, "Platform") end function XPayConfigs.GetPayTemplate(key) local template = PayTemplates[key] if not template then XLog.ErrorTableDataNotFound("XPayConfigs.GetPayTemplate", "template", TABLE_PAY_PATH, "key", tostring(key)) return end return template end function XPayConfigs.GetPayConfig() if not PayListDataConfig then PayListDataConfig = {} for _,v in pairs(PayTemplates)do if v.ShowUIType == 1 then if v.Platform == XPayConfigs.PayTemplateType.Android and Platform == RuntimePlatform.Android then table.insert(PayListDataConfig,v) elseif v.Platform == XPayConfigs.PayTemplateType.IOS and Platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer then table.insert(PayListDataConfig,v) elseif v.Platform == XPayConfigs.PayTemplateType.PC and (Platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer or Platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) then table.insert(PayListDataConfig,v) -- else -- if v.Platform == 1 and Platform ~= RuntimePlatform.Android and Platform ~= RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer then -- table.insert(PayListDataConfig,v) -- end end end end end return PayListDataConfig end function XPayConfigs.CheckFirstPay(totalPayMoney) for _, v in pairs(FirstPayTemplates) do return totalPayMoney >= v.NeedPayMoney end end function XPayConfigs.GetSmallRewards() for _, v in pairs(FirstPayTemplates) do return v.SmallRewardId end end function XPayConfigs.GetBigRewards() for _, v in pairs(FirstPayTemplates) do return v.BigRewardId end end --获取对应平台的字符串,用来请求的时候拼接 function XPayConfigs.GetPlatformConfig(id) return PayPlatformTemplates[id].KeyPrefix end --获取对应平台的商品Key function XPayConfigs.GetProductKey(payKeySuffix) local key = string.format("%s%s", XPayConfigs.GetPlatformConfig(XPayConfigs.PayTemplateType.IOS), payKeySuffix) if Platform == RuntimePlatform.Android then key = string.format("%s%s", XPayConfigs.GetPlatformConfig(XPayConfigs.PayTemplateType.Android), payKeySuffix) end if Platform == Platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer or Platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor then key = string.format("%s%s", XPayConfigs.GetPlatformConfig(XPayConfigs.PayTemplateType.PC), payKeySuffix) end return key end