[ { "Id":1, "Name":"F.O.S. College", "Describe":"Use the emblem of [F.O.S. Military Command College] as the portrait of the United Command Bureau", "Icon":"Assets\/Product\/Texture\/Image\/UiGuild\/UiGuildFace1.png" }, { "Id":2, "Name":"Support Force", "Describe":"Use the emblem of [Support Force] as the portrait of the United Command Bureau", "Icon":"Assets\/Product\/Texture\/Image\/UiGuild\/UiGuildFace2.png" }, { "Id":3, "Name":"Purifying Force", "Describe":"Use the emblem of [Purifying Force] as the portrait of the United Command Bureau", "Icon":"Assets\/Product\/Texture\/Image\/UiGuild\/UiGuildFace3.png" }, { "Id":4, "Name":"Task Force", "Describe":"Use the emblem of [Task Force] as the portrait of the United Command Bureau", "Icon":"Assets\/Product\/Texture\/Image\/UiGuild\/UiGuildFace4.png" }, { "Id":5, "Name":"Engineering Force", "Describe":"Use the emblem of [Engineering Force] as the portrait of the United Command Bureau.", "Icon":"Assets\/Product\/Texture\/Image\/UiGuild\/UiGuildFace5.png" }, { "Id":6, "Name":"WGAA", "Describe":"Use the emblem of [WGAA] as the portrait of the United Command Bureau", "Icon":"Assets\/Product\/Texture\/Image\/UiGuild\/UiGuildFace6.png" } ]